Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 370 Gu 2006, full harvest

Chapter 370 Looking back on 2006, a lot of harvest

At the beginning of January every year, Nanshan Group will hold a summary meeting of senior executives.

This year is no exception.

In the Golden Leaf Hot Spring Resort Hotel below Baishuizhai, a group of executives from Nanshan Group are summing up the achievements and experience of the past year in the meeting room, and planning major projects for 2007.

As in previous years, at this year's summary meeting, Dong Shengnan from the Finance Department will first share with you the operating status of the group.

"Mr. Cao, in 2006, when the entire group does not include Nanshan Investment, the total turnover of each business division exceeded 800 billion, reaching 842 billion, a year-on-year increase of more than 40%, far exceeding the forecast at the beginning of the year."

As soon as Dong Shengnan came up, he shared the results with everyone.

After everyone heard the result, they were also quite excited.

It broke 2006 billion in 800, is it still a problem to break 2007 billion in 1000?

"As in previous years, the turnover of Nanshan Transmission is still the largest in the group. Whether it is domestic sales or export sales, it has created a new high. The sales volume of various transmissions has reached 352 million, and the turnover is historic. reached 258 billion yuan."'

"Just taking out the Nanshan gearbox, it is already at the top of the list of China's top [-] industries."

"Nanshan gearbox is also recognized as a famous brand product in China, and its brand influence is rising rapidly."

Dong Shengnan is very satisfied with Nanshan gearbox.

A single company contributed more than [-]% of the group's turnover and profits, and also won a huge reputation for the company.

"Among the business divisions of the group, Nanshan Special Steel ranks second."

"Throughout 2006, the second phase of the expansion project of Nanshan Special Steel was successfully completed. Against the background of Huaxia Iron and Steel's overcapacity, it is extremely rare for products to be in short supply."

"The annual turnover also reached 134 billion yuan, and the profit margin is significantly higher than other business divisions."

The scale of Nanshan Special Steel is definitely not even in the top ten in China.

Even ordinary people, few people know that there is such a company.

But in the iron and steel industry, especially in the field of special steel, Nanshan Special Steel is well-known.

Now some European and American component companies have also begun to purchase materials from Nanshan Special Steel.

This is also a huge breakthrough.

Crude steel such as other people's rebar, which costs two to three thousand yuan per ton, is not easy to sell.

However, most of the products of Nanshan Special Steel cost more than 1 yuan per ton.

Many of them are products that cost tens of thousands of yuan per ton.

Even the price of some high-end products has reached the point of 10,000+ yuan per ton.

In this case, the profit margin is naturally very large.

After all, the product quality of Nanshan Special Pipe is better than others, and as long as the price is not higher than imported materials, there is basically no need to worry that no one will buy it.

"In addition to Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan special steel, the most outstanding performance this year is Nanshan engine."

"Not only the 1.5T and 2.0T engines won the title of Ward's Top Ten, but the sales of the complete engine reached 82 units."

"If the engine components exported to Ford and General Motors companies are included, the turnover of Nanshan Engine this year can reach 112 billion yuan."

"It is only 22 billion lower than Nanshan Special Steel."

"And the spare parts business of Nanshan Engine is expected to usher in an explosive growth in 2007."

"Ford and General Motors installed products using our engine technology on several models in late 2006."

"At that time, the turnover of Nanshan Engine may bring you a huge surprise."

When Dong Shengnan said this, Cheng Tao, the general manager of Nanshan Engine, couldn't help standing up straight, his face was full of joy.

Although the credit is not his alone, but in any case, he is the general manager of Nanshan Engine and enjoys the most benefits.

"Nanshan Auto Parts, which also performed well, has made many breakthroughs this year."

"On the one hand, thanks to the continuous growth of Ford transmission parts, the bearing and gear business reached a turnover of 82 billion."

"At the same time, the growth rate of domestic independent brand car companies this year, whether it is BYD, Great Wall, Geely, Changan, or Chery and Chuncheng Automobile Group, is higher than the industry average."

