Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 354 A 1 Plan Comes

Chapter 354 A 1+1>2 Plan

Hunger marketing is nothing new.

However, in this era, few manufacturers have played it well.

It was not until the era of Apple mobile phones and Xiaomi mobile phones that this routine was played very smoothly.

Of course, the Toyota Alpha behind it can be regarded as a leader in playing hunger marketing.

The price of an Alpha worth hundreds of thousands has been pushed up to millions just because of hunger marketing.

It can only be said that there are too many local tyrants in Huaxia.

"Do you think it will be officially launched at the auto show, but the delivery of the car will start in December, so that it can better promote Xingchen II?"

Cao Yang did not directly deny Zeng Tingting's proposal.

After all, what she said was not without reason.

Even after listening to her suggestion, I also thought of the practice of announcing the product first during the annual development conference of the Apple mobile phone, but the time to market is much later.

Judging from the results, this approach seems to be successful.

Although there is no direct comparison, it at least shows that Zeng Tingting's proposal is reasonable.

"Yes, at that time, maybe our Xingchen [-] can touch the hot spot of Ziwei Star, making it hotter from the beginning."

"In addition, I propose to release various news such as renderings, camouflage pictures, and the name of the new car one after another starting next week."

"Let Xingchen No. [-] maintain a relatively high popularity until it is launched at the auto show."

"But because outside of the insiders, the outside media has never seen the real car or driven it, so it can maintain a sense of mystery."

Zeng Tingting spoke out her thoughts.

It has to be said that this idea still makes sense.

"Isn't the effect better if Xingchen No. [-] is launched on the same song?"

Cao Yang is looking forward to "The Same Song" in this period.

There are many stars, and there is Huaxia TV as a platform.

The propaganda effect is absolutely leveraged.

"Mr. Cao, this is the second thing I want to propose to you, and that is the program "The Same Song". Can we do it on the first day of the auto show?"

"At that time, the press conference of Xingchen No. [-] will be held during the day, and the employees of the company will participate in "The Same Song" at night."

"You can also invite all kinds of media to participate together, so that one plus one is greater than two."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang immediately became interested.

Pure hunger marketing cannot impress him.

But the combination of Hunger Marketing, "The Same Song", and the Yangcheng Auto Show, and even the traffic brought by "Struggle", will be different.

"Your plan, I agree!"

"However, you have to coordinate the time on Huaxia TV as soon as possible."

This time, Cao Yang gave an affirmative answer without any further hesitation.

While the two of them were discussing the listing arrangement of Xingchen No. [-], many people in the industry were discussing the situation of Ziweixing.

"Mike Di, I heard that the Ziwei Xing of Xingchen Motors has been selling very well recently, and the sales volume of the week has surpassed our 7 series?"

Ai Moha, the general manager of BMW Huaxia, knows Chinese and goes online to read some news almost every day.

Websites like Autohome are his favorites.

In addition to reading some official articles, he also likes to read posts on various forums.

Early this morning, he saw a report that the sales volume of Ziwei Star surpassed that of BMW 7 Series and Mercedes-Benz S-Class, becoming the sales champion of the same class.

This naturally caught his attention.

"I've heard about this too."

"As a local car brand in China, Star Motors has made various moves in the field of publicity this year."

"In particular, they successfully placed an advertisement in a TV series this year, and this TV series is now the hottest TV series in China."

"Not only are there many people discussing on the Internet, but also countless people are discussing the situation of this TV series offline."

"It is said that the second round of broadcasting will start soon, and several TV stations will start broadcasting at different times."

"Even some related videos will be released later on the Internet."

"This means that the exposure rate of Ziwei Star has risen rapidly during this period."

"The most troublesome thing is to give Chinese consumers the impression that Ziwei Star is a top luxury car through precise advertisement placement."

"That's why their sales have increased rapidly in the last half month."

"Correspondingly, the sales of our BMW 7 Series have declined to a certain extent."

"The situation of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and Audi A8 is somewhat similar to ours."

