Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 601 Set a goal first, No. 1 in the world and No. 3 in the country

Chapter 601 Set a goal first, third in the world and first in the country
  "Mr. Hu, do you produce knock-off phones?"

Mi Ying, who followed Cao Yang, asked a topic that was of great interest to everyone.

The profits of copycat phones are not low. Hu Yingang is an old man here, so there is no reason to ignore it completely, right?

Sure enough, after being stunned for a few seconds, Hu Yingang said: "Of course, I have given birth before."

"The company's business at that time was very simple. After getting the motherboard design plan, it only needed to redesign the mobile phone casing, including size and material, then select the appropriate mobile phone screen, and then deliver it to the mold factory for mold opening and assembly. Once the finished product is finished, it can be sold to the outside world.”

After hearing what Hu Yingang said, Zhang Jing couldn't help but ask: "How long is the development cycle of this kind of product?"

Although the development cycle of the mobile phone industry is much shorter than that of the automobile industry, it will basically remain about one year.

Even if it is compressed, it will still take eight or nine months.

But Zhang Jing felt that Hu Yingang would give him an unexpected surprise.

"Usually it takes about a month. If the product is hot-selling or popular among people, and the corresponding screen and other major parts are readily available, then it is possible to make it in half a month or even a week with overtime work. "

“After all, in this industry, time is money.”

"If other manufacturers produce copycat phones earlier than you, it will be much more difficult for you to follow suit."

"Generally speaking, the same mobile phone will only be produced by three or five copycat manufacturers here, and then sold at various counters."

"Of course, for some of the more classic and popular styles, the number of copycat manufacturers will increase a lot."

"For example, for some of Nokia's popular mobile phones, there are more than a dozen or even dozens of copycat manufacturers of Rubik's Cube."

Since he already regarded Cao Yang as his nobleman, Hu Yingang naturally had something to say.

Anyway, in his opinion, Cao Yang could never be his opponent.

"To put it simply, with MediaTek's turnkey solution and Huaqiangbei's previous accumulation of a complete supply chain, can the copycat phone industry chain be established in a very short period of time?"

Based on what Hu Yingang said, Cao Yang briefly summarized it and continued: "MediaTek provides chips, and then various mobile phone solution vendors help come up with solutions, which are then given to copycat phone manufacturers here in Huaqiangbei."

"These copycat manufacturers either imitate the popular models of mainstream brands, or develop a more innovative appearance or function themselves. After deciding on the plan, they find a mobile phone mold supplier to open molds and make parts."

“At the same time, copycat manufacturers continue to look for mobile phone peripheral device suppliers that they are familiar with to purchase parts and assemble mobile phones.”

"The best thing is to hand it over to copycat mobile phone dealers scattered across the country to sell the products to consumers."

"Is my understanding correct?"

It's not that Cao Yang doesn't know anything about copycat phones, he's just a little unfamiliar with the current situation.

So I followed Hu Yingang around, and after listening to his explanation, I probably had a picture in my mind.

Sure enough, if the industry here can develop, it already has a mature system.

A "brand new" mobile phone can be produced in less than a month. It may have more functions than mainstream brands and be cheaper. It can still gain a number of users.

Take HONOR 3G for example. Some people think the speaker is not loud enough, so a copycat phone can come up with a product with a louder speaker.

Another example is that Nokia's N95 does not support dual-SIM dual standby, so copycat phones can have a dual-SIM dual-standby version, or even a version with multiple SIM cards and multiple standby.

As long as consumers have demand, people can quickly produce the products they need.

The camera function is great, the screen fonts are large, the battery life is long, the appearance is unique...

There is nothing you can't think of that cannot be produced here.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these copycat manufacturers are not low at all.

If this thing is used well, it may be able to take Nanshan Semiconductor to a higher level.

"Mr. Cao, your understanding is so correct."

"In these supply chains, mobile phone solution manufacturers are mainly in Shanghai, copycat manufacturers are in Huaqiangbei, mold manufacturers are mainly in Guancheng next door, and other peripheral parts manufacturers are generally in various cities in the Pearl River Delta."

"Many mature industrial chains have been formed here. Even if you just find a counter boss, they can help you assemble a mobile phone."

"The contact information of some parts manufacturers or dealers is considered public information to the counter bosses here."

"As long as you think about it, a newcomer can come up with a copycat phone in just one month, and it doesn't need to spend a lot of money."

"The only relatively large expense is the molding cost. Once the phone is not sold well, this cost will not be recovered."

"Even if you can't use other parts after you buy them, it's very convenient to transfer them."

