Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 449: Extreme challenge, Land Rover Range Rover becomes famous in one battle?

Chapter 449: Extreme challenge, Land Rover Range Rover becomes famous in one battle?
The news that Cao Yang suddenly became the richest man in China aroused a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the popularity lasted for several days.

However, Cao Yang was too lazy to pay attention to these things.

Now he is listening to a report from Pan Jianghui, the new deputy general manager of Jaguar Land Rover China.

Although Pan Jianghui is the vice president, General Manager Fauret is a close confidant of the global president of Jaguar Land Rover. He is someone who needs to be suppressed, so he must find a way to sideline him.

With the support of the big boss behind the scenes, Pan Jianghui knew that as long as he did his job well, the position of general manager of Huaxia Branch would be his own sooner or later.

So now he is full of motivation, wanting to make Jaguar and Land Rover famous and increase sales.

"Mr. Cao, I think Land Rover can learn from the practice of looking up and cooperate with Nanshan Film and Television to implement advertising placement in urban dramas. I think the effect should not be bad."

Pan Jianghui was also racking his brains, trying to come up with more ideas.

Of course, he can be promoted to the deputy general manager of the Huaxia Branch, and he has some abilities.

But the most important thing is to be willing to implement Xingchen Automobile's strategy wholeheartedly.

For Jaguar Land Rover China at this stage, the most suitable leadership is the leadership that can listen to the parent company to the letter.

Everyone else has to step aside.

Even those who are more capable but disobedient will be more harmful to Xingchen Automobile at this time.

After all, what Cao Yang wants first is to completely control Jaguar Land Rover, and then to develop and expand Jaguar Land Rover.

This sequence cannot be changed.

Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to fully control Jaguar Land Rover in the future.

"Your method is a good one and will definitely be used in the future."

"But in a short period of time, there is no way to see immediate results."

"For Jaguar and Land Rover, what they need most now is a marketing campaign that can take on the current popularity in a short period of time. Taking this opportunity, Jaguar Land Rover's reputation will be completely established in the country."

Cao Yang did not directly deny Pan Jianghui's plan, but he was obviously not very satisfied with the content.

Although we engage in automobile marketing activities, it is now difficult to come up with new ideas.

But he has seen many operations of later generations, and he still has many thoughts in his mind.

"Mr. Cao, if you want to see results in the shortest possible time, you may want to advertise on China TV."

"Before, Mercedes-Benz also continued to advertise on China Channel, which completely made the Mercedes-Benz E-Class famous."

Pan Jianghui once again proposed his plan.

These plans were quite satisfactory, and Cao Yang didn't bother to ask directly, but expressed his thoughts.


"Mr. Cao, this plan has certain risks."

“If it doesn’t succeed, wouldn’t it mean that the signboard is ruined?”

Pan Jianghui is a relatively cautious person. After listening to Cao Yang's words, he became a little worried.

"No one has succeeded in doing it now anyway. Even if the Range Rover fails, there is no shame in it."

Cao Yang spread his hands, obviously not worried at all.


For Jaguar and Land Rover these days, gimmicks are important.

As long as it can fully attract everyone's attention, this marketing is successful.

As for failure?

These are all things that have been successful in previous lives, how could they fail?

When Pan Jianghui heard what Cao Yang said, he didn't ask any more questions and immediately started to make arrangements.

However, this marketing campaign has not yet fully started, and Spring City Automobile Group's face is already filled with sadness.

"Mr. Zhu, according to Jaguar's positioning, it has a high overlap with Dahongqi. Even the high-end models produced by Nanshan Hongqi in the future will face competition from Jaguar."

"In England, Jaguar is a vehicle used by the royal family, and its brand status is no worse than that of the Hongqi sedan."

"Now Jaguar has been acquired by Xingchen Motors, and the handover has been successfully completed. There are even rumors that a factory will be built in China. This is very bad news for Nanshan Hongqi."

Tao Wen said while watching Zhu Zhengfeng's reaction.

Now she is responsible for reporting to Zhu Zhengfeng all developments related to Nanshan Group.

She used to think this was a good job and she could always find a reason to communicate with the general manager.

But now she is a little troubled.

After all, if the communication is bad, the effect will be completely different.

I am acting like a villain.

"This is indeed a troublesome matter, but the royal vehicles are considered a publicity point in Europe, and they shouldn't be of much use in China, right?"

Zhu Zhengfeng asked back, a little unsure.

In fact, he has the answer in his heart.