As the sales director of BMW China, McGrady is very proficient in business.

He may not be willing to spend a long time to understand the movements of Chinese independent brands such as BYD, Great Wall, and Chery on the market.

But an opponent like Xingchen Motors, he didn't dare to ignore it easily.

Since its official listing in January this year, Xingchen Automobile has brought a lot of impact to the automobile industry.

People who are not in Huaxia may not feel so strongly about this.

Even if there was a collision between Audi TT and Ziweixing before, the popularity has not fully increased.

"Is the effect of advertising placement so great?"

"Didn't we also engage in advertising placement before, didn't the sales department think that this method was not as effective as direct advertising on Huaxia TV?"

When Amoha said this, McTee was a little embarrassed.

What happened to the Chinese TV series that BMW chose to implant before?
Not to mention blockbusters, one of them didn't even make it to the official broadcast.

Even those dramas that were aired had very limited influence.

They didn't even feel the change in the number of sales from this drama.

That's why I'm not interested in ad placement.

Who knew that the situation would change when it was in the hands of Xingchen Motors?

"Amoha, this may be a coincidence."

"The TV series they implanted is the most popular TV series in China in recent years. Some people even think that it is a TV series that can leave traces in the history of Chinese TV dramas."

"However, I think the people who watch these shows are very young."

"Few of them can afford a luxury car."

McTee could only desperately find reasons for himself, excuses.

What else?
Fortunately, Aimoha didn't worry too much about the placement of advertisements, but just asked him to reverse the current situation as soon as possible.

The flagship model of the dignified BMW can't be suppressed by a Chinese independent brand car company, right?


"Ayang, the layout of the auto industry ecosystem you mentioned before seems to be slowly showing results."

"With the help of "Struggle", Nanshan Film and Television not only became famous in the industry, but also thoroughly publicized Ziwei Star."

"Now there are hot news on Weibo every day, which is related to Nanshan Group."

Fang Sisi was in a good mood.

She is now a well-known entrepreneurial goddess in China, with countless halos on her head.

Although this also made her itinerary more complicated, she often traveled on business to participate in activities, and the number of times she got together with Cao Yang became less.

But that sense of accomplishment was not something that a reporter at Huaxia TV could bring.

"It's just the beginning, and the ecosystem hasn't stabilized yet."

"The ecosystem will not be stable until each of them has become a leader in the subdivided field and their respective positions are firm."

Cao Yang didn't lose himself because of the hit of "Struggle".

Although Ziweixing's sales have increased very well, the scale is there after all.

Up to now, the annual output of Xingchen Automobile is less than 5000 units.

As a boss who wants to turn Xingchen Motor into the world's top car company, how could Cao Yang be complacent because of his current achievements.

"That's true, our Weibo has now launched overseas versions in Japan and other places."

"There are also websites that imitate us in the United States. I am going to arrange a team of lawyers to fight them properly."

Weibo is now in full swing, and it will be listed soon.

In this case, it is natural not to see anyone copying yourself.

However, Cao Yang has a different point of view.

"It is impossible for an Internet company like Weibo to make a Chinese company a leader in the United States."

"We develop overseas versions more for listing services."

"From a long-term perspective, the root of Weibo is still in China."

"Those similar overseas platforms can cooperate with other companies by investing in shares."

"For example, if you said that a company in the United States copied us, then you can arrange for someone to negotiate with them with a stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other."

"I believe that there is no problem at all to win a few percent of other people's shares."

"In the future, even if our Weibo does not manage well in the United States, it will not completely lose the American market."

Cao Yang's proposal was a bit difficult for Fang Sisi to accept.

In her opinion, Weibo has taken the lead, but it is going to retreat in front of competitors.

"Weibo has a lot of data on individual users. Do you think those people in the United States will be willing to let Huaxia Company have these data?"

"Weibo has just popped up now, and it hasn't attracted enough attention from everyone."

"It will be different in the future."

Cao Yang naturally saw Fang Sisi's expression in his eyes.

So I said a few more words and explained a bit.

