Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 413: The price increases when it is launched, and it is hard to find a Xingtu car

Chapter 413: The price increases when it is launched, and it is hard to find a car on the road to stardom

A test drive is essentially a marketing event.

On the one hand, it is to distribute travel expenses to media friends, and on the other hand, it is to let them have a real understanding of the car.

As for how the article is written, it depends on the situation.

If you have good connections with the media, even if your car is a mess, he can tell you that it is like a flower.

If you don't have a good relationship with the media, even if your car is invincible, they will still find something that makes people dissatisfied.

It's so picky.

Who wouldn't?

But this time, Xingchen Automobile puts the Porsche Cayenne, BMW X5, Audi Q5 and Q7 together, allowing everyone to feel the differences from static to dynamic, and the experience is still very different.

The first is the appearance. To put it bluntly, Xingtu crushes its opponents.

No matter how picky the media is, it's hard to say that the stardom is not good.

At most, I would say sourly that the appearance of Xingtu is not tough enough, and it does not have the relatively strong off-road style of the X5.

The second is the power performance. The W12 engine + 8AT powertrain is also a dimensionality reduction attack.

Even the Q7, which has the largest displacement, cannot be compared with Xingtu.

Some media also think that Xingchen Motors did not understand the positioning of its own models by bringing in both the Audi Q5 and Q7 for comparison.

But after watching and experiencing it on the spot, I can generally understand the idea of ​​​​Xingchen Motors.

This requires pressing both Q5 and Q7 on the ground at the same time and rubbing them.

"Mr. Cao, I think the appearance of Xingtu Motors can be used to apply for various awards such as the Red Dot Award. It is simply like a work of art."

"When the time comes to make a batch of car models and sell them in 4S stores, it is estimated that many people will buy them."

Yu Yu naturally came to the scene today.

And she also brought over Autohome's most elite photography and commentary team to prepare for a good promotion of stardom.

"Judging from the current situation, everyone's response is quite good."

"We just don't know how the market will perform in the end."

"But don't let it happen that it is well received but not popular."

Cao Yang was unusually humble.

The Cayenne in the previous life was very successful, but now it has the Xingchen logo, and it has to compete with the "grandpa" of the first-generation Cayenne. It's hard to say what will happen.

"With this shape, power and configuration, I think it is impossible for Xingtu to fail."

"It's just a matter of how successful it can be."

Yu Yu's words are really not flattering, but he is really confident in Xingtu.

After seeing so many cars, Xingtu’s styling is definitely among the best.

She even thinks that this car is likely to become an iconic presence in the development history of China Automobile.

"I hope so!"

There were many media present today. After Cao Yang chatted with Yu Yu for a while, he started chatting with some other people.

“From the outside, Xingtu captivates with its charm and dynamic design.”

“The lines of the front of the car are smooth and powerful, combined with the bold grille and sharp headlights, highlighting its sporty character.”

"The streamlined shape of the car body makes it look very dynamic. Whether it is stationary or driving, it exudes a powerful aura."

"Entering the car, luxury and sportiness are everywhere."

"Xingtu's interior uses high-quality materials and fine workmanship, giving it a comfortable and luxurious feel."

“The seats are comfortable and well-wrapped, suitable for long-distance driving and provide sufficient support.”

"The center console is concise and clear, and the buttons are reasonably laid out, allowing the driver to focus more on driving."

“Both the spacious cockpit and rear passenger compartment provide a comfortable feel, and even tall passengers can enjoy sufficient head and legroom.”

"Moreover, the rear seats can be flexibly adjusted as needed, further improving ride comfort."

Cao Yang was wandering around the scene, and many media were taking relevant videos and photos.

There was even someone who sat cross-legged and started writing an article.

Anyone who attended today's event knows that this car will be a hot topic in the future.

In this case, it is natural to publish a few articles quickly.

"Xingtu's suspension and handling performance are also its impressive features."

"The suspension system is adjusted just right, which can filter out the bumps on the road while maintaining the stability of the vehicle."

"When driving in curves, Xingtu's handling is clean and crisp, and its steering is accurate and flexible, giving people a safe and reliable feeling."

"Overall, Xingtu is an excellent luxury SUV."

"It not only has a dynamic and stylish appearance, luxurious and comfortable interior, spacious and comfortable space, but more importantly, it performs well in terms of engine power, suspension control and safety technology."

