Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 403: Tianzhu suffered a loss, the deposit is the final payment

Chapter 403: Tianzhu suffered a loss, the deposit is the final payment
Equipment business, auto parts business and vehicle business, these are the three core businesses that Cao Yang has set for Nanshan Group.

Of course, some other related businesses are not excluded.

For example, businesses such as robots and materials essentially revolve around the above three businesses.

As an equipment business that ordinary people pay little attention to, although it is the smallest among the three businesses in terms of business scale.

But Cao Yang's attention has never been lower than other projects.

Since last year, Nanshan Equipment has begun to expand its market outwards on a large scale.

Not only does it promote various machine tools and equipment in China, it also sets up some offices overseas.

Or we have found some agents to cooperate with in order to better sell related equipment to all over the world.

As the second most populous country in the world, Tianzhu's overall economic scale is still far behind China's, but its demand for various equipment is actually huge.

And in these places, because the economy is not that developed, they cannot afford to use German machine tools.

Even Japanese machine tools are painful to use.

Now that Nanshan Equipment can provide high-quality and low-priced machine tool products, it is naturally favored by some Tianzhu companies.

Therefore, in the past year or so, Nanshan's equipment export business to Tianzhu has not only achieved zero breakthroughs, but this year's sales are expected to exceed 5000 million.

However, just when Pan Jinxing was thinking about further expanding the Tianzhu market, something happened.

"Mr. Cao, the contract price for our four machine tools is US$140 million. After receiving a 30% deposit, we will start shipping."

"According to the contract, after the equipment arrives at the customer's factory, 30% of the second batch of payment needs to be paid."

"After the equipment is installed and debugged, another 40% of the payment will be paid."

"But the buyers from Tianzhu delayed the payment of the second batch of goods for various reasons."

"After the installation of our equipment was completed, they refused to pay the remaining payment on the grounds that the performance of our equipment was different from the marked one."

Pan Jinxing reported the problems he encountered to Cao Yang with a grimace.

Normally, a contract worth more than 100 million US dollars would not alarm Cao Yang.

So Cao Yang didn't know about this contract before.

But now that the payment cannot be recovered, the nature is different.

Pan Jinxing naturally wanted to report to Cao Yang quickly to see what to do.

"In addition to this order, are there any other projects that have signed contracts or are currently signing contracts for our business with Tianzhu?"

Cao Yang knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

Anyone who knows Tianzhu’s business reputation understands it.

So what needs to be done most now is not what to do with this contract, but to see if there are any other contracts that have not yet been implemented, so as not to fall twice on the same ground.

"There are indeed several customers currently in negotiation. Tianzhu's economic development has been relatively fast in the past two years, and the demand for various high-end machine tools is also relatively strong."

"The performance of our machine tools is no worse than that of Japan, but the price is [-] to [-]% cheaper."

"So this year, many customers from Tianzhu have expressed interest in our equipment."

Pan Jinxing quickly explained the situation he had grasped.

"All contracts that have not yet been executed must be revised."

"All equipment sold to Tianzhu requires payment in advance before it can be shipped."

"This requirement is not only for Nanshan equipment, but all business divisions of the entire group must comply with this requirement."

"Mi Ying, you can send a file later."

Cao Yang turned around and gave an instruction to the little secretary next to him.

For customers in some places, it is meaningless no matter how much saliva you waste with them.

So go straight to the root cause.

"Mr. Cao, is this the order we have now?"

"Do you want the legal department to find a way to sue them?"

This is the first time Pan Jinxing has suffered such a loss, and he must be unwilling to do so.

The legal department of Nanshan Group has been involved in many lawsuits in recent years.

No matter whether they are domestic or foreign, they are not afraid.

However, even if there was a lawsuit, Pan Jinxing had to report to Cao Yang first.

The impact of this matter has gone beyond the Nanshan equipment itself.

"In our contract, are there any clauses related to equipment performance problems, etc. Are the Tianzhu people holding these things and arguing with us?"

Cao Yang relied on his intuition and gave his guess.

This made Pan Jinxing a little ashamed, and said, "Mr. Cao, that's true."

"But there's nothing special about the projects in the contract we signed with the Tianzhu people."

"Our export contracts to other markets also have similar terms."

"Until today, there have been no similar problems."

Pan Jinxing's opinions on Tianzhu people are not generally big now.

It will cause embarrassment to oneself and cause losses to the company.

A [-]% deposit is not enough even for the cost.

The deposit is the final payment!
This approach is really disgusting.

