Chapter 362
The media day of the Yangcheng Auto Show was very lively.

Not only was Star Motors listed on the market, but Spring City Motor Group's big red flag was displayed.

Other car companies have also promoted their own models.

Today is the professional audience day, and there are more people at once.

In fact, the so-called professional audience day is nothing more than wanting to increase the ticket price, but there is also a reason to be found.

The audience is professional or not. Is the difference between the 60 yuan and 40 yuan tickets?
"Charlene, we didn't cooperate with any brand. We just showed up at the Yangcheng Motor Show like this. If the media recognizes us then, it will be very cheap, right?"

Xiang Nan felt that even if he wanted to book a car, he could go to a 4S store to order it, and there was no need to come to the auto show.

"According to what you said, which venue is not suitable for us to go to watch the games during the Olympics?"

"From this point of view, the auto show is everyone's freedom. What does it have to do with whether there is cooperation with the OEM?"

"Besides, we didn't cooperate and came to Xingchen Motors to drain others, this favor Xingchen Motors has to remember?"

Charlene recalled yesterday's scene, and felt that it was definitely worth spending half a day to visit the Yangcheng Auto Show today.

She even thought about the Weibo to be posted in the afternoon.

At that time, I will take a few photos of myself, Yang Wang and Ziwei Xing together, and then I will give a few words of praise.

With his current popularity, high and low can also bring a few customers to Xingchen Automobile.

After filming "Snail House", maybe there are other good projects waiting for me.

"Do you really think that Nanshan Film and Television has such a bright future?"

"There are quite a few big domestic companies, and there are also many film and television companies with deep backgrounds."

"We don't need to get on the pole to help like this, do we?"

Xiang Nan's family background is not bad, although there is no way to compare it with Fang Sisi, but it is definitely better than ordinary people by many times.

This is why he is more arrogant.

"Every domestic film and television company has a background behind it. This is a fact."

"However, Nanshan Film and Television is different from other companies. Just look at the development history of Nanshan Group in the past few years and the awards it has won."

"In 2006, the number of patent registrations of Nanshan Group ranked first in the country."

"They now have more than 5 employees, including more than 1 highly educated R&D personnel."

"The most important thing is that the house is now on the rise, and it is entirely possible to double its size in the future."

"This kind of enterprise that has mastered the core technology is definitely not comparable to the background of ordinary film and television companies."

"To put it bluntly, as long as the Nanshan Group enjoys meals, many celebrities will be popular for a lifetime."

Charlene is just from an ordinary dual-career family in Shanghai. Although she is much better than ordinary people from rural areas, she really doesn't have any family background.

In this case, it also caused her to see the problem from a slightly different angle than Xiang Nan's.

It was a coincidence that they were able to walk together.

"Okay, since you attach so much importance to it, I'll just listen to you."

"Anyway, judging from the reactions on the Internet, the star car's look up should be okay."

"It's almost 200 million yuan when it lands, so it's not too bad."

Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, Xiang Nan, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, followed Charlene and headed for the booth of Xingchen Motors.

At the same time, Yang Ze and Zhang Kuan also came to the auto show.

I saw that they were each holding a digital camera, and I didn't know whether it was for taking pictures of beautiful cars or car models.

Although it is November, the weather in Yangcheng is still relatively hot.

At noon, the temperature actually went to 31 degrees.

The temperature in the venue is also not low.

The crowd is surging, so lively.

"Are you really going to buy Yang Wang?"

"That's not how money is spent, is it?"

Zhang Kuan felt that Yang Ze seemed to be serious, so he couldn't help persuading him.

More than 100 million a car, it is a bit too much to treat money as money.


"I only told you that my home was demolished, but I didn't tell you that I bought shares in China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation this year."

"The income from the last few months is enough to buy a car."

"It's just that I don't want my parents to know about the money, so I won't use it."

"The money for my dad's car was also persuaded by my mom to pay for it."

At the last moment, Yang Zeyou showed off.

This made Zhang Kuan feel depressed all of a sudden.

He also speculates in stocks.

Even the history of stock trading is not short.

Seriously, he hasn't really won any money yet.