Some things, when used for publicity, are universal.

It has nothing to do with whether you have a royal family now.

Of course, as a subordinate, Tao Wen would definitely not attack Zhu Zhengfeng so directly, but said tactfully: "There is a voice on the Internet now that feels that Xingchen Motors' acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover is bringing glory to the country, and is calling on some people to buy Jaguar Land Rover. Woolen cloth."

"Originally, Jaguar Land Rover's brand power is relatively high, especially some bosses in South China are interested in it."

"Now that Xingchen Motors has made such an acquisition, I think Jaguar's performance in the market south of the Yangtze River will definitely be amazing in the future."

"That is where the influence of our Hongqi brand is relatively weak. In the future, Nanshan Hongqi will probably only be able to rely on mid-range cars to dominate the South China market."

Tao Wen felt that it was necessary to lower Zhu Zhengfeng's expectations, otherwise the future would be even more difficult.

"The high-end models of the Hongqi brand are mainly for the special official market. In this regard, the positioning of Jaguar cars should not be exactly the same."

"I think the people who buy Jaguar cars are more private entrepreneurs, and there is not much overlap with the customers of the Hongqi brand's high-end models."

"At most, Nanshan Hongqi will only make mid-range brand models from now on, and only have one or two high-end models."

Zhu Zhengfeng rarely understood the current situation.

Life has become what it is now, and it is difficult to change.

The main reason is that Nanshan Hongqi and Jaguar Land Rover are related to the Nanshan Group. This time they have no way to use the power of the Nanshan Group.

You can't let someone give up their son to support their son-in-law, right?
After all, Nanshan Group only holds 40% of the shares in Nanshan Hongqi.

Even if Nanshan Group actually gets more than 40% of the benefits, it cannot be compared with a 100%-controlled company like Jaguar Land Rover.

"That can only be the case. After all, mid-range models are the ones that really impact sales."

"The best-selling cars in China now are sedans and SUVs of this level."

"I hope Nanshan Group can come up with the design plan for the new model as soon as possible, so that Nanshan Hongqi can get on the right track as soon as possible."

When Tao Wen said this, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately felt that he wanted to urge Cao Yang.

Some time ago, everyone knew that Cao Yang was very busy.

In addition, designing new models also requires inspiration, so he didn't push it much.

But the situation is slowly changing now. Is it not too much to make a phone call yourself?
Thinking of this, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately picked up his cell phone and called Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations on becoming the richest man in China!"

"Compared with those who sell houses and do the Internet, you, the richest man in China, deserve your reputation."

Zhu Zhengfeng would definitely not urge Cao Yang to design a new car for Nanshan Hongqi as soon as possible.

Cao Yang is not his subordinate.

Now that Cao Yang is the richest man in China, the matter is so hot, he must have discussed this topic first.

"Mr. Zhu, I really want to have 5000 billion, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"Now you ask me to take out 100 billion yuan, and I have to find a bank to borrow it."

Wealth is not exposed.

Even though he has been ranked as the richest man in China, Cao Yang does not intend to admit that he is rich.

Ranking is ranking, wealth is wealth, but I just have no money,

Is there something wrong with this logic?

"Haha, Mr. Cao, you are so humble."

"There are only a handful of companies in China that can spend $23 billion in cash in one go."

"This year, Xingchen Motors' sales reached a new high, and the performance of Nanshan gearbox and Nanshan engine is also very good."

"I think Hurun gave you an estimate of 500 billion, which is considered a small amount. For me, 1000 billion is no problem."

"Even if you spend 2000 billion, you won't be able to buy a company like Nanshan Group."

What Zhu Zhengfeng said was half true and half false.

However, Cao Yang was a little more wary.

After all, a person like Zhu Zhengfeng obviously has an agenda when he keeps praising himself.

Sure enough, after Cao Yang flirted with Zhu Zhengfeng for a while, the other party began to reveal the true purpose of this call.

"Mr. Cao, all the organizational structures at Nanshan Hongqi have been reorganized, and some employees recruited from outside are also in place."

"The project approval work for the new model has also been completed. Now we are waiting for the design drawings to be released before construction begins."

"Do you think we can finalize the design plans for one or two models within this year?"

For Zhu Zhengfeng, taking Hongqi sedan into a joint venture also involves taking a relatively large risk.If it succeeds, it will naturally be full of political achievements.

If he failed, it is estimated that the position under his buttocks would become unstable.

"What you said makes sense. I've been crazy busy during this period."

