Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 544: Sales volume skyrocketed, and Nanshan Battery began to gain momentum

Chapter 544: Sales volume skyrocketed, and Nanshan Battery began to gain momentum

Entering October, various car companies are beginning to rush to announce their sales.

Against the backdrop of a sluggish global auto market, China has unique scenery.

Almost all car brands, whether they are joint ventures or independent brands, have achieved rapid growth in sales.

The China Automobile Association has boldly predicted that sales this year will exceed 1200 million, making it the world's largest automobile market.

But in this kind of news where everyone is announcing the good news, a piece of news released by Yangcheng Trumpchi has attracted the attention of those who are interested.

"Yangcheng Trumpchi has made great efforts in the electric vehicle market. Less than half a month after the launch of Trumpchi S, sales exceeded 1500 units!"

Along with this news, Yangcheng Trumpchi’s official Weibo also released various beautiful pictures of Trumpchi S.

As a result, many people are naturally asking what the Trumpchi S electric car is about.

Are sales really that good?

Still counting those 1500 vehicles, were they just the result of stockpiling in the early stages of the launch?
"Mr. Wang, I asked around and found that various taxi companies in Shenzhen purchased more than 200 Trumpchi S vehicles last month."

“And further orders are expected to be delivered this month.”

"The sales data released by Yangcheng Trumpchi should be real terminal sales data, not dispatch data."

"Of course, since Trumpchi S is in short supply, sending one to a 4S store will basically sell it."

"So their dispatch data and terminal sales data should be similar."

Wu Huabing came to Wang Fu's office with a heavy face and reported to him the latest market conditions.

The sales data released by many companies are shipment data, because this data is generally larger than the actual terminal sales data.

Even in December every year, in order to impact sales, the dispatch data will be much higher than the terminal sales data.

Yangcheng Honda once had the strange data that the Accord sales in December exceeded 12 units in a certain year, and the overall December sales exceeded 6 units.

Don’t even look at it, this must be the starting data.

To put it bluntly, this is the OEM forcing the 4S store to pay for the car.

As long as the car payment is received and the car is taken out of the warehouse, the sale is considered complete for the OEM.

As for how 4S stores sell products and how long it takes to sell them, sometimes people don't care that much.

Of course, if you push too hard, it won't work.

So sometimes the 4S store doesn't have the money to pick up the car, and the OEM has a task, and the OEM takes the initiative to find a financial institution to provide loans to the 4S store, so that they can have the money to pick up the car themselves.

In the automobile industry, there are all kinds of strange things.

Electric vehicles are the key development direction of BYD Auto in the future, and Wu Huabing knows very well how much Wang Fu attaches importance to this track.

I originally thought that only BYD was determined to take this path, but as I walked, I found that some people were already walking ahead.

This time, the sales data released by Yangcheng Trumpchi and the fact that Trumpchi S grabbed the market in Shenzhen also greatly touched Wu Huabing.

"Our electric taxi project will not be officially launched until the second half of next year at the earliest, and the price is not expected to be lower than that of the Trumpchi S, and the cruising range will not be as good as others."

"It's not an option to continue like this."

Wang Fu frowned, a little worried about the future of his company's electric vehicles.

BYD has long known that Yangcheng Trumpchi and Nanshan Battery are cooperating to develop electric taxis.

But this project was so successful that no one expected it.

Wang Fu could not even imagine that 1500 electric vehicles were sold in less than half a month.

Take a look at the plug-in hybrid version of F3DM. It doesn’t sell 1500 units a year.

Even the total sales volume since mass production is less than 1500 units.

Logically speaking, the sales volume of plug-in hybrid vehicles should be better than that of electric vehicles.

"Mr. Wang, I asked around. In addition to promoting the Trumpchi S to taxi companies in various provinces and cities, it also has a surprising market and has also contributed a lot of sales to them."

"That's the black car market."

"I think that in the electric taxi market, we can contact Shenzhen City and ask the city to come forward to promote various taxi companies to purchase our products. We should also be able to provide sales data of thousands of vehicles."

"In addition, we can focus on entering the black car market."

"What these people care about most is cost-effectiveness and the cost of using the car. As for the configuration of the car, that is not the key at all."

"Airbags are optional, and ESP is even more unnecessary."

"All other leather seats, display screens, etc. will be cancelled."

"As long as it has basic driving functions and the price is lower than the Trumpchi S, consumers will be willing to buy it."

I have to say that Wu Hua Cake knows the market very well.

From the highest moral point of view, the production configuration is very poor, which may be difficult to accept, and it seems that it does not pay attention to the safety of consumers.