Hu Yingang made further additions.

He himself is a person who has built a copycat phone, and he is relatively familiar with the situation here.

Cao Yang often couldn't hear this kind of thing when listening to reports in the office.

If the employees of Honor Mobile are all regular troops, then people from all walks of life here are motley crews.

But don't underestimate these miscellaneous troops, there may be some experts in them.

Even the waiters at the counter here can repair mobile phones by themselves.

Many of the bosses at various counters are well aware of the various conditions of mobile phones.

There is a reason why people can be successful and make money.

"Mr. Cao, with the turnkey solution, MediaTek has become one of the top three IC design manufacturers in the world, second only to Texas Instruments and Qualcomm. The chairman of MediaTek is also known as the 'Father of Copycat'."

"This market is indeed worthy of attention."

Zhang Jing also said something with emotion at this time.

The third largest IC design manufacturer in the world, this status is not low at all.

In this way, he became even more interested in the plan mentioned by Cao Yang on the road.

If there weren't outsiders around, he would have wanted to start talking to Cao Yang about some of his thoughts.

"Mr. Cao, copycat mobile phones are developing very well in Huaqiangbei. Especially in recent years, many people have made a fortune from this."

"This place has also attracted many people to come here to hunt for gold, and it has even become difficult to find a shop. For example, for shops on the first floor, resale at the counter requires a transfer fee. Large shops cost more than 100 million, and counters cost hundreds of thousands."

“It can be said that it is very difficult to find a suitable mobile phone stall in Huaqiangbei. Before the Mingtong Digital City investment promotion, nearly 5000 merchants came to apply for rent in just one day. There were too many merchants queuing up to draw lots. , reaching the level of choosing 10 out of 1, with more than 100 security personnel sent to maintain order alone."

When Hu Yingang said this, his eyes were obviously bright.

He has several counters here.

Not compared with people like Cao Yang, he is definitely a winner in life.

His car is still a Ziweixing.

And he is also planning to consider buying an SUV from Xingchen Automobile.

How can an ordinary wage earner afford it?
  "Mr. Hu, is the business at your various counters pretty good?"

When Cao Yang asked, Hu Yingang immediately became interested.

After waiting for so long, I finally got this question.

He had been preparing for a long time.

"Mr. Cao, to tell you the truth, business is indeed good."

“Every day from early afternoon to early afternoon, all stores are full of people, people picking up goods, packing goods, and delivering goods. It’s hard to walk around.”

"The past few years have been the best time for the electronics industry to make money, especially since the information in the past few years was not as transparent as it is now. As long as you have the goods, you can sell them at a good price."

"It is no exaggeration to say that if Huaqiangbei stomps its foot, the entire China and even the global mobile phone industry will tremble."

“I have read a report, and I don’t know whether it is true or not. It said that last year, the shipment volume of the counterfeit mobile phone market reached 1.45 million units, a year-on-year increase of 43.6%, which is about 2005 times the shipment volume in 4, which is equivalent to the global legal market. 13% of mobile phone shipments."

“I even heard that copycat phones were sold to Nokia’s hometown in Finland, the leader in the mobile phone industry.”

Hu Yingang's expression is very rich.

From his words, Cao Yang and others can fully feel the prosperity and influence of this street.

1.45 copycat phones a year?

No wonder MediaTek has become the third largest player in the world with its copycat mobile phone chip business!
  If Nanshan Semiconductor can capture half of the market, it will have a firm foothold in the mobile phone chip industry.

This business has great potential!
  "Mr. Hu, are there many HONOR 3G knockoffs here?"

Xia Qingqing, who had been holding back her words, finally couldn't help but ask a question.

Although judging from Cao Yang’s previous words, the emergence of copycat phones will not pose much of a threat to Honor phones.

But she felt a little uncomfortable when she thought about her company's products being copied.

However, when she asked, Hu Yingang felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. We are here today to have a casual understanding of the situation and see if there are any opportunities for cooperation with you. We are not here to hold people accountable."

As if he could see Hu Yingang's hesitation and worry, Cao Yang added an explanation.

Sure enough, after hearing Cao Yang's words, Hu Yingang breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don't come here to cause trouble.

Otherwise he wouldn't know what to say.

However, when the other party said he was looking for cooperation opportunities, he became energetic again.

"Mr. Cao, there were very few HONOR 3G copycat manufacturers at the beginning. After all, this product is so good, and related accessories are not that easy to find."

"Even if it is scraped together, the cost is relatively high and it is not cost-effective to produce."

