Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 433: Make money from the United States and buy Land Rover and Jaguar.

Chapter 433: Make money from the United States and buy Land Rover and Jaguar
The 2008 Olympic Games is a big event for China.

Seeing that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is getting closer, Nanshan Group and Volkswagen are also making intensive preparations for Olympic-related marketing.

However, Cao Yang has no time to care about these things now.

Because Zhang Fugui reported to him something more important.

On August 2007, 8, Deutsche Industrial Bank announced a profit warning, estimating a loss of 2 billion euros.

It suffered huge losses because of its 127 billion euro "Rhineland Fund" and the bank's small involvement in the U.S. real estate subprime mortgage market.

The Deutsche Bank convened banks across the country to discuss a package to rescue Deutsche Bank.

This incident made the subprime mortgage crisis intensify, and the financial market was a bloody storm.

And at this time, an even more important thing happened.

American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation, the tenth largest mortgage lender in the United States, officially filed for bankruptcy protection with the court on August 8.

It became another large mortgage lender in the United States to file for bankruptcy after New Century Financial Corporation.

Some well-informed investors have even received news that two funds owned by Bear Stearns, the fifth largest investment bank in the United States, will collapse.

In previous years, any of these news would have been a major event in the financial circle.

But by 2008, they all came together.

Zhang Fugui, who originally led the financial team of Nanshan Investment to sit on Wall Street, was a little unable to sit still.

Just get a plane ticket and fly across the Pacific Ocean with Lin Ling, the head of finance, to personally report to Cao Yang on the investment situation in Nanshan.

"Mr. Cao, the financial market has changed a lot during this period. The share price of Citibank, which we have heavily shorted, has dropped from US$23 last year to US$5 now, and there seems to be no sign of stopping the decline."

"But the risk of continuing to sell short is also relatively high. Although the money in our account is divided into many sub-accounts, there will be a lot of trouble in order for the funds to flow back smoothly."

Lin Ling's eyes had dark circles, obviously she hadn't slept well recently.

There is no way, no one can look at the money in the account increasing by hundreds of millions and pretend that nothing happened.

"Mr. Cao, we previously invested almost 10 billion US dollars, which was successfully doubled last year, and now it has directly become more than 70 billion US dollars."

"With so much money placed there, if you continue to short-sell, the risk will be great, and it will easily attract the attention of some institutions in the United States."

"At that time, I'm worried that people will directly accuse me of some crimes, or say that we are the driving force behind the subprime mortgage crisis."

"So I think we can consider transferring part of this fund to Xingchen Motors' overseas holding company to pay for the purchase of Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motor?"

Zhang Fugui wanted to spend the money he got from collecting wool from the American market as soon as possible, otherwise he would feel that he would not be able to sleep well.

Some money is not so easy to earn.

Although during this crisis, there must be some institutions that made more money than Nanshan Investment.

But behind those institutions, there are unfathomable backgrounds that cannot be compared with Nanshan Investment.

"Although the U.S. stock market has not yet seen any intention of stopping its decline, the fluctuations every day have become much more intense."

"The announcement of a policy is likely to cause the stock market to achieve a short-term rise."

"But it is very likely that the stock price will fall sharply due to another bad news."

"In this case, the risk of going long or short is already relatively high."

"I also support Mr. Zhang's opinion, cash out part of the profits and be safe."

“The remaining funds can be used to see if there are any new opportunities.”

Lin Ling also feels that this investment is almost at the final stage.

If you keep doing it, it's hard to say what will happen.

"Your analysis is very reasonable. Although Nanshan Investment has taken many preventive measures, it is impossible that no trace will be exposed."

"During this period, you are also considering staying in China directly and remotely commanding the traders on Wall Street through satellite phones."

"You just have to get used to staying up late."

Cao Yang first affirmed the achievements of Zhang Fugui and Lin Ling.

Although these achievements were achieved under my specific command, as the boss, there is no need to compete with those below for credit.

"As for the US$23 billion to acquire Jaguar and Land Rover, I also agree with your plan and cash out the investment from Nanshan first."

"However, with the remaining funds, I think I can continue to short Citibank."

"As long as the leverage is not increased so much, the risk is controllable."

"After we earn back the US$23 billion we cashed out, we will call it a day!"

