Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 609 American Hexcel’s new breakthrough! The threat of Nanshan carbon fiber

Chapter 609 American Hexcel’s new breakthrough! The threat of Nanshan carbon fiber
  The American Hexcel Company, also known as HEXCEL, was founded in 1946.

In China, Hearst's reputation is very low.

Except for a few professionals, most ordinary people have never heard of this company.

After all, it's not like Coca-Cola or McDonald's. The products it produces are directly facing consumers.

But their strength cannot be underestimated.

It is a leading advanced composites company that develops, manufactures and sells lightweight, high-performance structural materials including carbon fiber, specialty reinforcements, prepregs and other fiber reinforcements, matrix materials, honeycombs, adhesives and more.

These materials are primarily used in commercial aerospace, aerospace, defense and industrial markets.

End applications for our products include industrial applications such as commercial and military aircraft, space launch vehicles and satellites, wind turbine blades, automotive and entertainment products.

This may still be quite abstract, but you will get a feel for it if you give a few specific examples.

Hexcel's carbon fiber materials were first used in the first bombers and fighters made of composite materials in 1953.

Since then, Hexcel has continued to develop civilian materials on the basis of its military business. Hexcel carbon fiber composite materials have been used in major models of Airbus and Boeing.

In addition, Hexcel has also participated in many important American aerospace exploration programs such as the Apollo moon landing and the manufacturing of the Columbia space shuttle.

Airbus's A380, Hexcel is the main supplier.

Hexcel is also a major supplier of Boeing's 787, 747 and other aircraft.

As for various military aircraft and rockets in the United States, almost all the carbon fiber materials on them are supplied by Hexcel.

The strength of such a company cannot be underestimated.

Regarding this opponent, Nanshan Carbon Fiber must pay attention to its movements at any time.

"Mr. Cao, Hexcel officially announced this time that it has successfully developed IM10 carbon fiber and simultaneously implemented industrial production. It has added three new models of high-end carbon fiber, IM8, IM9 and IM10, for users to choose from."

“According to their published parameters, IM10 materials can be regarded as the latest breakthrough in medium modulus carbon fiber, providing the highest tensile strength while maintaining a balance in all other properties, such as shear strength, thus making customers’ Designers achieve high safety margins in applications where strength and stiffness are critical.”

"These properties of IM10 can fully meet the needs of the next generation of commercial aircraft main structures, engine blades, helicopter blades, rockets, high-performance cars, etc."

"This material is basically at the same level as the T1100 we have used twice now, but it is more powerful than us in terms of balanced performance."

"After all, they have rich experience in various military materials and know how to maintain better balance."

Zeng Jianying personally reported He's situation to Cao Yang.

Japan's Toray and America's Hexcel are Nanshan Carbon Fiber's biggest competitors in the world.

Although Nanshan Carbon Fiber was the first to produce T1100 twice, the related technology has always been hidden, with no large-scale external publicity, let alone export.

Therefore, everyone still thinks that T800 is an internationally advanced material. Now that American Hexcel has broken through the parameters of T800 and successfully developed and mass-produced IM10 carbon fiber, it is definitely a big news for the entire carbon fiber industry.

"Hexcel's foundation is quite deep, and it actually achieved mass production of IM10 earlier than Toray."

"But we don't have to worry. Even if the IM10's performance is more advanced than our T1100, it's not much more advanced. We are still at the same level."

"The next step is to focus on carbon fiber composite materials. This is the most practical development direction."

Cao Yang is not surprised at all that Hexcel can produce IM10.

They represent the highest level of the United States in the carbon fiber industry. They have used carbon fiber materials in various aircraft decades ago.

Although the information that Nanshan Carbon Fiber has developed T1100 has not been publicized on a large scale, Hexcel must have heard the news more or less.

In this case, on the one hand, it proves that carbon fiber of T1100 level can be developed.

On the other hand, it also put a lot of pressure on Heshe.

Therefore, it is not so strange to be able to break through the carbon fiber technology of IM10 in a short period of time.

Hexcel's main market is the United States' aerospace and other military applications. Even if Hexcel does not have technological breakthroughs in this market, it will not have a share of Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

What's more, Nanshan Carbon Fiber's T1100 has not been approved for export.

"That's true. There are still many directions to work on in the research and development of carbon fiber composite materials."

"How to fully utilize the power of our T1100 and T800 carbon fibers mainly depends on composite material technology."

