Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 355 Xingchen No. 2 and Xingchen No. 4 are trending at the same time

Chapter 355 Xingchen No. [-] and Xingchen No. [-] are trending at the same time
The last quarter of each year is the quarter with the most activities among various car companies.

Whether it's the sales at the end of the year, or taking advantage of the opportunity that everyone will pick up the car and go back to their hometown before the new year.

Anyway, the new cars of various car companies are basically launched in this quarter.

First, Geely launched the SUV model King Kong, which can be regarded as an official blue ocean to develop the mid-level SUV market with H6, S6, Tiggo and other models.

Immediately afterwards, Changan Automobile's first SUV CS75 also began to conduct test rides and test drives, and various related warm-up news were also flying all over the sky.

Then Chery's new Fengyun also officially announced that it will be officially launched at the Yangcheng Auto Show.

Great Wall Motors also began to warm up for its upcoming H5 model.

In this way, the various auto media will be very happy.

To engage in publicity, soft articles and advertisements are essential.

There are also various activities.

Which tourist city will you go to for a test drive today, and which scenic spot will you go to tomorrow to experience new models?

With the company's salary and the manufacturer's travel expenses, the event will take care of food and drink, and you will win a lottery.

Simply not too moisturizing.

Both Yu Yu and He Ling felt that they had gained a few pounds during this period.

"Mr. Cao, I plan to release the spy photos of Xingchen [-] and the development of Xingchen [-] on the same day."

"This may have an unexpected effect."

"At that time, Ziwei Star's sales will hit a new high, the spy photos of the Xingchen car will be exposed, and the development of the Xingchen [-] will complement each other. It will definitely become a hot news in the automotive circle."

Yu Yu now also comes to Nanshan Industrial Park every now and then to report to Cao Yang about the situation of Autohome.

Of course, the more important thing is that she wants to come and report to Cao Yang about the promotional work of Xingchen Automobile.

"You guys are professionals in car promotion."

"If you think it's more impactful to put them together, put them together."

"Some other news about Xingchen No. [-] later, you can all expose it one after another as exclusive news."

"Electric four-wheel drive, W12 engine, integrated hot stamping door knocker technology, etc., put some out every now and then, so that the heat can continue."

If you want everyone to remember you, it is definitely important to maintain enough exposure.

Fortunately, Xingchen Automobile has enough channels and enough information to keep it popular.

"The rendering of Star No. [-] has been released before."

"Now everyone should be more interested in its specific configuration."

"Of course, the name of Xingchen No. [-] is also a gimmick. At that time, we can conduct a separate guessing activity or the like. If we guess correctly, we will be rewarded."

"Even the price of Xingchen No. [-] can be used as a guessing session on Autohome."

"For those who can guess correctly, giving certain rewards should be able to fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm."

"Of course, the cooperation of various trending searches on Weibo is definitely very important."

"By now, Weibo has become a platform that many people log on to every day."

Yu Yu communicated with Cao Yang for more than ten minutes to promote the relevant plan, and Yu Yu left Nanshan Industrial Park when Mi Ying came to inform Cao Yang to hold another meeting.

"Mr. Cao, the launch meeting of the new model of Xingchen [-] is in the Tianshu meeting room, and we are waiting for you to start."

Although some things about Xingchen [-] were mentioned at the last ministerial meeting, the company's official project launch must still be done.

The official launch of the model means that the market research activities jointly carried out by the sales department and the R&D department have ended.

It also means that the R&D department already has a clear model development arrangement and has clear requirements for various configurations.

All that's left is for the various departments to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

"During this period of time, do you have strong expectations for Xingchen [-]?"

Cao Yang has already given the appearance of the Porsche Cayenne to Yongxiang Yong, and the research institute has already made the first clay model.

It can be said that this project started faster than the previous three models.

"As long as anyone who has seen the appearance of Xingchen No. [-], no one will lose confidence."

"According to my point of view, Xingchen No. [-] is more beautiful and attractive than Xingchen No. [-]."

"The most important thing is that it is clearly an SUV model, but it can feel the streamline of a car."

"Even from the top of Xingchen [-], you can feel a trace of Ziweixing's appearance inside."

"Mr. Cao, I have a hunch that Star IV will probably be our highest-selling model so far."

Mi Ying is obviously full of expectations for Xingchen [-].

Such a medium and large five-seater SUV is larger than the BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne.

The shape is much prettier than them.

