Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 353 Fighting Father's "Struggle" Made Ziwei Sparkle

Chapter 353 Fighting Dad's "Struggle" made Ziwei a star

Throughout 2006, Nanshan Group made a lot of moves.

Whether it's engines, gearboxes or auto parts, or Nanshan Investment and Autohome.

Even Nanshan Film and Television has made a lot of moves this year.

"Mr. Cao, the "Struggle" we invested in will officially premiere on Shanghai Satellite TV next Friday, and the crew and related actors have already started promoting it."

"On Weibo, Mr. Fang is also asked to help arrange some hot searches from time to time."

"At that time, Ziweixing will have a separate scene in each episode, and I will also communicate with Xingchen Motors."

Zhang Songwen came to Cao Yang's office in a good mood and reported to him the situation of Nanshan Film and Television.

It has been a year since the company was established, and now it has finally begun to make some achievements.

Cao Yang didn't care much about the signing of some other actors, some TV dramas with an investment of millions of dollars.

But Cao Yang must be very concerned about TV dramas such as "Struggle", which are independently invested by Nanshan Film and Television, and have a large number of Ziwei Star's advertisements.

Zhang Songwen also has a clear understanding of this.

So this time I came here to report the situation to Cao Yang.

"This drama is Ziweixing's first attempt to place advertisements in China. If the effect is good, Star Motors will increase the placement of advertisements in movies and TV dramas in the future."

"How to make full use of these implanted advertisements to improve the brand power of Xingchen Automobile requires everyone to discuss together."

"As you mentioned before, let some celebrities actively participate in the promotion of Xingchen Auto products, I think it can be done well."

"For those actors who are willing to take the initiative to show kindness, the company can also give some character support."

For many actors, getting a good role is not just about being good.

Whether it is the director or the investor, there will always be some other requirements.

For Nanshan Film and Television, this requirement is quite special.

It depends on those actors who can realize this first, and they will be able to get the full support of Nanshan Film and Television and even Nanshan Group in the future.

Everyone takes what they need.

The greater the star's fame, the better the publicity effect.

Similarly, the greater the support of Nanshan Film and Television, the more guidance Cao Yang gave, and the greater the star's fame.

It's definitely a complementary thing.

The entire ecological circle is formed step by step in this way.

In the end, the various industries of the entire Nanshan Group have entered a virtuous circle.

"No problem, soon the crew will start traveling across the country to do some publicity, and I will also use this opportunity to communicate with the main actors."

"I believe there will definitely be people who are willing to cooperate with our company."

Zhang Songwen is still very confident in Nanshan Film and Television.

Backed by Nanshan Group, relying on Weibo, Nanshan Film and Television, which is not short of money, is definitely a dark horse in the Chinese entertainment industry.

"By the way, when Xingchen Motor's second new car is launched, we are going to invite "The Same Song" over."

"At that time, Nanshan Film and Television will also follow up on this project. We can combine some publicity of Xingchen Motors and cooperate with some celebrities."

For the purpose of fully extracting the utilization value, Cao Yang asked Zhang Songwen to make good use of the matter of "The Same Song".

For Xingchen Motors, who will come to the performance at that time is not a particularly critical issue.

But for some stars, whether they can participate in "The Same Song" is a very important thing.

"If that's the case, then it's best."

"At that time, I will communicate with the actors of the company and the actors of the crew."

"I believe everyone's enthusiasm will be higher."

Zhang Songwen didn't expect Cao Yang to give him another good card.

If things go on like this, the influence of Nanshan Film and Television in the circle will become bigger and bigger.

Soon, when he returned to the imperial capital, he began to discuss things with some actors he was more optimistic about.

"Charlene, "Struggle" will be officially broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV soon."

"According to the situation we have grasped now, this drama will definitely become a hit."

"Although you are not a contracted actor of Nanshan Film and Television, we are willing to continue to cooperate with you in the future."

Hearing what Zhang Songwen said, Charlene was a little nervous.

What do you mean?
What does it mean?
Is Mr. Zhang, who has a good reputation in the industry, about to expose his nature?
"Mr. Zhang, I...I also very much hope to continue to cooperate with Nanshan Film and Television."

"I don't know if Nanshan Film and Television has any special requirements?"

Although feeling guilty, Charlene still had to ask her own question.

"In the drama "Struggle", is there anything that left a deep impression on you?"

Zhang Songwen didn't answer Charlene's question immediately, but asked back.

Such a question confused Charlene.

Mr. Zhang is asking about his other half?
Still hinting at something?
Charlene, who has always been smarter, now finds that her brain cells are not enough.

However, she always felt that there must be something special about Zhang Songwen looking for her.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to find yourself before filming?

