Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 619: Killing the opponent, Nanshan Group wins another victory

Chapter 619: Killing the opponent, Nanshan Group wins another victory

There are many manufacturers of wind power equipment in China, but only a few are good at it.

These companies are obviously customers of manufacturers such as ThyssenKrupp and SKF.

The profits of wind power bearings are so high, so they naturally have enough funds to recruit people from some customer companies to speak for their company, and even provide some conveniences.

Within Modu Electric, there are naturally people who speak for bearing manufacturers such as ThyssenKrupp and SKF.

So when Modu Electric officially received the wind power bearing sample from Nanshan Group, and then installed the sample directly on the wind power equipment, the relevant news immediately spread to ThyssenKrupp.

"Tokes, we have received accurate information. Modou Electric has officially arranged for three wind power equipment to use bearings provided by Nanshan Group."

"I think the company needs to pay full attention to this situation."

As the sales director of ThyssenKrupp China, Xu Li has lived a very comfortable life in the past few years.

Originally, he thought that his comfortable life should be able to continue, but now something unexpected happened.

"If I remember correctly, it has been less than a month since the Nanshan Group officially announced that it has mastered the technology of wind power bearings, right?"

"Can the product be handed over to Modu Electric for use so soon?"

"Isn't it necessary to conduct sample testing or equipment debugging?"

Tokes felt that the news reported by Xu Li was very fantasy.

This was completely beyond his comprehension.

Could it be that this is China’s speed?

"I heard that these pieces of equipment will be sold directly to Nanshan Group after they are produced, so many of the confirmation processes are through abnormal means."

“There are even some projects where equipment is being assembled while being confirmed.”

"But since the final user of the equipment is Nanshan Group, even if there is a problem in this production process, it will not cause any bad impact."

"That's why it's so fast."

When Xu Li said this, Tokes became even more depressed.

Is there still such a way to play?

Normally, shouldn't the supplier first provide bearing samples, and then Modu Electric Co., Ltd. make various related confirmations, and then start arranging installation only when the requirements are finally met?

According to the information he knew, Chinese domestic companies such as Luozhou and ZWZ did not have some testing equipment for large bearings. He needed to find manufacturers such as ThyssenKrupp to commission testing.

The period during this period is very long and the cost is very expensive.

Why are these not needed now?

"Do you think the bearings produced by Nanshan Group are likely to meet the technical requirements of wind power bearings?"

Modu Electric now obviously wants to replace ThyssenKrupp bearings with parts from Nanshan Group.

Tox made sure to check how likely that was.

Some time ago, they just sent a price increase communication letter to Modu Electrical Appliances.

Whether the next step is to continue to maintain a tough price increase stance or to quickly give in and keep orders depends on whether Nanshan Group can really produce bearings that meet the requirements.

"If other suppliers do this, I'm sure they will encounter some problems during the production process."

"The accuracy and durability requirements of parts are definitely not as good as ours."

"But for Nanshan Group, the situation is more complicated."

"When they competed with Schaeffler and SKF for bearings in high-speed rail and automobiles, they gave everyone many unexpected results."

"Among all manufacturers in China, Nanshan Group has very strong technical strength."

"Even Nanshan Special Steel, a subsidiary of their group, is the special steel manufacturer with the highest technical level in China."

"Although I haven't heard that they have researched and produced wind power bearings before, I don't rule out the accumulation of relevant technologies. Now that I see the rapid development of the wind power market, they have begun to involve wind power bearings."

Xu Li definitely didn't dare to say anything.

Who knows what the bearing level of Nanshan Group is?

If by then there really is no problem with other people's bearings, but I have misled the company, I will have to take the blame.

"What Modu Electric does is against industry rules. Can we find the media to expose their illegal practices?"

Tox said reluctantly.

In his view, wind turbine bearings are the meat of their pot.

Except for the manufacturers that are already playing in this game, other manufacturers should not come in again.

"I'm afraid it's useless. People can find various reasons to explain this behavior."

"The most important thing is that they did not sell this equipment to other customers, but provided it to Nanshan Group."

"This kind of operation makes it impossible for us to attack."

“Some people may even think that Modou Electric’s approach is very creative, and they may imitate it.”

When Xu Li said this, Tox's expression couldn't help but change.

It's disgusting enough that a Modu Electric Appliances adopts such a plan.

