Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 369 The shady scene in the industry is different from what ordinary people think

Chapter 369 The shady scene in the industry is different from what ordinary people think (continue to ask for a monthly pass)
At the end of each year, the topic of year-end awards for various companies is the last hot search.

This year is no exception.

This year, Nanshan Group paid 9 months of basic salary as a year-end bonus, which is a matter of proper headlines.

Numerous college students regard Nanshan Group as their ideal employment place.

For the first time, Nanshan Group was selected as one of the "Best Employers of the Year in China".

Those who did not choose to go to the Nanshan Group at the beginning probably regretted it.

"Old Zhang, you have officially entered the company as an intern at last, and you can become a full-time employee in half a year."

In a Hunan restaurant near Nanshan Industrial Park, Liang Hualong and Zhang Yingdong had dinner together.

This week was the day when Zhang Yingdong officially left school and joined Nanshan Group as an intern.

As a college classmate, Liang Hualong got an offer from Nanshan Group through campus recruitment in 2003.

Then I successfully entered the job in the second year and became a full-time employee.

Now I have been paid nearly three years, and I have more than [-] deposits on my card.

And Zhang Yingdong's grades back then were much better than Liang Hualong's, otherwise he wouldn't have been eligible to recommend graduate students.

However, as a graduate student, the projects he has done with his mentor for more than two years are actually projects in cooperation with Nanshan Group.

It is even a coincidence that these projects are all research and development projects of Liang Hualong's department.

In other words, Zhang Yingdong and Liang Hualong's work content over the past two years is actually similar.

However, Liang Hualong can commute to and from get off work normally in most cases, and does not work overtime on weekends.

But Zhang Yingdong, a graduate student, arrived at the laboratory at seven o'clock every day, and returned to the dormitory to wash and sleep at eleven o'clock in the evening, so he didn't even have time to spend with his girlfriend.

What the mentor gave Zhang Yingdong was only a few hundred yuan a month in subsidies.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yingdong was doing much more work than Liang Hualong with a fraction of Liang Hualong's income.

One can imagine how depressed he was as a graduate student.

It's like a college student graduating in 2020, if you choose to continue your postgraduate study.

Then it is very likely that you will find that the OFFER that you gave up when you were an undergraduate, you can’t get it after you have read the book for three years!

You may even be unemployed directly after graduation!
This kind of thing, who to talk to?

"Hey, don't mention it!"

"Our supervisor is still thinking about turning me into a combined master-doctoral program, so that I can stay in school for another two years."

"I'm only going to continue reading when my brain is flooded."

Zhang Yingdong said in a depressed mood.

There is no harm without comparison.

Seeing that Liang Hualong was doing well in the Nanshan Group, he was about to be promoted to a group leader now.

But he is still an intern.

Whether it is income or position, it is not a level.

Back then, Liang Hualong asked Zhang Yingdong to copy his homework every time.

Now it is very likely that Zhang Yingdong will follow Liang Hualong.

The promised 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi are less than three years.

It's already changed from east to west.

"If you want to stay in school and do scientific research, you can naturally consider a Ph.D."

"But if you don't want to stay in school, there's really no point in continuing."

"A lot of things, what I learned in Nanshan Group may be much more than what I learned in school."

"I'm not boasting. Except for you graduate students who have cooperated with Nanshan Group, many other college students, not to mention graduate students, even doctoral students majoring in automotive engineering, are not as good as I am now."

After a few glasses of wine, Liang Hualong boasted about himself unceremoniously.

Of course, to a certain extent, what he said was also true.

After all, in terms of automotive engineering, the education of many colleges and universities is indeed out of touch with the needs of enterprises.

"What kind of teacher should I be? I'm not interested in being a teacher."

"My family is now talking about some of her classmates who are already married."

"And we have nothing yet."

"If you continue to read, you don't know what it will be like."

Zhang Yingdong said a little distressed.

"That's true. Now our group has an interest-free loan policy for buying houses, but it is currently only open to employees who have been employed for more than three years."

"I will have a chance in half a year, and you will have to wait a few more years."

