Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 372 The last bearing company can't produce the bearings needed for high-speed rail

Chapter 372 Thousands of bearing companies cannot produce the bearings needed for high-speed rail

The summary meeting of Nanshan Group was held for two days.

Everyone not only reviewed the achievements of the past year, but also determined the development direction for 2007.

Although Cao Yang has set some goals for each branch, none of them is more impactful and impressive than the group's turnover exceeding 1000 billion.

With the determination of this goal, as the person in charge of the district, Liu Tianwu naturally knew it immediately.

"Mr. Cao, thanks to the rapid development of the automobile industry, the GDP of Yangcheng successfully exceeded the 7000 billion mark last year."

"Among them, our district has contributed more than 1000 billion, and your Nanshan Group has contributed a lot."

"This year, Yangcheng has set a big goal of GDP breaking through 8000 billion. Whether our district can complete the decomposed tasks depends on the performance of Nanshan Group."

"If you need my assistance in the development of your company, just say it, and you're welcome."

2007 is also a very critical year for Liu Tianwu.

He is now the top leader in the district, and whether he can take another step up quickly in the future depends on the performance of Nanshan Group.

In this era, the importance of GDP is beyond doubt.

Although sometimes this view may not be recognized by everyone in later generations.

But it has to be said that only when the economy develops and everyone has more employment opportunities and more opportunities to earn money can we talk about other possibilities.

Otherwise, it would be fooled by people, saying that we should pay attention to this thing or that thing, even if we didn't say that we should pay attention to economic development, and eventually it would become someone else's dish.

"Leader, if you don't tell me, I'm going to report to you."

Naturally, Cao Yang knew very well how much influence the Nanshan Group had on the district, and some things really needed Liu Tianwu's help in coordinating them.

For issues such as household registration, education, housing, transportation, etc., if you let Nanshan Group handle all of them, it is not impossible, but if you let the company engage in too many things other than the main business, it will be difficult to turn around in the future.

It would be better to leave these matters to the district to handle from the beginning.

"There are more and more employees in our company, and many of them live near the industrial park."

"Of course, it's more employees who are renting nearby."

"If these people are determined to work in Nanshan Group, all aspects need to be taken into consideration."

"Before, the district has helped arrange and solve some problems such as kindergarten attendance, but high-quality primary and secondary school degrees have always been in short supply."

"I wonder if the district can set up a special school in Nanshan Industrial Park to solve all the education problems of primary and secondary schools."

"Of course, I also know about going to school. There must be a unified plan in the district."

"Educational funds are also relatively tight. In this regard, Nanshan Group can cooperate with the district, or directly cooperate with some provincial primary and middle schools in running schools. We provide venues and funds, and they provide teacher education."

Cao Yang is well aware of the importance of education in the hearts of Huaxia parents.

It's an exaggeration to say that as long as you can go to a high-quality school to work in Nanshan Group, it will not be so easy for other companies to poach people.

After all, degree housing in high-quality schools is very expensive.

Now as long as you work in Nanshan Group, you can have the opportunity to enter a high-quality school.

This potential attraction is very huge.

"As long as Nanshan Group can solve the problems of venue and funds, cooperative education is not a problem at all."

"Which school do you like, I can directly come forward to coordinate."

"I don't dare to promise other things, but I will definitely help you with this matter."

Nanshan Group is now Liu Tianwu's treasure, and the matter of a mere school is not a problem at all.

He even prepared to give further preferential conditions.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that some time ago, your group also introduced a support policy for buying houses with interest-free loans, hoping that more employees can buy houses and settle down in Yangcheng."

"In our district, we can provide a plot of commercial housing next to the Nanshan Industrial Park. After we find a real estate company to develop it, we will sell it to the employees of Nanshan Group as a house purchase benefit for your group."

"At that time, the price of these houses will be [-] to [-]% cheaper than other houses on the market, or even more."

"But you can also further improve the stability of employees by limiting the time of sale and other methods."

"Elementary and junior high schools can be arranged in this community."

When Liu Tianwu said this, Cao Yang immediately became interested.

Welfare housing seems to be a retrospective of history.

