Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 368 Huaxia's auto market has begun to deviate from the historical track

Chapter 368 Huaxia's auto market has begun to deviate from the historical track ([-] words for today)

Amidst the turmoil, China's auto industry passed 2006.

Throughout 2006, whether it is a joint venture car company or an independent brand, sales have increased.

The difference is that everyone's growth rate is not exactly the same.

Under such circumstances, the enthusiasm of various car companies to release December sales and 12 annual production and sales data is naturally very high.

Just after the New Year's Day holiday, the main sales have already come out.

It has to be said that this efficiency is quite good.

Historically, in 2006, the Huaxia auto market, especially the passenger car market, was absolutely dominated by joint venture cars.

Whether it's North-South Volkswagen or Shanghai General Motors, or Imperial Capital Hyundai, Yangcheng Honda, all of them performed brilliantly.

The combined market share of all self-owned brands of passenger cars is only 25%.

But because of the emergence of Nanshan Group, BYD has entered the auto industry earlier than in history, and its newly launched models are also selling better.

Great Wall Motor also transformed to SUV earlier, and launched various SUV models in an all-round way.

Even Changan Automobile entered the field of passenger cars earlier.

As for Chery and Geely, needless to say, there must be changes.

In this case, the performance of self-owned brands in the market must be very different.

Although it has not reached the point of doubling, the market share has increased by at least seven or eight points.

And this trend is accelerating.


"Good news! Great Wall Motor's annual sales in 2006 exceeded 30 vehicles, among which H6..."

"Geely Auto in 2006..."

Various car brands have announced their sales figures on their official Weibo accounts.

The situation can be described as good.

Topics related to cars on Weibo have also increased significantly.

"Mr. Li, our new factory construction plan has been produced."

"According to the current growth rate, our production capacity will be seriously insufficient in the next year, and we need to invest in new factories."

Hou Liang, head of Geely's Purchasing Department, together with the heads of relevant departments, reported to Li Su the planning of the new factory.

In the past two years, it can be said that there has been a new wave of investment and factory construction in various places.

Especially Dongying car companies, Korean car companies and independent brands are developing very fast.

On the contrary, the development speed of North and South Volkswagen is obviously lagging behind the entire industry.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the rapid growth of the entire market, their sales would definitely drop.

Throughout 2006, there was too much bad news about Volkswagen.

Of course, this situation is definitely what Hou Liang and his own brand personnel are happy to see.

"The last time I asked you to visit Xingchen Motors, did you make any adjustments to the layout of Xingchen Motors?"

Naturally, Li Su had seen various reports and videos related to the Xingchen Automobile Benchmarking Factory.

This time, Geely Automobile is going to build a new factory by itself. Although it is impossible to completely benchmark Star Motors, some proper benchmarking is still needed.

"We have made some adjustments to our new factory plan in combination with the advanced technology used in various factories of Star Motors."

"For example, the increase in the number of welding robots and the introduction of automatic nut-tightening robots in the welding workshop."

"But there are some projects that we feel are not cost-effective."

"For example, to use laser welding technology, it is necessary to import special laser welding equipment, and the cost is relatively high."

"There are also AGVs used in the assembly workshop. We think that except for a few special stations, it will be more economical to transport the others by forklift."

"Some other equipment has also undergone relevant reviews, and we have sorted out the changes from the plan reported in the first version."

Hou Liang had predicted that Li Su would ask this question a long time ago, so he didn't panic at all.

"Is the welding robot purchased from Nanshan Robotics?"

"Yes, the welding robots of Nanshan Robotics are not only of good quality and advanced technology, but also cheaper than those of Fanuc and other manufacturers."

"Nowadays, at least [-]% of the new welding robots purchased by various domestic automobile manufacturers are purchased from Nanshan Robotics."

"For some other equipment, we have also invited Nanshan equipment to participate in the bidding."

"Basically, as long as Nanshan equipment can produce and has cost and technical advantages, we choose to buy from Nanshan equipment."

The cooperation between Geely Automobile and Nanshan Group is also very close.

