Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 649: Siege of Nokia, wolf tactics

Chapter 649: Siege of Nokia, wolf tactics

Before the rise of domestic smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, and VIVO, the influence of Huaqiangbei's copycat phones cannot be ignored.

From the changes in chip and motherboard shipments of Yingang Trading in the past month, we can feel the influence of Huaqiangbei market on China's mobile phone industry.

"Mr. Zhang, our sales of mobile phone chips and motherboards in the past month have reached 1000 million pieces, and this year we are expected to exceed million pieces per month."

"In the entire Huaqiangbei, not many manufacturers are focusing on traditional feature phones."

As Hu Yingang is one of the people who understands the market changes best, Zhang Jing naturally wants to learn about the market changes in Huaqiangbei from him personally.

Nanshan Semiconductor put several new factories into operation at the end of last year, significantly increasing its production capacity.

Now that construction of new factories in Modu and Yangcheng has started, production capacity will continue to expand.

In this case, if there is not enough market, then the situation will become very tragic.

The most important thing is that this time Cao Yang personally planned and launched an operation to encircle Nokia, which required the cooperation of the copycat manufacturers in Huaqiangbei, and even indirectly guided the changes in the Huaqiangbei market through Nanshan Semiconductor and Silver Steel trade.

The more mixed-up the market for knockoff phones is, the more each merchant will be more sensitive to changes in product sales trends.

After all, the money they earn is money from their own pockets. If they produce more inventory machines, it will be a real loss.

You rely on speed to win. If you lose this advantage, then who will you compete with?

So in less than a year, most of the copycat phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei began to switch to smartphones.

The only difference is that everyone’s smartphone plans are not exactly the same.

Some people think that smartphones that imitate Nokia should be the most promising.

After all, they have made a lot of money in the past by imitating Nokia, so there is no reason why this road will suddenly stop working.

There are also some people with better vision who have directly targeted Honor mobile phone or Apple mobile phone products from the beginning and followed a similar path to develop copycat mobile phones.

In this case, the situation in Huaqiangbei is also relatively complicated.

"Huaqiangbei's annual mobile phone shipments exceed 100 million units. If Yingang Trading can capture 80% of the market, your size will be very huge."

"This also proves that your company is worthy of our continued trust."

Zhang Jing's words can be regarded as putting pressure on Hu Yingang.

Yingang Trading has not made less money in recent months. Even including R&D expenses and equipment amortization, Nanshan Semiconductor may not necessarily make much more money from copycat mobile phone chips than Yingang Trading.

The reason why Zhang Jing is willing to lower the price of chips is to seize the market.

Otherwise, why would you make wedding clothes for others?

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. I have recruited a group of people specifically to communicate with various copycat mobile phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei and explain to them the advantages of the chip and motherboard solutions we provide."

"We even provide a package solution that goes further than a turnkey project. As long as they want, we provide them with a full set of parts."

"Even the appearance design drawings of the mobile phone are ready, just waiting for them to choose to implement it."

Hu Yingang was never idle during this period.

He has always had a sense of crisis.

In particular, several companies such as Transsion bypassed them and obtained goods directly from Nanshan Semiconductor, which made him feel even more threatened.

From his communication with Guo Shuyin, Hu Yingang had full confidence in Nanshan Group.

He didn't want to be kicked out of the car on the way.

Therefore, his subjective initiative is actually very high.

"The giant Nokia has had a huge impact on everyone, but it has already sunk."

"We are prepared to launch a comprehensive offensive during this period to prevent Nokia products from being sold in China."

“In addition to the products we currently offer, we will also provide some more entry-level products based on market demand.”

"The purpose is to allow smartphones to enter thousands of households faster and completely replace feature phones."

When Zhang Jing said this, Hu Yingang immediately became interested.

Previously, the chips provided by Nanshan Semiconductor were relatively single and there were few choices.

If there are several more models and the prices are different, it will definitely be a good thing for various copycat phone manufacturers.

After all, related products can be easily distinguished and can better expand the market.

Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing if everyone’s products have similar performance.

After Hu Yingang had a good exchange with Zhang Jing, he immediately went out in person and made appointments with the bosses of some copycat phone manufacturers every day to promote some of his ideas after having a good time.

In other words, it is to promote some concepts that Nanshan Group hopes to promote.

