Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 419: Looking up to the stars, two popular items are completely popular

Chapter 419: Looking up + stardom, two hot hits are completely popular
Xingchen Automobile can always bring surprises to the automotive media.

It is not wrong to even say that Xingchen Motors is the bread and butter of the media.

Originally, everyone was not particularly looking forward to the V8 engine, but this time it brought another surprise to everyone.

Xingtu Motors equipped with a V8 engine can accelerate 0-100Km/h in only 4.5 seconds, even for those media people who are not so professional.

This result is definitely not bad.

It can even be said to be a very awesome existence.

After some friends from the media discovered this, they immediately stopped participating in the remaining activities and directly found a place to write out the manuscript first.

How could you miss such a good stunt?
Therefore, the test drive activity has not yet completely ended, and there are already various related reports on the Internet.

Various car companies that have been paying attention to the news of Xingchen Motors naturally learned about the relevant situation immediately.

However, the more you know, the more painful it becomes sometimes.

Like McTee of BMW, this is the case at this time.

"Ai Moha, judging from the current situation, the V8 engines installed on Xingchen Automobile's Yangwang and Xingtu are one level higher in performance than the V7 engines we use on the X8."

"Even the new generation V63 engine we developed internally based on the S8 engine may not necessarily have the same performance."

"This is very detrimental to our next model marketing."

McCarty found that he had fewer and fewer cards to play.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"When we at BMW started making cars, Xingchen Motors didn't even have a shadow."

"Producing a car does not mean that the better the engine parameters are, the better the sales will be."

"If that's really the case, then everyone can just develop large-displacement engines."

"The heritage of our BMW cars is not comparable to that of Xingchen Motors."

"Next step, the company can cooperate with various media and invite them to visit the headquarters of BMW Deutschland to better understand the history of BMW."

"We also need to fully explore some of the stories behind BMW's various models, and then do a good job of relevant publicity on the Internet."

"We can also try the film and television advertising placement method currently used by Xingchen Motors in the Chinese market."

"The cost of advertising placement in those urban TV dramas is not very high. We can try a few more dramas and not let Xingchen Automobile take away all of them."

Aimoha took a deep breath and quickly made a decision.

As the general manager of BMW China, he feels that he can still work harder.

Drive a BMW, take a Mercedes.

This slogan once helped BMW become the two most famous luxury car brands in China.

Now, he plans to further strengthen this marketing concept, let more people know about BMW's historical heritage, and let more people know that luxury cars are not something that an upstart can run in a few years.

"Okay, I will immediately arrange for various departments to take action to make public opinion develop in a direction that is beneficial to us."

Seeing that the boss had made a decision, McTee breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that the sales department can get more funds in the next step, and the space it can play will be broader.

As for whether these measures are effective and how effective they are, that is not something we can worry about now.

It's better to take action and have a plan than to wait and do nothing, right?

Cao Yang definitely didn't know about these actions of the BMW.

However, after the prices of Xingtu V8 and Yangwang V8 were announced that night, he knew the reaction from the 4S store immediately.

"Mr. Cao, today the customer arrival rate at various 4S stores has increased by more than 8% compared to usual. We have received more than 8 and 800 orders for the V1200 and Xingtu V[-] in one day."

"If we continue to develop at this pace, Xingtu and Wangwang will be able to achieve the goal of monthly sales exceeding [-] in China starting next month."

"Some time ago, Melgen from Ford Motor Company was still looking for us to rush the shipment, and he wanted to send more Stars and Stars to the American market."

"I think Xingchen Motors has slowly established its brand in the United States. I can mention it appropriately when I get the price of Ford Motors in the future."

"If they can pass the cost on to American consumers after we raise prices, then it doesn't matter to us."

"Anyway, we cannot let Ford take away the bulk of profits from future sales in the United States. We must obtain at least half of normal profits."

Zeng Tingting's proposal actually represents the opinions of the sales department and the finance department.

After all, judging from last year's situation, although Yangwang sold more than 10 vehicles, about half of them were contributed by the American market.

But from a profit perspective, the American market only contributed less than [-]% of profits, which is definitely inappropriate.

It's just that I haven't found a good opportunity to change this situation before.