Especially in terms of engines and transmissions, there is a tendency to expand cooperation.

Of course, this trend may change when their own engine technology comes up in a few years.

However, cooperation in other parts has been increasing.

After several years of running-in, the procurement and technical personnel of each independent brand have gradually found the rules and experience.

For the parts that Nanshan Group can provide, it is the most trouble-free and cheapest solution to buy directly from them.

Otherwise, if you buy from Bosch or Continental, the price will definitely be more expensive.

If you buy from other domestic private companies, the quality and technology must not be as good as Nanshan.

So as long as it is a relatively critical part, there is no need to tangle.

"There are also various models on the market now, but after the launch of the large SUV of Xingchen Motors, it is likely to bring a wave of large SUVs."

"I heard that both Great Wall Motors and Changan Automobile are developing 7-seater SUVs, and we are ready to enter anytime in the future."

"So when building a new factory, we need to take into account compatibility with different models."

"Don't want the production line that will be created by then, it can only produce some small cars."

Li Su's reminder was not aimless.

Although the production lines of various car companies are basically flexible production lines, they can produce many models.

But it does not mean that all models can be produced.

For example, the production line for the production of Chery QQ, if you take over the model that looks up to this level, it will not be able to produce it in all likelihood.

In some workstations, conflicts will arise directly.

"Looking up to the current reputation is really great. They can be regarded as broadening everyone's horizons, knowing the hot prospects of the 7-seater SUV segment."

"Don't worry, our new factory planning has taken this demand into consideration. As long as the models are within 5.2 meters, they can be produced normally, but the rhythm will be different."

Hou Liang and Li Su kept reporting on the situation of the new factory, and the overall atmosphere was very good.

For a company, as long as its operating conditions are thriving, many things will become easier.

On the contrary, once the situation is not good, many simple problems will become complicated.

For the people of Shanghai, this year is more difficult.

At this time, they are holding this year's supplier conference, and the atmosphere is more serious.

"Xue, last year we received a new batch of bearing orders from Shanghai Volkswagen, but the overall turnover did not increase compared to last year."

As the general manager of SKF, Golmer naturally came to participate in the Supplier Conference of Shanghai Volkswagen today.

However, throughout 2006, although Modu Volkswagen launched some new models, the annual sales only increased by more than 1 units.

This growth rate is definitely at the bottom of all mainstream car companies.

Obviously, the development of Modu Volkswagen in China is in trouble.

"Last year our biggest orders were for the Santana and Passat, but sales of both fell."

"Especially for the Passat, its sales have been cut in half, and it hasn't reached the top [-] monthly sales list for several months."

"The most troubling thing is that the sales volume of Passat seems to continue to decline. This is not good news for us."

"Santana, the subject, is relatively old, so its styling doesn't have any advantage over the same-level models of Huaxia's own brand."

"So this year, sales have also begun to decline continuously, and there has been an accelerated decline in the past two months."

Xue Wenqiang is very familiar with the situation of the people in Shanghai.

Volkswagen used to be their largest customer in the automotive industry.

It is still the same now.

However, he is obviously not very optimistic about the future of the people in Shanghai.

"Didn't the Huaxia auto market increase by [-]% last year?"

"Why is it that the Passat and Santana of Shanghai Volkswagen have fallen so sharply?"

Golmer actually has the answer in his heart. After all, he has seen news about Passat's crash test and the like.

It's just hard to accept this situation in my heart.

Xue Wenqiang naturally knew that Golmer knew the answer, but he still had to answer the boss's question.

"The word-of-mouth of Huaxia's own brand has risen very rapidly in the past two years. The previous situation of poor motivation, poor quality, and ugly appearance is gone forever."

"Throughout 2006, the market share of China's self-owned brand car companies has risen sharply. According to this trend, it is estimated that in three to five years, the market share of self-owned brands will be on par with joint venture car companies."

"Golmo, I think the company's business in China is likely to shrink further in the future."

"Independent brand car companies either use Nanshan bearings, or use products from local companies such as universal bearings or Renben bearings."