From Zhang Songwen's personality, Xia Lin thought of the background of Nanshan Film and Television, then thought of Nanshan Group, and thought of Xingchen Automobile...

Gradually, she realized something.

"Mr. Zhang, what impresses me the most is that there are scenes of Ziweixing of Xingchen Automobile in every episode."

"I also tried to drive that car, and it's really good."

"Not to mention the beautiful appearance, the performance is also very good."

"It's hard to imagine that our own car companies in China can also produce such excellent cars."

Hearing what Charlene said, Zhang Songwen couldn't help showing a smile.

It's a joy to chat with smart people.

"That's right, Ziwei Star is the pride of our Chinese auto industry, whether it's styling or power configuration, it is far superior to its peers."

"Presumably you also know that our Nanshan Film and Television and Xingchen Motors are brother companies, and the same boss is behind them."

"For the boss, Nanshan Film and Television is an insignificant enterprise, and Xingchen Automobile is the key."

"As long as it is beneficial to Xingchen Automobile, the boss will definitely fully support it."

After Zhang Songwen said this, Charlene immediately further analyzed the meaning behind the words.

Fortunately, speaking of this, Charlene generally knows what's going on.

"Mr. Zhang, I have hundreds of thousands of fans on Weibo. Although they are not many, I think it will increase rapidly after "Struggle" is released."

"At that time, I will also promote Ziwei Star properly?"

"During filming, there were quite a few photos of me and Ziweixing together."

Charlene tentatively expressed her meaning.

"Of course it should be. Ziweixing's advertising placement is originally for publicity."

After Zhang Songwen said this, he didn't continue to say anything.

This made Charlene realize that she should not have fully achieved Zhang Songwen's goal just now.

Got it!

"Mr. Zhang, I happen to be short of a car. I'll go to the 4S store later to see if Ziwei Xing has a car in stock. I can just buy a Ziwei Xing."

'At that time, I usually drive Ziwei Xing, and I will recommend those friends and so on whenever I get a chance. '

For Charlene at this time, her career has not yet reached its peak.

Spending millions to buy a Ziwei Star is actually very stressful.

She hadn't even been paid so much on Struggle.

However, after saying this, she quickly thought about the pros and cons of this matter in her mind.

I think this decision is still very valuable.

"Smart, Charlene, it's not that Xingchen is short of sales."

"What our boss cares about is everyone's cooperative attitude."

"Don't worry, you won't regret this decision."

After going around in a circle, Zhang Songwen finally achieved his goal, and Zhang Songwen was in a good mood.

Next, he also communicated with several other leading actors.

Lu Tao and Mi Lai also gritted their teeth and prepared to buy a Ziwei Xing in person to cooperate with Xingchen Automobile's various promotions.

And Zhang Songwen also told them very clearly that Nanshan Film and Television will give priority to them as the leading actors in the next TV series.

Even "The Same Song", when they entered the activities of Xingchen Motors, they would find ways to arrange some programs for them.

And as the broadcast time of "Struggle" approaches, related publicity activities will naturally increase significantly.

There are some hot searches related to "Struggle" on Weibo every day.

At the same time, as Ziweixing is the main target of advertising in this drama, its exposure rate is naturally rising.

"Mr. Cao, let me ask you for advice on the placement of advertisements in this film and television drama."

BYD's Wang Fu took the initiative to call Cao Yang.

Their company also has a dedicated person who is responsible for paying attention to changes in public opinion on the Internet, and regularly sorts out and analyzes some actions of their peers every week.

Apparently, the placement of Ziwei Star's advertisement this time caught his attention.

"I don't dare to ask for advice. If Mr. Wang has any questions, we can communicate openly."

Cao Yang really did not expect that Wang Fu would discuss the matter of advertising placement with him.

However, the group now has Nanshan Film and Television. To a certain extent, if BYD wants to place advertisements, there is room for cooperation with Nanshan Film and Television.

After all, in addition to high-end models like Ziwei Star, some ordinary vehicles must be used in TV dramas.

It can't be that an ordinary person is also using Ziwei Star from the beginning to the end, right?

So it's not ad placement, but it's damaging your own brand power?

"Mr. Cao, is the cost of advertising placement for this kind of car high?"

"I heard that Xingchen Motors deeply embedded a large number of advertisements in "Struggle"."

It wasn't the first day Wang Fu and Cao Yang had known each other, so naturally they didn't bother to beat around the bush.

"The total investment in this drama is less than 2000 million, and the cost of advertising placement is so high."

"Of course, if you go to Hollywood for advertising placement, the price will naturally be different."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Fu had no way to refute it.

After all, he also knew about Ziweixing's implantation in "Transformers".

He really couldn't bear that price.

"Nanshan Film and Television has made a lot of moves in the film and television industry this year. I heard that you are planning to shoot more TV series and movies."