Now that V8 has come out, if we want to re-establish the price, there will naturally be articles to do.

Even when some other car models change in the future, we can make a fuss about it.

The worst case scenario is to add some configurations and stuff, and then come up with some new versions.

Anyway, there are more methods than problems.

"We can try it on a small scale first to see if the response from Ford is big."

"The situation in the American market is special, and it may not necessarily be a good thing if we completely abandon Ford."

"Especially now that we have entered areas such as high-end carbon fiber and chips, which were previously monopolized by international giants."

"In the future, it is likely to continue to damage the interests of some international giants, which will inevitably lead to us encountering some new difficulties internationally."

"If we deal with the American market entirely on our own, it's hard to tell when some American institutions will jump out to mess with us."

"It's like the brake door on Toyota cars. It can take out all the money you make in a year at once."

"If there are several so-called car accidents involving Wangwang or Xingtu, and a sky-high compensation amount is set for us, perhaps our losses will be much greater when calculated comprehensively."

"And if we go to Ford or General Motors to discuss cooperation at that time, we will be completely passive."

Cao Yang loves and hates the American market.

If Nanshan Group wants to produce technological materials and products, it will definitely be dealt with or even sanctioned in the future.

Many people don't realize this.

But Cao Yang had a very definite answer in his heart.

But there is no way to put these things on the table right now.

It is obviously a more appropriate approach to let some of the money go out and transfer all the risks of Xingchen Motors in the American market to Ford Motors.

The worst-case scenario is that everyone will be at odds with each other, and I will just stop selling in the American market.

If you have problems with the cars you sold before, you go to Ford Motor Company.

If Ford wants to find Xingchen Motors, it can just file a lawsuit slowly and slowly.

When Xingchen Motors signed the relevant cooperation agreement with Ford Motor, Cao Yang consciously asked the Legal Department to make some preparations in this regard.

Even if you can't win the lawsuit, you can at least ensure that you won't lose.

that's enough.

"That's true. Let's try it on the V8 engine model first."

"Previously, the net profit for models exported to the United States was only 3%. This time we will increase it from 3% to 10%."

Although Zeng Tingting said she wanted to give it a try, it seemed that the movements were very small.

But the move was not polite at all, and the profit margin was directly increased to 10%.

The automobile industry itself is not a hugely profitable industry, at least not for most car companies.

If you have any questions, you can take a look at the annual reports of each car company.

A car company that can achieve a net profit of more than ten points is already considered very powerful.

Most companies only fluctuate a few points around 5%.


Everyone has a certain herd effect.

The more popular Xingchen cars are, the more people are willing to buy them.

Whether it is various automotive media or Weibo, there are various news about Xingchen Automobile almost every day.

Under such circumstances, more and more consumers are buying Xingchen cars.

In particular, the emergence of the V8 engine versions of the Xingtu and Yangwang has lowered the purchase threshold for these two popular models, allowing sales to grow explosively.

Why do various car companies launch some new models every now and then? If there are no real new models, they also decorate the models with minor changes into new models?

This is to attract traffic!
Only with changes can there be topics and attract consumers to pay attention to you.

Because the attention attracted by changes in one model will not only increase the sales of this model, but also further increase the sales of other models.

Xingchen Automobile has already felt this chain effect.

However, this knock-on effect is obviously not a good thing for other companies.

"Strauss, the sales of Audi Q5 and Q7 have been obviously declining in the past few days. You have implemented so many marketing measures before, but you have not seen any results."

Vondel looked at Strauss very dissatisfied.

The Olympics will be held soon, and Volkswagen is thinking of using the marketing of the Olympics to regain its top position in China.

But this goal is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.

Now, the monthly sales volume of Modu GM is steadily surpassing that of the North and South Volkswagen.

Behind the scenes, the sales of other car companies are rising rapidly.

Even Chinese independent brand car companies such as Great Wall Motor, Changan Automobile and BYD Auto are all challenging the annual sales target of more than 30.

By then, the second and third market positions of North and South Volkswagen will not be preserved, which will be embarrassing.

"We are planning to hold the dealers' semi-annual summary meeting in advance next week to discuss with each dealer to see how we can change this situation."

