Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 371 Looking forward to 2007, a new turning point

Chapter 371 Looking forward to 2007, a new turning point
With the Internet industry returning to the stage of rapid growth, various news about getting rich by listing are also emerging in an endless stream.

When a company wants to go public, not to mention whether ordinary employees can get benefits, middle and high-level leaders must have original shares.

This is why everyone was so interested in Dong Shengnan's question.

Although Cao Yang clearly rejected Dong Shengnan's proposal, how to better combine the income of Nanshan Group's middle and high-level executives with the company's profits is also a problem that needs to be considered.

Before, a small part of the profit was taken out as an extra bonus and distributed to everyone.

But people's desires are always endless, and they definitely hope that they can get more.

However, if a large number of key employees achieve financial freedom, it may not be a good thing for the development of the enterprise.

Cao Yang is going to think about this matter in the future.

A model like that of the later Huawei Company has certain reference significance.

But to ask him to give up most of the shares, frankly speaking, Cao Yang is not willing.

Besides, Huawei can maintain sufficient competitiveness. In addition to the money in place, the mode of survival of the fittest is also very important.

This point, Nanshan Group must also properly learn from it.

Otherwise, Nanshan Group will become a retirement home for a group of people in the future, that won't work.

"The development in 2006 was better than expected. In 2007, only relying on the turnover increase of Xingchen Automobile, it is hoped that the scale of the group will exceed 1000 billion."

"However, this is not the end for us."

"On the contrary, I think 2007 was a very important turning point."

"We have a lot of preparations to do this year."

After summarizing the achievements of 2006, we must discuss the specific work arrangements for next year.

Although this kind of meeting attended by the bosses of all branches will not discuss specific details, but it is meaningful to discuss things in the general direction.

It is also good for each business department to understand each other's development direction.

Only in this way can a better coordination be formed.

Otherwise, if you fight alone, you will not have the advantage of group combat.

"What is different from the past is that in 2007, I hope that all business departments can turn their attention from domestic to foreign."

"Look at what international peers are doing, and see which companies have potential in the same field."

"The group is now considered to be developing and growing. In the future, there are plans to expand international business and improve some layouts through further acquisitions of some companies."

"In particular, Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Semiconductor need to consider how to make full use of international resources and how to grow through acquisitions and purchase of patents."

"Although the domestic economy has developed very fast in recent years, some international situations are not so optimistic."

"Like the auto industry, even General Motors and Ford Motors have fallen into losses, which will create operational risks for a series of companies."

"I think in the next two years, the group can consider acquiring some companies that are in loss or development difficulties."

"Of course, the price must be suitable. You don't have to rush to sell it immediately. You can take the time to study it slowly."

It's already January 2007.

Cao Yang will naturally start preparing for the financial crisis next year.

You don't buy a business just by slapping your head and having money in your bank account.

Don't spend too much money at that time, and you don't buy good things, and you become taken advantage of.

That would be funny.

It's like a company buying IBM's personal computer business thinking it's a good thing.

What happened in the end is now known to everyone.

Cao Yang would never allow this kind of thing to happen to Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, if we need to acquire a company internationally, our legal team must first be prepared. Many things need to be considered in combination with legal affairs and local policies."

"It's not just about having money."

As the head of the legal department of Nanshan Group, Xiang Wei didn't say much today.

In the previous annual summary meetings, the relationship with the legal department was often not very great.

However, Cao Yang now mentioned the matter of foreign acquisitions, which is closely related to legal affairs.

If you are not careful, the money will be wasted.

"What kind of talents are needed, boldly recruit."

"Those who are familiar with American law, those who are familiar with Japanese law, and those who are familiar with European Union law will all be recruited."

"At the same time, let's see if we can cooperate with some law firms in various places."

"In the next three years, I predict that the group will have a lot of business to advance in terms of international acquisitions."

In order to avoid too much action next year and everyone being in a hurry, Cao Yang has now begun to vaccinate everyone.

"Mr. Cao, although the company has some overseas offices, their functions are relatively weak."