"I have previously communicated with the designers of our group about the new models of Nanshan Hongqi. I will personally make changes when the time comes, and the overall plan will be finalized soon."

Cao Yang also wanted to run Nanshan Hongqi.

This is good for the layout of Nanshan Group.


There can be a slight overlap between brands, but they should try to keep distance to avoid competing with each other and hurting each other.

As for Nanshan Hongqi, which has an impact on sales, the more it sells, the more profit Nanshan Group will make.

So Cao Yang had no reason to hold back.

Zhu Zhengfeng was relieved when he heard what Cao Yang said.

He also cared too much about Nanshan Hongqi and was afraid that something new would happen to the joint venture.

However, Cao Yang did not fool Zhu Zhengfeng. After hanging up the phone, he began to make further arrangements.

Of course, what is more important to Cao Yang these days is the effectiveness of Jaguar Land Rover's marketing plan.


For various car companies, places with beautiful scenery are often good places to conduct marketing activities.

After all, one of the important tasks of a marketing campaign is to make friends in the media have fun and have fun, and then they will help you promote it well.

As a road wonder in the world, the Tianmen Mountain Winding Road is the first of the top ten winding mountain roads in China. It is very spectacular with layers upon layers.

Every year, many car companies organize activities around the Tianmen Mountain Winding Highway.

Especially SUV models, they like places with slightly special road conditions.

For example, when BMW's X5 and X6 were launched, they held events here.

As the editor of Autohome, He Ling is naturally not here for the first time.

Just like ordinary activities, He Ling, a senior editor, is taking part in it, which is considered very serious.

Yu Yu, the general manager, rarely participates in the ordinary activities of ordinary car companies.

But today's event is hosted by Jaguar Land Rover Automobile China Company, so Yu Yu will naturally participate actively.

"Tianmen Cave is the world's highest natural through-mountain cave. Below is the 999-step ladder. Many people come to Tianmen Mountain just to challenge this ladder. After completing the 999 steps, they can look back at the beautiful scenery behind."

"This 999-step ladder is composed of multiple sets of 999 steps with different lengths and different slopes. The maximum slope is nearly 60."

"I really didn't expect that Land Rover would dare to hold activities here. It's exciting just thinking about it."

He Ling looked ahead at the steps with no top visible at a glance, filled with admiration in her heart.

Of course, I am also a little worried.

She wasn't sure the Range Rover could climb those steps.

Over the years, no car has ever faced such a difficult challenge.

"This ladder climb is a huge test for the vehicle's power, transmission matching, and vehicle suspension reliability, and it is very difficult."

“First of all, the tire contact area on the steps is a little small, and the slope is relatively large. It is a particularly big test for the power torque output and torque response of the rear wheel. A slight lack of torque will lead to failure to climb, and even the risk of sliding down. ."

"Secondly, the vehicle is driving on steps, and the impact of the steps on the wheels and suspension is greater than other road conditions. It places particularly high requirements on the chassis' high-intensity driving under continuous harsh conditions and the reliability of its components."

"Especially on the steps on the platform and the steps to the platform, the impact resistance of the front and rear suspension is a particularly big challenge."

"The slope value of the 999 steps of Tianmen Mountain's ladder is extremely large, and there is no transition at all from plane to slope to plane."

"This is completely different from the driving conditions of ordinary vehicles. It will be a great test for the vehicle's passability, including approach angle, departure angle, and longitudinal passing angle."

Yu Yu personally hung a Sony SLR camera around his neck, preparing to take some classic shots.

"Indeed, according to the distribution of this step, the biggest challenge faced by the Range Rover after entering the slope is the output of strong torque and high horsepower."

"During the entire process, the speed is slow and we must rely on the engine's low-speed strong torque output for hill assist, which can better demonstrate off-road performance."

"The matching degree of the Range Rover Sport's engine and transmission, as well as the strong output, should be able to output power with maximum torque without skipping gears or jumping into gears."

“However, it would be even more exciting if Range Rover could be equipped with Nanshan Engine’s W16 engine in the future.”

The driving challenge does not take long, so before the event begins, various media have sufficient time to experience the charm of the 999 steps for themselves.

He Ling and Yu Yu were walking on the steps at this time, imagining the scene of the Range Rover challenge waiting in their minds.

Not far behind He Ling, Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawenye followed closely behind and participated in this marketing event organized by Jaguar Land Rover Automobile China Branch.

We are all experienced media people, and we are very aware of the great publicity effect that such an ingenious marketing campaign can bring.