"In this kind of situation, if you go to court with the Tianzhu people, it is likely to be arguing there every day, and you don't know when you can get the money back."

"It's better to simply change the method."

When Cao Yang said this, Pan Jinxing immediately looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Didn't the Tianzhu people say that the performance parameters of our equipment are somewhat different from those marked on the label?"

"Then we will tell them that there must be some problems during the installation of the equipment, and it should be able to be improved after debugging."

"At that time, we will arrange for the debugging personnel to trigger a delay locking device program directly on the CNC system."

"If the Tianzhu people don't pay the remaining balance, then the pile of equipment will be sold as scrap metal."

It's not that Cao Yang is afraid of litigation, but sometimes, with some bad people, litigation is not the best way.

If you use such disgusting tactics to deal with us, then I will use even more disgusting tactics to deal with you.

As an equipment manufacturer, can Nanshan equipment not compete with Tianzhu customers?

"Mr. Cao, if this happens, will our engineer be detained by others?"

"If you lock the equipment on site, there will definitely be an accident. But you don't have to worry about delayed locking."

When Cao Yang said this, Pan Jinxing did not hesitate and said immediately: "Then I will make arrangements immediately."

Soon, this matter spread within the Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, I don't think this matter can be simply dismissed. We need to teach the Tianzhu people some lessons."

Zeng Tingting felt that even if Nanshan Equipment used Cao Yang's method to recover the payment, it would not be enough.

If the people of Tianzhu are so disgusted with the Nanshan Group, they will definitely not be able to leave calmly.

Otherwise, people may think that Nanshan Group is easy to bully in the future.

"Do you have any ideas?"

The two have worked together for so many years. As soon as Cao Yang heard Zeng Tingting's words, he knew she had an idea.

"After we get the payment back, we can publicize this matter on the Internet so that everyone can see the faces of Tianzhu customers."

"This opportunity also reduces the credibility of those people."

"By doing this, we are making a contribution to other companies."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang did not directly deny it.

Of course, he didn't directly say yes.

So Zeng Tingting continued: "Now that our group is developing so fast, there should be many people in the industry who have opinions about us and hope to see us suffer."

"At that time, we will release the news on the Internet, saying that Nanshan equipment was cheated by Tianzhu customers."

"The equipment was given to someone and has been installed and put into use, but the balance has not been received."

"I guess we don't even need to do any marketing. There are a group of people who actively or passively help us push this news to Weibo headlines."

"Then in a few days, we will expose the subsequent methods of dealing with the Tianzhu people and let everyone know that we have received the money."

"And it also allows people to see that our Nanshan Group is not afraid of anything tough or soft."

Zeng Tingting has obviously already thought of a complete set of revenge measures.

Although this measure may not cause any direct harm to the customer of Keng Nanshan Equipment.

But once Tianzhu's goodwill declines due to this incident, there will be people in Tianzhu taking action to deal with that customer without the Nanshan Group taking action.

The Nanshan Group can take advantage of this incident to kill people with a borrowed knife.

It not only punished customers who were not trustworthy, but also warned other domestic manufacturers who wanted to do business with Tianzhu people.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay, then do what you want."

Cao Yang thought for a moment, and although Zeng Tingting's plan had some risks, Nanshan Group was now considered a big business and wealthy, so there was nothing to be afraid of even a little risk.

The worst case scenario is just not doing business directly with the people from Tianzhu.


Nanshan equipment moves very quickly.

Following the customer's explanation, we directly arranged for someone to go to the site to help with repairs.

Then all the equipment could not be turned on the next day.

The group of Tianzhu people struggled all day but couldn't figure it out, and finally thought about the matter of Nanshan Equipment arranging personnel to come for maintenance yesterday.

The boss, who has not yet completely rusted his brain, finally understands what is going on.

After an angry round of communication, there will naturally be no results.

In the end, I paid the balance of the payment to Nanshan Equipment's account honestly, and then re-unlocked the device under the remote guidance of Nanshan Equipment engineers.

As soon as the final payment arrived, Zeng Tingting took action immediately.

Soon, Nanshan equipment was tricked by Tianzhu customers, and the news that the deposit was the final payment was immediately fermented.

"Mr. Cao, it's all my fault. I didn't warn you before."

"Those Tianzhu people really have no bottom line when it comes to doing things. We, Ji Er, have suffered a loss before."

The general manager of Ji Er and Cao Yang are also old acquaintances.

As soon as he saw the news on the Internet, he immediately called Cao Yang.

