Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 473: To promote the development of electric vehicles, Nanshan Group launches another satelli

Chapter 473: To promote the development of electric vehicles, Nanshan Group launches another satellite

The more friends you have, the wider the road.

The more people with common interests, the more solutions there are to a problem.

As a state-owned enterprise affiliated to Yangcheng City, Yangcheng Automobile Group's development speed in recent years is no slower than that of large central enterprises such as Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group.

Simply speaking from an administrative level, Zhang Jiaqi is at most a deputy/department level, which is still a high ranking.

But the general managers of Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group are actually deputy/department level.

Therefore, Zhang Jiaqi was holding back his anger. Otherwise, Yangcheng Automobile Group could do better than higher-level administrative car companies such as Xifeng Motors.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to do this.

But as long as there is a chance, he doesn't want to let it go.

This time Cao Yang took the initiative to visit, and he actively participated in the reception work.

"Mr. Cao, you always go to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason."

"If there is anything you need help from our Yangcheng Automobile Group, please mention it as soon as possible!"

After chatting for a few minutes, Zhang Jiaqi took the initiative to ask.

He is very clear about the current situation of China's automobile industry and knows how big the gap is between Yangcheng Automobile Group and Nanshan Group.

Zhang Jiaqi dared to regard Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group as his competitors, but he really did not dare to regard Nanshan Group as his opponent.

There is no way, the gap between them is too big.

Even if it is a dream, there is no way to dream of surpassing Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Zhang, I really have a few good things to share with you today. Let's see if Yangcheng Automobile Group is interested in doing it together."

Only by sharing some of the profits can things go more smoothly.

Anyway, the core components are in the hands of Nanshan Group. Whether it is electric buses, electric buses or electric taxis, the initiative is definitely still in the hands of Nanshan Group.

Therefore, Cao Yang is not very worried about putting these models in a joint venture or directly producing them at Yangcheng Trumpchi.

In the end, Nanshan Group must be the biggest beneficiary.

Of course, Yangcheng Automobile Group will definitely not suffer.

Only a win-win situation can last.

Otherwise, after someone suffers a loss once, it will not be so easy to want to cooperate again in the future.

"interested in!"

"We are all interested in cooperating with you if you are interested in something!"

Zhang Jiaqi couldn't help but straighten his back, full of anticipation for what Cao Yang would say next.

"I took a bus on a whim a few days ago, but I didn't think the riding experience was particularly good."

"Especially when you get on the viaduct, you can see black smoke emitting from the exhaust pipe of the bus in front."

"Although Yangcheng is already developing a BRT system, it is expected to make some bus lines more beautiful."

"But if there is no technological progress in the bus itself as the main body, it is obviously not enough."

"During this year's Olympic Games, electric buses have begun to appear. The riding experience is much better, and the publicity points are also very good."

"It just so happens that Nanshan Group now has technological accumulation in batteries, motors and electronic controls, and is capable of producing the main components needed for electric buses."

"So we want to work with Yangcheng Motor Group to replace all buses in Yangcheng City with electric vehicles."

"In the future, we can even replace the entire Lingnan Province's buses with electric vehicles, thereby further promoting them to all parts of the country, making our Nanyangcheng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. a well-known commercial vehicle company in the country. In the future, we can even directly go public for financing, and further development and growth.”

Before Cao Yang finished speaking, Zhang Jiaqi couldn't help but interjected: "Mr. Cao, this is a very good proposal. New energy vehicles such as electric vehicles will definitely be encouraged and supported by policies in the future. Yangcheng City is very strict about these projects. You should also be interested.”

“We can even ask Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City to apply for a special subsidy to promote electric bus projects.”

"In addition, electric taxis can also be developed."

"These vehicles run on the streets all day long, and the exhaust gas they emit in a day is dozens of times that of ordinary passenger cars. Transforming them into electric vehicles will have a very direct effect on energy conservation, emission reduction, and improvement of the road traffic environment."

Zhang Jiaqi is not a short-sighted person.

Once Cao Yang got started, he could realize the importance and deeper significance of this project.

Previously, Yangcheng Automobile Group did not have the ability in this area, so it did not dare to dream of such a thing.

Now that Nanshan Group has stepped forward to take the lead, it would be strange if he didn't follow him in for a drink of soup.

"Yes, I think so too."

"This change is a very good publicity point for Yangcheng to host the Asian Games, and it is also a very good opportunity for Yangcheng to seize the development opportunities of the new energy industry."