"In addition to the significant increase in the number of products equipped with Nanshan auto parts on the new models of various car companies, the turnover directly increased by 35%, reaching 103 billion yuan."

The auto parts business is the starting business of Nanshan Group.

Its development has naturally received Cao Yang's attention and support.

If the business of bearings and gears supplied to gearboxes is combined with other parts business, it will directly reach 191 billion yuan, which is directly the second position of Nanshan Group.

However, it is precisely because Nanshan Transmission is firmly seated in the position of the boss, so the components of the transmission supplied to OEMs such as Ford Motor are not continued to be counted as Nanshan Transmission.

"The realization of Nanshan Mold is relatively stable, and the growth rate is basically consistent with the overall growth rate of the automobile industry, with a turnover of 17 billion yuan."

"The performance of Nanshan equipment last year was relatively good, especially the hot stamping production line, which has already established a reputation in China."

"The sales of machine tools used for various mold processing have also begun to open."

"Under such circumstances, Nanshan Equipment has achieved a turnover of 43 billion yuan, which is in the leading position in the domestic machine tool industry."

"As for Nanshan Robotics, in 2006 it began to usher in explosive growth."

"The annual turnover directly increased by 56%, reaching 7 million."

"The last is Star Motors, which everyone is very concerned about. Last year, it finally started to make efforts. Both Ziwei Xing and Yangwang were officially launched for sale."

When Dong Shengnan said this, everyone couldn't help but become more focused.

Among the many businesses of Nanshan Group, if there is any business that Cao Yang attaches the most importance to, it must be Xingchen Motors.

"Ziweixing achieved sales of 2006 units in 5122, more than double the planned number."

"The domestic and foreign sales basically account for half of the state, which is very rare."

"In addition, Yangwang, which just officially started delivery in December last year, has also received orders for more than 12 vehicles and completed the delivery of 1 vehicles."

"These two models alone have brought a turnover of 80 billion yuan to Xingchen Automobile."

"Next year that number is expected to grow substantially."

"In terms of Nanshan investment, Autohome, Weibo and other investment businesses will no longer be incorporated into the group's statistical reports from this year, and will be managed separately."

The reason why Nanshan Investment is left out is because Nanshan Investment is too special.

The investment in China's stock market alone has earned more than 50 billion yuan. If the turnover and profits are combined into the group, there will be many abnormalities in comparison.

This is not good for correctly judging the development of each business of the group.

Of course, the most important thing is that Nanshan Investment is directly managed by Cao Yang, even Dong Shengnan doesn't know the financial situation of Nanshan Investment.

"The turnover of other investment companies such as Nanshan BYD Semiconductor, Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, Xingyu Auto Lighting, etc. has not been counted in the group's total turnover."

"But in this case, we also achieved a year-on-year increase of 40%, which is indeed a result to be proud of."

Just after Dong Shengnan finished speaking, Cao Yang interjected, "The Group's achievement is the result of everyone's joint efforts. Let us applaud everyone's efforts."

Accompanied by Cao Yang's words, he took the lead in clapping, and the meeting room naturally immediately became full of applause.

This is indeed a result that everyone is very satisfied with.

What makes everyone more satisfied is that the amount of year-end bonus this year will be more abundant than last year.

Ordinary employees may just get an extra month's bonus.

But for these executives, that may be hundreds of thousands of extra bonuses.

This was not a small amount in 2007.

"I just told you about the turnover of each business department last year, but everyone should not be too optimistic."

"Although the group's turnover has increased by [-]%, the profit has not increased by that much."

"In addition to the reason for the increase in new factory investment and R&D investment, the profit margin of new business has not increased year-on-year is also a very important reason."

Dong Shengnan has always appeared in Nanshan Group as a cold beauty.

Even in the summary meeting, she won't always say good things.

"Last year, the business growth of Nanshan gearbox, Nanshan engine and Nanshan auto parts, the impact of independent brands is relatively large."

"However, the profit margin of orders for self-owned brands is relatively not very high."

"This is also something that needs everyone's attention."

"Some strategic products can use low-margin solutions to gain market access."

"However, the main products cannot be lower than the average profit margin of the group, or else they are not competitive enough."