"If you continue to study for a Ph.D., you don't know when you can buy a house."

Liang Hualong's words pierced Zhang Yingdong's chest like a sharp knife.

The conditions of the two of them are not particularly good, and most of the down payment for buying a house needs to be raised by themselves.

Although Nanshan Group has a lot of salary and bonuses, it still takes several years to raise the down payment.

But after a few years, maybe the down payment you have prepared is no longer enough.

"I join the company now, and my basic salary is 5000 yuan. If I follow the current pace, I can get a 2007-month bonus in 10, which is 5 yuan."

"Basically, it should be no problem to save [-] to [-] yuan a year."

"My family is not going to study for a Ph. D. When the time comes, the two of us will work together, and there should be no problem buying a house."

As a graduate student, Zhang Yingdong's basic salary must be higher than Liang Hualong's.

But Liang Hualong is now the team leader, and his basic salary has reached more than 8000 yuan.

And the annual salary increase of the team leader will definitely be higher than that of ordinary employees.

Of course, he didn't tell Zhang Yingdong much about these things.

Lest the other party's mood become more depressed.

"Didn't you get a bonus before?"

"With these excellent resumes, I believe you will be able to stand out in the company soon."

"The development of Nanshan Group is very fast, and the company's future is very good."

"It is estimated that in a few years, your situation will be completely different from now."

The two are good brothers after all.

When Zhang Yingdong's situation was obviously not as good as his own, Liang Hualong was still very willing to comfort him.

"I hope so."

"Star Motors now has two mass-produced models, and the Xingkong sports car will be launched soon, and the Xingchen [-] may also be launched by the end of this year."

"At that time, there will still be more opportunities for promotion at the Star Automobile Research Institute."

Zhang Yingdong's words can be regarded as a kind of comfort to himself.

Otherwise, this day would be too uncomfortable.

There is no harm without comparison.

"Tomorrow, the company's top management will hold an annual summary meeting. After the meeting, some new actions and arrangements will be gradually clarified."

"At that time, you must study the spirit of the summary meeting carefully, don't work hard, and don't know how to look up."

"In the workplace, if you work hard like an old scalper, there will be endless work waiting for you."

"Some work skills, we can exchange more slowly in the future."

Liang Hualong didn't mind sharing his work experience with Zhang Yingdong over the past few years.

Especially why I was able to become a group leader after working for three years.

There are obviously many stories here.

"Shouldn't R&D institutions like Star Automobile Research Institute just bury their heads in technology R&D?"

"How do you feel that some things are not like that?"

Although Zhang Yingdong is half a year older than Liang Hualong.

But after staying in the ivory tower for so long, Liang Hualong must not understand some things in the workplace.

"You don't know that. The water in the research and development field is actually very deep."

"Let me make an analogy, we design a part, who will produce it, many people think that it is determined by the purchasing department."

"That's right, for some parts that are not technically difficult and whose drawings are all in charge of Xingchen Automobile, the purchasing department is basically responsible for selecting suppliers and determining prices."

"But for more parts, the supplier has already been selected during the design stage, and even the cost has been almost determined."

"For example, tires, we directly develop Michelin tires, and then say that only Michelin can meet the requirements, so what can we do with procurement?"

"They must only listen to us and ask Michelin to quote."

"As long as the R&D personnel have a good relationship with Michelin, and the other party knows that this part belongs to him, they will definitely not quote a very cheap price."

"In this way, you will understand the operating space in it."

"The research and development personnel earn a lot of money, but when investigating corruption, they only investigate the personnel in the purchasing department. I have never heard of any company's research and development personnel being arrested because of corruption."

"At least R&D personnel have more risks in this aspect than the procurement department."

We are all old classmates, so Liang Hualong naturally doesn't mind telling Zhang Yingdong some inside stories and unspoken rules.


"R&D personnel have such great rights, are they so lucrative?"

Obviously, what Liang Hualong said overturned Zhang Yingdong's cognition.

In his opinion, the procurement department has the most oil and water.

Why, in the eyes of Liang Hualong, it seems that the water for research and development is deeper.

"You are typical layman thinking."

