Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 646 10000 billion yuan, set a big goal

Chapter 646 10000 billion yuan, set a big goal

On January 1, most of China's car companies had already released last year's sales data.

A small number of them were not distributed in such a timely manner, but they were basically sent out on the 2nd.

For the rest that have not yet been posted, basically there is no point in posting them or not.

Because their sales volume has no sense of existence.

The media rarely pay attention to the news of these car companies.

As a result, the more formal car sales rankings for 2010 were naturally released.

The media carnival has officially begun.

"Mr. Yu, the traffic on our platform has increased by 34% in the past two days. Everyone is very interested in the performance of various car companies."

"Whether it is articles commenting on the performance of various car companies or comments analyzing specific models, they are very popular with everyone."

"It seems that last year was really a great year for China's automobile industry, so we can have a good year this year."

He Ling is obviously very satisfied with Autohome's performance during this period.

On the one hand, the company has officially announced internally that it will prepare to go public in the future.

These core personnel must have a certain amount of original shares to allocate.

On the other hand, the development of various sectors is also very smooth, and Autohome firmly ranks first in the industry.

Even if has gone public and raised a large amount of money, it will not pose much of a threat to Autohome.

"In one fell swoop, 1900 million new car consumers were added, which is at least equivalent to adding 1000 million new users to our professional car media."

"These users who own cars are much more sticky than ordinary users."

"In the next few years, I think the automotive professional media will have a good time."

Yu Yumai is also full of confidence in the future.

The higher the car sales and car ownership in China, the greater the importance of automotive professional media will be.

Each OEM will think of ways to advertise and publish soft articles.

This is their main source of income.

"Our group's performance this year should also be very good."

"I see that the sales volume of Xingchen Automobile has reached 414872 units, of which Xingtu, the highest-selling vehicle, has reached 210335 units, and the second-ranked Zangwang has also continued to hit new highs, reaching 158890 units."

"Even Dreamer has 28035 vehicles and Ziweixing has 12266 vehicles."

"Coupled with Galaxy's 4800 and Star Sports Car's 546, this figure is definitely the number one luxury car in China."

"And due to the high sales price of bicycles, Xingchen Automobile's turnover is definitely the highest in China."

"What's even more remarkable is that Xingchen Motors' bicycles are very profitable. It is estimated that it will contribute tens of billions of profits to the group this year."

Although He Ling does not know the specific financial data of Xingchen Automobile, some basic information can still be inferred.

The information inferred from these is enough to shock everyone.

"The group's performance in the automotive industry is indeed worth looking forward to."

"Not only did Xingchen Motors perform brilliantly, but Jaguar Land Rover also set a new record in China this year."

"Due to the hot sales of Jaguar F-TYPE, the Jaguar brand's sales in China have skyrocketed, reaching 61030 units."

"The Land Rover brand has also reached 156680 units, and the total sales volume has reached 217710 units. This data has successfully crushed the performance of BMW and Mercedes-Benz in China, directly becoming second only to Xingchen Automobile."

"This achievement is definitely worthy of special praise."

Yu Yu is naturally familiar with Nanshan Group's automobile business.

She even has to find out what news is happening in Nanshan Group's automotive business sector every day, and if there is anything special that deserves her personal attention.

"Xingchen Motors has performed brilliantly, Jaguar Land Rover is impressive, and even the newly established Future Automobile is now about to explode."

"Due to issues with production capacity and production time, W9 sales will only be 12222 units in the future, but this figure is likely to be directly increased by zero in 2011."

"By then, future cars will definitely become the most special presence in the global electric vehicle market."

He Ling and Yu Yu exchanged words with each other and took stock of Nanshan Group's complete vehicle business.

I didn’t know this until I mentioned it, but I discovered that Nanshan Group’s vehicle business is already so impressive.

You know, Nanshan Group’s cars are not cheap!

"Not only the performance of the entire vehicle is outstanding, but also the parts and components are experiencing a complete explosion."

"Last year, due to the rapid development of the entire automobile market, especially the explosive growth of sales of various independent brands."

"This directly led to the rapid growth in sales of Nanshan engines and Nanshan gearboxes."

"This kind of driving role is something that other companies cannot enjoy at all."

The more Yu Yu analyzes it, the more he feels that Nanshan Group's layout is really perfect.

They can all enjoy dividends from the development of the entire automobile industry.

