Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 603: Record-breaking orders, bold launch of 3 new cars

Chapter 603: Record-breaking orders, bold launch of three new cars
  The price of a car is always the focus of most consumers' attention.

Even people who buy luxury cars, except for a very small number of people who are really not short of money, still care about the price.

Especially in the mid-size luxury SUV market segment, the price is relatively more sensitive.

Because the people who buy this kind of car are not really particularly wealthy people.

These people are just rich compared to ordinary people.

Even they can only be regarded as high-end middle class.

Therefore, the price of a car is still very important to them.

Xingchen Lanyue is an SUV with a lower positioning than Xingtu and Yangwang. Everyone must know that its price is lower than its two older brothers.

But as to how low it will ultimately be, different people have different guesses.

There have been some speculations on the Internet about the price of Stars and Moon.

The global limited edition BMW x2010 in 5 was priced at 109.8 million yuan and 112.1 million yuan respectively.

The Audi Q5 is much cheaper, starting from more than [-] yuan.

But this is the 2.0T powered version, and high-end models are more expensive.

As for the Mercedes-Benz GLE, it is not called GLE yet, but the ML class. It is just divided into many types, and the price is not much different from the BMW X5.

But the Porsche Cayenne is different. Even the lowest configuration is not less than 100 million yuan.

Considering that the starting price of Xingtu is 99.99 yuan, everyone expects that the starting price of Xingchen Lanyue will be around 80 yuan.

Although this price is not particularly impactful, it is still a figure that everyone can accept.

However, Xingchen Motors has higher expectations for Lanyue internally and regards it as a new model with momentum, so the price will definitely be lower than previously speculated in the media.

Even some of the articles in media such as Autohome that speculate on the price of Lanyue are still soft articles from Xingchen Auto.

Raise everyone’s expected selling price a bit higher, and then give everyone a surprise when the price is actually announced.

This is obviously good for Lanyue's sales.

This routine can also be regarded as a new attempt by Xingchen Automobile to reach the moon.

If the effect is good, many other car companies may consciously do this in the future.

"This time our Stars and Moons have brought you four choices, namely Elite Edition, Deluxe Edition, Flagship Edition and Supreme Edition."

"Next, let's first take a look at the price of the elite version. It is..."

Speaking of this, Cao Yang paused deliberately.

Naturally, he was greeted by a burst of crazy flashes of light.

Fortunately, he was used to it, otherwise he might have had to raise his hand to block it.

"The Stars and Moon Elite Edition, how much does it cost?"

"Some people say that a luxury SUV with such powerful power and rich configurations that far exceeds its peers will cost at least 80 yuan."

"I think it makes sense!"

When Cao Yang said this, some people in the audience couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

80 million!

It is similar to what was reported online before. Although it is acceptable, it lacks a bit of surprise.

People from Audi, BMW and other companies who were watching the live broadcast breathed a sigh of relief.

80 million!
  Although it is also a very competitive price, it is not too lethal.

However, soon, they stopped laughing.

"I said no, it's too expensive!"

"If Xingchen Automobile wants to be the largest luxury car in China and the highest-selling luxury car in the world, it will definitely not work if it is too expensive."

"Our Xingchen Lanyue will not only become the most popular luxury SUV among one million people, but also become an SUV that more consumers can afford."

"So the final price of the Elite Edition is..."

"66.66 million RMB!"

This price is definitely not particularly impactful in 2023.

After all, in the [-]st century, the prices of various commodities in China are rising, but the prices of cars have been falling.


But in 2010, car prices were still relatively strong.

Especially this year's car market is in short supply, and models of all brands are selling well.

There will be less pressure on everyone to sell at lower prices.

Therefore, Xingchen Lanyue’s price of 66.66 yuan is definitely sincere.

Otherwise, no one would think 80 is acceptable.

"Mr. Yu, the starting price is 66.66 yuan. This will put pressure on Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and the Audi Q5 will probably not be sold either."

"Even Porsche is worried."

He Ling naturally followed Yu Yu to attend the launch conference of Xingchen Lanyue today.

Although Autohome is a sister company of Xingchen Motors, He Ling and the others did not know the specific sales price of Lanyue before the press conference.

The gossip they had received before was that the price of Xingchen Lanyue was between 80 and 100 million.

Unexpectedly, the price that finally came out was starting at 66.66 yuan.

This time, its sales are estimated to be stable!
  Xingchen Motors hopes to make Lanyue a sales pillar, so it naturally needs to make some preparations.