"In the future, there will be TV dramas with ads placed by Xingchen Auto. Can you also consider placing ads for BYD Auto?"

Wang Fu asked his own question very directly.

It seems that there is not much to talk about the topic of how effective the implant is.

After all, whether it is "Struggle" or "Transformers", they have not yet been released.

"No problem, Mr. Wang, you can arrange someone to connect with Nanshan Film and Television."

"As long as there is a suitable project, everyone can cooperate."

Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

It's a win-win thing.

Anyway, Nanshan Film and Television mainly invests in urban dramas, and some vehicles must be used in them.

The low-end uses BYD, and the high-end uses Xingchen Automobile.

If there are other brands that want to cooperate in the future, you can find another one for the mid-range.

Wang Fu is obviously not the only one who pays attention to Ziweixing's advertising placement in "Struggle".

With the official broadcast of this urban drama, which claims to have the largest investment in the whole year of 2006, the popularity of several leading actors in it has skyrocketed immediately.

Compared with youth idol dramas in the general sense, "Struggle" does not have the bloody Mary Su, the willful president style, and the stupid white sweetness that is downright intelligent.

Known as the "Bible" of the post-80s generation, this TV series focuses on that generation of college graduates from a sinking perspective, and tries to explore how they, as "calves" who have just entered society, understand the world, change the world and integrate into the world. of this world.

Lu Tao with a strong personality, Xiang Nan who is good at calculating, and Hua Zi who is affectionate and loyal, met Mi Lai who is absolutely infatuated, Xia Lin who is unique and self-contained, Yang Xiaoyun who is straightforward and arrogant, and Lu Lu who is wandering outside.

Love, career, dreams, they have all the beautiful imaginations of the world, and they once believed that they could realize their own value with their own hands.

But they didn't expect that their careers are so difficult, their dreams are so far away, and even the love that they once thought they could know and wait for each other by holding hands is so unpredictable.

The plots of one episode after another are gradually revealed, and the popularity is getting higher and higher day by day.

"The protagonist of this show is comparable to an urban web novel. The adoptive father is a leader, and the biological father is a rich man, and they are all eager to treat him well. The girlfriend is a second-generation rich man. .”

"Lu Tao is so lucky to be filmed in the TV series. He grew up in a traditional family but has the life of a rich second generation. His father is a very principled person who violates the principle for him. His plan cannot be carried out in ordinary companies. But his own father He is willing to take the risk to let him try, so Lu Tao can’t talk about struggle.”

"Some people say that "Struggle" is a must-see movie for college students, but I can't see anything worth learning except for betrayal and the rich second generation~~"

"For this film, I think the choice of supporting roles is really good. I mean the fathers and mothers of the protagonists. I personally think that these actors are completely in place. So many fathers and mothers make me feel that the investment in this film is painstakingly."

"What impresses me the most in this drama is Ziwei Xing of Xingchen Motors. It has a stunning appearance and is extraordinary every time it appears."

"Luxury cars, beauties, every role is performed very well. I haven't seen such a good TV series for a long time."

"Nanshan Film and Television, if it doesn't make a name, it will be a blockbuster."


On Weibo, various topics related to "Struggle" dominate the hot searches every day.

Naturally, Star Auto would not miss such a good publicity opportunity.

Charlene and Mi Lai looked at the skyrocketing Weibo fans, and their enthusiasm was also very high. Not only were they promoting "Struggle" every day, but they were also promoting Ziweixing.

Even the shadow of Ziweixing can be seen in many photos taken by the paparazzi.

Especially Charlene, who really put in a lot of effort for Ziweixing's publicity.

Zhang Songwen naturally saw all of this.

What he said before will give priority to their words in the next step of the play, so it's not nonsense, but it's about to land.

Of course, Charlene and Millai didn't know this.

For them, the harvest of "Struggle" alone is enough to give a lot of things.

Although they can't be said to be unknown before, they are still far away from being popular stars.

Now, the situation is different.

Of course, Cao Yang didn't pay special attention to matters in the entertainment industry, he only cared about the effect of Ziweixing's implantation.

"Mr. Cao, last week Ziweixing sold 120 units nationwide, more than double the same period last month."

"According to this pace, Ziweixing's domestic sales this month are expected to exceed 400 units, and even reach a new high of 500 units."

"If this number can be maintained, then the sales volume of our Ziwei Star this year is estimated to exceed 5000."

"The limited edition of [-] units will be achieved soon."

Zeng Tingting was in a very good mood.

This sales data can be said to be very good.

"It seems that our high-performance version will be launched as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, it is estimated that someone will start talking about our limited number of [-] vehicles."

Cao Yang knew that "Struggle" would be popular.

Historically, it was launched next year, and there is no difference in various social backgrounds.