But there is no company whose employees do not want their company to have this welfare policy.

For example, in state-owned enterprises, engaging in this thing can easily cause various bad effects.

But for Nanshan Group, there is no such concern at all.

When some places attract investment, they will simultaneously provide some land for commercial housing to the other party to build some welfare housing.

So for Liu Tianwu, there is no resistance to this plan in terms of policy.

"Leader, I was just thinking about how to ask you to mention this matter. I didn't expect you to be anxious about what we are anxious about."

"For the welfare housing, I thank you on behalf of the tens of thousands of employees of Nanshan Group."

"The housing and education issues have been resolved, which is really important for us to maintain the stability of our employees."

Cao Yang's words were not hypocritical.

For the Chinese people, these two issues are really important.

Many people toss their whole lives around this theme.

""Some time ago, a special meeting was held in our district, and the focus of the discussion was how to escort the development of the enterprise.

"Among them, supporting the development of Nanshan Group is the most important issue."

"House, education and medical care are the most concerned issues of the people, and our district naturally attaches great importance to them."

"This year we also plan to vacate a piece of land near the Nanshan Industrial Park to build a tertiary hospital."

"We have even contacted some real estate companies to build a large shopping mall nearby."

"At that time, employees in Nanshan Industrial Park will be able to meet most of their daily needs without leaving the area."

Liu Tianwu knows very well that Nanshan Group now receives inspection teams from various places every week.

The most important task for these teams to come to investigate and study is actually not to study, but to poach the wall.

And Nanshan Group has developed to its current scale, Liu Tianwu also knows that sooner or later they will need to invest and set up factories in other places.

Then one of the things before him is how to delay the pace of Nanshan Group's outward development as far as possible.

It is the most important task in the district to let Nanshan Group set up all kinds of new factories here in Panyu as much as possible.

Otherwise, if a large number of Nanshan Group's new factories go to other provinces, not only will there be pressure in the district, but there will be some pressure in Yangcheng City and even Lingnan Province.

"This year, the number of employees in our group is expected to exceed 5."

"Behind this is almost [-] families. Their housing, education and medical problems can be properly solved. This is really a big deal for our group."

"Leader, I think the business environment in the district is getting better and better. We can take this opportunity to further develop it and make it a banner in the district."

Liu Tianwu offered help to Nanshan Group so proactively, and Cao Yang was ready to reciprocate.

For a person of Liu Tianwu's level, Cao Yang is also very clear about what is the most important thing.

And the other party is also very smart, as soon as he heard Cao Yang's words, he knew that Cao Yang must have something on his mind.

"Mr. Cao, if you have any suggestions, feel free to ask me."

"Frankly speaking, some time ago I went to Nanyang for investigation and went to many places, and realized some gaps."

"Although we have some advantages compared with the inner region, it is still difficult for enterprises to do some things. Some problems at the grassroots level cannot be completely solved in a day or two."

"I'm already aware of this."

Liu Tianwu directly handed Cao Yang a ladder, eager to see what Cao Yang could say along the ladder.

This time, Cao Yang was not polite, and directly threw out a very common thing in later generations.

"Leader, now many new companies are being established every day, and there are many things that companies need to handle throughout the year."

"But to do one thing, sometimes it is more troublesome."

"The simplest thing is to open a new company, and there are many departments to run."

"If a government service center can be built, and the clerks of various bureaus can be gathered together to work, and enterprises need to go to the government service center for any business, then the efficiency will definitely be greatly improved."

"If we can further simplify some proof materials and allow each bureau to communicate by itself, then the satisfaction of the enterprise and the people will be even higher."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu's eyes lit up immediately.

Government Service Center!

For him, this name is too meaningful.

Although Cao Yang only said a few simple words, Liu Tianwu was able to realize the meaning behind these words.

The point is that it doesn't seem to be that difficult to do this thing.

If it is done well, it may be promoted throughout Yangcheng, or even the entire Lingnan Province.

If it can be promoted nationwide in the future, Liu Tianwu feels that the position under his buttocks will definitely be moved.

He has no reason not to support this kind of thing that is of great benefit both public and private.