"It's very difficult for us to compete with them."

When Xue Wenqiang said this, he naturally hoped that Holm would not set such a high performance target for himself in 2007.

Otherwise, life will be very difficult.

For a sales manager of a European and American supplier, his income is still clearly linked to his performance.

On the contrary, the sales of Japanese parts supply is basically the role of a merchandiser.

Whether they get new orders or how their turnover changes has nothing to do with their wages.

At most, when the year-end bonus of the whole company changes, they will change along with it.

"Five years ago, Volkswagen's market share in China was as high as 40%, but now it is less than half."

"If this continues, our situation in China will indeed become more and more difficult."

"I just don't know if the situation will change after Volkswagen's new-generation models are launched one after another."

Holmes also looked sad.

It's not a good day.

Of course, the entire automobile industry is growing, and certainly not all manufacturers are like SKF. .

The situation at Huaqiang Factory in Yangcheng is completely different.

"Brother, it seems that we are right to allocate more resources to self-owned brand car companies. Last year, the turnover contributed by car companies such as Great Wall Motor and BYD Auto increased by [-]%."

"On the contrary, the people of Shanghai, who had placed high hopes before, made very little contribution."

Hot stamping parts have now begun to become a solution that many car companies are considering.

The people of Modu are no exception.

Their first models used hot stamped parts from BENTELER.

But Benteler's price was too high, so some parts were given to Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory to produce.

Even when the parts of Nanshan Group were cleared last year, the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory was not greatly affected.

"That's true. Shanghai Volkswagen will only have two new cars next year, the Skoda Octavia and the Cross Polo. These two cars don't look like models that can sell in volume."

"The sales of Passat and Santana, the former pillars of sales, have been declining."

"I estimate that next year, Shanghai Volkswagen's sales will not only fail to achieve growth, but may actually decline."

"In the future, they will inquire about new projects, and we don't need to offer low prices just to get the bill."

"Ask the other party about the cost of Benteler. We only need to lower the cost of Benteler appropriately."

"It's the best if you can get the order, if you can't get it, forget it."

Guo Shuyin is very aware of the conflict between Volkswagen and Nanshan Group.

In this case, although he will not directly stop doing business with Volkswagen, he definitely does not have the idea of ​​providing low-cost parts.

Anyway, the quality of their parts will not be worse than Bentler's, and he has the confidence to get more orders from other customers.

In the whole country, only Benteler and Yangcheng Fuqiang Factory can mass produce and supply hot stamping parts.

Other capable manufacturers are either still observing or just guarding their own one-acre three-point land.

For example, the Spring City Fourth Ring Factory and the Spring City Stamping Factory basically rely on the Spring City Motor Group for food.

The hot stamping production lines and molds they imported from Nanshan Group are currently serving the group's customers.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

"The last time I chatted with Minister Zeng Tingting, she was more optimistic about the prospects of Chang'an Automobile."

"Changan Automobile also wants to invite us to invest in a hot stamping plant in Shuangqing City."

"Brother, I think we should go there after the Spring Festival and have a good communication with Chang'an Automobile."

"If they can guarantee the order demand of our new factory, I think it is not impossible to invest and build a factory there."

"The logistics cost saved alone is worth at least tens of dollars per car."

When Guo Shufu said this, Guo Shuyin agreed without much hesitation.

The main domestic independent brand car companies, in addition to companies related to Chuncheng Automobile Group, are mainly Great Wall, Chery, Geely, BYD, Changan and others.

Now Yangcheng Fuqiang Factory has a factory next to Great Wall Motors, and also has factories in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.

It would be more appropriate to set up a factory in the southwest region.

At that time, it will be relatively close not only to Shuzhou but also to Xifeng Group for supply.


Buyers can often feel the changes in suppliers' attitudes directly.

At the banquet that night, Li Jianfeng felt the impact of the company's poor prospects from the attitudes and content of the toasts of various manufacturers.

"Bu Defan, at the headquarters of Volkswagen, have you considered launching more global models?"