Not only car companies need such publicity activities, sometimes the automotive media also need more such classic activities in order to write more attractive articles.

"Editor Fang, this challenge plan has very high requirements on the Range Rover chassis."

Lin Jiayan looked back at the steps behind her, a little worried about whether the Range Rover would be able to climb up smoothly later.

"According to our previous analytical investigations, the Range Rover Sport's chassis performed extremely well."

“Whether it’s load-bearing capacity, towing capacity, or torsion resistance, it’s very strong.”

"The suspension system is a front double-wishbone independent suspension and a rear multi-link independent suspension system."

"During step climbing, the front suspension can better absorb the lateral force during wheel movement and reduce tire wear."

"Multi-links provide control in multiple directions, allowing the wheels to follow a better trajectory."

As the editor-in-chief of NetEase Auto Channel, Fang Dawen’s skills are obviously online.

He knows all the relevant parameters of some mainstream domestic models.

“The steps we climbed this time were different from the previous cross-country sections.”

"Dense steps will put more load on the suspension system and body frame."

"If the suspension system is too stiff, the vibrations experienced by the chassis will be transmitted directly to the body frame through the shock absorbers and springs, causing serious impacts."

"An excellent suspension system can absorb more energy in a strong environment, but it cannot support the continuous and high-frequency impact of the vehicle. Only a properly adjusted suspension system can adapt to extreme road surfaces."

"When the time comes, this will probably be a good selling point for the Range Rover."

Lin Jiayan soon knew where to start the upcoming article.

The purpose of these various activities carried out by car companies is definitely to sell cars better.

Land Rover is no exception.

Cao Yang boasted in Haikou that he would make Jaguar Land Rover turn a profit next year and make the Chinese market the largest car market for Jaguar Land Rover in the world.

I will start thinking about the construction of the factory soon.

"Indeed, in addition to adjusting the suspension system, climbing such steps cannot be fast, which is also a big test for the Range Rover."

"At low speeds, the vehicle is more likely to skid without relying on inertial tires, which tests the skills of the tires and the four-wheel drive system."

"Especially if the four-wheel drive works abnormally at the end and some tires lose grip, it will not only lead to failure of the challenge, but also cause danger."

"The intelligent four-wheel drive system equipped with the Range Rover, the transfer case integrates a low-range gear ratio function, which can instantly amplify the torque by 2.48 times, enabling climbing of up to 80% of steep slopes."

"And the 'All-Terrain Control System' equipped with the Range Rover Sport has multiple driving modes: AUTO, Sport, Snow, Mud, Sand, and ECO, which can meet the performance requirements of different road conditions and control chassis electronics and other systems. manage."

“These will all be good selling points at that time.”

"Xingchen Motors has always been very good at marketing. Now that it has acquired Jaguar Land Rover, it will be a big deal when it comes to making other luxury car brands feel the threat posed by Land Rover."

"I estimate that after today, people from BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi will not be able to sleep."

Fang Dawen now has no prejudice against Nanshan Group.

In particular, Xingchen Motors acquired the world-famous Jaguar and Land Rover. This is entirely a matter of increasing the prestige of the Chinese people.

Fang Dawen is very willing to make some contribution to the increase in sales of Jaguar and Land Rover cars in China.

He even planned to write an article himself after the event to praise the Range Rover.

"I'm also curious about what kind of reaction there will be when the video is uploaded to Nanshan Film and Television Network after this challenge is successful."

Lin Jiayan imagined the Land Rover Range Rover climbing the 999 steps in one go, and she felt a little more hopeful in her heart.

The more you participate in this kind of activity, the better your life will be.

"I'm not sure how people will react."

"But some car companies will follow suit and launch some similar marketing plans. I think this is basically certain."

"Especially for some SUVs with good performance, they definitely want to attract attention and let everyone take a high look at their models."

Fang Dawen is very familiar with the thoughts of the marketing personnel of various car companies.

After all, he has dealt with the marketing departments of all domestic car companies.

You can find a few familiar people.

We even have meals with these people from time to time.

The Range Rover challenge event kicked off with their discussion.

Autohome and Nanshan Film and Television Network even posted links to the live broadcast in the form of pop-up advertisements, which attracted many people to watch the performance.

Of course, this bold approach fully proves Jaguar Land Rover's confidence in its own products.

Otherwise, if the challenge fails, it will be a huge loss.

There are even some people online who are waiting to see the Range Rover roll down from the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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