Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 450: Being disgusted?Immediately slap him away

Chapter 450: Being disgusted?Immediately slap him back

Jaguar Land Rover has been the most watched car brand in China in recent months.

There is no way, with so many things coming together, it is very difficult not to be noticed.

Now Autohome and Nanshan Film and Television Network have created a link about Land Rover Range Rover challenging the 999 steps of Tianmen Mountain, which naturally attracted a group of people's attention.

"Strauss, do you think our Audi Q5 or Q7 can complete the 999-step challenge of Tianmen Mountain?"

As the general manager of Volkswagen China, Vondel is naturally very concerned about Jaguar Land Rover.

In particular, the Audi brand now contributes a large amount of profits to Volkswagen China, and Vondel is afraid that this situation will be affected.

In other words, Audi's sales have been affected by Xingchen Motors, and Vondel does not want to continue to be affected by Jaguar Land Rover.

In the past, when comparing brand power, they were able to bully Xingchen Auto, whose background was relatively shallow.

But when facing Jaguar Land Rover, this is not easy to compare.

"Our Q5 and Q7 will definitely have no problem if they go around the 99 big curves in Tianmen Mountain."

"But it's a bit hard to tell when it comes to this kind of stairs."

"Although I don't want to admit it, the Land Rover brand is the best in the field of SUVs. Its Range Rover has a domineering appearance, sufficient power, and can challenge various difficult roads."

"Because of its all-terrain capability, it can easily cope with various terrains and plays an important role in the SUV field."

"Land Rover's timely four-wheel drive system greatly improves the limited slip performance between wheels and can support 100 to 0% torque distribution to the left and right rear wheels 100 times per second according to actual road conditions."

"If the ground is slippery, the system can also output power to any tire individually to adjust the grip. This is very useful in rainy days, ice, snow, mud and other scenarios."

"Similarly, in this Tianmen Mountain challenge, the torque is distributed to the tires with very strong grip, making it possible for the Range Rover to truly complete this difficult challenge."

Within the company itself, Strauss naturally knew what to say and did not deliberately speak favorably about himself.

Anyway, Vondel is the boss of his own company, not a media reporter.

Let the boss figure out his own strength. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Lest you make some inappropriate decisions later and end up screwing yourself up.

"Our Q5 and Q7 also have their own four-wheel drive systems. If Range Rover can handle it, can't we?"

Vondel was obviously not satisfied with what Strauss said.

"That's not to say it won't work, but it's just that there's no guarantee of success."

“This kind of marketing activity is a double-edged sword. If it’s done well, it can naturally play a very good publicity role, but if it’s done wrong, it will be embarrassing and ruin your own brand.”

"Audi has been operating in China for so many years before it has today's brand positioning. I am also worried that this brand height will be destroyed because of some small things."

Vondel was not particularly satisfied with Strauss' explanation.

"Besides the difference in the four-wheel drive system, are there any other differences?"

When Vondel asked, Strauss said without any hesitation: "It's true. The Range Rover is equipped with an 8AT automatic transmission from Nanshan Transmission, which can continuously and stably output power efficiently, and it also has an extremely intelligent transmission. Shifting logic can better understand and convey the driver’s thoughts.”

“According to previous analysis by our technicians, the 8AT of Nanshan Transmission has a wider gear ratio, which makes the Range Rover start more powerfully. The relatively low shifting speed minimizes the power loss and makes the power connection extremely tight. You don’t have to worry about slippage during the climb.”

Although Strauss's words seemed to make sense, Fondel was not satisfied.

For those who are leaders, if others can come up with such a good marketing plan, why can’t you?
That's your problem.

"Strauss, even if Audi's sales in China are surpassed by Xingchen Motors, if it is also surpassed by Jaguar and Land Rover, then we will definitely not end well."

"I hope you can pay full attention to this situation and think of ways to boost Audi's sales."

"The headquarters has now agreed to import a series of SUVs for domestic production in China. By then, the number of models has increased, but there has been no significant increase in sales. That is absolutely not possible."

When Vondel said this, Strauss also felt the pressure.

The first-level official crushes people to death.

However, no one cares about Strauss's troubles now.

On the Internet, a bunch of people are joining in the fun and watching the live broadcast of the Range Rover challenge.

Of course, even though it is said to be a live broadcast, there is actually a 5-minute delay.

