Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 448 Finally got on the pig killing list, Cao Yang became completely famous

Chapter 448 Finally got on the pig killing list, Cao Yang became completely famous
As the largest private enterprise in Lingnan Province, Nanshan Group has received more and more attention in recent years.

However, because no financial statements have been officially released to the outside world, no one knows the profitability of Nanshan Group.

In addition, Cao Yang has been arranging public relations before, so Cao Yang is selectively ignored in the annual wealth list.

However, this year, Xingchen Motors spent US$23 billion in cash to acquire Jaguar Land Rover, which immediately made the people across the country see the strength of Nanshan Group.

Not to mention other things, with a net worth of US$23 billion in cash alone, he can enter the top 30 on the rich list.

Not to mention that the sales volume of the parent company Xingchen Motors is not much worse than that of Jaguar Land Rover. Calculating its value of the same US$23 billion, it is not an exaggeration.

In addition, a series of companies such as Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission, Nanshan Auto Parts, Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and Nanshan Special Steel have begun to attract more and more people's attention.

Cao Yang's personal wealth problem is no longer so easy to suppress.

Hurun has fully considered these situations and feels that taking advantage of the financial crisis to throw out Cao Yang's identity as the richest man in mainland China is a very meaningful thing for his Hurun Research Institute.

By then, Hurun Research Institute will definitely receive more attention than in any previous year.

Even better if the topic is controversial.

In this way, even if Nanshan Group is willing to do public relations, he doesn't want to help.

"Ah Yang, on October 10, the Hurun Research Institute released the 7 Hurun China Rich List in China."

"According to their list, you have become the richest man in China with an estimated worth of more than 500 billion yuan."

"Compared with the No. 2 boss of Gome, his wealth is more than 70 billion yuan more."

“The moment this news came out, it was ranked No. 1 on Weibo.”

"The popularity among Du Niang is also very high, and various forums and forums are discussing this matter."

"Some people even think that Hurun's calculation of a net worth of 500 billion for you is completely understated. In fact, it should be more than double."

"There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the heat can't be suppressed."

Cao Yang, who had just gotten off the plane, found a bunch of missed calls as soon as he turned on his phone.

After giving Fang Sisi a call back first, she discovered that such a big thing had happened on the plane.

Although Cao Yang had long been prepared to face the arrival of this day, when it actually arrived, he was still a little unprepared.

Using the status of the richest man can lead to better marketing and better advertising for Xingchen Motors, Jaguar and Land Rover.

He is very clear about this benefit.

But after becoming the richest man, people will pay attention to every move he makes in the future.

Even if you just walk around on the street, you will be recognized.

In the past, although Cao Yang had many fans on Weibo, it was actually very rare for people to recognize him immediately when walking on the street.

But after today, the situation is probably different.

From now on, when he goes out with others, bodyguards can no longer follow him from afar.

gain some lose some.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

"Forget it, if you can't suppress the heat, there's no need to suppress it."

"I will go to Weibo later to give a brief response, just in time to advertise Jaguar Land Rover."

Cao Yang took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his emotions.

At the current pace, I will probably continue to wear the title of richest man in the future.

Even if Nanshan Group has more listed companies in the future, the 500 billion figure will soon double.

Even if the Internet tycoons completely break out, it will be difficult to pull Cao Yang down.

"If you post an advertisement for Jaguar Land Rover on Weibo at this time, the effect will probably be very good."

"It is estimated that in the entire Weibo, you as a blogger have the highest advertising value."

"An ordinary small internet celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans can send a soft article to someone, which is only worth 2000 to [-] yuan."

"This advertisement of yours is worth at least [-] million."

Fang Sisi couldn't help but joke.

Although they were going to meet formally in a while, she still couldn't bear to hang up the phone.

And Cao Yang just did what he said and refused to waste any opportunity.

Just ask Mi Ying to turn on the computer, connect to the wireless network, and then post a Weibo.

[I just got off the plane and came back from a business trip to Jaguar Land Rover. I have more confidence in these two brands!Driving a Land Rover, riding a Jaguar, Xingchen Motors will bring you more surprises! 】

The accompanying picture is a photo of a Range Rover and a Jaguar XJ.

The Jaguar built up on the front of the XJ gives people a very high-end and classy feeling.

Coupled with the large number of fans on Cao Yang's Weibo who forwarded it, by the time Cao Yang saw Fang Sisi at the airport exit, this Weibo post had already become a hot search topic.

This speed is definitely no slower than the spread of gossip about A-list celebrities.

"Ayang, the company just called me. The Weibo post you just posted became the No. 2 hot search topic."