"The group plans to further expand the international market in the future, so it is necessary for the branches in various countries to prepare as soon as possible."

"After the establishment of branches in the United States, Japan, Europe and other places, it doesn't matter if the factory is not built first."

"However, local human resources, legal affairs and other related teams can be formed."

"At that time, we will use the strength of the branch office and cooperate with some law firms. Many things will be more ideal."

Xiang Wei once again made a suggestion.

Almost half of Nanshan Group's current turnover comes from overseas.

Normally, for such a large company, overseas branches have already grown.

However, due to the special advantages of China's manufacturing, all parts of Nanshan Group have been produced in China so far.

Cao Yang has no plans to build factories abroad yet.

"What you said to the minister makes sense. The General Manager's Office, the HR Department, and the Sales Department will discuss it together and draw up a charter first."

"As long as there is a need, branch offices can be established."

"Even part of the assembly factories in the future may also be considered to be set up overseas."

Huaxia must be the stronghold of Nanshan Group.

This is beyond doubt.

However, if there is an advantage in tariffs by importing components from China and assembling them locally into assembly parts, it is not impossible to consider.

Anyway, the key things are still produced in China.

For an assembly process, the number of employees required to make full use of robots is very small.

"Mr. Cao, the group has developed very fast in the past few years, which is naturally a good thing."

"However, I think the improvement of the quality system and the improvement of on-site management also need to be promoted as the focus of 2007."

"Until now, the quality management system and on-site management methods of our various factories in Nanshan today are actually a bit messy."

"Nanshan Group has developed to its current scale, and it is time to form our own unique set of quality and management methods."

Luo Hongxing, as the vice president in charge of production of the group, naturally also pays attention to quality, craftsmanship and other aspects.

These things are the cornerstone of enterprise development, and looking at something alone, it seems that it is not so important.

But after forming a system, if you do not set it up properly, various problems will arise.

Those giants, whether they are auto giants, parts giants, or equipment giants, have their own set of product quality management systems and related standards.

Obviously, Luo Hongxing also hopes that Nanshan Group will also have these things of its own.

"What Mr. Luo said is very reasonable. Our sales department is now dealing with a lot of customers, and each customer's destination is different."

"For example, the requirements of some program documents of German car companies are different from those of American car companies, and even more different from the requirements of various domestic OEMs."

"How to fully combine the needs of each customer to form a set of management documents of our own is very important."

"Like Bosch, when they deal with OEMs, they often directly use their own standards or technical requirements."

"OEMs are just doing some basic approval for their parts."

"I think Nanshan Group can also work hard in this direction in the future."

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to Luo Hongxing's proposal.

In this world, the most basic business rule is to listen to whoever is powerful.

Chip manufacturers are powerful, so even if you are only a third-tier or fourth-tier supplier, you can still influence some requirements of OEMs.

If your strength is weak, then even as a first-tier supplier, you can only obediently let the various departments of the main engine factory squeeze it.

On this point, Zeng Tingting has a great say.

"There are more and more employees in the group, and the personnel department is also planning to optimize some documents related to the salary system and promotion system for personnel at all levels this year."

"In addition, regarding the cultivation of talents, we will also promote it as a key business in 2007."

"So far, the turnover rate of employees in various business divisions of Nanshan Group is still at a relatively low level."

"How to better stabilize the workforce and at the same time keep everyone active and full of enthusiasm for work is the key consideration of the Human Resources Department this year."

Liu Youmei also interjected at the right time and shared with you some plans of the HR department.

As a special department in the company, if the personnel department does not do a good job, it will be difficult to lead the workforce.

"Each department has some key businesses to develop, which can be explained in detail in each monthly key project report."

"Taking this opportunity today, I would also like to clarify with you the main development direction of each branch this year."

Cao Yang knew that every department didn't want to miss the opportunity to throw out content related to its own development direction on this occasion.

However, he feels that what is most necessary to discuss with everyone is the specific direction of business development of each branch.

Efforts are only meaningful if the direction is right.

Otherwise, the harder you work, the less ideal the result will be.

