Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 622 Super power bank? Turn "troublesome electricity" into "sought-after elect

Chapter 622 Super power bank? Turn "troublesome electricity" into "sought-after electricity"

July and August every year are the peak periods for electricity consumption.

Especially in the south, the weather is very hot, and it feels like you can't live without air conditioning.

In this case, the load on the power grid in various places is also very large.

Especially in 2010, the economies of various regions experienced explosive growth, and industrial electricity consumption also increased very rapidly.

Under this situation, power rationing began to occur in some places.

In order to prioritize residents' electricity use, some factories were forced to stop using electricity during the day.

In order to encourage people to use electricity during off-peak periods, the power company has also introduced a peak-off-peak price policy with different electricity prices in different time periods.

This will definitely bring a lot of trouble to everyone.

However, for Nanshan Group, this is a good time to promote the construction of energy storage stations.

Even various factories under the Nanshan Group are now preparing to build an energy storage station to store low-priced electricity at night in the energy storage station for use during the day.

By doing this, you can actually save nearly one yuan per kilowatt hour of electricity.

This may not seem like much, but considering that all factories are large consumers of electricity, the benefits calculated over a year are very huge.

The most important thing is that this approach is very supported by the power company.

The power company even installed solar power panels on top of Xingchen Motors' factory for free, and then stored the electricity in energy storage stations and sold it to Xingchen Motors at half the market price.

Many other factories have also felt this good news and come to consult users of vacation energy storage stations, showing explosive growth.

"Mr. Cao, we have signed construction contracts for twelve energy storage stations in the past week."

"If we continue to develop at this pace, we will need to advance the construction speed of our new factories."

"Otherwise, the battery capacity demand will not be able to meet the construction speed of energy storage stations."

Lin Cheng is in a very good mood now.

The small energy storage station has actually brought huge development opportunities to Nanshan Battery.

They also quickly launched internal energy storage systems and large-scale lithium iron phosphate batteries for the construction of energy storage stations.

"The price of lithium batteries is constantly falling, and the development of wind power and solar energy is strongly supported by policies."

"Coupled with the tight electricity demand that occurs almost every summer, the benefits of energy storage stations are constantly amplified."

"However, in addition to the energy storage stations of various factories and power grid companies, I think you should open your minds and engage in more representative engineering projects. Such demonstration and promotion effects will be better."

Cao Yang felt that although the current way of making small fuss was good, the pace was relatively steady.

But he knew some better plans and had arranged for Zeng Tingting to help communicate with several provinces and cities.

The coastal areas of East and South China are all large consumers of electricity, but they are not large power generators.

Every summer there is a shortage of electricity.

Due to the nuclear power plant in Lingnan Province, the situation is slightly better, but it is not much better. After all, the electricity from the nuclear power plant is not supplied to Lingnan first, but to the port city first.

At this time, it is more meaningful to find a few places to build several large-scale "super power banks" to store electricity during low periods and use it during peak periods.

It is even feasible to build offshore wind farms and build several large-scale energy storage stations to store wind power and turn "waste power" into "hot flashlights."

"Mr. Cao, we are currently conducting research on a solution. The results have not been finalized yet, but it is very feasible."

"The group has lithium mines on the plateau, and smelting lithium mines requires a large amount of energy."

"We want to build a large-scale wind farm near the mining area, and then build a large-scale energy storage station to use the electricity from the energy storage station to provide power for the lithium mining plant."

"This will not only greatly save the cost of lithium mining, but it can also be said in publicity that our lithium mine is a green lithium mine. In some markets in Europe and the United States, there should be people willing to pay for it."

“In the future, we can even consider making all of Nanshan Group’s electricity use green energy, and combining solar and wind energy with energy storage stations to meet our electricity needs.”

"This can definitely establish Nanshan Group's green and environmentally friendly brand image when promoting it to the outside world."

Lin Cheng didn't have any ideas.

There are many places where energy storage stations can be utilized, and investigation and preparation for all aspects of Nanshan Battery are in progress.

However, for Cao Yang, he wants to start the "super power bank" project first so that everyone can have a more intuitive impression of Nanshan Battery's energy storage station.

After all, everyone can easily remember the word "super power bank".

I even feel that this name is very appropriate, and it creates a sense of intimacy invisibly.

"This is indeed possible, but there is no need to protect the environment for the sake of environmental protection. The development of the enterprise is the first priority."

Cao Yang would definitely not object to environmental protection.

But there is definitely a cost that needs to be considered.

Otherwise, the company will not survive sooner or later.

