Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 645 In 2010, China began to rewrite the world

Chapter 645 In 2010, China began to rewrite the world

December 2010 ended in a commotion.

The entire year of 2010 was a very special year for both the automobile industry and the entire Chinese economy.

This year is definitely a big year!

From the fact that every OEM worked overtime on January 1st to release their sales data, everyone can feel the hot market last year.

"Edward, is this news accurate?"

"Our sales in China exceeded 100 million vehicles last year?"

It’s still early morning on January 1st here in China, and it’s noon on December 1st here in the United States.

As the president of General Motors, Whittaker immediately received a call from Austin, the president of General Motors in Shanghai, reporting on the glorious achievements of China.

"Whittaker, General Motors ended the year with sales of 103.8988 units, a year-on-year growth of 42.8%."

"Last year, I led all the personnel from the three major brands of General Motors to further improve the product layout."

"Among them, the Buick brand sold 550014 vehicles throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 23%."

"The Chevrolet brand sold 471575 vehicles throughout the year, an increase of 73%."

"The Cadillac brand sold a total of 17366 vehicles, achieving a high growth rate of 139%."

"The Chevrolet brand has grown rapidly, and brand awareness has increased to 99%."

"The most important thing is that China's profits have made a historic breakthrough, which is expected to completely make up for some of the company's losses in other regions, allowing General Motors to completely achieve profitability in 2010."

Austin is in high spirits right now.

Although GM's sales are not the largest in the world, it is the most profitable.

General Motors has been losing money since 2004.

Last year, it entered the stage of bankruptcy and reorganization, and its stock price dropped below $1 historically.

But by November of this year, General Motors raised $11 billion in its initial public offering at $33 a share.

This basically shows that General Motors has begun to get out of the quagmire and move towards a brighter goal.

This year is the first year after the restructuring, and whether we can achieve profitability is a very important indicator.

Especially for President Whittaker, it is even more extraordinary.

So Whittaker was very excited to hear Austin's return.

"Modu General Motors was the number one company in China in terms of sales last year. This year, while continuing to hold the number one spot, it has also achieved the great goal of total output exceeding 100 million."

"Austin, your achievements can be seen by everyone here at the headquarters."

"I hope you will continue to work at Modu General Motors and continue to work hard towards higher goals."

"The headquarters will also provide full support for the introduction of new Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac models."

"As long as you think the car model is suitable for the Chinese market, you can import it to Modu GM for local production."

"If any department hinders the development of Modu General, you can call me directly."

For meritorious deeds, Whittaker is naturally generous with rewards.

The support from the company headquarters also makes Austin more confident.

However, unlike General Motors' jubilation, the situation at Volkswagen is a little different.

According to data released by various companies early in the morning, Vondel and Strauss did not even take a vacation during the New Year's Day holiday, and directly followed the company's sales leaders to gather for meetings.

"Tariq, Spring City Volkswagen sold only 67.8 vehicles last year. Although it also achieved double-digit growth, it was better than the global performance."

"But this data cannot even make it into the top five in China's car sales rankings."

"This situation is absolutely unacceptable. When did Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen fall from the top five positions?"

"In the past, our two companies competed with Modu GM for the top three rankings, but now Spring City Volkswagen cannot even enter the top five."

"In just one year, I fell from third place to sixth place. How do you want me to explain to the headquarters?"

Vondel was very angry!

Although Volkswagen's sales in China are still increasing, and the growth rate is also good, they are afraid of comparison in everything.

GM, which ranked first, saw an increase of more than 100%, and its sales directly exceeded million, becoming the first Chinese car company with annual sales of more than one million.

This honor, Vondel feels, should originally belong to Volkswagen.

Now it has been snatched away by General Motors.

What makes him even more depressed is that both Volkswagen companies are declining in the rankings.

The second place that originally belonged to Volkswagen was now taken away by Chery Automobile with a sales volume of 88.9.

The sales volume of Modu Volkswagen is only 83.4. Although compared with 2009 in 62.2, the increase is still very good.

After all, Modu Volkswagen has newly introduced the Skoda brand, and it started to gain momentum last year, with sales exceeding 20, making an indelible contribution to the growth of Modu Volkswagen.

But even so, he only got third place.

This was very difficult for Vondel to accept.

If the growth rate of other companies is not that large, it can be said that the results of the two joint ventures are still very good.

But now...

The situation is completely different.

Vondel can imagine how various media in China will interpret this list.