"The first is Nanshan gearbox, which will be a very important part of the group's business within the next ten years."

"Compared with the independent research and development of engines, the research and development investment of various OEMs in gearboxes is relatively small."

"It also gives us better opportunities to grow."

"Now our gearbox technology has been fully reserved. Whether it is 4AT, 6AT, 8AT or the 10AT under research, it can basically meet the market demand."

"The benchmarking situation of other types of engines in the next step should also be able to get results relatively quickly."

"In this case, the biggest task of Nanshan Transmission is how to develop new customers and how to make more OEMs choose to use Nanshan Transmission products."

"Of course, it is also essential to continue to promote some cost reduction plans."

"However, in terms of technology, there are relatively few innovations that need to be done."

Unlike auto parts, equipment, robots and other businesses that are booming, the gearbox business is almost reaching its peak.

The future development space is actually quite limited.

Of course, this also means that the research and development investment related to the transmission can be greatly reduced in the future, making the profit of the transmission more impressive.

In this regard, Ji Hua also has a similar understanding.

So after Cao Yang finished speaking, he did not express any objection.

"As for Nanshan Special Steel, this business is really promising, and it has brought a lot of surprises to everyone."

"However, there are many types of special steel. Some low-end high-energy consumption products, along with the technological progress of other domestic manufacturers, our advantages are not particularly obvious, and we can give up appropriately."

"But for some mid-to-high-end products, we can further increase research and development."

"Strive for the steel materials on a car in the future, as long as we want to use them, we can buy them from Nanshan Special Steel."

Cao Yang is naturally very aware of the importance of steel.

There are now many auto parts companies in China, regardless of whether the parts are already produced in China.

But some components, or the design, materials, molds and other things that make up the components are all imported from abroad.

Special steel is one of the very typical representatives.

As long as the parts are produced by international auto parts giants, almost all special steels are imported from overseas.

Even some domestic spare parts companies use equipment, knives and other parts purchased from abroad when it comes to some difficult or special parts.

"What is worth looking forward to this year is Nanshan Resin. The first phase of the project can be mass-produced smoothly, providing some high-performance modified resins for the group, so that the polymer materials of our auto parts and equipment can be completely localized."

Materials are the basis of all components.

However, in terms of high-end materials, Huaxia is relatively weak.

This situation, even in later generations, cannot be completely changed.

In this regard, Cao Yang naturally has to do something.

If we have to directly catch up with or even surpass our international counterparts in the next few years, the rest of the work will be easy.

If everyone is on the same starting line, there is no reason for the members of the Huaxia team to fail other manufacturers.

"In terms of Nanshan engines, this year we will focus on launching W12 engines, V8 and W16 engines."

"Other engines are relatively mature, and this year's focus is on hybrid transformation."

"I hope that the engines used in the next generation of Star Motors will all be hybrid engines."

"In this way, while we maintain the advantage of large displacement, our fuel consumption problem will not be so prominent."

Cao Yang knew very well that Hummer's sales continued to decline because of its exaggerated fuel consumption.

Eventually it went bankrupt.

This loss, Nanshan can't take it anymore.

"Mr. Cao, in addition to gasoline engines, we are also preparing to launch a product for diesel engines this year."

"However, Xingchen Motors can only produce passenger cars now, and has no production qualifications for commercial vehicles."

"I think it is also possible to consider acquiring a qualified company, so that the group officially enters the heavy truck industry?"

"Like Deutsche Benz, their heavy trucks have developed very well, which is worth learning from."

Cheng Tao naturally hoped that the wider the business of Nanshan Engine, the better.

To achieve this goal, the best way is to expand the business scope of Xingchen Automobile.

If all kinds of vehicles, such as passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses, are involved, the business of Nanshan Engine will naturally become very broad.

"The domestic heavy-duty truck industry is actually a bit different from the passenger car industry."

"More than [-]% of the heavy trucks sold in China are self-owned brand products. There are heavy truck companies under the Chuncheng Jiefang, Shaanxi Heavy Truck, Xifeng Motor, and Modu Motors."

