Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 621 A terrifying plan, one factory PKing all opponents?

Chapter 621 A terrifying plan, one factory PKing all opponents?

Nanshan Battery is investigating the location of new factories in many places!

The news spread quickly within the industry.

The investment in the battery factory is not small, and many places are also very interested in this project.

Coupled with Nanshan Group's attractiveness in attracting investment from various places, it can be said that Lin Cheng's phone calls have almost never been disconnected during this period.

Lincheng was found in various ways from everywhere.

Former colleagues, leaders, former classmates, friends, all kinds of people are trying to get Nanshan Battery to invest and build a factory somewhere.

This kind of enterprise, which is related to the new energy industry and has good publicity stunts and investment scale, is definitely the favorite of many cities.

Even the Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital couldn't help but extend an olive branch and wanted Nanshan Battery to build the factory there.

"Ayang, Nanshan Battery has made such a big move this time. Do we really want to build three factories at the same time?"

Fang Sisi also received several intercessory calls in the past few days.

However, she did not make a request directly to Cao Yang, but wanted to understand the situation clearly and see if building a factory in the imperial capital was in the interests of Nanshan Battery, and then she would communicate with Cao Yang based on the situation.

After all, Nanshan Group will belong to the baby in her belly from now on, and she doesn't want the country to be ruined.

"The company is now ready to fully enter the energy storage business and make the battery business bigger and stronger."

"The energy storage business requires a large number of batteries, and the current production capacity is no longer enough."

"In addition, future electric vehicles will be put into production soon, and the demand for batteries is not expected to be small by then."

"So if we don't start building new factories now, there will be a huge capacity gap starting next year."

Fang Sisi and Cao Yang naturally had nothing to hide.

Besides, the plan for Nanshan Battery will be finalized soon.

The location of each factory will also be finalized in the near future, and then construction will begin.

Relevant information will be officially announced soon.

"If this is the case, can we consider building a battery factory in the imperial capital?"

"It is relatively close to the northeast or northern grasslands, and can meet the business needs of the energy storage business and main engine plants in the north."

Since it was determined to invest in several factories, there was nothing to hesitate, so Fang Sisi expressed her thoughts.

It's not a bad thing to be able to get some favors outside of normal investments.

After all, for people at their level, sometimes favors are worth much more than money.

"no problem!"

"Building a battery factory in the Imperial Capital or in the cities surrounding the Imperial Capital is originally within the scope of our planning."

"Since some people want us to build it in the Imperial Capital, then we will build it in the Imperial Capital."

"At that time, we will build one in the Imperial Capital, one in the Magic City, and one in Chang'an, forming a layout of four factories in the east, west, north, and south."

"If necessary in the future, we can build another one in central China and the layout will be more complete."

Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

By the way, he also talked about the location selection of the other two factories.

After the exchange between Cao Yang and Fang Sisi, Nanshan Battery's investment plan was soon officially determined.

"Leader, why don't you ask Lingnan Province to come forward and communicate with Mr. Cao to see if one of the factories can be placed in Yangcheng or surrounding cities?"

The three newly built factories of Nanshan Battery are all outside the province.

Luo Yi knew that Liu Tianwu must be a little disappointed.

The investment in these battery factories is considerable, and they have a bright future.

Every place must be very rare.

"No need, Nanshan Group wants to spread its business across the country, and we cannot stop this trend."

"The story behind Brilliance Auto in Northeast China has been a big lesson."

"We don't need to interfere too much."

"The headquarters of the main Nanshan Group has always been in Yangcheng, and the focus of construction is still in Yangcheng. This is enough."

Liu Tianwu took a deep breath and tried to relieve himself.

The current development speed of Yangcheng is already very fast in China, otherwise there would be no way to counterattack and become the number one economic city in China.

Now as long as he can continue to maintain this position, Liu Tianwu no longer pursues a single high-speed development.

Sometimes, it is also very important to be able to stabilize the situation.

A Nanshan Group attracts a large number of talents every year and supports many high-income families. This indirect contribution is also very huge.

"Although Nanshan Group has spread across the country, the scale of expansion at the headquarters is actually no slower than that in other provinces."

"Whether it is the chip equipment industrial park, the automobile town, or business units such as Nanshan Robotics, they are all developing rapidly."

"Future cars will be mass-produced soon, and by then they may be able to bring surprises to everyone."

"There are a few battery factories, but you really don't need to worry about them."