"Mr. Cao, can you talk about the operation idea of ​​the government service center?"

"Judging from your words, I think this matter is completely out of order."

"Whether it is for the various bureaus, or for enterprises and the people, it is a very good thing."

"This is also very meaningful to promote the rapid development of our economy."

"I even think it is very meaningful to cooperate with Lingnan University of Technology and promote it as a large research group."

Liu Tianwu also knew that Cao Yang had a very good relationship with Lingnan University of Technology.

He couldn't eat such a big fruit by himself.

Including Lingnan University of Technology will only be beneficial to this matter, and there will be no disadvantages.

Although colleges and universities are relatively independent, because they are relatively independent, they can sometimes enjoy the benefits of foreign monks who can chant scriptures.

Some reforms can be done if Liu Tianwu directly arranges them, but the persuasion is not so strong.

Even some opponents will feel that this is him playing tricks.

But if we can cooperate with universities, the situation will be different.

This is the same as some large companies like to ask consulting companies to help optimize some of their own organizational structures and workflows.

Sometimes it is not because these consulting companies are really powerful that they can be more aware of organizational structure and workflow issues than internal employees.

It's because if something is pushed from the inside, the resistance is very high.

But if you can use the mouth of the consulting company to speak out, then it will be difficult for various departments to object.

Otherwise, why do you think that the bigger the company, the more they want to find a consulting company to work for?

That's because the larger the company, the greater the resistance to promoting some internal reforms.

"The leader's proposal is very good. I just have some simple ideas, which may not be correct or suitable for the district."

"If the professors of Lingnan University of Technology can also help to give advice and fill in the gaps, the probability of problems will be even lower."

Liu Tianwu is aware of the value of his proposal, so Cao Yang is naturally willing to share it.

After all, if this matter is done well, it will be good for the development of Nanshan Group.

Although in the future, we will definitely develop outward, and we will not put all our eggs in one basket.

But the base camp must be in Yangcheng.

That night, when Cao Yang and Fang Sisi had dinner together, they also briefly chatted about what they had discussed with Liu Tianwu.

"Ayang, it's normal for Panyu to have these actions."

"With the size of Nanshan Group, no matter where you go, you can enjoy these discounts."

"During this period of time, many people came to me in a roundabout way, wanting to invite Nanshan Group to invest in other places."

"2007 is a very critical year for Nanshan Group. I think you can also think about where you need to go when you go out in the future."

"It just so happens that you have already considered starting to acquire and merge some companies, and it will be logical to enter some other places to set up factories in the future."

"Of course, when developing outward, there is no need to stop the layout of Yangcheng, and the relationship with the district also needs to be maintained simultaneously."

"As long as it makes sense, Liu Tianwu and the others are not unacceptable."

"After all, when the time comes you can throw the blame on the client."

"For example, Chery Automobile or Geely Automobile requires you to build factories nearby to supply parts, so as to reduce logistics costs and supply risks."

"It's also something that's easy to understand."

Fang Sisi looked at the problem from a higher perspective.

She felt that Nanshan Group's turnover would break through 1000 billion this year. In this case, if foreign investment is not considered, it may not be a good thing for the development of the company.

At that time, Yangcheng will take it for granted that Nanshan Group can only develop here, and some discounts may not be considered for Nanshan Group.

There is competition to get better conditions.

This principle is applicable at any time.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"It is indeed necessary to set up a stronghold in the Yangtze River Delta."

"Whether it is from the perspective of nearby supporting facilities or better attracting local talents, it is necessary."

"Especially in the future, we will be inclined in the semiconductor and battery business, and the business related to the electronics business, so we need more diverse talents."

"Compared to the Shanghai Capital and the Imperial City, Yangcheng is still slightly less attractive to talents."

Cao Yang can naturally understand what Fang Sisi said.

It's just that in the past few years, Nanshan Group has promoted a large number of projects every year. If many businesses are sent to other places too early, it will not be so convenient to manage.

Now that everything has slowly entered the right track, it is time to think about it.

Especially in the battery industry, the dependence on lithium ore and other materials is still very high.