"Chinese consumers are the most fickle, and they don't have strong brand loyalty."

"How to attract these consumers to our Audi brand models requires more input from local dealers."

Strauss now also began to lower his noble head.

Of course, to a certain extent, this is also an act of passing the buck.

At that time, I listened to the dealers and sales increased, which was attributed to Strauss.

If sales still don’t improve, then the dealer’s advice is to blame.

Anyway, the leader must be right. "It is naturally necessary to listen more to dealers' opinions."

"But how to respond to the situation in the Chinese market to the headquarters so that the headquarters can make some targeted adjustment strategies is also something that needs to be considered."

"Otherwise, the days to come will become increasingly difficult."

Vondel is already feeling tremendous pressure.

Volkswagen brands face competition from China’s local independent brands.

The same goes for the Audi brand. Under the pressure of Xingchen Motors, life is a bit difficult.

Even the evergreen tree of Audi A6L is experiencing declining sales.

It can be said that Volkswagen's situation in China has fallen into an anxious state.

It hasn't declined yet, and that's because the overall market is growing.

"We really need to make the headquarters aware of the market changes in China. Otherwise, we won't make too many changes specifically for the Chinese market."

"The current sales of Xingtu and Wangwang are no longer comparable to those of Q5 and Q7."

"Even the combined sales volume of our models of the same level as BMW and Mercedes-Benz cannot match others in China."

"Xingchen Automobile, the trend has been achieved."

Strauss sighed with great emotion.

However, he could only continue to think of a solution.

At least, so far, Audi's fundamentals have not collapsed.

He felt that there was still hope for treatment.

But for the Lexus LX570, which has only officially entered the Chinese market in the past few years, especially this year, it is completely different.

The price is higher than that of Xingtu and Yangwang, and the power is not as good as others.

Even brand power is just like that.

As a result, the sales of Lexus LS570 immediately dropped to the point where it was impossible to watch.

"Mr. Cao, after our V8 Xingtu and Yangwang were launched, Lexus's originally well-selling LS570 was completely wiped out."

"Originally, the price of this car is quite high. In the past, many consumers in South China were particularly fond of Lexus and were willing to pay a high price to buy it."

"But we are afraid of comparison in everything. It is also a V8 model, and the power of the LS570 is no match for us."

"Coupled with the publicity of the comparison article on Autohome, there has now been a public opinion that buying a Lexus LS570 is paying IQ tax."

"This is also a very big blow to other Lexus models."

Zeng Tingting was in a good mood and reported the progress of various things to Cao Yang.

Although the overall auto market is not as good as everyone expected, the development pace of Xingchen Automobile is highly consistent with what was planned at the beginning of the year.

All objectives are expected to be achieved.

Under this situation, Zeng Tingting is ready to further seize the market from other competitors and completely consolidate Xingchen Automobile's dominant position.

"Many Lexus models can find corresponding prototypes in the Toyota brand."

"You can think of ways to guide Mercedes-Benz and BMW to attack Lexus from this angle."

"It has become a consensus that buying a Lexus means paying an IQ tax."

"This should be good for other luxury brands."

Cao Yang values ​​Lexus more than the average person.

If others don't know, how can he not know about Lexus' performance?
It was a luxury brand second only to BBA. At its peak, it could sell 20 vehicles a year in China.

The most important thing is that their various car models are often sold at increased prices for many years.

Coupled with the impact of the depreciation of the yen, it can be said that Lexar has made no less money in China.

Cao Yang definitely didn't want to see this situation.

Not to mention that the LS570 itself has a certain competitive relationship with Xingchen Automobile. Even if there is no competition, we still have to fight against it.

Otherwise, if there are too many people competing for food, it will eventually affect the meat in your own rice bowl.

"No problem. As long as this kind of public opinion is stirred up and the marketing staff of Mercedes-Benz and BMW are not stupid, they will definitely add fuel to the fire."

"However, it's hard to say about Audi cars."

"Their situation is similar to that of Lexus. They may not easily support such public opinion, and may even find ways to help Lexus suppress such public opinion."

Zeng Tingting's judgment is obviously very reasonable.

