Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 363 The Benchmarking Factory, Xingchen Motors set another record

Chapter 363 The Benchmarking Factory, Xingchen Motors set a bunch of records again

An automobile factory generally consists of several basic workshops: stamping workshop, welding workshop, painting workshop and final assembly workshop.

The automobile stamping parts purchased from outside and the large stamping parts produced by the stamping workshop will be welded into a body-in-white in the welding workshop.

The so-called body in white is the skeleton of the car.

Just because the steel plate looks a little silvery white, it is called the body in white.

After these bodies-in-white are sent to the painting workshop through an automatic conveyor chain, they will be subjected to cathodic electrophoretic coating.

This process is actually very important.

This is related to the corrosion resistance of the car.

At the same time, the appearance of various colors is also sprayed on this place.

In a sense, all cars are blister cars.

Because these white bodies are in the painting workshop, the entire body needs to be soaked in the battery pool.

After that, the painted body-in-white will be sent to the final assembly shop to be fitted with various parts.

For an automobile manufacturer, the number of employees in the assembly workshop is also the largest.

Even if a large amount of automation equipment is used, only a part of the personnel can be reduced.

"Leader, our welding workshop is the place where various parts are spliced ​​into a body-in-white. The workshop is divided into two floors. The first floor is the door cover, the floor 1 line and the assembly line, and the second floor is mainly the side wall, the floor 2 line, assembly and reporting Intersection."

"Compared with the welding workshops of other car companies, Star Auto's automation rate is very high."

On December 2006, 12, the vehicle factory of Xingchen Motor officially entered the stage of mass production.

Cao Yang naturally held a large-scale ceremony for this important moment.

After the auto show, the media who were just invited to participate in the Yangwang test drive event returned to Yangcheng again today to visit the factory of Xingchen Motors.

There are quite a few leaders here today, and the people in charge of Lingnan Province also attended in person.

However, the leaders had a very tight schedule and left after the event.

When it comes to the on-site visit, Cao Yang only needs to match Liu Tianwu well.

"This high automation rate, how is it a high method?"

Wearing a hard hat, Liu Tianwu followed Cao Yang enthusiastically, listening to the relevant introduction.

"Currently, the design and production cycle of the welding workshop is 60 seconds. Based on the calculation of 246 working days a year and only one shift of 8 hours a day, it can produce 12 BIWs per year."

"If there is a need in the future, we only need to switch to two shifts, and the production capacity can be increased to 24 units."

"Even under extreme circumstances, it is no problem to increase the production capacity to more than 30."

"The number of robots in this welding workshop has reached 472, and the automation rate has reached 84%. This is the auto welding workshop with the highest automation rate in the country and even in the world."

With Cao Yang's explanation, Liu Tianwu immediately had an idea.

The information reported by Xingchen Motors before was all about building a factory with an annual output of 10 units.

Now it seems that their previous calculations were very conservative.

As long as there is demand, the production capacity can be expanded at any time.

"The higher the automation rate, the greater the investment in the factory, and the higher the production cost, right?"

Liu Tianwu also has some understanding of the automobile industry.

So I took the initiative to ask.

"That's right, now it seems that the cost will increase."

"However, with a high degree of automation, the stability and consistency of product quality can be better guaranteed."

"At the same time, there are higher requirements for quality management and control."

"Because once there is a welding quality problem, it must be in batches."

"Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the control of welding quality from the aspects of process source, automatic detection, and predictive analysis."

"This is also forcing Xingchen Automobile to improve its management level and quality level."

Cao Yang doesn't mind at all that the investment is more now.

With the continuous rise of labor costs in China, increasing the automation rate is a major trend.

Although Nanshan Group needs to increase the number of employees through various methods, it is definitely not achieved by reducing the automation rate.

"These robots are all produced by you, right?"

Liu Tianwu knew that Cao Yang attached great importance to the development of robots.

Even because of the existence of Nanshan robots, the district has attracted several other robot start-up companies to land, and slowly began to form a robot industry chain.

"That's right, all the robots used in the welding line are produced by Nanshan Robotics. Each robot has a small gauge, which is a pressure gauge, used to monitor whether the robot is abnormal."

"Relying on this highly automated robot, we have built a flexible assembly welding system."