"If you pursue both luxury and performance, Xingtu is undoubtedly a good choice."

After walking around in the field, Cao Yang heard almost all words of praise.

This situation is not common.

After all, radishes and vegetables have their own preferences.

A car cannot win the favor of all customers under normal circumstances.

But Xingtu did it!

Both men and women rate it highly.

And Cao Yang can also feel which evaluations are for doing things with money and which evaluations come from the heart.

"Mr. Cao, how much will the selling price of this car go?"

"I really want to buy one myself."

Lin Jiayan took a free moment and came to Cao Yang.

One of the benefits of being in the media is that even if you are just an ordinary reporter, you can communicate directly with the CEOs of many companies.

This is also the reason why some journalists’ marriages often don’t end so perfectly.

The people you deal with every day are of a very high level.

Unknowingly, your horizons will become higher and you will compare your significant other with him.

Unless they marry into a wealthy family, how many journalists’ spouses can easily compare themselves to various bosses and celebrities?
"Xingtu Motors is the next-level customer to be accepted by Wangwang, and the sales price will be near the lower limit of Wangwang."

"We will officially launch it next week. If Reporter Lin likes it, I will ask the store to give you a lifetime free maintenance."

Discounts must not be given easily.

Until now, Xingchen Auto's price system has been very stable.

Each 4S store sells models according to the manufacturer's guide price. What everyone can discuss is whether they can give away some gifts.

For example, give a film, give a carpet, or give a few more free maintenance and so on.

Discounts are impossible!
Unless the market environment changes drastically, it will be difficult to sell the car.

Then think about other things.

However, Lin Jiayan had already spoken, and Cao Yang must have given her face.

Lifetime free maintenance is a great deal.

If it were to be converted into money, it would be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars.

However, Cao Yang is not worried that many people will come to him with similar requests today.

After all, Xingtu is a luxury SUV. Even if the price has not been officially announced, everyone can roughly guess the price range and weigh whether they can afford to buy it.

Just like ordinary consumers who go to see Porsche models, no matter what preferential terms they give you, they will basically not consider buying them.

Because there is no such strength at all.

It's like looking up at the bulletproof version. Even if I give you a [-]% discount, you can't afford it!
"Then I'd like to thank Mr. Cao."

Lin Jiayan is relatively familiar with the situation of Xingchen Automobile.

I know this is a car company that has never discounted so far.

So she was quite satisfied with this discount.

For Cao Yang, media test drives and test drive activities can turn media into customers, which can be regarded as a publicity gimmick.

It's a win-win thing.

Soon, with the efforts of various media, various news and videos of Xingtu test drives began to appear on the Internet.

All praise!

It made many people feel a little surprised, but also took it for granted.

"Mr. Cao is really awesome!"

"It's actually possible to design such a classic car."

"Our strategy of deeply bundling with Nanshan Group seems to be completely correct."

Over at Changan Automobile, Chen Shi'an, the director of the research institute, was chatting with Yi Jia about the latest news about Xingchen Automobile.

The Internet is full of news about Xingtu, and it is difficult for them not to know even if they want to.

"This shape is indeed better-looking than any SUV from the international automobile giant."

"What was said online about punching the Porsche Cayenne and kicking the BMW X5 is really true."

Yi Jia felt very envious when she thought of the stunning appearance pictures.

It would be great when Changan Automobile can also design a model like this.

Compared with other relatively mature regions, China's automobile market has many characteristics of its own.

For example, the appearance of a vehicle model is a very important influencing factor in China.

Many consumers will give up buying a certain model because they don’t like its appearance.

Relatively speaking, some foreign consumers pay more attention to the performance of the car.

Of course, if everything goes well, that would be the best.

But the starry road in front of me gives people a feeling that everything is going well.

"Last year Xingchen Motors produced 11 cars in China, which has exceeded Audi's sales in China."

"According to this development momentum, Xingchen Motors will be the well-deserved number one luxury car in China this year."

"Even if calculated based on turnover, Xingchen Automobile can undoubtedly become the number one in China."

"This kind of scene is probably something that no one could even imagine before, right?"

Not to mention others, Yi Jia himself never thought that China's automobile market would one day be like this.

It's really unbelievable.

"It really is."