"Especially for SUV models, I think the market demand is growing."

Li Jianfeng came directly in front of Bu Defan and started complaining because of his drunkenness.

"Li, don't worry, there is a full plan at the headquarters."

When Bu Defan said this, his heart felt guilty.

Although Volkswagen earns a lot of money from China every year, it really doesn't take Chinese consumers seriously.

The most typical one is Chuncheng Volkswagen, Jetta, Bora, Sagitar, and New Bora. This is four generations under one roof.

In Germany, these models are just different replacements of Jetta.

But when it comes to China, they keep selling outdated products.

In this regard, Volkswagen is really not doing well.

"Plan? The plan of the Volkswagen headquarters is to give the new Passat to Spring City Volkswagen and continue to sell it under the Magotan name?"

"Then after replacing a few parts of our own Passat with hot stamping, do you think it can continue to be sold?"

"Not to mention the similar products of China's self-owned brand car companies, such as GM's Excelle, Toyota's Camry, Ford's Mondeo, and Nissan's Teana, we can't beat them all."

"If things go on like this, let alone achieve 2007% growth in 20, it will be very difficult for sales to keep from falling."

Li Jianfeng's words are definitely from the heart.

In his view, the situation this year is very grim.

As the real and only new product of Modu Volkswagen this year, the Skoda Octavia will not be available until the second quarter of this year.

In other words, Modu Volkswagen will largely rely on its original products to compete in the market this year.

So after 2007, it became the main tone of the public in Shanghai.

The point is that Li Jianfeng felt that he couldn't make it through.

"Li, the Olympic Games are getting closer and closer. Volkswagen will work with its two partners in China to fully promote the products."

"I believe that even the current old models can bring great appeal to Chinese consumers."

"There is still hope that sales will continue to rise by then."

Bu Defan's words were, to a certain extent, the thoughts of many people in the German public.

In the past 20 years, Volkswagen has not launched several real new models in China.

But isn't it also good?
Even now, there are already so many auto companies in China, and the sales volume of North and South Volkswagen is still firmly sitting at the top of the market.

At most, the advantage is not so obvious.


"If Volkswagen doesn't launch several brand-new competitive models, then China's No. [-] position will soon be taken away by Shanghai GM, or even by China's own brand car companies."

"Look at BYD, Great Wall Motors, and Changan Automobile. What new models have they launched or will they launch in the past few years?"

"If the situation changes faster, perhaps after 2007, North and South Volkswagen may not be able to find their shadows in the top three car companies, let alone maintain the number one market in China."

Li Jianfeng drank a lot of wine this evening.

So the words are naturally more direct and more numerous.

Fortunately, other colleagues pulled him away soon, otherwise Bu Defan would be so stunned that he couldn't get off the stage.

Even so, what Li Jianfeng said was heard by many people.

A sense of sadness hangs over the dinner party of the Shanghai Volkswagen Supplier Conference.


"Mr. Cao, is it true that none of the OEM's supplier conferences will participate this year?"

Nanshan Group, although it is already winter, the temperature is not low at all.

Cao Yang stayed in the office and was unwilling to attend various conferences.

Even Nanshan Group's own supplier conference was not held at all.

"If you go to the east house and not the west house, people still have opinions, so just don't go at all."

"You can go on behalf of the company. If you can't do it, let Mr. Rao go with you."

Cao Yang participated in a lot of supplier conferences in the first year of Star Motors.

The purpose is not to let the customer have any special ideas.

Now that Xingchen Automobile has been established for several years, this worry is naturally unnecessary.

"The joint venture car company may not have any special ideas about whether you will participate in the supplier conference."

"However, some self-owned brand car companies actually hope that you can participate."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang could understand the reason.

The cooperation between Nanshan Group and its own brands is obviously closer now, but the cooperation with other joint venture car companies is getting worse and worse.

Yangcheng Toyota, Yangcheng Honda and other Japanese car companies will not be mentioned, and the relationship with Volkswagen has also broken down.

