Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 474: Exaggerated draft for consultation, friends and businessmen were shocked

Chapter 474: Exaggerated draft for consultation, friends and businessmen were shocked

The automobile industry is the pillar industry of Yangcheng.

This is already written in the Yangcheng development plan.

Nowadays, whether it is Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota or Yangcheng Trumpchi under the Yangcheng Motor Group, their performance is very good.

Not to mention the industrial driving role of Nanshan Group.

Although 2008 has not yet passed, it is conservatively estimated that at least RMB 3000 billion of Yangcheng's GDP this year will be contributed by the automobile industry.

You know, Yangcheng's current annual GDP is about 1 trillion.

Now that Cao Yang and Zhang Jiaqi, two heavyweights in the Yangcheng automobile industry, came together to find Liu Tianwu, he naturally took them very seriously.

"Leader, this time we are coming to you for help."

Cao Yang said it half jokingly, half seriously.

"Mr. Cao, don't be scary. We are looking for a good project for Yangcheng City."

Zhang Jiaqi is also a frequent visitor to Liu Tianwu's office and speaks relatively relaxedly.

"Looking at your tone, what big move is Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Automobile Group going to make?"

Liu Tianwu personally poured a cup of tea for Cao Yang and Zhang Jiaqi, and then sat down on the sofa.

Usually when Cao Yang and Zhang Jiaqi came over, he would not sit in his original position, but would follow them and sit on the sofa next to them.

This makes the conversation appear more equal.

"Mr. Cao, how about I report to the leader on my behalf?"

Zhang Jiaqi looked at Liu Tianwu and then at Cao Yang.

Cao Yang smiled directly, stretched out his hand to indicate to Zhang Jiaqi that he had no objection, and asked him to start explaining.

Yangcheng Automobile Group is the biological son of Yangcheng City. It is only natural that a son should ask his father for subsidies.

So before coming here, Zhang Jiaqi actually told Cao Yang that he would take the initiative to explain to Liu Tianwu about the electric vehicle subsidies.

Cao Yang added a little bit about the important opportunities that will be brought to Yangcheng after the development of the electric vehicle industry.

Soon, after receiving a positive reply, Zhang Jiaqi began to explain.

Liu Tianwu listened attentively. If he had any questions, he did not interrupt directly. Instead, he picked up a notebook next to him and quickly recorded it.

It was not until more than ten minutes later, after Zhang Jiaqi had reported on the plan and subsidy policy, that Liu Tianwu began to ask questions.

"The Asian Games is only more than a year away. In such a short period of time, are you sure you can produce electric buses and electric buses with a driving range of 300 kilometers?"

Sure enough, for a figure like Liu Tianwu, a special ceremony like the Asian Games receives very different attention.

If electric vehicles are done well by then, they will directly become a beautiful scenery in the Asian Games.

"Nanshan Battery has mastered mature lithium iron phosphate and ternary lithium battery technologies. There will be no problem whether it is installed in commercial vehicles or passenger vehicles."

"In addition to batteries, Nanshan Auto Parts already has the relevant technology accumulation for various components such as motors, electronic controls, reducers, charging boxes, and high-voltage distribution boxes that are needed for electric vehicles."

"As long as there is a need, parts can be produced immediately within half a year."

"Based on the mass production time and demand of the model, we can also quickly invest in new production lines to increase production."

Regarding technical matters, Cao Yang must reassure Liu Tianwu.

Otherwise, it will become a joke when the subsidy policy comes out.

"There is no problem in replacing all buses with electric vehicles, especially those related to the Asian Games venues."

"As long as the technology of the electric buses you produce is mature, even if the price is a little more expensive, it will be fine."

"But we must not cause various problems. I heard before that the batteries of electric vehicles are easy to burn. Is this true?"

For Liu Tianwu, when doing something, one must consider the benefits, but more importantly, the risks.

At his position, he is easily unwilling to do something very risky.

Because it is really unnecessary.

Input and output are somewhat disproportionate.

"Our current batteries mainly include lithium iron phosphate batteries and ternary lithium batteries."

"Lithium iron phosphate batteries have good heat resistance. Basically, spontaneous combustion may occur only when the battery temperature reaches above 800 degrees, and the safety is relatively good."

"However, when faced with temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius, battery performance will be affected and the performance will be unstable."

"Furthermore, the overall size and weight of the battery are large, and the convenience is not very good. It is a bit inappropriate to put it in a passenger car. By then, it will not have much impact in buses and coaches."

"The ternary lithium battery has high energy density and smaller overall size and weight, but its performance is still very good and its output power is higher."

