Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 580: Hot product, Jaguar’s most classic product is born

Chapter 580: Hot product, Jaguar’s most classic product is born

Xingchen Automobile's models, including the cheapest Ziweixing in the past, were not affordable for ordinary employees.

As for luxury cars that cost more than 100 million or even several million, ordinary office workers cannot even afford them.

But as an employee of Nanshan Group, it must be false to say that he has no interest in his company's products.

This time, Jaguar's F-TYPE was put on sale with a starting price of 39.99, which immediately attracted the interest of many potential users within the company.

Nanshan Group's salary package is definitely very high in this era.

Especially the year-end bonus is so generous that it makes many people envious and jealous.

The year-end bonus just issued in January this year has not been used up yet, and Jaguar F-TYPE was launched in February.

During this period, Zeng Tingting received a lot of inquiries from within the company regarding preferential car purchases.

Many employees have shown interest in F-TYPE.

After all, the starting price is already the lowest among all products of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover.

If you give employees another discount, it will still be very attractive.

It is equivalent to less than 40 yuan to land, and there are still many people within Nanshan Group who can buy it.

Considering that the employees of Nanshan Group are generally not very old.

The acceptance level for things like sports cars is naturally higher.

So Zeng Tingting weighed the pros and cons and made a plan to report to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, many employees of the group have expressed interest in the company's preferential car purchases and want to buy F-TYPE."

"I think it's time to formally formulate a preferential car purchase plan?"

Zeng Tingting said while turning on the computer.

The matter of discounted car purchases is nothing special for the automobile industry.

Various OEMs generally have various preferential car purchase programs for employees.

Buy a car at [-]% off, buy a car at [-]% off, buy a car at [-]% off...

Or a subsidy of 1 RMB or some amount will be given after buying a car.

So Cao Yang didn't find it strange that Zeng Tingting proposed a preferential car purchase plan to herself.

It's just that in the past, because Xingchen Auto's products were generally relatively expensive, there were no special discounts on the market.

Therefore, if you set up a relatively large preferential car purchase plan for employees, it will easily lead to someone in the middle taking advantage of the loopholes.

For example, Nanshan Group’s preferential car purchase plan allows employees to purchase cars at a [-]% discount on the guide price.

So buying a car worth 150 million will be 30 cheaper.

Although most employees cannot afford it themselves, they can help others buy it in their own name.

Then the 30 saved will be shared equally by everyone.

As a result, the sales system immediately fell into chaos.

General OEMs, such as Volkswagen, Toyota, and Honda, sell mid-range cars and have relatively large sales. Even if someone does this, the impact will not be big.

But Xingchen Automobile sells luxury cars, such as the Starry Sky Sports Car, and its sales are not high.

If there is a loophole for people to exploit, there will definitely be many people who will cause trouble.

So after so many years, Nanshan Group has not had its own preferential car purchase plan.

This is quite an exception among OEMs.

"A [-]% discount for purchasing F-TYPE?"

"Is this a preferential plan for F-TYPE?"

It's not that Cao Yang couldn't bear to part with this preferential plan.

Normally, most OEMs offer discounts of around [-]% off.

Of course, for some special models, the discount may be larger.

At the same time, there are also some special models that are not discounted.

"For cars worth more than 100 million, if discounts are given, I'm worried that it will have a certain impact on the market."

"So I thought it would be better to test the waters on F-TYPE first."

"At the same time, we have regulations in place."

"For example, when purchasing a discounted vehicle, you must do so in the name of an employee or immediate family member. You can only enjoy the discounted car purchase once within three years, and are not allowed to transfer it within three years."

“This way we can avoid as much as possible the preferential policies from being used for profit.”

Zeng Tingting has obviously considered the possible impact of the preferential car purchase plan.

As long as there is an opportunity to exploit a loophole, someone will definitely take advantage of it.

Zeng Tingting saw this clearly.

"Okay, then let's announce it according to the plan you mentioned and see how many people are interested in F-TYPE."

"At the same time, you should also take a look at what special impact this preferential package will have on the market."

"Once there is a situation, adjust the strategy in a timely manner."

Finally, we have a relatively low-priced model, which allows more employees of the group to have the opportunity to drive brands under their own group.

Cao Yang definitely still supports it.

Besides, the cost of F-TYPE is really not high. Even if it is sold at a [-]% discount, it actually does not lose money.

Just think of it as a promotion.

For the cost of a car, in addition to the cost of purchasing parts, there are also related expenses such as advertising and marketing fees and rebates to 4S stores.

For F-TYPE, these costs actually add up to about ten points.

