Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 411 The size is big enough, the power is strong enough, and the protection is strong enough

Chapter 411 The size is big enough, the power is strong enough, and the protection is strong enough
Official vehicles are a rather special market.

Like an ordinary official car, it must have nothing to do with Xingchen Motors.

So far, mainly through cooperation with Dahongqi, part of Ziweixing has obtained official vehicle orders on a few occasions.

It can be said that Xingchen Automobile’s official car strategy was unsuccessful.

Of course, this has something to do with the positioning of Xingchen Automobile.

However, although looking up is very expensive, it really has its own unique uses in some special occasions.

For example, when some important people from outside come to visit, there will definitely be a demand for bulletproof vehicles.

Similarly, there are also needs in this regard in some specific situations in China.

In the past, there weren’t many options but to make do, or import expensive bulletproof vehicles from abroad.

But now that the bulletproof version of Xingchen Motors is here, the situation is different.

The market price is 399.99 million.

But if you purchase it through official car procurement, there is a discount of 100 million yuan, and Cao Yang thinks there is no problem.

So after Zhu Zhengfeng raised such a topic, he had no reason to refuse.

Of course, he also knew that Zhu Zhengfeng was not so kind and must have his own demands or purposes.

This is also considered normal.

"Mr. Zhu, thank you so much."

"As long as the bulletproof version can enter the purchase of official cars, I can directly give a discount of 100 million."

"We have no hope of making money from purchasing this car as an official vehicle."

Cao Yang quickly weighed it in his mind and came to a conclusion.

Even if it is 100 million yuan cheaper, the price is still many times more expensive than an ordinary official car.

So under normal circumstances there is no need to use it.

And the occasions where it needs to be used must be important occasions.

The kind that will most likely make the news.

This is definitely a very good advertisement.

Maybe taking this opportunity, more domestic tycoons will also buy the bulletproof version.

After all, although domestic rich people generally don't need to worry about the dangers related to firearms, sitting in such a heavy car makes you feel much safer, right?

The most important thing is that the bulletproof version is heavy and has good power performance.

It can be described as unlimited potential.

“It would be great if the price could be reduced!”

"Although the market demand for this part is not that big, the significance is very different."

"However, Yang Wang is a large SUV after all, and sometimes it still needs a high-end sedan to match it."

"Is it possible for us to cooperate again so that Dahongqi can also have a bulletproof version?"

Zhu Zhengfeng felt that there was no need to beat around the bush in front of Cao Yang, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

This was the main reason why he called Cao Yang.

As China's first automobile company, Spring City Automobile Group's status is very special.

The Hongqi sedan has its own special mission and meaning.

Hongqi Sedan has tried to produce bulletproof models in the past, but the results were not satisfactory.

Now Xingchen Motors has established a presence in this segment of the market, and it seems to be very successful.

Zhu Zhengfeng is definitely looking forward to it.

"Theoretically, this is certainly possible."

"However, although the bulletproof version looks similar to the regular version in appearance, it has actually undergone earth-shaking changes."

"And since the output is relatively low, the development costs of various parts and mold amortization costs are relatively high."

"In the end, the cost of a bulletproof version of Dahongqi will not be much lower than what we expect."

Having already taken advantage of it, Cao Yang naturally knew that he could not directly refuse Zhu Zhengfeng's proposal.

Besides, the current Dahongqi is nominally a model of Spring City Motors.

In fact, apart from the car logo, it is more appropriate to say it is the model of Xingchen Motors.

It's just a picture title and a profit.

It can be regarded as what each needs.

Obviously, the big red flag of the bulletproof version, the cooperation plan should be similar.

Xingchen Automobile can even further amortize some of the costs of looking up to the bulletproof version.

"I completely understand this."

"Hongqi Sedan has produced many models on a small scale before, and I have a deep understanding of the impact on costs."

"However, the cost of the bulletproof version is relatively high no matter which car company produces it."

"Everyone can understand this situation."

"But when the time comes, can our Dahongqi bulletproof version also use the same power system as the Yangwang bulletproof version?"

Zhu Zhengfeng further asked a very critical question.

No matter what model of bulletproof version it is, it will not be light in weight.

There are many people who reach 5 tons as if looking up.

Zhu Zhengfeng feels that Dahongqi will also reach this level.