If other equipment manufacturers do the same thing, ThyssenKrupp will have a hard time.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

Thinking of this, Tokes immediately said to Xu Li: "You can find a way to inquire and see what other equipment manufacturers are doing."

"And didn't we have some private contacts with SKF and Timken before?"

"Also make an appointment with their people. We will gather together in the next two days to exchange industry information and discuss future countermeasures."

Following Tox's words, Xu Li immediately became busy.

However, the situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable.

"Old Xu, the situation is not good."

In a bar in Shanghai, Xue Wenqiang and Xu Li sat in the corner. After drinking a few beers, they started chatting.

It was not the first day that the two met. Although the two companies are competitors to a certain extent, they are also partners in many cases.

Especially in the field of wind power bearings, there are many private communications between the two companies.

They even acted as support for each other.

So more often than not, they are actually a community of interests.

"Is the Nanshan Group's approach so wild?"

“In order to promote our wind power bearing business, we actually built our own wind power plants and built supporting energy storage stations specifically for this purpose.”

"After this series of operations, wind power equipment manufacturers will definitely be very interested."

Beer was already a bit bitter, but Xu Li felt it was even more bitter now.

In the past, he had heard that some Chinese manufacturers were working on wind power bearings, and he had been nervous, but in the end it turned out to be a false alarm.

But this time, he felt something was not good about the situation.

The plan adopted by the Nanshan Group is absolutely foolproof.

Even in the worst case scenario, if the wind power bearings are not ideal, it will not affect the installation and use of other people's machines.

The worst thing is that people will continue to improve it later.

This kind of gameplay simply makes people unable to find the point of attack.

"The information that has been confirmed now is that both Modu Electric and Envision Energy have adopted the wind power bearings provided by Nanshan Group, and Nanshan Group has ordered three sets of wind power equipment from these two equipment manufacturers."

"If there are no problems with the verification in the next step, the order quantity will definitely increase significantly."

"During this process, they will confirm all aspects of the performance of the wind turbine bearings."

"I've even heard that wind turbine blades will adopt similar solutions."

"In this way, it is basically a certainty that Nanshan Group's wind turbine bearings will begin to compete with us."

"I'm worried that after the success of this plan, Modu Electric and Envision Energy will join forces with Nanshan Group to tackle other wind power equipment purchase manufacturers."

"As long as Nanshan Group can provide some additional warranty commitments, users will not be too entangled with this change and the problem of wind turbine bearings."

"After there are more cases like this, even if Nanshan Group's bearings have some technical issues, they will definitely be improved slowly and finally meet the requirements."

"That's when our real trouble will come."

Xue Wenqiang's statement is obviously not unreasonable at all, but a true deduction based on the information currently available.

This is the scene that Xu Li fears the most.

Is it possible that the field of wind power bearings will also be defeated by Nanshan Group?

Then your life will be difficult in the future.

"Brother Xue, the wind power bearing business should be SKF's biggest source of profit in China, right?"

"If this business is also taken away by Nanshan Group, what will you consider in the future?"

Anyway, there were only two of them today, so they spoke more directly without going around.

Xue Wenqiang didn't know how to answer Xu Li's question.

He had already thought about lying down at SKF, but now he seemed to be a little bit restless.

What should I do myself?

He doesn't know either!

"Let's take it one step at a time. We hope that foreign equipment giants like Vestas can continue to use our bearings and not compromise easily with Nanshan Group."

When foreign-funded manufacturers use Chinese parts manufacturers, they are definitely more cautious than Chinese equipment manufacturers.

Often only after China's parts and components have achieved a large number of mass production results, can they be adopted by foreign-funded equipment manufacturers.

Based on this understanding, Xue Wenqiang feels that he should still have a good life for a while.

However, this time the situation would disappoint him.

The Nanshan Group's actions were faster and more violent than he imagined!

"Mr. Cao, regarding the promotion of wind power bearings, we checked relevant policy documents and found that in 2007, the ministry issued a regulation requiring that the localization rate of wind power must reach 70% this year before it is allowed to be put on the market."

“But because no manufacturer could do this, the regulation eventually fell into disuse.”

“I think we can join forces with manufacturers such as Magic Electric and Envision Energy, which have already developed wind power bearings and wind power blades with us, and let them promote the implementation of this regulation.”