Nanshan Group offers a [-]% discount on car purchases for employees. In fact, if you really think about it, the company doesn't make much money less.

After all, this part of the amortization can be completely excluded from the vehicles purchased by employees.

Even because of the purchase by a large number of Nanshan Group employees, it had a very good publicity effect.

After all, the employees of Nanshan Group can be said to be spread all over Yangcheng, Magic City, Imperial Capital, Chang'an and other places.

Basically, they are considered to have relatively strong consumption power locally.


"Lao Liang, I saw that you posted a picture of an F-TYPE in your QQ space, and said that you have submitted a purchase application. Could it be that you bought one directly?"

Lin Tiansheng was Liang Hualong's college classmate. After graduation, one went to Yangcheng Honda and the other to Nanshan Group.

During the campus recruitment in 2003, going to Yangcheng Honda was considered a better job than going to Nanshan Group.

Lin Tiansheng's grades in school have always been better than Liang Hualong's, and he has been the winner of a first-class scholarship or a second-class scholarship every semester.

However, Liang Hualong only received a third-class scholarship once when he was at his peak, and he almost failed one of his professional courses.

Just for these two people who had a big gap in academic performance but not a big gap in family conditions, a few years after graduation, the situation began to change.

Thanks to Nanshan Group's interest-free loan support policy for house purchase, Liang Hualong bought a house last year.

On the contrary, Lin Tiansheng thought that he would wait until he had more funds on hand before buying. However, he watched the house prices rise rapidly from the trough to the high point in 2008 in the past year.

This made him even more afraid to buy it.

I think house prices may fall.

After all, in 2008, the plummeting housing prices were still fresh in our minds.

One has a house and the other does not. If Lin Tiansheng can still accept this matter, now Liang Hualong has a car, a Jaguar F-TYPE, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

He had just taken out a loan to buy a Fit the year before last, and he showed it off in front of Liang Hualong.

Every now and then, he always takes the initiative to ask Liang Hualong if he wants to go out together on the weekend.

I didn’t expect that the other party would now own F-TYPE!
This is Jaguar's sports car!
I had never thought before that I could buy a luxury brand model like Jaguar in my life.

But my classmates are going to realize this dream!
Thinking about it, Lin Tiansheng felt very painful in his heart!
"Yes, I just submitted a car purchase application in the system today, but I don't think I can pick up the car until next month."

“In the past two days, many people in our company have submitted applications to purchase F-TYPE. Employees can enjoy a 10% discount on car purchases. The company also provides benefits of subsidized loans to purchase cars. Basically, you can take the car home with less than [-] yuan. .”

"Didn't I always fail to chase girls before?"

"Anyone I meet will find me disgusted because I have too many acne on my face and am unattractive."

"Next time I will drive the F-TYPE on a blind date and see how it goes."

"By the way, Lao Lin, didn't you always say that your girlfriend's best friend is beautiful before?"

"Would you like to introduce me to him?"

Liang Hualong was in a very good mood.

He likes every product of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover very much.

However, the price is too expensive, so even if his income is not low, he cannot afford it.

it's good now!

F-TYPE has directly set an unprecedented starting price of 39.99 yuan, and employees can get a [-]% discount!
If you don’t buy a car, then when will you wait?
If the company's preferential car purchase plan is cancelled, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing 8 yuan in one fell swoop?

There are many people who have similar thoughts to Liang Hualong.


"She may not necessarily like men from science and engineering. I'll ask again when the time comes."

Hearing Liang Hualong's affirmative answer, Lin Tiansheng's mood became even lower.

Why are my classmates who were doing much worse than me back then getting better and better every year now?

But I am kind of stuck in the same place, with no intention of changing much.

Although the development of Yangcheng Honda cannot be said to be bad, it is not even in the top 10 in China, and the competition pressure is not small.

In particular, consumers' recognition of independent brands is constantly increasing, and the brand premium capabilities of joint venture car companies are also constantly weakening.

Just like the Accord, it used to sell for more than 20 yuan.

The BYD F6, which is also similar to the Accord, costs less than 10.

Now the starting price of the Accord has dropped to less than 20, while the high-end version of the BYD F6 is priced at around 15.

Although the configuration difference is a bit large, the overall gap is narrowing.

This also forces various joint venture car companies to continuously lower the prices of their models.

Otherwise, consumers are not stupid.

The 15 Accord may be very popular, but the 20 Accord has to stand aside.Against this background, Yangcheng Honda's profit margins are naturally declining.

When profit margins decline, companies will naturally not be so generous when issuing bonuses.

The increase in basic salary is also relatively slow, and the difference in annual salary between Liang Hualong and Liang Hualong is getting bigger and bigger.

