Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

第412章 拳打卡宴,脚踢X5,再踩1下Q7和Q5

Chapter 412 Punch Cayenne, kick X5, and step on Q7 and Q5
Any large international car company sells various models of cars.

General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, DaimlerChrysler...

No car company that can enter the top 10 rankings of global car companies is an exception.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xingchen Auto to conquer the world just by relying on Ziweixing, starry sky and looking up.

Starry Sky [-], which has been developed for more than two years, is finally going to be officially launched.

For example, the development cycle of some new models of joint venture car companies is relatively long, and the marketing cycle is also relatively long.

However, Xingchen Auto now pays attention to accumulation, and suddenly brings a surprise to everyone.

Relying on explosive marketing plans to make a certain product become a household name in a short period of time is what Zeng Tingting hopes to achieve most.

She thought the same thing about Starry Sky [-] this time.

"Mr. Cao, today we will officially announce the name of Starry Sky [-], and then we will arrange a test drive for the media in Zhucheng starting next Monday."

"Next week, a new model roll-off ceremony will be held inside the Xingchen Automobile Factory."

"In half a month, it will be officially launched in all 4S stores across the country."

"Most overseas regions will also arrange the launch of models for sale simultaneously."

"However, in some places, the cars do not arrive so quickly, and consumers need to wait for a while."

Zeng Tingting is full of expectations for Starry Sky [-].

According to normal logic, this model should be able to sell better than Yang Wang.

After all, this is a medium-to-large 5-seater SUV that is completely comparable to the Cayenne, X5 and Q5.

But adhering to the concept that bigger is better, the length, width and height of Xingchen IV have advantages over those models.

Even if necessary, it is not impossible to launch a 7-seater or 6-seater version of Xingchen [-] later.

But in that case, the ride comfort in the last row will be worse.

"With the name Xingtu, you should pay attention to the market's feedback in time."

"At that time, we will also need to properly market the meaning behind the name and raise the style to a higher level."

The fourth model of Xingchen Motors is officially named Xingtu.

Most foreign car brands are accustomed to using a combination of letters and numbers to name their models. For example, Mercedes-Benz uses A/B/C/E/S to name cars according to the positioning of the model, and GL+A/B/C/E/S. Name the SUV.


This naming method is simple and straightforward, but seems boring.

Cao Yang had also considered this approach, but in the end he did not adopt it.

As internal development codes, it can simply be said to be Xingchen No. 1, Xingchen No. 2, Xingchen No. [-]...

But when it is finally launched on the market, it will definitely have its own name.

These names should also be consistent with the characteristics of the car model to a certain extent.

A name like Xingtu, if used on a car, would give people an inappropriate feeling.

But as an SUV, it's much better.

"We have learned about it based on past experience and side investigations."

"'Star' represents the starry sky, indicating an unknown territory eager to explore."

"'Tu' represents the journey, which means a journey of continuous transcendence."

"'Star Road' represents continuous exploration, transcending oneself on the high-end road, and heading towards the sea of ​​​​stars."

"As a name for an SUV model, it is definitely a very good name."

In addition to its strong technology, Xingchen Automobile also has a high level of marketing.

Under the leadership of Zeng Tingting, Xingchen Automobile's sales department is well-known in the entire Chinese automobile industry.

Many car companies are thinking of poaching people from Xingchen Auto Sales Department, and it is normal to pay twice the price for this.

Some even triple your salary.

However, although there are people who have resigned from Xingchen Automobile in recent years, they are not many.

After all, the company is developing well, and employees can directly feel it.

If you go to other platforms, you may be offered a very high salary at the beginning.

But when you have no use value, you may be forced to leave.

And if people who have left Star Car want to go back, it will be even more difficult than reaching the sky.

This alone can make many people give up their plans to change jobs.

“This time the promotion should make full use of the comparative information between the Porsche Cayenne and the BMW X5.”

"Their position in the market has been relatively stable, and everyone recognizes them as high-end SUVs."

"In this case, we want everyone to form an impression that Xingtu is better than X5 and Cayenne."

"Snatch their market."

Touching marketing has always been the characteristic of Xingchen Automobile.

Naturally, Xingtu will not give up this method this time when it goes public.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

As long as the effect is good, Cao Yang doesn't mind continuing to use a similar plan next time.