As for Mercedes-Benz and BMW, it has not been easy from beginning to end.

"Our Xingkong sports car will be launched soon, and the research and development of Xingchen [-] is also in full swing."

"Besides, at the end of each year, every company has a bunch of summary meetings to hold."

"Next week, our group's summary meeting will also be held, and now we don't have so much time to attend various retreat meetings."

Cao Yang's attitude is relatively firm.

If you say no, you won't go.

For example, some retreat meetings held by government departments, he may still need to see if he can attend according to the situation.

He is not interested in supplier conferences held by OEMs.

In the past two years, Cao Yang didn't even attend some award ceremonies.

How can you go to this kind of meeting?
Just like the CATL of later generations, as a leader in the domestic battery industry, it supplies almost all major OEMs.

But how many times have you seen someone else's former boss go to which customer's supplier conference?

That is to visit other people's factories on-site. If the level is not enough, there is no chance to see the shadow of the boss.

Nanshan Group now has a little meaning in it.

"That's true."

"Last year, the domestic auto market has changed a lot, especially the development of self-owned brands is very different."

"We really need to combine this situation and think carefully about our future development strategy."

When Cao Yang mentioned the summary meeting of Nanshan Group next week, Zeng Tingting immediately stopped worrying about the supplier meeting.

As the person in charge of the sales department, she also has a lot to report at the summary meeting.

"Last year, we cooperated with various independent brands to promote Nanshan engine and Nanshan gearbox, and it seems that it has had a certain effect."

"In JD Power's various evaluation indexes, the performance of self-owned brands has improved very quickly."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting immediately thought of an article by Autohome.

JD Power is a provider of consumer insights, market research and consulting, data and analytics services.

JD Power collects consumer feedback information from users on many products and services.

JD Power has been highly recognized in the global business community in terms of automotive user satisfaction index, and its survey and research strength in the global and domestic auto industry is second to none.

Although many consumers actually don't care much about this thing, OEMs themselves do.

Sometimes these evaluation results are even used as a publicity gimmick.

"In terms of new car quality research (IQS), I think three of the top ten cars are products of independent brand car companies."

"BYD's S6, Geely Emgrand and Great Wall's H6 are all among them."

"This was something that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago."

"In this, our engine and gearbox have made a lot of contributions."

"At that time, in some introduction materials of the sales department, we can also make some updates based on this information."

Zeng Tingting is very smart. When Cao Yang mentioned JD Power, she immediately connected with her business.

Although Nanshan engine and Nanshan gearbox are not worried about selling now, there is no harm in getting a better reputation.

"IQS is basically the most important item among various evaluation indicators. It is indeed a good thing that self-owned brands can continue to improve."

"We can work together with various OEMs to see which IQS items can help them improve."

"Maybe there are some new order opportunities in it."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting's eyes lit up immediately.

Why didn't I think of this idea before.

Negating the original supplier in terms of quality allowed Nanshan Group to enter the production of more parts.

This is definitely a good thing.

"When you say that, I really have some impressions."

"Not to mention other parts, it seems that there are many articles that can be done in terms of the hollow stabilizer bar alone."

"In the other parts, it is also worth expanding the market."

"Many of our products are very competitive, but because of various reasons, many customers still did not use them."

For the sale of auto parts, it is not as simple and casual as going to the vegetable market to buy meat.

In many cases, this involves a series of simultaneous developments and some strategic considerations of others.

It even involves related transactions of some automobile groups.

Just like the springs and stabilizer bars of the affiliated companies of Modu Automobile Group, most of them are produced by Huaxia Spring Factory.

This supplier is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Modu Automobile Group.

So even if the price or technology of Huaxia Spring Factory is still not as good as its competitors, companies such as Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai General Motors and Shanghai Automotive Passenger Cars will continue to use each other.

A similar situation exists with many other parts.

"New parts business, new equipment business, and new model sales, these are the three most important businesses of the group next year."

"Next week's summary meeting will also revolve around this direction."

"Go back and tidy up."

Cao Yang's words basically meant to see off the guests.