The price is also close to them.

But the power system that will be equipped at that time will be much stronger than others.

It is conceivable that after the launch, the sales volume is worth looking forward to.

"The popularity of the SUV market has slowly picked up, although many people still think that a sedan with a butt is the real car."

"But after driving an SUV, I don't really want to drive a sedan anymore."

"In the future, no matter whether it is Xingchen [-], Xingchen [-], or other SUV models in the future, the sales volume is very worth looking forward to."

While talking to Mi Ying, Cao Yang came to the Tianshu meeting room.

The naming of the conference room of Xingchen Automobile is quite interesting.

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang.

There are corresponding conference rooms.

This actually made many employees know the Big Dipper.

Otherwise, in general, few people can remember which seven stars the Big Dipper is.

"Hi Mr. Cao, today's launch meeting of Xingchen No. [-] will mainly explain from several aspects such as market positioning, product competitiveness, and development goals..."

After Cao Yang came to the meeting room, the launching meeting of Xingchen [-] officially started.

However, this kind of kick-off meeting is more often a process-based thing, or it is determined according to the needs of project nodes.

The main things have actually been reported before the meeting.

Of course, some details will definitely not be so clear before the meeting.

The sales department, the research institute, the production management department and other departments went up to report the plans of their respective departments, and then Cao Yang commented that Star [-] was officially launched in the company.

Whether it's Nanshan engine, Nanshan gearbox, or Nanshan auto parts, they all started to sit together simultaneously.

It's just that in the beginning, most of the work was done by the research institute.

If they don't draw the blueprints, there is no way to continue to advance many jobs.

After the kick-off meeting was officially held, the sales department immediately started communicating with Autohome to discuss some publicity strategies.

If a star company like Xingchen Motors wants to develop a new model, it is unrealistic to keep it completely secret.

That being the case, Cao Yang simply did the opposite.

By "leaking secrets" or other methods, to promote their own models.

"Xiaolin, Xingchen Motors, you still need to communicate more with them."

"For example, some soft articles or pictures related to new models, if Xingchen Motors distributes to all major platforms at the same time, the publicity effect will definitely be better than giving to Autohome alone."

"We need to make them aware of this and let them know that we are willing to cooperate to do some publicity."

As soon as Fang Dawen arrived at the office in the morning, he turned on the computer and saw the news about Xingchen Automobile, which was also trending on Weibo.

As for the car home, there are articles or pictures related to Weibo hot topics.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that Xingchen Automobile must have given some exclusive news to Autohome.

This made Fang Dawen very tasty.

Seeing that Autohome has secured its No. [-] position in the industry, and the gap with other platforms has widened.

Fang Dawen's mentality is also changing.

After all, when a person's level and status are very close to yours, you will regard him as a competitor.

But if the other party is much stronger than you, you can't afford to think about it at all.

"I will take the initiative to contact them every week to ask if there is any exclusive news."

"However, although they were very polite to us, they just didn't have any first-hand information."

When He Ling said this, she couldn't help but carry a trace of resentment.

Xingchen Motor always treats various media differently, and her situation will become very embarrassing.

"Don't treat Xingchen Automobile with the same attitude as other car companies."

"You have to treat Xingchen Automobile as your customer, as your food and clothing parents, maybe the other party's attitude will be different."

Fang Dawen knew that Lin Jiayan was a little unwilling to bow to Xingchen Automobile.

But sometimes, the head iron can't solve the problem.

"I don't see any first-hand news from other media outlets. Every time they release news related to Xingchen Automobile, the time is very close to ours."

"Could it be that the other party did this deliberately, just to give the most important news to their affiliated companies."

Lin Jiayan found a very convincing reason for herself.

But for the head of the department, Fang Dawen only cares about the result.

The process is not so important anymore.

"Their Xingchen No. [-] will go on the market this year, Xingchen No. [-] will go on the market in the first half of next year, and now they have Xingchen No. [-]."

"I estimate that the hot news in the auto industry in the next few years will not be able to avoid Star Motors."

"In this case, no matter what angle we start from, we must maintain full communication with each other."

When Fang Dawen said this, Lin Jiayan naturally realized what he was doing tomorrow.

"Editor-in-Chief, I'm going to visit the other party in the past two days, and have a good communication with them face to face."


"Mr. Wang, the fourth model of Xingchen Motors is an SUV. It seems that Mr. Cao is really optimistic about the SUV market."