"But in recent months, HONOR 3G has become more and more influential, and some related parts and accessories have gradually become more complete."

“So some manufacturers have started to get involved.”

“A mobile phone that looks similar to the HONOR 3G only sells for a little over a thousand, and its memory can even be larger than your product.”       “So although the sales volume is not as good as some hot-selling models, it is still It has been increasing recently, attracting a group of people’s interest.”

"Some people are even beginning to consider whether they can also use the design of HONOR 3G to produce smartphones."

"Mr. Cao, there shouldn't be any good cooperation between Honor Mobile and Huaqiangbei, right?"

After explaining for a while, Hu Yingang couldn't help but ask.

Nanshan Group!
  If there is really a chance to cooperate, then he feels that his life may not be able to achieve a historic breakthrough like his cousin Guo Shuyin.

At one time, Hu Yingang's status in the big family was higher than Guo Shuyin and Guo Shufu.

After all, in the [-]s, he made his first pot of gold in Huaqiangbei and drove an "imported" car.

At that time, Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory was still living a miserable life.

Even in the early two thousand years, Hu Yingang was still better than Guo Shuyin.

But the situation in recent years has been completely different.

His cousin caught a ride on the development of Nanshan Group and is now a big businessman with a decisive position in Yangcheng City.

Although Hu Yingang also made some money, in terms of social status, he had no status at all.

Not to mention dealing with people at the level of Lingnan Province, even with people at the level of Yangcheng City, he couldn't seduce him.

At most, there is some interaction with the local street office and the like.

Everyone is no longer on the same level.

Naturally, Hu Yingang was a little unwilling to accept this change.

But to put it bluntly, he has a few counters in Huaqiangbei and earns several million yuan every year. He doesn't know how to change.

Now the boss of Nanshan Group is standing in front of him, and the opportunity has appeared.

Naturally he wanted to grasp it.

"Honour Mobile and Huaqiangbei naturally have nothing to cooperate with, but in addition to Honor Mobile, Nanshan Group also has mobile phone chip business, mobile phone memory business, and even mobile phone camera business and mold business."

"If any manufacturer needs related mobile phone assembly automation equipment, Nanshan Equipment can also provide related equipment."

"With so many businesses, do you think there is any possibility of cooperation?"

When Cao Yang said this, Hu Yingang was stunned for a moment and asked, "Aren't you angry that someone here is copying Honor mobile phone products?"

"Mobile phone giants such as Nokia and Motorola have repeatedly asked Shenzhen City to severely crack down on the copycat mobile phone business."

"Especially in the first quarter of this year, the growth rate of copycat mobile phones was higher than that of Nokia. The other party even believed that it was because of the emergence of copycat mobile phones that their business growth was lower than expected."

Hu Yingang's question is one that many people have.

If someone plagiarizes your product, instead of suing them, you want to find someone else to cooperate with.

This thing seems a bit strange.

"As you said, no one has copied HONOR 3G before. It's only in the past few months that HONOR 3G has sold well that people have copied it."

"Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of copycat mobile phone manufacturers here. I can't just give up cooperating with you just because a few copycat Honor mobile phone products."

"MediaTek is currently mainly producing chips for traditional feature phones, right?"

"We can provide you with motherboards based on smartphone systems and using the Android operating system. Do you think there will be relevant demand in the market?"

When Cao Yang said this, Hu Yingang immediately became excited.

However, he tried his best to hold back his excitement and said in a low tone: "Mr. Cao, this is definitely a very promising cooperation plan."

"If you trust me, you can leave the agency business to me. I guarantee that your chips and motherboards will become everyone's first choice."

Hu Yingang naturally knew the situation of Nanshan Group, so he did not express any doubts about Cao Yang's words.

It is definitely not that easy for other manufacturers to produce products that are comparable to MediaTek.

But for Nanshan Group, everything is possible.

Even as Cao Yang said just now, in addition to Nanshan Semiconductor, Nanshan Group also has many other things related to the mobile phone industry.

The space for cooperation is very broad.

"You can discuss the specific cooperation plan with Mr. Dai later."

"We will first provide a batch of smartphone-based motherboards and related technical solutions next month at most. Let's see how the market responds."

"Once this product is welcomed by the market, we can immediately increase supply."

Cao Yang trusted Guo Shuyin as a person.

Hu Yingang is the other party's cousin and is familiar with the situation in Huaqiangbei. This is obviously a good partner.

After all, Cao Yang doesn't really want to let Nanshan Group trade directly with these copycat manufacturers. There is a trader in the middle. Although he will share a little profit, it is worth it.