"Let me tell you, although the purchasing department is considered a sensitive position, the water inside is relatively deep."

"But when it comes to the procurement of auto parts, there is actually not as much room for manipulation as you might think."

"Unless the R&D personnel and financial personnel are connected together with the purchasers, otherwise the purchasing department alone will not have as many rights and benefits as you imagine."

"Of course, I'm not saying that the procurement department doesn't have any room for maneuver. That's definitely wrong."

"After all, whether a part costs ten yuan or 11 yuan, there is no absolute standard."

Liang Hualong continued to share his experience with Zhang Yingdong.

And seeing that Zhang Yingdong, who had much better academic performance than himself and was recommended to graduate students, listened carefully to himself talking about the inside story of the workplace like a primary school student, Liang Hualong also felt full of accomplishment.

"I tell you."

"In addition to research and development and procurement, there are actually many departments in the company that are actually more vulnerable to investigation."

"Like the sales department, there is no absolute standard for whether an advertisement is 100 million or 200 million."

"Whether the effect of an advertisement is good or bad, most of the time there is no way to quantify it."

"Besides, when you send cars to various 4S stores, are you sending out popular models that will be sold at a higher price, or are you sending out unpopular models?"

"There is also a lot of room for manipulation here. The boss of 4S is not allowed to express it in order to mention a car that is easy to sell?"

"In this case, the water inside is even deeper."

"Our company should be doing relatively well in this regard, but the sales departments of some other companies are not like that."

After Liang Hualong finished talking about R&D and procurement, he turned around and talked about sales again.

In his view, many laymen's understandings of automobile companies are inaccurate.

"According to what you said, sales is the deepest water?"

Zhang Yingdong echoed from the side.

But Liang Hualong's answer is very interesting.

"You can't say it's wrong."

"However, there are still some departments. Although the amount involved is not as large as that of the sales department and the purchasing department, their eating habits are sometimes even uglier."

"For example, the General Affairs Department, they are responsible for some miscellaneous things."

"Let me just give you an example, just say that the annual employee medical examination, which medical examination institution to choose to cooperate with, there are too many tricks in it."

"There are tens of thousands of employees, and a budget of several hundred yuan per person."

"Even if it's a kickback of 50 yuan from one person, that's a big deal."

"Another example is some benefits provided by the trade union. They specially select some products that are rare in the market, and you can't figure out the inflated prices."

"If there is nothing wrong with it, no one will believe it."

"Of course, I'm talking about other companies' unions."

"In our Nanshan Group, the chairman of the labor union is Mr. Cao's mother. She definitely won't have any ideas about this."

Liang Hualong analyzed with Zhang Yingdong one by one, constantly overturning his cognition.

Zhang Yingdong, who has just entered the workplace, is completely aware of the difference between the workplace and school.

From this perspective, tonight's meal is still very meaningful to Zhang Yingdong.


"Mr. Zhou, the annual price reduction targets announced by the two Volkswagens at the supplier conference this year are both 8%, which is too exaggerated."

When the supplier conferences of various OEMs are being held one after another, the topic of annual price reduction will inevitably appear in front of various suppliers.

This topic, under normal circumstances, is rarely heard by ordinary people.

Only when the industry is in a recession and the pressure on OEMs and suppliers is great.

Related contradictions will be exposed.

Ordinary people can start to see news on the Internet that some suppliers complain that OEMs have cut prices too hard.

In previous years, the price reduction target released by North and South Volkswagen was generally 5%, but the actual price reduction was mostly 3%~5%.

For some strong suppliers, it may only be a symbolic price reduction of one or two points.

"The goals they post are the goals, and the actual correspondence is the actual correspondence."

"Whether the 8% goal can be achieved or not, they know it well."

Zhou Ling is not particularly worried about the annual decline of the North and South Volkswagen.

Thanks to Xingyu's leading position in LED headlights, their voice in the automotive lighting industry has risen rapidly.

And the headlights are different from ordinary parts.

Parts such as ESP and airbags will change only after the model is replaced.

This cycle basically takes five or six years.