When Xingchen Automobile was hotly searched from various angles, many people in the industry were also talking about Xingchen Automobile.

As an important partner of Nanshan Group, Great Wall Motors is no exception.

"Judging from this year's market performance, although the advantages of sedans are still very obvious, even overwhelming."

"However, the growth rate of the SUV market is much higher than that of the sedan, and it has doubled its growth."

"This shows that there are indeed quite a few consumers who are very interested in SUV models."

"Great Wall Motors has chosen to bet on SUV models. Maybe we can rely on this road in the future to become the largest domestic sales volume of independent brand car companies."

When Wang Ying said this, Zhu Jianbo was taken aback for a moment.

The largest self-owned brand car company in China?

Although there are some restrictions, she dares to think too much, right?
Chery and Geely are now more famous than Great Wall Motors.

Even the names of BYD and Changan Automobile are more familiar than Great Wall Motors.

If it weren't for the brilliance of the word "Great Wall", it is estimated that this difference will be even greater.

"Mr. Wang, I don't think it's a problem to focus on the development of SUV models."

"However, I feel that there are more and more companies launching SUV models."

"Even those joint venture auto giants have started to introduce SUV models one after another, and the competition in the future will definitely become more and more intense."

Zhu Jianbo's lack of people expressed his worries.

"The competitiveness of the SUV model developed by the research institute cannot be lower than that of others."

"Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the sales department to sell the car."

Wang Ying took this opportunity to hit Zhu Jianbo.

In her opinion, Great Wall Motor's independent research and development of engines and gearboxes is a bit behind.

There are more and more models of Great Wall Motors using Nanshan engines.

This is obviously a bit different from Wang Ying's expectations.

The key is that now is the time, and I am still worrying about it.

This made Wang Ying a little dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, our SUV, body safety is a selling point."

"In terms of the use of ESP at that time, I also wonder if I can consider giving some models in advance as standard parts."

"This is also closely related to the safety we advertise."

Great Wall Motors uses the ESP provided by Nanshan Group, and the price is much lower than that of Bosch and Continental.

This is also the reason why Zhu Jianbo dared to propose like this.

Otherwise, the price increase is definitely not something that Great Wall Motors can afford.

No matter how hard everyone works, the sales of self-owned brands will increase in a short period of time, and the price must be competitive.

Otherwise, it's all floating clouds.

"I don't care about the specific details. You are a professional in this area."

"However, in terms of the positioning of new models, the research institute must keep an eye on the movement of Xingchen Automobile."

"Although we have no way to directly produce such high-end models, it should still be meaningful to learn some of their concepts and apply them to the development of our new models."

After Wang Ying said that, Zhu Jianbo naturally had no choice but to nod.

Fortunately, up to now, the research institute has begun to think about developing new models by itself.

This is also an improvement.


"Ah Yang, during this period of time, some companies have contacted us one after another, inquiring on the sidelines whether the hot search can be purchased. How do you think we should deal with this matter?"

The matter of Xingchen Automobile was frequently searched on Weibo, and it naturally fell into the eyes of many caring people.

Although there is no solid evidence, some people will definitely have some doubts.

Especially those who have done marketing on the Internet know it well.

"Finally someone reacted?"

"I thought you guys had already started selling hot searches."

Cao Yang responded quite unexpectedly.

Everything is business.

Everything can be turned into a business.

The same goes for trending searches.

Of course, the speed must be clarified.

"I didn't always think about making users bigger before, so our team is very cautious about things like playing chess that will affect the user experience."

"However, it will be listed soon. If the advertising revenue can be greatly increased, it should be good for us to go public."

"That's why I started to feel a little bit excited."

When Fang Sisi said this, Cao Yang immediately understood.

Logically, there is nothing wrong with this idea.

Cao Yang naturally wouldn't bother.

"Hot searches can definitely be bought and sold as an advertisement, there is no problem with that."

"Du Niang is much more mature than us in this regard."

"Of course, if there are usually advertisements on a hot search, it will definitely not work."

"So you have to control the speed here."

"Also, for some ordinary people, it can be seen that it is a popular search content. When negotiating with the other party, it is required to mark it as an advertisement."

"Of course, we can discuss the way of labeling."

"And for some content that looks like a real hot search, if the price is in place, it is okay not to mark it."

Naturally, there was nothing to go around in circles with Fang Sisi, so Cao Yang directly expressed his thoughts.