But a product ultimately depends on market demand.

For example, Tianzhu's Tata Motors has become very popular recently.

Tata Motors has launched a model called Nano, priced at only 100 rupees (approximately RMB 000).

NANO is a very economical car. It is only 3.1 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. There is no air conditioning system, power steering, radio or reflector on the passenger side. There is only one wiper, no side impact protection beam, and no insurance. Bar.

To reduce weight and save costs, Nano car tires do not have inner tubes.

The car is only equipped with a fuel gauge, speedometer and refueling light. It has a displacement of only 0.6 liters and uses a two-cylinder engine. This displacement is smaller than some large-displacement motorcycles. The top speed is 105 kilometers per hour.

To save money, car dealers even let car dealers assemble it themselves.

Such a vehicle can be called a tricycle in China.

Of course, when things go to extremes, they must be reversed.

Tata Motors has gone too far.

Because this car is so cost-effective, it often has quality problems, often spontaneously ignites, and causes traffic accidents.

In Tianzhu, even the poor don't like this cheap car.

After all, there is no air conditioning, so the riding experience is terrible.

You know, Tianzhu often has temperatures above 40 degrees in summer, which is hotter than southern China.

Naturally, Wu Hua Cake would not propose such an exaggerated plan.

But on the basis of Trumpchi S, the configuration is appropriately reduced to make the cost lower than Trumpchi S.

Then it's still possible.

"The sales department can conduct market research with the R&D center to see if a car like this is very popular among black car drivers."

"If there is really a market, then it is not impossible for our electric taxi project to focus on the black car market in the future."

"As long as the sales volume goes up, everything is easy to say."

"This is also a very important stimulus to our stock price."

BYD is a listed company, and it is definitely necessary to consider changes in stock prices during the company's operations.

Although F3DM's sales were not good before, it had a boosting effect on the stock price.

After all, telling the story of new energy in the stock market and talking about environmental protection and the future can still attract investors.

If BYD has a pure electric vehicle that can sell thousands of units per month, then this story will be even better.

Maybe the valuation will be doubled directly.

At that time, part of the stock will be cashed out, and all the funds for the development of electric vehicles will be available.

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away!"

"By the way, our F3 has become the sales champion this month. Do you want to hold a celebration?"

Although the sales champion of China's own brands is still Chery Automobile, the sales champion of a single model was taken away by BYD's F3.

With a low enough price and good quality, F3 has been welcomed by many consumers in fourth- and fifth-tier cities.

Now the monthly sales volume has stood firmly at 2 vehicles. Even in October this year, Wu Huabian was preparing to hit the target of 10 vehicles.

In 2009, this sales volume was definitely exaggerated.

Many car companies have been developing for more than ten years, but no single car has sold more than 3 units in any month.

Even by 2023, many mainstream car companies will never have a car whose monthly sales actually reach 3 units.

One can imagine how popular F3 is now.

Nanshan Transmission has made a considerable contribution to the sales growth of F3 alone.

This is also the confidence behind BYD’s impact on the TOP3 and even TOP1 of independent brands this year.

"We can organize an event to give back to car owners, and I remember that F3 should have sold almost 50 units, right?"

"At that time, we can organize an event for the 50th F3 to roll off the assembly line, or a car delivery event for the 50th car owner."

"Your sales department will just make arrangements for the details."

Wang Fu is now focused on electric vehicles, and even the good news about the F3's popularity has been diluted a lot.

There is also a lot of discussion because of the hot sales of the Trumpchi S electric car, but only BYD.

"President, there is a situation that I think needs to be paid attention to."

Park Jung-xi, the sales director of Imperial Hyundai, came to General Manager Jin Chenglin's office with a piece of information.

Didu Hyundai is the first Sino-foreign joint venture project in the automobile production field approved after China joined the WTO. It has been identified as a leading project and demonstration project to revitalize Didu Hyundai's manufacturing industry and develop Didu's economy.

In less than a year after its establishment, it successfully launched two main models, Sonata and Elantra, and became popular among domestic consumers.

At the same time, with the delivery and operation of the first batch of taxis in 2005, Didu Hyundai, which officially entered the taxi market, has almost become the "capital business card".

The streets are full of modern taxis, and even in Yangcheng there are many modern Elantra taxis.

As the automobile company that put into production the fastest after the establishment of the factory, it only took 63 months for Hyundai to complete the feat of increasing production and sales from 0 to 100 million units, becoming the joint venture brand in the Chinese automobile market that took the shortest time to achieve production and sales of one million units.