When Lin Tiansheng meets Liang Hualong now, he no longer wants to ask about each other's salary.

Because asking is asking for trouble for yourself!
"Old Lin, when I pick up the car, let's invite some classmates to go out and play together."

"Whether it's going to Shunde to eat delicious food or going to Zhucheng to go out to sea and explore the islands, I think it's all fine."

This time, it was Liang Hualong's turn to proactively invite Lin Tiansheng out to play.

Anyway, everyone is not married yet. If we don’t go out and have some fun, we won’t be so free in the future.

"talk later!"

"I often have to work overtime during this period, and I may not always have time!"

"My boss called me, hang up now!"

After saying this, Lin Tiansheng quickly hung up the phone.

The so-called leader looking for him naturally does not exist.

After hanging up the phone, he sat in front of the computer and was silent for almost 10 minutes.

Then I turned on my computer and logged into the official website of Nanshan Group to see if there was any social recruitment information suitable for me.

Liang Hualong can go to Nanshan Group, why can't he go?
When Xingchen Motors established the F1 team, he wanted to jump ship because he liked F1.

But it didn't work.

Now he is no longer limited to the work related to the F1 team. As long as he can enter Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover or Nanshan Group, he is willing to do so!
The influence of Nanshan Group continues to expand under this subtle influence.

Within the Nanshan Group, after the preferential car purchase plan was announced, more than 1000 F-TYPE application orders were received from various business divisions in just three days.

This makes Zeng Tingting more confident in F-TYPE.

Because on the other hand, Jaguar has also received more than 4 orders from various 2000S stores.

This car has just entered mass production. According to the original plan, the scheduled production quantity this month was less than 1000 units. Now we have 3000 orders in hand, which is enough for two or three months.

This does not include export orders for F-TYPE.

After all, in the past few days, F-TYPE has also begun to be shipped overseas one after another, and will be launched in Europe, the United States and other places.

By then, the monthly sales volume will definitely be considered a success, let alone 3000 units, even if it can stabilize at more than 2000 units.

"Mr. Cao, our F-TYPE's popularity is now one of the best among all sports cars."

"In the search rankings of Autohome, F-TYPE has also entered the top three in terms of popularity."

"I feel that this car is expected to become the most successful sports car in Jaguar's history and greatly increase Jaguar's popularity in the country."

Zeng Tingting is also in a very good mood now.

She had promised Cao Yang before that she could sell this car well.

It's only been less than half a month, and it's already in full swing.

It can be said that her promise has been fulfilled.

The next step is how to maintain the popularity so that F-TYPE can always attract everyone's attention.

"I didn't expect that so many of our own employees would buy F-TYPE. This is a bit beyond my imagination."

"It seems that we can further explore the potential of this car and create a few more versions for everyone to choose from."

"At that time, we can even form an F-TYPE car enthusiasts club and launch some projects regularly to make these car owners become loyal fans of Jaguar cars."

Cao Yang himself thinks that Jaguar's car logo is very beautiful. The image of a Jaguar jumping forward has a very strong visual impact and reminds people of the elegance and power of Jaguar cars at a glance.

The Jaguar brand originated from England and was founded in 1922. It now has a history of 88 years.

Founder Sir William Lyons gave Jaguar the dual genes of luxury and sport, and now these genes are vividly displayed on F-TYPE.

The key is that the price is not high at all.

Of course, some people will think that the cost of F-TYPE is not high.

It’s normal to sell it cheaper, right?

So do you think the cost of LV bags is very high?

Why haven't I seen anyone selling it very cheaply?
"Our group's employees generally have relatively good incomes, especially those who joined the company in the early years. They are generally already grassroots managers, and their incomes are much higher than most of their peers."

"If you work harder and work more overtime, the overtime pay alone will be higher than the salary of many people of the same age."

"This time, we have launched a rare car purchase plan at a discount, so people who can afford the F-TYPE naturally want to buy it, for fear of missing out on the opportunity."

Zeng Tingting has been paying attention to the situation of F-TYPE these days, and she is relatively clear about the dynamics of the employees.

Therefore, she could immediately give accurate answers to Cao Yang's questions.

"Since F-TYPE already has the quality of a hit, the company should simply provide more resources and promote it well."

"Strive to make it one of the top-selling sports cars in the history of sports cars."

Cao Yang is quite familiar with the development history of sports cars, so he doesn't dare to boast that Haikou will be the best-selling model in the history of sports cars.

Models such as Mazda's MX5, Chevrolet's Corvette Stringray, Nissan's 240Z, Mazda's RX7, Mercedes-Benz's SLK, BMW Z3, ​​Audi TT and other models all have very good historical results.

