Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 602: The new impetus car is coming, and Xingchen Automobile is about to explode

Chapter 602: The new impetus car is coming, and Xingchen Automobile is about to explode

After returning from Huaqiangbei, Nanshan Group immediately took action.

And this also puts a lot of pressure on Honor mobile phones.

You can’t even be inferior to the copycat manufacturers by then, right?
  That would be embarrassing!
  However, as the initiator, Cao Yang does not have so much time to manage the cooperation project with Huaqiangbei at this time, because Xingchen Motors' new mid-level SUV is finally going to be launched.

This medium-sized SUV called Lanyue is the lowest-positioned SUV product among Xingchen Automobile.

Its styling is borrowed from the 2023 BMW X5.

Of course, BMW's classic double-kidney front grille must be combined with the family-style front face formed by various models of Xingchen Motors to make some changes.

But that domineering temperament is maintained very well.

Xingchen Motors has been preparing this car for two years, and now it is finally going to be officially launched.

Judging from some information revealed in the previous application pictures submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, everyone on the market is quite satisfied with the shape of this car.

However, Xingchen Motors went against the norm this time and did not invite various media in advance for a test drive. Instead, it held a launch conference directly next week.

As a result, the attention this conference received was naturally very high.

"Editor Fang, I heard that this launch of Xingchen Motors is the largest one they have ever held."

"Not only have all the major automotive media been invited, but also many big-name stars from Nanshan Film and Television have been invited to attend."

"Xingchen Auto, which has never advertised, has started to have splash screen ads on Weibo and Autohome this time. It can be said that the intensity is unprecedented."

"It is estimated that the number of viewers of tonight's live broadcast will also set a record for new car launch events of various automobile brands."

Lin Jiayan drove her F-TYPE and drove Fang Dawen towards Zhucheng.

Xingchen Motors likes to hold various press conferences and test drive activities here.

It only takes less than two hours to drive from NetEase's office, which is more convenient than other modes of transportation.

Therefore, Lin Jiayan and the others did not take the car arranged by Xingchen Automobile, but drove directly to the scene by themselves.

"The SUV market has always been very popular, even much higher than in previous years."

"Whether it's Xingchen Auto or Xingtu, it's a very successful luxury SUV."

"But due to the relatively high price, sales have been affected."

"Xingchen Automobile's new factory is now under construction and will have an annual production capacity of 60 vehicles by the end of this year."

"At this time, we naturally need a model that can significantly increase sales in order to fully utilize these production capacities."

"Obviously, Lan Yue has taken on this responsibility."

"Its appearance, interior, and power are all impeccable, and its price will definitely be much lower than that of Xingtu."

"If it can really break into the mid-level SUV market, then Xingchen Automobile will be a real success."

Fang Dawen also felt quite emotional as he watched Xingchen Automobile develop step by step.

From the original Ziweixing to the current Lanyue, every model of Xingchen Motors is a classic in the development history of China's automobile industry.

Even each car has its own highlights, which can well meet the needs of some consumers.

The most important thing is that thanks to Nanshan Group's marketing, the impression that Xingchen Motors is a luxury car brand has been accepted by most Chinese people.

This is very rare.

After all, Xingchen Automobile really has no background.

As for luxury brands, sometimes it doesn't mean you are luxurious if your configuration is high.

If a car like Rolls-Royce carries the Zotye logo, absolutely no one would think it is a luxury car.

One can imagine how much effort Nanshan Group has put into building Xingchen Auto into a luxury brand.

"Indeed, Mercedes-Benz's global sales last year were just over one million. If Xingchen's sales can exceed the 50 mark, it will be considered a firm foothold."

“In the future, if we can increase sales of a few more cars and successfully reach 100 million, that would be great.”

Lin Jiayan is now considered a fan of Nanshan Group.

Therefore, I also hope to see Nanshan Group create various miracles.

With honor!

That feeling was something I had never experienced before.

To a certain extent, the reputation Nanshan Group has earned for itself in the fields of machine tools, carbon fiber, special steel, etc. can be regarded as an indelible contribution to attracting more fans.

Even the U.S. sanctions on Nanshan Carbon Fiber can be considered to have some additional effects.

"Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover, Future Auto, plus Nanshan Hongqi, which they cooperate with Spring City Motor, and Nanshan Goat City Commercial Vehicle, which cooperates with Yangcheng Motor."