It can be said that the history of the imperial capital from its establishment to the present day is very glorious.Even Teitu Hyundai has beaten Volkswagen in the taxi market and is somewhat unable to fight back.

In many cities, the number of Elantra taxis you can see is much higher than that of Santana or Jetta.

This situation is also related to the fact that Imperial Capital Hyundai attaches great importance to the taxi market.

However, a new situation emerged in the taxi market last month.

Although the impact is still very small, Park Zhengxi, who has a keen sense of smell, does not dare to underestimate it at all.

"whats the matter?"

Jin Chenglin still has great trust in Park Zhengxi. It can be said that Park Zhengxi is his direct subordinate.

So even if the other party didn't make an appointment, he would put down his work first and see what Park Zhengxi wanted to report.

"Yangcheng Trumpchi launched an electric car called Trumpchi S last month. This car is mainly targeted at the taxi market."

"Currently, Trumpchi S is selling very well in the markets of Yangcheng and Lingnan Province. It can even be said to have exceeded everyone's expectations."

"In the taxi market in Yangcheng, almost none of our Elantras have been sold in the past half month."

"If the taxi company in Yangcheng has not added or replaced vehicles recently, then this situation is nothing."

"But according to the information we have learned, several taxi companies in Yangcheng have recently purchased more than 300 Trumpchi S vehicles as new taxis."

"Trumpchi S has just been launched not long ago, and the production capacity may not have exploded yet, so for the time being it is sold in Yangcheng and other places in Lingnan Province."

"But with this kind of linear increase in sales, Yangcheng Trumpchi will definitely increase production capacity as soon as possible."

"At that time, it may become our Elantra's strong rival in the taxi market."

It has to be said that Park Jung-hee's market acumen is still very high.

Many car companies have not fully realized the influence of Trumpchi S, and they have already felt threatened.

Trumpchi S is likely to be the first hit product in the electric vehicle market!
Once everyone fully accepts it, the Elantra will have little chance in the taxi market.

"The battery life and charging of electric vehicles are a big problem, and the quality is definitely not as stable as traditional fuel vehicles."

"Although there are financial subsidies at all levels, the price is still much more expensive than fuel vehicles of the same level."

"What's more important is that when the weather is cold, the battery range of electric vehicles will drop significantly."

"And when the weather is hot, the air conditioner consumes a lot of power, which will also cause the cruising range to decline."

"So I think unless there is a huge breakthrough in battery technology, electric vehicles will not pose much of a threat to our Elantra in a short period of time."

Jin Chenglin has fully enjoyed the honor and prestige brought to him by the rapid sales growth of Imperial Hyundai in recent years.

Therefore, the electric vehicles launched by a Chinese independent brand company were not taken seriously at all.

In his opinion, Trumpchi S simply does not have the strength to compete with the Elantra.

Their Elantra is a best-selling model with monthly sales of over [-] yuan.

Both appearance and quality are well-known.

"Mr. Jin, electric vehicles do have the problems you mentioned, but Yangcheng Trumpchi's electric vehicle is cooperated with Nanshan Battery. Its cruising range can reach 400 kilometers. Even if it is attenuated, it can still reach 300 kilometers. "

"And they support fast charging, which can basically give you a full charge in two to three hours."

"In this way, taxi drivers can basically guarantee their car needs for the whole day as long as they charge their cars while eating and resting."

"Because charging electric vehicles now is for civilian use, and some places even provide charging for free, the cost of using electric taxis is very low."

“The daily fuel savings alone are a very objective amount.”

"For a lot of drivers, that's very attractive."

Park Zhengxi also wanted to continue to persuade his boss to pay attention to this issue.

But the other party was not moved at all.

In fact, this is also a problem of Park Jung-hee's standing not high enough.

For Jin Chenglin, it is simply impossible for the company to launch an electric car in the next few years, so even if the Trumpchi S is really worth learning from, it doesn't make much sense.

It is impossible for the headquarters to change its future layout just because of the models of a Chinese independent brand.

If this car was launched in the American market by Ford or General Motors, it might bring some excitement to the Korean headquarters.

In the words of Huaxia Enterprises...

They will not face up to the arrogance in their bones.

Unless you are beaten to a bloody head in the future, you will lower your head and see if the road has changed.

"There are so many car companies in China, whether it is Volkswagen, General Motors, Shenlong Motors, Toyota or Honda, they have no intention of launching electric taxis for the time being, and even the news of launching electric cars is very Heard less of it.”

"This situation shows that electric vehicles simply do not meet the needs of the market and the technology is not mature enough. There is no need for us to worry too much."