Feeling that his boss's attitude was changing, Luo Yi immediately adjusted his tone of voice.

At this time, he naturally wanted to work towards enlightenment and persuasion.

However, Liu Tianwu was a little depressed, but some people in other places were very happy.

Of course, this is another story.

At this moment, Nanshan Group has announced such a major battery construction plan, which is a huge impact on the entire battery industry.

"Each of the three new factories is planned to produce according to 1GWH, and will be put into production one after another starting next year. The expansion pace of Nanshan Battery is too exaggerated."

If Lu Faxiang hadn't seen relevant news on the official websites of Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Group, he would never have believed that the plan to build this new factory was actually true.

Last year, the combined battery production capacity of all battery manufacturers in China was less than 3GWH.

Now Nanshan Battery Company is about to add 3GWH production capacity.

What is this concept?

The production capacity of Nanshan Battery Company is larger than that of all other competitors combined!

The key is that Nanshan Battery already has a production capacity of more than 1GWH. It is equivalent to that after the construction of the new factory is completed, the production capacity will directly exceed 4GWH. Overtime, it may exceed 5GWH.

This data is even higher than the total production capacity of the world's major battery manufacturers last year!

Does this mean that one factory will PK all its opponents?

What a terrifying plan!

"I am a little surprised that Mr. Cao has such confidence in the new energy battery industry."

Wang Fu was silent for a while, and he couldn't figure out why Nanshan Battery dared to build a new battery factory so boldly.

According to this plan, the investment in each battery factory will exceed 10 billion yuan.

This is still calculated based on the minimum standard. If it is exaggerated, it may reach 20 billion yuan.

Three factories were built simultaneously...

Just crazy!

Wang Fu couldn’t understand it at all!

"Although Future Car's new models will be put into production this year, and the first model is said to be a 7-seater large SUV, no matter how good the sales of electric vehicles are, they will not exceed 5000 units in a month."

“Even 3000 units is a difficult number to reach.”

"According to this pace, at most it will be enough to build a new factory."

"Even if we add energy storage business, we don't need that much."

"And I heard that these factories have reserved land several times the size of the current construction for further expansion in the future."

"By then, every factory may expand into a large factory with more than 5GWH."

"Mr. Cao's expectations for Nanshan Battery are a bit high."

Lu Faxiang is also confused about what the future development will be like.

He hoped that Cao Yang's vision was accurate, but he didn't want it to be accurate.

Hope is accurate, which means that the future of the battery industry is bright.

I don’t hope it’s accurate, because if Nanshan’s battery bet is right, it will be very difficult for other manufacturers to surpass it.

The advantage of output is sometimes the advantage of cost, and even further becomes the advantage of technology.

Nanshan Batteries are already very strong, and they will become even stronger in the future.

How can other manufacturers catch up?

"I'll call Mr. Cao and see if he's willing to reveal something."

A little confused about the current situation, Wang Fu thought it would be better to stop guessing and call Cao Yang for a chat.

Based on his understanding of Cao Yang, Cao Yang is still more willing to communicate with his peers as long as the information is not particularly sensitive.

Heart is worse than action.

Soon, Wang Fu picked up the HONOR 2 in his hand and dialed it for Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations on starting the construction of three battery factories at the same time. In the future battery industry, we are counting on you to lead everyone to compete with international battery giants."

There is no point in talking around in vain, so after Wang Fu answered the phone, he went directly to the topic.

This can be regarded as a communication habit slowly formed between them over the years.

"Mr. Wang, I feel a little guilty when you say this. After investing billions of dollars, there are still many uncertainties as to whether the production capacity can be utilized by then."

"New energy is definitely the direction of future development, but when this wave of enthusiasm will start is still full of uncertainty."

"In the short term, we also hope to consume part of the production capacity through the development of energy storage business."

"Otherwise, Nanshan Battery has recruited a large number of R&D technicians in recent years and has no production capacity to support the sharing of R&D expenses. The report will be ugly."

What Cao Yang said was true, and it was impossible to refute.

After all, BYD Battery is considered a competitor of Nanshan Battery, so Cao Yang will definitely not say everything.

He is running a business, not doing charity.

Wang Fu called himself this time with the intention of asking for information.

However, his calm phone calls made people feel more comfortable than arranging for people to inquire around.

After all, as long as it is a battery company in China, it is impossible to remain indifferent when seeing the earth-shattering moves of Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao still has the courage to invest billions of dollars in investment."

"By next year, your production capacity will be greater than that of all other battery manufacturers combined."