Jaguar Land Rover Automobile China Company is also afraid of any accidents.

“The Range Rover looks great!”

"It's another masterpiece. The styling is still suitable. I like the style. This kind of car is worthy of people's choice!"

"What I admire most is the design style, the appearance is outstanding, and I feel that the quality has been improved, so that female drivers can feel safe driving!"

"The thoughtful design will make you completely conquered, and you will get bubbles while passing by. It is also quite popular."

“A normal Range Rover can handle the slope easily!”

"A good car must stand the test!"

"What kind of tiger is Land Rover? Can it be eaten?"

"Just because Land Rover was taken down by Xingchen Automobile, I have to support it!"

"This car is a bit similar to Yang Wang. They are both handsome."

"Awesome! It's possible to drive on such a road. What other roads are impassable?"

"Coordinated in the northwest, I really want a Range Rover like this!"

“I’ll have another choice when buying a car in the future!”


Various comments made this matter very popular.

Since you have to rush up such steps, you can't go fast.

So it is very suitable to watch in the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Pan, we just confirmed that the number of people watching our live event on the Internet has exceeded 100 million."

Li Wenxiong is the sales director of Jaguar Land Rover Automobile China, and he followed Pan Jianghui to the event in person today.

This is the first large-scale publicity event held by Xingchen Automobile in China after its acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover.

Both the media and Jaguar Land Rover are looking forward to it.

"Mr. Cao's ideas are really unconstrained, and most people can't catch up."

"As long as Range Rover successfully climbs the ladder this time, I think Range Rover sales in China may be able to double next month."

"Under the leadership of Xingchen Motors, the company's future is worth looking forward to."

Pan Jianghui naturally took note of the enthusiasm of media friends at the scene and the heated discussion on the Internet.

These are all great things.

"Not only can the sales of Range Rover reach a higher level, but the sales of other models will definitely have an impact."

"At that time we can think carefully about how to keep this popularity going."

As sales director, Li Wenxiong quickly realized the benefits of maintaining today's popularity.

This is more effective than any kind of advertising.

"Such a good event cannot be completely forgotten by everyone after a few days. We must find ways to continuously increase its popularity."

"The best thing is to have some comparisons so that everyone can see the advantages of Range Rover more intuitively."

Pan Jianghui has also carefully studied some classic marketing cases of Nanshan Group and Xingchen Motors in the past few years in the past few months.

Some things, he felt, were of reference significance even now.

"This is actually easy to handle. When the time comes, we will also bring over SUV models from Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Porsche, and let the drivers drive these cars to the steps in front of them."

"Among these cars, there must be some models that cannot successfully complete the challenge. When the time comes, they can be used as comparison models of the Range Rover, and once again attract people to understand the Range Rover."

Pan Jianghui immediately understood what Li Wenxiong meant.

Only by comparison can you find the differences.

Otherwise, if your strength is too strong, others will not be able to figure it out, and it will not make much sense.

"You will know if it has any effect until you do it. If the effect is not good, the worst case scenario is that we will not publicize it."

Pan Jianghui's words obviously agreed with Li Wenxiong's troubles.

As long as there is popularity and it can be beneficial to sales, no matter how hard you put it, it will be easy.

This is the benefit of an enterprise that is on the rise.

If a company is in a declining period, that's not the case.

Many times, people in key and sensitive departments have to walk on thin ice.

If you are not careful, you will do something thankless.




As the driver stepped on the accelerator, the rear wheels of the Range Rover finally reached the last step.

This time the extreme challenge was successfully completed.

Naturally, the audience burst into applause.

Pan Jianghui also called Cao Yang immediately to report today's results.

"Mr. Cao, your plan is really amazing."

"Our Range Rover not only successfully climbed the 999 steps, but also attracted countless people's attention to this matter."

"Nearly 200 million people are watching the live broadcast now."

"I took a look just now. On the Weibo hot search, Range Rover is also popular."

Pan Jianghui, who was in a very excited mood, now admired Cao Yang to a higher level.

To be able to come up with such a sophisticated marketing plan, Cao Yang definitely understands Chinese consumers very well.

Judging from the development history of Xingchen Automobile, it can also be seen that Cao Yang understands some consumer psychology very well.

Whatever consumers care about, I will focus on promoting.

Whatever consumers are interested in, I will work hard in that direction.

Anyway, it is to allow more consumers to focus on themselves.