Even if the market is very good this year, he only earned less than twenty points.

Compared with his past losses, it is not enough at all.

But do you see what Yang Ze said?

Earned a look-up in recent months?
Does this keep people alive?

Zhang Kuan, who was very depressed, felt that he should go to Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche first, and then go to Xingchen Automobile after his mood calmed down.

Otherwise, seeing Yang Ze so proudly wants to buy and look up, but he himself is still relying on the bus to go to work...

"There seems to be an ice cream dispenser over there. It would be nice to have an ice cream in this weather."

After walking around the Porsche showroom, Zhang Kuan and Yang Ze came to the side of the BMW showroom.

I happened to see the pretty girl at the front desk distributing ice cream.

"This BMW is still so proud, it actually distributes ice cream to the audience."

"This wool must be plucked."

Although Yang Ze is not short of money, the feeling of pulling wool is completely different.

So I was very active and walked over with Zhang Kuan.

"Hello! I want an ice cream."

Looking at the ice cream in the hand of the customer who just walked away, it is obviously higher-grade than the Yangcheng brand ice cream for one yuan and five, Zhang Kuan is a little more looking forward to it.

This thing looks like it's worth seven or eight dollars.

It's ok.

Take it a few times, and the ticket price is back in half.

"Sorry, I'm out of ice cream!"

The pretty girl at the front desk showed a smile that met social expectations, which made Zhang Kuan feel bad all at once.

Such a coincidence?
How do I feel that there is still in the foam box?
But Zhang Kuan also wanted face.

Especially in front of pretty girls, people have already said that they are done, so naturally he doesn't want to stalk them.

So I had to leave the front desk of the BMW booth a little disappointed.

Next, he was not in the mood to continue looking at the cars at the BMW booth, so he walked a few steps forward and went to the booth of Xingchen Motors.

As soon as Yang Ze saw the staff, he took off the keychain from his waistband, showed off Ziweixing's car keys, and asked, "Is there any discount for old customers to buy Yangwang?"

Zhang Kuan, who was very familiar with Yang Ze, knew that this guy was going to do it again.

So he turned his head directly, not wanting to listen to the conversation between him and the staff.

However, at this moment, he discovered that the front desk of the BMW seemed to be distributing ice cream again?
It's only been less than 2 minutes, right?
Is the ice cream back in stock?
I didn't see anyone deliver it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kuan immediately picked up the digital camera in his hand and turned on the video recording mode.

I saw the two beauties at the front desk of the BMW booth actively handing out two ice creams to the yellow-haired and fair-skinned foreigner.

Not only that, they were actually very enthusiastic, explaining how to eat this ice cream to the other party with a smile on their faces.

I even wish to help the other party open the lid of the cup and tear off the plastic film of the spoon.

All of this was recorded by Zhang Kuan.

At this moment, Zhang Kuan's face was very ugly.

If you and Yang Ze go to get the ice cream, there will be no ice cream, but the others will have it?

What does it mean?
Zhang Kuan, who really wanted to go straight to the theory, felt that this matter could not be left as it is.

He's going to make it big.

Take a deep breath.

He took a few steps forward so that he could take pictures of the front of the BMW booth more conveniently.

In the next few minutes, several Huaxia audiences went there one after another to get ice cream, but they were told that there was no more without exception.

At this time, something that made Zhang Kuan even more angry happened.

After the two people who got the ice cream finished eating, they were still unsatisfied, and went to get the ice cream again.

At this time, the ice cream at the front desk of the BMW that was "finished" is available again! ! !
There is no need for any explanation, Zhang Kuan understands everything.

It's the 21st century, and the braids in some people's hearts haven't been cut off yet.

"Zhang Kuan!"

"Zhang Kuan!"

"What color do you think goes well with Yangwang?"

Not far away, after Yang Ze and the staff of Xingchen Automobile installed a wave, he successfully entered the link of ordering a car.

"You can buy a car for your dad, just ask your dad!"

"I'm in a hurry, I'm going back now!"

Zhang Kuan, who was full of anger, lost all interest in continuing to watch the auto show.

