Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 654 Export of super die-casting machines and the rise of the equipment industry

Chapter 654 Export of super die-casting machines and the rise of the equipment industry

The 12000-ton super die-casting machine is tailor-made by Nanshan Equipment for the integrated die-casting technology of future automobiles.

Although integrated die-casting technology has caused great controversy on the Internet, there are actually many manufacturers who are interested.

Of course, these manufacturers are mainly relatively young automobile companies.

Because traditional automobile giants already have huge sunk costs, they will not easily transform their stamping workshops into die-casting workshops.

Such capital and time costs are unacceptable to them.

The core of integrated die-casting technology is to use ultra-large-tonnage die-casting machines to inject metal and other materials into molds in a very short time, thereby quickly manufacturing precision parts or finished products.

The advantages of this technology are high efficiency, low cost and high precision, and it is especially suitable for mass production.

However, the key to realizing this technology lies in the tonnage of the die-casting machine. The larger the tonnage, the larger the size of the parts or finished products and the higher the precision.

Die-casting machines are not a new thing, they have been around for a hundred years.

Whether in China or around the world, there are countless manufacturers that can produce die-casting machines.

However, there is currently only one equipment manufacturer, Nanshan Equipment, that can produce a 12000-ton super die-casting machine.

In other scenarios, even the top die-casting manufacturers in the world can only produce die-casting machines with a maximum capacity of 8000 tons.

Although a die-casting machine of this tonnage can also be used to handle some integrated die-casting parts.

But it’s definitely not as good as 12000 tons.

Therefore, Nanshan Equipment's die-casting machines have received orders for 4 units in a short period of time after the future cars began to be used, including 2 units ordered by Tesla in the United States.

There are also 2 units ordered by Yangcheng Aian.

In addition, there are also some other car companies that are negotiating with Nanshan Equipment to purchase a 12000-ton super die-casting machine.

It can be said that this die-casting machine has become the pinnacle of Nanshan Equipment in the field of die-casting equipment.

If you don't take action, it's fine. Once you take action, you'll be the king.

Although die-casting machines were not the main business of Nanshan Equipment in the past, after the establishment of the 12000-ton super die-casting machine, everyone believes that Nanshan Equipment's technology in the field of die-casting is the world's leading.

Today's meeting is to discuss Nanshan Equipment's first exported 12000-ton die-casting machine.

Such a good publicity opportunity must be created through a ceremony.

Otherwise, how can we let more people know about the power of Nanshan equipment?

"Mr. Cao, our technicians have flown to the United States in advance and entered Tesla's factory to make some preliminary preparations for the installation of the super die-casting machine."

"After the equipment is loaded tomorrow, it is expected to arrive at the port in the United States in half a month."

Pan Jinxing is a person who has seen a lot of ups and downs, but this time he is quite excited that the super die-casting machine can be exported to the United States.

After all, in the past, relatively few Nanshan Equipment products were exported to the United States.

There are even fewer such iconic devices.

The installation of a super die-casting machine is not simply about transporting the parts and then installing them directly.

Whether it is a large die-casting machine or a large stamping machine, there are some special requirements for the foundation.

If the basic work is not done well, no matter how high the accuracy of your equipment is, you will not be able to take advantage of it.

This is why Nanshan Equipment needs to arrange for engineers to go to the United States in advance to do frontline work.

"Although there is still considerable controversy over integrated die-casting technology, as more and more manufacturers use integrated die-casting, more manufacturers will begin to consider using this technology."

"Especially some new domestic companies that aim to produce electric vehicles have a higher pursuit of lightweight technology."

"They are also more willing to use such advanced technology. By then, the orders for Nanshan Equipment's 12000-ton super die-casting machine will definitely be more and more every year."

"Even when traditional giants like Ford Motor begin to accept integrated die-casting technology, the demand for this press will explode."

"After all, the production capacity of each press is relatively fixed. To meet such a large output, more equipment needs to be invested."

Cao Yang is quite optimistic about integrated die-casting technology. China will have more and more new energy vehicles in the future.

The demand in this area will become increasingly intense.

As a leading company, Nanshan Equipment has advantages in both technology and cost, and can definitely make this business bigger and stronger.

"The future of super die-casting machines is indeed getting brighter now."

"Some car companies may have mobilized personnel to slander the technology of future cars online at the beginning."

“But after some review and discovering the benefits of this technology, we immediately arranged for people to start negotiating with us about purchasing equipment.”

