Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 608 The top-notch black technology aircraft carrier blocking cable was successfully develope

Chapter 608 The top-notch black technology aircraft carrier blocking cable was successfully developed in just 1 second!
  Since the Nanshan Group had Pan Jun as a contact person, Cao Yang would sit with him from time to time to discuss the current situation of various enterprises in the Nanshan Group and see what products the other party was interested in.

People from various business departments below also dine and drink with Pan Jun from time to time.

Soon, everyone became familiar with each other.

"Mr. Cao, the company with the strongest technical strength in China right now should be Nanshan Group. It would be great if you could arrange for people to develop arresting cables for aircraft carriers."

"You don't even know that one of my brothers was so worried about this blocking rope."

After seven taels of food and liquid, Pan Jun was already a little drunk.

When talking to Cao Yang, I felt a little bit more sincere.

"The aircraft carrier's arresting rope?"

Cao Yang has naturally heard of this thing.

Although I have never been to see an actual aircraft carrier, anyone who cares about the military knows a lot of news about aircraft carriers in later generations.

Cao Yang is no exception.

"That's right, it's the blocking rope!"

"The arresting cable is a good thing. Even if there is an aircraft carrier, without this thing, the carrier-based aircraft cannot land, and the aircraft carrier will not truly become an existence with full combat effectiveness and deterrence."

“Finally, I found someone willing to buy it, and they directly offered the sky-high price of US$1000 million a piece.”

"The blocking rope needs to be replaced after a hundred times of use. If it is made by polar bears, it needs to be replaced after fifty times."

"The price of 1000 million yuan without a single rod is a complete rip-off!"

"You know, suppliers in the United States produce it themselves. It is said that the cost is 15 US dollars a piece, and selling it to the government costs 150 million."

"The United States sells one to its allies for $300 million."

"When it comes to us, it's doubled several times. It's basically a money grab."

"Although we are a big steel-producing country, we cannot produce such a blocking rope."

"The technical difficulty of the blocking rope is very high. This is not an ordinary steel rope."

"The arresting cable is the last guarantee for a carrier-based aircraft. A 30-ton carrier-based aircraft landing will instantly produce hundreds of tons of pulling force. All the pulling force is distributed to a single wire rope, and it has to withstand the test of thousands of landings. It can be seen that the requirements are very high.”

"If the technology of the arresting rope is not up to standard, although it can withstand it in the first few times, it will not take long before major problems will occur. Once it breaks, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Although we can afford it at ten million dollars a piece, the aircraft carrier arresting cable is not a permanent piece of equipment and needs to be replaced regularly. Therefore, if you buy a high-priced aircraft carrier arresting cable, the subsequent maintenance costs will be very high."

"Hey, my brother's hair is now gray because of this matter."

Even though Pan Jun was usually stern, he became a talkative person once he got into trouble.

Especially during this period, I have established a trusting relationship with the executives of Nanshan Group, so I couldn't help but complain.

At this time, Cao Yang thought of the news from later generations that was a bit like a joke, but was actually a real situation.

The blocking cable problem that has troubled the aircraft carrier team for so long is actually produced by domestic companies.

It can be said that the top-notch black technology aircraft carrier arresting cable was successfully developed in just 1 second!
  Of course, how to lead the topic to this manufacturer requires some consideration.

"Mr. Xie, the several leading steel rope manufacturers in China should all be customers of Nanshan Special Steel, right?"

When Cao Yang said this, Xie Lingyun, who was sitting next to him, immediately said, "Yes, all manufacturers that produce high-end steel ropes use our special steel."

"At present, there is basically no need to import wire rods from abroad in this field."

After hearing what Xie Lingyun said, Pan Jun couldn't help but said: "Mr. Cao, Mr. Xie, Nanshan Special Steel is the most powerful special steel company in the country. Have you considered researching and producing blocking cables?"

"All the parameters of this blocking cable are no secret. If there is no further progress, they plan to disclose all this information to the outside world to see which companies can challenge it."

After Pan Jun finished speaking, he looked at Cao Yang and Xie Lingyun expectantly.

In his opinion, if there is any domestic company that can break through the blocking technology, it must be Nanshan Group.

If the localization of the arresting cable can really be achieved, it will have a very different meaning for the aircraft carrier project.

"Representative Pan, our Nanshan Special Steel is just a steel company and does not directly produce locks."

Xie Lingyun gave his answer a little awkwardly.