"Xingchen Motors has launched new models one after another, and each new model is so attractive." "Coupled with their deep accumulation of parts and components technology and their huge influence in the field of publicity, It’s not easy for them to fail even if they want to.”

'Xingchen Automobile, the trend has been achieved! '

Chen Shi'an's statement should represent the views of many people in the Chinese cycling circle.

However, car companies such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW are definitely more nervous now.

"McTy, our X7 hasn't been launched yet to compete with Yangwang. Xingchen Motors has launched Xingtu first to compete with our X5."

"This matter must be taken seriously."

At BMW China, Aimoha's expression was very serious at this time, and he called sales director Mike Di into his office.

There was so much excitement on the Chinese Internet. Xingchen Motors' new mid-to-large luxury SUV was once again out of the spotlight. It was impossible for him not to see the relevant news.

He even went to read some articles on the Internet about the comparative analysis of Xingtu and X5.

To put it bluntly, the X5 is a complete failure!
Although there is definitely a marketing trick involved, it also proves Xingtu's strong competitiveness from the side.

Not to mention other things, Aimoha knows that the X5 is indeed no match for Xingtu based on its appearance and power performance.

The only thing that still makes him feel gratified is that the X5 takes a relatively tough route, which is different from Xingtu's style.

Even if it was affected, he felt it wouldn't be particularly huge.

Of course, it's hard to say whether this is wishful thinking on his part.

"I have arranged personnel to closely track the sales data of X5 at various dealers to see if it will be affected by Xingtu."

"However, I think it is necessary for the company to further increase sales funds so that we can maintain close relationships with more media."

"Otherwise, we will lag far behind each other in terms of publicity and publicity."

"According to our investigation, China's largest automotive professional website is a sister company of Xingchen Automobile."

"The founder of Weibo, an increasingly influential social media, is the girlfriend of Cao Yang, general manager of Xingchen Automobile."

"In this case, as long as Xingchen Motors' cars are not particularly bad, the public opinion on the Internet will be very good."

McTee naturally wanted to take this opportunity to ask for more funds from the sales department.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the confidence to block Xingtu's impact.

As a fairly competent sales director, Mike's market sense is still very keen.

Even he himself was moved by the appearance of Xingtu. What would consumers think?
The only advantage of the BMW X5 is BMW’s brand power.

But with the continued success of Xingchen Automobile, the difference in brand power is definitely shrinking.

At least this is the case in the Chinese market.

"You make a plan and discuss it within the company then."

Aimoha did not refuse McTee this time.

He also felt that he really needed to spend more money on marketing.

Otherwise, the sales data would not look good and he would not know how to report it to the headquarters.

However, no matter what they do, there is no way to stop Xingtu from leaving the circle.

You need to have appearance, you have to have power and motivation, and you have to have quality.

When encountering such a model, many opponents don't know how to start.

"129.99 yuan?"

"Strauss, what do you think of the price of Xingtu?"

Vondel has paid great attention to Xingtu related news these days, and even arranged for someone to track and organize relevant news.

Now seeing that the official price of Xingchen Motors Xingtu has been announced, Vondel naturally wants to call Strauss over to discuss it together.

"I just saw the latest news released on Autohome. After Xingtu officially announced the price yesterday, it received more than 1000 orders in one day."

"This is only an order from China. According to this pace, there is no problem selling 5000 vehicles in China in a month. It is even possible to achieve monthly sales of over [-] units."

"In this case, it shows that consumers recognize the selling price of 129.99 million yuan."

When Strauss said this, Vondel's face immediately turned ugly.

Received more than 1000 orders on the day it was launched?
This is a luxury car costing more than 100 million yuan.

When did Chinese people become so rich?
"There are many articles on the Internet that devalue Q5 and Q7 as worthless. You have to find a way to change this situation."

“Isn’t this the Chinese Olympics this year?”

"Our Audi four-ring logo is so similar to the five Olympic rings. We must make full use of this marketing opportunity."

"Last year was the first time Audi sold 10 models in the Chinese market."

"This year our goal is to reach at least 12 vehicles."

"If Xingchen Automobile's sales in China this year exceed 12, then the position of China's number one luxury brand will be completely occupied by them."

"This is very detrimental to our future marketing."

Fondel looked solemn, and the sense of crisis in his heart had been aroused.

