Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 620: No. 1 in the world who arrived early, well deserved

Chapter 620 The world’s No. arrived early and deserves the title

Nanshan Group has done so many things in the field of wind power equipment, so the energy storage station project proposed by Lin Cheng before will naturally be launched.

Although this business is quite special and does not occupy a large area, the investment is actually not small due to the need to purchase a large number of batteries.

To this end, Nanshan Group also held a small groundbreaking ceremony and specially invited relevant parties to attend.

And Liu Tianwu was very generous and came to participate in person.

"Mr. Cao, your solution of combining wind power and energy storage is very innovative."

"I wonder if it can be promoted in various coastal cities. Those places are rich in wind resources and are large consumers of electricity."

"At that time, it will be beneficial to both the business promotion of Nanshan Battery and the development of your wind power bearing business."

Liu Tianwu has always been very concerned about the development of Nanshan Group.

Many times, they will take the initiative to provide some ideas and plans for the development of Nanshan Group.

After all, the better Nanshan Group develops, the better his political performance will be.

"Nanshan Battery has established a dedicated energy storage division to be responsible for promoting related projects."

"The plan you mentioned, leader, is also under our consideration."

"In addition, we are also reviewing some other options that can take advantage of energy storage."

"In the past, battery technology was not very good, the cost was relatively high, and the economics of energy storage solutions were not very high."

"The current situation is slowly changing. With the rise of wind power and photovoltaic power generation, the market demand for energy storage business has become broader."

"We internally predict that the energy storage business will surpass the power battery business in the future and become the most important business of Nanshan Battery."

"Of course, the market competition in this area is also very fierce. We will also adjust our strategies in a timely manner based on market conditions."

After the groundbreaking ceremony, Cao Yang went back directly with Liu Tianwu.

During this period, we naturally wanted to talk about the work of Nanshan Group.

"The development of power batteries is supported by some subsidy policies at all levels."

"However, there are no special policy preferences for the energy storage business. We in Yangcheng City are considering how to formulate relevant incentive programs. We will also promote the ministries and commissions and Lingnan Province to introduce some related programs. At that time, I will also arrange for Ronaldinho to follow Let’s connect and see how we can formulate this policy as soon as possible.”

There must be many obstacles to the development of an emerging business.

If you want this industry to develop faster, policy support is often an indispensable key factor.

This is where Liu Tianwu can help.

Therefore, even if Cao Yang did not make a request, Liu Tianwu took the initiative to arrange for people to advance it.

After all, the headquarters of Nanshan Battery is in Yangcheng.

If this energy storage business develops well, Yangcheng can also benefit.

Even though Liu Tianwu knew that Nanshan Battery was already considering locating part of its factory overseas, he still helped.

After all, at his current position, he might be transferred to another position at any time.

Therefore, he no longer blindly pursues the Nanshan Group to locate all its factories in Yangcheng.

Otherwise, if he goes to another place by then and wants Cao Yang to build a factory in his area, it will be a bit difficult to say it.

Taking precautions is something that a person like him needs to consider in advance.

"Thank you for your leadership support."

"We will also communicate with the power grid to see if they can provide some support in electricity prices and other related aspects."

"For example, using energy storage electricity, industrial electricity consumption is also calculated according to civilian electricity consumption. It is expected that there will be some progress soon."

Along the way, Cao Yang and Liu Tianwu fully communicated about matters related to the energy storage business.

The relevant teams of Nanshan Group are also working hard to promote their projects, and at the same time take the initiative to find opportunities for cooperation in various places.

So many actions naturally attracted the attention of his peers.

"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Battery seems to be preparing to focus on energy storage business. I think this business seems to be quite promising. Can we also consider entering the energy storage market?"

As the head of BYD's battery business, Lu Faxiang has been under considerable pressure in recent years.

It is clear that BYD was engaged in batteries earlier than Nanshan Battery, but now its business has been surpassed.

The key is that Nanshan Battery's business has fully blossomed, and it has many customers at home and abroad.

Although Wang Fu didn't say anything wrong about Lu Faxiang because of this issue, Lu Faxiang himself couldn't accept it.

Therefore, he is very concerned about the news of Nanshan Battery.

Yesterday, Nanshan Battery held a groundbreaking ceremony for an energy storage station in cooperation with the Chip Equipment Industrial Park in Yangcheng. Lu Faxiang came to see Wang Fu today.