Cao Yang's goal is to take this opportunity to collect about US$100 billion in funds from the American financial market.

For this reason, he had previously kept a lot of the funds obtained from exports outside.

Now that we have reached the final stage of harvesting, it would be a pity to end it directly.

If others don't know clearly, how can he still not know the magnitude of the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis?
The companies that are closing down now are just the appetizer.

There are even larger companies lining up to go to the rooftop.

"Mr. Cao, do you think the U.S. stock market will continue to fall?"

If Lin Ling had doubts about Cao Yang's ability at the beginning, now she is definitely very confident in Cao Yang.

Facts speak louder than words. This year's market performance has proven Cao Yang's vision.

"The avalanche has just begun, and it won't end so soon."

"Even if various countries introduce various measures, it is impossible to turn the situation around within 2008."

"So in the next few months, it will be relatively safe overall."

"Of course, these funds also need to be used to acquire other companies."

"Work in this area is already underway."

"The more difficult times are, the more determined companies are to sell their assets, so we won't wait too long."

"In two months at most, all actions of Nanshan Investment in the financial market can be stopped."

“The focus will shift to asset mergers and acquisitions later on.”

Cao Yang didn't hide much about Lin Ling and Zhang Fugui.

If some of Nanshan Investment's investment projects fail due to information communication, then he himself will be hurt the most.

"Lin Ling, how about we follow what Mr. Cao said and continue to short Citibank for a month or two, and then prepare to slowly cash out and leave?"

Zhang Fugui was worried that Lin Ling couldn't figure it out, so he tried to persuade her from the side.

"No problem, then we will arrange the next investment in the direction you mentioned, Mr. Cao."

"The current market is relatively chaotic, and there may be unexpected surprises."

Lin Ling quickly adjusted her mentality and prepared to readjust the investment plan based on Cao Yang's layout.

And when Nanshan Group easily raised funds to acquire Jaguar and Land Rover, some people were still thinking about whether they could do something icing on the cake.

"Mr. Cao, someone from ICBC contacted me and asked us if we need financing. They can directly lend us US dollars, up to US$23 billion."

Mi Ying used to be an employee of ICBC, and she has been in contact with her former colleagues and leaders in the past few years.

Nanshan Group is now considered a big business, and the social status of Mi Ying, secretary to the general manager and office director, is also rising.

To put it bluntly, with her current influence in Nanshan Group, after returning to her hometown, the leaders of the county will take the initiative to visit her.

Even the city leaders were willing to come forward to meet with him.

It's just that she doesn't like this.

"It is not necessary for the time being, but this time there is no need to reject it so simply. The group will make some moves in the international market in the future."

"The demand for funds should be relatively large by then, and perhaps some US dollar loans will indeed be needed."

Cao Yang originally wanted to refuse directly.

He receives more than N similar loan contacts every year.

During the Industrial and Peasant Construction, every bank wanted to issue loans to the Nanshan Group, the kind of loans with almost no limit on the amount.

But Nanshan Group, which has very good profitability, really doesn't have much demand for loans.

"Well, then I will reply to you."

"The other party also said that as long as we have needs, they can use special approval to release the funds to the account specified in the shortest possible time."

For high-quality customers, the bank's services can be better than you can imagine.

Cao Yang has fully felt this over the years.

In 19998, if the Nanshan Auto Parts Factory wanted a loan, it would definitely require the grandfather to sue the grandmother, and it might not succeed in the end.

Even if it is successful, the proportion of tea expenses will never be low.

But now, the situation is completely different.

You won't pay a penny for tea, and the loan interest is the lowest standard, and the other party is still begging you for a loan.

The distaste for the poor and the love for the rich is most obvious in the financial circle.

After all, this is what people eat.


"Chris, I heard from the financial director yesterday that Xingchen Motors has transferred US$23 billion directly to the company's account, and the relevant handover process for Jaguar and Land Rover is already in progress."

"From now on, Jaguar and Land Rover will completely become Xingchen Motors' industries."

Melgen, who was far away on the other side of the Pacific, was drinking coffee with Chris and chatting about recent events in the company.

For Ford, in addition to the eternal topic of turning around losses, the sale of Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles is a hot topic during this period.

Since Mulally took office, he has started a sales-sell model, continuously slimming down Ford Motor Company.