Volkswagen has missed the mark!

Volkswagen has fallen from the altar in the Chinese market!

Everyone is moving forward, but Volkswagen's ranking is retreating!

Various reports will definitely have a bad impact on Volkswagen's brand power.

This is what Fondel is more afraid of.

The most important thing is that from the Toyota incident some time ago, Vondel has seen the possibility of adding insult to injury.

It's just that last time it was Toyota, this time it's Volkswagen's turn.

Thinking of this, Fondel felt dizzy.

"Vondel, I think Spring City Volkswagen's sales growth is not as good as other car companies, mainly because the products the company imports to China are not very competitive."

"You can sort out the best-selling models of Huaxia's own brands. The configurations in all aspects are higher than ours, the power is not worse than ours, and the quality reputation is not as big as before."

"In this case, their price is only 70%, or even 60%, of ours."

"If I were a consumer, I would hesitate too."

"Also, due to the siege of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Xingchen Motors, Audi's performance in 2010 was not very good."

"This has also further dragged down the performance of Spring City Volkswagen."

Tariq must also have to defend himself.

In European and American companies, the practice of proactively admitting mistakes is not easy.

If you do this, everyone will really think it's your fault.

At this time, you must find some reasons and at the same time show that you still have many tricks to face the future.

Otherwise, get out of class will be over soon.

"Mercedes-Benz and BMW are producing more and more models locally in China, and our Audi brand really needs to further speed up the localization of each model."

"Although the performance of the Audi brand was not very good last year, I think the situation should change in 2011."

"By then, our Q7, Q5, and Q3 will all have domestically produced models launched, which will be able to contribute favorably to the increase in sales."

"Moreover, the headquarters has initially approved the localization project of Audi A8, and will introduce more other models into the Chinese market."

"It is not impossible for our Audi brand to regain the number one position in China's luxury car market by then."

As the person in charge of the Audi brand in China, Strauss naturally cannot remain silent at this time.

However, Vondel did not have great confidence in what he said.

"Audi will introduce new models into China, but Mercedes-Benz and BMW are no exception."

"BMW X7, X5, X3, and even X1 will all be produced in China in the future."

"The sales of their BMW 5 Series and BMW 3 Series have been very good, and the localization of the BMW 1 Series is also in progress."

"And their Tiexi factory will be put into production soon, which will put us under a lot of pressure."

Vondel is very familiar with the situation of various car companies in China and is not that easy to fool.

However, he just retorted like this, and even if he was asked to come up with some good solutions, he couldn't come up with them.

After all, this situation was not created in a day or two.

"In the past, models from joint venture brands had a very obvious brand premium compared to models of the same level from China's own brands."

"For the same mid-to-high-end sedan, Magotan can sell for 25, but BYD's F6 only costs about 10."

"But with the rise of China's own brands, this brand premium is shrinking rapidly."

"On the one hand, the prices of Huaxia's own-brand models are also going up due to the increasing number of configurations."

"On the other hand, many consumers think this price difference is an IQ tax and are less willing to pay."

"So I think it is necessary to further reduce the cost of each model in the next step. While ensuring that our profitability does not drop too much, we can reduce the selling price of our models by at least 10%."

Tariq quickly found a project to divert everyone's attention.

That’s cost reduction!

This topic is basically an eternal topic for the automotive industry.

"To reduce costs so much, but the configuration cannot be reduced, but increased, then we need to make some changes in the supply chain."

"After years of development in China's automobile industry, many parts companies with good quality have emerged."

"I think the company can expand the proportion of parts purchased from local parts suppliers in China as the next step. This is the fastest way to reduce costs."

Strauss's complex Audi model has the lowest proportion of domestically produced models among Volkswagen.

So he brought up the topic first.

Everyone basically agrees with Strauss's proposal.

Although this approach will harm the interests of some German suppliers, if Volkswagen's own interests cannot be guaranteed, who will care about your interests?

Invisibly, their decision can be regarded as bringing opportunities to Chinese parts companies.

Of course, this is all for later.

Regarding the car sales situation in 2010, the popularity has just started and is far from stopping.

"Mr. Yin, congratulations. Chery Automobile has successfully surpassed Volkswagen this year and become the second-largest car company in terms of sales in the country."

Early in the morning, Cao Yang returned to the company as normal without taking a vacation.

Seeing the latest information compiled by Mi Ying, he immediately picked up the phone and called several CEOs of independent brands.