"I also saw this news."

"I heard that Nanshan Group's energy storage business is to serve the bearing business and blade business of wind power equipment. It may not necessarily be a long-term strategy."

"And the energy storage business has relatively low requirements for batteries and cannot fully leverage our technical advantages."

"At that time, other battery manufacturers will definitely target the energy storage business and start vicious competition."

Wang Fu believes that power batteries have the highest technical threshold among all kinds of batteries, and it is most appropriate to make them bigger and stronger in this field.

As for Nanshan Battery’s choice of two development paths, that is due to the complexity of Nanshan Group’s business itself.

Therefore, even if the energy storage business does not make money, Nanshan Group can make money back elsewhere.

When it comes to BYD, it's a bit difficult.

Enterprises with an industrial ecosystem have their own unique advantages when competing.

"That's true, but I think the energy storage business is very meaningful for increasing the output of battery factories."

"The difference in production between us and Nanshan Batteries will then be even greater."

Lu Faxiang expressed his worries.

Last year, BYD still maintained its second position in the domestic battery industry, and the leader must be Nanshan Battery.

In the future, if BYD does not engage in energy storage business, other battery manufacturers will.

Then the second position in the industry may not be maintained.

He must clearly explain this risk to Wang Fu.

Otherwise, he will be held responsible when the time comes.

"The investment in the battery factory is huge, and the company's current cash flow is not enough to support such a large investment."

"And although the energy storage business has a future, it may not necessarily make much money."

"We can wait and see for a year or two. If this industry is indeed worthy of investment, it will not be too late to develop it by then."

This year BYD not only invested in a wafer fab with Nanshan Group, but also invested in many production lines and factories for the OEM business of Honor mobile phones.

These are all a drain on cash flow.

Although some can be solved through loans, Wang Fu is not such a radical person.

This time, he planned to take it slow and not invest so much money at once.

However, not all battery companies have the same idea as BYD.

Guoxuan Hi-Tech, which has always wanted to make a difference in the field of new energy, saw opportunities in the layout of Nanshan Battery.

"Mr. Li, our power battery business has made certain progress, but changes in the power battery business are subject to customer product sales, and there are many uncontrollable factors."

"Yesterday, Nanshan Battery began to lay out the energy storage business and build energy storage power stations with relevant parties. This can quickly increase the demand for battery production capacity."

"I think the company can also deploy the energy storage battery business as soon as possible, increase our battery production, and make full use of the current factory production capacity."

As the director of the technology center of Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Shi Junhui felt that the products he developed would not be able to take off, and he was very anxious.

If a product is not supported by quantity, it will have many problems.

Let alone making money, it is very stressful to maintain without losing money.

"We didn't develop energy storage battery business before. If we start laying out the business now, how long will it take for your technology center to come up with products?"

Li Zhen naturally wanted to make the company bigger and stronger, so he was also very interested in Shi Junhui's proposal.

Of course, he is also worried that blindly expanding business will cause the company to fall into a more passive situation.

So before making a decision, he must confirm the situation clearly.

"The technical requirements for energy storage batteries are much lower than those for power batteries, and our lithium iron phosphate battery technology is completely sufficient."

“What needs to be done is to make the cell size of the battery larger and give more consideration to ventilation and heat dissipation issues in the battery layout of the energy storage power station.”

“One month is basically enough for this aspect.”

Shi Junhui is still very confident in the technical center he is responsible for.

Power batteries can be developed smoothly, and energy storage batteries are naturally not a problem.

In fact, there is no big problem with this statement.

The requirements for energy storage batteries are indeed lower than those for power batteries.

The working environment is not that bad either.

Imagine a pile of batteries placed in an energy storage station, which only needs to be charged and discharged.

Then imagine that the battery is traveling in the wind and rain in the car. It will experience various bumps, vibrations, high temperatures, and cold conditions, which at least need to be considered during design.

Then the working conditions are completely different.

"In that case, let's get started as soon as possible."

“Didn’t Nanshan Battery find a way to build an energy storage station first?”

“We can also learn from this and see which company in the city is interested, and we can build an energy storage station for them.”

"And we can promote public opinion and let everyone know that although wind power, solar energy and other new energy sources are environmentally friendly, their power generation is unstable, has a great impact on the power grid, and has many problems."