In this case, if the current 3.0T turbocharged engine is used, the power will definitely not be enough.

After all, in addition to being bulletproof, something like a bulletproof car must also run fast.

Otherwise, if you take too many bullets, you will definitely not be able to bear it.

It needs to be bulletproof and run fast.

This places high demands on the power system.

"Considering the size of Dahongqi, I estimate that only the W12 engine can be put down."

"The W16 engine probably won't fit."

Cao Yang thought for a moment and gave his reply.

The W16 is Xingchen Motors' most high-end engine product, and it is definitely not willing to give it to other customers.

Even if the cooperation with Dahongqi is special, he is not willing to do it.

But since we have agreed to cooperate on a bulletproof version of Dahongqi, it would definitely be inappropriate not to increase the engine displacement.

Therefore, the W12 engine is relatively a more suitable choice.

On the one hand, the power of an engine of this displacement is basically sufficient.

Even other cars in the world, including bulletproof versions, have no stronger engine than the W12.

Zhu Zhengfeng was obviously aware of this situation.

So after hearing what Cao Yang said, he immediately said: "W12 is fine, then use W12."

Although Zhu Zhengfeng was not sure whether Cao Yang was talking about excuses or objective facts.

But he is indeed quite satisfied with W12.

You know, even the bulletproof version of the Mercedes-Benz S series, the engine is not stronger than the W12 produced by Nanshan Engine.

To put it bluntly, after the bulletproof version of Dahongqi comes out, it will not only have a domestic market, but it will also be able to compete with Mercedes-Benz and BMW for part of the market overseas.

If it really can be done like that, Zhu Zhengfeng will definitely be a major contributor to Hongqi Sedan.

Until now, except for Xingchen Automobile, domestic export business has been average.

Great Wall and Chery started relatively early, but the cars they sold were all low-end, and their sales were not that impressive.

If Dahongqi can perform well overseas by then, Zhu Zhengfeng feels that he may not necessarily retire in the company in this life.

"Then I will arrange personnel to connect with Hongqi sedan and strive to launch the bulletproof version of Dahongqi in the first half of next year."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhu Zhengfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it will not be able to catch up with the important occasion of the Olympic Games, it will be good if it can be put into mass production in the first half of next year.

This phone call can be said to be a great pleasure for both host and guest.

However, they are happy, but the Mercedes-Benz people will be unhappy.

"Yang, your sales department should collect and sort out the news about the bulletproof version as soon as possible, and then report it to the headquarters next week."

As the person in charge of Mercedes-Benz in China, August is in a bad mood now.

Mercedes-Benz has always been a representative of high-end cars.

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class is the dream pursuit of countless people.

The elegant body shape and special trident logo have attracted countless people to fight for it.

The bulletproof version of the Mercedes-Benz S series is the standard model for many royal dignitaries and official receptions.

It contributes a lot to the brand marketing of Mercedes-Benz every year.

But now all this is facing huge challenges.

Xingchen Motors is growing so fast that August can hardly keep up with it.

He never thought that one day, Mercedes-Benz's bulletproof cars would also face competition from Xingchen Automobile.

And it's still the kind of competition between SUVs and sedans.

This is totally abnormal.

However, the current situation is that the bulletproof version appears, especially the emergence of the popular video on the Internet that seems to be true, which has made many potential rich people turn their attention to looking up.

Big enough, powerful enough, and protective enough!
In this case, the bulletproof version of the Look Up has completely crushed the bulletproof version of the Mercedes-Benz S series.

"August, we actually mentioned the bulletproof version to the headquarters half a year ago, but no one took it seriously."

"I think it is necessary to let those at the headquarters suffer once, otherwise when we continue to report other news about Xingchen Motors in the future, some people will still not take it seriously."

"They always think that the models produced by China cannot pose a threat to Mercedes-Benz."

"This kind of brand self-confidence is very necessary, but self-confidence cannot turn into arrogance."

Although Yang Ming is only the sales director, he is very familiar with the way of communicating with Germans.

If you don't express your thoughts directly and only wait until something goes wrong to tell you what happened to me, that's absolutely not okay.

It would be better to say the ugly things from the beginning, and even take this opportunity to vent some of the past grievances.

The most important thing is that as the general manager of China District, August has encountered scenes similar to what Yang Ming said countless times.