When Pan Jinxing said this, he couldn't help curling his lips.

This also reminded Cao Yang of the interesting development process of this technology in previous lives.

When Tesla first started using this technology in its cars, there was really a lot of criticism on the Internet.

Anyway, everyone feels that this is a car company cheating consumers, just to reduce costs, regardless of anything else.

But soon, various car companies, including Xiaopeng, Ideal, and even Xiaomi, launched super die-casting machines.

And promote integrated die-casting technology as a very important and advanced technology.

Slowly, there are no voices criticizing this technology on the Internet.

Cao Yang does not want to speak for Tesla, but sometimes many people on the Internet really have no opinions and follow what others say, and can easily be led astray.

"Although the threshold for super die-casting machines is relatively high, other die-casting manufacturers will definitely find ways to enter after seeing that our equipment is selling so well and the profits are so high."

"So as long as someone wants to buy it, as long as the money is available, we will sell it. There is no need to care about their previous views on this technology."

Cao Yang's mentality is getting more and more stable now.

"That's true. If we sell more integrated die-casting equipment, we can also sell more molds."

He Qingquan, who was very low-key on the side, also intervened.

As the person in charge of Nanshan Mold, all the businesses he is responsible for are TO B. Few ordinary people outside know about the existence of Nanshan Mold.

It is also difficult for ordinary people to understand whether the technical level of Nanshan Mold is high or low.

For example, integrated die-cast parts often have complex shapes.

The larger the parts cast by the die-casting machine, the more parts are often combined, and the final shape will definitely be more complex.

The more complex the shape of the part, the more complex the molds needed to be used in the production process will naturally become.

China's mold output is very large, especially in the Pearl River Delta, where there are a large number of mold manufacturers.

However, the level of molds produced by these mold manufacturers is generally not very high.

For example, hot stamping molds, especially some more complex hot stamping molds, are now mainly produced by Nanshan Mold.

In order to ensure accuracy, integrated die-casting parts naturally have very high requirements for molds.

Even Tesla is looking to Nanshan Mold to produce its own integrated die-casting parts molds.

The technology is good and the cost is not too high.

Such excellent suppliers are naturally very popular.


The export activities of Nanshan Equipment's super die-casting machines were quite grand. They not only invited some of their own suppliers to participate, but also invited media from the automotive professional field and the die-casting industry.

After all, the main purpose of this event is publicity.

If there is no media to participate, how can we maximize the publicity effect?

"Mr. Zhang, Nanshan Equipment has developed a super die-casting machine. If this continues, it will have a relatively large impact on the sales of our large stamping machines."

At Ji Er Machine Tool Factory, when Liu Yongzhe saw the news about the export ceremony of Nanshan Equipment's super die-casting machine on Autohome, he immediately couldn't help but come to Zhang Sheng's office.

Over the years, the relationship between Ji'er Machine Tool Factory and Nanshan Group has been good.

Although Nanshan Equipment also produces presses, it mainly produces PRG presses and TRF presses, and basically does not produce TDM presses.

Therefore, the competitive relationship with Ji'er Machine Tool Factory is actually not that strong. Even because Ji'er purchases many components from Nanshan Equipment, it is more of a cooperative relationship.

Now that the super die-casting machine has come out, many parts on the car body will be die-cast in the future, which will be embarrassing.

"The super die-casting machine is currently only being developed by Nanshan Equipment, and other manufacturers are not yet able to do it."

"The impact on us in the short term should be very limited."

"Look at who is using it now. Tesla, Yangcheng Aian, and Future Automobile are all companies that produce electric vehicles."

"Although the development of electrification in China is relatively fast, it is still not enough in terms of volume."

"I think the impact of this incident on us within ten years will be very limited."

Zhang Sheng will retire in a few years, so he doesn't want to worry about this matter.

Of course, the most important thing is that he feels that this matter does not affect Ji Er that easily.

As for the impact on the future, that is full of uncertainty.

If the relationship with Nanshan Group is stiffened because of these uncertainties, it will be a bit more gain than loss.

At least Zhang Sheng thinks so.

"That's what it is, but if our company wants to go public, investors will definitely consider these factors. These are all bad news for the stock price."

Liu Yongzhe is only in his early forties this year, so he doesn't want to retire so soon. Naturally, he doesn't want to see bad news for the company.

And he is now the deputy general manager and is likely to take over in the future.