"This flexible body-in-white flexible assembly and welding system independently developed by Nanshan Group and independently enjoying intellectual property rights can support the production of 6 types of models, and can be expanded up to 8 types."

"In addition to being able to produce Ziwei Xing and Yangwang, it also lays the foundation for the production of different models in the future."

"This tailor-made welding system not only has a high level of flexibility, but also has high welding dimensional accuracy."

These things will be vigorously publicized in the future to enhance the brand power of Xingchen Automobile.

Now, let Liu Tianwu have a look first. At that time, many visits and inspections in the district can also be arranged in the Xingchen car.

For this reason, a special viewing channel has been set up in the factory.

"Why do those robots look a little different, not like they are used to weld parts?"

Liu Tianwu pointed to a tall robot not far away, and asked curiously.

"Leader, these robots are for screwing bolts."

"A lot of bolts and nuts need to be installed on the car. For the first time, our Xingchen Automobile adopts the fully automatic tightening process of robots."

"This is a cutting-edge technology in the construction of factories in the automotive industry, which can further improve the level of automation."

"There are two automatic tightening stations in the welding workshop, including 12 robots. On average, each robot tightens two bolts, and the tightening time is about 40 seconds. If the running time of the car body between stations is added, the entire beat is 51 seconds."

"It selects different technical solutions for different working conditions, and independently develops the technology of bolt delivery and nail removal. The tightening steps include nail removal, initial tightening, pre-tightening, intermediate tightening and final tightening. The torque for each tightening is different. , where the final tightening torque is 59N.m."

"In order to ensure the success of this technology, Xingchen Automobile has carried out more than 1000 nail removal tests to ensure that there is no failure, and at the same time overcome the difficulties of no technical standards to ensure the stable production process."

Several cameras behind Cao Yang are following him.

Of course, these are all taken by Nanshan Group's own employees, and visitors from outside are not allowed to take pictures at will.

Even cameras are not allowed.

If it weren't for the fact that mobile phones in this era generally have low pixels, they would still need to do some processing on the camera of the mobile phone before they come in.

"During the opening ceremony, I heard you say the word 'benchmark factory' many times."

"I didn't feel anything when I heard it."

"Now while visiting and listening to your explanation, it feels different."

The more advanced the factory of Xingchen Motors, the better for Liu Tianwu.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a facade factory in the district.

"Leader, our factory dares to be called a benchmark factory in the automotive industry, it's not just bragging."

"In the welding workshop alone, there are many places that other peers may not be able to catch up with in ten years."

"In addition to the things you just saw, we also use a cold metal transition welding process."

"Compared with the traditional welding process, the droplet temperature of cold metal excessive welding is relatively low, and the thermal deformation of the parts is small. The welding process can reach a drawing speed of 70 times per minute, and does not generate spatter, and is not affected by the surface state of the workpiece, which can make The formation of the weld seam is more aesthetically pleasing.”

"At the same time, it adopts high-density repair welding, which can be applied to different models, without switching welding torches, and the welding capacity is increased by 3 times. There are currently 14 welding robots in charge of this process, which can be expanded to 16 in the future."

With Cao Yang's continuous introduction, the smile on Liu Tianwu's face never stopped.

"What other advanced technologies are there in this welding workshop, you have introduced them to me."

"At that time, I can show off to the other leaders."

After Liu Tianwu said that, Cao Yang naturally would not be polite, and continued: "Our welding workshop also uses high-speed laser welding technology."

"After the roof and sides are welded, the body is ready for the laser welding station."

"This station includes laser welding and touch-up welding of several spots."

"The welding speed of the laser welding used can reach 110mm/s, which is the fastest laser welding among all automobile factories in the world."

"Increasing the speed can better meet the demand for production capacity, so that the overall beat of laser welding can be controlled within 60 seconds, so as not to drag the welding workshop back."

Xingchen Automobile is an industry that Cao Yang attaches great importance to.

For the construction of this benchmark factory, Cao Yang also personally participated in it.

So at this time, the parameters are also clear.

You don't need to look at the data to speak directly.

"Is there any advantage to this laser welding?"

Liu Tianwu followed Cao Yang's words to save face and asked.