"However, do we need to speed up the research and development of T1200 carbon fiber simultaneously so that we can always maintain the leading position in technology?"

Zeng Jianying must be unwilling to lose the world's number one position in carbon fiber technology to American Hexcel.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber was the first manufacturer to develop T1100 material and mass-produced it more than a year earlier than American Hexcel.

After the successful mass production of T1100 material, the research and development of T1200 material has begun within Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

Historically, Japan's Toray successfully developed T2023 carbon fiber in 1200.

It shows that between T1100 and T1200, there are still quite a few technical thresholds that need to be broken through.

According to the original plan, Nanshan Carbon Fiber will complete the commercial production of T2015 around 1200.

There is still plenty of time left for Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

But now Zeng Jianying feels that this plan needs to be revised.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber needs to maintain its number one position in the world.

Even if there is no way to publicize the number one in the world, at least the core personnel within the company must firmly believe that they are the real number one in the world.

This is a very important thing.

Naturally, Cao Yang would not stop this, and would even help at a critical moment, allowing Nanshan Carbon Fiber to successfully produce T1200 ultra-high-performance carbon fiber.

No matter where it is used, it will play a huge role.

"You can just arrange this specific work."

"Research work on carbon fiber composite materials and new T1200 carbon fiber can be carried out simultaneously."

“Our annual profit from selling carbon fiber is enough to support these high-intensity research and development.”

"Even honeycomb splints used in aerospace can be studied in depth."

"That can further reduce weight and reduce noise at the same time."

Cao Yang's answer made Zeng Jianying feel confident.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber is already a large-scale high-tech enterprise, with an annual turnover of more than [-] billion yuan, and it is still increasing.

There is a high probability that it will exceed 200 billion yuan this year.

The most important thing is that their profit margins are very high.

Therefore, even while maintaining high R&D investment and adding new factories, we can still maintain a very good profit.

This is something that many domestic companies cannot do.


American Hexcel's actions not only attracted the attention of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, but also Toray, the former leader in the world of carbon fiber, reacted even more strongly at this time.

"President, Hexcel America has officially announced the mass production of IM10 carbon fiber. The performance of this material is basically equivalent to the performance of T1100 we set."

"We got some news before that Nanshan Carbon Fiber in China may have made a breakthrough in T1100 carbon fiber. It must have been produced at least in the laboratory, and has even been mass-produced on a small scale."

"In this way, there are already two companies in the world that are ahead of us in carbon fiber technology."

As Toray's sales director, Taro Kondo was in a very anxious mood at this time.

The company's status in the industry has declined, and the direct reaction is that product sales will become more difficult and the pressure on the sales department will increase.

This is certainly not a situation he wants to see.

"Hasn't Nanshan Carbon Fiber in China been sanctioned by the United States and is not allowed to sell carbon fiber materials to the outside world?"

"Although their T1100 has made a breakthrough, it has not been sold to the outside world, and the relevant performance has not been announced. It is most likely that it is only in small-scale mass production."

Saganu was actually in a bad mood.

But he certainly couldn't act too anxious at this time, otherwise the people below would be confused.

Toray's situation has actually improved in the past year.

The main reason is that the export of Nanshan carbon fiber products is restricted, leaving some international manufacturers to passively continue to buy T800 and T700 carbon fibers from Toray.

In fact, according to Saganu's idea, China's Guangwei Group should also be included in the sanctions, because it is actually the Guangwei Group that exports the largest amount of carbon fiber.

Their T300 and T400 carbon fibers have been mass-produced on a large scale and are not only supplied to the Chinese market but also exported.

This has caused the prices of T300 and T400 carbon fiber to be cut in half.

In other words, Guangwei Group cannot produce T800 and T700 materials, allowing Toray to continue to live a good life for a while.

"Although Nanshan Carbon Fiber's products are restricted from export, if their technology really successfully breaks through T1100, then it is likely that they will transfer T700 and below technology to other Chinese manufacturers."

"At that time, in the international market, except for T800 carbon fiber, we will basically have no products that can remain competitive."

"Even with T800 carbon fiber, we may not always be able to occupy the largest civilian market."

Taro Kondo felt that he needed to let Saga Slave know the difficulties Toray faced in the sales market.

Unlike American Hexcel, most of Toray's products are still supplied to the civilian market.

This market is more price sensitive and the competition is more intense.