These are all major customers of Nanshan Group. Chery Automobile’s sales volume reached 88.9 units last year, which means that Nanshan Transmission sold 88.9 units of its products to the other party.

Because Chery Automobile’s current gearboxes are all purchased from Nanshan Transmission.

Their own gearbox products are still under development and have not yet been mass-produced.

"Mr. Cao, thanks to you, we listened to your suggestion and that's why Chery Automobile is what it is today."

"However, although the annual sales volume reached 88.9, there is still a big gap compared with the sales volume of global automobile giants."

"This data ranks second in China, but it doesn't even rank among the top 10 or even the top 20 globally."

Although Yin Chuan was in a very good mood, he was not proud either.

After all, at the beginning of December, we basically knew that Chery Automobile could become the second largest player in China.

Now this information is just finally confirmed.

"Step by step, according to our growth rate, in a few years, the influence of China's independent brands in the global automobile market will also increase."

"I took a look and found that among the top five manufacturers in the Chinese market, three are already under our own brands."

"A few years ago, no one would have believed this situation."

Hua Xia was on the phone while looking at the data in his hand.

First place, Modu General Motors, sold 103.9 million vehicles.

Second place, Chery Automobile, sold 88.9 vehicles.

Third place, Volkswagen, sold 83.4 vehicles.

Fourth place, BYD Auto, sold 70.2 vehicles.

In fifth place, Geely Automobile sold 68.3 vehicles.

Sixth place, Spring City Volkswagen, sold 67.8 vehicles.

In seventh place, Didu Hyundai sold 66.7 vehicles.

Eighth place, Changan Automobile, sold 66.4 vehicles.

In ninth place, Great Wall Motors sold 65.3 vehicles.

In tenth place, Zephyr Nissan sold 60.1 vehicles.

No. 55.3, Yangcheng Trumpchi, with sales of vehicles.

No. 50.1, Spring City Toyota, with sales of vehicles.


This achievement is definitely worthy of the big market in 2010.

"Indeed, I think BYD has reached 70 this year, and Geely is close to 70."

"On the contrary, Spring City Volkswagen was directly surpassed by a few of us."

"I think the Volkswagen guys are going to be pissed off."

Yin Chuan's unintentional words were basically accurate to the facts.

The people at Volkswagen China are indeed in a bad mood.

However, those people are professional managers.

When they report to the headquarters, they will definitely change their words to weaken the ranking and strengthen the sales growth.

From this perspective, Volkswagen's performance in China last year was still very good.

After all, sales increased by more than 300,000 vehicles compared with last year, with a double-digit increase.

This kind of performance is not bad no matter which market it is placed in.

"The only auto giants still on the list are General Motors, Volkswagen, Hyundai and Nissan."

"It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to completely surpass General Motors in a short period of time. It is estimated that it will be difficult for Volkswagen to drop them out of the top 10."

"But Hyundai and Nissan, I think they can still work hard."

"Especially Hyundai Motors, their product positioning is very close to that of their own brands. To a certain extent, its existence is to rob the market of our own brand car companies."

“If everyone can eat their share, the pressure won’t be so great this year.”

"As for Nissan, I think we can take advantage of the declining influence and reputation of Japanese car companies to continue to suppress them."

"The best thing is that in the automobile market in 2011, our own brands not only have five positions in the top 10, but can have six or even seven."

Cao Yang's words seemed to have reached Yin Chuan's heart.

It is in the common interest of everyone to unite to deal with joint venture automobile giants and expand the share of independent brands.

When Cao Yang makes this call, he is actually trying to draw a line for everyone and pave the way for some actions in 2011.

Naturally, Yin Chuan fully agreed with this.

He even said directly that he would communicate with Geely Automobile.

Everyone worked together to continue to seize the market from the joint venture giants.

After calling Yin Chuan, Cao Yang communicated with Yi Jia from Changan Automobile.

As a car company among various independent brands that is relatively close to Nanshan Group, Changan Automobile's development in recent years is obvious to all.

Cao Yang feels that among the various independent brands, Changan Automobile is also very hopeful to grab the top five, or even the top three position.

"It's a pity this year. It's 3000 units short of surpassing Teitu Hyundai, and units short of surpassing Spring City Volkswagen."

Although Changan Automobile's sales ranking has risen from ninth to eighth, Yi Jia obviously still feels a little regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked people to reduce more inventory in December and increase sales.

Data like that is very nice.

"Mr. Yi, I think we should take it step by step, there is no need to rush."

