Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 475 Come out to mess around, sooner or later you have to pay it back

Chapter 475 Come out to mess around, sooner or later you have to pay it back
Throwing bricks to attract jade!

The "Yangcheng City New Energy Vehicle Subsidy Standards Consultation Draft" plays such a role, causing many provinces and cities to begin to consider whether to introduce similar plans.

Especially places with local OEMs are more active on this matter.

However, not every OEM can give a satisfactory reply to the local area.

"Mr. Wang, the city asked us if we need them to introduce a new energy vehicle subsidy program, but I refused."

Zhu Jianbo felt that he should report this matter to Wang Ying, lest the boss mention it later when he had dinner with Wang Ying, but Wang Ying didn't know anything about it.

Of course, he dared to reject the city's proposal without confirming it with Wang Ying in advance. That was because as the dean of the Great Wall Motors Research Institute, he was very clear about the company's development strategy and technical reserves.

Until now, Great Wall Motors does not have any relevant technical reserves, let alone pure electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles.

Great Wall Motors has not yet begun research on motors, electronic controls, batteries and other three-electricity-related parts.

So even if we need support from the city, it’s not now.

In this case, it would be more appropriate to refuse now and bring it up with the city later when necessary.

Otherwise, all the models subsidized by the subsidy policy will be competitors' cars, which will not only be a good thing for Great Wall Motors, but also a bad thing.

"It is right to reject it first, but is this a signal that new energy vehicles will gradually receive policy support in the future?"

Wang Ying didn't think Zhu Jianbo's approach made any sense.

If the city asked her directly, the final answer would definitely be the same.

"Support will definitely be received. Now the country needs to spend a lot of foreign exchange to purchase crude oil every year, and most of this crude oil is used by cars."

"Domestic car sales will reach 1000 million units this year, and will only be higher than this number every year in the future. It is even possible to sell 2000 million units a year in the future."

"As a result, China's car ownership will soon reach a scary figure, and the demand for crude oil will be even higher."

"Most of the crude oil is transported from the Middle East, and many areas in between are beyond our control."

"In this case, the higher authorities naturally need to consider energy security."

"So electric vehicles will definitely receive focus, development and support in the future."

"Even when using electricity, whether it is essentially more environmentally friendly is a controversial topic, and it cannot stop the development of electric vehicles."

Zhu Jianbo is able to secure his position as the director of the institute, and naturally he has some vision.

Sometimes, the introduction of a policy is not so simple for the reasons announced publicly.

Just like China's electricity, most of it is produced by burning coal in thermal power plants.

In this case, charging the electric vehicle consumes electricity, which is equivalent to consuming coal.

Can you say that burning coal is more energy efficient than burning oil?
Even after the batteries of electric vehicles are scrapped in the future, how to deal with them will be a big problem and will generate new pollution.

Therefore, saying that electric vehicles are clean energy vehicles and zero-emission vehicles is sometimes a statement worthy of scrutiny.

But this does not affect the policy support that electric vehicles will receive.

After all, energy security is sometimes more important than environmental protection.

"Since electric vehicles will receive attention sooner or later, it is necessary for the research institute to do some early research and development work."

Wang Ying thought about it and felt that although electric vehicles have not made progress in a short period of time, the relevant technologies cannot be eliminated at all.

"Mr. Wang, the battery used in an electric vehicle now costs more than 10,000 yuan, plus the cost of other parts. If the price of an electric vehicle does not reach 30 yuan, there is no money to be made."

"This situation will be difficult to change within at least five years."

“I don’t think there is such a rush to invest in electric vehicles.”

"Of course, as you said, researching related technologies in advance is definitely necessary."

"At that time, I will specially arrange a team of personnel to collect relevant technical information and plan. When needed in the future, I will immediately invest more personnel to carry out technical research."

Zhu Jianbo proposed his own plan.

To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with his plan.

According to the normal pace of historical development, the electric vehicle industry will not be profitable before 2020.

Even Tesla, the most powerful company, had been losing money for more than ten years before this.

So there is no problem in entering this field a few years later.

Aian, who was more successful in later generations, entered this field not too early.

"The specific arrangements will be left to you. Don't let us have nothing in this area when someone from the province or city comes to inspect and exchange."

