Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 579 FTYPE is coming, a new trend in the sports car industry

Chapter 579 F-TYPE is coming, a new trend in the sports car world
The Spring Festival of 2010 was spent amidst various news about Nanshan Semiconductor.

After Cao Yang stayed with Fang Sisi at home for a few days, he immediately started his busy life again.

Seeing the rapid progress of Enanshan Semiconductor, other business departments are naturally not willing to lag behind.

The Jaguar Land Rover Magic City factory, which has been officially put into production, will also officially welcome its first mass-produced car.

That is Jaguar F-TYPE!

Even with its British style, Jaguar's development history in China is a bit bumpy.

Now that Jaguar has become a brand under Nanshan Group, Cao Yang naturally hopes that it can have a different path in China.

Jaguar, with its beautiful three-dimensional leopard logo, is definitely no less charming than Porsche.

The key is to work well!

Cao Yang chose F-TYPE as the first model after the Jaguar Land Rover Magic City plant was put into production, so he was naturally full of expectations for this sports car.

The 2.0T turbocharger is used in the entry version of this car, which means that it will not take the high-end route like the Star Sports Car.

Instead, it will choose a relatively low price so that more people can afford to drive a sports car.

To say it is a civilian sports car may be a bit exaggerated.

But it can be done to allow many people with a little money to drive sports cars.

"Mr. Cao, if we directly arrange the test drive of F-TYPE at the Magic City Circuit this time, will it expose the weakness of F-TYPE's lack of power?"

"After all, whether it is the 2.0T entry-level version or the 3.0T high-end version, the power is not that strong."

Zeng Tingting naturally followed Cao Yang to the Magic City, but she still didn't quite understand some of Cao Yang's arrangements.

Of course, by this time, she also knew that nothing would change. She just wanted to communicate with Cao Yang and see what her boss thought.

"F-TYPE is the most beautiful, shocking and sexy sports car Jaguar has ever produced. It symbolizes Jaguar's return to its original core areas: creating a two-seater convertible sports car with high performance, high flexibility and extraordinary driving experience."

"If we do a good job with this sports car, the next step will also be good for the sales of Jaguar's other models."

"Otherwise, the sales volume of more than a thousand units per month is really unjustifiable."

"I hope that Jaguar can surpass Porsche in China. In the future, even if Jaguar and Land Rover are separated, they will be fully competitive in the market."

"To achieve this goal, there is definitely no way for a high-end sports car to meet the requirements."

"So I plan to make it the cheapest luxury sports car in China. In the future, its price must drop to the same level as the Audi A6L."

There is naturally nothing Cao Yang can't say about Zeng Tingting.

However, when he explained this, Zeng Tingting became even more confused.

"Audi A6L?"

"Mr. Cao, the positioning of our F-TYPE and Audi A6L are completely different. There is no comparison, right?"

One is a sports car and the other is an executive sedan.

Our target customers are completely different.

Zeng Tingting believes that Cao Yang should be very clear about this.

"Then it depends on how you compare!"

"What we want to capture are consumers who can afford luxury cars worth around 50 yuan."

"As for which car models these consumers are most interested in, that is not the point. Consumers' interests can be guided."

"It's like an SUV. Seven or eight years ago, who would have thought it could compete with cars?"

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting was speechless.

She felt that her boss was talking nonsense, but who made him the boss?
Of course, she definitely supports Cao Yang’s view of setting the price of F-TYPE at a lower price.

Jaguar's presence in China is too weak and it needs an impactful product to attract consumers' attention.

Sports cars priced around 50 yuan can still attract some people's interest.

The main reason is that such a domestic sports car can solve many people's concerns.

Such as expensive repair and maintenance costs.

As long as this problem is solved, buying a sports car is a solution that can be considered for people who have a little money but not very much money.

After all, the price is around 50 yuan. Although it is not cheap, there are many people who can afford it.

"But apart from the sports car shape, our sports car has other parts that are not much different from Ziweixing."

“Many parts are even similar to those mass-produced and supplied to independent brands.”

"There aren't many selling points that we can find."

This is where Zeng Tingting is more worried.

Normally, sports cars definitely have their own advantages in terms of acceleration performance or some special configurations.

But apart from its beautiful appearance, Jaguar’s F-TYPE doesn’t have much to brag about.

Even the 2.0T turbocharged engine is almost the same as that used in some self-owned brand car companies' SUVs for less than 20 yuan.

