Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 434 Opening the back door, different Olympic marketing

Chapter 434 Opening the back door, different Olympic marketing
2008 8 Month 8 Day.

For all Chinese people, this day is special.

The beautiful opening ceremony gave many people a huge shock.

In the past, many people thought that China was a country full of people riding bicycles, and that China was a place where even tea eggs could not be afforded.

However, the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games made many people re-recognize China.

As a sponsor of the Olympic Games, everyone has naturally used various marketing methods.

All Xingchen Automobile's 4S stores have displayed advertisements related to Olympic sponsors in conspicuous places.

In some important reception occasions, the bulletproof version appears frequently, which is impressive.

Xingchen Motors even took a side step and urgently arranged for Jaguar and Land Rover to be included in some receptions.

This situation made the people at Volkswagen very angry.

"Vondel, I think what Xingchen Motors did is a violation of the contract. We should complain to the organizing committee."

Strauss looked ugly.

Audi has not received very satisfactory attention in various marketing activities related to the Olympic Games.

On the contrary, I felt a sense of embarrassment as I was being pressed down by Xingchen cars everywhere.

"Jaguar and Land Rover are now subsidiaries of Xingchen Motors. Strictly speaking, Xingchen Motors has not violated the contract."

"After all, it's just like the contract we signed with the Olympic Committee. It doesn't specify which cars can be promoted."

"Whether it is the Audi brand, the Volkswagen brand, or even the Skoda brand, they can use the Olympics to market themselves."

"Xingchen Motors packed Jaguar and Land Rover into the scene. Although this situation is not what we want to see, there is no point in filing a complaint with the Olympic Committee. It will only strain the relationship."

Although Fondel was in a bad mood, he did not lose his calm.

For such an important event as the Olympics, with so many heavyweight guests coming, if there is news that Volkswagen is causing trouble, there will definitely be no good results.

Do you want to continue to be the dominant player in China's automobile market in the future?
"Then let Xingchen Automobile show off its power there?"

"On China's Internet, you can see topics related to the Olympics for Xingchen Motors, Jaguar and Land Rover everywhere, but the exposure of our Volkswagen and Audi brands on the Internet is far less than theirs."

"Obviously we spent more on sponsorship than Xingchen Motors, but in the end we got this result. I am very unconvinced."

Strauss expressed his point of view very directly.

But this doesn't mean much.

Because some things are not a matter of whether you are happy or not.

"New powertrain models with TFSI engines and DSG transmissions will gradually begin mass production."

"Our DSG gearbox factory has officially started construction this year and will be ready for mass production next year."

"After the marketing concept of technology masses is slowly introduced, the situation should change a lot."

"At the same time, the launch of new localized models such as our Lavida should also greatly change the situation in the Chinese market."

"Xingchen Automobile may disgust us at best, but it cannot stop our development."

Vondel kept encouraging himself during this time.

Otherwise, life would be too difficult.

"However, there are many people on the Chinese Internet who complain about the concept of 'technical public'. They think that some of our engine technologies are still relatively old and have no advantages compared with China's own brands."

"Even the sales of Volkswagen in the North and South, if not for the launch of new models, would have dropped compared to last year."

Strauss very bluntly told the problems faced by Volkswagen in China.

It is an internal discussion meeting anyway, and hiding it will not solve the problem.

"Don't worry, the company is not without other actions."

“In the next step, we will continue to implement the engine downsizing strategy, adopt TSI, TFSI, TDI engine and DSG transmission technology, as well as Volkswagen’s BlueMotion and Skoda’s GreenLine technology to continuously reduce product fuel consumption, thereby enhancing our Volkswagen brand image. To bring awareness to the fact that we are a company that supports more efficient use of natural resources.”

Vondel has heard the news that China's policy will develop in the direction of supporting small-displacement engines.

Although large-displacement engines may not necessarily be treated particularly harshly due to Xingchen Motors, the preferential conditions are certainly not comparable to those of small-displacement engines.