"At the same time, ternary lithium batteries are relatively resistant to low temperatures. Even in the face of low temperatures of minus 20 degrees, they can still ensure good working performance of the battery."

"Of course, the cost of raw materials for ternary lithium batteries is high, and the production threshold is high. In addition, during the working process, lithium crystals are easy to precipitate near the electrodes. If the process is not up to standard, there is a risk of fire."

"In our project this time, electric buses and coaches are going to use lithium iron phosphate batteries, and the safety performance can be completely assured."

"The ternary lithium batteries used in electric taxis are also low-nickel batteries with a nickel-cobalt-manganese ratio of 1:1:1, and are much safer than those produced by other peers."

"And when designing our battery packs, we will fully consider the safety protection issues when the battery overheats and collides."

"This can basically prevent accidental battery fires from happening."

At this time, Cao Yang must show his confidence in Nanshan Battery's products.

In fact, whether electric vehicles will catch fire is not the most critical issue now.

The most important thing now is to implement the subsidy policy as soon as possible.

Liu Tianwu is quite confident about Nanshan Group's technology.

Cao Yang personally said that there was no problem with the Nanshan battery, and Liu Tianwu chose to believe it even if he had some doubts in his mind.

"Since you are all confident, there is no problem with the introduction of electric vehicle subsidy policies in Yangcheng City."

"If you want this policy to be introduced faster, it is best for you to be directly responsible for making a first draft, and then the city will find experts to discuss it. It is best to hold a meeting to discuss it before announcing it to the public."

Liu Tianwu can be considered sincere.

The development of electric vehicles is in line with the general policy.

Giving subsidies to electric vehicles is also in line with the general direction.

None of this money will go into Liu Tianwu's pocket, so he is not worried about any obstacles to the introduction of this policy.

As the leader in charge of the economy, Liu Tianwu still has some say.

"Leader, our group has simply drafted a draft of the new energy vehicle subsidy policy for external consultation and will leave it to you later."

Zhang Jiaqi is naturally very familiar with the process of issuing these policies and the stories behind them.

So after discussing with Cao Yang yesterday, he immediately asked people to work overtime overnight to come up with the "Yangcheng New Energy Vehicle Subsidy Standard Draft".

As for subsequent discussions with experts, the most likely possibility is to invite professors from Lingnan University of Technology and other relevant research institutes to discuss it. There is no need to worry about their objections.

The development of new energy vehicles is not only a policy, but also an industrial chain, with many interests involved behind it.

Relevant scientific research institutes are also a link in this industry chain or interest chain.

Whether it is related technology transformation, related cooperative research and development, or testing needs, they are all related to universities.

If we can get involved, we can find a way to allocate part of the development dividends.

Those experts have no reason to oppose the introduction of this subsidy policy.

"Now that you are all ready, I will review it personally later, and then ask several other leaders to take a look at it, and try to make the consultation draft public to the public this week."

"Then the subsidy policy will be officially determined before the Spring Festival."

"However, the relevant subsidy policies in Lingnan Province will be implemented, and it is estimated that the speed will not be that fast. You must be mentally prepared."

"Even for the provincial subsidy policy, we will not only listen to the opinions of your two companies, but also listen to the opinions of BYD and other car companies such as Toyota, Honda, and Nissan."

Liu Tianwu is confident that he can handle the matter in Yangcheng.

But when he arrived in Lingnan Province, although he was confident that a similar policy could be successfully introduced, he had no idea how this policy would be modified.

"Our electric vehicles will not be mass-produced until the second half of next year at the earliest. It is enough for Lingnan Province's relevant policies to be introduced within the first half of next year."

"By then, it is estimated that the relevant subsidy policies of the ministries and commissions will also have changes, and we will launch our electric buses, electric buses and electric taxis in time to put Yangcheng at the forefront of green travel."

Zhang Jiaqi is also a good storyteller.

"Let Yangcheng take the lead in green travel" completely touched Liu Tianwu's interest.

"When your electric vehicles come off the assembly line, you can hold a ceremony with the Asian Games Organizing Committee and we will shout the slogan of green travel."

Inappropriate name.

For Liu Tianwu, there is a special slogan that is very meaningful.

Naturally, Cao Yang and Zhang Jiaqi had no objections to this.

Next, the two companies deployed capable teams and began to implement several electric vehicles.

Yangcheng City also moved very quickly. A week after Cao Yang and Zhang Jiaqi visited Liu Tianwu, the "Yangcheng City New Energy Vehicle Subsidy Standard Consultation Draft" was posted on the Yangcheng City official website.

