Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 404: A direct slap in the face!Compromising measures are funnier

Chapter 404: A direct slap in the face!Compromising measures are funnier

The air in the plateau area is thin, and the power of the self-priming engine will be greatly affected. Choosing a turbocharged engine will be less affected and provide more sufficient power on the plateau.

Needless to say, there are advantages to large-displacement turbocharged engines.

It definitely does not affect performance on plateaus.

Cao Yang is also very clear about this.

Precisely because he knew that Tianzhu had no better choice, Cao Yang simply rejected the 30% down payment plan.

I have said that full payment must be received before shipment, so naturally I cannot change it easily.

Even if it is necessary to change, it can only be changed when the interests can be guaranteed.

Zeng Tingting, who has already used various marketing methods proficiently, is repeating the old trick this time.

She arranged for someone to release the news that the Tianzhu Ministry of Commerce had ordered 100 W16s.

At the same time, she also revealed the fact that Xingchen Automobile refused to pay 30%.

The social news and financial news on various portal websites are very interested in this matter.

Of course, various automotive media are no exception.

So in less than a day, this news became a hot search on Weibo.

"Ayang, our Weibo doesn't need to be operated the day after tomorrow. It already contains hot news related to Nanshan Group every now and then."

After seeing the news, Fang Sisi naturally wanted to take this opportunity to call Cao Yang.

In the past year, the two get together less and leave more, which has somewhat affected their relationship.

"This can only mean that our opponents have not fully adapted to the advent of the Internet marketing era."

"It also shows that our opponents often get products produced by Huaxia, and there are not many things worth promoting."

"Of course, things are a little different this time."

"The Tianzhu people just did something disgusting, and now they are ordering and looking forward to it. It is normal for us to be a little wary."

"I don't know why netizens put this matter on the hot search list."

Cao Yang was extremely arrogant.

It’s not that I want to occupy the hot searches all the time, it’s that my opponent is too weak.

"But having said that, this is the model ordered by Tianzhu officially, so it shouldn't happen like that, right?"

Fang Sisi was also very clear about the Nanshan equipment incident some time ago, so that's why she said this.

"That's hard to say. Don't overestimate the bottom line of what Tianzhu people do. They don't have any bottom line."

"Anyway, it's just a 30% deposit, and we won't start the car."

"That little money is not enough to cover our parts production costs."

"If people find some excuse to delay paying the balance, then we will suffer a big loss."

Cao Yang shared his inner thoughts with Fang Sisi very directly.

Anyway, this matter has already exploded, and he has nothing to worry about.

At worst, Nanshan Group will not formally enter the Tianzhu market at all.

As long as your technical content is high enough, sometimes even if Nanshan Group does not do it itself, there will be traders who will do it.

For example, when it comes to welding robots and machine tools, Nanshan Group has great advantages.

"According to this development, I am worried that this matter will rise from the normal business behavior of the company to a higher level."

"Perhaps Nanshan Group will have to bear some additional pressure by then."

Fang Sisi's perspective on the problem is a little different from that of ordinary people.

Her family background determines that sometimes she can see some problems or hidden dangers that others cannot.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how powerful the Tianzhu people are, it can only affect the Tianzhu market."

"I don't even plan to buy Tianzhu Market, so why should I be afraid of them?"

"What's the saying? Without desire, one must be strong!"

"This is our current attitude towards the people of Tianzhu."

"If there is an order, as long as you give us money, we won't refuse it."


Cao Yang was obviously preparing to fight against Tianzhu this time.

After Fang Sisi felt Cao Yang's attitude, she did not try to persuade him.

At worst, when something happens, we'll see how we can help.

But in the next few days, the development of things was a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

"Mr. Cao, I haven't released this news yet, but I didn't expect that the public opinion in Tianzhu became heated first."

"Some Tianzhu media and netizens published articles on overseas networks, accusing Xingchen Motors of its irresponsible practices in the field of foreign trade."

"Tianzhu is just making unreasonable troubles and trying to arouse the sympathy of the international community."

"However, what is even more funny is that the foreign media, which have always supported Tianzhu, have remained silent this time."

Zeng Tingting reported to Cao Yang about the W16 order. The development of the situation was completely different from what everyone imagined.

"Is the Tianzhu man out of his mind?"

"How could you have such an idea?"

"I still want the evildoer to file a complaint first."

Cao Yang was also speechless.

"Yes, but this way, our next marketing measures will be much simpler."

"We don't need to write soft articles. With a little guidance, various media will report this matter with interest,"

Although Zeng Tingting found the Tianzhu people's actions disgusting, she was not worried that the final result would be detrimental to her.