"Passenger cars and buses can be produced at Nanshan Goat City Commercial Vehicles, and electric taxis can be directly developed by Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Trumpchi to develop a professional model."

"When the time comes, we will communicate with Yangcheng City. In the future, taxis can only be replaced by electric vehicles, and other fuel vehicles are not allowed."

"In this way, the sales of our electric vehicle will be guaranteed."

Although Yangcheng’s taxi market alone cannot support an electric vehicle product.

But the current new energy market is completely incomparable with future generations. If we can produce [-] vehicles first, that will be enough.

According to the development pattern of the industry, subsidy policies related to new energy vehicles will be released starting next year.

At that time, if we promote local subsidies in Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City, the price of electric taxis can be reduced to less than 20.

In this way, the opinions of the taxi company will not be too big, and Nanshan Group can also obtain appropriate profits in this development process to further support the next step of technology research and development.

Otherwise, if you keep burning money, you will eventually feel guilty.

"Speaking of Yangcheng Trumpchi, I happen to have something I want to ask Mr. Cao for advice."

Zhang Jiaqi didn't want to miss such a good communication opportunity.

Yangcheng Trumpchi has been able to develop so smoothly because it followed Cao Yang's original suggestion and built two SUVs, GS4 and GS8.

But later Zhang Jiaqi asked people to build two more cars. The current situation of these two cars can be said to be a bit miserable.

Sales in a month are less than 1000 units.

If it weren't for the sales of GS4 and GS8, Yangcheng Trumpchi would never have been able to occupy a place in the Chinese automobile market.

"I don't dare to ask for advice. Mr. Zhang has something he wants to communicate, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

"Then I won't be polite."

Zhang Jiaqi was afraid that if Cao Yang took him seriously if he was polite, he would be depressed.

So I quickly talked about the problems I was facing.

"Mr. Cao, the current sales of Yangcheng Trumpchi's two sedans are not very good. It can even be said that the sales volume is terrible."

"Do you have any good suggestions to increase the sales of cars?"

The problem Zhang Jiaqi mentioned is basically a common problem among most independent brand car companies.

That means car sales are not doing well!

This is really not that easy to solve.

However, Cao Yang came with an electric taxi project this time, so he was not unable to come up with any plans.

"Actually, I think Yangcheng Trumpchi's GA6 and GA8 are both good, especially the GA8, which is a 2.0T product equipped with a Nanshan engine. The configurations in all aspects are very high, and the products are no worse than the Accord and Camry."

"However, the competition in this market is too fierce, and Yangcheng Trumpchi has no brand advantage."

"I think we can strategically abandon the current car business first, and then combine GA6 and GA8 to transform it into an electric taxi project."

"As a taxi, the appearance must be decent. In this aspect, whether it is GA6 or GA8, there will be no problem."

"In addition, the interior space must be large enough, otherwise the comfort of the passengers will not be high and the driver will be tired even if he sits there."

"In this aspect, based on GA8, all aspects of configuration can be reduced and only necessary items can be retained."

"The electric vehicles transformed in this way have enough space and are as low-cost as possible. They are specially designed to focus on the taxi market."

When Cao Yang proposed this plan, Zhang Jiaqi did not immediately say whether it was good or bad.

He personally decided on the car business, and he would still be reluctant to give it up now.

Although there are electric taxis out there, they can still be considered a car business.

But after all, it is completely different from what I originally imagined.

But if you don’t give up, you won’t be able to make money if you continue to persevere, and that’s not the way to go.

"Mr. Cao, is there no other way?"

Zhang Jiaqi asked a little unwillingly.

"If you can lower the price of GA6 to less than 8 and the price of GA8 to about 12, then maybe you can continue to sell them without giving up."

"Otherwise, I think it will be enough to focus on electric taxis."

Cao Yang's words immediately silenced Zhang Jiaqi.

Zhang Jiaqi is very clear about the cost of each model of Yangcheng Trumpchi.

The price Cao Yang mentioned is impossible to achieve under any circumstances.

Unless all the various configurations are cut off, only the most basic functions are left.

But in this case, why would anyone buy Yangcheng Trumpchi?

BYD's F6 and Geely's Emgrand are obviously better, right?

"Mr. Cao, if we want to build electric taxis, I think it's not enough to rely solely on Yangcheng."

"Although there are tens of thousands of taxis in Yangcheng as a whole, it is impossible to replace them all in one go."

"The update demand for less than [-] vehicles per year cannot support one model."