Although these copycat phone manufacturers are all stragglers, their ability to seize business opportunities is definitely not bad.

Soon, they all took action.

The shipments and styles of various knock-off smartphones are becoming more and more abundant.

This change naturally attracted the attention of competitors.

"Luo Li, why are sales at Huaqiangbei still declining?"

"Hasn't the sales department made targeted adjustments to reduce the prices of related parts and prepare to launch new products?"

Cai Mingjie frowned and called Luo Li, the sales director, to his office.

With its turnkey solutions for mobile phone chips, MediaTek has developed very rapidly in the past five years.

Although the products they make are not high-end products, they actually make a lot of money.

But this good day has changed since last year.

This made Cai Mingjie very anxious.

In the past, he would not pay too much attention to specific changes in a certain market. Instead, he would focus more on product research and development.

But now it is impossible not to pay attention.

If we continue not to pay attention, few mobile phone manufacturers will use the chips developed by MediaTek in the future.

After all, compared to Qualcomm and Samsung's products, MediaTek's mobile phone chips are not high-end, and many brands disdain to use them.

"Mr. Cai, a large number of Nanshan Semiconductor chips from Huaqiangbei have entered various copycat phone manufacturers. Their prices are lower than ours and their services are better than ours. They also allow traders to provide mobile phone batteries, mobile phone cameras, and even It’s a mold opening service for mobile phone casings.”

"Under this offensive, our market share has dropped significantly."

"Although the company has taken some relevant actions, the attitude of some sales staff was a bit bad before. Now that the situation has changed, they can't keep up with the pace of change."

Luo Li knew that if she didn't give some specific reasons, Cai Mingjie would not let her go.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider using some MediaTek agents as scapegoats.

After all, those who deal with copycat phone manufacturers are mainly agents.

They didn't make less money in the past, so shouldn't they take the blame now?

"Replace anyone who can't keep up!"

"The Huaqiangbei market is the largest market for our mobile phone chips, and there is absolutely no room for failure."

“Didn’t Nanshan Semiconductor launch a turnkey solution based on a new smartphone?”

"Our new products have also been released. You can skip the agent and directly arrange for people to contact the fake phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei to use our chips in mobile phones as quickly as possible."

The mobile phone industry is shifting from traditional feature phones to smartphones, a change that Tsai Mingjie definitely supports.

However, previous smartphones were more of the Nokia smartphone type, which were actually pseudo-smartphones.

MediaTek’s package of chip solutions are all aimed at the pseudo-smartphone business.

Now facing real smartphones, the performance can’t keep up.

Fortunately, they have a certain foundation, so they are not completely helpless.

"I will book a flight tomorrow and fly there in person to expand the market."

"We at MediaTek will not miss this wave of smartphone development boom!"

No matter what the final result is, Luo Li must take a stand now and show her efforts.

Otherwise, the position under her buttocks may not be stable.


"Mr. Wang, Huaxia's independent brands have been crazy about advertising to promote their products during this period."

“The headquarters’ reluctance to advertise is a bit acclimated to the Chinese market.”

"I suggest that at least within the next two years, we should advertise as well as other brands to let more people know about our Apple phones."

"Otherwise, the aroma of wine would be too deep in the alley."

Although she went through 2010 with bumps and bumps, Lin Rong found that after entering 2011, her pressure became even greater.

The New Year's Day holiday has just ended, and other Chinese brands are making frequent moves.

Although these actions are not directly aimed at Apple mobile phones, they will definitely have an impact on the sales of Apple mobile phones.

"During this period, mobile phone advertisements are everywhere on the Internet, and there are also various smartphone advertisements on bus stops and subway platforms outside."

"Even when I went home yesterday, I found advertisements for Warwick smartphones in the elevator."

"Facing this situation, we really need to take some measures."

"However, we definitely can't advertise like the Chinese brands. We have to take a different path, otherwise the headquarters will probably not approve such a budget."

Although Wang Ziming is the general manager of Apple China, any matters that exceed the budget must be reported to the U.S. headquarters before they can be implemented.

The importance these foreign companies attach to their budgets is unmatched by many domestic companies.

They like to move projects forward step by step.

Now that we need to take some measures that are different from the budget plan, we naturally need to report to the headquarters.

This is also an important means for Apple to control its branches distributed around the world.