"Nanshan Group's layout in the automobile industry is becoming more and more complete. There will be no problem in becoming China's largest automobile company in time."

Although in terms of the turnover of a single brand, Xingchen Automobile is already the largest car company in China.

However, some companies like to count their performance based on the combined sales volume and sales volume of the group's subsidiaries. Then, Xingchen Auto's sales volume will definitely not be enough.

Even in terms of sales, there is no absolute advantage.

Therefore, many people still disagree with the statement that Xingchen Motors is the largest car company in China.

But once Xingchen Auto's sales exceed 100 million units, the situation will be completely different.

One million vehicles is a very important threshold for many car companies in China.

Even 100 million vehicles is a curse. Many car companies will have various problems after reaching it or when they are about to reach it.

This is basically the case for later companies such as Imperial Hyundai, Changan Ford, Xifeng Nissan, and even Yangcheng Honda.

After the independent brand BYD breaks through 100 million, it can successfully reach 200 million or even 300 million.

Of course, with the acceleration of electrification, car companies such as Geely and Chery have quickly caught up.

That's something to talk about later.

Now with Nanshan Group, the development of China's automobile industry will definitely be very different.

But the annual output of 100 million vehicles is definitely still a very important threshold.

If a car company cannot achieve this sales volume, it will be difficult to become very influential.

Of course, except for luxury brands such as Ferrari and Porsche.

If NetEase Auto's view represents the thinking of the Chinese people, then BMW's concerns represent the worries of the international automobile giants.

"McTy, what do you think of Xingchen Motors' Lanyue, which is going to be launched today?"

Aimoha is not a person who likes to work overtime.

However, he did not leave the company immediately after get off work today. Instead, he followed sales director Mike Ti and others to the conference room, preparing to watch the live broadcast of the listing of Stars and Moon.

There are various new cars launched in China every month or even every week, so it is naturally impossible for Aimoha to watch every live broadcast.

He doesn't have to watch anything like that, just watch other people having fun every day.

But the Xingchen Lanyue car put a lot of pressure on him, so he kept relevant personnel from the company to watch it together.

The reason is to discuss countermeasures as soon as Xingchen Lanyue announces the price.

"Judging from all aspects of size data, Xingchen Lanyue will be our X5's most direct competitor."

"Even its appearance style is somewhat similar to our X5. It is domineering and somewhat elegant at the same time."

“在动力系统方面,揽月配备的3.0T V6发动机和4.4T V8发动机,比我们X5还要强上几分。”

"In addition, they are also equipped with two gearboxes, 8AT and 10AT respectively, making their power system even more advanced."

"Although I don't know yet about any breakthroughs in other configurations, it will definitely not be bad."

"Ai Moha, I think it's time to speed up the localization of X5."

"Otherwise, our price will probably be much more expensive than the Xingchen Lanyue, and consumers will probably choose Lanyue instead of the X5."

McTee felt quite heavy.

BMW's sales momentum in China this year is very good, and the sales of the imported X5 can be considered a contribution.

But now that Xingchen Lanyue is here, he is worried that X5 sales will be cut in half.

After all, apart from the illusory thing of brand heritage, the BMW X5 seems to have no advantage at all compared to the stars and the moon.

This is a very scary thing.

When did BMW's competitiveness drop to this level?
  "As long as we can sell 15 units in China this year, it will be much easier to convince the headquarters to localize the X5 in China."

"We can even use the impact of Lan Yue to further convince the headquarters and speed up the pace of localization."

"I even think the launch of the new generation X5 needs to be accelerated."

"Otherwise our appearance will look a bit old-fashioned, far less fashionable than Lan Yue."

In the company's own conference room, Aimoha must face up to the X5's shortcomings.

Otherwise, if you keep fooling yourself, consumers will eventually teach you how to behave.

"Xingchen Motors originally had a car design master like Cao Yang, and now we have Porsche's design director Lai Ping joining us. In terms of exterior design, it is really stressful for us to surpass."

"But in the Chinese market, consumers are particularly concerned about appearance."

"If the appearance of a car is ugly, even if it has good power performance and rich configurations, its sales will definitely be greatly affected."

“And Chinese consumers’ views on appearance are not exactly the same as those in other markets around the world.”