Anyway, as long as Xingchen Auto's brand value has not reached the level of Porsche and BMW, this kind of conflict is a good thing for Xingchen Auto.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, I have already arranged everything!"

"There are now a large number of trolls on Autohome, and there are also many celebrities on Weibo who are willing to help promote it. When the time comes, it will be no problem to directly rely on their strength to get trending searches."

Along with this conversation between Zeng Tingting and Cao Yang, various actions of Xingchen Auto began to appear.

As the most unique car company among China's independent brands, Xingchen Automobile has always attracted a lot of attention.

Even Cao Yang just posted the words "Stardom is coming" on his Weibo, and then paired it with a picture, and it went directly to the hot search.

What is surprising is that this time, before Autohome released relevant soft articles, the article on NetEase Auto Channel came out.

"First of all, in terms of appearance design, the front face is full of sportiness, and the full design does not lose its grandeur. The piano black paint color is the icing on the cake."

"The frog-eye LED headlights similar to those of Ziweixing, matched with the three-section air intake grille, are already a bit characteristic of the Xingchen Automobile family."

“Although it doesn’t look as rough as the up-looking model, it’s a little more elegant.”

"The body shape is very dynamic, and the doors use electric suction doors..."

"The rear adopts a fastback design, which looks very powerful and more in line with the identity of a coupe SUV."

"The design of the tail wing is its highlight, it is very eye-catching."

"The through-type LED taillights are very beautiful and highly recognizable, and they are even more eye-catching when lit up."

"In terms of power, it is powered by Nanshan Engine's classic W12 engine. It is said that there will be a V8 engine version later."

"As for the interior, we have to wait until next week's test drive event to know more..."

Following the appearance of this article, similar comment articles immediately appeared in other media such as Autohome.

And that night, a special scene occurred.

The official Weibo accounts of BYD, Chery, Geely, Great Wall, Changan, Hongqi and other car companies, as well as the general managers of each company, have reposted Cao Yang's Weibo.

“Looking forward to the stardom coming!”

"Produced by Xingchen, it must be a high-quality product!"

"Together, we are China Automobile!"

"Mr. Cao's styling design has never disappointed anyone!"


Various comments instantly made the top ten trending news on Weibo, and half of them became star-related topics.

This situation is definitely very rare.

Even in the past many years, independent brands have never been as united as this time.

"Mr. Cao, Xingtu is well received online."

"This car fully combines the style of Ziweixing and the style of Yangzhan, forming a unique coupe SUV style."

"Elegance yet a little rugged, the look is absolutely stunning."

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and Zeng Tingting was still in the office.

The boss Cao Yang also stayed and worked overtime.

"In terms of appearance alone, I am personally quite satisfied with the appearance of Xingtu."

"It fully combines the characteristics of a sedan and an SUV, and even has a hint of sports car styling in it."

"The recognition rate of this car on the road is very high, and it can leave a deep impression on people at a glance."

"The next time I see it, I will think of such a car."

"If marketing and promotion are done well, 10 vehicles a year will be no problem at all."

"It may even become the sales pillar of Xingchen Motors and become a hit model."

"When the time comes, Yangwang and Xingtu will cooperate with each other to allow Xingchen Motors to firmly establish itself in the luxury car market."

Xingchen Automobile is Cao Yang's enlarged version of the Cayenne, and its styling is considered to be competitive.

The most important thing is that the appearance has a hint of Porsche, but it also feels better-looking than Porsche models.

So while touching porcelain, you can also rub the real "Li Kui" on the ground.

This is also very important for promoting sales.

"The domestic SUV market has been slowly developed in recent years."

"But there are not many high-end SUVs for consumers to choose from."

"The reason why Zangwang is able to achieve today's sales volume is because it meets the needs of some customers who want large luxury SUVs."

"Xingtu can also meet the market demand of some customers for medium and large luxury SUVs."

"I am confident that it will become the best-selling luxury SUV in China."

Zeng Tingting has personally seen Xingtu’s actual car and even driven it.

Therefore, he has a very clear understanding of its strength.

This is definitely a car for picking up girls.

The price is not low, but it is not as high as expected.

The key is that the appearance conforms to the aesthetics of both men and women, and the aesthetics of different age groups.

It is definitely not easy for a car to bring together so many contradictory elements.