"In this way, they can openly exclude other imported wind power equipment such as Siemens. Even wind power equipment manufacturers such as Vestas that have set up factories in China have no choice because their localization rate cannot meet the requirements. Continue to sell, or be restricted from selling.” Zeng Tingting has been busy with wind power bearings during this period.

How to quickly make Nanshan Group a winner in this field is a question she has been thinking about.

Through communication with the purchaser of Modu Electrical Appliances, as well as her own communication with some personnel from the ministry, she was very keen to find a shortcut.

The road is already there, now it’s up to us to see if we can go on.

After all, strictly speaking, restricting sales without reaching 70% localization rate may not be fully implemented.

Some places even sell them directly, and ministries and commissions may not be able to monitor them.

But at least it can put huge pressure on various equipment manufacturers to promote the use of domestically produced bearings as soon as possible.

In this way, the opportunity for Nanshan Group will naturally come.

Wind power bearings and wind power blades, as long as these two core parts are eaten, the richest piece of cake in wind power equipment will be taken away by Nanshan Group.

"There are many domestic wind power equipment manufacturers. Are you sure that Modou Electric and Envision Energy are willing to risk the public disapproval to promote the implementation of the policy?"

If it can increase the popularity of Nanshan Group's wind power bearings, Cao Yang will naturally support it.

But he was a little unsure whether this plan was feasible.

After all, these few years have passed, and now there can be a sudden big change?

"If there is no benefit, they will naturally have no motivation to do it."

“But if by promoting the implementation of this policy, Modu Electric Co., Ltd. can get more orders, then the enthusiasm will naturally increase.”

"For other wind power equipment manufacturers, even if they want to use our bearings and blades, it will definitely take a certain amount of time."

"Modu Electric has already started using it and has achieved production results."

"At this time, they have the upper hand and can get more orders. They can even directly grab orders from foreign equipment giants such as Siemens."

"Besides, promoting the localization of wind power equipment is in line with policy and in China's interests. As a state-owned enterprise, Modu Electric has no reason not to support it."

Zeng Tingting has dealt with all kinds of companies and people over the years.

He has a very thorough grasp of people's hearts.

She feels that the plan she proposed, whether it can be implemented in the end, will help promote the introduction of Nanshan Group's bearings and other products into wind power equipment.

In other words, this matter is beneficial to Nanshan Group.

"If that's the case, then let's do it!"

"Giants such as Siemens, General Motors and Vestas have already made a lot of money from wind power equipment. It is also the turn of domestic equipment manufacturers to export meat."

Following this exchange between Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting, an undercurrent immediately surged in China's wind power equipment industry.

"Scott, are you considering producing bearings in China?"

Anderson, the general manager of Vestas China, directly called Scott, the sales director of SKF, to discuss the localization of bearings.

As the first foreign giant to locally produce wind power equipment in China, Vestas certainly does not want to give up on the Chinese market.

But in the past few days, Anderson has heard rumors that Chinese ministries and commissions are preparing to strictly investigate the implementation of the previously announced 70% localization rate.

As a foreign-funded enterprise, Vestas has always been cautious about complying with the laws and regulations of the country where it invests, and will not touch red lines easily.

Previously, the entire industry could not meet 70% of the requirements, and there were no specific follow-up actions after the policy was announced.

So everyone just came here.

Now that the wind direction has changed, Anderson naturally needs to re-evaluate the impact of this policy on the company.

If it is true that Vestas' wind power equipment cannot be sold in China due to insufficient localization rate, the impact will be huge.

"Large-scale bearing production involves huge investment in equipment and the process is also very complex."

"So far, neither SKF nor other bearing manufacturers such as ThyssenKrupp and Timken have plans to invest in these production lines in China."

"Andersen, the things involved here are quite complicated. Some of the technologies are even related to military technologies. There is no way to get them to China for production."

"Your company does not import our bearings directly from Europe, but purchases them through SKF China Branch. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as domestic procurement, right?"

Obviously, Scott has done this kind of thing before.

In fact, there were a large number of such cases in the early automobile industry when the localization rate reached the standard.

It’s just that no one has studied it deeply.

Even if you produce and assemble the product domestically, it may not be 100% localized.

People can completely import all the components from overseas and then assemble them in China. In this case, is it considered domestically produced or imported?

If it is looser, it will be considered as localization.