Jaguar's competitors will definitely make a fuss in these places by then.

Invisibly, it also puts great pressure on the sales of F-TYPE.

"It has the appearance of a sports car, the power is reasonable, and the price is attractive enough. This is actually enough."

"Look at BMW's Z4. Are its parameters better than ours?"

"The same 2.0T engine, their maximum power and maximum torque cannot match ours."

"The same is true for the high-end 3.0T engine."

"Even in terms of appearance, Z4 has no advantages over F-TYPE."

"The BMW brand, a luxury brand that looks pretty good, has no brand advantage over Jaguar."

"In this case, their reputation is pretty good, so there is no reason for us to do worse than them."

"As a sports car, as long as it appears on the road, its eye-catching effect is unmatched by other vehicles."

"The sales volume of F-TYPE does not need to be high. If we can sell 6000 units domestically and 6000 units abroad in a year, it is considered a success."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting breathed a sigh of relief.

Although when F-TYPE was planned before, the number of units per year was only [-], but planning is planning, and the boss's expectations are expectations.

In the end, as long as the boss is not satisfied, it will definitely be unsuccessful.

Now that Cao Yang has set a specific goal for the sales department, this goal can still be achieved at first glance, and Zeng Tingting's pressure is naturally reduced.

"Mr. Cao, since F-TYPE has such a positioning, I think the starting price can be set lower. This will make it easier to attract people to go to the store to see the car, and the publicity effect will be better."

"Anyway, its production cost is less than 20 yuan. As long as the price is higher than 25 yuan, it will not lose money."

"We can definitely set the starting price at more than 30, such as 38.88 or 39.99!"

As long as the official price is not officially announced, these prices sometimes change.

The more intense the competition, the more so.

Some car companies even revised the selling price 10 minutes before the launch.

Tomorrow is the official launch event. The price has not yet been fully determined, so it is normal to continue to revise it.

"If the selling price is set at 39.99 yuan, are you confident that the sales volume of F-TYPE will exceed the plan?"

Nanshan Group does not expect to make big money by relying on F-TYPE, as long as it achieves its set goals.

"If the price is 39.99, I think it can definitely exceed the planned number of units."

"Even with good publicity, we can sell [-] units a year in China alone."

"Many young people today are more pursuing individuality. For example, many people buy Honda Civics and then modify them."

“There are also many people who have modified their Volkswagen Golf and POLO after purchasing them.”

"For these people, if there is a sports car worth 39.99 yuan and it looks so cool, many people will definitely be willing to buy it."

"Compared with imported sports cars, our F-TYPE is cheaper, easier to maintain, and its appearance surpasses all sports cars priced under 100 million."

"If we still can't sell 1 units a year under this situation, we should resign."

Zeng Tingting was full of confidence at this time.

According to the original plan, the price of this car should start at 50 yuan. Even Jaguar Land Rover and Xingchen Motors did not plan to produce cars with a price of less than 50 yuan.

Now he is the first to break the rules on a sports car, which can be considered a very big change.

There are definitely many Chinese people who like sports cars, but the previous sports cars were too far away from ordinary consumers.

Although the price of 39.99 is not cheap, many people can still get it.

Especially in the next few years, the Internet industry will develop rapidly, and there will still be many young people with money.

Buying a Jaguar sports car is definitely a weapon to use to chase girls.

Soon, the spirit of the conversation between Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting was officially implemented into the sales price of the press conference.

When everyone at the ceremony heard with their own ears that the price of F-TYPE started at only 39.99 yuan, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

Autohome simultaneously broadcast the press conference live, allowing many people who followed Nanshan Group to know the news immediately.

"Ah Moha, the price of Jaguar F-TYPE has been announced, the starting price is only 39.99."

"This is a huge impact on our Z4. Do you think it is necessary to apply to the headquarters to bring the Z4 to China for localization?"

Phillips, who had been keeping an eye on the news at Nanshan Group, immediately called BMW China General Manager Aimoha.

According to BMW's plan, sales in China this year will exceed 12 units, allowing monthly sales to successfully reach 1 units.

It even has to challenge the annual sales target of 15 vehicles.

To this end, BMW China and BMW Asia Pacific have also made various preparations.

Now that the Spring Festival has just passed, Jaguar Land Rover's Magic City factory has officially ushered in the mass production of the first car off the assembly line, and the result is such a scene.