"If you like Yangcheng Trumpchi, just do it. Our Elantra has lost the taxi market in Yangcheng. It's no big deal."

"After all, local protectionism exists everywhere."

In Jin Chenglin's opinion, the recent lack of taxi orders for the Elantra in Yangcheng is entirely because Yangcheng is protecting Yangcheng Trumpchi and forcing taxi companies to buy Trumpchi S.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that all the taxi companies in Yangcheng would buy Trumpchi S as taxis, and the sales volume of Elantra would be zero.

This is not in line with common sense.


"Then let's observe it first?"

Park Zhengxi still had thousands of words to say, but in the end he didn't dare to continue.

He's not that stubborn.

The kind of people who always resist their direct superiors will basically be punished miserably in the workplace.

Do you think everyone is like Li Shimin, who can scold Wei Zheng when he is in front of him, and then reward you after scolding him?

In the industry, in addition to Hyundai, other car companies also have some different voices.

"Mr. Zhu, the electric vehicles that Nanshan Group has cooperated with Yangcheng Automobile Group seem to be selling better than everyone imagined."

"Previously, Mr. Cao also mentioned the electric vehicle project of Nanshan Hongqi, but later we did not continue to give feedback and let it go."

"I think we should take this opportunity to mention electric vehicles to the other party again?"

Tao Wen feels that Yangcheng Automobile Group can cooperate with Nanshan Group to produce electric vehicles. There is no reason why Nanshan Hongqi cannot.

In particular, Cao Yang seems to support Nanshan Hongqi in developing electric vehicles.

However, after Zhu Zhengfeng found someone to investigate and understand the situation of electric vehicles, his attitude began to change.

"Today's electric vehicles, no matter who produces them, basically make no money in the end."

“If you can do it without losing money, you are already a very good person.”

"And electric vehicles are not suitable for our Northeast. In cold climates, the activity of lithium ions is greatly reduced, which will seriously affect the cruising range of electric vehicles."

"Maybe you can run 400 kilometers under normal temperatures, but in winter, even running 200 kilometers is too strenuous."

"So I feel that now is not the time to engage in electric vehicles. Whether electric vehicles really have a future is still a question."

"Some time ago, I went to Spring City Toyota for a meeting and had some exchanges with people from Toyota Motor."

"The other party now values ​​the future of hydrogen energy vehicles and feels that hydrogen energy is the ultimate clean energy path."

Zhu Zhengfeng obviously has a disdain for electric vehicles now.

At least he doesn't like the current electric vehicle technology.

If Cao Yang heard what he said, he would probably roll his eyes.

Why does Spring City Auto Group look down on electric vehicles?
Just because it is the first automobile company in China, does it produce petrol vehicles?
"Hydrogen energy vehicles are indeed worth looking forward to, but the industry generally believes that hydrogen energy vehicles will not be popularized in ordinary household cars within ten years."

"Especially now, the cost of hydrogen energy vehicles is many times higher than that of electric vehicles."

"For example, the hydrogen energy produced by Toyota will be a loss if it sells for more than 100 million."

"The cost of one hydrogen energy stack can buy several mid-level cars."

"In this case, if too much energy is put into hydrogen energy vehicles, it may take many years to see results."

Tao Wen is not optimistic about the application of hydrogen energy in passenger cars.

At least until electric vehicles are not promoted, there is no hope for hydrogen energy vehicles.

As for saying that a few decades later, various technologies will have great breakthroughs, and hydrogen energy vehicles will be better than electric vehicles at that time, she has no doubt.

After all, from an environmental perspective, hydrogen energy may be more environmentally friendly than batteries.

At least there is no problem of recycling used batteries.

"You are right, but whether it is electric vehicles or hydrogen energy vehicles, there are still many problems that need to be solved, and large-scale industrialization will not happen so soon."

"If we have the energy, we might as well make fuel vehicles better, sell more of them, and accumulate more funds and technology."

Zhu Zhengfeng's words left Tao Wen with no way to refute.

Depending on the location, sometimes the angle of thinking about the problem is also different.

For Zhu Zhengfeng, what he values ​​​​is sales volume, and then revenue.

The contribution of electric vehicles to sales is very limited.

Then nine times out of ten, you will still lose money, which is even less beneficial to your profits.

In this case, he definitely has no motivation to build an electric car.

Even if he is working in a joint venture company like Nanshan Hongqi, his enthusiasm has become low now.

As for whether Spring City Automobile Group will fall behind in its electrification layout due to limited technical reserves in the future, that is a matter for the future.

He can't control that much anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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