"This requires the full attention of all business departments."

The finance department is often the spokesperson of the boss.

Some things that are inconvenient for the boss to do can be handed over to the finance department to do and talk about.

No company's finance department will try to get along with all the other departments anyway.

Such a minister of the finance department is destined to work soon.

"Competition in the domestic auto market is intensifying, and the prices of various models have generally been lowered, or the discounts at terminal 4S stores are increasing."

"In this case, OEMs have also increased their requirements for annual price reductions and integrated price reductions after new models are fixed."

"In this case, it is more difficult for us to continuously obtain more orders and maintain a relatively high profit margin."

Hearing Dong Shengnan's words, Zeng Tingting couldn't sit still.

If she didn't stand up and explain at this time, it would be a bit unreasonable.

"According to Mr. Cao's positioning for the group, we are taking the route of relying on technology to take orders, not simply competing for prices with other manufacturers."

"Even if we are supplying our own brands, we only need to be cheaper than those international auto parts giants like Bosch and Mainland China."

"There is absolutely no need to compare prices with domestic manufacturers. The technology and quality of their parts are not at the same level as ours."

"The best QCD does not mean that any project is better than other manufacturers in terms of quality, cost and delivery."

After hearing Zeng Tingting's words, Dong Shengnan immediately stood up and refuted.

Obviously, she is not ignorant of the domestic auto industry.

"For some parts such as ESP, the technical level of domestic manufacturers is not good enough. We only need to be cheaper than Bosch."

"But there are also some parts that domestic manufacturers can also produce."

"For parts like bearings, if our cost is too high, then our own brands will choose domestic manufacturers such as Wanxiang and Renben to produce them."

"The most obvious one is the hub bearing, which cost more than 200 yuan a piece in the early years."

"Currently, the cheapest wheel bearings on the market are less than [-] yuan each."

"Even if it is used on a mid-level car, it is about 110 yuan, which has dropped very sharply."

Zeng Tingting immediately took wheel bearings, one of the top products of Nanshan Group, as an example.

This part was once sold for 50 yuan each in order to grab orders.

That price is completely a price of material costs and processing costs, and there is no profit at all.

Even if there are various opportunities to increase the price later, the price is still relatively low, and the profit margin is limited.

It is precisely because the price of the wheel hub bearings of Nanshan Group is very low that domestic manufacturers such as Wanxiang and Renben have been unable to enter the supply of self-owned brand car companies on a large scale.

"Except for the Wanxiang and Renben mentioned by Minister Zeng, there are not many suppliers that are available in China."

"Especially those who can compete with us, there are even fewer."

"The case of hub bearings is indeed quite special."

"But there are a lot of other components, and that's not the case."

"For components such as starters, air-conditioning compressors, high-pressure oil pumps, instruments, and navigation, we have almost no competitors in China."

"It stands to reason that the business growth of these parts is enough to allow Nanshan Auto Parts business to maintain a stable profit margin."

Dong Shengnan and Zeng Tingting spent half a day in PK there.

This time Cao Yang did not speak out easily.

After all, what they both said made sense.

As a boss, sometimes you don't need to stand in line easily.

As long as the people below aren't arguing too much, it's okay to pretend you didn't see it.

"Dong Bu, Zeng Bu, let me also say a few words about the situation of Nanshan auto parts."

As the general manager of one of the core businesses of the group, Dai Hanbiao was rather embarrassed to see Dong Shengnan and Zeng Tingting arguing there.

At this time, he naturally couldn't be an ostrich.

"What the two of you said just now is actually very reasonable."

"Our Nanshan Auto Parts is indeed taking the route of relying on technology to take orders, but the Chinese auto industry is changing rapidly. Even for parts giants such as Bosch and Denso, their profit margins are not particularly high."

"Some of our parts, even if they have technical advantages, are only priced according to a reasonable rate of return, and we will not blindly set a price with a super high profit rate."

"Because our competitors, their own costs are also falling."

Dai Hanbiao explained while observing everyone's reactions.

"Of course, another very important reason is that we have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in researching new technology parts."