Sometimes whether you support or oppose something has nothing to do with whether the thing itself is right or wrong. .

It depends on whether you support or oppose this matter, which attitude is good for you.

For example, if you are an electric bicycle owner, you will definitely oppose the ban on electric bicycles in later generations.

If you don’t have an electric bike at home, you’re definitely on board.

It's hard to say which attitude is right or wrong.

It can only be said that the butt determines the head, or interests determine the head.

Otherwise, how can we say that everything in the world is beneficial?
"Ignoring the situation at Audi, the Q5 and Q7 are about to be killed by us. I guess they have too much to take care of themselves now."

Cao Yang also didn't have a particularly good impression of Audi.

The relationship between Nanshan Group and Volkswagen is completely broken.

In this case, let's talk about it a bit.

It's still unknown who will win the game.


The United States is the Cayenne's main sales market.

Even Porsche will launch this SUV model mainly for the American market.

However, during this period, Cayenne's sales in the American market encountered Waterloo.

Naturally, this situation was quickly reported back to Porsche headquarters.

"Weidejin, the Cayenne is the company's best-selling model now. Even if they are not easy to sell in China, even the sales in the American market have dropped by half."

"If this situation continues to develop, Porsche cars will return to the same dangerous situation as before."

Wolfgang is obviously a little dissatisfied with Wedekind's performance in recent years.

No matter what the process is in the middle, what happens.

As chairman of the board, he is all about results.

Judging from the results, Porsche's performance in the past two years is obviously not good.

Needless to say, the Porsche 911 was completely pinned to the ground and rubbed by the Starry Sky Sports Car.

Porsche's Cayenne was fine last year. After all, the star car's reputation and its positioning are still quite different.

But now that Xingtu is on the market, the situation has changed.

The exterior styles of the models are very similar, but the Xingtu is obviously more fashionable and larger in size, fully meeting the needs of American and Chinese consumers.

Coupled with the excellent performance in power performance, the Cayenne immediately lost its competitiveness.

This is very fatal for Porsche cars.

This is equivalent to the company's profit cow.

"Wolfgang, I went to find out more about the situation in the United States."

"Mainly Ford is vigorously helping Xingchen Motors sell Xingtu, a mid-to-large SUV."

"Obviously the price is relatively close to our Cayenne, but the configuration and dimensions are much higher than ours."

"Coupled with the influence accumulated by Xingchen Motors before, Ford Motors is a local leader, and our Cayenne was immediately affected."

"The situation in the SUV market is always changing, and I think it is necessary for Porsche to launch larger SUVs to meet market demand."

"But the board of directors has always believed that large-size SUVs will affect the handling performance and are inconsistent with our brand positioning."

"Whether we want the market or the brand, I think it's time to make a choice."

Weidejin has also been in a bad mood recently.

Wolfgang spoke to him very rudely, and he was a little unhappy.

After all, everyone is already financially free, so why should we be so wronged?

"Even if a large SUV model is developed now, it will take several years before it can be mass-produced."

"There is no way to immediately change the predicament we are facing now."

"What the board of directors hopes to see is that the management can come up with some effective plans now, immediately, and immediately change this situation as soon as possible."

"Instead of always looking for reasons and excuses, a management team like this is unqualified!"

When the company's situation is good, everything is easy to talk about and many problems will be covered up.

But when the company's situation is not good, many problems will be magnified and many contradictions will be exposed.

For Porsche, this logic obviously holds true.

Wolfgang has always thought about acquiring Volkswagen in the future, and he has already taken action.

But the current situation seems not enough to support his actions.

No wonder he gets mad.

However, getting angry obviously cannot solve the problem, otherwise the boss would just be responsible for losing his temper.

"Wolfgang, everyone is well aware of the situation the company is facing now."

"If we really want to take action, then I suggest everyone go to China and see what is happening in this fastest-growing market."

"Otherwise, we won't be able to solve the problem by working behind closed doors every day."

Wedekind did not contradict Wolfgang directly, but the meaning behind his words was very clear.

In the end, Porsche did take action and arranged a large number of design and marketing personnel to go to China for inspection.

This situation is relatively rare.

(End of this chapter)

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