Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 364 The image of a high-end brand is established bit by bit

Chapter 364 The image of a high-end brand is established bit by bit
The fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

In this day and age, if you don't understand publicity, it is impossible for a company to develop quickly.

Obviously, Cao Yang is fully aware of this.

Otherwise, they would not have specially arranged for people to set up affiliated companies such as Autohome, Nanshan Investment, Weibo and Nanshan Film and Television.

In the past few days, the relevant reports and videos of Xingchen Automobile's benchmark factory can be said to have spread across the Chinese auto industry.

Regardless of whether it is Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Chery, or Geely, relevant personnel are watching related reports and videos.

The factory of Xingchen Automobile was determined by Cao Yang in combination with many technical directions of later generations. In this era, it really beats all peers.

Cao Yang also thought a lot about how to fully publicize this thing.

"Teacher, the number of students majoring in automotive engineering and related majors at Lingnan University of Technology has increased rapidly in recent years."

"However, the teaching content of automotive engineering majors in various schools is somewhat out of touch with the needs of OEMs."

"Many students who study this major don't know how a car is produced when they graduate."

"Our textbooks don't seem to specifically introduce the production process of cars."

"I think Lingnan University of Technology's automotive engineering major can stand up and take the lead in cooperating with some major universities in the country to compile a related professional textbook?"

"I believe that all domestic OEMs hope that colleges and universities can teach this course."

"It is not only necessary for those majoring in automotive engineering to learn this course, but also for students majoring in mechanical design and automation, mechatronics, welding engineering, equipment, and other related majors."

"In colleges and universities in the future, this course can also be used as an elective course for all students who are interested in automobile production."

In order to establish the status of Xingchen Automobile's benchmark factory in the long run, Cao Yang has taken great pains.

Although domestic university education is very criticized, most of the talents of enterprises are still trained by domestic universities.

As long as they set up a benchmark factory for the students at the university level, the factory is the most advanced automobile factory in the country and even in the world, which will definitely benefit the students endlessly.

In the future, these people will eventually grow up, and it is not surprising that they even become customers of Xingchen Automobile.

Under the subtle influence, it is also very beneficial to establish the image of Xingchen Automobile as a high-end luxury brand.

Besides, if all colleges and universities train students around the technology and operation mode related to the factory of Xingchen Automobile, these people will definitely be able to get started more quickly after entering Xingchen Automobile.

To some extent, it can be regarded as saving the time of talent training for Xingchen Automobile.

This is actually very critical.

"Specially write a professional textbook that introduces automobile factories and automobile production processes?"

As the dean of the School of Automotive Engineering, Xiang Changle is naturally very aware of the current teaching status of the automotive engineering major.

In fact, not only automotive engineering majors, most majors have a disconnect between theory and practice.

Many of the contents taught in books are from more than ten years ago.

Just like the book "Automobile Structure" that is now mainstream in various colleges and universities, the gearboxes in it are basically introduced using manual gearboxes as examples.

But now various car companies on the market are already using a large number of automatic transmissions.

There are even many chapters related to carburetors in the textbooks, which have long been eliminated by the times.

"That's right, Lingnan University of Technology's automotive engineering major is leading the writing of a book on this topic, and we, Xingchen Motors, are fully cooperating."

"Whether it's the introduction of related crafts or the provision of some pictures and video materials, there is no problem."

"Even our technical staff can directly participate in the writing of books."

"As long as the action is fast enough, the compilation of the textbook can be basically completed in one month, and it can officially appear in the classroom in the first half of next year."

When Cao Yang said this, Xiang Changle's heart was moved immediately.

Although he has also published books, but frankly speaking, the popularity of these books is still relatively low.

At most, some colleges and universities in Lingnan Province will use it as a textbook, and there is still a big gap from the national influence.

But now if this book is finished, it will be a nationwide textbook.

Books written by other colleges and universities, without the cooperation of Xingchen Motors, will definitely not be as good as this one.

"If you want to write a special textbook, some of the content in it must be written in more detail."

"For example, some technical principles of welding robots, and even some programming related things."