"The group spends an average of 10% of its turnover on research and development every year."

"For Nanshan Auto Parts, this ratio may be a few more points."

"Especially for some components related to electronic components, it is not enough to simply recruit some engineers during research and development. It is also necessary to purchase a large amount of professional equipment and instruments and build a special laboratory."

"These costs are ultimately amortized to the cost of parts."

"In the past two years, we have also been deeply involved in the basic research of some semiconductor-related components, preparing for the next step in the reform of the electronic communication system of Xingchen Automobile."

"At the same time, we have also innovatively proposed three major research and development directions of intelligent cockpit, automatic driving and electrified components, and strive to complete the research and development and reserve of related technologies in these fields by 2010."

"Many things in these fields are things that international auto parts giants such as Bosch and Denso have not done. They are innovative research and development work."

"I think everyone should be very clear about this kind of research and development work. The more money you burn, the more money you burn."

"But as long as we successfully form this advantage in the future, we will have a very big advantage whether it is for the sales of Xingchen Automobile or for obtaining orders from other car companies."

"And this kind of systematic advantage cannot be immediately caught up by other manufacturers in the short term."

With Dai Hanbiao's explanation, everyone has gradually gained some understanding of the situation of Nanshan Auto Parts.

Since Nanshan Group delegated the R&D functions of each business department to each branch company, the number of R&D personnel of Nanshan Auto Parts has reached more than 3000, and the number is still increasing.

According to this trend, it is estimated that there will be more than 5000 people this year.

In this case, the research and development expenditure must be very high.

Other business divisions, such as Nanshan Transmission and Nanshan Engine, have high turnover, but the corresponding number of R&D personnel is less than that of Nanshan Auto Parts.

In this way, the overall profit margin will be higher, which seems to make sense.

"In fact, the situation of our Nanshan equipment is somewhat similar to that of parts."

While everyone was digesting Dai Hanbiao's words, Pan Jinxing also stood up to speak.

Although the turnover of Nanshan Equipment cannot be compared with several large business divisions.

However, Cao Yang has always attached great importance to the equipment business.

Pan Jinxing is also the deputy general manager of Nanshan Group.

"In recent years, Nanshan Equipment has invested a lot of research and development resources in high-tech equipment."

"Whether it is laser cutting equipment, five-axis CNC machine tools, or battery automation production equipment, they are all on the road of independent innovation."

"Although under Mr. Cao's personal leadership, we have avoided many detours."

"But the research and development of new technology and equipment, burning money is also very exaggerated."

"The most important thing is that in the short term, it is still difficult to increase the sales of new technology equipment quickly."

"In this way, the R&D amortization cost of the equipment will naturally be higher."

"The corresponding profit margin has also been affected to some extent."

Looking at the profit margin of equipment alone, Nanshan equipment is actually much higher than Nanshan engine, Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan auto parts.

After all, if the equipment does not have a profit of tens of percent, or even one or two hundred percent, then it is really not a core equipment.

You look at the five-axis CNC machine tools abroad. If they don’t increase the price several times, they will sell them to you?

For some high-end products, even if you increase the price by dozens of times, they will not be sold.

"The current main goal of Nanshan Equipment is to compete for orders from imported equipment manufacturers, and the price is naturally lower than that of imported manufacturers."

"But the profit margins of those imported manufacturers are very exaggerated. Even if we are [-]-[-]% cheaper than them, the theoretical profit margin should not be so low."

"Of course I know about the research and development investment that everyone said."

"A large amount of R&D investment is the key to maintaining our technological advancement, and the Finance Department does not object to everyone's investment in R&D."

"It's just that the group is getting bigger and bigger now. Even if it's investing in research and development, there should be relatively clear plans and goals."

"Otherwise, whenever the group's operating conditions face difficulties, the situation will suddenly become complicated."

"Our group's research and development expenses reached 72 billion yuan last year."

"In China, almost no company spends more on R&D than us."

Dong Shengnan saw that the heads of several companies were going to jump out and continue to refute what he said, so naturally he couldn't wait.