“But these problems are not a problem in front of energy storage stations.”

"Even in places with abundant hydropower station resources, in order to balance the imbalance of power consumption during the day and night, energy storage stations can be used to balance demand and solve power consumption problems."

"To be more exaggerated, there is a big difference between the price of industrial land in some cities during the day and night."    "If the cheap electricity at night is stored and used during the day, the cost savings per kilowatt hour of electricity will be considerable. of."

"And this kind of behavior should be encouraged and supported by the power grid, and it is possible to get some discounts."

Now that he is preparing to engage in the energy storage business, Li Zhen must also diverge his thinking and consider the development of energy storage stations.

And when he said this, Shi Junhui's mind opened up.

He suggested: "Mr. Li, if we lay solar panels on the top of our current factory to generate electricity, then store the electricity and provide it to the factory as needed, it would be a good gimmick."

"Installing solar panels on the roof of the factory building is something that the power grid encourages and supports, and even provides subsidies."

"Relatively speaking, the investment for this kind of small energy storage station is not very large. After we build a demonstration project, we can do some promotion through the power grid and the government."

"By then, I think this business alone will use up all of our factory's production capacity, and we will need to continue to expand production."

When Shi Junhui said this, Li Zhen became interested immediately.

There are certain requirements for investment and construction of wind power.

You can't build in a place where wind resources are scarce.

But the plan mentioned by Shi Junhui is different.

Factories in almost every city are suitable for promoting such a plan.

By then, this energy storage business will definitely have a bright future.

"You immediately come up with a technical solution, and then we find someone to contact the power grid. They should have resources in this area. Then we will see if we can get some funding from them."

If you can pluck wool, you must pluck it.

Li Zhen will not be polite to the power grid.

Soon, Guoxuan Hi-Tech also took action and started its energy storage business in advance.

As the initiator, Nanshan Battery faced happy troubles at this time.

"Mr. Cao, our lithium iron phosphate battery business has grown rapidly this year. Almost most of the OEMs are using or preparing to use our lithium iron phosphate batteries in new models."

"Conservative estimates suggest that the number of lithium iron phosphate batteries shipped this year can exceed 1000 million units."

"As for Yangcheng Trumpchi and Nanyangcheng Commercial Vehicles, the sales of electric vehicles are also very impressive and have been rising."

"Coupled with the growth in mobile phone battery business, the entire Nanshan battery production capacity was quickly utilized."

"Even the batteries needed by the energy storage station in the chip equipment industrial park require overtime work to produce."

"Our plan to build factories in various places needs to be put on the agenda quickly."

Lin Cheng was in pain and happiness now.

The development of Nanshan Battery is so smooth, which is naturally a good thing.

But the production capacity suddenly fell behind, which was a bit unacceptable.

“Our production capacity reached 1GWH last year, and it can reach 1.5GWH this year, but it’s not enough?”

"If this year's production capacity is produced according to a nearly round-the-clock production plan throughout the year, it can reach 2GWH, which is barely enough."

"But our energy storage station business will soon usher in a boom period. If we don't plan our capacity in advance, it will definitely not be enough by then."

"Don't say 2GWH, even 4GWH, or even 8GWH may not be enough."

Lin Cheng was in pain and happy now.

Nanshan Battery is finally on the right track and is about to enter an explosive period of rapid development.

This is something he's been looking forward to for years.

"If we can produce 2GWH batteries this year, this production capacity should be the largest in the world, right?"

When Cao Yang said this, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise his head, "Mr. Cao, please remove the words 'should' and 'should'. We are the number one in the world and deserve to be number one in the world. Our production capacity is one higher than the second place." Big cut."

"And if the current trend continues, the gap between us and the second place will become wider and wider."

Hearing what Lin Cheng said, Cao Yang was also quite happy.

The world's number one arrival ahead of schedule makes Nanshan Battery full of longing for the future.

This world is a winner-takes-all world. If you are the leader in the industry, you can enjoy many benefits that others cannot.

That’s why many companies are trying so hard to increase their influence because of the benefits behind their influence.

The hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit of the going, and the bustle of the world is for the benefit of the coming.

The purpose of a business's existence is to make profits.

This is also understandable.

"We have now arranged for people to go to various places to communicate about the construction of new factories, and some further information will be fed back soon."

"At that time, I will report to you the company's next plan."