After all, the advantages of small-displacement engines in terms of fuel consumption are quite obvious.

China's current oil imports are increasing year by year.

With the rapid growth of automobile sales, how to reduce automobile fuel consumption is a problem that China must face.

"Hopefully these strategies will be successful, otherwise we will have a difficult time in the future."

Strauss sighed and did not argue with Fondel.


While Volkswagen was discussing Xingchen Motors' Olympic marketing internally, Cao Yang also came to Weibo in person to discuss various Olympic marketing plans with Fang Sisi and others.

"Ayang, didn't Ziweixing and Xingkong Sports Car have limited sales promotions before?"

"Although by adding models with different engine displacements, this limited sales matter has flexibility."

"But I think we can also launch a limited edition of the Olympic Games co-branded Ziweixing and Starry Sky Sports Cars?"

"For example, we can make a special arrangement for the painting color of the car body."

"Or some additions or changes to individual parts."

"Anyway, it just needs to be topical and popular."

Fang Sisi was very active in helping me think of marketing plans.

She pays close attention to the hot search news on Weibo every day.

"Your suggestion is good. It's quite simple to just change the paint color and see how the marketing goes."

"However, this has some effect on people who want to buy cars, but the effect on attracting more potential consumers is relatively limited."

Cao Yang felt that Fang Sisi's plan was still too monotonous and not drastic enough.

"If you want good results, then we should cooperate with various Olympic champions."

"While the Olympics have just begun and most competitions have not yet started, we can bet on the champions of popular events."

"Besides, didn't Xingchen Motors sign an endorsement agreement with Messi?"

“I feel like this is an opportunity that can be taken advantage of.”

Fang Sisi is a person with a background in publicity, and is quite good at marketing.

"Messi can really make good use of it, and other champions can also use it for marketing."

"At that time, we will organize an event on Weibo. All Chinese Olympic champions can get the right to use Ziweixing for free for one year."

"Let's see if we can get these champions to help spread the word."

It would be a pity not to make good use of such a big event like the Olympic Games.

Cao Yang was also constantly thinking of various ways.

"If it's just a one-year usage right, I think the impact might not be very big."

"It would be better to just announce that every time China wins a gold medal, our Xingchen Motors will donate a Ziweixing to the General Administration."

"As the official vehicles of the General Administration, these cars will have the opportunity to be exposed on many occasions in the future."

"Even when we donate, we can make some regulations on the use of these official vehicles."

"When the time comes for the donation of dozens of Ziweixing vehicles, the ceremony should be quite impactful, and the publicity effect will be good."

"Of course, the cost of this marketing is relatively high."

Fang Sisi came up with a bolder plan.

The selling price of a car and the cost of a car are actually two different things.

If you want to donate 50 cars, it seems to be worth 4000 to [-] million.

But if profits, plant and equipment amortization, R&D amortization, marketing expenses, etc. are all removed, then the parts cost itself may be only half the value.

Spending 2000 million on an Olympic marketing campaign is obviously valuable.

After all, the effect of this marketing is relatively long-term.

"If it is just donated to the General Administration, I don't think there is a way to fully exert the publicity effect of the official vehicle."

"At that time, the docking unit can be the General Administration, but we hope that the car will be used by more departments."

"We can discuss the details with the other party later."

Cao Yang improved it based on the plan mentioned by Fang Sisi.

Soon, this marketing plan was officially announced to the public.

"Strauss, have you read the Ziweixing donation plan launched by Xingchen Motors?"

The one that pays the most attention to Xingchen Motors right now is Volkswagen.

After all, both of them are car sponsors of the Olympic Games, and the competitive relationship between them reached its peak during this period.

"I looked at it and judging from the number of gold medals won by China last time, Xingchen Motors' marketing efforts this time are quite large."

"But this plan is a bit embarrassing for us. We are not suitable to follow the trend and donate a batch of Audis to the General Administration, right?"

Strauss naturally already knew the plan of Xingchen Automobile.