In addition, during the processing and production process, some pollution is produced, and it is not necessarily a good choice to keep it in Yangcheng.

It will be most suitable if there are layouts in the west, central, east and north at that time.

Even after a few years, after the domestic layout is completed, it is necessary to properly consider the overseas layout.

Otherwise, Nanshan Group claims every day that it is an international enterprise, but it does not have any factories abroad, which is also unreasonable.

Sometimes, building a factory locally is also a certificate of approval for obtaining local orders.

"Yes, there are still the most high-end talents in Shanghai and the capital. If Nanshan Group wants to make a breakthrough in the semiconductor and electronics business, it will definitely be necessary to set up some research institutions in these two places in the future."

"Start planning this matter now. When there is a good opportunity later, you don't need to be so entangled. You can make a decision directly."

Fang Sisi did not directly urge Cao Yang to make a decision now.

After all, there is not a very suitable opportunity now, and there is no benefit in rushing.

"By the way, after Weibo's listing, how has it developed overseas?"

As a star enterprise of Huaxia Internet, Weibo is now in full swing and is the darling of all kinds of capital.

Its every move has also attracted the attention of many people.

"It's similar to what you said before, but Weibo's overseas business development is not that easy."

"At the beginning, there was no resistance. After a little development and growth, various problems emerged."

"In this case, I will follow your previous tips and start investing in some local follow-up companies, intending to indirectly influence the markets in these places through equity investment."

"Especially in the United States, there is a rising star that is developing very fast."

"Obviously they are not doing better than us in all aspects, but their number of users is increasing relatively fast."

When it comes to Weibo business, Fang Sisi is both happy and worried.

Naturally, she can settle domestic matters.

But many things in foreign countries are not so simple.

In particular, Weibo has exerted its power in China, but the resistance to its development abroad has become even greater.

"It may be a more practical plan to sell some shares in time while the overseas branch company still has a relatively high value, cash out the funds, and then invest in the way of saving the country through curves."

"At the same time, with these funds, Weibo can also consider investing in some domestic Internet companies."

"Revolving around Weibo, we can give corresponding support policies to some start-ups."

"In this regard, you can learn from the penguins. I think some of their ideas are very good."

Cao Yang naturally knows that Weibo will develop overseas to the domestic scale, which is something that will not be shown.

Few countries can accept a company like Weibo, which is a Huaxia company.

It's better to use this opportunity to sell for a sum of money, and then take the limelight route to earn some less dazzling money.

"After I went back, I arranged to set up an investment department within Weibo, poach a few people from Sequoia and other venture capital institutions, and start Weibo's investment business."

Fang Sisi was very confident in Cao Yang's vision.

Combined with the resistance encountered in the process of overseas development in the past year, she accepted Cao Yang's suggestion without any hesitation.

After deciding on the next development direction of Weibo, Cao Yang also began to worry about Nanshan's investment.

The company's report is now independent of the Group Finance Department.

Zhang Fugui, the general manager, didn't even attend the group's summary meeting.

This is also Cao Yang's conscious consideration of making Nanshan Investment independent.

"Mr. Cao, our investment in the Huaxia stock market has been withdrawn one after another."

"According to your previous arrangement, our funds are also beginning to prepare to enter the American market layout."

Zhang Fugui's ability is mediocre, but his execution ability is relatively strong, and he is Cao Yang's uncle, so Cao Yang is quite relieved to let him take charge of Nanshan Investment.

"All funds must be withdrawn before the Spring Festival, and the next step is to start shorting Citibank."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Fugui was taken aback.

In the past two years, Nanshan Investment has been struggling in the stock market, and Zhang Fugui himself is actively learning about this aspect.

Although he doesn't need to do the specific trading, but you can't even understand the K-line chart, right?
If your subordinates report a bunch of professional vocabulary to you, but you can't understand them, it will definitely affect your authority.

Didn't even know it was sold.

There was no need for Cao Yang to remind him of this point, Zhang Fugui himself could not accept it.

"The stock market in the United States is also rising rapidly. Although some people think that the bubble is relatively strong, no one knows when this bubble will burst."

"We rashly short, the risk is very high."