In these five or six years, car companies will generally launch at least one annual facelift model.

Those things like headlights, bumpers, wheels, etc. have changed a little bit.

Then it is said that the new 2007 xx model is on the market, but there is actually no change.

This is a good thing and a bad thing for car lighting companies.

The good thing is their price, which basically needs to be re-quoted every two or three years.

What is the impact?

It is easy to understand with a specific example.

For the same 1000 yuan part, there is generally no need for a corresponding annual price reduction in the first year of mass production.

Then in the second year, corresponding to a 5% price reduction, the price becomes 950 yuan, and in the third year, corresponding to a 5% price reduction, the price is 902.5 yuan.

And maybe just a few months into the third year, the so-called all-new 2007 xx model hits the market.

The car light is a new design, and the quotation is re-quoted. The price may return to 1000 yuan, or even more expensive.

In this case, the annual price reduction will not have such a big impact on the profit margin of lamp parts.

On the contrary, if it is an airbag, then the price will be reduced by 5% in the fourth year, and the price will become 857.38 yuan.

There is still a price cut for the fifth year, and the price becomes 814.51 yuan.

If the OEM extends the life cycle of this model by one or two years, then you will have to reduce the price in the sixth and seventh years.

The pressure came up immediately.

How many parts can have a profit of more than 20% for you to reduce the price?

So most of the time, the first or second year, the supplier is still making money on the parts.

Basically no money will be made in the third and fourth years, and you may lose money in the fifth year.

Of course, this refers to a specific part.

A company must have many parts in production, and the situation of each part is different, so it needs to be looked at comprehensively.

"The goal of 8% is of course just a number for companies like Bosch and Continental."

"Volkswagen also knows that these international auto parts giants cannot cut prices so much."

"However, for domestic manufacturers with relatively weak voice, or manufacturers with sufficient competition, they will force us to agree."

"Even if we disagree, they will directly deduct 8% from the payment."

Zhou Wenjing, as the director of the Xingyu Auto Lighting Sales Department, must have a better understanding of the OEM than Zhou Ling, the general manager.

Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, find a soft persimmon to pinch.

It's almost human nature.

She has encountered too many similar cases.

"In the past, our Xingyu car lights had very weak voice, and there was no room to refute the demands made by OEMs."

"However, a price reduction target of 8% is obviously too much, and it is impossible for us to agree."

"If we agree to Volkswagen's 8% price reduction request today, car companies such as GM, Geely, and Chery will all ask us to lower their prices tomorrow."

"Then how long can our company survive?"

When Zhou Ling said this, Zhou Wenjing naturally understood the reason.

But the truth is the truth, sometimes people don't reason with you.

"Parts such as stamping parts and resin parts are basically produced by domestic suppliers."

"Our car lights, as well as universal bearings and other parts, are also of similar nature."

"Even if everyone has an opinion, they don't dare to say no directly."

"This year's annual drop negotiations will definitely be painful."

Zhou Wenjing sighed, feeling that life in 2007 was difficult.

"In this way, you can negotiate with others from a different angle."

"Volkswagen set such a high price reduction requirement this year. The reason they gave was that sales were not so good, the market competition was fierce, and car prices were falling. In order to ensure sales, the entire supply chain needed to work together."

"Then let's talk to them from a different angle."

"In the past two years, due to the research and development of LED headlight technology and xenon headlight technology, our Xingyu car lights have invested a lot of money."

"At the same time, we also borrowed a large amount of money from the bank to build a new factory, and the annual interest is very large."

"In addition, material manufacturers not only do not lower prices for us, but are also preparing to increase prices. We hope that they can bear a part of the material increase amount for us."

"In short, if someone asks you to lower the price, you should talk to them about raising the price."

"Ultimately look at their reaction and then consider the next step."

"Of course, although our attitude must be firm, the tone of the negotiation can be moderately slowed down."

"After all, we still have to take care of Party A's face."

Zhou Ling began to give advice to Zhou Wenjing.

The relationship between suppliers and OEMs is a game.

If you take a step back, others will take a step forward.

Conversely, if you take a step forward, others may take a step back.