Anyway, these routines are played by other people in later generations, if they are taken out in advance, the effect will definitely not be bad.

Of course, there is no bottom line for Weibo to be like Du Niang.

As soon as the search came out, the first few items were all messy advertisements.

That would be embarrassing.

"This method is good. It can not only differentiate our advertising fees, but also allow consumers to better accept it."

"After all, we have already marked it clearly that these are advertisements."

"However, the effect of Hot Search No.1 and Hot Search No.10 is very different. When we price the advertising fee, can we also set it to be very different?"

Now that we have already started talking, Fang Sisi simply asked some questions.

Save yourself a detour when the time comes.

"In this regard, you can recruit a few people from Du Niang to specialize in it. Their experience is very rich."

"The difference between No.1's trending search and No.10's is definitely bigger."

"However, the nouns in the middle are not very different."

Cao Yang thought about it and gave his own reply.

Along with the chat between Cao Yang and Fang Sisi, the relevant policies on Weibo were quickly adjusted.

Geely Automobile, which has just launched its new SUV on the market, immediately started buying a hot search to test the waters.

There is no secret about this kind of thing, and many advertising companies are naturally fans of this situation on Weibo.

Of course, some opponents of the Nanshan Group will naturally know the news.

"Bu Defan, I heard a piece of news from a friend in an advertising company in the past two days, and it has something to do with our company."

Li Jianfeng and Bu Defan went to the supplier's on-site inspection. On the way, they must try to find some topics.

This is also a problem that many people need to face when traveling with their leaders.

If you grasp it well, you can leave a good impression on the leader.

Similarly, if you don't handle it well, don't expect the leader to have a good impression of you in the future.

"what news?"

Bu Defan is not in a good mood recently.

He broke up with Hassan, and felt somewhat lost in his heart.

"Didn't a Weibo pop up on Huaxia's Internet this year?"

"Not only have various celebrities settled in, but even various car companies have opened official Weibo on it."

"As a rival of Volkswagen, news related to Nanshan Group often appears on Weibo's hot searches."

"Among them, the news related to Xingchen Automobile can be found on Weibo's hot searches every now and then."

"At the beginning, everyone thought that the marketing level of Xingchen Automobile was very high, and it could make things so hot."

"But judging from the current situation, this matter is not so simple, but there is a story behind it."

When Li Jianfeng said this, Bu Defan immediately became interested.

Xingchen Automobile is definitely a special existence in the Chinese car industry.

Although the sales volume has no impact on everyone, the various influences are not small at all.

Especially now that they are already working on the fourth model, and the second model will be launched within this year.

Invisibly, more people pay attention to Xingchen Automobile.

"What's the story, tell me and listen to it."

There is nothing on the road, and the current wireless network is not as convenient as it will be in later generations.

So dealing with mail or something is relatively rare.

"This Weibo has a very close relationship with Nanshan Group, which should be known by many people."

"Before, everyone was skeptical about the frequent searches on Xingchen Motors. They wondered if Weibo intentionally provided traffic support."

"However, judging from the current situation, it may not be as simple as traffic support at all."

"He just helped to put the news about Xingchen Automobile on the hot search list."

"Right now there are already rumors from the advertising company that as long as the money is paid enough, most of the news can be searched on Weibo."

"When I logged on to Weibo in the past two days, I paid special attention to it. There are some more hot searched content marked as 'business' in Weibo's trending searches."

"These should be the advertisements that are arranged directly to the hot search after paying the money."

"Weibo can sell advertisements in this way, so it must have been used when dealing with Xingchen Motors before."

"It's just that everyone didn't know it before, and Weibo didn't specifically mark it."

"Considering the special relationship between Weibo and Xingchen Motors, I think this is also a way to deal with Nanshan Group."

Li Jianfeng went around explaining for a while, but Bu Defan understood it.

However, he had more problems to think about.

"Let's not worry about this matter, let the sales department worry about it."

"As a special platform, Weibo is already a place for many companies to promote their products."

"If Volkswagen doesn't want to disappear completely on Weibo, it is obviously not suitable to jump out and say something about this matter."

"Otherwise, Weibo will definitely do something specifically for us."

"We can't enjoy the benefits of the proposal, and when something goes wrong, maybe they will blame us."

When Bu Defan said this, Li Jianfeng couldn't help but nodded.

This is indeed the truth.

It's enough for them to watch the fun from the sidelines.

(End of this chapter)

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