"That's more. The advantages of laser welding include high power density, excellent directionality and high welding speed, and the surface of the weld is smooth."

"It can replace the welding spot connecting the roof and the side wall, and there is no need to install a sealing strip on the roof. At the same time, the heat input can be precisely adjusted and controlled, and the galvanized layer is less burned and the deformation of the weldment is reduced."

"This is also very important for the positioning of Star Motors' high-end luxury models."

"Otherwise, how will consumers feel the luxury of Xingchen Automobile?"

After Cao Yang introduced the laser welding process, he continued to take Liu Tianwu forward.

"After the laser welding, there are robot automatic grinding and manual grinding stations. The workers mainly check the grinding quality of the robot. If they find that the grinding is not good, they will simply clean it up."

"Compared with the workstations of other companies, this also adds the technology of robotic automatic polishing, which is a very big breakthrough."

"Until now, no factory in China has used robots for polishing, not even Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

Having said that, Cao Yang couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face.

To put it bluntly, this factory will be world-leading ten years later.

At that time, it can be used as a selling point and continuously promoted.

Even when colleges and universities compile textbooks related to automobile majors, they can put some things into it.

As for accepting people majoring in automotive engineering from various colleges and universities to visit and study, it is a good opportunity to subtly improve everyone's technical level and advanced level of Xingchen Automobile.

"The construction of the welding workshop brings together the high-quality resources of various branches of Nanshan Group. The production line has bright spots, a high degree of flexible and automatic production, smooth logistics, advanced technology, first-class technology, and strict quality control. It is not only a learning experience for domestic automobile manufacturers. It is a model and a classic case for various colleges and universities to study the development trend of intelligent manufacturing of body welding."

"Mr. Cao, I think Xingchen Motors can completely regard your welding workshop as a model of advanced technology, and declare some major awards to the country."

"Even using this project to participate in the National Science and Technology Progress Award, there is no problem."

After visiting the entire welding workshop, Liu Tianwu also gave a very high evaluation.

Yangcheng is not the only Star Automobile, he has also visited the welding workshops of Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota and Westwind Nissan.

Not to brag, the advantage of Xingchen Automobile is crushing.

Even if the people from Toyota and Honda were called over, they had no way to refute.

"Leader, thank you for your reminder, I will arrange someone to do it right away."

Although the matter of declaring awards, Xingchen Automobile is already doing it.

However, Liu Tianwu reminded him so kindly, so naturally he couldn't say, "Leader, we are already doing this."

It seemed that there was nothing surprising about Liu Tianwu's level.

"The first welding workshop brought us such a big surprise, and I am also full of expectations for the next painting workshop."

Xingchen Motors did not build a stamping workshop, and their stamping parts were produced with the help of the nearby Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory.

This is also quite special.

Fortunately, stamping technology is not a particularly core technology in the first place, and no one will use this to blame Xingchen Motors.

Liu Tianwu was very interested, so naturally Cao Yang would show him around every workshop.

Behind the two of them, hundreds of people followed.

Especially those auto media, they have visited many domestic auto factories, and they have an intuitive understanding of the advanced nature of Xingchen Automobile.

"Editor Fang, this Xingchen Automobile has really spent a lot of money, and built the factory so well."

"When Mr. Cao spoke just now, I thought he was bragging."

"I didn't expect that after visiting the site, I found that Mr. Cao not only didn't brag, but was modest."

Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawen naturally also came to participate in the on-site visit today.

For various automotive media, introducing the production lines of various OEMs is basically a must-have article.

Although the professionalism of such articles is relatively high, the general readers are not very interested.

But there are also some readers who have a certain understanding of automobiles, and they like to read articles with certain technical content.

"Nanshan Group itself owns Nanshan Robot, the most advanced robot technology in China, so it dares to use automated processes everywhere."

"In addition, Nanshan Group's technology in CNC systems is also world-leading."

"This technology should also be used in the automation control of the factory."

"In addition, Nanshan Equipment under Nanshan Group can produce a variety of machine tools and equipment, even I heard that laser welding and laser cutting equipment can also be produced."

"In this case, it is understandable that the welding workshop of Xingchen Automobile can be built to such a high standard."