"This is completely different from passenger cars that mainly compete with international auto giants."

"So I don't think it is necessary for the group to enter the production of heavy trucks. It is enough to produce some engines for heavy trucks."

Before Cao Yang could answer Cheng Tao's question, Zeng Tingting couldn't help but speak up.

In her opinion, Nanshan Group's heavy-duty trucks are of little significance.

The domestic heavy truck industry is completely different from that abroad.

Even if you design the appearance beautifully, it is useless.

If you cannot load a 30-ton heavy truck with a weight of 100 tons, it is destined not to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

"First try to improve the complete diesel engine, and then recommend it to various heavy truck companies and engineering equipment manufacturers. This is the main development direction of Nanshan Engine's diesel engine business in 2007."

"For heavy trucks, we won't do it ourselves for the time being."

Cao Yang thinks that heavy trucks have no future, but for the current Nanshan Group, it is not the most needed direction of development.

Of course, if Nanshan Group wants to do business in the future, it must do it differently from other companies.

So we quickly determined a direction for this matter, and then started discussing other businesses.

"Nanshan Auto Parts is the business unit that most needs to work hard to innovate."

"Cars have been around for more than 100 years, and until now, nothing has changed dramatically."

"But with the development of science and technology, there will be more and more changes in cars."

"Especially a variety of electronic components, the number of vehicles mounted in the future will increase greatly."

"Our company is still relatively weak in terms of technology research and development related to cameras and radars, and we need to strengthen this aspect."

"Of course, we can also combine the merger and acquisition business mentioned at the beginning to develop this piece of content."

Cao Yang attaches great importance to auto parts.

In the past, China was a big car country, but it was not a car power.

Looking at the information on the world's top 100 auto parts list, you can see many problems.

Dongying and Deutsche, which are relatively strong in the auto industry, have a large number of parts and components companies on the list.

There are also many companies in the United States and Korea that have been on the list for a long time.

"The existing parts business, especially those that only supply parts to Xingchen Automobile and have not yet opened up to other OEMs, need to be developed as a focus this year."

"I hope that Nanshan Auto Parts can become like Bosch and Denso, and become a company that can obtain orders from various OEMs with its strength."

This is not the first time Cao Yang said something similar.

But every time I say it, I add some other expectations in it.

Of course, every year, Cao Yang would personally take the technicians of Nanshan Auto Parts to engage in the technical research and development of some parts.

Otherwise, how could there be various new technology parts appearing so soon?
"Besides, it is the research and development of three electric parts that have been emphasized before. Whether it is Nanshan battery, which has formed an independent company, or parts such as motors, chargers, and motor control systems, they will all be the core competitiveness of the future."

Cao Yang is too aware of how influential new energy vehicles will be in the future.

If these parts do not accumulate some technology in advance, then it is really not necessarily possible to get the first opportunity.

"Compared with other business divisions, Nanshan Auto Parts can adopt a more flexible approach in the development of some parts."

"For example, Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory and Xingyu Auto Lighting have set a very good example for everyone."

"We can properly expand the number of role models."

There are too many auto parts for a car, Cao Yang did not expect to make all the parts by himself.

This is simply unrealistic and unnecessary.

But how to choose and how to maintain competitiveness are issues that need to be fully considered.

"As for Nanshan equipment, in addition to the technical research of existing machine tools, the focus in 2007 is on battery production equipment and semiconductor production equipment."

"Even this year's focus will be on this area."

Compared with other business units, Cao Yang gave Nanshan Equipment a very clear goal.

If the core equipment of these two money-burning gadgets is not in the hands of domestic enterprises in China, there will be times when they will be stuck in the future.

It's only January 2007. If you prepare early, you should be able to avoid many troubles in the future.

Automobiles, parts and equipment, these are the troika developed by Nanshan Group.

Although the scale of the troika is a bit big now, it may be even bigger in the future.

But it doesn't affect their status in Cao Yang's heart.

For example, equipment, now has a turnover of tens of billions, and in the future it will reach 200 billion, which is already a very large equipment company.

