Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 655: Going global vigorously, some brands are a bit flabby

Chapter 655: Going global vigorously, some brands are a bit flabby

Yangcheng Baiyun Airport.

Guo Shuyin personally sent Hu Yingang on a business trip.

Nanshan Equipment's super die-casting machine has stirred up the storm in the equipment field and attracted a lot of people's attention.

But the competition that is more intense during this period is actually not the equipment industry, but the mobile phone industry.

The competition between the traditional mobile phone giant Nokia and emerging manufacturers such as Honor mobile phones, Apple mobile phones, and Warwick mobile phones has become fierce.

Behind this competition, Nanshan Semiconductor, the component supplier behind the scenes, naturally hopes to further expand the market.

Whether it is the chips used in mobile phones or the chips needed by other industries.

Nanshan Semiconductor needs to continue to expand the market, enhance its influence, and digest its production capacity.

Without sales, any research and development will be meaningless.

Therefore, as the largest agent of Nanshan Semiconductor, Yingang Trading not only continues to expand the market in Huaqiangbei, but also begins to shift its attention overseas.

Because of other domestic customers, Nanshan Semiconductor itself is also expanding.

If Hu Yingang focused on the country, the effect would obviously be small.

At least in the short term.

So he prepared to shift his focus overseas in a unique way.

For things like chips, the demand in Africa is definitely very small.

In places like the United States and Europe, there are powerful local chip manufacturers. It is not a little difficult for Yingang Trading to expand its business.

After carefully analyzing the situation in various places, Hu Yingang uniquely focused on polar bears.

As an entity that does not have very good relations with countries such as the United States, it is difficult for polar bears to obtain cheaper and easier-to-use chips from the international community.

The level of Polar Bear's domestic chip industry is also relatively low, and it is not competitive compared with Nanshan Semiconductor.

In this case, it is very suitable for the silver steel trade to develop in Polar Bear.

After Hu Yingang had arranged his domestic affairs, he planned to stay at Polar Bear for two or three months to set up a branch.

And be prepared to proactively find relevant companies to promote your products.

"Yingang, the polar bears are doing business there, and they often drink a lot, so you have to take it easy."

Although Guo Shuyin knew that Hu Yingang had a very good drinking capacity, he couldn't help but warn him.

My cousin traveled thousands of miles to Polar Bear for the development of the company.

And this company also has Guo Shuyin's shares.

"Cousin, don't worry. Among the people I brought this time, one of them has two kilograms of liquor, so there is no need to worry about getting drunk."

"Besides, we are also planning to find some polar bear agents to cooperate this time, giving them a part of the profits first, and then gradually get involved directly."

Hu Yingang was fully prepared for his foray into polar bears.

As long as you can increase the sales of your product, it is valuable even if you don't make any money.

Because he needs to show his efforts in front of Nanshan Semiconductor so that Nanshan Semiconductor can trust him more.

There is no love for no reason in this world. If Hu Yingang didn't work hard, he would never have the chance to make money all the time.

"The development of smartphones is now very strong, and Honor mobile phones also have sales companies on the polar bear side."

"However, Honor phones sell high-end products, and the products produced by local mobile phone companies in Polar Bear are not competitive with them."

"In this case, if you refer to the plans of those copycat factories in Huaqiangbei and cooperate with Polar Bear's mobile phone companies, I think there is still great market prospect."

"Not to mention selling millions of chips a month, there is still hope for one million."

Guo Shuyin is obviously also optimistic about the polar bear market.

Whether it is the automobile industry or the mobile phone industry, the local manufacturers on the Polar Bear side are not very strong.

Wherever China's related products go, they still have obvious advantages.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many self-branded cars entering the Polar Bear market, or even building factories there.

"Well, I have prepared several plans, and there is always one suitable for polar bears."

Hu Yingang's face was full of confidence.

As the sound on the radio reminded them to board the plane, the two of them did not waste too much time.

After sending Hu Yingang away, Guo Shuyin himself was not idle either.