"Indeed, Nanshan Group, as the leading company in China's automobile industry, has a position that increasingly no competitor can challenge."

"Any car company that has a poor relationship with Nanshan Group will find it difficult to perform very well in China."

"Companies that work closely with Nanshan Group are performing pretty well."

"Do I think this meaning can be properly expressed in future articles?"

He Ling feels that proper guidance to allow more automobile OEMs to cooperate with Nanshan Group should be in line with the headquarters' positioning of Autohome.

"Proper guidance can be provided on some forums, but official official website articles should try to avoid such content."

"Nanshan Group is not without competitors. This kind of article will definitely bring about refutation from competitors."

During the communication between Yu Yu and He Ling, the development direction and strategy of Autohome in 2011 were basically determined.

With the development and growth of Nanshan Group's business, Cao Yang no longer cares about these specific matters.

Only when there is special need, we will provide appropriate guidance.


Last year's sales performance was an important gimmick that various car companies desperately promoted.

GM is doing everything possible to let everyone know that it is the first car company in China with sales exceeding 100 million, and it firmly ranks first in the industry.

Chery Automobile is trying its best to let everyone know that it is the sales champion of China's independent brands. Last year, the number of units was second only to GM, and it ranked second, putting Volkswagen in the north and south under it.

As the fourth-placed BYD, naturally it is not idle either.

"Mr. Wang, F3 is now our most popular model, and it is also the bicycle sales champion in China in 2010. It has reached a record of more than 25 units, with the highest monthly sales reaching 3.6 units, breaking the domestic bicycle sales record in one fell swoop. .”

"And our data is not the December data, but the monthly sales exceeded 12 vehicles three times a year."

"I think the company's next publicity work can focus on this topic, so that more people know about BYD and F3 and other models."

As BYD's sales director, Wu Huabing has been extremely busy these days.

Before January 1st, all links were desperately urged to compile the data, so that it could be released directly to the outside world as soon as early in the morning.

After the data is compiled, all aspects of marketing actions must be followed immediately, otherwise the popularity will be taken away by other brands.

All kinds of news, once they lose their timeliness, their effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The people at BYD naturally know this very well.

Therefore, how to keep BYD's popularity relatively high is something Wu Huabian and the others need to seriously consider.

"The sales volume of F3 is very good, but the positioning of the model is a bit low. Will excessive publicity affect our brand image?"

Wang Fu naturally hopes that the publicity work can be done well, but he is also worried about focusing the publicity on F3.

After all, this car can sell well mainly because of its low price.

But BYD also has some models, and the prices are not that low.

If everyone thinks BYD is a company that sells low-end cars, it will be very detrimental to the sales of other models.

“The impact is definitely there, but I don’t think it’s necessarily that big.”

"If the majority of consumers don't know BYD, then no matter how good our brand image is or how good our models are, it's useless if we can't sell them."

"But if our popularity increases, even if everyone thinks that we sell relatively low-priced models, it will be good for sales."

Naturally, Wu Huabing would not give up his plan just because of Wang Fu's words.

Wang Fu just discussed it with him and did not strongly oppose this matter.

"If your sales department feels that this publicity plan is good for the company, then go for it."

"There is a lot of buzz on the Internet right now. You should pay attention to the intensity of publicity in this regard."

After listening to Wu Huabing's words, Wang Fu gave his own judgment after a slight hesitation.

With BYD's development now, if car sales continue to rise, Wang Fu will already feel the pressure.

Therefore, the sales target for 2011 was only set at 80, and the growth rate was much lower than last year.

Even this sales volume is very difficult to achieve.

Because according to Wang Fu's speculation, the growth rate of China's auto market should slow down in 2011.

By then, competition among various brands will definitely become more intense, and it will not be easy to break through the sales target of 80 vehicles.

Also a little tangled is Yangcheng Automobile Group.

They have now divided their own brands into two parts, one is Yangcheng Trumpchi and the other is Yangcheng Aian.

The popular Aian S contributed more than 3 sales last year. This data is definitely very beautiful.

However, when compared with the sales volume of companies in the entire automobile industry alone, 3 units is definitely not enough.

As for Yangcheng Trumpchi, there is still a little gap from the tenth place.

"Mr. Zhang, I plan to combine the sales of Yangcheng Trumpchi and Yangcheng Aian for external publicity starting from this year, and downplay the sales data of the two joint ventures."

"The data will look much better this way."