"There is no doubt about the strength of Range Rover. Its original weakness is that it uses a Ford engine, which has relatively high fuel consumption and some parameters are not so ideal."

"After we switch to Nanshan engine products in the next step, the performance will bring more surprises to everyone."

"I hope that the Range Rover can become a hit model of the Land Rover brand. Not to mention selling [-] units a month in China, at least [-] units can be a challenge."

Cao Yang immediately assigned Pan Jianghui a very challenging goal.

The target of [-] units per month for other models may not be very high.But on a Range Rover, that's not the case at all.

Even if the sales can double next month, it will only be around [-].

How is it possible to get [-] vehicles a month so easily?
"Mr. Cao, we must do our best to increase Jaguar Land Rover's sales."

Pan Jianghui didn't dare to say too much. He was worried that Cao Yang would give Jaguar a monthly sales target of 5000, which would be a big problem.

While Pan Jianghui and Cao Yang were reporting the news, Great Wall Motors was also putting forward its own ideas based on the Range Rover's publicity plan.

"Mr. Wang, we are going to apply for an additional marketing campaign and we will start executing it the day after tomorrow."

Lian Furong had just watched the video of the Range Rover climbing the steps of Tianmen Mountain, and he was fully aware of the popularity of this event.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you have to be the first.

This is especially true for various marketing measures.

Lian Furong, who was deeply aware of this, immediately prepared to arrange for the company's main model H8 to take a trip to Tianmen Mountain.

At that time, before other car companies could react, the Great Wall H8 caught the attention of Range Rover and became a hot search topic.

This is definitely very good news for people who can't afford a Range Rover.

Maybe H8 sales will double next month.

"What marketing event was arranged so suddenly?"

Wang Ying has a very busy job every day, and most of the time she only checks out the news on the Internet that day in the morning and evening.

She obviously didn't know what the Land Rover did just now.

"It's like this, today..."

Lian Furong quickly explained the situation and then gave his specific plan.

"If the schedule is so tight, the media may not be able to invite us."

"If the media does not participate, the effectiveness of this publicity will be greatly reduced."

Wang Ying pointed out a key issue immediately.

However, Lian Furong is obviously ready to answer this question.

He said without any hesitation: "Mr. Cao, I don't think the problem is big. People from all media are already at Tianmen Mountain. If we invite them immediately, we only need to let those people stay for another two days." That’s it.”

"We were responsible for all food and accommodation, even travel tickets and various expenses, and we also reimbursed them."

"In this way, although not necessarily everyone who participated in the Range Rover event will stay, I think there is no problem with half of the people staying."

"If we pay a little more for the carriage and horse fare then, it won't be a problem if we let them wait for two more days."

Obviously, in Lian Furong's view, this is nothing more than a matter of money.

As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to talk about.

He knows the media too well.

You have to work everywhere anyway. If you spend a few more days in Tianmen Mountain, you can earn a lot of extra income. Why not?

According to the normal plan, they participated in the Range Rover event today, and usually would not return to the company until tomorrow.

There's also a Range Rover reception dinner tonight.

"What you said makes sense, but are you sure H8 can successfully climb the 999 steps?"

"Don't climb halfway up and be unable to climb up, or if something happens to you, you'll be in trouble."

Wang Ying reminded him a little worriedly.

This marketing measure sounds very good.

But the prerequisite is that it can be successful.

Otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

"Mr. Wang, I have already thought about this issue."

"Our H8 is developed with reference to Toyota's Land Cruiser, and its chassis is relatively high."

"After equipped with the 2.0T engine of Nanshan engine, the power is still sufficient."

"Of course, if something happens that we don't want to see, I have already made relevant preparations."

"At that time, we will just need to spend another amount of money to silence those media."

"As long as we don't do live streaming like a Range Rover."

Although time was very urgent, Lian Furong dared to come to Wang Ying to report the plan, which was obviously a relatively thorough consideration.

Otherwise, a person like him who has nothing to do with the Wei family would not be able to maintain his position as the head of the Great Wall Motors Sales Department.

Many people think that the position of the director of the purchasing department is the most sensitive and the most vulnerable to corruption and bribery.

Not entirely true actually.

For automobile companies, the power of the sales department director, or the flexibility of the sales department director in using money, is higher than that of the purchasing department director.

For example, there is absolutely no standard for shooting an advertisement, whether it costs 500 million or 1000 million.