"If the same factory is built by other OEMs, not to mention whether it can be built, the cost alone is estimated to be several tenths more than that of Xingchen Automobile."

Although Fang Dawen suffered a great shock in his heart, he still pretended to be nothing on the surface.

"That's true. This benchmark factory is not so much the benchmark factory of Xingchen Automobile, but rather the benchmark factory of Nanshan Group."

"I feel that after this factory comes out, when other auto companies build new factories in the future, some businesses will take the initiative to find Nanshan Robot or Nanshan Equipment for cooperation."

"Their benchmark factory really serves as a benchmark."

In Lin Jiayan's words, it was hard to hide her admiration.

Professionals like them still have a deep understanding of who has good technology.

"Leader, this is our paint shop."

Cao Yang didn't care what everyone was talking about in the back team, he just took Liu Tianwu to the front of the team to visit the factory.

As for the other staff, they can choose a headset to accept Cao Yang's explanation, or they can listen to the explanation of other staff nearby.

"The painting workshop has seven major processes: pretreatment, electrophoresis, PVC, grinding, topcoat, submission, and wax injection."

"There are a total of 159 various types of operating robots on the production line, with an automation rate of 73%."

"On the painting line, robots are not only used in painting, sealing, protective coating, grinding, wax injection and other processes, but also in the sealing line, robots are used to spray water-based sprayable damping pad materials. This painting workshop is also the one with the highest automation rate in China. Assembly workshop."

With the welding shop's standards set so high, the paint shop will naturally not lag behind.

"What advanced technologies does this paint shop have? You can summarize them well, and they will be useful in our district later on."

Liu Tianwu followed Cao Yang and continued to visit with great interest.

"That's necessary. I'll ask Mi Ying to send the introduction materials to Secretary Luo later." Cao Yang responded with a smile, and then continued the introduction.

"Our paint shop has a fully rotary dip conveyor technology, which is the first of its kind."

"This pretreatment electrophoresis line uses full-rotation reverse dipping and conveying equipment. Through the 360-degree turning of the body, the thickness of the electrophoresis film on the body is more uniform, and the thickness of the electrophoresis film in the inner cavity of the body is increased, which helps to provide anti-corrosion performance."

"Next, you can watch our second special technology."

"In order to support the spraying production of different car bodies with different colors in the workshop, our group has developed and applied a quick color change paint delivery system, which is also the first time in China to use this technology. The quick paint change system has improved the efficiency of paint supply and color change."

"As for the third special technology, that is the robotic wax injection process."

"It uses an automatic door panel wax spraying robot to replace manual door panel wax spraying, which not only improves the automation rate, but also has more stable quality and better anti-corrosion performance."

"The fourth special technology is the one just mentioned, that is, the robot sprays liquid damping material."

"Our paint shop uses sprayable body damping material to replace the traditional manual paste asphalt damping pad material, which can reduce weight by about 40% under the same thickness."

"Moreover, the use of robot spraying to replace manual work not only improves the working efficiency and spraying quality, but also reduces VOC emissions, improves the working environment, and reduces the working intensity of workers."

"During the entire painting process, our intelligent control system for the body painting process will monitor the entire process."

"Thereby improving product quality and reducing energy loss and material consumption in the production process."

Compared with the welding workshop, the route that can be visited in the painting workshop is much shorter.

After all, many internal processing areas are not suitable for viewing.

Of course, Xingchen Motors can provide relevant materials at that time, and the various media don't have to worry about not knowing how to write articles.

"You have used so many advanced technologies. If everyone comes to visit, won't others be able to learn from it?"

Liu Tianwu asked a rather critical question.

It is not uncommon for various companies in Huaxia to copy back and forth.

As a star enterprise in the district, Liu Tianwu didn't want to see Xingchen Motors suffer.

"Leader, some skills can't be learned just by visiting."

"If that's the case, so many independent brand car companies in China will not be what they are now."

Cao Yang is really not worried that others will learn the factory technology of Xingchen Motors.

Like a welding workshop, if you can learn it, you need to buy a lot of robots.

As for domestic high-precision welding robots, the best one is Nanshan Robots.

In addition, the benchmark factory of Xingchen Automobile is placed there. If those manufacturers do not buy products from Nanshan Robotics, they can only spend more money to find manufacturers such as KUKA or ABB.