When sales are good, there will be no problem selling 10 vehicles a year.

For Cao Yang, as long as F-TYPE's sales can reach 5 units a year, it will be considered a hit!
Compared with the number of units previously planned, it exceeded the number by a lot.

It is also enough for F-TYPE to form a certain influence around the world.

Thus creating this series into a timeless classic.

"No problem, I also think F-TYPE is worthy of the company investing more resources."

"Although the price is not high, it is still very effective in improving Jaguar's brand influence and sales."

Following this conversation between Zeng Tingting and Cao Yang, many resources of Nanshan Group immediately began to tilt towards F-TYPE.

Although it cannot be said that the whole company has pooled its efforts to promote this car, when various methods are used together, the effect is very amazing.

On Weibo hot searches, F-TYPE related topics have always existed.

At most, one piece of content is changed every day.

As for professional media such as Autohome, there are naturally various reports.

As Nanshan Film and Television, which cooperates with Nanshan Group in product promotion, is definitely not far behind.

In just one week, Zhang Songwen arranged for someone to shoot a short film of F-TYPE that was widely exposed and broadcast it on the Nanshan Film and Television Network.

Although it is a micro-movie, there are many big stars contracted by Nanshan Film and Television in it. It is a gathering of big names, and it is not a serious movie.

At the same time, several urban dramas have temporarily inserted F-TYPE advertising, which will continue to appear in the audience's field of vision this year.

Of course, these are not the most direct.

Zhang Songwen organized [-] well-known celebrities to create a relay check-in event called "My Story with F-TYPE", which brought huge influence on Weibo.

When other celebrities discovered that the number of fans of celebrities participating in this activity increased rapidly and their exposure increased significantly, they immediately followed suit spontaneously.

Some celebrities even went directly to Jaguar's 4S store to pick up a convertible version of F-TPYE at a higher price, and acted as models for filming there.

In the end, the number of fans and exposure of these people naturally ushered in a rapid increase.

"Mi Lai, this photo you took is so good. You look dashing in what you wear, and when paired with the red convertible F-TYPE, it's really eye-catching."

Inside Nanshan Film and Television, Xia Lin and Mi Lai rarely got together in the company, each holding a HONOR 3G mobile phone and browsing Weibo.

After entering 2010, HONOR 3G also began to explode.

BYD's OEM production line for Honor mobile phones has also been officially put into production, and the tight supply situation on the market has been relieved a lot.

And more and more owners of Honor mobile phones are beginning to affect their friends around them.

After all, HONOR 3G, which has various apps such as Weibo and Nanshan Film and Television, is really not comparable to products from Nokia and Motorola.

"When I test drove the Starry Sky Sports Car before, although I thought it was very handsome, when the power was too sufficient, it was a bit difficult to drive. I always felt that I couldn't control the car."

"But this time the F-TYPE has no such problem at all."

"Driving it is no different from driving an ordinary car. Girls can also do the job competently."

"Charlene, I strongly suggest you buy one and give it a try. It feels very good."

Mi Lai was in a very good mood.

In the past few days, her Weibo followers have increased by more than 100 million, and she has officially exceeded 1000 million.

This gave her the feeling of killing two birds with one stone.

He pleases the company and benefits himself.

After all, for celebrities, rising influence and exposure means rising fame, rising status, rising income, and improving prospects.

This kind of thing is what every star wants to see.

You don't need to accompany you to eat, drink, chat, or stay overnight to achieve this effect.

Why not?
No wonder celebrities from all walks of life on Weibo are very motivated these days.

Even if some people suspect that the increase in the number of fans is not necessarily real fans, or that users themselves are actively paying attention.

But what does it matter?

Anyway, the number of fans displayed under your account is increasing.

Under the leadership of Nanshan Film and Television, the number of Weibo fans has become an important indicator of a star's popularity.

Especially for some traffic stars, if the number of Weibo fans is very small, no matter how famous you are, Nanshan Film and Television will not recognize you.

It can be said that Nanshan Film and Television is also trying to set some standards for the entertainment industry.

Let these standards develop in a direction that is beneficial to Nanshan Film and Television, Weibo, and Nanshan Group.

"I asked my agent to help me order a top-end F-TYPE yesterday, but I heard that it will take at least a month to pick up the car."

"If I had known earlier, I should have acted more decisively like you."

"With the current F-TYPE, you have to wait even if the price is increased to pick up the car!"

Charlene said a little annoyed.

Naturally, she has noticed Mi Lai's rising popularity in the past few days.

To say that I am not envious at all would be a lie.

But there are some things that it’s useless even if you envy them.

(End of this chapter)

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