"'Atmosphere' is a word full of Chinese characteristics. It is estimated that few designers at the headquarters can fully understand it."

"I think it is necessary to set up a special R&D center in China and put part of the research and development of new models in China."

"In the past, people didn't want to do R&D in China. On the one hand, they were worried that the technology would be copied by Chinese people, and on the other hand, China's sales were not enough to attract people to invest in R&D companies here."

"But the situation has changed a lot now. Relying on the R&D center of China's largest joint venture, GM successfully became the sales champion last year." ˆ ˆ ˆ "It is estimated that it will continue to be the sales champion in China's auto market this year. ."

"If BMW wants to surpass Audi and Mercedes-Benz in China, I think a strong R&D center is very necessary."

Aimoha did not directly agree to McTee's proposal.

Of course, he also knew that this kind of thing was not something he could agree to.

As for R&D centers, in the past ten years, foreign giants have been reluctant to build them in China.

The factors here are actually more complex.

Although BMW nominally has a research and development center in China, it is actually an empty frame.

McCarty's current proposal is obviously to transfer some of the R&D functions to China.

This matter is no small matter.

If there are not even 1000 people engaged in automobile research, then there is no R&D at all.

To build a R&D center with more than 1000 people, it will definitely be necessary to dispatch hundreds of R&D personnel from BMW headquarters in the early stage, and then recruit a group from the local area to slowly form combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, it will remain empty.

But once a large R&D center is established, it needs to think about its specific work.

Is it really necessary to develop some new models based on the Chinese market in the future?
  This can be said to be a historic change for BMW.

"You can sort out this aspect first, and we will report to the headquarters when the time is right."

Either don’t do it, or do it successfully.

Aimoha thought it was better to start the preparation work first.

And while Aimoha and Mike were worrying about the development of BMW China, the listing activities of Stars and Moon in Zhucheng officially began.

The host is Wu Yan, the popular host of Lingnan Channel, who has worked with Xingchen Motors before.

The opening song and dance was performed directly by popular singers on stage, creating a great atmosphere.

"In the automotive world, there is one luxury brand that is always at the forefront of trends, and it is Xingchen Motors."

"Xingchen Motors' various models have won the favor of consumers around the world with their excellent performance, luxurious atmosphere and excellent quality."

"Always keep moving forward and constantly surpass yourself!"

"In recent years, every new car of Xingchen Motors has been continuously raising the safety ceiling, technology ceiling and appearance ceiling of the automobile industry."

"Our Xingchen Lanyue also continues the concept of Xingchen Motors and provides consumers with a perfect mid-size SUV."

Cao Yang stood empty-handed in the middle of the stage to stand for the moon.

This action alone actually brought a lot of traffic to Lanyue.

After all, Cao Yang himself is also a big V with more than 1000 million fans on Weibo.

He has won various honors and has a huge influence among young people in China.

In this kind of press conference, you must not be afraid of saying too much. The more eye-catching the better.

Talking about the best SUV under 500 million, the most powerful sports car under 100 million, etc. are all trivial.

At least what Cao Yang said was true in his own eyes.

In the end, these words were proved to be true.

It's not like some companies that talk the talk and are doing it purely for publicity.

"Our Lanyue car body has smooth lines and a sense of strength, while also showing the beauty of elegant curves..."

"The wide wheels, stylish taillights and quad exhaust pipes on both sides add a sporty feel to the entire vehicle."

Although the appearance picture of the model has been released a long time ago, and there are already many analyzes and comments on the Internet, we still need to introduce what needs to be introduced.

Otherwise, I can’t just say how much my car will cost as soon as I get on stage...

Then the event ends!

"Entering the car, you will be attracted by the new interior design and luxurious configurations."

"The instrument panel and center console adopt the latest high-tech configurations, making driving more convenient."

"The seats are made of high-grade leather material and exquisite wood grain decoration, creating an elegant and comfortable driving environment."

“In addition, high-end configurations such as panoramic sunroof, advanced audio system and intelligent interconnected driving system make driving even more enjoyable.”

Although the exterior pictures of Lanyue have been exposed before, there have been no official official pictures of the interior.

This time, along with Cao Yang's explanation, the interior view of Lan Yue appeared on the big screen at the back. When combined with the actual car on site, it can still give everyone a more intuitive understanding.