Yangcheng Huaqiang Group is planning to build a hot stamping molding factory in Mexico. It will initially invest in two hot stamping production lines to supply Ford Motor and General Motors.

This investment amount directly reaches tens of millions of dollars, and Guo Shuyin must go to conduct an on-site inspection.

"Mr. Guo, we have communicated with Ford and General Motors."

"As long as a hot stamping factory is built in Mexico, they will give us hot stamped parts for some models of Mondeo and Cadillac to produce."

"In the future, hot stamping parts for new models will also be sent to us for inquiry, and we will have the opportunity to obtain more orders."

"The initial two production lines are just the current planning. If there are more orders in the future, we will continue to invest more."

Before going abroad, Guo Shuyin came to visit Cao Yang.

As the Nanshan Group grows, Cao Yang has more and more things going on.

Guo Shuyin meets Cao Yang alone less and less every year.

Unlike in the early days, Cao Yang even directly assisted Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory in building a hot stamping production line.

This time, they went to build factories overseas, which can be regarded as closely following the development strategy of Nanshan Group.

Yangcheng Auto Parts has not yet decided which factory to build overseas first, but the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory took the lead.

So Guo Shuyin asked Mi Ying to make an appointment with Cao Yang this time, and the appointment was made right away.

"Mr. Guo, if you have any problems communicating with Ford and General Motors' purchasing centers, you can ask Zeng Tingting for help."

“Our group’s cooperation with them is relatively close.”

"At that time, we can even ask Nanshan Auto Parts Sales to follow your sales to visit them in Detroit."

Naturally, Cao Yang had known about the investment plan of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory for a long time.

Now Guo Shuyin is just making final confirmations. If everything is OK, then construction will officially start.

Naturally, Nanshan Auto Parts can learn from this experience in building a new factory.

"Well, our office in Mexico is now located together with the Nanshan Auto Parts office."

"If the scale can be made bigger and stronger by then, we can consider building a China Auto Parts Industrial Park locally."

"I think more auto parts manufacturers will invest and build factories there in the future."

Guo Shuyin also has rich ideas.

Since we want to go overseas, we definitely hope to make our business bigger and stronger overseas.

Otherwise, why would you be so excited?

"Your suggestion is a good one."

"Many employees from China will have some concerns when going to Mexico, especially since the content reported by the news media is generally not good news."

"If there is an industrial park, and basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, housing and transportation can be provided in the industrial park, then everyone's worries will be much less."

"Although China is now the world's second-largest automobile market, no one should be able to take away America's second-largest position in the future."

"The large market of more than 10 million vehicles every year is still worthy of everyone's management."

Although there will be more conflicts with the United States in the future, the business that needs to be done can still be done.

The auto parts industry does not involve anything particularly sensitive, and the impact will be relatively small.

If China wants to become a powerful automobile country, the parts industry must develop and grow.

Otherwise, no matter how many cars you sell, all the parts are produced by international auto parts giants, then what kind of powerful country would you be?

Just like the current Chinese computer market, it seems that domestically produced computers have a large sales volume and are very strong.

But how many key parts in a computer are produced by ourselves?



Or a hard drive?

Or a sound card or graphics card?

It would be ridiculous to expect some companies to develop technology and realize the dream of becoming a powerful country.

"I think so too. The domestic hot stamping market has been almost occupied by us."

"But our share in the foreign market is still very low, which is not in line with Yangcheng Huaqiang Group's position in the domestic hot stamping field."

"Cosma, Benteler and Gestamp have lived a good life overseas for so many years, and now it's our turn to live there."

As the three most important international competitors of Yangcheng Huaqiang Group, Guo Shuyin is actually not worried at all.

Although the technical level of these manufacturers is no worse than that of Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory, their cost control level is much worse.

Do you think General Motors and Ford Motor Co. have no cost pressure?

In the past, I had no choice but to choose the taller one among the short ones.

It will be different from now on.

"Based on cost alone, we are definitely much cheaper than those international auto parts giants."

"However, we must also pay attention to those competitors who use other methods."