For example, Guangwei Group currently accounts for most of the high-end carbon fiber fishing rods.

The market share of Toray's customers has declined, and the amount of carbon fiber that needs to be purchased from Toray will naturally decline.

"We will communicate with the Mitsubishi Group and hope they can support us."

"Otherwise, the military products they produce will not be able to use the world's most advanced carbon fiber materials, which will be a loss to the entire Japan."

At the critical moment, Saganu was ready to find someone to pay for Toray's research and development.

However, whether the situation can always develop according to his ideas is another matter. “President, is it possible for us to find someone to find a way to get some technical information from Nanshan Carbon Fiber or American Hexcel?”

"Even if it's just a rough idea, it will probably be a big boost to research and development."

"We have accumulated a lot of experience in carbon fiber research. As long as we have some information as a reference, we can quickly develop T1100 carbon fiber."

Taro Kondo made a more marginal suggestion.

Is there anyone inside Toray doing something like this?
  The answer is absolutely yes!

But there are some things that can be done but not said.

So there are very few people who know this information.

As the head of the sales department, Kondo Taro often needs to contact customers, and to a certain extent he is also responsible for the task of collecting information.

So he knows something about the situation.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"The main customers supplied by Hexcel are all American military industrial companies. If we arrange for people to inquire about information, we will accidentally make the matter bigger and change its nature."

"As for Nanshan Carbon Fiber, it's not like you haven't tried it before. The opponent's defense is much stricter than we thought."

"I even think that Nanshan Carbon Fiber is nominally a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, but in fact it is probably taken over by China's special department."

Saganu's answer left Taro Kondo unable to refute.

Whether this is right or wrong, there is no way to get to the bottom of it.

"Although T1100 carbon fiber is very advanced, no company will easily sell related products to the outside world."

“So the products that make money and generate volume are T800 and below models.”

"If we want to maintain sufficient competitiveness, we need to further reduce costs."

"President, how about we just find a place in China or Southeast Asia to build a carbon fiber factory, reduce the cost, and compete with Nanshan Carbon Fiber to seize the market?"

When one direction failed, Taro Kondo decisively proposed another direction.

However, Saganu said with a little lack of confidence: "Compared with cost reduction, can we compare with Chinese companies?"

"Today we dare to lower the price by [-] yuan, and they dare to lower the price by [-] yuan."

"In the end, it drove us to a dead end."

"In my opinion, we still have to find a way to unite some companies and restrict the export of carbon fiber products by Chinese companies."

"I believe that Hexcel and some other international peers will be very unhappy with their behavior that disrupts the market."

When Saganu said this, Kondo Taro nodded repeatedly.

He likes this move.

It would be best if all China's carbon fiber products could be banned.

Of course, the world obviously does not revolve around Toray.


"Mr. Chen, the carbon fiber market is turbulent now, and various companies are making frequent moves. I think we can communicate with Nanshan Group to upgrade the technical level of our joint venture factory?"

As the director of the sales department of Guangwei Group, Chen Qingxiang naturally noticed the actions of American Hexcel.

Within them, there are people who are responsible for collecting news from international carbon fiber giants such as American Hexcel, Japan Toray, Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan Toho Chemical, Deutsche SGL and other international carbon fiber giants every day.

After several years of hard work, Guangwei Group's market share in carbon fiber products and carbon fiber materials has increased significantly.

Looking at the carbon fiber production capacity alone, Guangwei Group is no lower than Toray, and can even be compared with Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

In particular, T300 and T400 carbon fibers are the main products of Guangwei Group. They not only provide raw materials for their own factories, but also export them.

There has even been a tacit understanding between Guangwei Group and Nanshan Carbon Fiber, that is, Guangwei Group does export business, and Nanshan Carbon Fiber meets the needs of domestic customers.

Especially in terms of demand for T700 and T800 carbon fiber, domestic customers are supplied by Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

Regarding this situation, Chen Qingxiang also had some ideas.

"Improving technology?"

"Now we are able to produce T400 carbon fiber. If we continue to improve, the next most used product will be T700 products."

"This is the main source of profit for Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and I am afraid it will not be easily given over to our joint venture factory for production."

Chen Liang was not dazzled by the success in front of him.

If Guangwei Group can continue to break through more high-end carbon fiber technology, it will naturally leave people speechless.

But if you keep looking for technology from Nanshan Group, it will definitely not be justified.

It may even affect cooperation between both parties.