"If the cost is acceptable, it is also possible to purchase some related parts from outside and assemble an electric vehicle prototype based on an existing vehicle."

"This way we can also give some people some explanation."

When Wang Ying mentioned this, Zhu Jianbo immediately felt that this was feasible.

The cost of simply purchasing some mass-produced parts from others and modifying an electric vehicle based on the H6 or any other car is not high.

At most, you can spend only 100 million to build a prototype electric vehicle belonging to Great Wall Motors and put it in the showroom. This investment is completely necessary and valuable.

This can also be regarded as Great Wall Motor's new energy strategy for the next period of time.

Their attitude will definitely be considered short-sighted in the eyes of future generations.

But in fact, at this time, not only Great Wall Motors can't help but be short-sighted, but the performance of some car companies is even worse than Great Wall Motors.

"August, do I think we need to report to the headquarters about the new energy subsidy policy consultation draft issued by Yangcheng?"

"I think Yangcheng City is just getting started this time, and other provinces and cities will soon announce more subsidy policies."

"There are even rumors that China will announce a new energy support and subsidy policy to the whole country, which means that the future development direction of China's automobile industry has changed."

"Until now, Mercedes-Benz has no R&D plans related to electric vehicles, let alone any electric vehicles to be launched on the market."

Yang Ming, Sales Director of Mercedes-Benz China, has always been paying close attention to changes and developments in domestic policies.

He feels that the development of many industries in China is closely related to policy support.

"Mercedes-Benz is a luxury car, and we emphasize more on the brand and high-end feel. Traditional customers value more aspects such as luxurious interiors and strong power."

"Electric vehicles focus more on economy and environmental protection, which is inconsistent with our positioning as a luxury vehicle."

"So I don't need to report to the headquarters. I can know what the opinions of the people at the headquarters are."

August himself doesn't think electric vehicles have any significance to Mercedes-Benz, and he knows very well that there are many people in the headquarters who have the same idea as him.

Even within Mercedes-Benz, there are few people who think that electric vehicles are suitable for them.

This attitude also caused Mercedes-Benz to significantly lag behind other car companies in the subsequent electrification transformation process.

Although Mercedes-Benz has mastered the key motor technology in its own hands through buying and selling, for example, Mercedes-Benz later announced the acquisition of YASA, an English motor company, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz. This time, Mercedes-Benz acquired unique axial magnetic flux. Motor technology to develop high-performance motors.

Even in terms of batteries, Mercedes-Benz has stated that in addition to the nine battery factories it plans to put into production and planning itself, it also plans to build eight more battery cell factories with global partners.

However, these measures are of no use.

The sales of EQ series electric vehicles are appalling!
Coming out and mixing, sooner or later I have to pay it back.

In fact, in 2008, we could feel a hint of the fate of Mercedes-Benz in electric vehicles.

Many car companies in the industry are more or less involved in the research and development of electric vehicles, and even some more radical car companies are preparing to launch their own electric vehicles in the next few years.

But there was no movement inside the Mercedes-Benz.

It was true that there was no movement at all.

don't care at all!
With this attitude, it’s surprising that Mercedes-Benz’s electric cars can be competitive.

After all, technology really takes a certain amount of time to accumulate.

Although the production difficulty of electric vehicles is much simpler than that of fuel vehicles, it is not something you can do casually.

Especially for the technologies related to intelligent network connection, if you don’t plan ahead, how can you easily surpass your opponents?
People buy electric cars just to experience a better sense of technology. However, the car system of your EQ series is so rubbish, it’s like driving a fuel car.

Who is willing to spend more than 100 million to buy such an electric car?

There is no fragrance from Ideal and Weilai yet.

“There may be relatively little policy support for electric vehicles in Europe, and they have not even begun to be included in the discussion stage.”

"In the field of traditional fuel vehicles, both Germany and France are considered leaders."

"No one has very strong ideas about electric transformation."

"But I have observed and studied the situation in China. Due to the idea of ​​transcending energy and technology, the government and various companies are very enthusiastic about developing electric vehicles."

“The subsidy policy announced by Yangcheng now is just an introduction, and there will definitely be more support policies in the next step.”

"Although these policies cannot make China's electric vehicle technology advance rapidly in a short period of time, they will definitely stimulate a large number of companies to enter this track."

"Given time, China's electric vehicle technology is likely to surpass ours. By then, it may not be that easy for us to catch up."