"It's good that you have this confidence."

"The next step is to arrive at the assembly workshop?"

"There shouldn't be anything special about this workshop, right?"

Liu Tianwu and Cao Yang chatted while walking, and soon arrived at the gate of the assembly workshop.

"Leader, you are thinking wrong."

"Don't look at the assembly shop as if it simply installs various parts, without any technical content."

"In this workshop of ours, the first 'fully unmanned distribution' workshop in China has been realized."

"Whether it is the engine or the gearbox, or the seat or the sub-frame, all are carried by the AGV automatic guidance vehicle."

"Our assembly workshop has 188 AGV navigation vehicles of various types."

"They follow the programmed trajectory of 33 gray magnetic stripes on the ground."

"The car is equipped with Ziwei Star and various types of accessories used on it."

"As the first full-line AGV automatic logistics system in China, it adopts RFID automatic identification technology, which can automatically identify the location of material distribution and truly achieve intelligent logistics."

"These are another achievements of Nanshan Robotics, which will be very promising in the future."

"Don't look at these AGV cars are very ordinary, they are actually very 'polite'!"

"You can try it later. Standing in front of the AGV cars, they can automatically identify pedestrians in front, slow down or avoid them, which is very 'smart'."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu was really surprised.

An assembly workshop, really made Xingchen Motors famous?

The key is that after entering the final assembly site, looking around, you can indeed see many small cars pulling parts and moving.

Obviously, Cao Yang was not bragging.

"Is there anything special about this AGV car?"

Ask if you don't understand.

In front of Cao Yang, Liu Tianwu never dared to pretend to understand things.

"AGV is actually nothing new. The earliest application can be traced back to 1953."

"At that time, an auto parts manufacturer in the United States introduced an automated AGV for transporting heavy parts. This was the world's first AGV."

"It is transformed from a simple AGC product tractor with a car pocket, and transports goods along wires arranged in the air in a grocery warehouse."

"Subsequently, research on AGVs in Europe and the United States began."

"The scope of application of AGV has gradually expanded, and it has officially entered the field of manufacturing."

"In the 60s, AGVs began to be used in the automotive industry for transporting and assembling automotive components."

"In the 70s and 80s, AGVs began to be widely used in industrial fields such as chemicals, electronics and pharmaceuticals."

"Our first AGV in Huaxia was born in 1976, but the real application was in 1991. The AGV product built by Siasun for Jinbei Company was officially put into operation in this year."

"However, in recent years, AGV has not been put into use in various factories in China on a large scale, because there are still various technical problems to be solved."

"In terms of cost, it seems that it is not cost-effective to directly employ people."

"Our Nanshan Robotics started the project to engage in AGV the year before last, and invested a large number of R&D personnel to innovate."

"In terms of technology, our Nanshan robot has mastered the basic core technology."

"Including key technologies such as autonomous navigation, obstacle recognition and avoidance, and path planning."

"In the future, we plan to further promote the development of AGV technology, such as considering the development of laser radar, visual recognition, artificial intelligence and other related technologies, and then combine these technologies with AGV."

Cao Yang was introducing Liu Tianwu, and he was also introducing the media behind them with headsets.

After all, although these media have visited many OEMs, they have never seen such a special car as Xingchen.

Some technologies are not good enough to give them a good science, and everyone may not be able to feel your power.

"Xingchen Automobile is adhering to the development direction of your Nanshan Group, taking the route of relying on technology to obtain consumers."

Liu Tianwu has heard Cao Yang countless times that Nanshan Group is taking the route of relying on technology to take orders.

Now put it on Xingchen Automobile, saying that it is taking the road of relying on technology to obtain consumers.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with it.

"Leader, your summary is in place. Our Star Automobile, if we want to gain a firm foothold in the luxury car market, we can only rely on technology to win consumers."

"Otherwise, why would consumers give up Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche and choose Star Motors?"

Cao Yang's words unintentionally stepped on several opponents.

It gives people the impression that Xingchen Motors seems to be more powerful than Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche.

"This assembly workshop is relatively large, let's take a look around."

Liu Tianwu looked up at each of the vehicles being driven by the chain and came to each workstation.