Cao Yang convened such a summary meeting, which originally meant for everyone to summarize and discuss together.

What should be argued and refuted should not be hidden.

"I mentioned the topic of R&D and profitability, so let me say a few words."

Zhou Yongxiang looked at the few people who were fighting fiercely, and continued: "Xingchen Automobile's investment in research and development in recent years should be the most among all business divisions."

"If you add the investment in plant and equipment, it can be said that Star Motors has burned the most money in the past two years."

"Although the prices of Ziweixing and Yangwang both have good profit margins."

"However, considering the early amortization costs and publicity investment, there is actually no money to be made."

"Of course, with the increase in sales volume and the increase in capacity load rate, amortization expenses will drop rapidly."

"We predict that Xingchen Automobile will be able to realize certain profits this year."

"However, compared with the overall rate of return of the group, it still lags behind in a short period of time."

Rao Yongxiang admitted this very frankly.

Although he is only the vice president in charge of research and development of Xingchen Motors, Cao Yang is the general manager himself.

But Cao Yang can't be allowed to refute Dong Shengnan on this occasion, can he?

"The situation of Xingchen Motors is quite special, we naturally understand."

"And the current loss is only a financial loss. If you simply look at the gross profit rate, the gross profit rate of Xingchen Automobile is higher than that of Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan engine."

"The most important thing is that with the development of Xingchen Automobile, it can drive a series of business of our group to develop to the high end and provide more opportunities for various business divisions."

"According to the group's plan, vehicle manufacturing, equipment production and auto parts business will be the group's three most important core businesses in the future."

"Continuing to increase investment in research and development of Xingchen Automobile is the strategic direction of the group, and the finance department has no opinion on this."

Although Dong Shengnan has a strong head, he is not unskilled to offend people casually.

For example, the planning of Xingchen Automobile was arranged by Cao Yang himself.

Some things against Xingchen Automobile are against some of Cao Yang's decisions.

She wouldn't be that stupid.

"The purpose of an enterprise is to earn money, but some money is earned now, and some money is earned in the future."

"Some of the money is even spent to have the opportunity to keep earning money in the future."

"As long as the planning is done, short-term losses are acceptable."

"The most typical is semiconductor-related research, not to mention the past two years, even the next ten years may not be able to make money."

"But we can't give up, we must continue to increase investment."

"Nanshan Equipment's research on equipment related to the chip industry must also communicate with companies such as the Semiconductor Business Department, BYD Nanshan Semiconductor, and Hisilicon Semiconductor, and strive to allow more domestic equipment to enter the chip industry."

"In the next three years, our group will make large-scale chip-related investments, and strive to achieve localization of the chips of the entire Nanshan Group in ten years' time."

Cao Yang knew that he only had 10 years of development time left.

Ten years later the situation is completely different.

Some technologies and equipment are also difficult to obtain internationally.

"The chip industry is a capital-, technology- and talent-intensive industry, and it's a winner-takes-all situation."

"If the group wants to enter this industry, it needs to do its best, otherwise the situation will be very embarrassing."

"Similarly, the research on batteries is actually somewhat similar."

"The future auto market is destined to be dominated by electric vehicles. All auto companies should not deny this."

"It's just that people are not sure when that day will come."

"However, compared to the long distance of hydrogen energy, I think electric vehicles are not so far away from us."

"Especially for hybrid models, it is possible to expand market share at any time."

"So I think the goal of Nanshan Battery in the next few years cannot be profit-making."

"It is to set goals in terms of technology research and development, the number of patents, etc."

As the person in charge of Nanshan Battery, Lin Cheng naturally wanted to tell the special characteristics of the battery at this kind of summary meeting.

Otherwise, seeing that other brother companies are developing so well, Nanshan Battery can't earn a penny, and even has to pay back, so he is under great pressure.

The most important thing is that some employees of other business departments have special expressions on their faces when they talk about Nanshan Battery.

This is a hard thing to accept.

"The particularity of the battery is unquestionable. There is no problem in this direction if we continue to increase the research on batteries and three-electric components."

"Except for the Xingkong sports car, Star Motors is currently a hybrid model, and more and more hybrid versions will be launched in future models."