What Zhang Fugui said was not nonsense.

At this time, no matter who said that the economic bubble in the United States was about to burst, no one believed it.

Judging from various data, they are all very good, and there is no sign of collapse at all.

Even Lehman, the company that triggered the financial crisis, is doing very well now.

Even long before its bubble burst, investors had faith in him.

That's why Cao Yang didn't dare to easily arrange for people to short Lehman's stock.

Don't lose all your capital if you don't succeed in shorting at that time, it will be embarrassing.

On the contrary, the story of the giant Citibank is not as rich as that of Lehman, and the stock price will not fluctuate so much.

Relatively speaking, the risk will be much smaller.

As long as you don't blow up your position, you can definitely make a lot of money.

"You're right, but wealth and wealth come from insurance, so investing must be risky."

"Greater risk often means greater reward."

"Whether it's China's stock market or the American stock market, do you think it can keep going up?"

When Cao Yang asked such a rhetorical question, Zhang Fugui didn't know how to refute it.

No one knows that the stock market cannot continue to rise forever.

But in the current situation, there is really no sign of falling.

Even the sweeping aunts have started to mobilize, and the prices of many stocks are almost one price a day.

"Then I will really arrange for someone to clear the warehouse completely."

Although Zhang Fugui was reluctant, he didn't struggle any further.

Although Zhang Fugui is the person in charge of Nanshan Investment, but now he is mainly responsible for the business of financial investment.

In terms of venture capital, most of the time, Cao Yang is actually responsible for it.

Or to put it another way, there are still relatively few VCs involved in Nanshan Investment.

Except for some video sites, there are not many others involved.

As for Nanshan Film and Television and Autohome, they exist relatively independently.

Cao Yang went directly to Yu Yu and Zhang Songwen to find out the situation.

"Mr. Cao, CSR Group suddenly contacted us and wanted to invite us to participate in the localization project of high-speed rail bearings."

"What do you think we should answer better?"

Just after Cao Yang finished seeing Zhang Fugui, Dai Hanbiao came over.

The bearing business of Nanshan Group is placed in the branch of Nanshan Auto Parts.

Although many bearings in it are provided for use on machine tools and robots, it stands to reason that they have nothing to do with auto parts.

But many things are interlinked, and it doesn't make much sense to split it into several companies, so we don't split it at all.

At most, the bearing business will be separated from Nanshan Auto Parts in the future.

"CSR Group?"

"High-speed rail bearings?"

Cao Yang's interest rose immediately.

In the field of automobile bearings and machine tool bearings, Nanshan Group is already one of the industry leaders.

In China, there are almost no opponents.

Timely high-speed rail bearings are really not involved.

China's current high-speed rail is the longest in the world, and it will continue to develop rapidly in the next decade or so.

But it seems that the high-speed rail that has been localized inevitably has some parts imported from abroad.

Shafts, hubs, and bearings, these three parts are very inconspicuous parts, but they are very critical parts.

Among them, after more than ten years of hard work, the parts such as shafts and hubs have solved the problem of localization to a certain extent, and the situation of neck jams is not so obvious.

However, in terms of high-speed rail bearings, almost all of them rely on imports.

Schaeffler and SKF in Europe, NTN in Japan, and Timken in the United States are all major high-speed rail bearing suppliers.

It is said that the price of bearings sold by these manufacturers to Huaxia high-speed rail companies is ten times the normal market price!
It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it is huge profits!

"Yes, although this thing is a part of the subdivision field, the annual demand is very strong."

"If we succeed in the business of high-speed rail bearings, I think it will be no problem to contribute billions of dollars a year to this business alone."

"This part is a consumable item on the high-speed rail. After driving to a certain distance, the bearing needs to be replaced."

"As the mileage of high-speed rail increases, the market will continue to expand."

"Even if the high-speed rail is saturated in the future, there is no need to worry about no orders."

Dai Hanbiao is obviously very interested in high-speed rail bearings.

However, this field was not covered by Nanshan Group before, so he must report to Cao Yang and then see how to move forward.

"I'll go with you to meet the people from CSR and see what their attitude is."