Yang Ming is very affectionate towards Mercedes-Benz. He is now considered to be in a high position, so he naturally does not want Mercedes-Benz to develop poorly in China in the future.

So he really hopes to convince August to give a good report to the people at the headquarters and consider the layout of electric vehicles in advance.

No matter what happens, come up with one or two hybrid models and don't keep such a distance from new energy sources.

However, his idea was not approved by August at all. "What you said are all your personal guesses."

"There are still countless problems that need to be overcome for electric vehicles to replace traditional fuel vehicles."

"Charging is inconvenient, the battery is unsafe, the cruising range is insufficient, and the technology is immature..."

"So many problems can be solved in just a few years."

"I think there will be no future for electric vehicles in the next ten years. There is no need to waste too much time on these things."

August waved his hand a little impatiently, indicating that Yang Ming could leave.

Although the latter still wanted to explain something, he even wanted to report specifically to August on the development of China's battery industry and motor industry.

But August couldn't listen at all.

Yang Ming is not such a stubborn person.

The company is not his home either.

Although he hopes that Mercedes-Benz can develop better in China, the premise is that he can sit firmly in his current position.

Having offended August, do you believe he will be ready to leave his job tomorrow?
Contrary to Mercedes-Benz, BMW's attitude is very different.

"Ai Moha, what do you think of the preferential policy for electric vehicles introduced by Yangcheng?"

Although Phillips is the president of BMW Asia Pacific, his office is located in China.

Therefore, he naturally knew the various policy developments in China at the first time.

After all, this was the news on the front page of Autohome, and it was impossible for him to pretend that he had not seen it.

"This is a signal that various parts of China are about to launch a large number of new energy vehicle subsidy policies."

"In the next year, many provinces and cities in China, and even nationwide new energy vehicle subsidy policies, will slowly be introduced."

"Obviously, in the next ten years, China will make electric vehicles the focus of the development of the automobile industry, and will even rely on electric vehicles to surpass all mainstream international car companies."

Aimoha can be considered a Chinese expert.

He is naturally familiar with the situation here.

Although in recent years, due to the emergence of Nanshan engines and Nanshan gearboxes, the sales of Huaxia's own brand cars have greatly increased.

But generally speaking, with the exception of Xingchen Automobile, all models of China's independent brand car companies follow the mid- to low-end route.

For the same car, the price of an independent brand is lower than that of a joint venture car company.

It can be said that the biggest piece of cake in China's automobile industry is eaten by joint venture car companies.

The so-called market changes technology, but so far we have not seen any technology changed.

Is it possible that Audi sold several obsolete models to Spring City Automobile Group, even if it was replaced by technology?

Under this situation, China has some new ideas, which Imoha thinks is normal.

"Electric vehicles have always been a relatively important project within our company."

“The company remains committed to the development of sustainable transportation and has steadily achieved a number of key successes.”

"The company's MINI E project is about to enter the stage of mass production, and a number of electric models are being advanced as planned."

"Originally, the headquarters was thinking of launching MINI E in Germany, England and the United States first, so that more consumers can feel the charm of BMW electric vehicles."

"Now it seems that MINI E can be introduced into the Chinese market as soon as possible, so that Chinese consumers can know that BMW not only has profound technology in traditional fuel vehicles, but is also a global leader in the field of electric vehicles."

As soon as Phillips finished speaking, Aimoha added a bit pessimistically, saying: "According to the subsidy policy announced by Yangcheng, electric vehicles need to have a range of 400 kilometers to enjoy the relevant subsidy policy."

"Our BMW MINI E can't even have a range of 400 kilometers, let alone 200 kilometers."

"Of course, this has a lot to do with the size of the model, but even if we transform the 5 Series into an electric vehicle, I don't think the cruising range will exceed 300 kilometers."

"This obviously does not meet China's subsidy standards."

After hearing this, Phillips waved his hand indifferently and said: "This subsidy standard is only announced by Yangcheng. They may just draw a big pie casually."

"If our BMW cars can't meet this subsidy standard, I think Chinese car companies should also be unable to meet it."

“When other cities launch relevant subsidy policies, they will definitely adjust relevant standards appropriately.