"Changan Automobile will launch a blockbuster electric vehicle in 2011, which will contribute 10 sales by then. I think it is entirely possible."

"When the time comes, it will be very normal to break into the top five."

"It is estimated that the automobile market in 2011 will not be able to advance as rapidly as in 2010. It would be considered good if the sales volume of each model can basically maintain the same level."

“At this time, it’s more about looking at the performance of new models.”

"I have great confidence in Changan Automobile's new models."

Cao Yang's view can be regarded as representing the views of some people.

After all, China's car sales this year have exceeded 1900 million, which is only a few hundred thousand short of 2000 million.

Under such circumstances, it is unrealistic to continue to maintain such a high growth rate in 2011.

The decline in growth means that competition in China's auto market will become more intense in 2011.

New factories of various car companies have also been put into production one after another, and the situation of tight production capacity will be greatly alleviated.

"Mr. Cao personally helped determine the positioning of this micro electric vehicle. With its ultra-low price and cute appearance, it is really possible that it will become popular all over the country."

Speaking of new models, Yi Jia's mood suddenly became much better.

He is also looking forward to the performance of this car.

Although it is an electric car, its sales volume is worth looking forward to.

"Yes, by then Changan Automobile will be able to increase the sales of Huaxia electric vehicles by an order of magnitude with one fell swoop."

The better Changan Automobile’s electric vehicles sell, the more Nanshan Group will benefit.

After all, batteries, motors and other parts are provided by Nanshan Group.

Nanshan Group itself has no plans to directly involve itself in this entry-level low-end electric vehicle.

So supporting the development of a manufacturer that has a close relationship with itself is the best thing for Nanshan Group's interests.

Changan Automobile is Cao Yang’s chosen partner.

After that, Cao Yang continued to call Wang Fu, Wang Feng and others to congratulate and exchange everyone's views on the auto market.

The whole morning passed quickly.

"Mr. Cao, I did some calculations. If we add together the sales of Jaguar Land Rover Huaxia, Future Motors and Xingchen Motors, then our sales have exceeded 60, reaching 64.1."

"This data can completely replace Zephyr Nissan and enter the tenth place in the TOP10 rankings."

Zeng Tingting felt that this achievement was worth bragging about.

Anyway, there is no problem with this calculation method. It can even include the global sales of Jaguar Land Rover. In this way, Nanshan Group will directly enter the TOP5.

Publicity these days is all about using a magnifying glass to find the first person to tell stories.

Anyway, as long as you find the right angle, you can always find the first one.

If it doesn't work, just subdivide it and then subdivide it, and you can always come out with the first one.

For example, MPVs are obviously a sufficiently detailed market. In order to make their respective models No. 1, they will be No. 1 in the business MPV market, No. 1 in the home MPV market, and No. 1 in the commercial and home MPV market.

If you still can't get the first place, then let's take the first place in the MPV under 20 yuan, the first place in the MPV under 30 yuan, or the first place in the high-end MPV above 30 yuan.

Anyway, you can always find a number one.

"When you say that, it seems to make sense."

"But I think the Chinese auto market in 2010 has brought enough shocks and surprises to everyone. We don't need to join in this ranking competition. We are already the biggest winners."

"Xingchen Motors alone has sold 41 vehicles worldwide. Jaguar Land Rover has sold more than 21 vehicles in China and more than 25 vehicles in other markets around the world. Together, Jaguar Land Rover has sold more cars than Xingchen Motors. Tens of thousands more.”

"Coupled with the fact that cars in the future are also starting to take off in volume, if all this data is mixed together, it will probably bring a lot of excitement to everyone."

Although Nanshan Group's business is becoming more and more complex, the main source of sales and profits is definitely the automobile industry.

Not to mention other things, Xingchen Automobile alone contributed more than 400 billion in turnover and tens of billions of net profits.

This is a very exaggerated figure.

Among the domestic OEMs, no matter how much more sales they have than Xingchen Automobile, their turnover and profits cannot match that of Xingchen Automobile.

This is the advantage of a luxury brand after it is well managed.

One car I sell is worth ten to you.

"Mr. Cao, I think even if we don't calculate it ourselves, the media will still calculate it."

"They are eager to find more gimmicks related to our group. News like this will be easier to trend on."

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang found that he could not refute.

 What a coincidence, today is also New Year’s Day, and it’s also New Year’s Day in the book~

  Then ask for a monthly pass?



(End of this chapter)

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