In this case, he had more things to consider.

"The super die-casting machine produced by Nanshan Equipment is 12000 tons. In fact, there should be a market for 8000-ton die-casting machines."

"If Nanshan Equipment does not want to enter the 8000-ton field, I think we can consider finding a company to cooperate in the production of 8000-ton die-casting machines."

“At that time, it will be considered as expanding our business.”

Zhang Sheng felt Liu Yongzhe's concerns, so he proposed a compromise plan.

As a leading company in the domestic machine tool industry, Zhang Sheng naturally has good relationships with many brother companies.

It is not difficult to find a company to cooperate in the development of large-scale die-casting machines.

Liu Yongzhe could only agree with this.

…    Liu Yongzhe is definitely not the only one who has also seen relevant news on Autohome and other media.

Qiantu Auto, which has just been established not long ago, received its first financing this month.

They are also starting to make further preparations for the production of their new models.

"Mr. Lu, our model is developed to match the future car's W9. I think this integrated die-casting technology is definitely indispensable."

Qin Lihong put forward his proposal to Lu Bing with a firm attitude.

Since you want to imitate, you must imitate a little bit like it.

As long as Qiantu Auto can keep up with the things that other people's future cars have, they will definitely have them.

As for whether autonomous driving can keep up, that will be discussed later.

"If we also want to use integrated die-casting technology, we will have to buy a super die-casting machine from Nanshan Equipment."

"Would they be unwilling to sell to us?"

Lu Bing said slightly worriedly.

After all, with the financing of Qiantu Motor, many people in the automotive industry have turned their attention to them.

Moreover, Lu Bing’s previous itself had a relatively high reputation in the industry.

In this case, everyone will know how the PPT of Qiantu Motor's first new car was produced.

Labels such as medium and large pure electric SUVs and battery replacement will slowly appear on Qiantu Motor's heads.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

"Mr. Lu, I think you are worrying too much."

"When it comes to competition, Tesla has a stronger competitive relationship with Future Cars. They have already launched their products in the United States and will launch large-scale delivery models in the next two years."

"In this case, Nanshan Equipment also agreed to sell the same equipment to Tesla when the super die-casting machine for future cars was just put into production. Why do we have to worry that they will not be willing to sell it to us?"

"If this is really the case, then we can attack Nanshan Equipment's double standards on the Internet."

Qin Lihong is not worried at all whether Nanshan Equipment will sell super die-casting machines to Qiantu Motor.

This is not in the interests of Nanshan Group.

Although only Nanshan Equipment can produce 12000 super die-casting machines now, if someone wants to buy it, if Nanshan Equipment does not sell it, they will definitely find other equipment manufacturers to develop it.

This is equivalent to cultivating competitors for yourself.

Qin Lihong didn't think Nanshan Equipment would be that stupid.

Besides, although integrated die-casting technology is the first large-scale application of future cars on W9, it is destined to be used by more people in the future.

Just like the hot stamping door knocker technology of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, after Xingchen Automobile began to use it, it was gradually used by BMW, Cadillac and other models.

They didn't sell it.

"You are right. Then arrange for someone to contact Nanshan Equipment first and see what the other party has to say."

"The sales price of such a super die-casting machine should not be cheap."

"We will definitely have to wait until the production plant is finalized before we can formally sign the purchase contract."

"Now let's do some preliminary preparations."

Although Qiantu Motor has received the first round of financing, it is enough for them to recruit R&D personnel for preliminary development work.

But if you want to purchase land and build factories, these funds will definitely not be enough.

Lu Bing still needs to continue to look for investors to see who is optimistic about the development of Qiantu Auto.

"It takes a long time to produce such a large die-casting machine, and the production capacity of Nanshan equipment is also limited."

"At that time, we will combine the production cycle of Nanshan equipment and the construction expectations of our new factory to finally decide the signing time of the equipment purchase contract."

Qin Lihong was relieved when he saw that Lu Bing agreed to go to Nanshan Equipment to buy a super die-casting machine.

Qiantu Motor already has some of the things that Future Cars have.

This is a good sign.


Soon, these news about Qiantu Auto reached Cao Yang's ears.

"Mr. Cao, according to the information we have learned so far, Qiantu Motor's first new model is a medium to large SUV model that is close to our upcoming W8."

"When they were looking for financing from investment institutions, they mentioned some new car concepts."

"From what they said, I saw a lot of shadows of the future W9."