Last year, the sales volume of Yangcheng Trumpchi ranked eleventh, missing one spot from entering the TOP10.

Although it is only missing by one place, Yangcheng Trumpchi will not be included in the rankings of many websites. For ordinary consumers, paying attention to the top 10 car sales can already burn out a lot of their brain cells.

How many people care about how many cars other than the top 10 car companies have sold?

"It's easy to put together, but how to promote it is a problem."

"You can't just use the name of Yangcheng Automobile Group to promote it, right?"

Zhang Jiaqi naturally realized the meaning behind Zeng Guangda's proposal.

However, he felt that simply promoting the merger seemed a bit troublesome.

"This is actually easy to handle. We can make Yangcheng Aian a subsidiary of Yangcheng Trumpchi, and only need to adjust the composition of one shareholder."

"In this way, when we release sales data, we can add Yangcheng Aian's sales to Yangcheng Trumpchi."

When Zeng Guangda said this, Zhang Jiaqi's eyes lit up.

This approach seems feasible.

Anyway, both Yangcheng Trumpchi and Yangcheng Aian are 100% controlled subsidiaries of Yangcheng Motor Group.

In this case, it is not a big deal at all to make some share changes.

But making such a big change for one person can be considered a new record.

"You can discuss it with the legal department to see if this operation will be complicated."

"If it's not too troublesome, then work in this direction as soon as possible."

Zhang Jiaqi agreed to Zeng Guangda's proposal without much hesitation.

He is about to reach retirement age, so he naturally hopes to perform well before retiring.

This means he may be able to move up a level before retiring.


Compared with the concerns of various independent brands, the ideas of various joint venture car companies are a little different.

"Chang Shisang, last year Volkswagen's Lavida and Bora both stabilized at a monthly sales volume of 2, and the monthly sales of Jetta and Santana were no less than ."

"Volkswagen can barely maintain its current position in China because of the success of its sister cars."

"I think it is necessary for the parent company to speed up the sister car plans of Xifeng Honda and Yangcheng Honda."

"Otherwise, the Chinese market changes too fast, and it would take us four to five years to develop a new model, and we would be unable to keep up with the pace of the market."

"For example, Xifeng Honda's CRV sells very well, so Yangcheng Honda will speed up the introduction of its sister car."

"Similarly, if the Accord sells well, it is necessary for Zefeng Honda to launch the Accord's brother car as soon as possible."

"Even if Odyssey and Fit perform well, Zefeng Honda can consider introducing brother cars simultaneously."

"From now on, every car owned by Westwind Honda will be owned by Yangcheng Honda, and vice versa."

As the head of the sales department of Yangcheng Honda, Taro Watanabe is also a little anxious.

It stands to reason that Honda's performance in China is not bad, and the growth rate is even higher than Honda's global performance.

However, the growth rate of competitors is even more exaggerated, which puts everyone under greater pressure.

One of the impressions he got from last year's various lists was that the sister car thing could be done well.

As long as you do it well, sales will immediately reach a higher level.

"The Tochigi Research Institute is already working hard, but as you know, those people are very rigid in doing things."

"Before a technical evaluation is completed, the next step of the work will not be started."

"It takes two years for China's independent brands to produce a model, but for us, even four years is not enough."

"Some key parts development started five or six years ago."

"This can easily lead to the parts we develop, although the quality is quite good, but they may not necessarily have advantages in performance."

As the general manager of Honda Motor's China branch, Seiji Nagaseki is also a bit dissatisfied with the performance of the automotive business.

On the contrary, motorcycles, which is what Honda calls two-wheelers internally, are developing very well.

Even judging from global financial reports, the two-wheeler business contributed more profits.

This is relatively unique among various car companies.

Even Honda itself is unique among mainstream car companies.

In addition to making their motorcycle business No. 1 in the world, they are also doing well in other businesses such as lawn mowers.

Even if you go to the beach to play speedboat, the speedboat motor is probably produced by Honda.

In the future, they will even mass-produce business aircraft and robots, which can be regarded as making the "non-business" business very popular.

"The headquarters has agreed to set up a research institute in China, but there are only more than a hundred people in total, so there is no way to do much."

"I think we need to expand the scale of this research institute this year and develop a model for the Chinese market as soon as possible."

"Just like Volkswagen's Lavida and Bora, there is still a huge market for economical cars priced around 100,000 to 150,000 yuan."