"If we want to do it, let's go bigger and replace all taxis in Lingnan Province with electric vehicles. In this way, there will be a market of at least 3 vehicles every year waiting for us to explore."

"On average, there are close to 3000 vehicles per month, which is basically enough for us to operate for a year or two."

"When the conditions are mature, we will quickly promote it to other parts of the country and establish our leading advantage in one fell swoop." Zhang Jiaqi feels that Nanshan Group is worthy of his praise.

If Cao Yang rejects the project that he is optimistic about, he can go back to BYD, Chery, Geely and other car companies for cooperation.

Even Nanshan Red Flag is more suitable than Yangcheng Trumpchi.

Yangcheng Automobile Group's influence on Yangcheng and Lingnan can be regarded as their unique advantage.

In this case, you must give full play to your advantages.

If Yangcheng Trumpchi's electric vehicle business can become bigger and stronger in the future, it will be considered a very good political achievement.

"Boss Zhang is so courageous!"

"Of course I support this."

"In terms of subsequent communication with Yangcheng City and other cities, I need Mr. Zhang's help in coordinating."

He sought cooperation with Yangcheng Automobile because of the other party's special influence.

When it's time to speak, you must not be polite.

Cao Yang had no intention of being polite to Zhang Jiaqi at all.

"No problem, that's how it should be."

"How about we go to the city together tomorrow to report this plan?"

"The best thing is to ask the city to formulate subsidy standards for electric buses and electric passenger cars as soon as possible."

Zhang Jiaqi readily agreed.

It's definitely not okay if he doesn't agree.

However, Cao Yang specifically reminded one point, saying: "Yes, but when formulating the standards, we must try to be as strict as possible. Only electric vehicles with a relatively high cruising range can enjoy subsidies, otherwise there will be a lot of them by then." A mess of companies using subsidies behind the scenes will have a very bad impact on us."

Cao Yang knew that the next five years would be a relatively chaotic period for the domestic new energy market.

With the introduction of new energy subsidy policies by the state, all kinds of ghosts and monsters have emerged.

In order to defraud subsidies, some companies even take the cars they have sold and take them to the workshop for a walk, treating them as new cars to continue applying for subsidies.

A large number of so-called new energy vehicles are junk products and do not have much practicality.

This is definitely not a good thing for the development of domestic new energy vehicles.

Now Nanshan Group's battery and other parts are already among the best in the country. When standards are to be formulated, the requirements must be raised a bit, otherwise there may be a situation where one mouse droppings spoils the whole pot of porridge.

"Mr. Cao, just set a standard and we will report to the leaders according to this standard!"

Zhang Jiaqi is also a smart person and naturally knows the influence behind the standards.

By directly setting a lower limit for subsidies based on the level that Nanshan Group can achieve, most other competitors can be excluded from the scope of subsidies.

It can be said that this is a legal means of attacking competitors.

"For passenger cars, the cruising range must be at least 400 kilometers before you can apply for subsidies. Then the subsidy standards for 400 kilometers and 500 kilometers must also be distinguished."

“Then the test requirements for cruising range must also be clearly defined.”

"Don't expect people to declare a range of 400 kilometers, but in fact it can't even drive 200 kilometers."

Cao Yang gave his opinion without thinking too much.

During this period, 400 kilometers is definitely a high threshold.

Even rivals like BYD find it difficult to meet this standard.

As for the other messy car companies who want to defraud subsidies, it is even more difficult.

If they can really reach this standard, it means that their technical strength is indeed improving, and Cao Yang has nothing to say.

Of course, the false marking of the range of electric vehicles is just like subsidy fraud, and must be severely cracked down on.

"We can meet this requirement ourselves, right?"

Zhang Jiaqi confirmed a little unconfidently.


"The electric taxis we cooperate with will have a 400-kilometer range version at the lowest configuration."

Cao Yang responded in the affirmative.

This time, Zhang Jiaqi naturally had no problems.

And he further added: "The models that need to apply for subsidies in Yangcheng and Lingnan Province must go to the wind tunnel laboratory managed by Lingnan University of Technology for a mileage test. Only the test report issued by this organization , is effective."

Zhang Jiaqi's proposal was completely in line with Cao Yang's ideas.

Cao Yang didn't mean to take advantage, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of by others either.

Otherwise, there will be too many models applying for subsidies by then, which will be a pressure on Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province.

The latter will affect the amount and duration of the subsidy.

On the contrary, if the products jointly produced by Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Automobile are the main subsidy objects, then Yangcheng City will have no objection even if the subsidy amount is relatively high.