Then some workers remove the parts from the AGV and assemble them to the corresponding parts.

"From parts to complete vehicles, the AGV automatic logistics system accurately distributes the materials required for each link of automobile assembly, saving a lot of manpower."

"Like here, there is only one interior line, mainly for the assembly of the vehicle wiring harness, roof, carpet, instrument panel, sunroof, front and rear windshields, etc..."

"This is the wheel assembly station."

"Two robotic arms precisely install the wheels on the car body, and the tires are fully automated from entering the factory to conveying, grabbing, and tightening."

"Manual tightening of screws sometimes leads to misalignment and errors, but the machine can screw it right at one time, and can smoothly switch between assembling Ziweixing and looking up at tires of different diameters. This technology is the first in China."

"This is the windshield installation link. Xingchen Automobile has realized the whole process of automatic installation."

"Generally speaking, domestic car companies mostly use a single robotic arm to install windshields."

"However, the assembly workshop of Xingchen Motor uses two robotic arms to operate."

"One is responsible for grabbing, gluing, docking, etc., and the other installs the visual guidance system."

"The joint operation of the two robotic arms will greatly improve the accuracy of windshield installation."

"In order for the car to run normally, the pipeline systems such as brake fluid, antifreeze fluid, air-conditioning refrigerant, windshield washer fluid, gasoline, etc. need to be well sealed. Our assembly workshop has introduced the latest automatic filling equipment developed by Nanshan Equipment, which will These pipeline systems are first filled with positive pressure for leak detection to ensure that the system has excellent sealing characteristics..."

"This is the engine..."

"This is the exhaust pipe installation..."

"In terms of vehicle inspection, international advanced technologies such as laser three-position wheel alignment, dynamic high-speed hub rotation test, vehicle electrical inspection, and high-voltage vehicle rain detection ensure the excellent quality of every car produced here."

Surrounding the tour route, Cao Yang took Liu Tianwu and a group of people in the assembly workshop for more than half an hour before finishing the introduction.

Since the assembly workshop can see the production process of the car most intuitively, the assembly workshop of each car company is the workshop that receives the most visits among the workshops.

Star Motors will certainly be no exception in the future.

So from the very beginning of the design, this requirement was fully taken into consideration.

"The factory of Xingchen Automobile can be completed in more than a year, and it will become a benchmark factory in the whole country and even in the world."

"It contains a lot of advanced technology of Nanshan Group. Other enterprises in the district should take Nanshan Group as an example."

Liu Tianwu followed Cao Yang out of the assembly workshop with great emotion.

If this factory hadn't appeared in front of everyone in such a real way, he couldn't have imagined that it was a factory of a Chinese car company.

Even if you go to Germany, the United States, or Dongying's car company headquarters, it is impossible to be more advanced than this factory.

Star Motors, a benchmark factory, has set a bunch of records again.

And there are not many people who have similar experience to Liu Tianwu.

Especially those media who followed the tour were very excited.

They have visited too many car companies, and they are very clear about the gap between the production lines of independent brand car companies and joint venture car companies.

Faced with this gap, their mood is quite aggrieved.

But now the benchmark factory of Xingchen Motors was born, sweeping away all opponents.

That sense of pride, they can also feel.

A feeling of pride slowly emerged.

That night, various car channels launched reports related to Xingchen Automobile.

Although they are not allowed to shoot directly in the workshop, Xingchen Motors also provided a lot of materials for everyone.

As long as you do a little processing, you can still write a lot of colorful articles.

And the topic of Xingchen Automobile Benchmark Factory was also a hot search that night.

"Wei Dejin, I just shared a video link with you, I suggest you take a good look at it when you have time."

In far away Germany, Lai Ping called Porsche CEO Wei Dejin.

As a Chinese, he pays more attention to China's auto industry.

The benchmark factory of Xingchen Automobile was on the hot search, so he naturally found a lot of related reports and read it.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

Huaxia actually has such an advanced car factory?
Even the factory at Porsche headquarters is far inferior to others in terms of automation rate and the use of new technologies, right?
Especially the AGV systems in the welding workshop and the final assembly workshop left a deep impression on Lai Ping.

This is not like what a Chinese company should have at all.


