Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 648 The first battle of the new year, Cao Yang personally arranged

Chapter 648 The first battle of the new year, Cao Yang personally planned it

The Spring Festival in 2011 is on February 2rd.

This means that the entire month of January is an important node for all walks of life to seize the consumer market before the Spring Festival.

This is true for the automobile market, and the mobile phone market is no exception.

Relatively speaking, various automobile OEMs are more concerned about the performance in December, because it is related to the sales indicators in 12.

But for the mobile phone market, where sales data is relatively less sensitive, the importance of January is unquestionable.

"Mr. Cao, I think this year is a critical year for smartphones to surpass traditional feature phones. We need more intense competition to fight against giants like Nokia."

Xia Qingqing is now full of energy.

During the entire New Year's Day holiday, she didn't take a day off.

If I am not holding a summary meeting, I am inspecting various Honor mobile phone flagship stores to understand the front-line sales situation.

"Your reminder is timely. Although Nokia still sold more than 400 million units globally last year and sold more than 100 million mobile phones in China, its market share has dropped to 20%. How old is it?"

"And Nokia's popular mobile phones are no longer high-end products, but mid- to low-end cost-effective feature phones, or so-called smartphones."

"This situation will definitely become more special in 2011, which is a very big turning point for Nokia."

"It's easy to turn around a small ship, but for a ship as big as Nokia, even if you realize the problem and want to turn around, it's not that easy."

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him."

"We really need to plan carefully and see how to launch a battle to make everyone fully aware that Nokia is no longer good and hurry up and buy smartphones."

Although Cao Yang knows that Nokia, a giant, can survive in the mobile phone industry even if it fails, it can still live well with the patents and other TO B products in hand.

But after the mobile phone product collapsed, it was definitely a pain for Nokia, and it even hit the ankle with a knife.

This incident can be regarded as a landmark event for Honor mobile phones to become famous and completely rise in the industry.

Therefore, Cao Yang definitely agreed with Xia Qingqing's proposal.

The first battle in 2011 started with the encirclement and suppression of Nokia.

"There are currently many manufacturers producing smartphones in China, most of which are in Huaqiangbei."

"The rest are products from other manufacturers such as Warwick and Xiaomi, as well as Apple mobile phones and Samsung mobile phones."

"Apple and Samsung, we might just put it aside for a while and let them follow us to suppress Nokia."

"With other manufacturers, we can actually cooperate well and even open our HONOR system to them appropriately, so that everyone can enjoy a better smartphone system."

"This should be very beneficial to expanding the influence of smartphones."

Xia Qingqing has been thinking about the encirclement and suppression of Nokia for more than a day or two.

I came to formally report this idea to Cao Yang today, and I must have made various preparations.

So she didn't need to wait for the next report, she had already started to give some specific proposals.

"The biggest advantage of traditional feature phones is that there are a large number of low-priced phones, even phones that cost two to three hundred yuan each."

"There is still a market for these mobile phones in China, which can allow the copycat mobile phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei to launch smartphones priced around 1000 yuan as soon as possible, or even cheaper products."

"As long as there are a large number of mobile phones of this level, the basics of traditional feature phones will collapse."

For the Chinese market, cost-effective products will always have a market and even be the mainstay of sales.

Honor mobile phones take a high-end route. In this case, it will definitely be difficult to pull Nokia from the number one position in the industry on its own.

Nokia can continue to prosper for a few more years simply by relying on models priced under 1000 yuan.

But if it's less than 1000 yuan, it doesn't even need to be that cheap. As long as there are multiple smartphones for everyone to choose from for just over 1000 yuan, then the situation is completely different.

It's already 2011, and everyone's income level is still very different from ten years ago.

In 2001, many low-level waiters could only earn a few hundred yuan a month, but now they earn at least more than a thousand yuan.

This change in income has increased everyone’s consumption power on mobile phones.

"We go high-end, domestic brands like Huawei and Xiaomi go mid-range and low-end, and the copycat manufacturers in Huaqiangbei go low-end."

"Such a combination of high, middle and low will definitely put a lot of pressure on Nokia."

“However, in addition to having related products, we must also keep up with the promotion.”

"Various professional websites and forums, as well as some offline publicity, are all needed."

"Our contract phone project with China Mobile is now ready to be expanded to the whole country, and we are also discussing contract phone issues with China Unicom and China Telecom."

"It is entirely possible to double the sales volume this year compared to last year."