"How about we organize a customer feedback event to express gratitude to the Olympics and adjust the selling price downward?"

No matter when, price war is a very effective tactic.

Although people who buy luxury cars are rich, money for rich people does not fall from the sky.

If the price can be reduced, everyone will definitely welcome it.

“After prices come down, it’s very difficult to go up.”

Vondel did not object directly, but just reminded Strauss.

"The price of cars in China is too high. The market price of the same Q7 is almost twice that of Germany."

"In this case, we still have enough price space to adjust the selling price."

"Furthermore, when other automobile companies launch new models, they are also constantly lowering prices."

"So I don't think I need to worry so much."

Following Strauss's words, Volkswagen began a new round of price adjustments.

Audi's prices have been adjusted, and Mercedes-Benz and BMW will naturally not make any changes.

Even if the manufacturer's guide price does not change, the terminal's sales price will be adjusted.

However, all this has not had any impact on Xingtu's sales.

"Mr. Cao, Xingtu's production capacity is still in the climbing stage, and it can only produce about 5000 vehicles a month."

"It will take one month to raise it to 8000 Liang, and two months to raise it to 12000 vehicles."

"Going forward, we have to wait until the factory can be expanded before there is room for further improvement."

"Unless you work overtime every day, you have no days off on weekends."

As the vice president in charge of production of Xingchen Automobile, Luo Hongxing has been extremely busy these days.

The planned number of Xingtu units is not small, almost 10 units per year.

However, there is a climbing process for new models to go into production, and there is no way to reach full production as soon as they are launched.

However, the demand for Xingtu cars in various 4S stores is very strong, not to mention that half of the production capacity is used for export.

As a result, domestic supply has become a bit tight.

The troubles of happiness are also troubles.

"Let the brothers at the production site work harder and get through the last month first."

"However, although production capacity is very tight and quality cannot be relaxed, we should not cause quality problems just after it is launched."

Cao Yang is a knowledgeable leader, so he can naturally understand what Luo Hongxing said.

As a luxury model, this situation of short supply is sometimes not a bad thing.

Even later Ferraris used hunger marketing to their advantage.

After placing an order for some models, it will take one or two years for the car to be delivered.

In other words, if Ferrari dared to play like this, if it were another car company, it would probably be lost.

"Don't worry, quality is our lifeline, and there will definitely be no mistakes in this aspect."

After hearing Cao Yang's words, Luo Hongxing breathed a sigh of relief.

The boss doesn't pressure her every day like Zeng Tingting, which is good news.

Otherwise, he wouldn't know what to do.

However, due to insufficient production capacity of Xingtu, there are many consumers queuing up in 4S stores waiting to pick up their cars.

At this time, some dealers who had already taken cars from Xingchen Auto in advance were living a comfortable life.

"Mr. Cao, we have just received news that Xingtu has increased prices for car pickup in some 4S stores."

"If the price is not increased by 5 yuan, you will have to wait three months to pick up the car."

"In this case, should we restrain it?"

Zeng Tingting knew that Cao Yang attached great importance to Xingtu's sales, so she reported to Cao Yang as soon as there was any situation.

"Pick up the car at an extra price?"

Cao Yang couldn't help but laugh, "It's finally our turn for Xingchen Motors to increase the price to pick up the car?"

For a long time, there has been nothing to do with self-owned brand models and price increases.

Even for the previous models of Xingchen Motors, there were no large-scale price increases.

Now the stars have indeed met.

It has to be said that this also means that Mingxingchen Automobile is becoming more and more successful.

"Yes, at least half of the 4S stores have already increased prices to pick up cars."

"Other ones that don't have a price increase also require customers to install some premium products before they can pick up the car in advance."

Zeng Tingting gave her reply with certainty.

This was the first time she had encountered this situation, so she had no idea what plan to adopt to deal with it.

"Let the bullets fly first, let's not rush it."

“But we need to pay close attention to public opinion trends and consumer reactions in a timely manner.”

"If the situation is not good, you can send a restrictive letter to each 4S store."

"Just take care of it symbolically."

"An appropriate price increase will not be a bad thing for Xingtu."

Cao Yang gave instructions quickly.

Similar things have happened before and will happen again in the future.

Honda can do it, Toyota can do it, and there is no reason why Xingchen Automobile can't do it.

Everything has two sides, it just depends on how to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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