"The content of this aspect may involve the secrets of Xingchen Automobile, will it be inconvenient to display it?"

Although Xiang Changle was quite looking forward to the appearance of such a book, he also fully considered the issue from the perspective of Cao Yang.

"Basically, there is no need to worry about this. In fact, everyone knows some basic technical principles."

"It's not that other manufacturers know the basic principles and can produce the same parts as us."

"Besides, the basic configuration and basic operation methods of the workshops of each OEM are the same."

"We just made some special improvements on the basis of others."

"For example, the use of robots has been increased, the automation rate has been further improved, and some advanced welding processes have also been introduced."

"Sooner or later, other manufacturers will do these things."

"Even if they do it faster, it's not a bad thing for our Nanshan Group."

"Maybe some manufacturers directly go to Nanshan Group to purchase related equipment and technology."

When Cao Yang said this, Xiang Changle was completely relieved.

"Then I will personally act as the editor-in-chief of this book, and tomorrow I will call the teachers of the automotive engineering major to start the compilation of this textbook."

"Lingnan University of Technology has its own publishing house, and all preparations can be started at the same time."

"At that time, you can arrange someone to connect with our editorial team."

Xiang Changle naturally knew the benefits of writing such a book.

It's not that he didn't think of doing this before, but without the cooperation of the main engine factory, it would be difficult for the school to write all the relevant things completely.

After all, it would be embarrassing if you made a mistake.

At that time, it is not guaranteed that the results will not be obtained, and the face will be lost.

Therefore, there have been no decent books in this area in recent years.

"No problem, I'll arrange it later."

Cao Yang was not surprised that his teacher would agree to this request.

This move of mine is a conspiracy, a win-win solution.

"The school is now paying more and more attention to metalworking internships."

"I think in addition to metalworking internships, we can cooperate with Nanshan Group to allow more students to go to Nanshan Group for internships."

"What do you think of this direction?"

Now that the official business has been discussed, Xiang Changle simply threw out other matters as well.

"It's absolutely fine."

"Nanshan Group has so many factories and has a lot of cooperation with Lingnan University of Technology."

"We are also planning to build a separate training center to provide various training for company employees."

"The content of this aspect can allow our personnel department to connect with the college."

Although there seems to be no benefit in the short term, the subtle benefits are hard to describe.

Cao Yang, who has a long-term view, naturally would not refuse.

"That's great."

"By the way, you will graduate with a Ph.D. next year. Are you interested in serving as a visiting professor at the school?"

Xiang Changle threw out another proposal in a very timely manner.

"Is it appropriate for me to become a visiting professor as soon as I graduate from my PhD?"

Someone had made a similar proposal to Cao Yang before, so he was very happy to serve as a visiting professor in a university.

Of course, he must not have time to go to class often.

"Appropriate! How could it be inappropriate."

"If you didn't happen to be studying for a Ph.D. in school, it would be no problem to directly hire you as a visiting professor now."

"You are now an authoritative car design master certified by Huaxia Taiwan."

"In the entire Chinese auto industry, there is no designer with higher grades than you."

"Combined with the current social status of Nanshan Group, a mere visiting professor is nothing at all."

Xiang Changle is obviously very confident about this point.

After staying in college all his life, he still knows what can be done and what can't be done.

"That's fine, I'll ask the teacher to help me then."

Cao Yang would not do things like pretending to be courteous.

no need.

Anyway, serving as a visiting professor by myself can be regarded as a win-win solution for Lingnan University of Technology and myself.

The hat of a cultural person is sometimes a bit beneficial.

Afterwards, Cao Yang chatted with Xiang Changle for a while, and Mi Ying came in to look at it several times before ending the meeting this time.

"Mr. Cao, just now Mr. Zhu from Chuncheng Automobile Group called you a few times. Would you like to answer him first?"

Cao Yang has two mobile phones, only the one for personal use is carried by himself, and the other one is handed over to Mi Ying for safekeeping most of the time.

Obviously, when Cao Yang met Xiang Changle just now, there were many phone calls looking for him.

"Zhu Zhengfeng looking for me?"