But the auto and parts business is likely to reach hundreds of billions, even hundreds of billions, or trillions.

This is not an order of magnitude turnover at all.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, the automatic battery production equipment, combined with the plan you gave before, our technical team has already had a direction."

"This year's first-generation automated battery production line can be officially produced."

"At that time, we will assemble and debug together with Nanshan Battery, and strive to officially enter the state of large-scale mass production next year."

"As for semiconductor equipment, although we have no way to study the whole field, we already have some clear directions."

"We will report to you separately later."

Pan Jinxing saw that Cao Yang attached great importance to Nanshan's equipment, so he naturally wanted to stand up and express his opinion.

For a product, materials, equipment, and molds are the most basic.

If you can't handle these things in China, it may become a place where others get stuck in the future.

Especially in terms of equipment, it is more sensitive.

Some more advanced equipment, in the future, it is true that you will not be able to buy it even if you are willing to spend money.

Not to mention whether the other party will kill you.

"As for Nanshan Mold and Nanshan Robot, I don't have any specific research directions. You can fully combine the needs of various affairs departments to innovate."

It's not that Cao Yang doesn't pay attention to Nanshan Mold and Nanshan Robot, but the current positioning of these two businesses is to serve other business units.

In this case, the direction of their efforts is not arranged by Cao Yang, but determined by each business department.

"The last one is Xingchen Motors, which is the most critical business of the group."

"Other products are basically TO B, but Star Auto is TO C."

"For most consumers, the only chance they have to get in touch with Nanshan Group is Xingchen Automobile."

Cao Yang did not hide his importance to Xingchen Automobile at all.

If a car powerhouse doesn't even have a decent car company, how can it be decent?
Aspiring to build Xingchen Motors into an existence that surpasses Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, Cao Yang naturally cannot attach too much importance to it.

"After the Spring Festival, our Xingkong sports car will be officially launched, and then the publicity work will be the most important thing."

"For many consumers who buy sports cars, their reasons for buying a car are quite special, and the sales department needs to accurately grasp and accurately market."

"The specific plan can be discussed with Autohome, and we must make our starry sky sports car a hit."

Although Cao Yang didn't expect the Xingkong sports car to make money for him, it was a good car to make a name for himself.

It would be a pity if it wasted.

"Besides, Ziwei Star's W12 engine version and the V8 engine version of Ziwei Star will be launched one after another this year."

"At that time, it will also be very helpful for us to explain how we said that Ziwei Star is limited to [-] units."

"And looking forward to being the main model of Xingchen Automobile's impact on sales in 2007, all fields are making full efforts."

"Whether Xingchen Motor can quickly become a car company with annual production and sales of [-] units depends on the performance it looks up to."

"Whether Xingchen Auto can become a car company with production and sales of more than 30 yuan, Xingchen No. [-] is the most critical factor."

"Any issues related to Xingchen Automobile, I hope everyone here will pay attention to it."

"Star Motors is like a leader, which will drive the development of various business divisions of Nanshan Group in the future."

With Cao Yang's emphasis, all executives adjusted their positions one after another.

When encountering the matter of Xingchen Automobile in the future, naturally no one would dare to make trouble easily.

Otherwise, as the group grows, it is inevitable that there will be some contradictions and conflicts among the various business departments.

It would be a pity if these things affected the development of Xingchen Automobile.

"Mr. Cao, among the four models we are developing, Ziwei Xing is a coupe. Even if the sales volume is better than expected, it is probably like that."

"Xingkong is a sports car, and it's not for sales."

"That is Yangwang and Xingchen No. [-], which are worth looking forward to in terms of sales."

"But for a car company like ours, only these few models are definitely not enough."

"During this period, because of looking up to the implantation of "Snail House", I have a lot of contact with Nanshan Film and Television."

"For these stars, some people will buy Ziwei Star or look up to them in order to build a good relationship with Nanshan Film and Television, but in their daily life, they rarely have the opportunity to drive by themselves."

"More often they are filming in various crews, and the drivers are driving."