"The current development of electric vehicles is still subject to certain restrictions, and consumers still have more concerns about the charging convenience and range anxiety of electric vehicles."

“I’m wondering if we can formally determine the standard for charging piles. All electric vehicles in the future must be designed according to this standard.”    “At the same time, can we also carry out a certain standardized design for batteries? , to facilitate the development of battery swap mode?”

"Once these two standards can be implemented smoothly, it will greatly alleviate the problem of duplication of construction by various OEMs and provide great convenience to consumers."

"At the same time, it can also stimulate more capital to enter the field of electric vehicle charging piles and battery swapping, which will definitely be beneficial to the development of the industry."

When Wang Fu called Cao Yang, of course he wouldn't just ask about the new factory.

With Nanshan Battery's aggressive expansion, Wang Fu also hopes that his new energy vehicle business can develop rapidly.

There is definitely no way to compete with the traditional car giants alone, so he wants to bring Nanshan Group together to promote the development of new energy vehicles.

They, BYD, can also get some credit.

Cao Yang actually supported this.

Set standards.

Whose corporate standards must have the greatest influence will eventually be most likely to become industry standards.

By then Nanshan Group is expected to become the standard setter in this industry.

The benefit of this invisibility is huge.

You can even use this right to deal with some competitors at critical moments.

"The unification of charging pile standards should be relatively simple. We can finalize this matter this year."

"Everyone has mentioned this topic before, and it has been discussed many times. Now it is just a push again."

"However, I estimate that it will be difficult to unify battery standards in one step. We can only formulate some more general requirements first."

"After all, the size and structure of each vehicle are different, and there is no way to design the battery to uniform specifications."

"However, I think it should be possible to standardize the design of battery cells."

"At least if they are unified in size, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Naturally, Cao Yang also supports the standardized production of batteries. Everyone uses battery packs of the same size, which facilitates the development of the battery swap business.

But it’s actually very difficult!

"That's true. Unifying the cell specifications first is already a big progress."

"We will consider other things next."

Wang Fu is naturally aware of the difficulty of battery standardization, so he does not expect to be able to achieve it in one step.

Now it is good to be able to work with Nanshan Group to turn battery cells into standardized products.


NetEase Auto Channel, second only to Autohome among Chinese automotive media, has also paid great attention to content innovation in recent years.

Whether it is the appearance of the previous F1 column or the production of the "Lady as a Car Model" column, they have attracted a lot of traffic.

With the rapid development of China's automobile industry, the topic of new energy vehicles is slowly increasing in popularity.

Fang Dawen was also keenly aware of this change.

"Xiao Lin, please arrange for someone to be responsible for the business of the new energy sector. I feel that topics related to new energy vehicles will become more and more popular in the future, and we need to make arrangements in advance."

From the news that Nanshan Battery is building a new factory on a large scale, Fang Dawen realized that the era of new energy vehicles is likely to come faster than he imagined.

Correspondingly, some news reports will naturally have some changes.

If Cao Yang were here, he would be able to realize how much this kind of news has changed.

By 2023, if you go to an auto show, basically no one will pay attention to traditional fuel vehicles.

Even if it is a traditional fuel vehicle from Mercedes-Benz or BMW, it is difficult to attract everyone's attention.

Traditional mid-to-high-end sedans such as the Accord, Camry, and Teana cannot attract the attention of consumers.

Throughout the auto show, everyone will basically promote new energy vehicles as the main publicity point.

Because only in this way will there be some heat.

Similarly, articles in various automotive media will closely focus on reports related to new energy vehicles.

This change is unacceptable to many people.

If NetEase Auto Channel can plan in this area in advance, its second position in the industry will be more stable.

"I will personally lead two newcomers to this section. I think it will probably be the most important section of our channel in the future."

"Reports on electric vehicles, batteries and other three-electric parts can be placed in this section."

Lin Jiayan has been working in the automobile industry for so many years, so her vision is certainly good.

She felt that she needed to hold this section in her hands so that she could always maintain the right to speak in the channel.

Otherwise, the person in charge of this section is likely to become her opponent in competing for the channel editor-in-chief.

"It's okay. If you are willing to follow in person, I will feel more at ease."

"In this channel, we can create several lists, such as the car battery production capacity list and the monthly delivery volume list."

"Of course, a list dedicated to new energy vehicles can also be created."

"The best thing is that our new energy sector can build a reputation in the industry and form a certain influence."