For Nanshan Group, its scale has reached the trillions level, and it is definitely impossible to double it at every turn.

But for Honor mobile phones, although sales last year exceeded 100 billion, they are still in the early stages of development.

Doubling sales this year is not an exaggerated goal.

Even if it is done well, it is possible that domestic and overseas efforts will be made at the same time, and this year's turnover will increase by 200% compared to last year.

Therefore, Xia Qingqing is now full of confidence and is not worried at all that the economic downturn this year will affect her performance.

"Well, let me coordinate the publicity matters myself."

"I also asked Nanshan Semiconductor to come forward to communicate the arrangements for Huaqiangbei, and also asked Transsion, which is cooperating with us, to take advantage of this opportunity."

"I will also have a chat with Mr. Xu in Warwick. I guess they are also very interested in making the smartphone business bigger and stronger."

"At the same time, the online sales business of Honor mobile phones can also be further expanded."

"I will arrange for people to communicate with the express company to see how to mail the product to the customer in a timely and safe manner."

The development of Honor mobile phones is one of the group's priorities this year, and Cao Yang is now personally planning the first battle in 2011.

In this battle, the Nanshan Group must show its momentum and courage.

It is even possible to give up some profits appropriately.


"Mr. Wang, are there any changes in your mobile phone OEM business this year?"

Since he is personally involved in the layout, Cao Yang is naturally responsible for communicating on some specific matters.

The OEM business of Honor mobile phones is handed over to BYD. Cao Yang naturally has to communicate with Wang Fu about the relevant production capacity arrangements and personnel preparation.

After all, the scale of this cooperation is not small. Even within BYD, it is considered a big project.

"Recently, Warwick has also begun to arrange for us to do mobile phone OEM business. Although the business volume is not as good as that of you and Nokia, it is not very small."

"As for Nokia, the production plan they gave this year has dropped by 20% compared to last year."

"But I have a feeling it could actually go down more."

Based on BYD's current relationship with Nanshan Group, Wang Fu will definitely reveal some information to Cao Yang.

If we don’t explain these things clearly, there will definitely be questions on the Honor phone side.

"Nokia's mobile phone sales, I predict, will start to decline significantly this year."

"On the contrary, the business in Warwick may increase faster."

"I heard that they will launch several new models in the first quarter, and by then the monthly sales will reach 200 million units. I think it will not be a big problem."

"As for Honor mobile phones, the production line has been expanded many times before, but I hope that BYD's OEM production line will have a certain capacity margin."

"The sales of Honor mobile phones are expected to explode further this year, achieving the high goal of monthly sales of more than 500 million units."

"If the demand for PAD is also included, then it is entirely possible to sell 700 million products per month."

"Even if the annual sales exceed 1 million units, it is not impossible."

When Cao Yang said this, Wang Fu couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Achieve sales of 100 million units throughout the year?

These are high-end products that cost several thousand yuan. If they really sell that many, the revenue of Honor mobile phones will directly reach the level of 400 billion.

Honor Mobile alone can become one of the world's top 500 companies.

Of course, as the scale of Honor mobile phones increases, BYD's turnover will definitely increase significantly.

After all, although the profits of the OEM business are not very high, its contribution to the turnover is still relatively large.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, we will give priority to ensuring the production capacity needs of Honor mobile phones."

"As long as the various parts manufacturers do not lose their chain, we, BYD, will never lose our chain."

Realizing that Honor mobile phones will be BYD's most important OEM customer in the future, and that BYD's OEM business is expected to become on an equal footing with its automotive business, Wang Fu pays more attention to it.

No one has trouble with money!

Honor Mobile hands over all OEM business to BYD, which is giving BYD money.

After all, as a high-end mobile phone, although the process requirements of Honor mobile phone products are relatively high, the profits reserved for the foundries are also relatively high.

The Honor mobile phone eats meat, and BYD can follow it with a sip of soup.

After communicating with BYD about production capacity, Cao Yang also arranged for people to communicate with Zhongguancun Online and other media.

Even on Weibo, Super Indentation also discussed it with Fang Sisi.

“The best way to improve everyone’s awareness of smartphones is to let them receive some smartphone-related news every day.”

"There must be people on Weibo who are constantly sharing their daily use of smartphones. Honor phones should also have their own marketing accounts."

"When the time comes, Weibo will cooperate with these marketing accounts, and then find some accounts worthy of promotion from other normal accounts, and increase the display volume of the information released by these accounts every day, and even make it a hot search every now and then. The effect should be It won’t be bad.”