To be stricter, only the domestically produced part is domestically produced, and the imported part is still imported.

"I understand what you mean. In the past, we did meet the requirement of 70% domestic production in this way."

"But this time the situation is different. It seems that they are serious about it."

“This situation, which obviously lacks real localization, may not work in the field of China’s wind power equipment.”

When Anderson said this, Scott immediately felt cold.

This method no longer works?

What should I do?

It is impossible for SKF to produce wind power bearings in China. This is not only a problem of equipment investment, but also a problem of technology leakage.

To take a step back, even if it is produced in China, it cannot be done in a day or two.

By the time SKF starts producing this part in China, the day lilies will probably be cold.

"In wind power equipment, the import value of blades should be more than that of bearings, right?"

"Is there a way to achieve 100% localization over there?"

Scott didn't know what to say, so he wanted to see the corresponding situation of other parts.

However, Anderson's answer disappointed him.

"Nanshan Group can also produce wind turbine blades, or they can provide localized raw materials for other wind turbine blade manufacturers, thus solving the problem of actual localization rate."

"Scott, China should be serious this time. If you can't produce bearings locally in China, then we may need to consider purchasing some products from local manufacturers in China in the future."

Although Anderson usually has a good relationship with SKF, he still doesn't dare to mess around when it comes to issues of principle.

If the factory is shut down by then, it will be troublesome.

"Is there no other way?"

"If it's a cost issue, we can communicate again."

"We at SKF can make another step of profit appropriately."

This method has always been effective in the past, but this time it is ineffective.

Anderson sighed regretfully, "Let's not talk about whether your cost can surpass that of Chinese manufacturers. Even if you can, it is not a cost issue."

"Unless you can convince the Chinese ministries and commissions to give up implementing this policy, there is nothing I can do."


The sky is falling!

How will SKF survive in China in the future?


The localization rate is a very good weapon.

At least it is very effective in promoting the development of related industries in China.

Of course, sometimes it also depends on whether domestic manufacturers can live up to their expectations. If no matter how hard they try, they can't get it right, then the localization rate will become meaningless.

For example, for the previous high-speed rail bearings and high-speed rail axles, no matter how you set the localization rate, manufacturers such as SKF are not domestically produced, and there are no suitable domestic manufacturers, so what should we do?

Are you really not going to produce high-speed rail?

The situation of wind power equipment is similar to before.

Domestic bearing manufacturers cannot handle wind power bearings, so they can only turn a blind eye and treat those parts purchased from China as domestically produced parts, and everyone has a step to step down.

But now things have changed.

Modu Electrical Appliances and Nanshan Group, two domestically influential manufacturers, can really achieve a localization rate of more than 70% or even more than 90% by joining forces.

In this case, the relevant requirements must naturally be strictly implemented.

Modu Electric is very active in promoting the implementation of this policy.

"Mr. Fan, the information is basically clear now. The actual localization rate of wind power equipment produced starting from January 2011, 1 must reach more than 1% before it can be sold externally."

"The equipment we produce for Nanshan Group can be officially shipped next week."

"Currently, there are no performance problems in all aspects. The performance of the bearings provided by Nanshan Group is better than we imagined."

"Waiting for the next batch, their wind turbine blades will be supplied to us in the same way."

"By then, our wind power equipment will basically have achieved a localization rate of more than 90%."

"If some control parts such as IGBTs can also be made domestically in the future, it will not be impossible for the entire wind power equipment to become 100% domestically produced equipment."

Fang Hongmei has been in a very good mood these days.

During this period, Modu Electric has had a considerable impact on the entire wind power field. The number of customers coming to inquire and purchase has increased significantly.

Although she is only the head of the purchasing department, she definitely deserves a share of the credit for this.

“Nanshan Group is so awesome!”

“This time we were able to successfully implement this policy, and I think at least 80% of the credit goes to Nanshan Group.”

"In the future, your purchasing department will take a good inventory to see which parts can be produced by Nanshan Group and where QCD has advantages."

"We need to increase the closeness between the two parties, which is good for the development of the company."

"Even for some technologies that we have been unable to solve on our own, we can consider cooperating with Nanshan Group."

"I feel that Nanshan Group may be able to produce many parts that other domestic manufacturers cannot produce."

Fan Huabo is now full of confidence in Nanshan Group.

This is your lucky star.

(End of this chapter)

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