Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 612 Opponents rise, and the strongest becomes the strongest.

Chapter 612 Opponents rise, and the strongest becomes the strongest.
  Just as Cao Yang was "not doing his job" and working on various new products, the Honor mobile phone, which was the focus of Nanshan Group's future development, also faced a brand new challenge.

Apple, which Cao Yang has always regarded as his main competitor, has released its fourth-generation product.

"Mr. Cao, this is the video from Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference held at the Moscone West Convention and Exhibition Center on June 6."

"They officially released a new generation of iPhone 4. The appearance is somewhat similar to our HONOR 3G. It can even be said that it has the same style of design."

"But they have comprehensively upgraded the relevant hardware configurations. Our HONOR 3G really has no advantage over the iPhone 4."

"Fortunately, our HONOR 2 will be officially released soon, otherwise the situation would be really unfavorable for us."

Xia Qingqing specifically asked Mi Ying to make an appointment with Cao Yang for two hours in order to report on the trends of Apple phones and explain the next steps for Honor phones.

Since the launch of Honor mobile phone's first product, its development has been smooth sailing.

But now that we are facing new challenges, we definitely need to make some changes.

"Although the emergence of Apple's new products will have a certain impact on us, in the short term, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

"The emergence of more smartphones with good performance will make more consumers give up traditional feature phones and accept smartphones."

"In the past two years, neither we nor Apple have been competing for each other's market, but the market of giants like Nokia."

"Join a group of smartphone manufacturers and work together to defeat the traditional mobile phone giants. Then there will be competition among smartphone manufacturers."

It is only 2010 now. Although the development pace of smartphones is about a year faster than in history due to the emergence of Honor mobile phones, it has not yet reached a full outbreak.

The launch of iPhone4 and HONOR 2 this month is an opportunity to fully detonate the smartphone market.

"The iPhone 4 uses a retina screen and double glass design, and PPI has since become an important basis for judging screen quality."

"They also have a front camera, a gyroscope, a rear flash, and the camera pixels have been increased to 500 million, which has equaled HONOR 3G, and for the first time showed the world its unique innovative feature of facetime video phone."

"Judging from the current situation, the screen display effect of iPhone4 is excellent, the colors are accurate, and the visual experience is excellent."

"Although its camera has the same pixels as our HONOR 3G, it is of high quality and has powerful camera functions. It supports a variety of camera modes, such as night scene mode, portrait mode, panorama mode, etc."

"Mr. Cao, I think Honor mobile phones need to go out of China!"

"Otherwise, people outside will think that these features of iPhone 4 are all pioneered by Apple. In fact, many of them are already available in HONOR 3G. There are not many features that are actually pioneered by them."

Xia Qingqing is definitely not satisfied with the Chinese market.

Even if the current sales volume is more than one million units a month, it is not enough.

Besides, the sales volume of one million units per month is less than that of Apple mobile phones.

There is definitely no way to satisfy Xia Qingqing with this result.

She is determined to make Honor Mobile the largest mobile phone company in China, and even the largest mobile phone company in the world.

By then, Xia Qingqing will definitely be a well-known figure in the mall.

"Entering the international market?"

Cao Yang thought about it and felt that this matter could really be done as soon as possible.

"no problem."

"We can consider directly registering branches in some countries to be responsible for the sales and after-sales of Honor mobile phones."

Although many situations in the international market will be much more complicated, if Honor mobile phones want to develop and grow, going abroad is an issue that must be considered.

Apple’s flagship store has already opened in Yangcheng, but Honor mobile phones have not officially entered the American market.

This passive defensive strategy obviously needs to be adjusted.

"This is how I think about it. The five regions of polar bears, North America, the Middle East and Europe can be the first wave of markets to enter."

"Our Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are also sold in these places, and we can support and learn from each other."

"You can even open a sales store directly to Nokia's home base. Maybe it will trigger a special publicity effect."

"With the performance of our Honor mobile phones, no matter which market it is in, it has very obvious technical advantages."

"Even if the brand influence still needs to be improved, I think sales are worth looking forward to."

Xia Qingqing came to report to Cao Yang today, and she was obviously fully prepared.

Honor Mobile has already demonstrated its strength as a very large technology company, and she naturally hopes to realize this wish as soon as possible.