"Did you see any nice cars?"

Wei Dejin is obviously not very clear about the contents of the video recommended by Lai Ping.

However, Lai Ping did not argue with him this time, but continued: "If you want to talk about a good car, it has something to do with a good car. But I suggest you take a good look before talking."

And when Lai Ping and Wei Dejin recommended related videos and reports about Xingchen Automobile's benchmark factory, the reactions of various domestic auto companies were even greater.

"Mr. Wang, this Xingchen car really cost a lot of money."

"Such a factory with an annual output of 10 vehicles, which is declared to the outside world, has imported so many automation equipment, and the entire factory has less than 2000 people."

"If you want to expand production capacity in the future, it will be a matter of minutes."

In BYD's cafeteria, after Wu Huabing put the plate on the table, he couldn't help but chatted with Wang Fu about the benchmarking factory of Xingchen Automobile.

"Many of the factory equipment of Xingchen Automobile are produced by enterprises under the Nanshan Group."

"So I am willing to spend a lot of money to use it, to a certain extent, it is also for the needs of publicity."

"I think it is a waste to build such an advanced factory at this stage."

"Not to mention other things, just because the factory is too advanced, each car of Xingchen Automobile needs at least a few thousand yuan or even more amortization of factory equipment than ordinary car companies."

"That is to say, Xingchen Motors is a high-end luxury car, otherwise it will not know how to die when the time comes."

Zhong Qiang, the head of the procurement department, was also sitting next to him and eating together, obviously he did not support this kind of big investment.

BYD is now planning a new factory, and related equipment procurement will soon start.

Zhong Qiang naturally didn't want to do so much work for the purchasing department.

Otherwise, the requirements for a lot of equipment will be very high, and problems will easily occur, and the pressure on the purchasing department will be great.

"Although Star Motor's benchmark factory may not be suitable for all car companies, I have to say that the technical content of other factories is still very high."

Liang Chuanqing, who is in charge of research and development, obviously pays more attention to the technological innovation of the factory.

Although the content of this piece is basically not his responsibility.

But if there is a relationship, it has something to do with him, the person in charge of R&D.

After all, designing a car must also consider how to produce it.

"Zhong Qiang, talk to Zeng Tingting of Nanshan Group later, and see if we can arrange for us to visit the factory of Xingchen Motors."

"No matter what our new factory will look like in the future, we must at least know what the benchmark factory looks like."

Wang Fu didn't say too much, and directly asked Zhong Qiang to make an appointment to visit the site.

This is obviously more convincing than saying anything.

If you don't like other people's production lines, why go to visit?
The same thing happened in Yangcheng Automobile Group.

"Mr. Zeng, our factory has just started construction, and basically the equipment has not yet entered the site."

"Communicate with the relevant project personnel to see if it is possible to compete with the factory of Xingchen Automobile, and improve the automation rate as much as possible."

Zhang Jiaqi naturally also saw the relevant reports about Xingchen Automobile's benchmarking factory, and his heart was greatly touched.

Yangcheng Automobile Group is the leader of the automobile industry in Lingnan Province.

But the current position of the leader does not seem to be stable at all.

"Mr. Zhang, it can definitely be changed, but the relevant investment will definitely undergo a very big change."

"And after readjusting the plan, the schedule of the factory's production will also be affected."

"I think whether to continue to advance according to the plan, and then refer to the standards of Xingchen Automobile when building the second phase of the project in the future."

Zeng Guangda is the person in charge of the self-owned brand project of Yangcheng Automobile.

Seeing that the new model will be rolled off the assembly line next year, it is now necessary to adjust the factory's planning.

He certainly did not want to see such a situation appear.

When the schedule is affected, he will definitely take the blame.

"I don't know when the second phase of the project will officially start."

"As long as one of our two new models is successful, we can consider starting the second phase of the project."

"I don't think it will be very long."

Yangcheng Motor Group is now developing an SUV and a sedan, and is considering another SUV.

As long as one model is successful, the load on the factory can rise to the point where production expansion needs to be considered.

After all, they are also built with an annual output of 10 units.

Now, among the top 10 best-selling cars in domestic car sales, no one has a monthly sales volume of less than 1 units.

(End of this chapter)

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