"Each experience leads to wisdom. The amount involved this time is only over 100 million US dollars. Even if there is no recovery, it will not have much impact."

"If the next order comes with an order worth tens of millions of dollars, it will have a big impact."

"But we have already found a way to recover this money."

"I just don't know how this news leaked out." Even if Cao Yang and Zhang Sheng had a good relationship, they would not directly tell each other that the news was made by the Nanshan Group itself.

"You actually have a way to get back the balance in Tianzhu's hands?"

"Mr. Cao, how did you get it back?"

"We Jier sold a stamping line to them before. Although it was a medium-sized TDM stamping line, the amount was only about 2000 million yuan."

"But even if we tried all our methods, we still didn't get back 30% of the balance."

"Basically, this order was completely wasted."

Zhang Sheng was also filled with righteous indignation when talking about the bad things that the Tianzhu people did.

The bottom line of business ethics of this group of people is really too low.

"We found a way to lock their equipment so that they can no longer use it without paying them. If they want to litigate, we will fight with them to the end."

There is nothing to hide from Zhang Sheng.

Anyway, this news will be exposed online in a few days.

"Your method is good."

"I think in the future we need to consider being able to control the equipment we sell on the remote backend."

"As long as the other party dares to connect to the Internet, we must have the ability to shut down their machines."

"As far as I know, those high-end machine tools in Europe and the United States actually have this function, but they generally don't use it."

When Zhang Sheng heard that Nanshan Equipment had recovered the balance of the payment, the conversation became much more relaxed.

"It is indeed necessary, especially for equipment sold to some special areas, and this needs to be considered."

"Even for some special customers, we can directly set a program that will automatically lock if maintenance is not performed within a specified period of time."

"Even if we encounter some other problems by then, there will still be ways to recover."

If Cao Yang did this on himself, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

For example, some high-end machine tools are locked when you move them.

Or you get locked out without being checked within the allotted time.

These practices are very annoying.

However, if these methods are used to deal with customers from Tianzhu and other regions...

It seems a little fragrant!

"Mr. Cao, your proposal is very good. When the time comes, I will ask the technicians to connect with the developers of the CNC system to see how to embed these functions."

Ninety percent of the current equipment at Ji'er Machine Tool Factory uses Nanshan Group's CNC system.

In addition, many bearings and gears are also purchased from Nanshan Group.

The relationship between the two parties is also very close.

And when the two of them were discussing how to deal with some special customers, the public opinion on the Internet was completely fermented.

"Aren't Tianzhu people too disgusting?"

"Are you trying to steal it openly?"

"I'm in the foreign trade business. As long as you are a customer in Tianzhu, I suggest that you insist on charging even for samples. Formal orders cannot be shipped until full payment is received."

"That's disgusting. Do the people of Tianzhu think we are easy to bully?"

"Nanshan Group was careless this time. Unexpectedly, it developed very well in the American market, but it made a mistake in the Tianzhu market."

“I’m really looking forward to what the final result will be like with Nanshan Equipment.”


Various comments online have taken this matter to a new level.

Even Liu Tianwu, who has been too busy recently to surf the Internet, heard the news.

"Mr. Cao, I've also heard about the Nanshan Equipment incident."

"Do we need to say hello to the relevant departments and see if we can solve this problem through other channels?"

Although this matter seemed not so easy to handle, but Liu Tianwu didn't mean to shirk at all, instead he took the initiative to call Cao Yang.

For this reason, Cao Yang had to accept others' favor.

"Leader, don't worry, this matter has been resolved and we have received the final payment."

"However, this time is a reminder to us that we need to be careful when doing business with Tianzhu people in the future."

"A car company once approached us and wanted to invite us to set up an auto parts factory in Tianzhu. Now it seems that this matter cannot be considered at all."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is the leader of Yangcheng, things in Tianzhu are actually beyond his reach.

At that time, you will need to constantly ask for support from above, which is actually quite troublesome.

Now that Nanshan Group has taken care of it on its own, that is naturally the best thing.

"The business environment in some places abroad, especially in Tianzhu, is completely incomparable with our Yangcheng."

"Mr. Cao, although Nanshan Group will leave China and go global sooner or later, when choosing overseas bases, I suggest not considering Tianzhu."

"Otherwise, various problems will arise one after another, and it is very likely that you will not be able to earn a penny in the end."

"In Tianzhu, laws and regulations are also different between states, and some people's bottom line is indeed relatively low."