Even if so-called standards are formulated or so-called bid evaluations are conducted, there are still many tricks that can be done.

People can even collude with advertising companies and make a lot of money from it.

For another example, if the H8 sells very well and even needs to be sold at a higher price, which 4S store should send a few more H8s at this time? Is there a lot of articles that can be done in it?

If you contribute hundreds of thousands to me, I will arrange for someone to send you a few more best-selling cars.

In terms of process, it is sometimes difficult to find faults.

But in the purchasing department, the situation is a little different.

Like a tire, its price has a standard.

If you are a little higher than others, it may not be a big deal, but the price is ridiculously high. This price cannot be implemented at all.

And this price is not determined by the purchasing department alone. The R&D department is also involved and will provide its own design costs.

If the design cost is lower than your purchase cost, there will be a lot of information that needs to be prepared and explained.

In addition, each company audits the purchasing department more than other departments, so it is more difficult for the purchasing department to make big moves than the sales department.

There was a period of anti-corruption in later generations, and more people in the sales field were dismissed than in the purchasing field.

"Okay, then you should make arrangements as soon as possible and try not to cause any trouble."

Lian Furong had already considered everything he was worried about, so Wang Ying naturally had no reason to disagree.

The SUV strategy is Great Wall Motor's grand strategy.

As the company's flagship SUV, the H8 has a high price and high profits.

Wang Ying also hopes that H8 can sell better.

However, as soon as Great Wall Motors made such a move, Jaguar Land Rover immediately got the news.

"Minister Zeng, it's a bit excessive for Great Wall Motors to try to take advantage of hot topics like this."

"Should we think of some way to stop it?"

Pan Jianghui called Zeng Tingting directly to discuss countermeasures.

Although sometimes he can talk directly to Cao Yang, he definitely can't go to his boss often for asking for specific plans.

Otherwise, what would the boss want you to do?
"Lian Furong's movements are quite fast!"

"The Great Wall H8 is not weak in strength. It is very likely that it can really climb the steps of Tianmen Mountain."

"In this way, it will immediately appear that Range Rover's efforts are not so difficult."

"It's even easy for people to compare the H8 with the Range Rover, which in vain lowers the Range Rover's style."

Although Great Wall Motors is also an important customer of Nanshan Group, the relationship between them is relatively subtle.

For example, for the 1.5T engine, Great Wall Motors began to purchase and assemble its own parts relatively early.

Now they are conducting technical research and development on gearboxes internally, and want to launch their own gearbox.

Of course, Zeng Tingting could find out a little bit of all this news.

"Yeah, so I think something needs to be done, otherwise the publicity environment will completely change in two days."

"Once we fall into a passive situation, some things will be difficult to handle."

Pan Jianghui could naturally see the situation Zeng Tingting mentioned.

That's why he was anxious.

"Well, doesn't Great Wall H8 want to gain popularity?"

"Then we might as well arrange a few more cars to go to the hot spots."

"We have reserved this scenic spot until tomorrow. You urgently arrange for people to find Porsche Cayenne, BMW X5, Mercedes-Benz ML or Mercedes-Benz GL, as well as Audi Q5 and Q7 from near Tianmen Mountain, and arrange these cars for tomorrow's challenge activities."

"And this event will continue to be live broadcast, and we will not do any manipulation."

"According to our previous estimates, there must be some models that cannot reach the top smoothly."

"As for any individual model that succeeds, it will only be at the same level as our Range Rover."

"In the future, even if H8 successfully reaches the summit, everyone's attention will not be that high."

"After all, we tested five or six models at once, and the effect of following suit later has become much worse."

Zeng Tingting is an experienced marketing warrior.

A solution was quickly thought of.

And this plan seems quite reliable.

The worst result is that all these opponents climb up, which at best shows that the climbing performance of these models is on the same level as the Range Rover.

The best result is that if there are several models, or even none of them have climbed up.

That will take the popularity of today's marketing activities to another level.

When the time comes, Range Rover will really outshine the rest.

It is estimated that only fellow disciples Zhang Wang and Xingtu can beat it.

"Zeng Bu, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Pan Jiangjiang was overjoyed when he heard this. He didn't have time to be polite to Zeng Tingting, so he hurriedly arranged tomorrow's activities.

Great Wall Motors wants to disgust itself?

Immediately slap him back!
Let their arrangements be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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