"Especially, our models are generally large-displacement engines. Even if the fuel consumption is better than that of the peers, the absolute value is quite astonishing."

"After using the hybrid technology, the fuel consumption can be reduced by at least [-]%, and the energy saving effect is still very obvious."

"This is also quite meaningful for reducing consumers' car costs."

"Of course, it is definitely necessary to set some business indicators for each business department."

"All departments can work with the finance department to discuss the rationality of this goal setting."

"We can also divide the development of each business unit into several stages."

"For example, Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan engine have entered a relatively mature stage. In the case of appropriate continuous investment in research and development, the issue of profitability needs to be better considered."

"In industries such as Nanshan Robot, Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Semiconductor, the technological changes in the industry are very fast every year. At this time, technological progress is often more important than making money."

"Otherwise, even if you can make money this year, it doesn't mean you can continue to make money next year."

"So there can be many kinds of operating indicators, and for different companies, the proportion of the rate of return can be different."

"The specific departments should discuss together and try to find a plan that everyone agrees with."

On such occasions, Cao Yang would not easily deny someone's point of view.

It is easy to send a wrong signal to everyone in this way.

"Mr. Cao, what you said makes sense."

"Starting tomorrow, the finance department will organize various departments to discuss this issue, and it will be formally finalized before the Spring Festival."

Dong Shengnan listened to Cao Yang's speech very seriously, and naturally felt the sincerity of Cao Yang's words.

At today's summary meeting, the issue of income was finally overturned.

However, Cao Yang alone dragged these executives to the Golden Leaf Hotel in the suburbs, so the meeting naturally couldn't end so quickly.

Even if everyone is still thinking about soaking in hot springs, they still have to do what they should do.

"The situation of the auto market in 2007, I think, will be similar to that in 2006."

"The overall growth will definitely continue, but the growth rate of different brands will be different before."

"Thanks to self-owned brands' continuous launch of competitive new models in the past two years, the market share of self-owned brands can be further improved next year."

"This is a very good thing for our group."

"Whether it's engines or gearboxes, or other auto parts, or even equipment and robots, all of them are waiting to benefit from this change."

"But we also need to have a sense of crisis. For such important parts as engines and gearboxes, every auto factory must hope to be able to produce them themselves."

"Whether it is Great Wall or BYD, they are all researching their own engines and gearboxes."

"So our state of rapid development is estimated to only last for a few more years."

"Orders from various independent brand customers will begin to decline significantly."

"Under such circumstances, the efforts of other business departments and the importance of Xingchen Motors are gradually highlighted."

The overall situation in 2006 is almost the same, and everyone's discussions are quite intense.

Cao Yang is also worried that if the discussion is too intense, it will not be conducive to the cooperation between departments in the future.

So I started to shift the topic to the work arrangement in 2007.

Looking back on 2006, although there were setbacks, there were fruitful results.

Looking forward to 2007, the road is bumpy, but the future is bright.

The mood of the executives of Nanshan Group is generally good.

"Mr. Cao, the development of Ford Motor and General Motors in 2006 was not very satisfactory."

"There is a high probability that there will be a record loss again, which is very detrimental to our export business."

"I think it is necessary for the group to make some preparations in this regard this year to prevent Dalian's inventory from becoming sluggish."

Dong Shengnan expressed his worries in one go.

From the perspective of her, the finance minister, life in 2007 was definitely not easy.

The competition has become a lot more intense, and many actions have become more complicated.

"It was indeed difficult for the two auto giants in 2007, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse."

"With their size over there, there should still be a lot of movements that can be done."

"The most important thing is that Xingchen Automobile can start to exert its strength this year. This driving effect is very huge."

"We want Nanshan Group's auto parts and equipment to give others a feeling that only powerful manufacturers will use our products."

"To achieve this goal, there are many things that need to be done."

Everyone has already seen Cao Yang's preference for Xingchen Automobile.

However, for a company like Nanshan Group, among so many businesses, the automobile industry is obviously out of its leading position.

Even if the production of complete vehicles starts later than that of parts, it is useless.