China currently sells more than one million units per month in China. After HONOR 2 is launched, there will definitely be no problem with monthly sales exceeding 200 million units.

If we can simultaneously sell the same sales volume in overseas markets, then next year's sales can hit the 5000 million mark.

This is definitely a very impressive number.

You know, the unit price of Honor mobile phones is high.

"The importance of overseas markets is undoubted. Honor Mobile's overseas branches can recruit some employees internally from overseas branches of other business units."

"At the same time, in the process of developing overseas markets, some more attractive incentives can be formulated."

"For example, clearly stipulate how much sales volume reaches and how much commission can be given."

"You can even consciously set a few benchmarks to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm."

"For example, if the sales target of Polar Bear Branch next year is 100 million, as long as the target can be exceeded, excessive rewards will be formulated."

"Rewarding one person with RMB 100 or [-] is not that impactful. Just find a benchmark team and reward each person with RMB [-] million or more."

"Let everyone know that although it is tiring to go to overseas branches and the place is unfamiliar, there is meat to eat and money to make."

Although the overseas markets chosen by Honor mobile phones in the early stages will not be poor, backward and war-torn places, they are not suitable for providing dangerous subsidies and the like.

But there is no problem in setting high rewards and letting performance speak for itself.

After all, these overseas branches are essentially sales companies, selling products.

If you can sell your products better and earn more money for the company, then Cao Yang will be willing to use the profits to reward you.

Otherwise, it will be the same whether you do more or less, and everyone's enthusiasm will be low.

When Warwick entered the polar bear market, it was said that one year everyone in the polar bear branch received at least US$50 in rewards.

This kind of reward has a very significant stimulating effect for overseas teams.

Not only will the Polar Bear Branch be working hard next, but other branches will be working hard as well.

After all, no matter how hard you try, you are still fighting for yourself.

As long as the money is in place, working overtime is nothing!

"No problem. I will publish internal recruitment information on the intranet in a few days and formulate a detailed incentive plan."

"Then in addition to bringing a group of core employees from China, I am also planning to recruit a group of employees from local mobile phone companies."

"In this way, half of the team members are Chinese and half are locals, so they can better deal with various situations."

From Cao Yang's words, Xia Qingqing could feel Cao Yang's strong support for Honor Mobile's overseas strategy, and she also had a lot of expectations in her heart.

Honor mobile phones take a high-end route, which means it needs to be in a market with relatively high income to have a chance to achieve higher sales.

Although China's economy has experienced rapid development for so many years, there are already many rich people.

But compared with Europe and North America, there are still some gaps.

While Apple mobile phones have not yet monopolized these markets, it is very possible for Honor mobile phones to launch in time and seize part of the market.

In the future, we will slowly expand to the world.

"no problem!"

"The key is to get our HONOR2 and HONOR PAD together."

"With the foundation of HONOR 3G, if new products can continue to be popular, the basic base of Honor mobile phones will be stable."

iPhone4 has been officially released, and it will definitely become a hit if nothing else happens.

After all, Apple's heritage is relatively deep, and those consumers of computers and MP3 players in the past were basically its potential users.

This influence is quite large.

So even if the performance of HONOR2 is better than iPhone4, the sales volume may not be better than others.

Just like the fuel vehicles of the past, the various configurations of independent brands are higher than those of joint ventures, but the sales volume cannot match others.

It was not until the era of electric vehicles that this pattern changed.

"The launch of Honor's new mobile phone products will be the same as last year, scheduled for June 6."

"At that time, we will join forces with Nanshan Film and Television to invite 100 industry stars to promote our new products on Weibo."

"We strive to make HONOR2 and HONOR PAD a hit product on the first day they are launched."

"Our flagship stores in various places will also take into account the market response and see if we can hire some people to act as support to enhance the atmosphere."

“With the performance of our products, I see no reason to fail.”

Xia Qingqing has already experienced HONOR 2 and HONOR PAD, and is naturally very confident in their excellent performance.

So even if the iPhone 4 is a leapfrog improvement compared to the iPhone 3GS, she still has confidence.

Of course, if you have confidence, you have confidence.

She also knows that the threat posed by Apple phones to Honor phones will definitely grow.