The aircraft carrier blocking rope was such a difficult thing, but he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Nanshan Special Steel is now cooperating with Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to develop aircraft carrier steel plates, which is already a very challenging task.

If he builds another blocking rope that no one can handle, his life will be difficult.

However, Cao Yang's attitude was completely different from Xie Lingyun's.


"The performance requirements of all aspects of that kind of steel cable are very high, and the durability times are somewhat close to the requirements of aircraft carrier arresting cables."

"It seems that this supplier has been cheated by their customers. There are still more than [-] steel ropes produced in the warehouse and they don't know what to do with them."

"Now when I am chatting with Representative Pan, why do I feel that that kind of steel cable seems a bit like the arresting cable of an aircraft carrier?"

When Cao Yang said this, Xie Lingyun was stunned for a moment.

He was naturally impressed by the situation of the giant rigging.

After all, this manufacturer originally ordered a lot of special grades of special steel.

He also personally went to the site to provide guidance on the subsequent heat treatment of special steel.

Unexpectedly, my boss suddenly mentioned this issue at this time.

"Representative Pan, do you know the main performance parameter requirements of the aircraft carrier's arresting cable?"

Xie Lingyun personally participated in that project, and he still had some impressions in his mind.

Now that Cao Yang asked that, he simply confirmed it with Pan Jun.

"Wait a moment and I'll call and ask. This should not involve confidentiality requirements."

Soon, Pan Jun, who was already seventy or eighty percent drunk, picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

Then during the process of passing, the main performance parameters of the blocking rope were explained.

"Mr. Cao, Representative Pan, the performance of the steel ropes placed in the warehouse by this lock manufacturer seems to be similar to the requirements of the blocking ropes?"

"Would you like your brother to go take a look at this factory?"

Xie Lingyun made a suggestion somewhat unconfidently.

Mainly because this thing is a bit too fantasy.

Did you successfully "research and develop" the obstacles that have troubled China for a long time while drinking?

The so-called top-notch black technology aircraft carrier blocking cable, the threshold is not high at all?

Pan Jun saw that Xie Lingyun didn't look like he was joking, so he immediately called again.

Then he was not in the mood to eat the food, so he directly took Xie Lingyun to the airport to catch the last flight, so that he could witness this special moment in person.

Naturally, Xie Lingyun could only agree with this.

Soon, the next morning, a group of people appeared in the warehouse of Juli Rigging.

Looking at the pile of dusty steel ropes in the warehouse, Lan Qiaosheng looked at the relevant test reports in his hands, feeling surprised and looking forward to it.

"How about it?"

"Old Lan, do these steel cables have the same performance as the aircraft carrier's arresting cables?"

Although this matter does not have much to do with Pan Jun, if it has to be brought up, it will definitely be related.

After all, the raw materials for the steel cables were provided by Nanshan Special Steel, and he was the liaison stationed at Nanshan Group.

"If the performance of these steel cables is the same as what is stated in the test report, then it basically meets the requirements of aircraft carrier cables, but some improvements are needed."

"But I'm curious, who placed these orders?"

Lan Qiaosheng looked at the person next to Ju Li and felt like he had a hundred thousand reasons in his heart.

As the deputy chief engineer of the project, they spent countless efforts and almost gritted their teeth and bought a $1000 million blocking rope. However, the result was that the problem of blocking ropes was solved in an instant.

This kind of mood can definitely not be simply described by the words ice and fire.

Of course, no matter what the process is, the result is very good.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

This smile hadn't appeared on his face for a long time.

"At first, a company in the United States didn't know how to find our company and asked us to make a batch of ropes. Although it was a little difficult to make, they were willing to pay a high price."

"The customer would definitely not tell us the real purpose. It was just a batch of steel cables. We didn't ask any questions. Based on the principle of just paying for it, Kakaka built a lot of them."

"But in the end, the American company only towed away part of it, and there were still more than 2000 in the warehouse in front of them. They paid some liquidated damages and said they didn't want it anymore."

"You must know that liquidated damages cannot make up for the loss of more than 2000 steel ropes, because there are no customers for that kind of steel ropes in the market."

"If you hadn't come here this time, we wouldn't have known that this thing would be the aircraft carrier's blocking rope."

"We have also asked each other many times to know what this thing does."

"The other party said it was used for building bridges and airport barriers, and even signed a confidentiality agreement with us."