Zeng Tingting was naturally very smart, so she didn't stay any longer.

And Cao Yang, who stayed in the office, was immediately arranged by Mi Ying to attend another meeting.

"Mr. Cao, our technical solution for the 10AT automatic transmission has basically been finalized."

"From the current simulation situation, there is no major problem."

"The next step is to enter the early stage of trial production to see if there are any other problems."

"Then launch a series of tests to verify that each function meets the design requirements."

"If all goes well, then at the end of 2007, there is hope to enter the stage of small batch production."

"After a dedicated production plant is built next year, it can enter large-scale production."

The 10AT project of Nanshan Transmission has been established for some time.

Ji Hua naturally came up with a lot of technical solutions.

After several months of evaluation and screening, a preliminary and clear plan for the next step was made.

This time, Cao Yang did not directly participate in the research and development of 10AT, but asked Ji Hua to lead his own people to do it.

Although it takes a little more time, it is not meaningless at all.

"In the past one or two years, 8AT is basically enough."

"The 10AT products can wait until our Ziweixing and Yangwang are upgraded."

"So you still have plenty of time to do related verification work."

"We will also combine the research and development progress of other gearbox manufacturers, and consider in a timely manner whether to install it on the car in advance."

Sometimes technology is not as advanced as possible.

To be in business is to make money.

If the old technology has not earned enough money, the new technology sometimes does not necessarily need to be launched so early.

But research on new technologies cannot wait.

Otherwise, after being seized by others, things will not go smoothly.

"I understand, so this year we are also planning to arrange people to study CVT gearboxes. Some low-end domestic models still have demand for CVT gearboxes."

"At the same time, the gearbox used in our hybrid models is also in progress."

"At that time, we will further strengthen cooperation with Nanshan Engine, and strive to produce more products this year."

Ji Hua has been working with Cao Yang for several years, so he naturally knows Cao Yang's work style.

So in many cases, he only needs one sentence, and he can understand what he needs to do.

"Customers have demand for CVT, then we can produce CVT."

"However, Volkswagen is now mainly promoting dual-clutch, and you still need to do research on the differences with DSG gearboxes."

"In order to prevent people from attacking our automatic transmission from some tricky angles."

Cao Yang is relatively clear about the future technological development direction of various domestic car companies.

For example, Japanese car companies will basically use CVT continuously variable transmissions in the future.

However, the European and American departments of Volkswagen will slowly take the road of dual clutch.

There are still relatively few companies that have been using 6AT or 5AT.

Of course, there will always be models that need to use 8AT or 9AT.

When there are 8ATs to choose from, consumers definitely don't want a CVT.

"I will arrange for someone to do a dismantling analysis, and work with Autohome to publish some technical evaluation articles."

Ji Hua now also knows how to use the promotional window of Autohome.

They have professional technicians, and Autohome has a dedicated car dismantling workshop to provide opportunities for these professional comparisons to be displayed.

Anyway, ordinary readers don't know that Nanshan Transmission sorted out these things with the help of Nanshan Transmission, and they think that Autohome is so powerful.

"This is also a way. The technical direction is sometimes a matter of public opinion offensive."

"As long as our public opinion is well guided, many things can be changed."

"You can even communicate with the people in Autohome, and attack the models that use non-AT gearboxes on some forums."

"You provide some technical support, maybe it can have an unexpected effect."

Cao Yang also gave Ji Hua some tricks.

Technology is the core of Nanshan Group.

But in addition to technology, publicity must also keep up.

Otherwise, it is easy to suffer.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

With Cao Yang's approval, Ji Hua will naturally let go.

Then, Pan Jinxing, who was in charge of the equipment, also gave another report to Cao Yang.

"So many manufacturers want to enter the hot stamping field?"

What Pan Jinxing reported to Cao Yang today was the sales of hot stamping equipment.

So far, Nanshan Group's hot stamping equipment, in addition to selling Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, only has Spring City Fourth Ring Factory, Chuncheng Stamping Factory, and Xifeng Mold punching companies.