"And No. 1 is the news that you have become the richest man in China."

"What's even more exaggerated is that No. 3 is also news related to you. Even 8 of the top ten hot searches are related to you or Nanshan Group and other companies."

"This situation is unprecedented."

"If I didn't know very well that this data is true and reliable, I would think it was artificially arranged."

After Fang Sisi saw Cao Yang, she hugged him excitedly, and then told Cao Yang the latest situation she had received.

Within Weibo, there is a team of people directly responsible for monitoring Weibo, hot searches and other content related to Cao Yang, Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Group, etc.

This team directly takes orders from Mi Ying, and any news will be reported to Mi Ying as soon as possible.

For example, if Cao Yang posted something on Weibo and then became a hot search, he would naturally report it to Mi Ying as quickly as possible.

"It seems that the aura of the richest man is very effective. When I acquired Jaguar Land Rover, I posted several posts on Weibo, but it didn't become a hot search so quickly."

Cao Yang can now somewhat understand why Tesla in later generations did not advertise directly.

The effect of Lao Ma’s tweet is better than any advertisement.

Of course, just because someone doesn’t advertise doesn’t mean there is no marketing expense.

But compared to other car companies, they can spend much less on this part.

This can also be regarded as a manifestation of cost advantage.

After all, for a car, under normal circumstances, there is about 5% of the cost in the selling price, which is actually the sharing of marketing expenses.

If these expenses are reduced, the selling price can be reduced or the profit rate can be increased.

This is definitely a good thing.

"Okay, that's a little too much. You don't even know how crazy this thing is today."

"Your name has never appeared in the Hurun China Rich List before."

"Now I suddenly find that you have become the richest man. Many people must be very surprised."

"At this time, Nanshan Group-related industries immediately attracted the attention of many people."

"Whether it's Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Gearbox, Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Nanshan Special Steel, Nanshan Robot, or Autohome, Nanshan Film and Television, and Weibo, they have all been uncovered."

"Someone even updated the entry for Nanshan Group on Du Niang's side, and some even called Nanshan Group the Nanshan Consortium."

"If the industrial structure of Nanshan Group was not relatively clear, some people would probably compare Nanshan Group to Mitsui Foundation and other consortiums."

Along the way, Fang Sisi was quite excited.

It was as if the richest man in China was herself.

"Now that the impact of the financial crisis is getting bigger and bigger, every country needs some favorable measures to promote rapid economic recovery."

"Huaxia is no exception. At this time, in addition to recruiting [-] new people, we will also start to make some big investments."

Cao Yang had already discussed with everyone internally that he would go to Magic City to build a Jaguar Land Rover factory, so naturally he had to take advantage of this shareholder momentum to quickly take action.

Although no matter when, everyone is very interested in investing in OEMs.

But when the environment is different, the preferential policies that can be provided by different places are also different.

For the current Nanshan Group, it is necessary to start working towards the pace of national development.

"Are you making big investments at this time?"

Fang Sisi looked at Cao Yang worriedly.

The higher you stand, the more you realize how complicated the global economic situation is at this time.

Countless foreign-funded enterprises have begun to reduce investment, but Nanshan Group wants to buck the trend. Although it may be a good opportunity to overtake in a corner, it may be lost if you are not careful.

"Yes, we are going to invest in building a new Jaguar Land Rover factory. This factory will work towards becoming the most advanced automobile factory in the world."

"The degree of automation will even exceed that of Xingchen Motors' Yangcheng factory."

"And the production capacity will be directly built towards an annual output of 20, so that this factory can meet the development needs of Jaguar Land Rover in the next three to five years."

"In addition, Jaguar Land Rover will also set up a research and development center in China and gradually put the research and development work of new models in China."

"I hope that in three to five years, the core of Jaguar Land Rover will have transferred from England to China."

"The number of Jaguar Land Rover's R&D personnel in China will exceed 5000, and may even exceed 10000 in the future."

When Cao Yang acquired Jaguar Land Rover, in addition to focusing on the brand value of these two brands, he also naturally hoped to completely turn these two brands into Xingchen Motors' industries.

He doesn't want to be like BMW or Ford, and after a few years of hard work, he reluctantly sells them.

This kind of thing is definitely not what he wants to happen.

"If this is the case, it is estimated that there will be considerable resistance during the development process."

"Not to mention what Jaguar Land Rover's internal thoughts are, the British government alone does not want us to hollow out Jaguar Land Rover."

Fang Sisi came to the key point of the problem immediately.

After the scale of the enterprise develops to a certain extent, some things are no longer purely business management issues.