"We can completely build on Fengfan, retain its chassis, make the body larger, and then quickly launch it on the market."

"By then, even if the sales volume of this model cannot reach the level of Lavida, it will at least be half of others. I think there will be no problem."

Taro Watanabe put forward a very practical proposal, which made Seisi Nagase seriously consider it.

Huaxia Market is very special!

This is something everyone knows.

In the past, no matter what model it was, as long as it was produced by a major international manufacturer, it generally sold well.

Even if these models are not the most advanced generation models.

But now various OEMs are becoming more and more competitive. If your model is not competitive at all, it may be sold out.

This is definitely a situation that every boss does not want to see.

"You put together a specific plan, and I will go back to the headquarters next month to communicate with the people at Tochigi Research Institute in person."

After thinking for a while, Nagaseki Seiji gave a reply that satisfied Taro Watanabe.


What various OEMs are struggling with, thinking about, and laying out, Cao Yang has no time to worry about now.

Because the annual Nanshan Group summary meeting will officially begin today.

As usual, this year Dong Shengnan was the first to take the stage to announce the group's revenue last year.

Needless to say, Xingchen Automobile has directly created sales revenue of 4148 billion yuan with its amazing sales volume.

As for operating profit, Dong Shengnan was worried that it would cause unnecessary trouble if word spread about it. After discussing it with Cao Yang, Dong Shengnan simply stopped mentioning it.

With the rapid development of the entire Chinese automobile industry, Nanshan Transmission has also historically sold 980 million units, with sales reaching 637 billion in one fell swoop.

Nanshan Engine is not to be outdone. Last year, it produced 548 million complete engines and contributed 658 billion in revenue to the group. It can be regarded as a counterattack against Nanshan Transmission.

Of course, even if Nanshan Engine counterattacks Nanshan Gearbox, it will not be able to take the second place this year.

Because Honor mobile phones are now starting to explode!

Last year, the total sales of various Honor mobile phone products reached 2334 million units, and sales exceeded 1050 billion in one fell swoop, reaching billion.

The scale of Honor mobile phones has suddenly become the second largest within the Nanshan Group.

And in the foreseeable future, the growth rate of Honor mobile phones will be the most significant among all business units.

As for material companies such as Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Carbon Fiber, which are as stable as old dogs, their performance last year will naturally not disappoint.

The two of them contributed 420 billion and 210 billion in turnover respectively, and the carbon fiber sector is expected to further improve in the future.

The performance of other Nanshan auto parts, Nanshan equipment, Nanshan mold, Nanshan bearings, Nanshan fasteners and other companies are also in line with expectations.

As for Nanshan Battery, it also started to explode last year, with a turnover of 168 billion.

This is also a company that, like Honor Mobile, will see rapid growth in the future.

Last year it was 168 billion, and it may double this year.

In the future, it may be doubled based on this year's figures.

This kind of increase is definitely very scary.

At the same time, Nanshan Semiconductor also began to exert its efforts.

Although this year's sales have not exceeded 10 billion, it has begun to show its influence in the industry.

In the future, after various wafer factories and chip processing plants are put into operation, revenue will definitely see explosive growth.

Dong Shengnan made a eloquent introduction on the stage for almost an hour, explaining the situation of each business department of the entire Nanshan Group.

In the end, when the exaggerated summary figure of RMB 8468 billion appeared, everyone was still surprised!

Sales volume exceeds 800 billion, which is more than 100 billion US dollars.

According to this scale, the top 50 of the world's top companies are stable.

Even hitting the TOP30 is no problem.

This still does not include Autohome, Nanshan Investment, Weibo and Jaguar Land Rover.

If all are taken into account, it is possible to enter the TOP20.

At this level, it is basically second only to petroleum, petrochemicals and power grid, making it the top five companies in China.

"Everyone, the results in 2010 were brilliant, but that belongs to the past."

“The larger our group becomes, the greater the responsibility and the greater the pressure.”

"Facing 2011, I am ready to set a big goal and challenge the group's revenue to exceed 10000 trillion yuan."

The further you develop to a certain level, the more difficult it is to maintain rapid growth.

For example, Nanshan Group's revenue this year has reached 8468 billion yuan. If you increase it by 10%, it will still be 846.8 billion yuan.

This is already the size of a large company.

Fortunately, in 2011, Honor mobile phones, Nanshan batteries, future cars and other projects are worth looking forward to. This big goal is not too big!

(End of this chapter)

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