This is also quite impressive in increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

So Ford can still hold on.

Unlike General Motors, which filed for bankruptcy protection with the court on June 6 this year, it has now become a "state-owned enterprise" in the United States.

“This year’s auto market is changing really fast.”

"Although Jaguar and Land Rover were sold, whether the company can turn a profit this year is also a big question."

"But fortunately, Xingchen Automobile's Yangwang and Xingtu are selling very well, which can be said to have given the company a lot of blood."

"Now that the burden of Jaguar and Land Rover has been thrown away, I think the company's future is worth looking forward to."

Chris wasn't really worried about Ford's future.

With the example of General Motors in front of them, they are not really worried that the company will not survive in the future.

Even if we really can't survive, isn't there still General Motors' plan waiting for everyone?
Changes in shareholders will not affect the work of their employees, and the impact on income will be relatively limited.

At this time, the American automobile market was not that big. "What you said makes sense, but frankly speaking, after selling Jaguar and Land Rover to Xingchen Motors, it may really create a big rival for Lincoln in the future."

"At least in the Chinese market, it is difficult to expect much sales for our Lincoln brand."

"Even the situation of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China will change greatly in the future."

"It is entirely possible for Xingchen Motors, Land Rover Motors and Jaguar Motors to replace the current market position of ABB."

Melgen's vision is still very sharp, and he can see some development trends at once.

However, he would not say it easily if he saw through some things.

After all, his own interests are also entangled with some things.

In addition to receiving wages from the company, everyone also has some other legal income.

"That's what Mercedes-Benz and BMW need to worry about. Our main task is to run the Ford brand well."

"Besides, selling Jaguar Land Rover is the decision of the board of directors. Xingchen Motors is the most qualified buyer. No matter who is reviewing it, there is no reason to object to this sale decision."

Chris spread his hands, not wanting to worry so much.

"What you said makes sense. Let's go to China sometime and feel the market changes there."

"The company has now made up its mind and will focus on developing the Chinese market in the next step."

"Several new SUV models will be introduced in China."

"Various new technologies are also being applied to Huaxia's models simultaneously."

"It depends on the final effect."

Melgen is relatively confident in Ford's heritage.

Although some technology has been absorbed from Nanshan Group in terms of engines and gearboxes over the years, Ford's own technology was not bad.

Now after several years of comprehensive development, the situation is even more different.

The same thing is happening in other OEMs.

Because of the emergence of Nanshan Group, the new models launched by various automobile giants in China after 2008 are much more competitive than the same period.

Reducing configurations and lowering material levels has become increasingly rare.

At least on newly imported new models, it is already very rare.


"Leader, I have inquired clearly. Xingchen Motors' acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover has been approved by relevant agencies on both sides. Xingchen Motors paid the funds for the acquisition directly to Ford yesterday."

"The next step is some formal handovers."

"I heard that Mr. Cao will go to England after the Olympics to stabilize the management teams of Jaguar and Land Rover and start making arrangements for the next step."

Luo Yi can be said to have been paying attention to the movements of Nanshan Group every day during this period.

As the largest enterprise in Yangcheng, Nanshan Group's influence is growing day by day.

Especially since it recently made such a big move, directly acquiring two luxury brands for US$23 billion.

This is very impactful to many people.

"How can Nanshan Group get such a large sum of money so easily?"

Although Liu Tianwu knew that Nanshan Group's profitability was quite good, it was still a bit beyond his expectation that it was so good.

"I haven't found out the specific situation, but the $23 billion must have been paid to Ford."

"That's absolutely certain."

"Several banks are also in contact with Nanshan Group and have expressed their willingness to provide financial support."

"But as far as I know, Nanshan Group has not approached banks for loans so far."

Luo Yi's answer made Liu Tianwu have many more questions in his mind.

Domestic foreign exchange management has always been relatively strict.

As the leader in charge of economics, he specially arranged people to keep an eye on the movements of Nanshan Group, so he could definitely know the flow of large sums of money.

But now it is unclear how Nanshan Group solved the acquisition funds.

This gives Nanshan Group a sense of mystery.

"Later, arrange for someone to investigate and see what branches and affiliated companies Nanshan Group has at home and abroad, and what business it has."

"Then estimate the overall assets and liquidity of Nanshan Group."

“Some of our next plans need to be carried out based on this information.”