Anyway, the initiative in this matter lies with Xingchen Automobile.

"Since they want to make things bigger, then we will follow this idea and make things bigger."

"At that time, it will be the people of Tianzhu who are embarrassed anyway, not us."

With Cao Yang's words, Zeng Tingting knew what to do next.

Soon, this matter became a hot topic.

There are various articles and comments on the Internet discussing this matter.

"The best response to gangsters!"

"Xingchen Automobile never forgets the past, Tianzhu has done too many disgusting things!"

"Never pay the full price? Curry Country is really interesting, so let me tell you that we will never sell it."

"Tianzhu is a country that is not trustworthy. We will never ship the goods without paying the full amount in advance! Otherwise, there is no need to negotiate."

"The people of Tianzhu are very duplicitous and scheming. They are the most untrustworthy villains, so be careful."

"For an untrustworthy place like Tianzhu, I would rather not do business than let it owe you a dime."

"The brains of Tianzhu people are very strange. Most of them don't argue to solve problems, they argue for the sake of arguing."

"No shipment will be made without payment, and we must not be lenient to Ah San."

"In the future, I might just find a reason to punish Xingchen Automobile and vomit blood."


Soon, this matter became popular on the Chinese Internet.

This time, the remaining 70% of the payment for Nanshan Equipment was even more popular than some time ago.

Because it was the Tianzhu Ministry of Commerce that ended up in the end.

"Mr. Wang, this time Tianzhu approached Xingchen Automobile to purchase the matter. The proposed payment method is to pay 30% of the total order price as an advance payment, and then pay the remaining amount after receiving the goods. This advance payment ratio is very important in international trade. The medium is not considered low, but it was rejected by Xingchen Automobile.”

"Some of our battery business is also related to the Tianzhu market. Should we be more cautious in the future?"

The matter between Xingchen Automobile and Tianzhu was causing quite a stir, and BYD naturally heard about it.

Wu Huabian even reported the matter to Wang Fu by drawing inferences from one instance to another.

"In the past, when Tianzhu cooperated with Chinese enterprises, there were situations in which it was in arrears or even completely refused to pay."

"Nanshan Group has encountered it some time ago, so it is normal for its attitude to be tougher this time."

Although BYD Auto has not yet begun to expand overseas, Wang Fu is very concerned about Xingchen Auto's overseas actions.

"That's what I said, but what's different from the past is that Xingchen Automobile rejected the Tianzhu people's payment method this time."

"They came up with a completely new condition, which is that Tianzhu needs to pay all the money at once and only accept payments in yuan, not rupees."

"Such conditions surprised and dissatisfied Tianzhu, who believed that Xingchen Motors was violating Tianzhu's business rules and causing great damage to Tianzhu's business reputation."

When Wu Huabian said this, Wang Fu immediately said: "This is actually a manifestation of the strength of Xingchen Motors or Nanshan Group."

"Looking back on the past, Chinese enterprises have been controlled by others in many aspects. Whether it is the engines of fuel vehicles or the construction of high-speed railways, they all need to rely on foreign technologies and products. Even our own health is threatened by them."

"Xingchen Automobile's approach in this order transaction marks that Chinese companies are gradually gaining the right to speak and take the initiative."

"So, in my opinion, Xingchen Automobile requires Tianzhu to pay all the money in one go and only accept RMB. This is not an arrogant and domineering approach, but comes from Xingchen Automobile looking up to the status and strength of W16 in the global market .”

"This also sets a good example for others. Only by being strong can we seize the initiative in the market."

Having said this, Wang Fu became more determined in his heart to increase investment in research and development.

Even if profits are low in the past few years, there is no need to worry. Only by mastering advanced technology can enterprises have a future.

This incident on the Internet, along with the demise of the official Weibo account certified as Tianzhu Ministry of Commerce, has completely attracted the attention of countless people.

Things are getting hotter and hotter.

Tianzhu people found that they seemed to have shot themselves in the foot.

So another action soon began.

"Mr. Cao, the Tianzhu people are discussing with us whether there is any other way to pay 30% first, and then we will ship the goods and wait until the W16 arrives in Tianzhu, and then pay the remaining 70% of the payment."

"I listened to what they said, and my attitude was a bit relaxed, but I didn't want to give up on the 30% red line for prepayment."

Zeng Tingting is also a little busy these days.

She found that the development of things was a bit beyond her control.

There are many people who say good things or bad things about this matter.

"Have they come up with any new specific plans?" If he has money to make, Cao Yang will naturally not stop making money.

But if all conditions remain unchanged, it will definitely not work.