"It can basically be concluded that Qiantu Motor wants to copy the development path of Future Auto."

Both Zeng Tingting and Pan Jinxing were called to the office by Cao Yang today.

It was about Qiantu Motor and their decision to purchase a 12000-ton super die-casting machine from Nanshan Equipment.

China's Internet industry is now beginning to look like it is about to explode.

Although the scale is not as exaggerated as it would be ten years later, with the rise of smartphones, the future of the Internet industry is becoming increasingly optimistic.

Whether it is newly listed companies or the financing scale of each company, they are constantly setting new historical records.

Under this circumstance, more and more funds and companies will definitely shift their attention to new energy vehicles.

"I agree with Mr. Zeng that Qiantu Motor is taking the path of copying our future cars. In this case, if our super die-casting machine is sold to them, then their path of copying will be one step closer."

Pan Jinxing is not very worried about the order for the super die-casting machine now, so he will not take anyone's order easily.

"The automobile industry is relatively complex, and the threshold is not as low as everyone thinks."

"Be it Qiantu Motor or other new car-making forces that will emerge in the future, their first cars will most likely be plagiarized or cobbled together from several popular models."

"This is basically an inevitable result, so we don't have to worry about it."

"In the future, cars can become the target of imitation and plagiarism, which shows that it is relatively successful."

"I'm not worried about the impact that the emergence of Qiantu Motor will have on the development of future automobiles."

"Qiantu Motor will not be the first company to copy Future Auto. There will definitely be more car companies that will follow a similar path to Future Auto in the future."

"Always moving forward and never being surpassed."

"The mission of future cars is different from that of ordinary companies."

Cao Yang is not arrogant, but he really has this confidence.

Given China's current market environment, if Qiantu Motor copies Future Auto's development model, Cao Yang will have to go to court with them, and it will definitely not be Future Auto that ultimately profits.

After thinking about this clearly, there is no need to worry about it.

Even if people want to come over and buy some parts, they can consider selling them.

Of course, the specifications must not be exactly the same as those of future cars.

Otherwise, it would be disgusting if people just try to promote it.

"I'm worried that when someone comes up with a car that's similar to ours, but the price is much lower than ours, it will be troublesome."

Zeng Tingting did not question what Cao Yang said, she just expressed her worries.

After all, when it comes to price wars among domestic independent brands, they dare to claim to be second, while no one dares to claim to be number one.

"We can generally calculate the cost of a car."

"As a brand new car company, Qiantu Motor does not have enough units to support it, and the shared costs in all aspects are very high."

"Unless they can raise enough funds to burn money at a loss, it's impossible to really make the price extremely low."

"For example, for a medium-to-large SUV with a cruising range of 500 kilometers, the cost of a single lithium battery alone reaches hundreds of thousands."

"With the addition of other parts such as the motor, it is simply impossible to sell it for less than 20 yuan."

"And once the price reaches 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, or even higher, the price difference between Qiantu Auto and Future Auto will not be as big as everyone imagines."

"Those who are willing to spend 200,000 to 300,000 yuan to buy a future car definitely have the ability to spend 500,000 yuan to buy a future car."

"Besides, our W8 will be on the market soon, and the price will reach the 40 range by then."

"The price of W7 can reach over 30 yuan. In this case, how can Qiantu Motor compete with us?"

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting breathed a sigh of relief.

This is indeed the truth.

In the short term, Qiantu Motor's threat to future cars is very limited.

As for a few years from now, the scale of future cars will be even different at that time, and the cost level will also be completely different.

What can Qiantu Motor do to compete with Future Auto?

At most, it's just drinking some soup from the back of the car of the future.

"Mr. Cao, then our super die-casting machines will be sold to Qiantu Motors normally?"

Pan Jinxing naturally listened to the conversation between Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting.

So I didn’t worry too much and just made the final confirmation!


"Why not sell it?"

"Just keep the price at the same level as selling it to Tesla!"

At this stage, no other manufacturer can produce a 12000-ton super die-casting machine. Nanshan Equipment must take this opportunity to make more money.

A super die-casting machine costs almost 2 million yuan, plus other supporting equipment and systems attached to it. In the end, a production line cannot be built without 3 million yuan.

The profit here is at least 100%!

This does not include profits from subsequent equipment maintenance!

Normally, the income from subsequent maintenance accounts for more than half of the total income.

(End of this chapter)

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