Various media outlets have reported it, and it has also been trending on Weibo.

It was a bit difficult for him not to know.

But for this plan, he had no way to follow suit.

"It's actually not impossible to donate in the name of a joint venture."

"The key is that this solution has already been used by Xingchen Motors, so there is no point in us following suit."

"It's better to take this opportunity to promote the slogan "Technology for the Masses".

"In addition, we can take this opportunity to invite German senior officials attending the Olympics to visit some Volkswagen factories. This can be regarded as a unique marketing plan."

"The economic and trade cooperation between China and Germany is now very close."

"We must make good use of this advantage to take Volkswagen's reputation in China to a higher level."

"In addition, combined with future production capacity development, I think it is necessary for the company to build another factory in Lingnan Province."

"By then we will have factories in North, East and South China."

"The most important thing is that after the factory is built in Lingnan Province, some care for Xingchen Automobile there should be reduced a lot."

"We can even find a city in or next to Yangcheng to create competition within Lingnan Province."

Vondel threw out all his thoughts.

Volkswagen has not been idle during this period. They have also thought of many plans for China's current situation.

Volkswagen has entered China for more than 20 years.

Although it is not the earliest one, it is the most influential one.

Naturally, they will not be helpless when encountering problems.

Objectively speaking, these plans mentioned by Vondel should be quite effective.

Lingnan Province is absolutely reluctant to refuse Volkswagen to build a local factory for Xingchen Motors.

Xingchen Automobile is not suitable to make such overbearing demands.

At most, Volkswagen will not build its factory in Yangcheng, but choose other cities.

"If that's the case, then we have to move faster."

"The best thing is to invite China's major automotive media to visit Deutsche's headquarters after the Olympics and build a good relationship with them."

"That should be of great help to our next step of publicity."

As an international automobile giant, it is a relatively mature routine to entertain various media in the name of inviting visitors.

The key is that this routine has always been very popular and the effect is very good.

This time, Strauss is also ready to continue to use this trick.

"Okay, start these things as soon as possible."

"We want Volkswagen to surpass Xingchen Motors in the popularity of public opinion."

Following Vondel's instructions, Volkswagen quickly took action.

"Mr. Cao, I have received news that Spring City Volkswagen plans to build a brand new factory in Lingnan Province to produce Audi and Volkswagen brand models."

Liu Tianwu was still very well informed. He called Cao Yang as soon as he got the news.

Although he was not sure what impact this news would have on Nanshan Group, he believed that Cao Yang would be very interested in this news.

"The sales performance of Spring City Volkswagen in the past two years is not particularly ideal, right?"

"They are actually preparing to make arrangements in advance so quickly?"

Cao Yang asked quite unexpectedly.

Although he knew that Chuncheng Volkswagen did go to the city next to Yangcheng to build a factory.

But that was definitely not what happened in 2008.

What happened a few years later was brought forward because of his appearance?

Or does Volkswagen just want to spread the word first and then slowly trick everyone?

"This time Volkswagen is preparing to introduce new models to China in the future, all of which will use the latest engine and transmission technology."

"In the next 10 years, Volkswagen wants to increase sales in China to 200 million vehicles."

"So now we start thinking about the layout of factories in various places."

Liu Tianwu shared the information he learned with Cao Yang.

As for what it will look like in the end, he is naturally not sure yet.

"How Volkswagen wants to lay out that is their business."

"Our Nanshan Group cannot interfere and has no intention to interfere."

“However, although their slogans are so loud, it’s hard to say whether their actual practices are really following the line of mass technology.”

Cao Yang does not think Volkswagen's technology is more advanced than other manufacturers.

The so-called "technical public" is just a propaganda slogan.

In other words, Volkswagen has accumulated enough blood in China over the years that it will not collapse no matter how hard it is.

"Volkswagen's hostility towards Xingchen Motors has always been relatively obvious, especially after Xingchen Motors acquired Jaguar and Land Rover, it should pose a greater threat to the Audi brand."