No matter how long your history is, it is not as effective as the leaders like to come.

"At present, the gasoline engine research and development projects we are planning have basically entered the final stage."

"Even for your V8 engine and W16 engine, the technical solutions have basically been determined, and there are only some tests to confirm."

"At that time, our Nanshan engine can fully meet the needs of the group and the needs of Xingchen Automobile to achieve further development."

Cheng Tao naturally wanted to stand up and express his opinion at this time.

Of course, with Cao Yang's ability to control the company, whether Cheng Tao expresses his opinion or not is sometimes not that important.

"For Nanshan gearbox, the research and development of 10AT and CVT are in progress, and the progress is relatively smooth."

Ji Hua also interjected, but didn't say much.

Today, Nanshan Gearbox has gained too much limelight, so there is no need to compete with other business units.

"Several OEMs have plans to expand or build new factories this year. This is also a very good opportunity for us at Nanshan Equipment. I will make an appointment to report to you when there is a specific situation."

Pan Jinxing is quite optimistic about the business development in 2007.

Thanks to the rapid growth of the automobile market in the past few years, various OEMs have plans to expand and build new factories.

Some are even taking action.

The previous benchmark factory of Xingchen Motors left a particularly deep impression on people.

In this case, when other companies expand their new factories, they will definitely compare the production line of Xingchen Automobile.

Invisibly, they omitted a lot of time for their explanations.

"For Nanshan Robotics, it is expected that the number of welding robots will also increase simultaneously."

"This is mainly a matter of the new investment Mr. Pan just mentioned."

"Customers are going to make new investments. The process of building the factory is the fastest growing process of our business."

Li Shigui, as the person in charge of Nanshan Robotics, naturally has to stand up at this time to show his presence.

Otherwise, every time the heads of those business divisions with high turnover made the announcement, wouldn't the others have no problems at all?
"Although the robot is a part of the equipment, the role of the robot in the future will be greater than everyone imagined."

"The most critical thing is the robot's numerical control system, which is essentially the same logic as that used by machine tools."

"It's nothing more than the fact that piracy management is very strict now, and ordinary people dare not do this thing anymore."

Hearing Li Shigui mention the Nanshan robot, Cao Yang naturally had to respond with a few words.

"Mr. Cao, apart from the various business departments, the situation at Nanshan Investment should be more complicated."

"I suggest that Nanshan Investment can also be included in the group's unified management, so as to avoid everyone being in a hurry when something happens."

Dong Shengnan took this opportunity to let the finance department continue to insert Nanshan Investment.

However, Cao Yang has too many inexplicable things here, so naturally he will not easily agree with other people's suggestions.

Even if this person is his right arm and right arm, that is not acceptable.

"Nanshan Investment is now mainly doing venture capital and financial investment."

"The management method here is very different from other business divisions."

"So it has been independently calculated since 2006, and it will not be mixed with other companies in the group to calculate this aspect in the future."

Cao Yang directly rejected Dong Shengnan's proposal.

This proposal, while it can be said to be good or bad, but the financial crisis is coming soon.

At that time, Cao Yang still has a lot of things that are not suitable for display, and Nanshan Investment needs to do it.

If it is integrated into the group's finance department for management, shouldn't it scare people?

"Mr. Cao, Weibo went public at the end of December last year and attracted the attention of many people."

"In the future, our Nanshan Group or a business unit under it, can we also consider going public for financing?"

Dong Shengnan asked another question that everyone is more concerned about.

However, the answer Cao Yang gave made her a little disappointed.

"Except for Nanshan investment-related companies that will consider going public, other real companies have no idea of ​​going public in the short term."

"We are not short of funds right now, the demand for financing is weak."

"Instead of making all kinds of compromises in order to increase the stock price after listing, it is better not to list directly."

"Only in this way can our Nanshan Group unswervingly follow our own path and avoid too much interference from the capital market."

Cao Yang is well aware that once a company goes public, some things will become beyond his control.

At that time, whether the enterprise has the final say is a different matter.

This is not the situation he wants to see.

(End of this chapter)

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