"We have secured our No. 1 position in the world, and we will continue to do so!"

Lin Cheng now feels full of strength. This sense of accomplishment is not something that ordinary companies can provide.

After many people have worked in Nanshan Group for several years, they may not be able to get hired even if an outside company offers a higher salary. One of the important reasons is the sense of accomplishment.

Working in Nanshan Group, it is easy to find a sense of accomplishment in your work.

But when working in other companies, many times work is just about making money.

Something like a sense of accomplishment is simply a luxury.


Cao Yang seemed to be blessed by good luck today.

Just after meeting Lin Cheng, Zeng Tingting came over again to report good news.

"Someone from Vestas' purchasing department took the initiative to contact us to discuss purchasing wind turbine bearings and wind turbine blades from our group?"

Cao Yang looked at Zeng Tingting in surprise.

He didn't expect these foreign equipment giants to move so quickly.

Although their factory is located in China, the supply chain is basically the same as it was in Europe.

If those suppliers have factories in China, they may consider purchasing parts from China.

If there is no factory, parts will most likely be imported from abroad for assembly.

The situation of purchasing equipment directly from local Chinese suppliers was not yet popular in the wind power equipment industry in 2010.

"Yes, the other party also made an appointment with us to come over to communicate and inspect the specific time."

"After simply signing a confidentiality agreement, they sent the quotation requirements for wind turbine bearings and related drawings and technical requirements, and asked us to give them a quotation within a week."

"The ministries and commissions are now preparing to strictly investigate the implementation of the 70% localization rate. I guess they are also feeling the pressure."

"Otherwise the attitude wouldn't have changed so much so quickly."

Zeng Tingting felt quite emotional at this time.

The last time they took the initiative to visit Vestas, although they were not turned away, she still remembered his condescending attitude.

I didn't expect to lower my proud head so quickly.

You are more stubborn!

When the time comes, there won’t even be orders for equipment. Let’s see how long you can still be proud.

Of course, these words can only be buried in my heart.

"These people just don't remember things long enough."

Cao Yang didn't have a good impression of foreign equipment giants.

None of these companies is good.

As long as it's equipment that China can't produce, if they don't double your money, you'll feel sorry for the business.

Vestas is no exception.

Otherwise, how can we support the benefits of those employees with high wages and benefits?

For companies in Germany, the law directly stipulates that everyone has at least 24 days of paid annual leave every year.

In addition, they have many public holidays such as Christmas, Easter, New Year, etc.

These holidays are usually nationwide and available to all employees.

Chinese companies cannot afford such high treatment. In addition to the important reason that the boss is reluctant to part with it, the company's profits are not that high and it cannot withstand the hardships. It is also a particularly important reason.

For example, in some foreign trade industries, the profit margin is only two or three points. If the treatment of employees is so good, the profits will be wiped out directly.

Even in China, the profit margin of most factories does not exceed 10%.

"Mr. Cao, actually I think it's not impossible to properly cooperate with Vestas."

"On the one hand, we can use different strategies when quoting them and quoting Modu Electric."

"On the other hand, our cooperation with Vestas can further promote Chinese wind power equipment manufacturers such as Modu Electric and Envision Energy to expand the scope of cooperation with us as soon as possible."

“In the end, it’s a good thing for our group.”

Zeng Tingting definitely wants to cooperate with Vestas.

After all, this is the world's largest wind power equipment giant.

There are a large number of wind power equipment orders waiting for delivery in the Middle East, North America, Europe and other places.

If the cooperation goes well, maybe the wind turbine bearings produced by Nanshan Group can also be exported to Vestas.

In the past, China's wind power bearings were all imported. In the future, it does not seem to be an exaggeration for foreign wind power equipment manufacturers to import bearings from China?

"It's up to you to take care of this matter."

"We can also let the people at Modu Electric know that Vestas is coming to inspect our wind turbine bearings at the appropriate time."

"Let them also speed up the confirmation and installation of our bearing technology."

"If they want to drive all foreign wind power equipment out of the Chinese market, they must have some courage to take certain risks!"

Cao Yang would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

Nothing is more convincing than your competitors in action.

If Vestas is already using wind power bearings from Nanshan Group, who else has the nerve to say that the bearings produced by Nanshan Group are not of good quality?

Do you really think that the Nanshan Group is a weak giant that doesn't eat people?

(End of this chapter)

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