Once this kind of car is launched, it has the potential to become a hit.

Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting can have such understanding, and naturally some other opponents have good vision.

For example, Porsche held a very urgent meeting at this time. "Lai, please first introduce the appearance of this model to everyone, so that everyone can fully understand its advantages and disadvantages."

Porsche CEO Wedekind personally presided over the meeting. Chairman of the Board of Directors Wolfgang Porsche, Design Director Lai Ping, and Sales Director Mei Boner all attended the meeting.

On the screen in the conference room, there was a photo of Xingtu.

This photo was posted by Cao Yang on his Weibo.

"Everyone, let me first draw a conclusion, a conclusion that you don't really want to hear."

Lai Ping looked at the participants with a solemn expression, and then began to express his opinions.

"This Xingtu, purely from the appearance point of view, I think it looks better than any other car I designed myself in the past."

"You heard it right, it just looks good!"

"This car looks very long from the side, longer than our Cayenne."

"The most important thing is that this car is very recognizable."

"The front of the car is not particularly exaggerated, but it is good-looking and durable, especially the shape of the front face. The design of the LED headlights is also very atmospheric, which directly improves the design level of the car."

"The several lines at the rear of the car make the whole car look three-dimensional, and the 20-inch tires are also quite domineering, highlighting youthful vitality."

"On the whole, the overall configuration style tends to be youthful, but it is also acceptable to middle-aged people. This somewhat contradictory result fully demonstrates the designer's style."

"To put it bluntly, just based on the appearance of Xingtu, its sales volume will not be much different."

"Even in the Chinese market, it will bring the most fatal impact to our Cayenne."

Lai Ping's evaluation of Xingtu is very high.

In its view, this car is simply a perfect upgraded version of the Cayenne designed by itself.

Some fragmented and incomplete design elements in my mind were all perfectly presented on Star Road.

It is precisely because of this feeling that Lai Ping's evaluation of Xingtu is even higher.

"Although the interior and configuration have not been announced, judging from the past performance of Xingchen cars, Xingtu's interior and configuration will not be bad."

"There is a high probability that it will be richer than our Cayenne and equipped with more new technology parts."

"The most important thing is that Xingchen Motors has high-performance engines of various displacements. This is an important reason why we cannot easily defeat the opponent."

"From what we know so far, Xingtu is definitely equipped with the W12 engine of Nanshan Engine. This is a very mature and excellent engine."

“Whether it’s looking up at the stars or looking up at the stars, they’re all in use.”

"In addition, it is not ruled out that Xingtu will be equipped with V8 and W16 engines."

"Even in order to lower the price, it is not impossible to install the 3.0T engine used on Ziweixing."

The more Lai Ping talked, the heavier everyone felt.

The Cayenne is Porsche's flagship model that makes money right now.

If sales were hit by Xingtu, it would be fatal.

"Lai, is it possible for us to design a model that is better than Xingtu as an upgraded version of the Cayenne?"

Sales Director Mei Bona was also in a bad mood.

He was still on vacation in the Mediterranean yesterday, so he was called back urgently for a meeting.

Then what I heard was still such a heavy topic.

This is a bit beyond his own imagination.

"Mebona, of course I really hope to design such a model."

"But the journey to stardom is so amazing."

“To be honest, I have no confidence that I can top it!”

Lai Ping's words caused everyone present to fall into silence.

The emergence of Xingtu actually directly destroyed the confidence of Porsche's design director?

Shouldn't it be so exaggerated?
Although they also think the shape of this car is relatively good, is it really that good?

"In the past, we always regarded Mercedes-Benz and BMW as our competitors, but I think Xingchen Motors will be Porsche's biggest rival in the future."

"Everyone, our opponents are already growing rapidly."

"In the coming period, I hope the company can take action as soon as possible to launch more competitive models."

Wedekind didn't know what to say.

However, as the host of the meeting, it is obviously inappropriate to say nothing.

A cold start in a meeting can be a very embarrassing thing.

"Weidejin, I think it is necessary for you to go to China and take another trip to see what is going on there."

"Why has Xingchen Automobile developed to what it is now in just a few years?"

"Everyone must also fully understand the demand for luxury cars in the Chinese market and launch more models based on this demand."