People at the German headquarters still don’t pay enough attention to the Chinese market.

This is indeed worth letting them suffer a little loss.

"Then you mean not to worry about him yet?"

After August was silent for a while, he continued to ask.

"It is still necessary to send the report back, but if the headquarters does not want us to report separately, then I will just send a report."

When Yang Ming said this, August thought for a moment and did not object again.

Anyway, the sales volume of the bulletproof version of Mercedes-Benz in China is very low. Even if it is affected by Xingchen Motors, it will not have much impact on the performance.

The position under my butt is still very stable.

After thinking about this, August was not so annoyed. …

The better the development of Xingchen Motors, the unhappy some people in some car companies will be.

Among them, people from Toyota Motor and Volkswagen are the most popular.

So far, Nanshan Group and Volkswagen are basically completely decoupled.

Not to mention big parts like the gearbox, even parts like the nut plate are basically running out.

Volkswagen will not consider Nanshan Group for any parts with new specifications.

Now that Xingchen Automobile is developing better and better, it has directly put huge pressure on Audi, the luxury car that claims to have the largest market share in China.

It can be said that no matter which car company Xingchen Automobile has grabbed orders from, Audi is always on the list.

"Strauss, Audi cars have always had a unique position in China."

"But now some models for important occasions have been snatched away by Dahongqi or Ziweixing."

"Even looking up is starting to take away some of Audi's market."

"You must come up with a way out of this situation."

Vondel feels that the past two years have been very tiring.

Obviously Volkswagen is developing very well overseas, but why has it started to stagnate in China?
If there is no change in the entire market, then it is understandable that it is stagnant.

However, the Chinese market is in a stage of rapid development.

At this time, Volkswagen's domestic sales have not increased significantly, which means that its market share is continuously declining.

This is definitely not a situation that Vondel wants to see.

"Vondel, it is difficult for us to find a model that can be suppressed among the three products of Xingchen Motors."

"Needless to say, the Starry Sky Sports Car is now the fastest mass-produced model in the world."

"Compared to our Q7, it also has all-round advantages."

"Even for Ziweixing, we won't be able to compete with them with the A2010 until 7."

"In this case, we want to compete with Xingchen Motors. That is not competing, that is adding news heat to them."

Strauss stated the current situation very directly.

In his opinion, Audi's performance in China is not up to standard, not because of his lack of ability.

But the design department has no way to provide more competitive models.

For example, when Q7 first came out, he thought it was worth looking forward to.

But compared with looking up, there is absolutely no way to look at it.


What car do you use to compete with others?

"Among our German car companies, Audi is not the only one with business in China. You can definitely contact people from Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

"Let's see how everyone can discuss how to deal with Xingchen Automobile."

"If we continue to develop at this pace, the rise of Xingchen Motors will have the greatest impact on our German car companies."

Fondel naturally knew that what the other party said made sense.

So I didn't press hard there.

"It is indeed necessary to discuss together to see how to deal with this situation in China's auto market."

"I heard that Xingchen Motors will launch a new model soon this year, and we will face even greater pressure by then."

"The rapid development of Huaxia's own brands has also affected the sales of North and South Volkswagen to a certain extent."

"We urgently need some ways to change this situation."

Strauss naturally also has some knowledge, otherwise there would be no way to become the person in charge of Audi China.

However, there are some things that cannot be changed immediately after they realize the crisis.

For example, in later generations, foreign automobile giants such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Honda, don't they realize the crisis they face after the arrival of the electric vehicle era?

Everyone can realize it.

But what about the result?
Volkswagen's ID series is considered to be a relatively good performer among international automobile giants.

But it can only be said to be a failure.

As for car companies such as Toyota and Honda, it goes without saying.

In the field of electric vehicles, there is almost no presence.

I have to say that some things cannot be changed immediately just by thinking about them.

Especially as the company gets bigger, it faces more constraints.

You can't replace everyone, right?


Cao Yang doesn't care about the troubles of car companies such as Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz.

However, he could not ignore the call from GM Purchasing Director Austin.

"Cao, logically I should congratulate you, but at this moment, I can't say the word congratulations."

Austin's mood was obviously not that good.

2008 is considered the most difficult year for General Motors, and bankruptcy and reorganization are not far away.

"Austin, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Why don't you come to China for a business trip and relax?"