Of course, random emissions are absolutely not allowed.

Cao Yang must have a bottom line when doing things.

"I understand. There are quite a few wind farms in Europe. They should be very interested in this energy storage station."

"I plan to go to Vestas in person next week to cooperate with them on the energy storage station project."

"When the time comes, whether it is the Middle East market or the European market, it will definitely be enough for us to develop well for several years."

When Lin Cheng said this, Cao Yang's eyes immediately lit up.

Why did you forget about overseas markets?

Those big business owners are the most particular about the so-called environmental protection. If you don’t make money from them, you are simply sorry for your own conscience!

Lin Cheng also kept his word. He first visited Vestas Huaxia Company and introduced Nanshan Battery's energy storage station plan to them. The other party was indeed very interested.

Then go directly to the headquarters for a visit.

In less than a week, Nanshan Battery won the construction contract for Vestas’ first energy storage station.

This situation immediately aroused the interest of Nanshan Battery Sales Department.

Everyone has taken the initiative, Vestas can do it, Siemens and American General Motors can do it too.

Anyway, the problem of wind power is common to everyone. How to use this "troublesome electricity" is a difficult problem.

Now Nanshan Battery has provided a relatively affordable solution, and there is no reason why everyone should not be interested.


"Leader, Magic City is planning to build a 'super charger' in conjunction with Nanshan Battery. As an important means for Magic City's new energy grid connection to absorb peak load, it will not only improve the stability and reliability of the power system, but also allow Magic City to The electricity supply in surrounding areas is more cost-effective and 'greener'."

“Many factories in Yangcheng are also working on similar projects, but they lack an overall plan for a ‘super power bank’.”

"I wonder if we can unite with other coastal cities in the province to build a large wind farm, and then cooperate with the construction of a large 'super power bank' to have a similar effect?"

"In this way, Nanshan Battery will need more production capacity to meet related needs, and it is likely that the battery factory will be expanded in Yangcheng by then."

Luo Yi has always been very concerned about the movements of Nanshan Group. During this period, Nanshan Battery has made so many moves, and he has paid even more attention to it.

After seeing the "Super Power Bank" project in Shanghai, he immediately felt that it was necessary to promote it in Yangcheng.

Otherwise, it will appear that Yangcheng’s support for Nanshan Batteries is not enough.

"You should first communicate with your brother provinces and cities, and also communicate with Lingnan Province. After determining a general direction, you can then discuss it with Nanshan Battery."

"I guess this time Nanshan Battery has built several new factories in other places, so it is a little embarrassed to ask us for projects."

"If they are embarrassed, then we will take the initiative to deliver them to their door."

Liu Tianwu's mentality is now very stable.

Some time ago, his old leader talked to him and expressed his intention to transfer him to other places for development after continuing to work in Yangcheng for one or two years.

Although it is not determined where he will go in the future, if he wants to be promoted to a higher level and transferred, it is definitely unlikely to be a developed province or city.

Under this circumstance, he definitely hopes that Nanshan Group can make some investments in his province in the future.

With this consideration in mind, his attitude towards Nanshan Group's nationwide layout has been completely different.

After receiving this instruction from Liu Tianwu, Luo Yi naturally took action immediately.

At the same time, other battery manufacturers have also taken action.

Various wind farms and solar power plants are popular public relations targets for the "Super Power Bank" project.

Whether domestic or foreign, "super power bank" projects have been launched one after another.

China's battery industry has ushered in a wave of explosive growth.

Even BYD, which has never wanted to enter the market, is a little shaken.

"Mr. Wang, I think the energy storage station project is still on track."

“Even if we don’t engage in the ‘super power bank’ project, we can still develop small energy storage station projects for individual households.”

"Many households have solar power panels. There should be a market for storing this electricity in energy storage stations for use at night."

Naturally, Lu Faxiang couldn't help but watch as various battery manufacturers invested in building new factories, while BYD Battery made no movement at all.

BYD's second position in the battery industry will not be maintained by then.

"Your statement is completely fine in theory, but have you considered the practical issues?"

"The investment in a home energy storage station costs tens of thousands of yuan at least."

"In this case, how long will it take for the people to recover their investment?"

"Ordinary people can't afford to do it early if there is no profit. If there is no profit, it will be useless no matter how environmentally friendly it is."

"It allows them to use no water or electricity, making it more environmentally friendly."

Wang Fu directly rejected Lu Faxiang's views.

He has rich experience at the grassroots level and is relatively clear about the thoughts of ordinary people.