At this moment, he just wants to spread his video all over the Internet, exposing BMW's behavior of treating audiences differently.

This scene made Yang Ze a little puzzled.

We agreed to look at the car together, but it turned out that we went back first?
Could it be that he can't see that he likes to mention a luxury car?

Lao Zhang is not like that.

Yang Ze couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't think about it.

But Zhang Kuan, who left the auto show, got busy immediately when he returned to his residence.

He first exported the video from the digital camera, and then edited several versions by himself.

Depending on the needs, these versions can be tens of seconds, minutes, or even a full version.

He plans to upload these videos on QQ groups, Weibo, Tianya Forum, Maopu, Weibo, Youku, Tudou, etc.

Don't you look down on me?

Not a single ice cream!
Then I will make you look good!
With Zhang Kuan's fierce operation, these videos soon appeared in various places on the Internet.

Although the number of fans of Zhang Kuan in various places is very small, the speed of spread was limited at the beginning.

However, the transmission of multiple channels and the exponential growth made this matter fermented into the hottest event on the entire network in just a few hours.

"Ayang, the company called me just now, saying that the hottest news on Weibo today is about BMW, let me see how to deal with it."

"At first I thought it was weird that a normal employee shouldn't be calling me this way."

"However, after looking online, I found that this matter is really a bit special."

Fang Sisi took the initiative to call Cao Yang and told him about the incident on Weibo.

Such indignant content, with pictures and truth, naturally spread very fast.

"What's so special?"

Cao Yang, who was wandering around the car show, asked a little curiously.

There were too many things to do yesterday, and Cao Yang didn't have time to visit the booths of various car companies. Naturally, he couldn't miss it today.

After all, he also needs to figure out what has changed in various car companies now.

You can't always act according to the impression in your head, because you may not know when it will be bad.

"Ice cream should be available at the BMW booth, but they treat Chinese audiences and foreign audiences differently. This situation was filmed and posted on the Internet."

"Nowadays, netizens are full of scolding, and BMW has been scolded on the hot searches."

Fang Sisi briefly talked to Cao Yang.

This made Cao Yang feel dazed for a moment.

BMW's ice cream incident, did it happen in 2006?
Why don't you have any impression?

Is it because the original historical smartphones were not popularized, so there is no exposure, or is it really because of the influence of this butterfly?
Cao Yang, who was a little dizzy, was stunned for a while without speaking.

This made Fang Sisi on the other end of the phone a little strange.


"Ayang, are you listening?"

"Hey, hey, that signal might not be very good."

Cao Yang, who came back to his senses, immediately blamed China Mobile.

"This matter, what do you think we should do?"

"Do you need to intervene?"

"I feel that people from BMW may contact us soon and ask us to remove the hot search."

If it was an ordinary matter, Fang Sisi would definitely not call Cao Yang.

But when it comes to BMW cars and the automotive industry, the situation is quite special.

She also went to the auto show yesterday, and knew that the BMW booth was next to Xingchen, so she paid more attention to this matter. What is Cao Yang's attitude?

"Our Weibo is committed to creating a fair and just public opinion environment, and all users' right to speak should be respected."

"As long as there is no law or discipline involved, we have no reason to interfere."

Fang Sisi immediately understood Cao Yang's official rhetoric.

But after hanging up Fang Sisi's call, Cao Yang immediately began to think.

How will this affect BMW?
What impact will it have on Xingchen Automobile?
It is completely unrealistic to expect an ice cream incident to bring down BMW.

But taking this opportunity to let Xingchen Automobile also use some traffic, there is no problem.

"Zeng Bu, please make arrangements immediately. From tomorrow morning, the front desk of our booth will start distributing ice cream to visitors."

There is no need for any special actions, and there is no need to stand up and criticize BMW's practice. As long as Xingchen Motors distributes ice cream, it can severely disgust BMW cars.

At that time, with proper marketing, there will definitely be a hot search.

However, Cao Yang already knew about BMW, and Ai Moha, who was the person in charge of BMW China, had also been reported.

"what happened?"

"Why did this happen?"

"Isn't ice cream distributed to all visitors?"