"The price is indeed competitive, and it is more cost-effective than Xingtu and Yangwang."

"It seems that next year, Xingchen Motors will start thinking about building a new factory again."

Yu Yu was in a very good mood at this time.

The better the development momentum of Nanshan Group, the higher the social status of these heads of various business departments.

Many times, there has been a bit of meaning that everyone will be prosperous and everyone will suffer.

"Starting from Ziweixing, every model of Xingchen Motors can bring surprises to everyone, and this time the Lanyue is no exception."

"China's auto market should become more and more interesting in the future."

He Ling and the others are in the mood to judge here, but people from other companies don't see it that way.

"McTy, the price of Lan Yue is almost 5 yuan lower than that of X40. This is not giving everyone a way to survive."

Aimoha couldn't sit still at this time.

He just heard it word for word, the Elite Edition of Stars and Moon is 66.66 yuan, the Deluxe Edition is 74.88 yuan, the Flagship Edition is 79.99 yuan, and the Supreme Edition is 88.88 yuan.

In other words, even the price of the Lanyue top model equipped with a V8 engine and a 10AT powertrain system is less than the starting price of the BMW X5.

With such a price gap, how can you compete?

If the X5 is not made domestically, the impact of tariffs and other aspects alone will be enough for them to drink.

That is to say, although Xingchen Automobile has set low prices for sales, it also wants to maintain profits.

Otherwise, if we just set a price of 49.99 yuan, BMW people will probably be even more worried.

"The price of our X5 in Germany is actually not that high."

"Nowadays, auto parts companies in China are developing very fast, and most of the parts are purchased locally."

"If we can achieve domestic production of X5 as soon as possible, we can actually achieve a price of 66.66."

"Even if we launch a 2.0T engine and further reduce the cost of the powertrain, it is possible to sell it for 50 yuan."

"The headquarters has never been able to make up its mind. It believes that the United States is the most important market for X5, so China's X5 is imported from the United States."

"After this year is over and the Chinese automobile market is thoroughly revealed to everyone, and the headquarters is made aware that the price of the X5 is not competitive in the Chinese market, it is estimated that they will begin to change their attitude."

"When the time comes, whether it is X5 or X7, we will bring them to China and make them domestically. We will have a lot more cards in our hands."

McTee's words were mostly comforting.

But Aimoha also knew that this was indeed the case.

In fact, there are really not many foreign-funded enterprises that really pay attention to the Chinese market.

Even if they pay attention to it, they only regard it as a sales market for products and have not thought about running it well.

Otherwise, in the world's largest automobile market, is it possible that we still don't know how many new cars have been developed specifically for this market?
  But the actual situation is that regardless of whether it is an international automobile giant or an international auto parts giant, their real R&D functions are still at their headquarters.

Even in another ten years, the situation will only be slightly better.

Most manufacturers are still unwilling to put their R&D functions in China.

Whether it is Denso or Hitachi, this is the case.

"Show it!"

"Let's first find a way to increase overall sales, and we won't think so much about the X5."

Xingchen Automobile's advantages are becoming more and more obvious, but it doesn't have any particularly good solutions.

Amoha could only accept this reality.

Fortunately, the Chinese market is large enough, and BMW's brand power is still there.

Therefore, it is almost certain that sales will increase significantly this year.

So Aimoha is not worried that he will not be able to communicate with the headquarters by then.

At the launch of Xingchen Automobile's moon-covering launch, Cao Yang, who had already announced the price, naturally handed the stage over to the host.

What was left was that some celebrities came on stage to perform one after another, which made everyone feel the lively atmosphere.

With the help of Nanshan Film and Television, these performances are comparable to a large-scale concert.

However, the various media outlets did not have time to watch it, and they were busy writing articles there, striving to be the first to publish some influential articles on their own platforms.

Nanshan Group has made so many preparations, and even its habit of not advertising can be considered a breakthrough to a certain extent.

That night, Xingchen Lanyue naturally became a hot search on Weibo without any surprise.

Celebrities from all walks of life also actively forwarded relevant promotional materials. Suddenly, the name Lanyue quickly became popular in the automobile industry.

Everyone knows that the latest new car of Xingchen Motors has been launched.

"Mr. Cao, the orders received by various 4S stores exceeded 1000 vehicles yesterday. According to this pace, the Lanyue car is considered a success."

"Not to mention monthly sales exceeding [-], seven or eight thousand is definitely no problem."

"The next step will be to make efforts in overseas markets, and sales will reach a higher level by then."