Fang Sisi is now quite comfortable with publicity arrangements.

"Weibo is indeed a platform worth utilizing, but with the rise of smartphones, video websites should see a wave of explosive growth."

"Weibo can also start to lay out content in this area to see how to further consolidate its influence in China's publicity field."

Cao Yang naturally knows how influential Douyin and other video websites will be in the future.

Of course, he didn't plan to do everything.

Take WeChat, for example. If Weibo also develops it, then it will directly compete with Penguin. The significance is not necessarily that great.

After all, Nanshan Group's basic business is industrial, and Cao Yang's goal in engaging in the Internet is to build some ecosystems for these industrial businesses. Nanshan Group will be involved in the Internet, which is beneficial to the development of industry.

But in areas that have nothing to do with industry, there is basically no need to bother.

After all, money cannot be earned by one family.

For Cao Yang, simply having more money and less money doesn't mean much.

"Well, we realize that too."

"Not to mention other things, among Weibo users alone, the number of people using Weibo mobile APP last year increased a lot compared to the year before."

"After 4G comes out in a few years, this situation may become more obvious."

“We are already making preparations for this internally.”

Fang Sisi took Cao Yang's reminder very seriously.

His achievements over the years have proven Cao Yang’s extraordinary vision.

Therefore, Nanshan Group attaches great importance to any proposal made by Cao Yang.

Some people even started to trust Cao Yang blindly.

One day Cao Yang said that the Nanshan Group could shoot rockets into the sky. I guess no one would think it couldn't be done.

Even within the Star Racing Team, a group of technical personnel related to aircraft design and rocket design have been recruited.

While considering continuing to study the application of related technologies in the field of racing, it is also proposed that Nanshan Group also establish its own space business.

However, China has not yet liberalized this field, so a lot of work is in the pipeline.

This includes promoting China to liberalize its aerospace business so that private companies can enter these fields without any barriers.

Originally, the higher-ups completely disagreed with such a proposal, but after the industrial investigation, their attitude began to loosen.

Aircraft carrier arresting cables, aircraft stealth materials, high-end carbon fiber, these things that military industrial companies have not been able to handle have all been taken care of by private companies.

So how to further leverage the contribution of private enterprises to the development of the military industry is an issue that needs to be carefully reviewed.

"Weibo is now the dominant player in the field of Internet publicity, but in the future, other forms of this kind of social media are likely to emerge."

“In combination with the changing demand for smartphones, Weibo can also pay attention to this aspect.”

"For some more interesting projects, you can also consider participating in investment. This can ensure Weibo's influence in China's Internet industry."

Although Cao Yang does not intend to engage in everything, as a listed company, Weibo will invest in more promising industries as equity investment and indirectly expand its influence. He will definitely not object to this work.

He just won’t personally take everyone to do things like WeChat or even Douyin.

If the people below can do it themselves, there will definitely be no reason for them to stop it.

Nanshan Group is now considered a big business, and the management of each business unit must also hope to perform well in front of Cao Yang.

Therefore, trying to figure out Cao Yang’s thoughts and concerns, and then trying to find a sense of presence in this field is what many executives will do.

As a pawn of Nanshan Group in the film and television industry, Nanshan Film and Television will naturally not remain indifferent.

"Zhang Xin, I'm going to let people add some dialogues to promote Honor phones and despise the use of traditional feature phones in various new dramas this year."

"All relevant personnel of the company who do not use Honor mobile phones will not receive phone subsidy."

Zhang Songwen has been very high-spirited in recent years. With the support of Nanshan Group, Nanshan Film and Television has prospered.

Zhang Xin, as Zhang Fugui's daughter and Cao Yang's cousin, was naturally popular.

However, ordinary actors are different. After becoming famous, Zhang Xin did not continue to increase his efforts in the film and television industry, but began to embark on the path of a producer.

With a good script, good actors, good publicity, and the endorsement of his capital father, Zhang Xin's path in the entertainment industry is destined to be smooth.

Even if she wanted to rush to the street, it was a little difficult.

"I heard from my dad that my cousin is paying special attention to the Honor mobile phone business this year, and it is natural to support this kind of advertising."

"However, I think we can also take advantage of the development of Nanshan Film and Television Video website to create more online dramas so that everyone can get used to watching videos on PAD or mobile phones."

“Relevant publicity and advertising can also highlight this aspect.”

"This subtle influence should have a big impact on everyone."