Amoha yelled at McTee in an extremely unhappy mood.

The president of the Asia-Pacific region, Phillips, has called him just now and questioned him about those things on the Internet.

"I also just got a report, and I asked someone to find out about it at the front desk before I knew the general situation."

"There are too many visitors in Huaxia, and the ice cream we prepared before is not enough."

"So at the back, the front desk started to treat visitors differently on its own initiative."

When McTee explained this, Amoha became even more angry.

"Do you think the Chinese people believe your explanation?"

"Hurry up and figure out a way to get this matter over with."

Amoha was feeling extremely depressed at this moment.

This is unlucky for people, drinking cold water will clog your teeth.

"I'll immediately arrange for someone from the marketing department to issue a statement and pass this matter on to public relations."

Although McTee realized that the incident seemed to be a bit serious, he didn't realize that the heat behind it would be so high.

That night, the hot news everywhere on the Internet was almost all BMW's ice cream door.

Other car companies naturally saw marketing opportunities from it.

"Immediately post a notice on Weibo, our booth will start distributing ice cream tomorrow."

Wang Ying from Great Wall Motors gave orders to the sales department as soon as he saw the news.

She certainly didn't want Great Wall Motors to miss such a good opportunity to rub shoulders.

Anyway, it was the BMW car that was injured, not her.

And as Great Wall Motors took the opportunity to market on Weibo, other car companies naturally also learned from it.

On BYD's official Weibo: "The friends watching BYD's S6 are too enthusiastic, the atmosphere is too hot, don't play splashing water, don't engage in false marketing, and give out ice cream sincerely. Eat ice cream, cool off and visit the exhibition, this is the arrangement superior!"

Chery Automobile's official Weibo: "Test drive Tiggo, win ice cream freedom."

On the official Weibo of Geely Automobile: "Isn't it just an ice cream, come to our Geely Automobile booth and arrange it for you for free!"

Even Audi's official Weibo is not far behind: "Come to the Audi booth and enjoy delicious ice cream."

This kind of hot marketing with added oil and vinegar has pushed the heat of the BMW ice cream incident to a new height.

After eleven o'clock that night, BMW's official Weibo was finally updated.

"Hello, old and new BMW friends!"

"First of all, I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone. Because of the incident at the Yangcheng Auto Show, BMW occupied public resources. We would like to express our deep apologies to everyone for the negative experience and mood it has brought to everyone."

"Friends who have been to the Yangcheng Auto Show should know that the temperature at the Auto Show is relatively high. This time, BMW is willing to provide friends who come to our booth with a cold, so that everyone can visit us more happily and comfortably. stand."

"We plan to prepare 300 servings of ice cream to distribute to friends who visit the booth every day."

"In fact, in addition to the distribution of 300 copies per day, we also reserved a very small part for colleagues who worked very hard on the scene."

"The foreigners you see in the video are our colleagues, and they wear badges."

"In addition, due to our negligence and inattentive management, it has led to a bad experience. The two ladies in etiquette involved in the incident are also newcomers who have just stepped into society. Can everyone please give them some tolerance and space?"

"We apologize again for this. If you have any comments or suggestions for us, you are welcome to speak in the comment area. We will definitely accept it humbly, make serious corrections, and give positive feedback!"

Although this statement was released after eleven o'clock in the evening, there are still a lot of night owls on the Huaxia Internet.

Obviously, this statement cannot satisfy everyone.

Especially Zhang Kuan, who shot the video, couldn't accept this explanation at all.

"This is a clear act of discrimination."

"If there is really a small portion of ice cream reserved for employees, then why do employees need to eat ice cream in the common area?"

"If employees do wear badges, why does their ice cream look the same as that of the general public?"

"Why does it make me feel that these two girls are a bit xenophobia?"

"Apologizing will help!"

"When I was in middle school, I read a lesson called "Making Taiwan Meet Foreigners", and now there is a real version!"


All kinds of comments appeared on BMW's official Weibo in an instant.

Nine out of ten people disagreed with this statement.

This made the matter even more heated.

"Aimoha, last night on the European stock market, the company's stock fell by 3.62% at the close, and suffered heavy losses!"