"In this case, you also have to pay attention to whether they will come up with some other tricks."

Liu Tianwu is naturally on the side of Nanshan Group.

Therefore, he naturally does not want Nanshan Group to suffer any losses in the process of competing with Volkswagen.

That is definitely a loss for Yangcheng.

However, this matter could not be seen for a moment.

It can only be said that Liu Tianwu has fulfilled his obligation to remind him, and from now on it will be up to Volkswagen and Nanshan Group to wrestle with each other.


"Cao, Volkswagen doesn't have a strong presence in the United States, but when it comes to China, it feels like the streets are full of Volkswagen cars."

Chris, Ford's purchasing director, also took the opportunity of the Olympics to go to China on a business trip.

While doing some research, I can also watch some Olympic programs.

When Chris arrives in China, he will definitely look for Cao Yang.

The two of them had dinner together at a private restaurant in the imperial capital.

"The two companies Volkswagen established with Spring City Motors and Modu Motors are the most successful joint ventures in China."

"Audi A6L and Santana are models used in many official occasions and have already formed deep brand influence."

"Even in many driving schools in China, their coaches are Santana or Jetta."

"So although Volkswagen's performance in the American market is far inferior to General Motors and Ford, in the Chinese market, they are the well-deserved industry leader."

"Although due to various factors in the past two years, Volkswagen's development in China has slowed down a bit."

"But the new Magotan and new Lavida they launched this year have still played a certain role in promoting sales."

"It is estimated that their annual sales in China may exceed 100 million vehicles."

In front of Ford, Cao Yang naturally wanted to make the threat of Volkswagen bigger.

Only in this way can it attract the attention of Ford Motor Company.

"The U.S. auto sales market has become increasingly sluggish this year, and it is likely to be even worse next year." "Will the Chinese auto market be greatly affected?"

Although Chris is not responsible for the sales business, the procurement work is closely related to sales.

After all, the supply of many parts also follows sales.

"It will be more or less affected, especially after entering the second half of the year. As the international subprime mortgage crisis becomes more serious, the growth rate of China's auto market has also slowed down a bit."

"But overall, there should be no problem in exceeding 1000 million vehicles this year."

"Considering that China may launch some policy stimulus measures at any time, I think China's car sales next year may surpass the United States."

Cao Yang boldly came to a conclusion.

These things have already happened in history, and now because of the emergence of Nanshan Group, they will only happen faster and not delayed.

"If this is the case, then we really need to increase China's investment and find ways to seize some market share from Volkswagen."

Ford has always regarded General Motors and Toyota as its rivals, but when it came to China, it discovered that Volkswagen, Honda, and Hyundai were actually its rivals.

Fortunately, Chris knew that Ford was about to make a series of big moves internally, so he was not without confidence.

"Chris, I totally agree with you."

"The market size is relatively fixed. If we want to develop, we can only seize share from other manufacturers."

"Now that Volkswagen is China's largest car company by sales, it is necessary for us to work together to find ways to deal with Volkswagen."

Cao Yang tried his best to direct the conflict to Volkswagen, but what was the final effect?

He doesn't care that much either.

Anyway, as long as Ford takes action, no matter how bad the effect is, it will eventually cause some trouble for Volkswagen.

The same thing happened at General Motors.

"Austin, General Motors has regained a new lease of life, and after taking things lightly, the future is promising."

Since filing for bankruptcy on June 6, General Motors' restructuring efforts have been largely completed.

Austin is still responsible for the procurement area.

The Chinese market is now the second largest auto market in the world and will definitely become the world's largest auto market in the future.

After the reorganization, General Motors also began to focus more on China.

According to GM's plan, next year it will launch three heavyweight new cars, namely Cadillac's new SRX, Buick's new LaCrosse and Chevrolet Cruze.

The publicity work for these three cars has already begun.

Cadillac's new SRX model adopts a new exterior design, with bold decorative lines running throughout the entire body, and the most distinctive feature is its chrome front bumper vents.