Cao Yang was really not sure what Austin wanted to say to him, so he could only talk nonsense with him for a while.

"When it comes to the American market, General Motors is the largest car company."

"Ford Motors, let alone being number one, even lost its second position."

"I think Xingchen Motors can definitely seek in-depth cooperation with General Motors instead of Ford Motor Company."

"Look at your Bulletproof Edition. You are directly grabbing the market for our Cadillac Escalade Bulletproof Edition. The sales department has some objections to you."

When Austin said this, Cao Yang understood why the other party called him.

Although the market for bulletproof vehicles is not very large, because it is not very large, as long as sales are affected, the fluctuation ratio will be extremely exaggerated.

The Cadillac Escalade is considered the most important bulletproof car in the American market.

Everyone can see the shadow of Escalade in some special scenes seen on many TV series and news.

"It seems like the bulletproof version is only selling well in the United States, right?"

"With sales of less than [-] vehicles a month, how much impact can it have on General Motors?"

No matter what the actual situation is, Cao Yang will definitely not admit that Xingchen Motors has had an impact on General Motors' sales.

Otherwise, Austin might want to get some benefits out of himself and go back.

"Does the sales volume of the bulletproof version have to be the same as that of the regular version to be considered good?"

"I've heard that in the south, you sold a hundred units of the bulletproof version of "Looking Up" in a month."

"This data has surpassed Escalade."

Austin complained rather dissatisfiedly.

Cao Yang was also a little speechless.

As the world's largest car company, is General Motors so afraid of competition?
"Austin, I thought of a good way to reduce GM's R&D costs. I wonder if you are interested?"

Not wanting to continue talking about looking up to the other party, Cao Yang directly raised a new topic.

For General Motors, which is in trouble, this topic is definitely of interest.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Austin no longer dwelled on what had just happened, but asked: "What method?"

"The main reason why General Motors is in its current predicament is that the cost is too high."

“Whether it’s parts costs or personnel costs, they are relatively high.”

"Although your company has begun to consider layoffs and early retirement of some people to alleviate this problem."

"But it's not enough."

"Although General Motors has suffered losses in the past two years, it should not have made less money in the Chinese market, right?"

"Last year, Mordu General Motors sold more than 50 vehicles, directly becoming the champion of China's automobile market."

"Why doesn't General Motors put the development of more models in China?"

"You can definitely expand the scale several times based on the current Pan-Asia Technology Center."

"In the future, all models to be produced in China will be developed in China. Even the production of models can be placed in China and then exported overseas."

"In this way, the cost of your car can be reduced by at least 10%, or even 15%."

Cao Yang boldly made a very impactful proposal.

Although Austin knew that this kind of suggestion was not something he could make his own decision.

But it sounds very convincing.

At least in theory, Cao Yang's suggestion is completely feasible.

"Your topic is a bit big, so I can't reply immediately."

"And to expand China's R&D capabilities and production capabilities, we must first invest."

"For General Motors now, funding is a very critical issue."

"Companies have resorted to various means to even raise enough funds."

Austin is relatively clear about the dilemma GM is facing now.

The more this happened, the more he knew that the headquarters would not invest money in China at this time.

"This problem is easy to solve. If you don't have enough funds, just find a bank in Huaxia to cooperate."

"With the outstanding performance of Modu General Motors, we don't have to worry about banks not granting loans, nor do we have to worry about not being able to make money in the future."

Cao Yang still supports GM's move of part of its R&D facilities to China.

Up to now, among the joint venture car companies, the only one that is doing better in R&D is the Pan-Asia Technology Center under GM.

Other institutions often have a symbolic existence and do not play any substantive role.

"This topic is a bit big. I need to report it within the company before I know the result."

"But Mr. Cao, I still want to express my gratitude to you for making this suggestion?"

Austin thought about Cao Yang's words and felt that the other party had no reason to cheat him.

Then the plan just now has certain feasibility.

However, this kind of decision must be made by the CEO.

Cao Yang understood this.

He just wanted to trick Austin away.

Once the phone hangs up, forget it.

Whether GM wants to increase investment in China or maintain the status quo.

The impact on Nanshan Group is relatively limited.

I still have more things to worry about.

For example, a test drive of Starry Sky [-] will be arranged soon.

Its various marketing activities have officially begun.

(End of this chapter)

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