"Someone on the board of directors is already paying attention to what happened on Huaxia's side."

"You have to calm down this matter as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me."

Early the next morning, Phillips called Almoha.

What he said made Ai Moha's heart go cold.

Isn't it just a few ice creams?

Why did the stock price at the headquarters drop?
A sharp drop of 3.62%!

This is enough to give all the people who participated in the Yangcheng Auto Show a lifetime of ice cream, right?

"Phillips, don't worry!"

"We will immediately reissue an official apology statement!"

At this time, besides apologizing, Aimoha couldn't think of any other way.

"What's the use of apologizing?"

"The statement of apology you posted last night is already on the top searches."

"Do you still want to be on the hot search again?"

Phillips then gave out another meal, scolding Aimoha a little suspicious of life.

This time the Yangcheng Auto Show really didn't suit him.


"Then what should we do?"

Under the strange circumstances, Ai Moha asked a question.

"You can discuss with the Huaxia executives of a few companies. They know Huaxia's national conditions best."

"We must find a practical way!"

After finishing speaking, Phillips hung up the phone directly.

And just when Ai Moha was in a hurry to find someone for a meeting to discuss, the atmosphere at the auto show today completely changed.

In front of the booths of a lot of automobile companies, ice cream was being distributed.

Someone even came to the BMW booth with a few ice creams, and then fell on the front desk.

This kind of scene changed the taste of the Yangcheng Auto Show a little bit.

"August, I heard that there are seven or eight car companies distributing ice cream today, and even Audi has joined them."

"Xingchen Motors and Porsche in our showroom are also giving out ice cream, should we arrange it too?"

Yang Ming looked at the lack of popularity in his showroom, so he couldn't help talking to the boss.

"Everyone is giving out ice cream, and if we follow suit, it won't make much sense."

"You can ask someone to order a batch of ice cream, and we will send out ice cream when the time comes."

It can be said that Mercedes-Benz and BMW are in love with each other, and Auguste is naturally happy to see his opponent suffer.

Anyway, he didn't take the lead.

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away."

"I took a look at Weibo early this morning, and many of the hot searches on it were related to the auto industry."

"I think the Weibo platform is also very important for our publicity."

"Has the company considered setting up a dedicated team to run the official Weibo account?"

As a native of Huaxia, Yang Ming has a more direct understanding of the changes in the Huaxia Internet.

Weibo, which is as influential as the four major portals and even has a unique advantage in interacting with users, will definitely be a force that Huaxia Internet cannot ignore in the future.

As the sales director, Yang Ming felt that the company had to make good use of this change.

"You collect and organize the situation of other OEMs on Weibo, and then I will judge."

August, who was born as a doctor of engineering, has never been so good at publicity.

So when making various decisions, I hope to have more reference information.

However, Mercedes-Benz is still struggling with marketing on Weibo.

Other manufacturers are not entangled at all.

"Mr. Cao, I heard from people on Weibo that seven or eight car companies have asked them to buy trending searches in the past few days."

"At that time, it is estimated that it will have a certain impact on the traffic we look up to."

"Shall we say hello to Weibo?"

In the past two days, the BMW ice cream door incident happened, and the situation of the entire Yangcheng Auto Show has become delicate.

Cao Yang, who was planning to go back to the company to do research and development, now continues to come to the auto show.

Only at the forefront of the auto show can we fully feel the changes on the booths of various auto companies.

"Don't worry about it, our popularity is so high, it's impossible not to have a hot search."

"Other manufacturers are willing to buy Hot Search, which is very beneficial to Weibo's business report."

"Now the listing team over there is also playing games with the investment banks."

"Better operating data is very beneficial to Weibo's listing."

Now that the stock market is hot, it can be said that the listing of Weibo has not encountered any resistance.

Even the version of Weibo launched in the United States and East Asia has a large number of registered users.

In this case, the valuation of Weibo has soared to more than 5 million US dollars.

According to the current plan, it will be officially listed next month.

Now the game is how to set the listing price.

So at this critical juncture, Cao Yang still pays more attention to the development of Weibo itself.