It is useless to just blindly say that the requirements are high.

You have to ask some specific questions.

Of course, the premise is that you have your own technology, and there is no way for others to replace you easily.

Otherwise, just open point B and see if you cut the price or not.

The procurement department of BYD in later generations is the most proficient at playing A/B/C points.

Look for manufacturer A to develop a certain part together, and the cost is 100 yuan.

Turn around and take the drawings to find manufacturer B for production, 90 yuan.

If manufacturer A does not lower the price to 90 yuan, then the main amount will be given to manufacturer B, and only a small amount will be reserved for manufacturer A.

Even if manufacturer B can't meet their requirements, then manufacturer C will appear.

In this case, no one would believe that there is no impact on the quality of parts.

It can only be said that the main parts are made by themselves. If there are no major problems, even if some other parts have problems, it is not so obvious.

In other words, the probability of problems with many parts itself is very low.

Other manufacturers just paid a lot of extra money to make this very low probability 0.

"Then I will arrange for someone to collect and sort out the relevant materials. I guess they will ask us to report on the annual price reduction plan after the Spring Festival."

After listening to Zhou Ling's words, Zhou Wenjing was slightly relieved.

But the pressure is still not small.

As if feeling Zhou Wenjing's thoughts, Zhou Ling said again: "We are the only ones who can make LED headlights in China now. Hella, Koito and other headlight manufacturers have also quickly followed up the LED headlight technology, but Their cost must be much higher than ours."

"When we quote in the future, we can directly quote two prices."

"One is the price corresponding to an 8% annual drop, and an additional 15% increase directly in it."

"The other one is to let Volkswagen's purchasers choose which price to use corresponding to the normal 3% annual price drop."

"Anyway, I don't believe that manufacturers like Hella can achieve cheaper prices than us under the same circumstances."

Obviously, Zhou Ling's move is to take the initiative to throw the problem back to Volkswagen.

When suppliers and OEMs deal with purchasing, it is too common to play football with each other.

When not talking about cost, we are all good friends.

When it comes to cost, it's not good business.

The ass decides the head.

"It should be okay like this. We really can't always follow the various weird requirements from the OEM, otherwise we won't be able to continue our work."

Zhou Wenjing couldn't help but complain.

"Oh? Are there any other weird requests?"

For her niece, Zhou Ling was quite concerned, so she followed her words to save face.

"Let me tell you, it was an incident that happened some time ago, which made people very speechless."

Zhou Wenjing seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes immediately became gossip.

"Modu GM has launched a discount car purchase activity for employees. For a model that is not selling very well, a 7% discount is given to the car purchase activity, which is considered a benefit."

"A manager of supplier quality management also got an index for a preferential car purchase."

"Then he determined the body number of his own car through internal relations."

"Then it's going to be interesting."

"He called all the main suppliers to a meeting. At the meeting, he specifically asked that all suppliers should pay close attention to the online status of the parts corresponding to the body number of this car."

"The parts sent must be carefully selected and of the best quality."

"I also went to find out how he implemented this idea."

When Zhou Wenjing said this, Zhou Ling's interest really came.

These stories were good conversation pieces at parties, and it wouldn't hurt her to know more about them.

"It should be very troublesome to implement this request, right?"

Zhou Ling thought quickly in her mind and made a judgment.

"Yes, it is very troublesome, but it is not impossible."

"For example, after the engine comes out of their internal engine factory, choose the best bench data among the 10 products to correspond to this body."

"Then require the manufacturers of the front and rear subframes to fully inspect all parts, and require all tolerances to be in the middle of the tolerance zone."

"What's even more exaggerated is that he also asked the supplier of the instrument panel and navigation parts to replace the parts with the most high-end version with the parts without navigation in the low-end version he chose."

"The seat also replaced the low-end flannel seat with the top-end leather seat."

"Relevant wiring harness and other supporting parts manufacturers have also been specially greeted."

"It's equivalent to the manager paying a 7% discount to buy the lowest-equipped beggar version, but in fact the car he got is indeed a top-end car."