"In this case, neither Ziweixing nor Yangwang are particularly suitable."

"I did some research specifically. Luxury MPVs like Toyota's Alfa have the highest probability of appearing on the sets of various crews."

"Especially the stars in the south, they like to ride in this kind of car."

"Although these cars are not so prominent in appearance, because of the square shape, the interior space is not small at all."

"In addition, there are all kinds of seats, refrigerators, screens and other equipment inside. Not only can you rest on it, but you can also change clothes on it, which is very popular with some people."

"I think Star Motors can also consider developing a large luxury MPV, focusing on this segment of the market?"

"Some rich people should also like to ride in this kind of car."

"The ride comfort of a luxury MPV is definitely much more comfortable than luxury cars such as Bentley, Rolls-Royce and Maybach."

When Cao Yang mentioned Xingchen Automobile, Zeng Tingting naturally wanted to take this opportunity to bring up a topic for discussion.

Xingchen Automobile already has four models, and it has become more cautious about which models to develop in the future.

It's definitely not okay to swarm and mess around casually.

Not to mention wasting money at that time, it is easy to ruin word of mouth.

Which luxury car company has a bunch of unsalable cars?

"Minister Zeng's analysis is indeed reasonable. I also have contact with some business owners. Although these people usually ride in Mercedes-Benz and BMW, they find it inconvenient to squint in the car from time to time."

"If these wealthy people are fully aware of the benefits of luxury MPVs, maybe this segment of the market is really promising."

"It is estimated that sales of tens of thousands of units a month are not possible, but it is entirely possible to sell three to five thousand units a month."

Pan Jinxing also interjected.

As the general manager of Nanshan Equipment, he often contacts the bosses of different companies in his usual work.

In particular, some relatively successful private enterprises feel that the products of Nanshan Equipment are of high quality and low price, and basically they will not buy imported goods again.

Of course, some low-end private enterprises must not even be able to afford the products of Nanshan Equipment.

After all, although the price of Nanshan equipment is lower than that of imported ones, it is still very expensive compared with similar domestic equipment.

You get what you pay for.

Cao Yang also didn't want to lower the price too low. He didn't earn any money and offended a group of domestic counterparts.

You must know that most of the equipment industry in China are state-owned enterprises.

These companies may not be very good at high technology, but they are better than anyone else in finding you a job.

"There will definitely be a luxury MPV in the future, but when it will start and what it will look like, the sales department will give a specific plan."

"For example, is the engine equipped with a V8 or a W12? Or is it directly equipped after the W16 comes out?"

"There is also how to weigh the size, how big is the most suitable?"

"In addition, we need to collect and analyze the performance of competitors, so that we can launch new products in a targeted manner."

Cao Yang naturally knows that high-end MPVs have a future.

Not to mention other things, with the development and growth of Nanshan Film and Television, when the time comes to equip artists with various MPVs, this one can consume dozens of MPVs.

In addition, the official vehicles of various branches are more or less in demand.

Of course, Xingchen Motors is too expensive after all, and it is impossible for all official vehicles to be their own MPVs.

Otherwise, it would be worth it.

"No problem, the sales department is already preparing the content in this regard, and after the Spring Festival, I will make an appointment with you for a separate report."

Zeng Tingting is very familiar with Cao Yang, knowing what he said, she basically agreed to build an MPV.

Just what it will look like needs to be discussed again.

Seeing that Xingchen Automobile will have another new model, Rao Yongxiang is also in a good mood.

In his opinion, the benchmark factory of Xingchen Motors has been built, and the team has slowly been getting better and better.

It's time to launch more models, develop rapidly, and catch up with other peers.

So taking this opportunity, he also proposed several ideas for new models.

"Mr. Cao, although the SUV market is getting hotter and hotter now, the future development focus of our Star Motors is also SUV."

"But sedans still have their own unique advantages after all. For example, in some business occasions, it is not so formal to drive an SUV."

"Sedans such as the Mercedes-Benz S Series, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8 have been able to maintain good sales, and this is also the reason."