It also involves all aspects of issues.

Do you think you can acquire companies like Inflix and Intel if you have money?
Do you think this is an enterprise that can easily shift its development focus out of its original country after its shares are acquired?
Don't even think about it!
Don't think that the governments in Europe and the United States are really that democratic and allow the market economy to play a leading role.

That's all a lie.

When I need it, it is a market economy.When I don't need it, I can just find any excuse to destroy the market economy.

Sometimes people don't even bother to find excuses, they just want to deal with you.

"I have already started to make arrangements in this regard. I stayed in England for a week this time and was busy with this matter."

"At that time, Jaguar Land Rover's president and R&D director will be our people, and they will build factories and R&D centers in China step by step in line with Jaguar Land Rover's global development strategy."

"At the same time, some core technical talents will also be transferred to work in China in the name of key training."

"Whether it's to win them over, find someone to learn from them, or exploit their skills, I would rather Jaguar Land Rover decline than let them keep focusing on England."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi relaxed a little.

Just be prepared.

If you act blindly, you really don’t know what will happen.

While Cao Yang and Fang Sisi were exchanging information about the rich list and Jaguar Land Rover in the car, countless people from all over China were paying attention to this matter.

"Leader, Mr. Cao just updated his Weibo. He should have returned to China."

Luo Yi immediately reported the news he got to Liu Tianwu.

Nanshan Group is very popular now.

"Please help arrange it. The leaders of Lingnan Province want to visit Nanshan Group again."

"The best time is as soon as possible."

Although Liu Tianwu is the leader in charge of economics in Yangcheng, Nanshan Group is now so influential that naturally more people are paying attention to Cao Yang's every move.

The Nanshan Group is no longer the Nanshan Group of Yangcheng, but the Nanshan Group of Lingnan Province, the Nanshan Group of China.

If Nanshan Group hadn't been willing to take the initiative to communicate with Yangcheng on many occasions, the person who contacted Cao Yang might not have been Liu Tianwu.

"I will contact Mr. Cao's secretary later, but he has been on a business trip for a week and still has to deal with Jaguar Land Rover matters. He will probably be very busy when he returns to the company."

"When I visit the province, does Mr. Cao have to attend the whole trip?"

Luo Yi further confirmed the news.

He knew that many of the honors Nanshan Group had received now were visited by many inspection groups every now and then. Most of the time, these things were not done by Cao Yang.

This is also a situation that many large companies will face in later generations.

If the big boss is required to attend any event, then even knowing the cloning technique is not enough.

"I still need to confirm how many leaders from Lingnan Province will attend."

"But this time the Nanshan Group's influence has spread so much, there is a high probability that Secretary Wang will participate."

"So you must choose a day when Mr. Cao has time.

In this case, when people from Lingnan Province come to visit, they must go to Cao Yang.

Liu Tianwu knew this very well.

"I understand."

"As long as we make it clear to General Secretary Cao, she should help coordinate the time as soon as possible."

After Luo Yi said this, he hesitated for a few seconds and then continued: "Leader, this time Cao always took people to England to take over Jaguar Land Rover. I estimate that Jaguar Land Rover will definitely make big moves in the next step."

"Until now, these two brands do not have factories in China. I feel that this topic will definitely be put on the agenda within Nanshan Group by next year at the latest."

"Should we take advantage of this visit by leaders from Lingnan Province to test out Mr. Cao's tone and see if it is possible to build a Jaguar Land Rover factory next to Xingchen Motors?"

When Luo Yi said this, Liu Tianwu's eyes immediately lit up.

A Star Car has brought huge benefits to Yangcheng City.

Not to mention the development effect of the industrial chain it drives, the GDP contributed by Xingchen Auto alone can make people laugh while sleeping.

If there is another Jaguar Land Rover of similar size, Yangcheng City's status as a major automobile city will be completely secured.

Neither Chuncheng nor Magic City in China has the strength to compete with Yangcheng for the position of the largest automobile market.

This is of great significance to Yangcheng and Liu Tianwu personally.

"Your proposal is very good. I will mention it at tomorrow's office meeting. Let's discuss what preferential terms the city can offer."

"I feel that we are definitely not the only one targeting Jaguar Land Rover in Yangcheng."

"If our conditions are not favorable enough, it may be difficult to attract people."

Liu Tianwu's heart suddenly became hot.

The influence and role of a luxury brand factory is completely different from that of an ordinary brand factory.

The price of Jaguar Land Rover is no lower than that of Xingchen Car.

Don't sell hundreds of thousands of vehicles by then. Even if you contribute [-] vehicles a year, that will be a GDP output value of almost hundreds of billions.