"They haven't, they've just expressed that."

"I guess they are also worried that if this matter continues to develop, it will actually be more detrimental to them."

Things have developed to this extent, and many people are paying attention.

Whether it is Xingchen Automobile or Tianzhu, they all need to find a step to get off.

If you do it forcefully, it will actually be bad for everyone.

Cao Yang could also see this clearly.

"Let's do this. You tell the Tianzhu people that after we receive 30% of the payment, we will ship the goods and leave."

"But the engine won't be installed yet. After receiving the final payment, we will transport the engine and help them install it."

Cao Yang easily found a compromise plan.

For the Tianzhu people, they indeed only paid a 30% advance payment, and Xingchen Motors’ W16 was shipped.

As for Xingchen Motors, as long as the news spreads that the engines will not be installed in the vehicles shipped, no one will think that this time it is Xingchen Motors that has given up.

But I think Xingchen Automobile is tough enough.

How dare you treat Tianzhu like this.

"Mr. Cao, this plan sounds very strange, but it seems very feasible."

Zeng Tingting thought it was a bit incredible at first, but soon felt that it seemed to be very effective.

So before Cao Yang could say anything else, she ran directly to contact the people in Tianzhu.

For the people of Tianzhu who are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, although this plan is a bit uncomfortable, it is at least a step up.

So I happily agreed, and immediately arranged for someone to sign the contract, and transferred 30% of the advance payment to Xingchen Automobile's account.

"Leader, I learned that the 100 W16s shipped by Xingchen Motors are all without engines."

"Mr. Cao's ability to come up with such a compromise plan really makes everyone's eyes brighten."

Luo Yi has always been Liu Tianwu's secretary, and this time he followed Liu Tianwu to Yangcheng City.

Nanshan Group used to be the largest enterprise in Panyu.

Looking at the entire Yangcheng, Nanshan Group is actually the largest enterprise in Yangcheng.

Liu Tianwu, who is in charge of economic work, must be paying attention to the situation of Nanshan Group as always.

As a secretary, Luo Yi had to inquire about various things that happened in the Nanshan Group, and then report to Liu Tianwu in a timely manner.

"Xingchen Motors' actions show that our Chinese companies are increasingly confident and capable of taking the initiative in the market, while some of Tianzhu's actions have exposed their lack of respect for business rules and difficulty in retaining and attracting foreign companies."

"These things are worthy of our warning."

Liu Tianwu watched the entire development of this matter.

After all, Liu Tianwu had already started to intervene when the Nanshan Equipment Stall got into trouble.

I didn't expect it to develop to this extent in the end.

He was really surprised.

"Indeed, it stands to reason that Tianzhu's market is no less attractive than China's."

"Especially in terms of population, it is almost catching up with China."

"In addition, Tianzhu's economic level is also constantly developing."

"With such abundant human resources, the labor force is also very cheap, which makes the cost of developing companies here much lower."

"But Tianzhu's various operations in recent years have caused many companies to be hurt."

"I heard that some netizens on the Internet have said that Tianzhu is a 'graveyard for foreign companies'."

"The blame lies with some of Tianzhu's actions, which are simply 'the outrageous opened the door for the outrageous, outrageous as hell'!"

Luo Yi saw that Liu Tianwu seemed to be quite interested in this topic, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

However, compared to Luo Yi's statement, the comments and discussions from Internet netizens are much more interesting.

"Customers from Tianzhu are very fickle. They want to change what they decided one second and want to change the next. There will also be cases where they have been dealing with Tianzhu customers for a long time. The order is about to be completed, but in the blink of an eye, the customer signs a contract with someone else because of the low price."

"Bargaining should be a gene engraved in the DNA of Tianzhu people. In fact, many countries will bargain, but Tianzhu people often like to bargain randomly when doing business. The price quoted to them is sometimes cut in half. How can this business be done? ?”

"Payment is delayed, but they often ask you to send the bill of lading to him first. This is the trick that Tianzhu customers are best at, and it is also the biggest headache for foreign trade people."

"When doing business with Tianzhu people, any key details of the order involved in the negotiation must be confirmed in writing. Do not organize production before receiving the advance payment, even if the contract stipulates a clear delivery date."

"At the beginning of the year, our company received an order from a Tianzhu customer for customized non-standard products. The quantity was large, the price was good, and the delivery date was tight. The customer took the initiative to make a 30% advance payment, and the company worked overtime to get the goods out. The delivery date was approaching, and the result was Customers said that if they do not receive the goods now, the company must reduce the price by more than 30%, otherwise they will not pick up the goods and will not pay the balance."