Fang Sisi is also a smart person, after listening to Cao Yang's explanation, he immediately realized it.

"Then I'll make a phone call right away to make arrangements. The focus of Weibo is still on the domestic side. We will do it abroad in the short-term. In the long-term, we will rely on investing in other local companies to develop in a different way."

After Fang Sisi finished speaking, she immediately couldn't help picking up her mobile phone and began to give orders.

At the same time, Zhang Songwen was also having dinner with the main actors of "Struggle" in a private kitchen in the imperial capital.

They said they were the main actors, but they were actually those who bought Ziweixing.

Others who didn't buy it, even if you are the leading actor, are not included in tonight's invitation.

To some extent, Zhang Songwen is also sending a signal to some people in the industry.

As for whether those people can see through this signal, or whether Charlene and Mi Lai are willing to take the initiative to share it with their friends, it's not worth it.

"Come on, Charlene, let me toast you."

"The sales volume of Ziwei Star has doubled in the last half month, and you are all responsible for this."

"You bought a Ziwei Star, Mr. Cao of our group has heard about it."

Zhang Songwen gives people a very elegant feeling, and he speaks in a leisurely manner, which makes people listen without any pressure.

"Mr. Zhang, you are welcome. The appearance of Ziweixing is my favorite."

"Just because of its looks, I want to buy one too."

Charlene was still heartbroken over the millions of dollars to buy the car, but now seeing Zhang Songwen mentioning this matter to herself so solemnly, she felt that the 100 million was too worthwhile.

"Ziwei Xing was designed by Mr. Cao himself. Even Huaxia TV thinks Cao is always the master of Huaxia's car design."

"That appearance is naturally fully competitive."

"In addition, Ziwei Star is not only beautiful in appearance, but also surpasses its peers in terms of power performance and other aspects of performance."

"Even a layman like me, who doesn't know much about cars, knows that Ziwei Xing is the first model in the world to adopt an 8AT automatic transmission and LED headlights."

"The various parts above basically represent the pinnacle of the current auto parts industry."

After joining Nanshan Group, Zhang Songwen also supplemented his knowledge about the automobile industry.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to say so many things now.

"Mr. Zhang, when Mr. Cao comes to Nanshan Film and Television for inspection, will you also introduce us?"

Mi Lai is also in a mess now.

Even hotter than Charlene.

Of course, if she suddenly became so popular, she would also worry that one day she would not be popular.

So how to continue the fire is actually something they need to consider.

Obviously, they have all heard of what kind of person Cao Yang, the general manager of Nanshan Group, is.

Especially after cooperating with Nanshan Film and Television, I learned a little more relevant information.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible to say that they have no idea at all.

There are many articles or videos about Cao Yang on the Internet.

Even Cao Yang is now a role model for young people, and his influence is no worse than ordinary stars.

"No problem. When Mr. Cao comes over, I will definitely report to him properly."

"Mr. Cao has always been very enthusiastic about friends who fully support Xingchen Automobile and Nanshan Group."

On this occasion, Zhang Songwen must have patted his chest and agreed.

As for how to arrange it in the future, that is a matter for the future.

Anyway, it's a long time coming to Japan.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that Nanshan Film and Television is preparing to invest in another urban drama. If there is a suitable role at that time, please give us more consideration."

Lu Tao also took the initiative to show his friendship to Zhang Songwen today.

He is considered a famous person, but he also knows who is the real boss in this circle.

Nanshan Film and Television is destined to play a pivotal role in China's entertainment circle in the future.

Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no harm in maintaining close cooperation with Nanshan Film and Television.

Especially before Zhang Songwen said that Nanshan Film and Television prefers to shoot urban dramas, which matches his positioning.

"Nanshan Film and Television will never treat friends badly. Let's wait and see, there should be some results this year."

Zhang Songwen drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and talked with everyone very proudly.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Nanshan Film and Television needs the cooperation of a group of stars, and these stars also want to have another backer.

Everyone gets what they need.

(End of this chapter)

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