This is the first local-based new energy subsidy policy.

This action in Yangcheng City immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Group's plans are not small."

"Before, we always thought that Nanshan Battery mainly served Xingchen Motors' FHEV strategy, and it was not so quick to deploy electric vehicles and PHEVs."

"But such a subsidy policy suddenly appeared in Yangcheng City. It was promoted by Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Automobile Group. It must be that they are preparing to develop electric vehicles."

"I asked someone about it and heard that they are planning to cooperate on electric buses, electric buses and electric taxis."

"The number of units planned in the initial stage is still quite large, and more than 2 electric vehicles will be produced before the Asian Games alone."

As the person in charge of BYD Battery, Lu Faxiang is the most sensitive to various new energy vehicle subsidy policies.The cost of current batteries is still too high.

For example, later generations of lithium iron phosphate batteries can cost 0.6 yuan per watt hour, or even lower.

But now the cost of one watt hour is 3 yuan.

An electric car requires at least fifty kilowatt hours of electricity.

That means the cost of a battery alone reaches 15 yuan.

In addition, the cost of other three electric parts is not low, and the production cost of any electric vehicle is more than 20.

This is only the production cost of the enterprise, not counting various taxes and fees.

If electric vehicles in this period really have a range of 400 kilometers and are not priced at more than 30 yuan without considering subsidies, they will definitely lose money.

Lu Faxiang is very clear about this situation.

"Mr. Cao has always been very imaginative in his work, but his artistic conception is far-reaching and his layout is very different."

"The introduction of this subsidy policy is not a bad thing for us to a certain extent."

"Yangcheng can implement such a subsidy policy, and we can also lobby Shenzhen to introduce similar policies."

"At that time, we will also build electric buses, electric buses and electric taxis in Shenzhen."

"And this time the subsidy policy is introduced in Yangcheng City. Will Lingnan Province also introduce similar policies in the future? Will even the ministries and commissions also introduce similar policies?"

"It's totally worth the wait."

“However, what I am most worried about is that this time Yangcheng’s new energy vehicle subsidy standards set the cruising range of passenger cars at 400 kilometers and the cruising range of commercial vehicles at 300 kilometers.”

"This requirement is not low at all."

“Does this mean that Nanshan Battery can already meet the requirements in this regard?”

Wang Fu has always had a good eye.

He pointed out the key points of the problem sharply.

If there is a subsidy policy, that is a good thing.

But the meaning behind this subsidy policy is very different.

If the technical level of Nanshan batteries is really that high, it will not be a good thing for BYD.

BYD has always felt that its battery technology is the best in China.

But now the subsidy standards announced by Yangcheng City seem to be beyond their reach.

This is a bit shocking!
"I also find it a bit strange. For example, it is very difficult for an electric taxi to achieve a cruising range of 400 kilometers."

"Especially in the climate here in Yangcheng, air conditioning needs to be turned on 10 months a year. This has a great impact on the cruising range of electric vehicles."

"With our current lithium iron phosphate batteries, it is difficult to meet such a range requirement."

"Unless the car is made larger and a bunch of batteries are placed on the chassis, taxis don't need the size of a large car."

Lu Faxiang also felt weak in his heart.

I don’t know the situation of my competitors.

This is a terrible thing and the worst-case scenario.

There is nothing to be afraid of when others are stronger than you, just catch up.

But if you don’t even know how strong others are, that’s a big problem.

"Xingchen Motors' Starry Sky Sports Car uses ternary lithium batteries."

"According to what we have learned before, half of the R&D personnel at Nanshan Battery are engaged in research on ternary lithium batteries."

"Do you think they are going to put ternary lithium batteries in taxis?"

Wang Fu thought about it and felt that only such a plan could meet the subsidy standards announced by Yangcheng City.

After all, the energy density of ternary lithium batteries is much higher than that of lithium iron phosphate.

With the same volume and weight, the ternary lithium battery has a much longer cruising range.

"If the ternary lithium battery is only made into an FHEV battery pack, since it only has one or two kilowatt-hours of electricity, the number of cells inside is relatively small, and the management of the cells is relatively simple."

"The heat dissipation problem of the battery pack is also relatively easy to solve. Basically, there is no need to worry about collision and fire."

"But the number of cells required for electric vehicles is much greater than that of FHEV battery packs."

“Whether it’s the heat dissipation of the battery or the design of the battery management system, the situation is much more complicated.”

"And in this case, the requirements for the uniformity of the cells have also increased a lot."