"Our sales target for this year will probably be exceeded."

Zeng Tingting was in a very good mood.

Although she had predicted that Lan Yue's performance would not be bad, predictions are predictions. In fact, after seeing the data fed back by various 4S stores, a stone in her heart was officially settled.

She knew best how much Cao Yang valued this car.

Don't look at the positioning of Lanyue as high-end as Xingtu and Yangwang, and it cannot enhance the brand power of Xingchen Motors.

But this car is really used to increase the sales of Xingchen Automobile.

According to what Cao Yang once said in an informal chat, the monthly sales volume of Lanyue in China should be more than 5000 units, in the United States it should be more than 5000 units, and then in other markets the total sales should be more than 2 units. The final monthly sales volume is to reach more than [-] vehicles.

In this way, one car contributed at least 24 sales to Xingchen Motors.

Zeng Tingting even felt that Cao Yang's expectations for Lan Yue were more than that. Perhaps the annual sales volume of 24 vehicles was just the beginning. Ultimately, Cao Yang wanted Lan Yue to become the sales champion among luxury SUVs.

Didn’t you see that some of the parts developed by the Intelligent Network Connection Center were first used on Lanyue?
  For example, some of the configurations of the early-launched Starry Sky Sports Car are worse than holding the moon.

Of course, this problem must be easily solved.

During the next annual model change, the upgraded version of the Starry Sky Sports Car will be launched directly, and the technology upgrade will naturally be achieved simultaneously.

This is not a difficult matter for Xingchen Automobile.

"This is just the beginning. China's economy has experienced rapid development over the years, and there are many more wealthy people."

"In the next few years, this trend will become more obvious, and the sales of luxury cars will exceed everyone's imagination."

"Now everyone has the impression that the growth rate of SUVs is higher than that of cars. In the future, everyone's impression will become that the growth rate of luxury cars is higher than that of other cars."

"This is true whether it's an SUV or a sedan."

The situation Cao Yang talked about actually happened, so his tone was very firm.

Although Zeng Tingting is also very optimistic about the development of luxury cars, her confidence is definitely not as strong as Cao Yang's.

Now Cao Yang's statement can be regarded as encouraging her.

"Mr. Cao, according to your speculation, what level will the luxury car market reach in the future?"

Since her boss mentioned his views on the future, Zeng Tingting naturally did not want to miss such a good opportunity to ask for advice.

Sometimes, after figuring out the direction of development of things, some arrangements will appear more calm and targeted, and the results will naturally be better.

Zeng Tingting has obviously tried this sweetness before.

"Don't look at XBBA now. Everyone's sales in the Chinese market are still floating around the 10 figure, but in a few years, maybe the sales of second-tier luxury car brands such as Cadillac, Lexus, and Volvo can also exceed this level."

"By then, XABB's sales can reach the level of 50, and our domestic sales can even hit the 100 million target."

When Cao Yang said such bold data, Zeng Tingting was immediately stunned.

Not to mention their own companies, as far as Mercedes-Benz and BMW are concerned, one only sold 10 to [-] vehicles in China last year, and the other just approached [-] vehicles.

If this reaches the level of 50 vehicles, wouldn't it be five times more than what it is now?
  China's car sales last year reached 1400 million vehicles.

Although it is still increasing rapidly this year, everyone knows that this trend cannot continue forever.

At most, it will increase to the level of more than [-] million vehicles. It is estimated that it will be difficult to increase it.

That is equivalent to the future sales volume of the Chinese automobile market, which will at most be doubled from last year.

However, the sales of luxury cars are expected to increase five to six times.

Although Cao Yang just said that the growth rate of luxury cars will be higher than that of ordinary cars, is this difference too big?
  It was so big that Zeng Tingting couldn't believe it.

In particular, Cao Yang said that Xingchen Automobile will sell 100 million cars in China.

Zeng Tingting felt that her pressure was suddenly increasing!

How hard do you have to work to sell a million cars a year?

Thinking of this, Zeng Tingting couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Cao, our company now has sports cars, sedans, MPVs and SUVs, and even F1 racing cars."

"For the next new model, what model should we develop better?"

Although there are no new models, there is nothing to do at Xingchen Automobile Research Institute.

For example, Ziweixing has been launched for several years, and it will definitely need to undergo some revisions.

Even a new generation of Ziweixing products need to start designing.

Other models will also make some improvements and launch some new configurations based on market needs.

This will occupy R&D resources.