The car's roof is also equipped with a spoiler to increase the car's aerodynamics.

The distinctive front grille and nearly vertical headlights form the front face shape of the car, which seems to be integrated with the entire body shape, creating a sporty style.

It can be said that this is an important test for Cadillac on the Chinese market.

The appearance of the new LaCrosse has changed significantly compared to the previous generation. It no longer has the bulky feeling of the American car. The new car has streamlined and dynamic lines. The high waistline running through the front and rear makes the whole car look very sporty.

In terms of power, the new LaCrosse uses a 225L V3.0 fuel direct injection engine with a maximum power of 6 horsepower. The maximum power of this engine is 286Nm.

There will also be a 280L direct fuel injection engine with a maximum power of 3.6 horsepower, and the maximum torque of this engine reaches 354Nm.

As for the Cruze, maybe Modu GM itself never thought it would be so successful and popular.

But they don't know, Cao Yang knows.

Cruze's dynamic sports car styling innovatively interprets the characteristics of traditional sedans. It can be said that this style represents Chevrolet's future design trend.

The curved roofline extends from the sharply sloping front windshield to the slightly sloping rear pillars, as well as design features such as the slightly shorter rear body, giving this new compact car a body proportions similar to that of a sports car.

The distinctive, sculptural shoulder line extending from the headlights to the taillights, as well as the double grille with the gold bowtie logo, will become the iconic design symbols of the Chevrolet brand.

The rise of this car can be regarded as bringing the sales of Modu GM to a big level again.

At its peak, one Cruze sold 30 million units a year.

This result is definitely very impressive.

"I have been at General Motors for more than 20 years, and I never thought that such a day would come."

"Fortunately, we finally got through the most difficult moment. The next step is to readjust our strategy so that General Motors can continue to lead the development of the world's auto market."

Austin was still in a good mood.

Although the company was reorganized, his position was not affected.

And since the company's biggest crisis has been resolved, everyone's pressure is not as great as before.

"The Pan-Asia Technical Center established by General Motors in China is the largest technical center among Chinese joint ventures."

"The projects we cooperate with Wuling Motors are now experiencing explosive growth."

"General Motors has every hope of becoming China's largest car company by sales in the future."

Volkswagen has two joint ventures in China, Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen, and General Motors also has two joint ventures in China, Modu-GM and Modu-GM-Wuling.

In terms of total sales, the gap between everyone is actually not that big.

But General Motors is obviously not so satisfied with the current results.

"You are right. I am very optimistic about General Motors' future in China."

"When I come to China this time, I will also have some exchanges with the senior management of Modu GM. They plan to increase their investment in publicity in the next step."

"In terms of film and television advertising placement, Magic City Universal also wants to cooperate well with Nanshan Film and Television."

Austin and Cao Yang had dinner, in addition to normal communication, they naturally had other purposes.

Although in the United States, he is not responsible for sales operations.

But the headquarters has plans to transfer him to China as the person in charge, so he is now starting to pay attention to some specific situations on China's side.

The more he understood, the more he valued Nanshan Group.

If Modu GM wants to further develop in China, it is necessary to have a good relationship with Nanshan Group.

"There is no problem with this at all. China's film and television dramas have been developing rapidly in recent years. This is the time when funds from all sources are needed to actively invest."

"Many of Nanshan Film and Television's urban dramas are advertising placements for certain car models at special times."

"I think you can consider putting the Cruze on the market next year as an advertising placement in a TV series produced by Nanshan Film and Television."

Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

Although Cadillac, owned by General Motors, is a competitor to Star Motors, Jaguar and Land Rover to some extent.

But Cadillac's current influence in the country is too weak, and Cao Yang doesn't take it seriously at all.

On the contrary, the Cruze, a car that is destined to succeed, can be put to good use.

When the Cruze sells well, Nanshan Film and Television can be said to be the result of its own advertising placement.

Anyway, no one can prove otherwise.