"There are quite a few domestic bearing companies that start with the national prefix, such as Luozhou Bearing and other companies, and the level is also acceptable."

"This time, he will take the initiative to find us. We need to find out what it means."

Do you really care about Nanshan Group, value the technical level of Nanshan Group, or just accompany you.

This point, Cao Yang must be clear.

Otherwise, in order to study high-speed rail bearings, a large number of testing equipment will be launched, and it will be completely wasted.

"No problem. I'll make an appointment with the people from CSR later to see if I can communicate with them tomorrow afternoon."

After Dai Hanbiao finished speaking, he immediately started calling.

Regarding Nanshan Group's visit, CSR is also very active.

After all, no one wants to be stuck by imported manufacturers such as Schaeffler.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that Nanshan Bearing's SKF, NTN and other foreign bearing giants in the field of auto parts and machine tools have lost their helmets and armor. It is really very satisfying."

Nie Jian, chief engineer of CSR, received Cao Yang.

This old man in his 50s looks very elegant.

"Ashamed, so far, we have only occupied less than half of the domestic auto bearing market share, and there is still a long way to go before we can really beat the foreign giants to nothing."

On this occasion, what should be modest is to be humble.

Cao Yang's grasp of this scale is also very clear.

"It's not easy. The bearings used in gearboxes, engines, hubs, etc. are very critical."

"Nanshan Bearing can force SKF and other manufacturers to retreat steadily in these fields, and the technical level is unmatched in China."

"Actually, in order to build a modern industry, we Huaxia can be said to have worked hard on bearing manufacturing."

"The result of this is that in the 50s, the bearing industry developed by leaps and bounds."

"In one fell swoop, we can only rely on imported bearings before, and have made considerable achievements in design, materials and other fields."

"But objectively speaking, there is still a big gap between us and the international bearing giants."

"Especially in the field of high-end bearings."

"Before the emergence of Nanshan bearings, our main focus was the production of low-end bearings."

"The number of bearings exported every year is not small, but in the high-end field, the number of imported bearings is far less than that of exports, but the value of imports is much higher than exports."

"High-speed rail bearings are typical representatives."

Nie Jian circled around and officially cut the topic to the high-speed rail bearings.

He also knows that Nanshan Group is different from ordinary suppliers, so Party A's awareness is not so strong.

This made both Cao Yang and Dai Hanbiao feel their sincerity.

"In 1991, during the operation of train No. 1479 of the Lanzhou/Zhou/Railway Bureau, the cage was broken due to bearing jamming and heating, which caused a serious derailment accident."

"Many other railway companies at home and abroad have also encountered accidents caused by bearing problems."

"This makes us pay more and more attention to railway bearings."

"However, we have also encountered setbacks in the development of railway bearings."

"Before 2001, Northwest Bearing, a large state-owned enterprise, accounted for 40% of the country's railway bearings. NXZ is a well-known trademark in the country, and profits and taxes are the local pillars."

"On December 2001, 12, Northwest Bearing and Schaeffler signed an agreement to jointly establish Northwest Fuanjie Railway Bearing Co., Ltd."

"Schaeffler contributed 434.52 million euros in cash, accounting for 51% of the registered capital."

"Northwest Bearing uses the NXZ brand, the license of the General Administration, and the equipment workshop invested 417.48 million euros, accounting for 49% of the registered capital."

"The joint venture company was put into operation, and we soon discovered that Schaeffler had not carried out technical transformation and effective management in the first two years, and at the same time, the Chinese management personnel were suspended."

"In the first year, the joint venture company lost 980 million yuan, and in the second year, it lost 1300 million yuan."

"The joint venture company has lost money for two consecutive years, and the market has shrunk sharply. The joint venture company will either be recovered by Northwest Bearing or solely owned by Schaeffler."

"Northwest Bearing has financial difficulties. In fact, there is only one possibility."

Nie Jian continued to introduce some background related to high-speed rail bearings, which gave Cao Yang a more direct understanding of the story behind this part.


"Schaeffler monopolizes the company's legal qualification to produce railway bearings."

"Northwest Bearing lost the NXZ railway bearing brand."