While seizing the market from giants such as Nokia, it is definitely necessary to pay attention to the movements of Apple mobile phones, so as not to lose the home battle.

"I'm not worried about hardware performance and publicity."

"My concern is the operating system."

"Although after nearly a year of development, we already have our own HONOR system, but it is still not that easy to surpass IOS in performance."

“In the past, there were not many APPs on smartphones, and the impact of the operating system was not so obvious.” “But in the future, the advantages of the IOS system compared to the Android system will become more and more obvious. We must upgrade the HONOR system to the second generation as soon as possible. product."

Cao Yang has been arranging for people at the Intelligent Network Center to develop his own operating system since last year.

But this kind of thing is not that easy to handle.

The operating system needs to be used in conjunction with various software to exert its power. If no one develops APPs that are compatible with your operating system, then your advantage will not be reflected at all, but it will be a disadvantage.

The reason why Cao Yang chose the Android system at the beginning was because it was the system with the most related APPs developed in the world.

It is also the system chosen by the most mobile phone manufacturers.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. At the beginning, it solved the operating system problem of Honor mobile phone. Slowly, its disadvantages were also exposed.

After one year of use, the running speed of HONOR 3G will slow down significantly.

This is a point that is relatively criticized, and it is also the point that Apple likes to promote most.

"The Intelligent Network Center is planning to recruit at least 5000 employees to be responsible for software development this year."

"Half of them will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the operating system, and the rest will be responsible for the development of intelligent network connection business."

"Then with the emergence of HONOR PAD, we will slowly form our own closed-loop system like Apple."

"At that time, the car system, mobile phone system and PAD system will all be one set. If we further launch some computer products in the future, we will be able to compete with IOS."

"Of course, in order to avoid the unwillingness of some software companies to develop APPs based on the HONOR system."

"We have also prepared several measures to deal with this situation."

"The first is to let Autohome's game division continue to develop various mini-games based on the HONOR system, and attract a group of developers through paid downloads."

"The second is to cooperate with various universities to launch courses related to the HONOR system so that college students can learn to use this system in advance."

"The other step is to make full use of Nanshan Investment's influence in the Internet industry and promote relevant companies to actively develop APPs based on the HONOR system."

Xia Qingqing, who has been using a smartphone for a year, naturally knows how much impact the richness of APPs has on an operating system.

Nanshan Group now has many influential apps, through which it can influence some consumers.

For example, the Weibo APP currently does not have an IOS version.

This will definitely have a certain impact on the sales of Apple mobile phones.

Because if you use an iPhone, you can't use Weibo.

Weibo is now one of the most popular apps in China, and few people with smartphones have installed this app.

The same thing can be learned and applied on the apps of Autohome and Nanshan Film and Television.

This kind of APP weapon was something that no one was aware of before.

"This action must be done quickly and in time."

“Before other smartphone manufacturers have yet to emerge, cultivate consumers’ usage habits in advance.”

"This way we can avoid chaos."

"IOS is a closed system at that time, our HONOR is also a closed system, and there are other systems such as Android out there."

"This situation will definitely cause dissatisfaction among many consumers and may ultimately have some unpredictable effects."

Cao Yang's concern is obviously not unreasonable.

Even this situation of too many operating systems will affect the development of smart phones.

The best way is to kill IOS at least in China and let everyone use the HONOR system.

Even when appropriate, the HONOR system can be directly opened to other mobile phone manufacturers.

Eventually, an operating system platform was formed that closely revolved around Nanshan Group.

This impact is definitely very far-reaching.

"No problem, I will arrange this matter after the meeting."

Xia Qingqing secretly raised the importance of the HONOR system to another level.

This system is the cornerstone for the future development and growth of Honor mobile phones and cannot be missed.

While Xia Qingqing and Cao Yang were reporting on the Honor mobile phone, other mobile phone companies were also taking various actions due to the emergence of iPhone4.

"Mr. Xu, the current momentum is basically obvious. The smartphone route taken by Honor mobile phones is a correct route. iPhone4 also draws on the design concept of HONOR 3G."

"Our future smartphones can also develop in a similar direction."

Lian Zhitian compared and analyzed the performance of iPhone4, HONOR 3G and its own products, and felt that Warwick still has a lot to work on.