"Maybe it will bring us unexpected surprises in the future."

Fang Dawen briefly raised his request.

Soon, the NetEase Auto Channel changed.

Various battery companies and automotive media in China can feel this change and make some changes.

As global automotive battery giants, they will naturally not remain indifferent.

"Shang Pingsang, Yahoo reported that a battery manufacturer in China has added 3GWH of production capacity in one fell swoop, which is larger than the production capacity of other battery manufacturers in the world."

"What do you think about this matter?"

Sai Takada is the head of Panasonic's battery business division, and he very much hopes that Panasonic can become a leader in the global battery industry.

In recent years, Panasonic has made considerable progress in power batteries.

On the one hand, it cooperated with Tesla to build a cylindrical battery factory specifically to supply Tesla's electric vehicles.

On the other hand, it supplies prismatic lithium batteries to Honda cars and also cooperates with some other OEMs.

Whether in Japan or China, everyone knows that energy conservation and emission reduction are definitely in line with the direction of development.

However, in Japan, everyone has different opinions on whether to take the electric vehicle route or the hydrogen energy route.

As an island country, power resources are actually relatively scarce.

On the contrary, water resources are relatively abundant, and the development of hydrogen energy seems to be very promising.

At least that's how many people in Japan see it.

Therefore, both Toyota and Honda are developing their own hydrogen energy vehicles.

Even Toyota Motor has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to develop hydrogen energy vehicles. Most of the patents related to hydrogen energy vehicles in the world are in the hands of Toyota Motor.

They dream that one day when the era of hydrogen energy vehicles arrives, they can comfortably go to various OEMs to collect patent fees.

Therefore, companies like Panasonic that bet on electric vehicles are not living a particularly comfortable life in Japan.

At least that's the case with Panasonic's battery division.

"China's electric vehicle market has developed very well in the past two years."

"Especially electric buses and electric taxis are being promoted very quickly."

"The sales volume of the Trumpchi S produced by Yangcheng Trumpchi has stabilized at around 2000 units per month."

"The monthly sales of electric buses and electric buses produced by Nangoat City Commercial Vehicles have reached about 500 units."

"And many car companies in China are beginning to prepare to launch electric models, and several specialized electric car companies have even been established."

"So Nanshan Battery's production capacity expansion is based on realistic supply demand on the one hand, and on the other hand it should be their own advance layout for the future."

"Chinese people are sometimes quite radical when it comes to things they do."

“In order to get the so-called first place, one often doesn’t care about the cost, so it doesn’t have much reference.”

China is a place where the new energy industry is developing relatively quickly, and it is also a market with relatively strong policy support.

Therefore, Kamipira Shinichi pays more attention to the developments in the Chinese market.

Panasonic is also internally considering whether to build a factory in China.

Its customer Honda Motor Co. is already preparing to introduce a hybrid version of the Accord next year, and the batteries are supplied by Panasonic.

Now Yangcheng Honda hopes that Panasonic will build a battery factory in China to realize the local supply of hybrid batteries, which can effectively reduce costs.

Otherwise, if the price of hybrid cars is much higher than that of gasoline cars, they will not be attractive at all, and consumers will not pay the price.

"Hard to say!"

"The Nanshan Group is a very famous enterprise in China, and its technical level in all aspects is much higher than other Chinese manufacturers."

"They dare to invest in a new battery factory so boldly. I think there is some reference value."

"Next week, please arrange for us to visit the cities where several factories in China are located to see if it is really suitable to build a battery factory in China."

Takada Sai vaguely feels that if Panasonic wants to maintain its leading position in the battery field, it is time to consider building a battery factory in China.

Otherwise, after the rise of Chinese battery manufacturers, Panasonic's opportunities will be much less.

"We are already preparing to build a large-scale battery factory in the United States. If we also build a factory in China at the same time, the financial pressure will be quite high, right?"

Shinichi Kamhira was obviously not very supportive of setting up a factory in China so quickly.

He felt that the conditions were not yet mature.

A Honda Accord is not enough to support a battery factory.

However, Takada Qi's view is not exactly the same as his.

If we go to inspect it now and wait until the battery factory is built, it will be in 2012.

At that time, the situation in China's automobile market may be completely different.

In particular, they have already heard that the first pure electric vehicle of Future Motors, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, will be launched soon.

Electric vehicles from other Chinese companies will also be launched next year.

By then, China's new energy vehicle market will usher in a big change!

(End of this chapter)

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