"If it can really be used as an aircraft carrier arresting rope, then we won't ask for more money, we will sell it as much as the cost, and we will treat it as a contribution to the national defense industry."

Everyone thought it was very mysterious when the person in charge of Juli Company explained it like this.

Unexpectedly, an American company turned to a Chinese company to produce such a tall aircraft carrier arresting cable.

After purchasing the steel cables from China at a low price, they went back and simply modified them before selling them to customers as aircraft carrier arresting cables. The price difference was exaggerated.

"Fortunately, we don't have 1000 million US dollars to buy each piece from a middleman, otherwise we would have lost a lot of money!" Lan Qiaosheng said with lingering fear.

As it stands now, the blocking ropes in the warehouse in front of us are enough to last ten or eight years.

The total cost of all the cables is estimated to be less than $1000 million.

The amount of money saved in the middle is simply terrifying.

"It doesn't cost 1000 million US dollars, but only 10 US dollars per stick to recover all the equipment, materials, labor and other costs we invested."

"It can even be coordinated with further development to bring the performance of our blocking rope to a higher level."

With Juli's offer, Lan Qiaosheng felt that it was completely worthy of giving the other party a special contribution award.

Of course, he just needs to remember this.

"Why do you produce so many at once?"

Although most of the questions have been confirmed clearly, Mr. Lan Qiao couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

“Due to the extremely stringent material, process, metallurgy, and product quality requirements for this steel cable, thousands of them can be forged at one furnace opening.”

"So we can only produce more at one time."

"At that time, the customer also thoughtfully signed a guarantee agreement with us, promising to buy at least 1000 sticks."

"And it is true that we bought hundreds of them that year, and then bought thousands of them in three batches. As for the remaining two thousand blocking ropes, they are lying in our warehouse waiting for the next purchase."

"But there has been no movement."

"Nanshan Special Steel should also be able to help prove this situation."

"Because our main raw materials are provided by them."

Hearing what Juli's man said, Xie Lingyun immediately nodded and said, "That's true. When we smelt special steel, each batch has a minimum quantity. If it is less than this minimum quantity, there is no way to smelt it."

By this time, everything was basically figured out.

"It stands to reason that American companies are fully capable of producing this kind of blocking rope. I'm curious why the other party doesn't produce it themselves, but instead goes all the way to China to produce it?"

Pan Wei interjected from the side.

Xie Lingyun helped answer this question, saying: "I guess it's a cost issue. American suppliers must want to make money, but their customers must also have given a target price for the purchase."

"In order to achieve higher profits, it becomes necessary to reduce production costs."

"Nowhere in the world is more cost competitive than ours on this high-tech product."

Although I'm not sure whether this is true, Xie Lingyun's explanation makes perfect sense logically.

So everyone didn’t worry about it anymore.

After that, he began to arrange for personnel to extract ten samples from the warehouse and send them to the aircraft carrier for testing.

As for these subsequent matters, Cao Yang and the others don't need to worry about them.

However, a few days later, Pan Jun took the initiative to share some news with Cao Yang.

"The performance of those prototypes can meet the requirements of the blocking cable. The next step is just to make some modifications in conjunction with the entire blocking cable system."

"The blocking cables that have troubled the aircraft carrier project for so many years have been completely solved."

Pan Jun was in a very good mood today and came to Cao Yang for a drink with a bottle of special Moutai.

Although the place where we drink is the small canteen of Nanshan Group, the food is definitely not bad.

Even the dishes in the small canteen are more delicious than those cooked by chefs in some restaurants outside.

Usually Cao Yang eats in the big canteen with his employees, but when there is a reception, the small canteen can be used.

When various departments have some activities or receptions, you can also apply to eat in the small canteen.

There are private rooms here.

Of course, the number is not very large.

After all, it's just a supplement.


“We are very happy to be able to make a small contribution to this project!”

"Now the United States and the polar bears want to block us, but they can't."

"The so-called top black technology is simply a piece of black humor."

Cao Yang often went abroad in the past, and he also often went abroad in his previous life.

Therefore, we can intuitively understand the difference between a country being strong or not.

Some people say that if you don’t go abroad, you won’t be able to feel the goodness of your motherland.

There is some truth to this.

Only when your country is strong will you be confident no matter where you go and will not be bullied at will.

"The previous sky-high price of 1000 million US dollars a piece in the United States and a bunch of harsh conditions were attached, which was actually just to play a trick on us."