After all, a large amount of taxes are paid during the production process of a car. The best Yangcheng City can do is use all these taxes to subsidize electric vehicles.

If this opportunity can be used to allow Yangcheng to firmly establish itself as a leader in the electric vehicle market, it will definitely be considered a very cost-effective business.

"Are the subsidy standards for electric buses and electric buses also set according to this standard?"

"They should be set according to a range of 300 kilometers."

Cao Yang doesn't dare to set the standards for electric buses so high.

These products are intended to use lithium iron phosphate batteries, and their energy density is not as high as ternary lithium batteries.

Moreover, the weight of the car is also very high, so it is not that easy to achieve a battery life of 400 kilometers.

And for electric buses, a battery life of 300 kilometers is basically enough.

The characteristic of buses is that they stop and go. The distance of a bus from beginning to end is often only about 10 kilometers, or even less than that.

As for the actual battery life of 300 kilometers, even if there is a certain amount of power attenuation later, it is enough to run for a day.

If the standard is set too high, Nanshan Group will not be able to handle it by itself, which would be ridiculous.

"Okay, the standard for passenger cars is 400 kilometers, and the standard for commercial vehicles is 300 kilometers. We will strive to implement this standard in Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province within the first quarter of next year."

"I heard rumors that new energy subsidy policies at the national level are also being formulated."

"At that time, if the country can subsidize one amount, the province can subsidize another amount, and the city can subsidize another amount, then building electric vehicles will probably become a business that does not lose money."

At this time, no matter how optimistic Zhang Jiaqi is, he does not dare to easily make money on an electric car.

According to the standards set by Cao Yang, the battery cost of an electric vehicle with a range of 400 kilometers is at least 15 yuan.

After all, the current battery price is not what it will be in 2023. It has dropped after sufficient competition.

Due to the lack of volume advantage, the price of car batteries in 2008 was at least three times that of 2023.

Even four or five times is normal under special circumstances.

Of course, if it were the original history, because the state subsidizes an electric vehicle of 5 yuan, and the provinces and cities are subsidying tens of thousands, then just buy a small battery worth tens of thousands of yuan and put it on, and you can get the subsidy back.

In that case, by producing a car, even if the car is not actually sold, the company can still earn from tens of thousands to tens of thousands of yuan in subsidies.

In the end, all kinds of weird chaos occurred.

Now Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province have set their standards first. When other places want to set standards, even if they want to set standards, they should not be too exaggerated.

People use 400 kilometers as the standard, no matter how bad you are, you still have to have 300 kilometers, right?
Otherwise, with a little push from the Nanshan Group, public opinion will revoke those local policies.

"Well, it depends on how far the subsidies at each level can go."

"In Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City, I hope that the combined subsidy amount can be at least 5 yuan or more."

"If it can reach the level of 10 yuan, that would be the best."

If you can make money by building electric cars, that would be the best thing.

Cao Yang doesn't want to rely on developing related parts and components industries all the time.

After all, if the entire vehicle is losing money, then Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts will be embarrassed to raise the price of parts too high.

Otherwise, if the appearance is too ugly, something will happen eventually.

"Then we will use 10 yuan as the standard and see if we can promote Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City to provide subsidy policies of 5 yuan per car each."

"If leaders have concerns, they can first set a certain time range and subsidy amount range."

"At that time, we will see how to respond based on the situation."

Asking relevant departments for subsidies is something Zhang Jiaqi is good at.

If Yangcheng Automobile Group wants to have a certain say when cooperating with Nanshan Group, it must let Cao Yang see the influence of Yangcheng Automobile Group.

Otherwise, why would Nanshan Group give you a share of the pie?
Soon, after discussing the general direction, Zhang Jiaqi and Cao Yang went to find Liu Tianwu together.

Liu Tianwu has a lot of things to do every day, and people from various districts below must make an appointment in advance to report to him.

And generally you have to make an appointment a few days in advance to have time.

But for Cao Yang, it was not difficult at all to meet Liu Tianwu.

Considering that this matter required the full assistance of Yangcheng City, Cao Yang naturally came forward in person this time.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Zhang, you are the two pillars of economic development in Yangcheng."

"Why are we free to visit together today?"

Although the main purpose of today's visit was briefly mentioned when making the appointment, Liu Tianwu still asked teasingly.

However, the smile on his face revealed his inner mood at this time.

It is a good thing that Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Motor will launch satellites together.

It was too late for him to expect.

(End of this chapter)

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