Therefore, although Zeng Tingting knew that the company would no longer be developing new models after Xingchen Lanyue was launched, she did not urge Cao Yang to arrange for people to develop new models.

But now that Cao Yang has put forward the exaggerated goal of selling 100 million vehicles in China, Zeng Tingting's thoughts immediately began to change.

Xingchen Motors needs to develop a few more cars, otherwise it will never be able to achieve such high sales, right?

But she was a little undecided about what kind of car to develop.

Logically speaking, if it is purely for sales, we must develop some entry-level models and further reduce the price, and sales will naturally increase.

Whether it is an entry-level delivery car or an entry-level SUV, as long as Xingchen Automobile engages in it, it will definitely contribute a lot to sales.

But Zeng Tingting also remembered that Cao Yang once said that Xingchen Automobile does not produce models with a price of less than 50 yuan.

As a result, the positioning of entry-level cars and entry-level SUVs obviously does not meet this requirement.

Zeng Tingting was also a little undecided about some other models.

So just ask Cao Yang directly.

"You have an impression of the big Mercedes-Benz G, right?"

Cao Yang did not directly answer Zeng Tingting's question, but instead asked a question.

"Of course I know!"

"This is a relatively traditional hard-core SUV, and it also has a group of relatively loyal users in China."

"But the price is too high. It can cost several million. Most people really can't afford it."

"Even rich people may not be willing to buy such a hard-core SUV that is not very comfortable."

Zeng Tingting naturally knows the models of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the two main competitors.

She has even done some research on Mercedes-Benz and BMW models.

"Traditional hard-core SUVs are really losing their armor in the face of competition from urban SUVs, and they are completely uncompetitive."

"But the market for this area has always been there."

"Even because of the rapid development of urban SUVs in recent years, a group of potential consumers have been cultivated for hardcore SUVs."

"I plan for Xingchen Motors to develop three new models in the next step. One is a large 7-type hard-core SUV, the other is a medium-to-large hard-core SUV, and the third is a medium-sized SUV."

"These three vehicles correspond to Yangwang, Xingtu and Lanyue respectively, forming our company's complete SUV lineup."

As soon as Cao Yang said these words, Zeng Tingting was shocked.

A hardcore SUV?

Do you want to buy three models at once?
  Is it too radical?

You must know that in China, except for the Mercedes-Benz Big G, there is no luxury SUV that can be regarded as a true hardcore SUV.

Even Land Rover models actually have a strong urban SUV style.

Is my boss going to buck the trend?
  But considering Cao Yang's past record, Zeng Tingting didn't dare to question it easily.

He just mentioned one point and said: "Mr. Cao, hard-core SUVs often look very domineering, and many consumers like them, but I'm afraid not many will actually buy them, right?"

In Zeng Tingting's view, this market is too small.

Even if we really want to do it, it would be enough to develop a medium and large SUV that is compatible with 5-seater and 7-seater configurations.

There is absolutely no need to risk developing three models at the same time.

"That's not necessarily the case. There are more and more urban SUV options, but there are very few hardcore SUV options."

"We can definitely develop this market."

"And developing three products at the same time is not as difficult as you thought."

"First of all, in terms of powertrain, we have ready-made solutions that can be used, and there is no need to re-develop them."

"In terms of the interior and configuration of the model, we have two parts that we can learn from."

"The only thing that needs to be changed is the chassis and body appearance."

"This may be a very difficult thing for some other car companies to handle."

"But for Nanshan Group, there is no difficulty."

"Besides, although we are developing three hard-core SUVs at the same time, we will not launch them at the same time."

"When one model after another is launched and continues to attract popularity, perhaps the market performance of hardcore SUVs will not be worse than that of urban SUVs."

"Especially as consumers of luxury cars, they tend to pursue independent features."

"The bold appearance of a hard-core SUV will definitely attract the attention of a group of consumers."

"At that time, we will be able to completely leave competitors such as BMW, Audi and Porsche behind. Only the Mercedes-Benz Big G can barely compete with us."

"But we have three brothers. Is the Mercedes-Benz G big enough?"

Cao Yang didn't suddenly want to build a hard-core SUV on a whim, but he really felt that the market in this area was still very promising.

Besides, SUVs will continue to be popular. If Xingchen Motors wants to develop a new model, it must develop an SUV.

By then, the two series of SUVs will complement each other and become industry benchmarks.

By the time other car companies react, the hardcore SUV market is already dominated by Xingchen Motors!
  (End of this chapter)

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