Just like many chip manufacturers, they will not deal with the manufacturers directly. Instead, they will hand over the business to agents and let the agents deal with the manufacturers.

On the one hand, this way you can concentrate on doing your own things.

On the other hand, it can also save a lot of trouble.

"Thank you, Mr. Cao, for your trust. Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

"Whether it's a motherboard, a battery, a camera or other parts, as long as Nanshan Group can provide it, I can sell it here!"

Hu Yingang cherishes this opportunity very much.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Hu is waiting for your chip to come out."

"When the time comes, you can work with Mr. Dai to arrange for someone to design the chip and motherboard solutions and deliver them to Mr. Hu as soon as possible."

Although everyone's status was completely different, Cao Yang did not use a condescending tone when dealing with Hu Yingang.

For a person of Cao Yang's level, there is no need to show off his power in this way.

"MediaTek has become the world's third largest IC design manufacturer relying on its chip business for copycat mobile phones."

"We at Nanshan Semiconductor now not only have a car-grade chip business, we have also begun to vigorously develop the mobile phone chip business."

"Mr. Cao, I will set a small goal here. Within three years, Nanshan Semiconductor will become the third largest company in the world."

Zhang Jing didn't waste any time and directly set a specific goal for himself.

Even though he is only third in the world, it is not easy at all to achieve it.

The ones in front are Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, and MediaTek.

Forget about MediaTek, Texas Instruments and Qualcomm are giants.

If Nanshan Semiconductor wants to surpass them, it will definitely not be achieved in a year or two.

Zhang Jing is already very courageous if he dares to set the third goal.

Of course, he didn't just pat his head.

After all, MediaTek has become the third largest company in the world based on its copycat mobile phone business, so it is entirely possible for Nanshan Semiconductor to successfully replace MediaTek when the mobile phone industry shifts from traditional mobile phone business to smartphone business.

After all, for MediaTek, their most important chips are still used in traditional mobile phones.

And once it cannot keep up with the pace of the smartphone era, its third position will become unstable every minute.

"Mr. Cao, I have also set a goal here. The mobile phone parts business of Nanshan Auto Parts will be the first in China within three years, so that 100% of our Honor mobile phones can use our own cameras."

Naturally, Dai Hanbiao couldn't miss the opportunity to show off his merits in front of the big boss.

Isn’t it because you work so hard every day just to get approval from your boss?
  However, when the two of them set up a military order, Xia Qingqing on the side felt a little complicated.

Has the group's focus shifted to being a supplier of copycat phones?
  Shouldn't it?
  Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

As if sensing Xia Qingqing's inner thoughts, Cao Yang said from the side: "Mr. Xia, are you confident that Honor Mobile will be number one in the country within three years?"

Although the core business of Nanshan Group revolves around automobiles, the smartphone business is closely related to the semiconductor business and is also closely related to the intelligent networking of automobiles in the future, so Cao Yang still attaches great importance to it.

Xia Qingqing immediately felt the pressure from his attention.

No. [-] in the country!
  Nokia, which ranked first during the Chinese New Year last year, sold [-] million mobile phones.

If Honor mobile phones want to be number one in the country, they must sell more than [-] million units, right?
  But how many were sold last year?
  Even in the past April, the best sales volume just crossed the 100 million unit mark.

According to this pace, reaching the first place in the country within three years is definitely very challenging, and even an impossible task in the eyes of many people.

However, Xia Qingqing knew Cao Yang relatively well.

I know that since my boss said this, there must be a reason.

The development speed of the smartphone market may exceed everyone's imagination.

Now 100 million units a month seems very impressive. Isn’t it an exaggeration to say that it might become 1000 million units a month?

Thinking of this, Xia Qingqing took a deep breath and said: "As long as our new products can maintain their current competitiveness, then I am confident that we will become the largest mobile phone brand in China within three years."

Xia Qingqing's answer could be regarded as finding a way out for herself.

After all, she has set a premise that the new products of Honor mobile phones must maintain their current competitiveness.

The current HONOR 3G has an appearance designed by Cao Yang himself, and he personally led the team to finalize the plan.

When the time comes, new products will definitely require Cao Yang to continue to participate.

If the competitiveness is insufficient, it is not entirely Xia Qingqing's problem. Cao Yang, the designer, is also responsible.

Cao Yang didn't care about Xia Qingqing's little tricks.

If everyone is willing to roll up their sleeves, work harder, and push forward with all their might, that’s enough!
  (End of this chapter)

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