"Perhaps you want to make money, but others want to raise you like a pig."

"Even if you make a few years of money in the first place, you will lose it all in one breath later."

Liu Tianwu's words can be regarded as heartbreaking.

Otherwise, some words are not suitable to be said so straightforwardly.

That is to say, he and Cao Yang have known each other for so many years, and they have a trusting relationship and are like friends.

"Thanks to the leader for reminding us. We will definitely take warning from what happened in Tianzhu."

After Cao Yang exchanged pleasantries with Liu Tianwu, he hung up the phone.

At about this time, the second round of promotional content prepared by Zeng Tingting was officially released.

"Mr. Wang, it seems that there are many pitfalls in going overseas to expand business. If you are not careful, you will step on thunder."

"Even a big company like Nanshan Group will encounter so many bad things."

Great Wall Motors is preparing to vigorously expand overseas markets.

However, in the past few days, the news that Nanshan Equipment suffered a loss from Tianzhu has spread rapidly, and Lian Furong has also noticed this.

"The situation overseas is indeed very different from that in China."

"In the future, we will find ways to find some local partners to reduce related risks as much as possible."

"Otherwise, if you are not familiar with the place, you may really suffer a big loss."

"Especially the markets suitable for our development by Great Wall Motors are often not places with particularly developed economies and particularly good rule of law."

“In this case, the choice of partner is even more important.”

Wang Ying was also deeply touched by this.

Great Wall Motors began to enter overseas markets very early, and has experienced a lot of hardships.

Now that I see what happened with Nanshan Equipment, I feel a bit of sympathy for each other.

"I wonder if we can establish a communication mechanism. When developing business in these overseas places, we can communicate in advance to avoid pitfalls."

Lian Furong is also a very thoughtful person.

He feels that sometimes everyone needs to help each other to make the business bigger and stronger.

"Isn't that the Chamber of Commerce?"

“There are Chinese chambers of commerce and the like in every place, but there are some things that can’t necessarily be avoided if they are separated by mountains.”

"The most important thing is to be vigilant and avoid being tricked by others."

It's not that Wang Ying thinks that Lian Furong's proposal is meaningless, but that someone is doing it.

To do well on this basis, the best way is to accumulate more experience.

"That's true. This incident with Nanshan Equipment actually serves as a warning to us."

"When entering the Tianzhu market in the future, we must pay attention to the issue of payment recovery. Even some other markets have similar problems."

The fact that Lian Furong had this worry meant that Zeng Tingting's series of publicity measures were not wasted.

However, these Chinese companies have received certain warnings, and some people are very unhappy.

The relevant departments of Tianzhu even spoke directly to refute the things spread on the Chinese Internet, believing that someone deliberately smeared Tianzhu.

However, Chinese netizens obviously will not admit it.

Just a few days later, Cao Yang was shocked by another news.

"What did you say?"

"Tianzhu's Ministry of Commerce asked us to buy 100 W16s?"

This time, Cao Yang's surprise was really not fake.

He really couldn't understand why Tianzhu's Ministry of Commerce went to Xingchen Auto to buy the W16.

This is a high-end luxury car.

What do you want to do when you buy it back?

"Yes, I have repeatedly confirmed that the other party really wants to buy Yang Wang W16, and also wants a preferential price."

Zeng Tingting seemed to see Cao Yang's doubts, and then further explained: "In some areas of Tianzhu, they are located on the plateau and the road conditions are very poor. Ordinary cars are not suitable there."

"Large-displacement models, especially large-displacement SUVs, are a good choice."

"If we were to purchase it from a car company such as General Motors, the price would probably be much higher than ours."

"So they chose to choose and choose, and finally chose our look-up W16."

Zeng Tingting's explanation made Cao Yang feel a little strange.

However, people are willing to buy it, which is not a bad thing.

Of course, thinking that he was almost cheated by Tianzhu customers during this period, Cao Yang immediately asked: "What is their payment method?"

"Mr. Cao, they want a [-]% down payment and the balance will be paid after receiving the car."

Zeng Tingting said a little embarrassed.

Naturally, she knew why Cao Yang asked this question.

But this time the customer is not an ordinary enterprise in Tianzhu, but the Ministry of Commerce of Tianzhu.

So she thought about it and came over to report to Cao Yang.

"No, the group has just issued a document that all products sold to Tianzhu cannot be shipped until full payment is received."

"Looking up to W16 is no exception, and neither is Tianzhu's Ministry of Commerce."

Cao Yang came to the conclusion without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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