After the listing, fully consider how to cooperate with the development of Xingchen Automobile.

"Then I understand."

"Another thing is that BMW seems to be communicating and advertising on Weibo. The purpose is to get Weibo to remove some hot searches related to the ice cream door incident."

"Stop fueling the flames behind your back."

"Do you think this business can be done?"

Zeng Tingting was a little confused and asked another question.

"Do it, why not do it."

"As long as the money is in place, everything can be discussed."

"It is unrealistic to expect that this ice cream door will seriously hurt BMW's vitality."

"It's nothing more than disgusting them, and it will be found out every now and then, which will affect some consumers' desire to buy."

Cao Yang gave his reply without any hesitation.

However, Xingchen Motors was the first to make things worse for BMW's ice cream door. After the BMW people figured it out, they probably felt more depressed.

Of course, they are not in the mood to think so much these days.

Because with the help of various car companies, the popularity of this matter has not decreased at all.

Even the German website exposed this matter.

"Ai Moha, it's been two or three days, why can't such a simple thing be done?"

Phillips was about to explode.

BMW has developed smoothly in China in the past few years, but now it has ruined its reputation because of an ice cream incident.

These foreigners are very concerned about the reputation of the brand.

This is definitely a failure case of a brand crisis public.

He doesn't want this case to appear in the MBA textbooks of any university in the future.

"Our Huaxia branch has specially approved an advertising fee of 3000 million yuan, and there are very few reports on this aspect on various portal websites."

"We are also preparing to formally sign an advertising contract with them on Weibo."

"By then, the heat of this matter should slowly subside."

Aimoha obviously hasn't done much these days.

However, judging from the results, the effect does not seem to be very good.

"I don't care what you did, I just look at the result."

"Ai Moha, now so many car companies have stepped on us and isolated BMW."

"Even Mercedes-Benz and Audi are involved. If you can't solve this situation immediately, then I will consider proposing to the headquarters to fire you."

As soon as Phillips released this big move, Aimoha immediately became anxious.

"Don't worry, I will go to the organizer of the Yangcheng Auto Show to protest again now, asking them to restrain the behavior of various car companies, and not to do things that add fuel to the fire."

"I will also ask our partners in China to act immediately."

Aimoha immediately became anxious about the position under his buttocks.

This time, he was going to follow the advice of the Huaxia executives of the previous company, instead of doing things according to the market economy.

Soon, BMW's action naturally had an effect.

The organizers are also under a lot of pressure now.

Everyone hopes to be on the hot search and expand their influence.

But no one wants to be in the trending search in the form of negative news.

In particular, there are many foreigners in Yangcheng. If this controversy continues to simmer, it may cause some chain reactions in other areas.

This is a scene that the organizers of the Yangcheng Auto Show do not want to see.

Now that BMW took the initiative to protest, they just followed suit and sent a formal notice to all participating car companies.

All car companies are not allowed to continue to engage in activities such as giving ice cream and ice cream.

And the organizer also personally arranged personnel to patrol to see which car companies are still sending out.

"Mr. Cao, the organizer of the auto show called me and asked us to stop distributing ice cream immediately."

"I think we can consider giving them a little face, so that the ice cream will not be given out?"

Neither Cao Yang nor Zeng Tingting went to the auto show today.

It's already the day of the general audience, and there are no heavyweights going to visit.

In addition to holding auto shows, there are still a lot of things waiting for them to do in the company.

"Since the organizer has already called you, then this face must be given."

"This time they helped us arrange the pavilion, and they put in a lot of effort."

"It's cheap BMWs, they finally found the right key to the problem."

Although Cao Yang didn't expect the ice cream door to cause much harm to BMW, he definitely didn't want it to end so early.

In the past two days, the number of visitors who went to the BMW booth alone to join in the fun was more than double that of other booths.

As the star car next door to BMW, it naturally enjoys an overflowing traffic.

"What happened this time made me realize one thing, that is, in the Internet age, a small event may have a very big impact on the brand."

"If it is done well, it will have a positive impact, and if it is not done well, it will be a negative impact."

"This is a test of a brand's public relations capabilities."