After all, judging from the results, Cruze's sales exceeded GM's expectations, so no one would think that there is much problem with Nanshan Film and Television's statement.

This can also be regarded as a round of endorsement for Nanshan Film and Television to attract investment in the automobile industry.

"For the specific work, when the time comes, Modu General will connect with Nanshan Film and Television, and we will not worry about those details."

"On the contrary, it is an in-depth cooperation in the field of parts and components. We can discuss it carefully."

"The reason why General Motors has encountered such great difficulties is that relatively high production costs are a very important reason."

"Whether it is the cost of its own employees or the cost of parts, it is higher than competitors such as Toyota Motor."

"In the future, the company plans to increase investment in China. In the future, it will even consider producing some models in China and then exporting them to all over the world."

General Motors' employee cost problem has become a long-standing problem.

Apart from not continuing to recruit new employees, it is also difficult to find better ways to reduce costs.

Layoffs have been done before, but the side effects were too great.

It would be better to transfer part of the new production capacity to China.

The cost of workers here is only a fraction of that in the United States.

The cost of parts is also cheaper than in the United States.

When selling the same car, GM's profit margin is three times that of American GM.

Some models even have more than that.

In the past, General Motors' management would not have dared to think about transferring production capacity to China.

But now that it has gone through bankruptcy and reorganization, it is natural that any bold plan can be put forward.

As long as it's good for the company.

"Nanshan Group is very willing to further cooperate with General Motors. Whether it is an 8AT automatic transmission or supplying large-displacement engines to Cadillac, these are topics that can be discussed in depth."

"Even if General Motors feels that some of its current suppliers are not competitive enough, they can always hand over their parts to us, and the cost will definitely satisfy you."

Naturally, Cao Yang would not miss such a good opportunity to grab an order.

The auto parts business is also one of the core businesses of Nanshan Group, and independent brands alone are definitely not enough.

Now that Ford Motor and General Motors are willing to increase cooperation with Nanshan Group, Cao Yang will naturally not miss this opportunity easily.

The man is affectionate, but the concubine is interested.

This meeting between the two parties can be said to be a fruitful meeting.


Throughout the Olympics, Cao Yang was busy with various things in the imperial capital.

At the Nanshan Film and Television and Weibo companies, he had a good understanding of this year's development.

General Motors and Ford also had a good communication with some people from the other side.

Xingchen Motor's various Olympic marketing measures are also being promoted intensively.

On the Internet, the popularity related to the Olympic Games is undoubtedly the hottest.

However, topics related to Xingchen Automobile can also be hotly searched from time to time.

Especially with the birth of gold medals one after another, Xingchen Automobile has to come out to enhance its presence.

After all, for every additional gold medal, Xingchen Motors will donate one more Ziweixing.

"Yang, the Imperial Capital is our base camp. It stands to reason that the Olympics will be held in the Imperial Capital, so our Mercedes-Benz should be able to make good use of it."

"But judging from the current situation, there is basically no news related to Mercedes-Benz cars when the media comes to visit."

"This situation is not ideal."

As the person in charge of Mercedes-Benz China, August has been paying attention to the promotional content of various car companies on the Internet during this period.

Although Mercedes-Benz has a large publicity budget, it even advertises on China Channel.

But on the Internet, there are not many topics about Mercedes-Benz cars.

Of course, this has something to do with Mercedes-Benz's marketing strategy.

For a long time, Mercedes-Benz mainly advertised on China Radio and various large newspapers and magazines. They looked down upon advertisements on the Internet.

I always feel that advertising on the Internet will affect the brand reputation of Mercedes-Benz cars.

However, times are changing.

Just because you don't like the propaganda on the Internet doesn't mean that others don't like it either.

Now, August regretted it a little.

"I heard that Audi and BMW are accelerating the introduction of more domestically produced models, and Mercedes-Benz has lagged behind in this regard."

"Especially in the localization of engines, our pace is obviously lagging behind."

"There are fewer actions in various aspects, and it is more difficult for people to find promotion points if they want to publicize it."