"Did you say something?"

Although Zhu Zhengfeng's rank is very high, he is in a cooperative relationship with Nanshan Group, so Cao Yang and him can completely interact on an equal footing.

"I didn't say it, but their big red flag is going to be listed. I wonder if it has something to do with this matter."

Being a secretary is not simply a matter of arranging some schedules.

Mi Ying came to the company early every morning to learn about the latest industry news on the Internet, and it was obviously not in vain.

"I'll give him a call and see what he has to say."

If you don't understand, don't think about it, just make a phone call.


"Mr. Cao, are you free next Saturday?"

"We want to invite you, the designer, to participate in the listing ceremony of our big red flag."

After Zhu Zhengfeng received Cao Yang's call back, he directly entered the topic.

He was worried that he would mess things up by going around in circles.

"I will definitely participate in the listing event of Dahongqi."

"This is an important moment to witness the glory of China's Hongqi sedan again."

Cao Yang had just been reminded by Mi Ying, and he took the initiative to call Zhu Zhengfeng back, so naturally he already had the answer in his heart.

So he didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

Zeng Tingting and the others set Cao Yangli as a car design master and the founder of Xingchen Motors.

The other identities have been weakened intentionally or unintentionally, and they want to publicize these two more stylish identities.

Attending the listing event of Dahongqi is obviously good for publicizing Cao Yang's status as a master car designer.

Besides, Cao Yang actually didn't have much room to refuse.

If you don't attend this kind of event, then the relationship with Spring City Motor Group will definitely be affected.

Although Chuncheng Automobile Group has never been so competitive, its position in China's automobile industry is very special.

They are the kind of existence that can influence the policies of the auto industry.

One day, if one really wants to wear small shoes for the Xingchen car, they really have a way to do it.

Although Cao Yang is not afraid of them, there is no need to be so rigid.

"Could you ask Mr. Cao to introduce the design concept of the big red flag to the media friends?"

"Your status as a design master is much more convincing than that of an old man like me."

Zhu Zhengfeng made a rare joke of himself.

In fact, he is not very old at all, it can be said that he is a young man.

"Mr. Zhu has orders, so I will do my best."

"At that time, we will let domestic media friends know that Huaxia can also manufacture high-end and luxurious luxury models."

The more successful Dahongqi is, the greater the benefits for Nanshan Group.

As for whether it will affect the development of Xingchen Automobile, Cao Yang is not worried at all.

"Then Lao Cao will worry about it."

"It just so happens that I have some good news to share with you."

"Some departments in the imperial capital responsible for the reception of foreign guests are expected to purchase dozens of reception vehicles early next year."

"Our Dahongqi and Ziweixing can both participate in the bidding activities, and there is a high probability that they will be able to compare with other manufacturers' models."

Return the peach.

Before Zhu Zhengfeng said that Cao Yang was willing to help Dahongqi, in some official car markets, Chuncheng Automobile Group would bring Xingchen Motors to play together.

Now is the time to reap the fruits.

Although the official car market is irrelevant to Ziweixing's current sales, it is a good thing after all.

Cao Yang was also quite happy to hear that.

"Mr. Zhu, I'll arrange someone to meet you right away."

"Like some reception cars, I think Huaxia's own car brand should be used."

"Otherwise, in a country with a big car industry, it is obviously inappropriate to use German models such as Mercedes-Benz and Audi on many important occasions."

Taking advantage of this excuse, Cao Yang further chatted with Zhu Zhengfeng about this topic.

Like a general official car, Ziweixing is definitely useless.

After all, the price is there, and it is impossible for Xingchen Automobile to offer a particularly low price alone.

It's not necessary and it doesn't make sense.

However, some official vehicles used on special occasions can still be won by Xingchen Automobile.

"What you said is also reasonable. I will also find a way to advance it later, and see if I can add more restrictions to the bidding of official vehicles in the future."

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhu Zhengfeng agreed to Cao Yang's proposal.

After all, even Audi is only a product produced by a joint venture company, and it is not as meaningful as Hongqi sedan.

(End of this chapter)

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