"Mr. Cao, I think the group can consider setting up a brand public relations department to be responsible for this aspect."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but nodded.

Brand PR Department!
It is indeed necessary to establish this department.

"You're right, the group can set up a brand public relations department soon, but I'm afraid it will take some effort to recruit personnel."

This position is very leisurely when I have nothing to do.

But when something happens, a decision must be made in a short period of time to find a solution to the problem.

Therefore, it is actually a test of the level of the person in charge.

It even tested the relationship network of the person in charge.

"A few days ago, when Deputy Director Xia of Huaxia TV came to Yangcheng, in the process of communicating with her, she inadvertently mentioned that one of her nieces went to a newspaper office after returning from studying abroad."

"However, Director Xia feels that with the development of the Internet, the influence of the newspaper office will continue to decline, so he doesn't want her to stay in the newspaper office all the time."

"I think it is possible to consider asking her to come over to take charge of the brand public relations department, and then match her with an experienced deputy. The rest of the ordinary employees can be recruited in any way."

Zeng Tingting's IQ and EQ are very high, a quadrilateral warrior of 155, this is no joke.

It was obvious that she had thought through this arrangement.

"Master Xia's niece?"

Cao Yang thought about the pros and cons, and soon realized the beauty of this arrangement.

"Yes, her name is Xia Qingqing, and she is 32 years old."

"Although he is not very old, he is also experienced in the media industry."

"The most important thing is that she can communicate directly with Huaxia TV and other media, and when encountering problems, she can make peace."

In front of Cao Yang, Zeng Tingting said things very straightforwardly.

Beating around the bush is not conducive to solving the problem.

"Okay, then go back and ask the HR department to invite her for an interview, and I'll chat with her when I have time."

"If there is no problem, I will formally invite her to come over and take charge of the brand public relations business of Nanshan Group."

As a large private enterprise with a turnover of more than 500 billion yuan, Nanshan Group is now attractive to many people.

There are even some people in the company who joined directly after giving up their original iron rice bowls.

Of course, Nanshan Group did not treat these people badly.

Whether it is in terms of salary and benefits or job promotion, they have given very good arrangements.

On the other hand, as the organizer of the Yangcheng Auto Show issued a notice prohibiting the giving of ice cream and ice cream, the popularity of BMW ice cream has finally slowed down.

The interest of people who eat melons in this kind of thing is actually limited.

After the new news came out, the attention naturally shifted.

"Phillips, this matter is almost over."

Seeing that the influence of the matter began to decline, Amoha finally dared to call Phillips on his own initiative.

"Although the matter seems to be over soon, the potential influence cannot be over in a day or two."

"In order to avoid similar situations from happening again in the future, it is necessary for the Huaxia branch to provide a special training for each employee."

"Chinese people should not discriminate against Chinese people."

"Everyone is equal and should not be treated differently."

Aimoha naturally had no way to refute Phillips' words full of moral justice.

So after hanging up the phone, he immediately asked the HR department to arrange relevant training for all Huaxia employees in the company.

However, what made him feel very depressed was the picture of the training, who took it and put it on the Internet.

""Special training about Chinese people not to discriminate against Chinese people"!"

Such a training program has made BMW a hot search again.

This made Ai Moha very depressed.

Of course, the enthusiasm of netizens has a limit.

BMW has apologized twice, and has also given an explanation that doesn't seem to be so acceptable, but it's not without reason.

In this case, the heat of the matter is slowly going down after all.

After more than a week after the Yangcheng Auto Show, basically the shadow of these things can no longer be found in the hot search list of Weibo.

As for Nanshan Group, it is preparing to hold a large-scale new factory commissioning ceremony for Xingchen Automobile, and it is preparing to let Xingchen Automobile continue to stay on the Weibo hot search list.

In addition, Ziwei Star is produced in the trial factory, and the production capacity is very limited.

Fortunately, the sales volume of Ziwei Star is also limited, so the supply will not be in short supply.

But looking forward to the listing, the trial factory will definitely not be able to meet the production capacity demand.

The new factory that started construction last year has officially come in handy.

This new factory will bring you many surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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