Otherwise, if each branch spends money indiscriminately, it will be a complete mess.

"This method is actually easy to find. Whether you are looking for film and television companies to place ads, looking for TV stations to place ads, or looking for sponsorship of some sports events, it can be done."

"The main thing is that the company has to approve the relevant budget."

"This year is a very critical year for the development of China's smartphone industry. Many smartphone manufacturers have emerged in China."

“If we don’t expand the market while our product capabilities still have advantages, the future landscape will become more complicated.”

Lin Rong's market sense is still very keen. Especially since Honor Mobile joined a group of independent brands to launch an operation to suppress Nokia, she got more or less some news.

Even if there is no news, she can feel the changes in the market.

"Tomorrow you will follow me to visit the flagship stores of Apple and Honor phones, and then go to the Electronic City in Zhongguancun."

"After I learn more about the situation on the front line, I will communicate with the headquarters."

Wang Ziming thought for a while and felt that he really couldn't wait.

The mobile phone market is changing rapidly. Even if Apple mobile phones are suppressed by Honor mobile phones in China, it will be difficult to explain if they are also suppressed by other Chinese smartphone brands.

All mobile phone brands are taking action, and Nokia, as the focus manufacturer, will naturally not feel at all.

"Chai Hang, why are there so many negative news about us on various websites these days?"

Colin Zhao had dark circles under his eyes and looked a little haggard.

Although Nokia, the mobile phone giant, is still strong, everyone can feel the crisis facing the company.

Whether it is in the American market or the Chinese market, Nokia is no longer the number one market leader in mobile phones priced at more than 3000 yuan.

This is terrible and something that has never happened in the past few years.

The key thing is that this situation is deteriorating rapidly. Soon, Nokia may not be able to maintain its number one position in the market with prices above 2000 yuan.

This is especially true in the two markets of the United States and China.

That is to say, Europe, as Nokia's home base, has been relatively less affected.

But under the avalanche, the situation will soon change.

In particular, both Apple phones and Honor phones have begun to vigorously develop overseas markets.

"Mr. Zhao, I think there must be someone behind these news."

"Those websites have taken money from us in the past few years, but now they are constantly publishing unfavorable situations for us. It is definitely not their conscience, but other people have given more money."

Chai Hang gave his judgment with great certainty.

As the sales director of Nokia China, his ability is definitely not bad, otherwise he would not be able to occupy the position that many people covet.

When Nokia's sales are good, countless dealers and agents come to Nokia to buy goods with money.

The interests behind this cannot be underestimated.

Cai Hang has earned enough money over the years.

"No one can compare with this group of people in their ability to add insult to injury."

"Have you figured out who is behind this?"

Colin Zhao was very angry, but he also knew that there was no way to directly blame the media.

Otherwise, there may be more black material about Nokia.

"In the past year, the most fierce competition with us has been the mobile phone manufacturers in China. This time's incident must have something to do with them."

"Other Samsungs and Apples may also be involved."

Even if there is no evidence, Chai Hang can still make a judgment.

After all, if you judge this kind of thing directly from the perspective of profit, you can find the answer.

As China's largest mobile phone giant, after Nokia's collapse, other manufacturers will mostly be able to profit.

And those rivals that vigorously develop smartphones have made more profits.

Because it can be seen from the content of those negative news that the driving force behind this matter is a rival that produces smartphones.

"We can't sit still and wait, otherwise the situation will get out of control!"

"The company also has many smartphone products. Starting from today, our promotion focus will also be on smartphones."

"We want consumers to realize that Nokia is a traditional mobile phone manufacturer, and its quality control of mobile phones is much stronger than that of emerging manufacturers."

"A mobile phone is not a small expense for consumers. We want consumers to pay attention to quality issues and not waste money."

After realizing the crisis, Zhao Colin also began to lay out a rebuttal.

As an industry leader, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Nokia retorted with great momentum.

"Mr. Cao, several of Nokia's flagship mobile phones have officially announced price cuts."

"They also found many advertisers and contacted a group of trolls, hoping to reverse the disadvantage of public opinion on the Internet."

"I guess they already feel threatened by this."

Xia Qingqing has been following the news in the mobile phone industry every day during this period, so she felt Nokia's actions immediately.

Fortunately, this was expected, so she didn't panic.