There is no reason to rush to the street a little earlier.

It's just that with the hit broadcast of "Struggle" in history, the Audi A4L was obtained.

Now it has become Ziwei Xing of Xingchen Automobile.

"The development of the W12 engine has been completed, and the relevant preparations for the high-performance version are almost the same."

"Wait until January next year, the first anniversary of Ziwei Star's official launch, and we will officially launch a high-performance version."

"I don't think it's surprising that the sales of the high-performance version may be better than that of the normal version."

After a year of groping, Zeng Tingting gradually knew how to sell luxury cars.

Sometimes, the high cost performance does not mean that you are selling well.

For those who approve of Xingchen cars and are willing to spend a lot of money, a higher price may make them feel more stylish.

As for the extra hundreds of thousands...

You can spend 90 to [-] yuan to buy a car, hundreds of thousands more, hundreds of thousands less, sometimes it is really not that important.

"Along with the launch of the high-performance version, the modified car for the WRC competition must be completed as soon as possible."

"Next year, Xingchen Motors will make some achievements in the field and improve its own style."

Although various publicity can be relied on in China to enhance the brand strength of Xingchen Automobile, but in foreign countries, the effect of such publicity is not so ideal.

Sometimes, some consumers still like to look at your performance.

The Ziweixing high-performance version with the W12 engine will definitely not disappoint everyone.

"I understand that I will arrange for Niu Bei to go to the circle again."

"When the time comes, we will break our own record, and that will be a good talk."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but nodded.

Niubei is a good place, we should make full use of it.

Not only do foreign consumers buy that data, but domestic tyrants are even more ignorant of it.

"I think the drama "Struggle" will be a phenomenal TV series. The sales department should continue to consider how to make better use of the influence of this drama."

"Some crew activities can also allow Ziwei Xing to make an appearance."

"For those actors who actively cooperate with the promotion, you can communicate with Nanshan Film and Television, and we can discuss more cooperation in the future."

"Then the soft-text publicity on various online forums and Weibo must also keep up."

"The best thing is to leave an impression on everyone that Ziwei Xing is the best choice for rich and famous people."

"Only in this way can the current sales momentum be maintained."

Cao Yang must be most concerned about the sales of Ziwei Star.

The model has been put into production smoothly for almost a year without any problems.

Whether it can make it more successful depends mainly on sales performance.

So far, although Ziweixing does not increase the price in the 4S store, there is no discount for a penny.

At most, there is some support for maintenance items.

It is still possible to get 6 free maintenance for three years.

Nothing more.

"Our sales department is already adjusting the relevant publicity plan."

"According to the current rhythm, the second round of broadcast of "Struggle" should also cause a lot of enthusiasm."

"This heat can last at least until next spring."

Zeng Tingting didn't have particularly high expectations for the placement of advertisements in TV dramas before.

After all, this is not a very innovative publicity program.

If it is true that good results can be achieved casually, then other car companies have already tried their best to do it.

However, she didn't expect that the influence of the drama "Struggle" would be so great.

Especially on the young side, it has brought a very huge impact.

Among the young people, the rich second generation can be regarded as one of the main buyers of Ziwei Star.

"Golden September and Silver October, after this month has passed, the market performance next month is also very worth looking forward to."

"However, when our Xingchen No. [-] is about to make its official debut, some resources will definitely be scattered."

"The sales department should also carefully consider the balance in this aspect."

Xing Chen No. [-] has been confirmed to be officially listed at the end of this year.

And its official debut time is October.

Cao Yang naturally hoped that both cars would sell well.

Especially Xingchen No. [-], he has more expectations.

That is a model that can rush sales.

"Mr. Cao, why don't we just put the Xingchen No. [-] launch at the Yangcheng Auto Show?"

"This is our home stadium, and the publicity effect will not be bad."

Zeng Tingting felt the benefits from last year's Yangcheng Auto Show.

Naturally, this year I am also very active and want to have a little performance at this auto show.

"Some renderings, camouflage pictures, etc., can be released one after another in October."

"Then our test ride and test drive will still be held after the auto show."

Zeng Tingting boldly proposed a new plan.

In her opinion, the promotion of the two cars together can play a complementary role, and there is no need to worry about crowding out the other party's resources.

"If it goes on sale at the auto show, there shouldn't be any cars in the 4S stores, right?"

Cao Yang is quite familiar with the promotion schedule of Xingchen [-].

Although small-scale trial production is possible in November, the official mass production time is in December.

It is necessary to advance now, and the time to pick up the car will definitely be affected.

"Mr. Cao, maybe that's not a bad thing?"

"Consumers have to wait for a while to pick up the car after placing an order, which can be regarded as a kind of hunger marketing."

(End of this chapter)

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