This is very unexpected.

Jaguar is going to produce a sports car. This information has actually been known to some people to a greater or lesser extent.

But such a low price is beyond everyone's imagination.

According to everyone's predictions, the price of this sports car should be more reasonable by another 20 or 30 yuan.

"Phillips, our sales of Z4 in China are less than 1000 units a year, so we do not meet the conditions for localization."

"And even after localization, our cost may not be lower than that of F-TYPE." "I just watched the Jaguar F-TYPE launch event on Autohome."

"They directly use the mature power system of Nanshan Group, and the cost is definitely very competitive."

"In terms of some high-end configurations, they are not used a lot, so even if the price starts at 39.99, it is probably still profitable."

Aimoha is obviously not interested in the domestically produced Z4. If we have this time, it is better to make the 7 series domestically, which is probably better.

After all, he has heard that Audi is reviewing the localization of the A8.

China's high-end automobile market is now dominated by Xingchen Automobile, and executive-class cars have also been robbed of a number of markets by Galaxy.

On the contrary, sports cars, a relatively niche field, do not deserve much attention.

After all, the sales support of BMW cars has never been sports cars.

"I see that the F-TYPE uses a carbon fiber aerodynamic kit, and the steering wheel and rearview mirror are also made of carbon fiber materials."

"The cost of the entire vehicle will not be very low, right?"

Phillips couldn't help but ask a question.

After all, in everyone’s impression, carbon fiber products are very expensive.

It is no exaggeration to say that a rearview mirror costs more than 1 yuan.

If we speculate based on this situation, the cost of those carbon fiber parts alone will be over [-], right?
In this case, can the selling price of 39.99 still be profitable?

Phillips felt a little incomprehensible.

"For other OEMs, the cost of carbon fiber parts is indeed very high, especially in the past few years."

"But Nanshan Auto Parts is now the world's largest carbon fiber auto parts production supplier, and Nanshan Carbon Fiber is the world's largest carbon fiber manufacturer."

"In this case, the cost of F-TYPE's carbon fiber parts may be far lower than our predictions."

When Amoha said this, Phillips did not refute.

After all, what he said was the truth.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber was sanctioned by the United States last year, and this news has been very popular in China for a while.

Because BMW has a closer relationship with Nanshan Group, Phillips has been paying attention to this news for a while.

“Are we just giving up the sports car market to Nanshan Group?”

"Their high-end products include the Starry Sky Sports Car, and now they have launched a civilian-level F-TYPE."

"From now on in China, when everyone talks about sports cars, they will think of these two products. This is not a good thing for us."

The intensity of Phillips' words has weakened greatly, but he is obviously still a little unwilling.

BMW has always been famous for its excellent power and handling, and it subconsciously conveys to everyone the feeling that BMW's sports cars are also very powerful.

But when the time comes, Chinese consumers find that BMW's sports cars on the market have no competitiveness. How can they be embarrassed?

"The Chinese market is growing rapidly, both for cars and SUVs."

"I think as long as we work hard this year, we can hit the high goal of 15 and surprise the headquarters."

"If we wait until the Tiexi plant is put into production next year and our X3 and X1 are also locally produced, sales will directly exceed 20, or even 30, it will not be a problem."

"With these results on display, no one cares about the sales volume of just a Z4."

After Amoha explained this, Phillips finally felt better.

Yes, as long as the total sales volume is good and the results are good, there seems to be no need to worry so much?

However, BMW can not worry about it, but Porsche has no way not to worry about it.

After the price of F-TYPE was announced, it was reported to the headquarters by Porsche China on the same day.

After all, the Chinese market is growing too fast, and Porsche also attaches great importance to the Chinese market.

"Meibona, do you think that setting such a low price for Jaguar F-TYPE has something to do with Lai Ping?"

As the CEO of Porsche, Macht is not in a good mood right now.

Lai Ping was forced to leave Porsche after Macht took office, and then went to Nanshan Group to become the design director of Xingchen Automobile.

Jaguar Land Rover is now a subsidiary of Xingchen Motors. Lai Ping, the design director, theoretically has the ability to influence a series of Jaguar Land Rover policies in China.

In particular, Lai Ping's famous work at Porsche was the 911 sports car, followed by the Cayenne.

Unlike BMW and Mercedes-Benz, Porsche attaches great importance to the sales of sports cars and sports cars.