Honor Mobile has recruited a group of domestic mobile phone brands to attack Nokia. It would be strange if the other party didn't respond at all.

"Several other brands are taking action, right? Have there been any changes in the sales of Honor mobile phones?"

Cao Yang calmly put down the document in his hand and asked about the specific situation.

"Everyone is taking various actions, including launching new contract phone plans with China Mobile and others, selling at reduced prices, and advertising."

"During this period, the mobile phone industry has been very busy."

"As for sales, due to the advancement of these measures and the approaching Spring Festival, there will definitely be a significant increase."

"However, there is no way to immediately feel our advantage over Nokia in the short term. It is estimated that it will take some time to have an impact."

Although the first battle of Nanshan Group in 2011 was to encircle and suppress Nokia, this battle will definitely last for a long time.

After all, it will definitely take a certain amount of time to encircle and suppress such a giant.

"We must keep abreast of changes in public opinion on the Internet, and we cannot allow Nokia to continue to live longer."

If Nokia lives a few more years, the good life of Honor mobile phones will be shortened by a few years.

Cao Yang definitely doesn't want to watch Nokia continue to live well.

If you can work early and lie down for a day, it counts as a day.

Cao Yang has even arranged for Nanshan Investment to attack Nokia in foreign stock markets. By then, Nokia's performance will continue to decline. Nanshan Group will not only be able to gain a profit from the Honor mobile phone, but also get another sum of money from Nanshan Investment.

Killing two birds with one stone, this matter is totally worth doing.

If it succeeds, it may become a classic battle in the history of business wars.


"President, in the mobile phone market in China, local manufacturers led by Honor Mobile are now competing with Nokia, and both parties are making many moves."

"I think it is in the interests of Samsung Electronics to take this opportunity to give Nokia a blow and step on this giant first."

As the newly appointed general manager of Samsung China, Li Zailin naturally noticed the changes in China’s mobile phone market after the beginning of the new year.

Since this change involves Samsung mobile phone’s old rival Nokia and new rival Honor mobile phone, Li Zailin specially reported to Li Zairong, the new president of Samsung Electronics.

This can also be regarded as a channel for establishing direct communication with Li Zairong.

The Chinese market is now the market that Samsung Electronics attaches most importance to. Whether it is mobile phone products, computers, or home appliances such as TVs, these are areas where Samsung Electronics has made full efforts in recent years.

The greater the input, the greater the output.

Today, the Chinese market has become a market that Samsung Electronics cannot ignore.

"Do you think Nokia can block the competition from Honor mobile phone manufacturers this time?"

Li Zairong was also a little hesitant.

He doesn't like Nokia or Honor phones.

The best thing is that both of them will suffer losses in the fight, and Samsung mobile phones will come out to take advantage.

But he also knows that good things like this are not so easy to come across.

"Not to mention other mobile phone manufacturers, just from the changes in our company's own mobile phone products, we can feel that the competitiveness of new smartphones is very strong."

“As long as people have used smartphones, they will never consider traditional feature phones again.”

"The company's current newly developed mobile phone products are all smartphones."

"Although Nokia also has their own smartphones, the performance is completely unworthy of Nokia's status."

"So Nokia's market share in China will definitely continue to decline."

Li Zailin gave his judgment with certainty.

In fact, it is not difficult at all to make this judgment.

The prosperity and decline!

Nokia has been the industry leader for so many years and cannot continue to be so.

However, Samsung also wants to be the boss.

"Does this mean Nokia is destined to collapse?"

Li Zairong further confirmed!

"It's hard to tell whether it will collapse, but it is inevitable that a large chunk of the market share will be carved up."

"I think it is a pity to miss this feast of carving up the Nokia market."

Obviously, Li Zailin's attitude is relatively obvious.

Samsung needs to join this big campaign to suppress Nokia.

Otherwise, you may be left behind!

"Since blocking Nokia is good for us, then you just follow suit."

"Otherwise, the market will be taken away by local manufacturers in China, which will not be good for us."

Li Zairong felt that the dead Taoist friends were not dead to the poor Taoists. Anyway, it was not a siege on Sanxing, so they could just follow suit.

It just so happens that Samsung already has its own new smartphone to work on.

As a result, Nokia's situation in China immediately became more serious!

(End of this chapter)

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