"The difference between the beggar's version and the top version is already tens of thousands of dollars."

"Then if there is another 5% discount on the beggar's version, it means that he only paid the price of the top model, which is less than [-]% off, and took the car back."

When Zhou Wenjing said this, Zhou Ling was also stunned.

Can there be such an operation?
Or did it happen in the magic capital?

This is too fantastical, isn't it?
If it happened to an independent brand car company, she would understand better.

"Such a complicated operation, a manager of the quality department, can't handle it?"

"It will be known by others casually."

"After all, GM's production site management is also very strict. You can't just replace a part and install it."

Zhou Ling couldn't help asking back.

"You are right. This situation is definitely not perfect. No one knows."

"So this matter was eventually complained to by a supplier, and the manager's leader was directly told."

When Zhou Wenjing said this, the expression on her face became richer, which made Zhou Ling's heart itch, "Then what? Then what happened?"

"Mr. Zhou, let me tell you that reality is sometimes more exciting than fiction." What Zhou Wenjing was going to say next was obviously different from what most people imagined, otherwise she wouldn't have said it.

"After the manager was complained, nothing happened."

"Even this approach has directly become an unspoken rule within Modu GM."

"Of course, only managers and above can enjoy this kind of treatment."

"In the next month, there will be seven or eight cases of this kind of situation."

"Many managers didn't do this before. After hearing about this, they still regretted it."

"The supplier who complained was recently called to make a separate report because the delivery status of the parts did not match the drawings."

Hearing what Zhou Wenjing said, Zhou Ling was a little speechless.

"Besides this weird thing, there are other messes, you can tell them together."

It was rare that Zhou Wenjing talked to her about this kind of industry shady today, and Zhou Ling's interest was aroused.

"There are quite a few."

"Let me tell you one more thing that is common in the capital city."

"They are in charge of mold audit, no matter what type of mold they are auditing, if they want to pass this audit, there is a clear standard, that is, 5000 yuan to sign and approve a pair of molds."

"Unless you're the kind of international auto parts giant, the other side knows it's impossible to succeed."

"If not, if you don't pay the money privately, the other party will definitely have various ways to make your mold fail to pass the inspection."

"It's not that the accuracy here is not up to standard, it's that the structural design over there is unreasonable."

"Anyway, there is always a way to make you lose your temper."

"What's even more exaggerated is that these people come from time to time and hope to go to parties and sing."

"The ones that go there are still the ones that sing with the princess."

"When the bill is about to be paid, just call a certain domestic supplier over."

"They don't say they are asking you to come and pay the bill, they just say they are inviting you to have a drink together."

"But as long as the person in charge of sales sees that scene, they will naturally know what it means."

"For these tens of thousands of dollars, I can only pay the bill silently."

"If the suppliers are making a lot of money from them, they won't mind the money."

"After all, people don't call him, and the supplier still wants to find an opportunity to actively invite customers to participate in this kind of event."

"However, some manufacturers whose transaction volume is not very large and have not made much money can't stand this situation."

"You may only earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in a year, but in the end you will give gifts here and pay for them there. After a year, you will be in vain."

The more Zhou Wenjing talked, the more excited she became.

As the head of the sales department, she has obviously encountered or heard of many similar things.

There is sometimes some contact between the heads of the sales department of various suppliers.

After talking at the dinner table, it is natural to talk about some strange behaviors of customers.

Make fun of each other.

"Suppliers should complain about this kind of thing, right?"

Zhou Ling asked a little uncertainly.


"Who dares to complain?"

"There was once a supplier who talked about this matter with the person in charge of the department on the sidelines, but the other party directly stated that he knew about this situation."

"It made people hold back everything they wanted to say next."

Zhou Wenjing curled her lips, obviously having some opinions on this situation.

"I've heard that Germans don't usually collect money and are not willing to participate in such activities. Is the situation with Volkswagen better?"

"The Koreans are lustful, and seducing them with sex can often achieve good results."

"Americans are rich, as long as they are willing to spend money, most things can be done."

"The Germans are actually pretty much the same."