However, Lu Faxiang has naturally considered this issue.

So even though he was criticized, he continued calmly: "It is indeed a bit difficult to promote energy storage stations in China, but I think if it is placed in countries such as Korea and Japan, the situation may be a little different."

"On the one hand, these countries have higher electricity prices and pay more attention to environmental protection."

"Our home energy storage station project should still have a certain market in these places."

"Even in Africa, there may be unexpected market prospects."

"The power facilities there are very backward, and there is simply no way to have enough power grids to connect to every place."

"In this case, the power supply solution that combines energy storage stations and solar or wind energy that does not rely on the grid is very promising."    "We can also cooperate with some solar power companies to jointly promote related projects."

When Lu Faxiang said this, Wang Fu stopped attacking him.

This plan seems to have certain feasibility.

"You come up with a specific plan, and we will evaluate it when the time comes."

Obviously, Wang Fu was also moved.

If electric vehicles are to develop, batteries cannot lag behind.

The production of batteries is closely related to the cost of batteries.

If your output never increases, it will be impossible to maintain low costs.

On the other hand, as long as your volume increases, costs in all aspects will drop by orders of magnitude.

China's battery production capacity is about to double, and there will naturally be some changes in related materials.

The most obvious manifestation is the change in the price of lithium carbonate.

Lithium mineral resources are not that scarce in the world.

But turning lithium ore into battery-grade lithium carbonate is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, on the Asian Metal Trading Network, the price of lithium carbonate has experienced rapid growth due to the obvious growth in lithium battery production capacity.

This allowed Nanshan Investment, which had already made plans early on, to make a lot of money.

"Ayang, if this trend continues, as long as the price of lithium carbonate continues to rise by 20%, we will basically be able to earn back the funds for building three battery factories from the financial market."

Zhang Fugui is becoming more and more low-key now.

In Nanshan Group, his presence continues to decline.

He put most of his energy on Nanshan investment.

In the past two years, although Nanshan Investment has not made as much money as in 2008, the income has been very good.

"The current price of lithium carbonate is about 40,000 yuan per ton, which seems relatively expensive. After all, it could be purchased for only 20,000 yuan a few years ago."

"But in the long run, the price of 40,000 yuan per ton is also a relatively low price."

"When the market explodes in the future, it is not impossible to double quickly or even double again."

"Of course, this also depends on future development opportunities."

"I estimate that this wave of rise can last until the end of next year. Whether it can continue to rise in the future depends on the overall production capacity and demand."

Cao Yang is still relatively sensitive to price changes in lithium carbonate.

When new energy vehicles were popular in the previous life, the price of lithium carbonate reached a maximum of almost 60 yuan per ton.

That's really crazy.

Even if it falls, it will remain at 20 yuan per ton for a long time.

However, this is a mineral after all. Although the development cost has not changed significantly, the price of the terminal has increased so much.

Therefore, it will inevitably stimulate more lithium mines to enter the market, causing the price of lithium carbonate to begin to fall.

Once this overcapacity situation occurs, price declines will continue.

Therefore, the price of lithium carbonate has also experienced a process from 60 yuan per ton back to 10 yuan per ton.

During this time period, many people must have become rich.

But there are also many people who have suffered heavy losses.

"I have arranged people to specialize in lithium carbonate futures trading. Combined with the information we have, the possibility of making money in futures is very high."

"Especially if Nanshan Battery becomes the world's largest battery company in the future, it will have a greater influence on changes in lithium carbonate prices."

Zhang Fugui naturally knows how to use intelligence advantages to speculate in futures.

In this kind of financial market, if you are better informed, you can make a lot more money than others.

Besides, as the largest battery company, it needs to consume a lot of lithium carbonate.

In this case, you need to do some value preservation operations in the futures market.

Otherwise, once there is a big price fluctuation, the company's operations will be very passive.

This is definitely not the scene Cao Yang wants to see.

"We need to pay more attention to lithium carbonate, and we need to pay more attention to the situation of cobalt."

"In the London Metal Exchange, the demand for cobalt and nickel will also continue to change like lithium carbonate."

"Even if we adopt a different operating strategy from that of lithium carbonate, we still need to take some actions to simply hedge the operating risks of Nanshan Battery."

Zhang Fugui's execution ability is still relatively high.

Cao Yang trusted this uncle quite a bit.

Therefore, what should be explained should be explained directly and clearly.

During this wave of rising prices for lithium battery-related raw materials such as lithium carbonate, other battery companies in the industry slowly realized that Nanshan Battery was already moving much faster than itself.