“These issues are common to the entire automotive industry and the battery industry.”

"Both Nissan and Tesla abroad are troubled by this problem."

"Nanshan Battery has not been engaged in battery research for a long time. There is no reason why they have solved this series of problems so quickly."

Lu Faxiang is a battery expert and is very aware of various problems in battery design and the advantages and disadvantages of various types of batteries.

BYD will focus on lithium iron phosphate batteries for the batteries used in cars, because Lu Faxiang feels that there is no way to solve the various problems of ternary lithium batteries in a short time.

Now it is speculated that Nanshan Battery may have solved this problem. It is strange that he is not surprised.

"Nanshan Group has developed a lot of new technologies in recent years, which are competitive not only domestically but also globally."

"The policy announced by Yangcheng City must have been communicated with Nanshan Group in advance."

"It was finally announced like this, which shows that Nanshan Group can definitely solve the problems here."

"Lao Lu, we don't have much time left."

"Once Nanshan Battery takes advantage of this opportunity and completely establishes its dominant position in the automotive battery industry, it will be very difficult for other manufacturers to catch up."

"When some other OEMs want to develop electric vehicles, they are likely to first consider cooperation with Nanshan Battery."

"That's a very difficult thing for us to accept."

Wang Fu has always been optimistic about the future of electric vehicles.

Otherwise, there would be no plug-in hybrid car like F3DM.

Even BYD's own electric vehicles have already produced several prototypes based on the F0.

Just because there are still such and such problems, it has not been directly introduced to the market.

Now that the competitors in Yangcheng are ahead, he is of course a little anxious.

"I'll find a way to find out more."

"If Nanshan Battery really masters this technology, then there will definitely be related actions."

"The fact that Yangcheng City will promulgate such a subsidy policy must have something to do with Nanshan Group and Yangcheng Automobile Group."

"Yangcheng Automobile Group itself does not have battery production capabilities, so Nanshan Battery can only make breakthroughs in related technologies."

"Once they prove that the relevant technical routes are feasible, as long as we invest more resources, we can catch up soon."

Although he felt a little guilty, when it was time to express his stance, Lu Faxiang would definitely express his stance.

Fortunately, Wang Fu also knew that Lu Faxiang could not be blamed for this matter, so he arranged for more personnel to study batteries as soon as possible and make relevant breakthroughs.

Then pushing Shenzhen City to also introduce relevant subsidy policies is what BYD Auto needs to do next.

It's not just BYD that's paying attention to Yangcheng's subsidy policy.

Nissan, which is relatively advanced in the global electric vehicle field, is also discussing this policy internally.

"Mr. Ota, China has now begun to subsidize new energy vehicles. According to this standard, the electric vehicle market is likely to rise rapidly. Should we also consider introducing LEAF to China for sale?"

As the sales director of Zephyr Nissan, Teji Yoshikawa's business sensitivity is still very high.

In 1996, Nissan launched its first electric concept car called "Prairie Joy EV", which was based on the Nissan Prairie Joy MPV.

However, the car failed to achieve commercial success due to battery technology limitations and inadequate infrastructure at the time.

In 2008, Nissan formed an alliance with French automaker Renault to jointly promote the development of electric vehicle technology.

This cooperation has laid the foundation for the development of Nissan's electric vehicles. The two parties have decided to jointly develop an electric vehicle, LEAF, and plan to launch it in large-scale mass production in 2010.

Historically, Nissan LEAF is a revolutionary pure electric masterpiece. As the world's first mass-produced pure electric model, it started a wave of popularization of electric vehicles around the world.

LEAF not only sells zero emissions and environmental protection, but also has excellent electric performance and practical driving characteristics.

Of course, Nissan started early in the field of electric vehicles, but ended up late. This is another story.

"It is simply impossible for LEAF to have a cruising range of 400 kilometers. No electric vehicle in the world can achieve this cruising range."

"I think the subsidy policy announced by Yangcheng has more symbolic significance than practical significance."

"Your sales department doesn't need to pay special attention."

Ohta Yasuo feels that it makes no sense to develop electric vehicles now.

Just keep the oil truck in good condition.

Xifeng Nissan's Teana, Tiida, Sunshine and other models are now selling well, and its business is booming.

Ohta Yasuai doesn't want to mess around.

Anyway, in a few years, with his current performance, he will be promoted and return to his country.


"No but, you have time to think more about how to make Teana's sales surpass Accord."

When Ohtaho said this, Yoshikawa Deji could only swallow the rest of his words.

However, this matter will not disappear just because Nissan does not pay attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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