"Although we already have a Ziwei Star, it is a coupe after all, and sometimes it is not so suitable as a business vehicle."

"I think it's possible to build a high-end luxury car that can compete with the Mercedes-Benz S600 or Bentley, and focus on some wealthy people who often need to attend business activities."

In Rao Yongxiang's view, Star Motors already has two SUVs, which should be enough in a short time.

Whether to develop more SUV models in the future, we need to look at the changes in the SUV market and the market response of these two vehicles.

But in terms of cars, it is still relatively weak and has a lot of room for development.

"I heard that the big red flag of Chuncheng Motor Group has performed quite well after listing."

"The sales volume in the first month exceeded 200, which is considered relatively successful."

"However, their brand power is quite special after all. When the official flavor is too strong, the response in the East China and South China markets is not particularly good."

"This is mainly dominated by foreign luxury brands, and we can fight them hard."

"When it is equipped with a W12 or W16 engine, the power of this model does not belong to any opponent."

"As for other luxury equipment, we have caught up with or even surpassed our peers."

"As long as such a car is successfully developed, although the sales may not necessarily exceed Yangwang, it should not be a big problem to be comparable to Ziweixing."

When Rao Yongxiang said this, many people present couldn't help but nodded.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Among luxury brands around the world, apart from Land Rover, which focuses on SUVs, there is no one that does not make cars.

Better to walk on multiple legs than on one, right?
"The cost of developing a brand new model is very high, and any of our products needs to fully consider its purpose."

"Is it to participate in the competition to collect data to enhance brand power, or to increase the price limit of the brand, or as a sales support?"

"The new model Mr. Rao mentioned naturally has its meaning."

"It can be used as one of the company's backup models in the future, but it is not suitable for immediate development at this stage."

"The W16 engine will be launched soon, and the bulletproof version of Yangwang can be launched as a separate model."

"At that time, in some overseas markets such as the Middle East, it is likely that Yangwang will become a popular product."

"At the same time, the bulletproof version of Ziwei Star can also be reviewed."

"There are always some local tyrants who like cool cars, but cherish their lives."

Cao Yang has a soft spot for SUVs.

In his view, SUVs are the biggest driver of future growth.

Relatively speaking, Xingchen Automobile has encountered the least resistance in expanding its territory in the SUV market.

Although various competitors have also started to get involved in this market one after another, few of them are particularly important.

In this case, Xingchen Motors took the lead and gained a firm foothold.

In the future, no matter whether it is to turn around to develop cars or engage in other things, there is a lot of room for it.

"Mr. Cao, actually I have an idea. This hope has already been developed. Whether it is the W12 engine version or the W16 engine version, it will basically be a ready-made platform by then."

"If we want to make a luxury car like the Mercedes-Benz S600, we only need to take the chassis that looks up to us, adjust it properly to make it suitable for the car, and then change the outer shell of the car."

"Some major components do not require any special technical updates, only need to adjust the shape, and some even do not need to adjust the shape, and the parts of the two models can be shared directly in the design stage, to the greatest extent. reduce development costs."

Rao Yongxiang was a little bit unwilling to give up.

He is more optimistic about such a car.

Instead of letting Dahongqi and Mercedes-Benz, Bentley, and Rolls-Royce be superior, it is better for Xingchen Motors to blend in.

It is not too much of an exaggeration for a brand to have two cars.

"If the parts can be shared to the greatest extent, it seems that it is not impossible."

Zeng Tingting helped to say something beside her.

For the sales department, it is natural that the more new models the better.

In this way, the total sales will definitely increase.

"The research institute can make an early research and development plan first, and the sales department can also discuss the brand positioning together."

"If this car is going to be manufactured, it must be sold at a price similar to that of Yang Wang."

"Even the bulletproof version can be launched directly together, and the price will be directly raised to 500 million at that time."

Cao Yang looked at the expectant eyes of the executives present, and did not refuse this time.

All models share the same platform. I really didn’t think much about it before.

This is what many car companies are doing. It is a sharp tool to reduce costs and increase the speed of model development.

(End of this chapter)

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