Other manufacturers have not released sales yet.

Obviously, Pan Jinxing now wants to discuss with Cao Yang whether to let go of the sale of hot stamping equipment in the future.

"Throughout 2006, there were a lot of uproars due to various collision problems. Whether it was Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford, or domestic car companies such as Chery, Geely and Great Wall, they all increased the hot stamping of new models. The use of molded parts."

"However, only Benteler and Yangcheng Huaqiang Stamping Factory are the only manufacturers with mass production records in the market."

"This naturally makes many other manufacturers also see opportunities."

"Even if the hot stamping lines of several suppliers, such as the Spring City Fourth Ring Factory, have started trial production in small batches, there is no way to meet future production capacity needs."

What Pan Jinxing said, Cao Yang can understand.

After all, Cao Yang was the one who made a fuss about using hot stamping parts.

"The development trend of hot stamping parts has been formed, and this should be something that many manufacturers have seen."

"In this case, the determination of these manufacturers to enter the field of hot stamping must be very firm."

"If we don't sell equipment, they will also consider importing from abroad, it's just that the cost is higher."

"Instead of giving up the equipment market to AP&T, Schwartz, and Benteler, it is better for us to make money ourselves."

"Of course, the price must be properly differentiated. When it's time to make money, don't be polite."

When Cao Yang said this, Pan Jinxing heaved a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that Cao Yang would not agree. It would be a pity to watch helplessly that five or six production lines for hot stamping and forming parts could not be accepted.

"That's natural!"

"As long as our equipment is [-]% cheaper than imported ones, it is basically enough."

"Too low is unnecessary."

"And after our equipment is sold, it will bring more orders to Nanshan Mold, and the chain reaction will not be small."

Pan Jinxing obviously made a full analysis of these orders.

He felt that selling equipment would be beneficial to the group, so he proposed it.

As for whether this will damage the interests of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, there is no way.

After all, Nanshan Group only owns [-]% of the shares of Huaqiang Factory.

"Some people have taken a fancy to the prospect of hot stamping, so naturally some people have taken a fancy to the prospect of hot stamping die."

"At that time, let He Qingquan also pay attention to see what technical personnel have been lost recently."

"The non-competition agreement that should be signed, don't be polite."

Cao Yang is willing to treat employees well and provide them with good treatment and prospects.

But there is no need to be polite to employees who eat inside and out.

The non-compete agreement may not mean much to small companies.

When big companies poach people, there must be ways to avoid these agreements.

But for big companies, if they get serious, it will be different.

"To produce hot stamping molds, a five-axis CNC machine tool is required, otherwise it would be very difficult to process the water channels in the mold."

"And only our family can produce this kind of machine tool in China."

"And if you buy it from abroad, sometimes you can't buy it with money."

"Even if it is really available, the price will be several times that of ours."

"That alone makes it impossible for them to do the cost of the hot stamping tooling."

"Besides, besides technology and equipment, we also have special steel."

"A large part of the special steel used in the hot stamping die can only be produced by Nanshan Special Steel."

Pan Jinxing's words were full of confidence.

This is not nonsense.

Having mastered the advantages of the industrial chain, as long as Nanshan Group is serious, it is really not an ordinary enterprise that can compare.

"It depends on the situation. It is impossible for Nanshan Mold to take all the orders of hot stamping molds."

"It's not completely unacceptable to put some orders out properly."

"Of course, it also depends on the cooperative relationship between everyone. We need to find a manufacturer with a tacit understanding to cooperate with."

Cao Yang has a lot of opinions on monopolizing this matter.

But if this happened in Nanshan Group, it would be his favorite.

The domestic anti-monopoly law, but until his rebirth, did not hit the board on the auto parts industry.

No need to worry at all for a short time.

Of course, when domestic companies see a profitable business, they will rush to it no matter what.

In this case, it is still difficult to satisfy the monopoly in the legal sense.

After all, when there are several competitors in the market, even if they are weak, you can't say that I have a monopoly, right?

 Send me [-] words, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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