"As long as Chinese consumers need them and we have them, these models can be introduced into the Chinese market for sale."

"We cannot just watch the ever-growing Chinese luxury car market being dominated by Xingchen Motors."

Wolfgang is not young anymore.

But his position at Porsche is quite special.

Neither Wedekind nor Meboner dared to refute Wolfgang's opinion easily.

"The Chinese market is a very immature and very fickle market."

"A car company like Audi can actually be more influential than Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

"In China, there is even a BBA statement that discusses Audi and Mercedes-Benz and BMW together."

"In this case, if we care too much about the views of the Chinese market, it is likely that the new models we launch will not meet the market needs of other regions."

Wedekind felt that he still needed to express his thoughts.

Otherwise, if the company's focus is on China by then, wouldn't he, the CEO, have to travel to China frequently?
"You always have to give it a try if you are not used to it."

"Otherwise, when Cayenne is in China, she will be blinded by her stardom."

When Wolfgang said this, no one dared to express any objections.

Soon, the Porsche inspection team was preparing to fly to China.

Of course, Cao Yang doesn't care now how Porsche will react.

What he cares about is whether the test drive activities organized by the sales department can completely ignite the topic of Xingtu Motors.

In order to provide more gimmicks for the media, Xingtu's test drive event provided Cayenne, X5, Q7 and Q5 as comparison models for everyone to test drive.

Who is good and who is bad? You will know the answer after giving it a try.

Cao Yang is planning to create an atmosphere of punching the Cayenne, kicking the X5, and then stepping on the Q7 and Q5.

For those who stand on the shoulders of giants, the peak of their stardom is their debut.

"Editor Fang, this stardom is so beautiful."

"The look alone won me over."

"Several other models are no match for it."

Zhucheng Marriott Hotel, where the Starway test drive event is held.

There is Lovers' Road nearby, and the scenery is very good.

"The real car looks better than the picture. Xingchen Car is really awesome."

Fang Dawen walked around Xingtu several times, and the more he looked at it, the more he admired it.

As the editor-in-chief of the Automobile Channel, he can’t even remember how many test drive events he has participated in and how many models he has seen.

But the Xingtu in front of you is a model that people will never forget at one glance.

According to Fang Dawen's experience, as long as a car model can do this, it is definitely more than half of the success.

The remaining half depends on factors such as quality and price.

However, this aspect is Xingchen Automobile’s strength.

Therefore, it is almost inevitable that Xingtu will sell well.

"I don't know how much this car costs. It would be great if a 3.0T entry version could be launched."

Lin Jiayan was obviously a little moved.

As a senior media person, her income has been good over the years.

All kinds of transportation expenses that are not included in the salary card are more than the salary every year.

She is also very active in attending various OEM events.

In this way, the overall income is naturally not bad.

You can’t afford a luxury car worth more than 100 million yuan, but you can still work hard for a car worth 60 yuan or [-] yuan.

"The test drives today are all W12 engine versions. Judging from the situation of other models of Xingchen Motors, I think at least the V8 engine version should be launched in the future."

"You can also find an opportunity to consult at that time and see how Mr. Cao answers."

Fang Dawen is also very interested in various situations on the road to stardom.

According to his experience, articles related to stardom should be more popular in the future.

"Since the establishment of Xingchen Motors, every model launched has been so amazing."

"Ziweixing, starry sky, looking up, and the current stardom, it's really hard not to admire them."

"No wonder Yangcheng and even Lingnan Province regard Nanshan Group as a treasure and do not allow anyone to harm Nanshan Group."

Lin Jiayan looked around with emotion.

Countless domestic automotive media have all arrived.

It can be expected that in the next period of time, news reports related to Xingtu will definitely hit the screen.

In China, there are really not many car companies that can do this.

"Some people used to think that Mr. Cao was the most powerful car designer in China, and some people were not convinced."

"But with such classic models being designed one after another, I think there will be fewer and fewer people who have doubts about this evaluation."

"I even think these cars are worthy of being collected as collectibles in the future."

Fang Dawen found that after contacting Xingchen Automobile more often, he gradually became a fan of Cao Yang.

A few years ago, he would never have believed this situation.

However, it has now become a reality.

"I'll find an opportunity later and ask Mr. Cao to sign it. I feel that the value may increase in the future!"

Fang Dawen:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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