"For example, models with a range of less than 200 kilometers have a subsidy standard, models with a range of 200 to 300 kilometers have another standard, and models with a range of more than 300 kilometers have another subsidy standard."

"Since China wants to make electric vehicles a success, it will definitely launch a realistic subsidy plan based on the actual situation."

When Phillips said this, Amoha thought it made sense.

He also felt that the standards set by Yangcheng were too exaggerated.

Who can fulfill such a high requirement?

However, soon, he felt a little more worried in his heart, saying: "There are five relatively influential car companies in Yangcheng, namely Yangcheng Automobile Group, Xingchen Motors, Zephyr Nissan, Yangcheng Honda and Yangcheng Toyota. Will it happen? Will one of them be able to achieve a battery life of 400 kilometers?"

"Otherwise, Yangcheng City should not have set such a subsidy standard that seems a bit unrealistic."

When Amoha said this, Phillips couldn't help but frown.

Logically speaking, this statement is completely tenable.

But if this is really the case, then the situation is different.

Some car companies in China have solved the problem of 400 kilometers of battery life?
Are the technical levels of Chinese battery manufacturers already that high?

"We are relatively familiar with the situation of Toyota, Honda and Nissan."

"Although Nissan's electrification speed is relatively fast, it is definitely not as high as 400 kilometers."

"In addition to FHEV technology, Toyota and Honda focus more on fuel cells, specifically hydrogen fuel cell solutions."

"So it can't be caused by these three companies."

Before Phillips finished speaking, Aimoha continued: "If it's not these three car companies, it would be Yangcheng Automobile Group and Xingchen Motors."

"As a car company of China Honda, the technical strength of Yangcheng Automobile Group is actually very average. I have never heard of them having any research related to electric vehicles or batteries before, so we can basically exclude it."

After Amoha said this, he looked at each other and Phillips, and they both said together: "Star Car?"

"Star Car!"

After saying this, they both fell silent.

Xingchen Automobile is a relatively complicated existence for BMW.

Not to mention that the sales of the BMW X5 and BMW X6 have been affected by Xingtu and Wangwang, the sales of the BMW 5 Series have been more or less affected by Ziweixing.

As for BMW's sports cars, there is no market in China because of the emergence of the Starry Sky Sports Car.

It can be said that Xingchen Motors is a very important rival of BMW in China.

However, BMW's attitude has been changing, especially after realizing Nanshan Group's unique advantageous position in China's auto parts industry, it has slowly begun to treat Nanshan Group with a new attitude.

For example, BMW Brilliance chose Nanshan Auto Parts as its supplier for the hollow stabilizer bars used in new models.

As for high-pressure oil pumps and fuel pumps, it is said that they are also reviewing the use of Nanshan Auto Parts.

"Phillips, Nanshan Battery, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, is said to have built a large-scale factory this year, which can not only produce FHEV batteries, but also other battery production lines."

"Judging from the current situation, it is most likely that Nanshan Battery has made some technological breakthroughs and can increase the cruising range of electric vehicles to 400 kilometers."

When Amoha said this, Phillips couldn't help but nodded.

If other Chinese battery manufacturers said that they could achieve 400 kilometers of battery life, he would not believe it.

But if it is Nanshan battery, the situation is different.

Over the years, Nanshan Group has brought too many surprises and surprises to various automobile manufacturers.

Nanshan Engine has mastered the engine technology that various Chinese independent brands have been unable to master.

Various Chinese independent brands have been unable to master the automatic transmission technology, and Nanshan Transmission has also mastered it.

Even other difficult parts such as ESP and high-pressure oil pumps are handled by Nanshan Auto Parts.

Now it seems that it is not surprising to say that Nanshan battery has solved the problem of 400 kilometers of battery life?
"The headquarters has been looking for powerful battery manufacturers to cooperate with us to implement BMW's electrification strategy."

"If the technical level of Nanshan batteries can really lead the industry and have cost advantages, then I think we can consider recommending them to the headquarters."

When Phillips said this, Amoha was a little surprised, but also took it for granted.

Competition is competition, and cooperation is cooperation.

Things in this world are not just black and white.

If Nanshan batteries are really that good, then if BMW doesn’t use them, other manufacturers will definitely use them.

It will still be BMW that suffers at that time.

In this case, it is better to contact Nanshan Battery with confidence and boldness, so that you can better grasp the development level of competitors.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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