Yang Ming naturally wanted to complain properly.

As a sales director, he is also under great pressure.

In particular, old rivals BMW and Audi have made big moves, not to mention Xingchen Automobile.

"I have already raised the issue you mentioned with the headquarters."

"The next step should be to slowly change."

"Aren't SUVs more popular in China now?"

"The company's next step will be to import at least two SUV models to China for local production."

"At the same time, a new engine factory will be built specifically to make our engines domestically produced."

"However, these will take time to implement. What we need to consider now is how to increase the sales of Mercedes-Benz cars based on the existing situation."

August has always been very confident in Mercedes-Benz cars.

In his opinion, although there are car brands that are more luxurious than Mercedes-Benz, they are not aimed at sales and pose no threat to him.

For a car brand that is less luxurious than Mercedes-Benz, even if your sales are relatively high, it will be meaningless.

With the rapid development of China's economy, Mercedes-Benz has the ability to maintain high prices while growing sales rapidly.

"I feel that consumers in China are now slowly becoming interested in automotive technology."

"If the new models we launch and the various technologies are not synchronized with the world in a timely manner, we are likely to fall into a passive situation of publicity."

"I hope the headquarters will also pay attention to this and not introduce backward products to China."

Yang Ming's words made August look a little ugly.

But he also knew that what Yang Ming said made sense, so he just nodded to indicate that he understood.

However, no matter how anxious they are, they can't change the situation immediately.

Even when their conversation had just ended, Xingchen Automobile was on the hot search again.

"Mr. Cao, Messi's national team won the football championship in this year's Olympic Games. His performance on the field was very eye-catching."

"As soon as the game ended, we posted some promotional pictures endorsed by Messi on our official WeChat account, and they quickly became trending."

Zeng Tingting now admires Cao Yang for arranging people to sign a contract with Messi in advance.

Although according to the agreement, Messi will not attend more than one offline event each year, as Messi's reputation increases, Xingchen Motors has enjoyed considerable benefits.

"It's a pity that our own football team didn't live up to expectations, otherwise it would have had a publicity effect of one plus one being greater than two."

"We must follow up on Messi's promotion in a timely manner. I think Messi's popularity will further increase in the future."

"This is very beneficial to the promotion of Xingchen Motors in South America and Europe."

Although Cao Yang doesn't play football, the football stars that even people like him who don't pay attention to football know are obviously the most well-known ones.

And it is the kind that maintains its popularity for a long time.

"We will also communicate with dealers in Europe and South America to see if they have any better ideas."

"This time, our marketing effect at the Olympics was very good."

"We will hold a donation ceremony in a few days to attract another wave of popularity."

"Next, we can also start to release some information about Xingchen No. [-] and Xingchen No. [-], so as to better absorb the heat."

Zeng Tingting's next promotion of Xingchen Motors has obviously been planned.

"You can decide on the specific publicity plan, but China's auto market is likely to undergo major changes in the future."

"All car companies have begun to pay attention to the Chinese market. If we want to kill everyone as before, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Those car companies should quickly change the losses they suffered in China."

"In the next step, I will focus on some specific core parts so that Nanshan's auto parts business can become bigger and stronger."

The changes in the automobile market this year have made Cao Yang slowly realize the importance of core parts technology.

Nowadays, the appearance of everyone's models is more beautiful than in previous years.

It has become much more difficult to win based on appearance.

In the past, many car companies suffered a lot from relying on crash tests. Now with the extensive use of hot stamped parts, it is much more difficult to make a fuss in this area.

As for engines and gearboxes, as various joint venture car companies begin to introduce a new generation of engine technology, the advantages of various independent brands and Nanshan Group will become less obvious.

And it is very difficult for things like engines to have substantial technological evolution all the time.

We can only slowly improve our competitiveness in some key parts and components, thereby continuously expanding the influence of Nanshan Group.

This, from a certain perspective, can be regarded as a small turning point for Nanshan Group.

(End of this chapter)

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