"What is even more depressing is that after Schaeffler became a sole proprietorship, Fu Anjie, which enjoys the production qualification of Huaxia Railway Bearings, quickly turned its losses into profits."

"So the current situation has become ordinary railway bearings. Many markets are occupied by international bearing giants, and there is no progress in the localization of high-speed rail bearings." "There are thousands of bearing companies in China, but they cannot produce the bearings needed for high-speed rail. It's heartbreaking."

When Nie Jian said this, he rubbed his chest specifically.

Obviously, as the chief engineer of CSR, he has experienced many of these things, and he is also deeply touched by this matter.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to help rubbing his chest there.

"I went to find out about the bearing steel produced by Nanshan Special Steel before, and the performance does not belong to most imported bearing steel."

"There are even many parameters that are much better than imported high-end bearing steel."

"Bearing steel, as an important raw material in bearing manufacturing, can be specially named, which shows that it is different from ordinary steel in terms of the overall performance of the material."

"However, this top-level bearing steel technology has long been monopolized by developed countries, and it is difficult to break through in a short time."

"And what is even more ironic is that many of the base metals of imported bearing steel are exported from our country."

"After these materials are processed by others, they are sold to domestic manufacturers at more than ten times the price."

"Nanshan Special Steel was able to develop its own high-end bearing steel under such circumstances, which broke the jobs of many imported manufacturers. I admire it very much."

"This time the General Administration is preparing to promote the localization of high-speed rail in an all-round way, and take down the hard bone of high-speed rail bearings. I first thought of Nanshan bearings."

"Of course, some other domestic companies also participated in it."

As the chief engineer of CSR Group, Nie Jian naturally has a high technical level.

Because of this, he has a clearer understanding of the difficulty of high-speed rail bearings.

"Before, Luozhou also tried to produce some high-speed rail bearings in small batches, but compared with imported bearings, it found that there were many gaps."

"For example, the vibration of the bearing, the noise emitted during operation, and the life span are all inferior."

"In terms of average service life, Schaeffler bearings are about three times that of Luozhou bearings."

"In terms of noise, imported bearings are 10 decibels lower than domestic bearings on average."

"On the one hand, these data show that my country's bearings are indeed inferior to others, and on the other hand, they also point out the direction for the future development of our bearings."

"Nanshan Group is the most technologically advanced private enterprise in domestic auto parts and industrial equipment. I personally have very high expectations for you."

"In particular, your equipment business is doing very well, which is of great significance to the research and development of high-speed rail bearings."

"So far, we don't even have a high-speed test stand for high-speed rail bearings, and no one is willing to sell it if we want to import it."

"In this case, to study qualified high-speed rail bearings, it is necessary to study some related testing equipment simultaneously."

"Nanshan Group has an advantage in this regard."

"I just don't know if you are willing to accept the challenge!"

After Nie Jian said this, he looked at Cao Yang with quite expectant eyes.

Even without the participation of Nanshan Group, Nie Jian believes that domestic bearing manufacturers will be able to overcome this technical difficulty sooner or later.

But this time does not know how long.

Even in the most ideal state, it will be three to five years later.

If there are some problems in the middle, it may not be surprising that it will take ten years to succeed.

But if Nanshan Group participates and goes all out, he is confident that the high-speed rail bearings will be localized within the next three years.

Of course, his confidence is also based on Nanshan Group's strong record in the past few years.

This is the enterprise that has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award the most times among domestic private enterprises.

It is also the existence with the highest technical level in the domestic equipment and auto parts industry.

Especially the automatic transmission products have gained a reputation in the world.

All these made Nie Jian full of expectations for Nanshan Group.

Even Nanshan Group has never been involved in railway bearings before.

But what does it matter?

No matter where it is installed, some basic principles of bearings are the same.

"Mr. Nie, if Nanshan Group successfully develops high-speed rail bearings with the same performance as imported bearings, can all our orders be handed over to Nanshan Group?"

Before answering Nie Jian's question, Cao Yang asked a question.

The villain first, the gentleman second.

In order to avoid unpleasant cooperation in the future!
There are some things that need to be clarified first.

(End of this chapter)

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