Although Warwick has decided to develop its mobile phone business internally, there is still no clear conclusion within Warwick about what the mobile phone will look like.

But now the two best companies in the smartphone industry have highly consistent ideas. Lian Shitian feels that there is no need to worry about some things.

"Screen, camera, chip, memory, these four things should be the most important."

"Our next smartphone can make the screen bigger, increase the pixels of the camera, and use better chips and memory."

"At that time, the price will still have an advantage compared to Honor phones and Apple phones, so there will be no need to worry about consumers not liking it."

Xu Jun didn't bother with so many frivolous things and directly extracted the core selling points.

He didn't believe Warwick could still find excellent suppliers to provide suitable parts.

Anyway, whether it is an Honor mobile phone or an Apple mobile phone, most of the current parts are outsourced.

At worst, Honor phones will just go to these suppliers to buy things.

"It seems like this is true. These parameters are very important factors in the performance of smartphones."

“I feel like this month is likely to be a critical point in the development of smartphones.”

"Apple's iPhone 4 is very competitive and looks beautiful."

"Honor Mobile will also hold a new product launch conference on June 6, and the new products will probably be no worse than HONOR 19G."

“In this way, the advantages of smartphones over traditional mobile phones will become even more obvious.”

"I heard that Honor Mobile is organizing a developer conference in conjunction with Zhongguancun Online and other websites to encourage everyone to develop various games and apps suitable for use on mobile phones."

"This should also be very beneficial to the development of smartphones."

Even Shida is naturally aware of the impact of these changes.

And he can realize these things. As a mobile phone giant, Nokia actually has no feelings at all.

"Mr. Kang, the penetration rate of smartphones in the Chinese market has become higher and higher in recent months."

"But the sales of our smartphones using the Symbian system are a bit sluggish."

"If this situation is allowed to develop, smartphones using IOS and Android systems are likely to fully occupy the market in the future."

"I think the company can also develop smartphones based on Android?"

As the president of Nokia China, Colin Zhao actually has a good vision.

Although he does not have such an accurate judgment on the development speed of smartphones due to some deep-rooted influences within Nokia, he has really felt the changes in the Chinese market.

Now that Apple's new products are coming, and Honor mobile phones are also going to hold a new product launch conference, he finally starts to get anxious.

"The application of the Symbian system on smartphones does have some weaknesses, and the company will reduce product investment in this area in the future."

"However, the Android system is not an advanced system. If we want to develop it, we will also seek cooperation with Microsoft or other large companies to see what mobile phone system will be more suitable to develop."

In 2010, the influence of Android was still relatively weak.

It’s not surprising that giants like Nokia look down on it.

After all, even if growth is sluggish and even declining in some places, Nokia is still a mobile phone giant.

It is a giant that other manufacturers cannot touch even if they try hard.

"Although the Android system cannot be compared with Microsoft's products, Microsoft mainly has unique advantages in computer operating systems. Whether it can do as well in mobile phone systems, there is still a lack of proven cases."

“I think it’s also worth considering trying to develop several smartphones using the Android system.”

Colin Zhao still wants to work harder.

However, Kallasvuo stopped him dead with just one sentence.

"Didn't you report to me before that Honor Mobile is developing its own mobile operating system?"

"That means Honor phones are likely to give up using Android."

"Although this kind of open source system was convenient for everyone to use at the beginning, it has a lot of problems and is not worth paying attention to at all."

"We are Nokia, not those unknown mobile phone manufacturers in China."

"The operating system must either use the Symbian system developed by ourselves, or we must cooperate with giants such as Microsoft."

Having been in a high position for many years, as the global president of Nokia, some stubborn ideas in Comped's mind are obviously not so easy to break.

In this regard, Zhao Colin actually had certain expectations in his heart.

However, although he felt a little uneasy, he still had confidence in Nokia.

After all, Nokia's reputation and advantages in the mobile phone industry cannot be surpassed by other companies so quickly.

Of course, he will naturally know what the final facts are.

But when he knew the final development, he would no longer be able to keep the position under his butt.

After all, no company can tolerate the fact that the world's number one business cannot be continued and still allow you to stay comfortably in your original position.

(End of this chapter)

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