Zhang Xin is not the kind of simple fool.

With Zhang Songwen personally coaching her, she knew the situation of Nanshan Film and Television relatively well.

Zhang Songwen even felt that Zhang Xin would be the one to take over Nanshan Film and Television in the future.

"Well, this is indeed an area that deserves attention, and I will also arrange for people to pay attention to this aspect."

"At the same time, I will also ask people to give hints to various celebrities so that everyone can support Honor mobile phones."

When promoting Xingchen Cars before, Zhang Songwen had already mobilized various celebrities to help.

Honor mobile phones have also made related actions before.

Now it's just a matter of increasing efforts in this area, so Zhang Songwen naturally won't find it difficult.

This advantageous position of Honor mobile phones is completely unmatched by other mobile phone brands.

"Mr. Xu, Honor Mobile has actively invited us to launch a large-scale mobile phone product promotion in the first quarter of this year to compete with Nokia's products in a targeted manner."

"I think there seems to be something going on with this."

Lian Zhitian is very confident in Nanshan Group's strategic vision.

Now is the time when Nokia is beginning to show signs of weakness. Taking advantage of this moment to give it a stabbing blow will definitely not be bad.

"Mr. Cao also called me to discuss this matter, and even said that Nanshan Semiconductor can supply chips to Warwick Mobile."

"Nanshan Auto Parts can also supply us with parts such as cameras."

"He is quite confident and is not worried that we will become a competitor of Honor Mobile."

Xu Jun's mood was a bit complicated.

He felt slighted.

But I can’t get angry!

Because the gap between Huawei phones and Honor phones is quite big now.

We are the leader in China’s smartphone industry. Not only do we sell well domestically, we are also a trendsetter around the world.

The annual launch of new Honor mobile phone products has become a major event that cannot be ignored in the mobile phone industry.

In this regard, Huawei mobile phones still have a big gap.

"Most of our current products are priced around 2000 yuan, which is different from the positioning of Honor phones."

"Although the profit margin of high-end products is relatively considerable, mid-range products take into account both sales volume and profit. I think the company's choice is not wrong."

Lian Zhitian can naturally understand Xu Jun's mood.

After all, Warwick hopes to be the first in any field.

But in the field of mobile phones, they found that they did not even have sufficient confidence.

I have to say that this experience is quite shocking.

"Well, you're right. Not everyone can afford a smartphone worth four to five thousand yuan."

"The market for smartphones priced around 2000 yuan is definitely larger than that of high-end ones."

"Now Honor Mobile wants to bring various independent brands together to suppress Nokia. It is in our common interests to make the smartphone market bigger and stronger."

"So we must support and join this unified action."

"Whether it's advertising on professional IT websites or various offline promotions, we can provide a separate batch of funds."

"As long as the company's mobile phone sales can increase, even if your profits decrease, it is acceptable."

Now is the time for momentum. If you don’t have enough sales, you definitely don’t have enough influence.

Xu Jun is also relatively clear about this.

Therefore, he definitely supports the campaign launched by Honor Mobile to suppress Nokia.

And Warwick will soon take concrete action.

"Editor-in-Chief, our advertising business has more than doubled during this period compared to the same period last year. Those mobile phone manufacturers are very rich."

Although Xie Min is not directly responsible for the advertising business, many advertisers have affairs with them, so she is relatively clear about the relevant situation.

As a professional IT media giant in China, Zhongguancun Online is an existence that many electronic product companies cannot get around.

It can be said that in the IT field, Zhongguancun Online's status is the same as Autohome's status in the automobile industry.

Therefore, every mobile phone manufacturer will basically not ignore it if they want to advertise.

"This change is indeed a bit exaggerated. I feel like a storm is coming."

"With the development of the mobile phone market, some situations have occurred that have never happened before."

"But this change is a good thing for us. The greater the change, the more companies will pay more attention to publicity."

"If everything remains unchanged and monopolized by Nokia, then there won't be that much money for publicity."

Wu Xuebin is obviously happy to see the changes in the mobile phone industry.

It's not like they're the ones who are anxious anyway.

"Indeed, smartphone sales are increasing rapidly. The sales of Apple mobile phones in the United States exceeded 5000 million units last year."

"The sales of Honor mobile phones in China have also increased, and several other smartphone manufacturers have also begun to rise. There will definitely be a fierce battle in the future."

As an old editor, Xie Min naturally knew what Wu Xuebin said.

The harder everyone fights, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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