"Later, we also went to negotiate with polar bears, because polar bears have experience and technology accumulation in this area, but they were rejected in the end. They also claimed that you would not be able to develop a reliable arresting cable for another 10 years."

"Based on the performance data measured on a section of discarded arresting cables found on the retired mini-carrier Melbourne, the aircraft carrier's R&D team is preparing to convene manufacturing companies across the country that produce cables and spare no effort to overcome the arresting cable project."

"Unexpectedly, the problem has been solved before this performance data has been officially distributed to various cable companies."

"Mr. Cao, let me tell you, after this matter was reported, it reportedly caused a relatively big reaction."

"In the past, everyone thought that military products must be produced in military factories to ensure quality."

"There is definitely a gap in technology among private companies outside."

"But during this period, first Nanshan Chemical's stealth coating showed its prowess, and then the aircraft carrier arresting cable made a breakthrough in this way, which was very exciting to everyone."

"The next step is likely to focus on promoting the development of military-civilian integration products, so that more private companies can also develop military products."

"Even the aerospace industry, which has been closed to private enterprises before, will begin to undergo major changes."

"In the future, Nanshan Group can not only assist in the production of stealth coatings and blocking cables, but also directly produce some military products."

"For example, Nanshan Robot can develop some special combat robots for battlefield needs. I think your strength in this area is very strong."

"For another example, you can, like some companies in the United States, produce your own aircraft, rockets, and launch satellites, thereby making your own special contribution to the entire national defense industry."

Pan Jun's news channels must be much more than Cao Yang's in some fields.

Two important technologies that have troubled China for many years have now been solved by private enterprises.

Everyone’s views on private enterprises should change.

Sometimes, private enterprises are even more motivated and innovative.

Cao Yang naturally believed Pan Jun's news.

After all, these are things that actually happened in later generations.

But now some actions are slightly ahead of schedule.

For example, aerospace, Cao Yang remembers that in his previous life, it seemed that it only started to open up slowly after 2012.

But looking at the current situation, there will be some breakthroughs this year.

Can Nanshan Group, like SPACE X, develop its own rockets, launch satellites, and even build its own network?

A few years ago, Cao Yang would not have tried such a money-burning behavior easily even if he had an idea.

But the situation is different now. It is completely possible to make a proper layout and start to exert efforts in a few years.

Nanshan Group exceeded the 10 employee mark at the beginning of this year.

The number continues to increase every month, especially as fresh graduates who graduated in 2010 have begun to join the company, and the number of people in the entire group has quickly exceeded the 12 mark.

According to this trend, there will be no problem breaking through the 15 mark next year.

This is because the factories of various business divisions of Nanshan Group use a large number of automated production equipment and robots. Otherwise, the current number of employees is estimated to have exceeded 20.

"At Nanshan Robotics, we will develop large drones first, and then consider the development of private jets."

"As for rockets, satellites, etc., we will set up special companies to deal with them after the relevant policies are released."

"We also hope to make some contributions to the national defense cause, practice the path of integrated military-civilian development, and make some contributions to China within our capabilities!"

Since Nanshan Group has developed to its current scale, it must be doing something that other companies dare not and cannot do.

In particular, Cao Yang intends to promote the development of some technologies. Now that he is not short of money, he can naturally take more actions.

However, the policy has not been completely liberalized yet, so there is no need to worry about it for another year or so.

First, let’s get the Double-tailed Scorpion drone out and let everyone see the technical strength of Nanshan Group again.

When we develop rockets, satellites, etc. in the future, everyone should have a lot more confidence.

In particular, these products use a large amount of carbon fiber and composite carbon fiber technology, which is the advantage of Nanshan Group.

In the future, the cost of satellites produced by Nanshan Group is expected to refresh everyone's understanding.

If recyclable rockets can be used to launch these satellites, the cost of building a new satellite network will be reduced to a level where many people have the opportunity to use it.

Once this thing is done, if it is directly integrated with Honor mobile phones, it will directly have a disruptive impact on the entire industry.

Of course, Nanshan Group's technology is constantly improving, and others are not resting either.

After Cao Yang and Pan Jun finished lunch in the small canteen, they received news in the afternoon. The American carbon fiber giant Hexcel Group released a blockbuster news.

 The stealth paint in the previous chapter and the aircraft carrier blocking cable in this chapter all have real stories to refer to. If you are interested, you can search on Baidu for details. It can only be that reality is sometimes more fantasy than fiction~
  (End of this chapter)

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