"Lao Lu, Nanshan Group now has its own lithium ore, cobalt ore, nickel ore and manganese ore, and has also asked Nanshan Chemical to research and produce electrolytes and other products. This is the entire industrial chain from upstream raw materials to downstream products. It’s all being laid out.”

"I think this idea also has strong reference significance for us."

Wang Fu looked at the information compiled by Lu Faxiang in his hand and felt complicated.

Originally, he felt that the gap between BYD batteries and Nanshan batteries was not particularly big, and he would still have a chance to recover them later.

But now he has no confidence.

Nanshan Battery has long been deployed in the industrial chain, but BYD Battery is still in a relatively passive situation.

As one goes and the other goes up, the gap between everyone will naturally become wider.

"Lithium mines have been very popular during this period, and prices have also risen a lot."

"As for cobalt mines, most of them are not in our country and need to be purchased in the international market."

"In this case, if we want to follow the route taken by Nanshan Battery, it will cost a lot of money."

Lu Faxiang naturally wanted to learn.

But this requires money!

So he clearly explained the impact of this plan to Wang Fu from the beginning.

"Although the layout of raw materials and the investment in building new factories both cost money, they are still different in nature."

"Building a new factory, if there is not enough demand to support it, will have a very negative impact on our financial reports."

"But the layout of raw materials has a far-reaching impact. If we want to be the leader in the industry in the future, we must have our own initiative in raw materials."

"Otherwise, if there is a tight supply situation and there is no raw material production, it will be a big problem."

"Especially if we also supply to other OEMs by then and cannot deliver on time due to material problems, it will be very difficult to continue to get orders in the industry in the future."

"The most important thing is to invest in resources such as lithium mines while electric vehicles have not completely exploded yet. Although the prices of raw materials have risen, they are still within a tolerable range. It is not only a profitable thing, but also beneficial to the public. The stability of our supply chain goes a long way.”

Wang Fu naturally understood what Lu Faxiang meant when he said that.

So he also expressed his attitude straightforwardly.

The same goes for spending money. Some money is not urgent to spend, but some money cannot be saved.

Wang Fu is well aware of this.

"This is true. The current annual production of electric vehicles is less than 10 units, but the annual automobile production can reach close to 2000 million units, and electric vehicles account for less than 1%."

“Even if the proportion only reaches 10% in the future, the impact will be different from what it is now.”

"However, the grade of lithium mines in domestic mining areas is generally not very high. The best lithium mines should be in Australia."

"It is said that the lithium content in some mining areas can reach more than 2%, but many places in the country cannot even achieve 0.5%."

"According to the general view in the industry, if it does not reach 0.8%, there is no significance in mining."

"Should we focus on domestic or foreign countries?"

Although everyone always likes to say that China is vast and rich in resources, when it comes to specific raw materials, it is found that the resources in some places are truly rich.

Compared with them, there is still a big gap between China and them.

This is true for iron ore, and so is lithium ore.

Even though there is no shortage of coal mines in China, there are actually large mines with higher quality overseas.

"I think Nanshan Group is working on both domestic and foreign projects at the same time, and the lithium mine is also deployed in rock mines and lake mines at the same time."

"Now it seems that the lithium content of the mineral deposit is not very high. When the price of lithium carbonate is 4 yuan per ton, the mining value may not be very high."

"But when the price of lithium carbonate rises to 10 per ton, it will be worth mining."

"Precisely because the mining value of these lithium mines is not high, the current investment cost is relatively low."

"At that time, we can take a two-step approach. On the one hand, we can invest in rich minerals with higher prices, and on the other hand, we can also invest in mining areas with low prices."

"If the price of Laitang Shuanglu becomes really crazy, we won't be passive."

Wang Fu himself started out by studying batteries, so he naturally knows a lot about the situation in lithium mines.

Therefore, what Lu Faxiang said was completely understandable to him.

And he also had his own plan for this situation.

Anyway, it’s all laid out in advance, so it’s better to think more fully.

Having a mine in hand can be considered an asset. Whether it is a mortgage loan or other treatment plan, it is still within the acceptable range.

The Nanshan Group has been so bold in deploying a bunch of mines at home and abroad, so there is no need for me to be afraid.

At worst, we can just transfer the mine when the time comes.

As BYD follows suit, other battery companies are more or less considering this issue.

Suddenly, lithium ore has become a hot commodity.

However, just when everyone was focusing on lithium carbonate and lithium ore, Nanshan Semiconductor, which had always placed great hopes on Cao Yang, finally began to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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