Thinking of this, Liu Tianwu felt that he couldn't wait any longer, so he immediately picked up the phone and communicated with several other leaders in Yangcheng City.

On the Chinese Internet, the topic of China's richest man and Jaguar Land Rover seems to be getting more and more popular.

In particular, Cao Yang used this period to promote Jaguar Land Rover, which played the role of one plus one greater than two, making related topics very popular.

"Hurun's eyes are finally not blind this time."

"I'm surprised. In the past few years, even if Mr. Cao's net worth was not 500 billion, he must have been worth 200 billion, but his name has never appeared on the rich list."

In the car home, He Ling was excitedly reading various news on the Internet.

It was as if she was the one who became the richest man in China.

"This is normal. Take a look at the list of the world's richest people. Are there any traces of the Rothschild family?"

"Or is there any trace of consortiums such as Mitsui Foundation and Sumitomo Foundation?"

"Not to mention the big guys behind these, they are people like JPMorgan Chase and the Wal-Mart family. Can you see them on the rich list?"

"Mr. Cao probably had no interest in being on the rich list before, especially the domestic rich list, which is sometimes said to be a 'pig-killing list'. There are many rich people who don't really want to be on it."

"Of course, for example, some Internet companies, for the sake of publicity, would like to have more money even if they don't have that much money, so that they can move up a few places in their rankings."

As the general manager of Autohome, Yu Yu naturally sees these things more clearly.

"Then why was it suddenly exposed again this time?"

He Ling obviously still couldn't fully understand it.

"Mr. Cao just spent US$23 billion in cash to acquire Jaguar Land Rover from Ford Motor Co. a few months ago. This matter is so popular in China that many people are already speculating how much money Mr. Cao has."

"Under this situation, various industries of Nanshan Group have begun to be exposed."

"Even if Mr. Cao had a public relations Hurun Rich List before, people would not want to miss such a good opportunity to gain popularity."

"Just imagine, after the release of this year's rich list, will the Hurun Rich List receive more attention than any other year?"

"To a certain extent, all this attention is actually money."

After Yu Yu explained this, He Ling finally understood.

It seems that his big boss is going to be completely popular this time.

However, people like He Ling and Yu Yu are taking advantage of Cao Yang's success in becoming the richest man. People in other companies don't see it that way.

Especially BMW and Mercedes-Benz are quite anxious about Xingchen Motors' acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover and the smooth completion of the handover.

"Ai Moha, judging from what Cao Yang posted on Weibo, his next move is to launch a series of marketing moves targeting Jaguar and Land Rover."

"In recent years, Xingchen Automobile's marketing measures have always exceeded everyone's expectations and achieved very good results, and have even become a classic case in the industry."

"I don't know what new marketing measures they will come up with for Jaguar and Land Rover. We have to prepare marketing funds in advance and make relevant plans."

McTee is also under a lot of pressure right now.

The global economic situation is not good, and BMW's sales have naturally been affected.

Particularly in Europe and the United States, BMW sales have declined.

Under this circumstance, the headquarters has a little more expectations for China's performance.

This is an opportunity and a hurdle.

If you perform well, you may get a promotion and a salary increase.

But if you don't perform well, you may not be able to keep the position under your butt.

"That Cao Yang, his every move is really hard to figure out."

“A simple Weibo post can increase Jaguar Land Rover’s official WeChat account by hundreds of thousands of followers.”

"If we continue at this pace, Jaguar Land Rover's official Weibo account may become one of the most popular in the automotive industry."

Aimoha also has a full understanding of the influence of Weibo in China.

BMW has also launched an official Weibo account on Weibo.

"The key is that the two brands of Jaguar and Land Rover have relatively deep foundations."

"English's brands are quite popular in China, and everyone can still recognize their luxury attributes."

"Even to a certain extent, people may think that Jaguar and Land Rover are more luxurious brands than BMW."

"This is a very serious thing."

As soon as Mikedy said these words, Aimoha's face became even more ugly.

Will BMW begin to decline in China in the future?

This is certainly not acceptable.

"Some of our former employees should have switched jobs to Jaguar Land Rover, right?"

"Find a way to arrange for someone to contact them and see if we can get some inside information about Jaguar Land Rover China."

"We'd better formulate some more targeted plans, otherwise we don't know what to do now."

After much deliberation, Aimoha couldn't think of a very good way.

After all, BMW is playing away from home, so there is no way to compare with others.

Not to mention Nanshan Group’s marketing measures are always amazing.

He was a little unsure of what methods the other party would use this time.

(End of this chapter)

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