In Macht’s opinion, the styling of F-TYPE is no worse than that of Porsche 911.

But the price is completely different.

You must know that the low-end version of the Porsche 911 also uses a 3.0T turbocharged engine, and the price of the 3.0T version of the F-TYPE starts at only 49.99 yuan.

It's almost one-third the size of a Porsche 911.

You know, this is a Jaguar sports car, not a sports car produced by China's Chery or Geely.

If the price is only one-third of that of a Porsche, it will definitely be very impactful to consumers.

"Makht, I don't think Lai Ping is like this."

"If he wants to deal with us, then Jaguar should also launch an SUV model to compete with the Cayenne or MACAN."

"Although sports cars have always been our company's most important product, the highest sales volume now is SUV models such as the Cayenne."

"MACAN, which was just launched in China last year, is currently selling very well."

"Even the sales of the two SUV models account for 8% of our sales in the Chinese market."

"In this case, it makes no sense for Lai Ping to tamper with a sports car."

Umebona and Lai Ping are also old acquaintances.

Therefore, in the absence of evidence, we are naturally unwilling to pour dirty water on others.

Fortunately, his explanation was quite reasonable, so after hearing this, Matthe didn't worry about whether this matter had anything to do with Lai Ping.

"Didn't you always say that China's car market has the highest car prices in the world?"

"The same sports car only costs 100 to [-] euros in Germany, but it costs more than [-] million yuan in China."

"Why is it different this time?"

Since Macht came to Porsche as CEO, he has not yet fully established himself.

In this case, it is more sensitive to many things.

In particular, the Chinese market is now a market that everyone pays great attention to, and any movement will attract attention.

"This time Jaguar will produce the F-TYPE directly in China's Magic City factory instead of producing it in England and then exporting it to China for sale."

"In addition, the engines used by F-TYPE are the mature 2.0T and 3.0T products of Nanshan Group, so the cost will definitely be relatively low."

"But I think for consumers, the cheaper the sports car, the better."

"Even if Jaguar comes up with such a cheap sports car, it will affect their brand power in China."

At this time, Meibona could only comfort his boss.

What else?
The starting price is 39.99 yuan, while Porsche's sports cars often cost more than 100 million yuan.

There is absolutely no way to compare.

Even if the price is reduced, by how much?
No amount of reduction is appropriate.

It’s better not to lower the price!

"First of all, let's take a closer look at the performance of Jaguar's sports car in the Chinese market and see if there is a market for entry-level sports cars."

"If they sell well, we can also launch a low-end sports car in the future."

Macht also hopes to increase Porsche's sales.

Now Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are all launching some entry-level models, causing the sales gap between Porsche and them to become wider and wider.

This made Macht feel shameless.


When a lot of friends and businessmen are paying attention to the news of Jaguar F-TYPE, the Chinese Internet is naturally very lively.

"So handsome! F-TYPE is simply a new trend in the sports car world!"

"Starting from 39.99, this is the cheapest sports car in China, right?"

"Jaguar has never sold a car below 50 yuan, right? This time it's so awesome!"

"Once F-TPYE comes out, other sports cars will probably be nervous!"

"In the future, will there be a lot of F-TYPE waiting for people at the gate of each music school?"

"The order has been placed! I hope there won't be any increase in price for picking up the car!"

"Nanshan Group can always bring surprises to everyone, and this time is no exception!"

"I just picked up the Porsche 911. I really want to return the car. What should I do?"

“I’m really looking forward to Jaguar Land Rover’s next product. It won’t be as awesome, right?”

"F-TYPE is definitely the most beautiful sports car under 100 million, no objection will be accepted!"


Various comments immediately became popular in various forums.

On Weibo, Jaguar F-TYPE is firmly at the top of the hot search list.

Even some second-tier celebrities are very active in saying on their Weibo that they have placed an order to buy a car, which has greatly increased their presence.

The starry sky sports car costs millions. Even if many celebrities want to curry favor with Nanshan Film and Television, they are reluctant to pay that price.

But with the F-TYPE priced at 39.99, the pressure is much lessened.

For celebrities, even small celebrities, when buying a car, they must buy a more fashionable car.

The shape of F-TPYE perfectly meets the needs of these people.

With the leadership of these celebrities, more young people with wealthy families are also full of interest in F-TYPE.

After buying it, you can become the most handsome guy on the street without any modifications at all.

Who doesn't like this kind of car?
(End of this chapter)

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