Although in the eyes of some American car companies, the interior is just the icing on the cake and does not deserve too much attention.

But Cao Yang knows very well that there are many different situations for cars in the Chinese market.

In China, buying a car is not a matter for one person, but a matter for the family.

You need to consider what the whole family thinks, not just what makes you feel good.

As for the hostess and children in the family, their understanding of cars is definitely superficial.

Many times, when you get into a car and feel comfortable and good, that is the most important thing.

Therefore, the interior is a very important influencing factor.

Lanyue is definitely better than most luxury brands in this regard.

"Xingchen Automobile has always been a representative of high technology, especially in terms of safety, which has always been one of the important features of Xingchen Automobile."

"The new Xingchen Lanyue is equipped with a wealth of active safety systems, including forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning and blind spot monitoring, etc., providing drivers with comprehensive protection."

"In addition, the vehicle also adopts advanced driving assistance systems such as adaptive cruise control and automatic parking functions, which greatly meets consumers' needs for safety and convenience."

"In the future, Xingchen Automobile will work hard in the direction of autonomous driving to make driving more convenient for consumers."

Nanshan Group established an intelligent network connection center and spent so many resources, so naturally some results were achieved.

Although there is still some gap between L3 autonomous driving and even L2, efforts are already being made in this direction.

This will become one of the features of Xingchen cars and future cars.

Sure enough, when Cao Yang mentioned these configurations, some opponents watching the live broadcast on the Internet began to feel anxious.

"Strauss, the configurations of Stars and Moons are much higher than those of Audi Q5, especially the electronic configurations such as forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking. We have just started configuring them on Q7 and will have to wait until the next generation Q5. Only then can we promote it.”

"Now that Xingchen Lanyue is doing this, it will be even harder to sell the Q5 in the future."

Vondel looked at the configuration items on the screen, feeling a little anxious.

Originally, the reputation of Q5 was affected to a certain extent because of Zotye ZQ5.

Coupled with the previous odor door, the influence of the Audi brand has dropped significantly.

Although thanks to the rapid growth of China's entire automobile market, Audi's sales this year have not continued to decline and can be considered stable.

But everyone is growing. If you are not growing, you are actually regressing.

It's just that consumers don't have so many choices now, and it even takes more than a month to pick up a car from other luxury brands, so some consumers choose Audi.

If the market goes south, things could change immediately.

Vondel was well aware of this situation.

"The biggest cost of those configurations is the development cost. Now we have actually developed some related technologies, and we can consider applying the relevant equipment to the Q5 during the annual model change."

Strauss found the difference in equipment not so scary.

It’s not like others can’t catch up with your equipment. As long as you’re willing to spend money, everything will be easy.

Of course, this means that the current self-driving technology is not very high. In a few years, it will be useless even if you want to increase money.

Are later generations of Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz cars reluctant to spend money on electric vehicles and equipped with good equipment?
  They are also very capable, but what you spend a lot of money to produce is very different from other brands.

Naturally, consumers are not that easy to deceive.

"That's different. If you fall behind every step, you will fall behind every step."

"Look, within a few days, there will be various comparisons between Xingchen Lanyue and our Audi Q5 on the Internet."

"The areas where we are not as good as each other will be constantly magnified."

"There is probably no hope of growth in sales in the next few months."

Vondel can be considered sober in the world.

Now we are not making a report to the headquarters, so we will naturally say whatever the actual situation is.

Only in this way can Strauss feel more powerful pressure.

"I think with the current influence of Xingchen Motors, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Porsche should be under greater pressure than us."

"It is estimated that Xingchen Motors' marketing team will also focus on those competitors."

When Strauss said this, Vondel did not refute.

After all, in the eyes of many consumers in China, the influence of the Audi brand is indeed worse than that of Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Unlike previous years, everyone thought ABB was on the same level.

As for comparing with Porsche, there is an even more obvious gap.

"Let's watch their press conference first, and then we can determine the specific response plan."

Looking at the live broadcast, Cao Yang continued to introduce the power situation, passive safety equipment and other contents of Xingchen Lanyue.

Then we started talking about the price issue that everyone was most concerned about. Vondel had no intention of continuing to communicate with Strauss.

(End of this chapter)

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