"Special attention needs to be paid to one of the most incomprehensible operations of exporting to Tianzhu: before the arrival of the goods at the port, after the customer at the port of destination declares the manifest, the cargo rights are automatically transferred to the hands of the consignee. Neither the shipping company nor the freight forwarder has the right to If the goods are taken out, if they want to resell or return them, they must obtain the authorization of the original buyer. Some junk customers take advantage of Tianzhu's regulations to deliberately default on the payment, and wait for the customs/customs auction to buy at a low price."

"After signing a contract with a Tianzhu customer, don't rush into production, remember! This is because the customer may change the quantity parameters at any time, and most customers will also have a third situation, unless the customer has paid in full."

"You've said so much, why didn't anyone mention that Xingchen Motors didn't install an engine this time? This is the most correct way to deal with it."

"It's true, Xingchen Automobile is so awesome, it's so refreshing to see it."

"Finally someone can fix what's wrong with those people."

"Does anyone know if the Tianzhu people will use oxen to pull the engine-less car?"


All kinds of interesting comments made netizens happy.

There is no way, life is already so hard, you have to find something happy?

"Mr. Cao, what you are doing is really a relief."

Zhang Sheng from Ji'er Machine Tool Factory couldn't help but make another call to Cao Yang.

"I have to make money, but I can't bear my anger."

"I have no choice but to find a compromise plan."

Cao Yang didn't have any pride because of this matter.

It's just to deal with the people of Tianzhu, not the United States.

"Anyway, you've given us a break."

"This matter not only affects our cooperation with Tianzhu, but also affects all of our foreign trade business."

Many presses from Ji'er Machine Tool Factory have now begun to be exported overseas.

Therefore, we also encountered many new problems in trade.

This time Xingchen Automobile is so stubborn in confronting Tianzhu, which is a good thing for Chinese enterprises.

"Mr. Zhang, all car companies have been busy expanding production in the past two years. Your TDM press business should be very good, right?"

Cao Yang didn't want the topic between the two parties to always revolve around Tianzhu.

So I changed the topic a little abruptly.

"Business has indeed been pretty good in the past two years. Both domestic joint venture car companies and independent brand car companies are constantly expanding production or building new factories."

"We Ji Er can finally live a comfortable life for a few days."

In front of Cao Yang, Zhang Sheng naturally had nothing to hide.

Besides, Cao Yang is more familiar with the situation in the automobile industry than he is.

"Our Nanshan Group has now spun off the fastener business separately. Many places on the machine tools also need to use anti-loosening bolts. Mr. Zhang, please support us when the time comes."

When it's time to place an order, don't be polite.

Sometimes it is not that your technology is good enough and the cost is low enough, you will definitely be able to get the order.

The relationship between leaders is also a very important link.

"No problem. As long as the companies under Nanshan Group have advantages in QCD, whether it is bolts, nuts or other parts, we will give priority to purchasing them."

This is not the first time that the two parties have cooperated, so Zhang Sheng is very happy.

It doesn’t matter who to buy from. If Nanshan Group can achieve the optimal QCD, it will also be a good thing for Ji Er.

"By the way, I see that Schuler and Komatsu are now focusing on the servo press."

"Ji Er's accumulation in this area is still relatively weak. Is Nanshan Equipment interested in joining forces with us to study new technologies needed for servo presses?"

Naturally, Zhang Sheng didn't just call to chat with Cao Yang.

Communication between big bosses sometimes ultimately comes down to business matters.

"Servo press?"

"If Mr. Zhang wants to cooperate, there is no problem at all."

"Our group has also made considerable progress in motor research."

"I can sell it directly to you then."

Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

However, the plan he agreed to was a little different from what Zhang Sheng wanted.

What Ji Er wants is the opportunity to cooperate in research and development. After all, the technical strength of Nanshan Group is obvious to all.

But what Cao Yang mentioned was the sale of parts.

Whether it is CNC systems, bearings, gears and fasteners, or critical parts such as motors.

Nanshan Group can consider providing it to external parties.

At that time, most of the entire Huaxia equipment industry will be related to Nanshan Group.

To a certain extent, this is also a good solution to improve the stability of Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, could it be that you have achieved results in the servo press?"

Zhang Sheng felt a little bitter after hearing what Cao Yang said.

Originally, he thought that everyone was on the same starting line, but Schuler and Komatsu were just running faster.

Now I find that it seems that I just didn't keep up?
"A small achievement is not worth mentioning!"

"Our first-generation servo press will be officially launched on the market next year."

Zhang Sheng: ...

(End of this chapter)

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