Liu Tianwu had no intention of dealing with the Nanshan Group, but simply felt that if things were out of his control, he would have a lot of worries.

He didn't want the Nanshan Group to suddenly have a thunderstorm one day.

That would kill him.

"Leader, there is another thing that I think is a bit special."

Now that the Nanshan Group's affairs had been mentioned, Luo Yi simply reported all the news he had found out.

"whats the matter?"

"Nanshan Group seems to be discussing some big cooperation project with Spring City Automobile Group, and it seems to have something to do with Hongqi Car."

"However, because the people talking to both parties are of relatively high level, a lot of information has not yet been announced to the public."

"So I only got some fragmentary information."

"But it's certain that something big is brewing between the two families."

All matters related to Nanshan Group are matters worthy of attention from Liu Tianwu's side.

Sure enough, Liu Tianwu became a little nervous when he heard what Luo Yi said.

If Nanshan Group cooperates with Spring City Automobile Group, no matter what kind of cooperation it is, he feels that there is a high probability that it will be in Spring City.

This is definitely not a good thing for Yangcheng City.

He didn't want to see such a situation arise.

"When will it be convenient for Mr. Cao in the next few days?"

"Please make some arrangements. I want to go around their factory and see how the newly put into production workshops are running."

Liu Tianwu felt that some things were better communicated in person.

Otherwise, if you keep guessing, you will probably guess wrong.

Even make wrong decisions.

"Cao is going to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. He may fly to the imperial capital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"I guess we won't have time until after the Olympics."

Luo Yi frowned a little embarrassed.

It is not so easy to make an appointment with Cao Yang now.

Especially for appointments that require long-term companionship, don’t make them.

"Forget it, I'll give Mr. Cao a call later, and we'll arrange a visit later."

Liu Tianwu knew that Nanshan Group had put a lot of effort into the Olympics and must have been very busy recently.

So be prepared to take it slow.

Anyway, according to his understanding, cooperation on many large projects requires wrangling for a long time.


"Mr. Yu, Xingchen Motors has contacted us. They have officially completed the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover."

"Even Ford shared with us that it was going to use some of the proceeds to fund its pension account."

"I think we can use this opportunity to stir up the topic of Xingchen Motors' acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover to raise everyone's awareness?"

He Ling is also very aware now and knows exactly how Autohome is positioned for Nanshan Group.

The two brands of Jaguar and Land Rover have been as exposed as Mercedes-Benz and BMW during this period.

Many celebrities have even begun to promote these two models on Weibo, or publish some related photos of themselves riding these two brands.

"Okay, but the Olympics are coming soon, and the Xingchen car is the designated vehicle used for important reception occasions of the Olympics."

"In this area of ​​work, we must also find ways to form a special topic to further enhance the brand awareness of Xingchen Motors."

"Volkswagen has probably made a lot of moves recently. We must try our best to make arrangements to avoid a situation where Xingchen Motors' limelight is overshadowed by Volkswagen."

Although the Olympic Games generally have little to do with the automobile industry, it still depends on the situation.

Obviously, this time the Imperial Capital Olympics has a lot to do with Xingchen Motors.

Autohome must cooperate with this series of marketing measures of Xingchen Motors.

Otherwise, there would be no point in snatching part of the sponsorship share from Volkswagen.

"Xingchen Motors doesn't have any new models recently, but they previously signed an endorsement agreement with Messi."

"I think we can do something about this at that time?"

Make bricks without straw.

For media people, not having enough news material is also a distressing matter.

In professional automotive media like Autohome, the things promoted there are generally related to various new models.

Or it may be related to major events in the industry.

Sponsoring vehicles for the Olympic Games can barely be considered a major event in the industry.

However, it is relatively difficult to form a special topic and make people willing to read articles like this.

“There is no limit to the method, as long as the effect is good.”

"The specific content is up to you!"

"Anyway, you already know the principles and purposes of what we do."

"I believe you can make things right."

If the leader says a word, the following will break his leg.

No matter what company you are in, this situation is inevitable.

Yu Yu has a lot of things to worry about now, so it's naturally impossible for him to pay attention to every manuscript personally.

That is to say, Xingchen Car is quite special, otherwise she wouldn't pay special attention to the Olympics.

(End of this chapter)

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