"There was a supplier who was in charge of their German quality director. He was rigorous and meticulous in his work, and it was difficult to accommodate. As a result, their product qualification rate dropped greatly, and the scrap rate was high. There was no way to make money at all."

"After an internal meeting among their senior management, they decided to hire a 70-year-old German old master as the customer quality director."

"Since then, this supplier has never had any quality problems, and even won the Quality Excellence Award that year."

When Zhou Wenjing said this, Zhou Ling asked in surprise, "Isn't it? If the effect of hiring a German is so great, then every supplier will do it like this."

"Why not? The key is that this German was the highest quality person in charge of the public in Shanghai before retiring."

Zhou Ling: ...


Zhou Ling understands everything!

Sure enough, no matter what industry it is, there are many shady people.

It's just that ordinary people don't necessarily understand it.

"Mr. Zhou, let me tell you that the domestic auto industry is developing rapidly, and the attitudes of various OEMs towards suppliers are very strong."

"Except for particularly powerful manufacturers like Bosch and Continental, they will restrain themselves a little bit, but that's not the case for other manufacturers."

"Just last week, I heard something that made me a little speechless."

"The Skoda Octavia of Modu Volkswagen is conducting experiments at a temperature of minus [-] to [-] degrees on the Mo/he side."

"There was a problem with a supplier's supercharger. The Volkswagen supplier immediately called and asked the supplier to fly over with new parts."

"The supplier passed by immediately the next day, and in the greenhouse, the engineers of Modu Volkswagen had already completed the preparation of other parts."

"Then I drove the car out of the greenhouse, and asked the engineer of the supplier in question to replace the new parts with bare hands outside at tens of degrees below zero."

"The purpose is to save a little heating costs."

"The supplier is also very helpless and can only follow suit."

"Actually, are they really that short of heating costs? Not at all!"

"It's nothing more than those engineers who feel that they are Party A and are so arrogant that they don't take suppliers seriously."

"The funniest thing turned out to be not a problem with the supplier, but a problem with another competitor."

"Who are you talking about?"

Zhou Wenjing's interest was already on the rise, and Zhou Ling didn't need to ask any more questions, just gossiped about another story.

"Besides, the supplier of Chuncheng Cars that produces exhaust pipes once took an order from the other party."

"Then the other party directly asked them to go to the designated secondary supplier to purchase the components."

"For the same component, other manufacturers may sell it for 5 yuan, but the designated manufacturer will sell it for 10 yuan."

"If you don't go to the designated manufacturer to buy, then either you can't get the order, or your quality will have problems."

"The difference depends on whether the purchaser or the quality person asks you to go to the designated manufacturer to buy."

"Most of the headlight parts we make are components produced by the factory itself, and there are not many outsourced parts."

"Those raw materials are often Big Macs, and they are not related to the OEMs."

"So there are not too many similar things encountered in these years, but it is not uncommon to help pay bills and the like."

"Otherwise, why should our sales expenses increase every year?"

Zhou Wenjing talked about a lot of shady scenes in the industry, which made Zhou Ling, the general manager, re-acquainted with the automobile industry.

Generally speaking, conflicts or quarrels between OEMs and suppliers occur at the middle or lower levels.

When it comes to communication between senior leaders, they often appear in harmony, as if everyone is really a close partner.

So the things Zhou Ling came into contact with were really not as many as Zhou Wenjing.

Zhou Wenjing usually finds Zhou Ling to complain about some things.

That is to say, when this topic was brought up today, she just spoke out all the information she had learned.

"Some things in the industry, we want to change is very difficult."

"If you want to make your life more comfortable, the most important thing is to master the core technology."

"At that time, like Nanshan Group, if we take the route of relying on technology to take orders, the attitude of OEMs towards us will definitely change."

"Whether it's the negotiation of price reduction or the communication of other daily matters, it will have an impact."

What can Zhou Ling say?

I can't say anything!

She can never change things in the industry.

She couldn't even say that the company would ignore these unspoken rules in the future.

Because if it is done like this, it is estimated that it will not take long for their products to have a lot of problems such as defective rate and customer complaints.

(End of this chapter)

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