"But Hexcel America has even mass-produced M10 carbon fiber. The threshold for T700 carbon fiber is relatively not that high, right?"

As soon as Chen Qingxiang finished speaking, Chen Liang immediately retorted: "In the past few years, Nanshan Carbon Fiber has broken the monopoly of international giants and completely rewritten the domestic carbon fiber market. Otherwise, you would think that T700 is just a popular product, it is available everywhere. Of?"

"In addition to Hexcel, Toray, and Nanshan Carbon Fiber, how many other companies in the world can supply T700 carbon fiber in large quantities?"

"Even Deutsche SGL, the strongest carbon fiber company in Europe, their main products are still T300 and T400. T700 can only be produced on a small scale, without any cost advantage."

As an aristocrat in the materials industry, the threshold for carbon fiber technology is actually relatively high.

Otherwise, so many countries would not be able to produce it.

"If there is no way to upgrade the technology, can we communicate with Nanshan Carbon Fiber and ask them to let go of the sales of T800 carbon fiber?"

"In this way, the performance of the fishing rods and golf clubs we produce using T800 carbon fiber will definitely be better than those of other manufacturers."

Since there is no way to improve the material performance of our own factory, we must find ways to buy better materials.

Although Nanshan Carbon Fiber's T800 was not banned from external sales before, due to production capacity, Guangwei Group actually had basically no chance to buy T800.

"We can talk to them about this."

“American Hexcel’s IM10 has been mass-produced, and I estimate that Nanshan Carbon Fiber’s T1100 must also be mass-produced.”

"By then, the large customers who originally purchased the T800 will probably switch to the T1100."

"But T800 carbon fiber cannot be sold casually, so you can consider selling some of it to us."

Chen Liang thought for a while and felt that this plan was feasible.

With Nanshan Group as a partner, although Guangwei Group still needs to continue to develop carbon fiber technology, it will certainly not do it regardless of the cost.

On the contrary, it may be more suitable to make some targeted improvements based on your own product needs.

Soon, their demands naturally reached Cao Yang's side.

After all, T800, a special carbon fiber, even the general manager Zeng Jianying would not dare to make the decision casually.

"Hexcel America has developed IM10. I estimate that T800 carbon fiber will not be so sensitive in the international market in the future."

"Of course, there will definitely be a transition period. It is definitely impossible to buy this kind of material casually."

"After all, the United States is also worried that this material will be used by some of its hostile countries."

"Chaos is not necessarily a good thing for us."

Cao Yang definitely has no objection to selling T800 carbon fiber externally.

A new T800 carbon fiber factory was just built last year, and now the output is no longer what it was before.

Although China's aerospace industry is developing rapidly, the demand for carbon fiber is actually not that much.

After all, the era of producing warships like dumplings and aircraft like flying kites will still take a few more years.

At that time, Nanshan's carbon fiber production capacity was not comparable to what it is now.

"That's true. There are only a few countries that can produce T800 carbon fiber. Even if you want to mess up, it's actually a bit difficult."

"Whether it's the United States or China, we naturally don't want it to become chaotic."

Zeng Jianying is very clear about the main purpose of T800 carbon fiber.

If this goes into chaos, it will not be a good thing for either Nanshan Group or China.

"Guangwei wants to improve the performance of their products so that fishing rods and golf clubs can completely seize the market. I think there is no problem in selling them a batch of T800 carbon fiber."

"There is no way to reuse this kind of thing, and there is no way to figure out how to produce it just by relying on the finished product."

"Just as we are preparing to expand T1100 production capacity, we will simultaneously expand the market demand for T800 carbon fiber and prepare for a comprehensive upgrade of product technology levels in the future."

"However, this time Hexcel released the IM10 in such a high-profile manner, it seems that the global carbon fiber market has returned to the state of monopoly of a few of them ten years ago."

“We also have to find ways to make them feel that they no longer have the final say in the current market.”

"We have no say in the market for military products."

"But we can still influence the market for civilian products."

"As long as the manufacturers that use carbon fiber as raw materials in the market are squeezed out of existence, then the supply and demand situation in the carbon fiber market will ultimately be in our hands."

"Then let them see who will pose a threat to who's development."

Cao Yang was not a person who would not retaliate when scolded or hit.

Especially in the carbon fiber market, he hopes to do something big.

"Mr. Cao, what do you mean..."

Zeng Jianying looked at Cao Yang expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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