"You are the first batch of parts companies to go abroad. If you do well, there will be a large number of parts companies going overseas in the future."

"When our own supply chain is formed, we will lay the foundation for our own car companies to build overseas factories."

"In the future, there is a relatively high possibility that cars will build factories overseas. Chery, Great Wall and other car companies also have the idea of ​​building factories overseas."

"I think the ideal situation is for domestic parts and components companies to be able to achieve a 1:1 level of domestic business and foreign business. That way there will be room for advancement and retreat."

Cao Yang's words were full of expectations for Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory's overseas strategy, which made Guo Shuyin more confident.

Although many things overseas are unfamiliar, the future is bright.

As if to confirm Cao Yang's words, as soon as Guo Shuyin left his office, Yin Chuan called Cao Yang from Chery Automobile.

"Mr. Cao, our Chery Automobile is planning to build a factory in Nanshan America to expand overseas business."

"I wonder if Nanshan Auto Parts is interested in following the past and investing in building a factory?"

Although many parts can be supplied through export, the cost is definitely different.

Since Chery is preparing to develop its efforts in the South American market, it will naturally produce cost-competitive models.

However, the local automobile supply chain in South America is not very sound.

Therefore, Chery must solve most of its parts supply problems by itself.

As the largest supplier of Chery Automobile, the related factories of Nanshan Group were the first thing that Yin Chuan thought of.

If he can bring Nanshan Group to invest in South America, Yin Chuan will be even more confident. “Of course there is interest, but we may consider building our initial factory in Mexico, so that we can take care of both the North American and South American markets.”

Cao Yang didn't beat around the bush and gave his answer directly.

The investment environment in South America is not very good, and he has no plans to invest or build a factory there in the short term.

A few trading companies are enough.

And building the factory in Mexico is much more convenient than domestic transportation.

Even if there are customers in South America, it should be acceptable.

Sure enough, after listening to Cao Yang's words, Yin Chuan was quite happy.

In his opinion, Cao Yang is giving himself a lot of face and is willing to build factories overseas.

Although it is not built directly next to Chery Automobile's factory, it is very sincere.

"Parts from Mexico can be exempted from tariffs when entering the United States, and the United States is the second largest automobile market in the world. It is indeed a good place to invest in parts companies."

"If we plan to build a factory in North America for our finished vehicles in the future, I will also consider Mexico."

Chery has been continuously focusing on overseas markets in the past two years. Not only is the CKD factory in Persia undergoing some upgrades, but it is also making more frequent moves in South America.

Especially since it became China's second-largest sales car company last year, Yin Chuan's ideas have become even richer.

"It is a better choice to build factories in Mexico, Eastern Europe and Buddhism to conquer the American market, European market and Southeast Asian market."

"In the future, Nanshan Group should have more and more companies going overseas. By then, everyone can work together to find ways to deal with local opponents."

Cao Yang chatted with Yin Chuan.

The cooperation between the two companies has a long history. Although there were some bumps in the road, it was still quite enjoyable.

"Mr. Cao, Chery is planning to launch a new high-end brand this year. Do you think it's a good idea?"

After chatting for more than ten minutes, just when Cao Yang was about to hang up the phone, Yin Chuan suddenly changed the topic and talked about a completely new content.

"A new high-end brand?"

When Yin Chuan said this, Cao Yang immediately thought of Qoros.

In 2007, Chery Automobile cooperated with overseas investment institutions to jointly invest in the establishment of Chery Quantum Automobile Co., Ltd.

However, there has been no new news in the past few years, and most people have forgotten its existence.

If nothing changes, the company will change its name to Qoros this year and focus on high-end models.

Unexpectedly, Yin Chuan still refuses to give up.

"Yes, the domestic economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and there are more and more wealthy people."

"And in the past ten years or so, our car ownership has been quite high."

"When some consumers change their cars in the future, they should consider buying high-end models."

"Judging from the fact that the market growth rate of luxury brands in the past two years is higher than the industry average, there is still a lot of market space for high-end models in the future."

"Of course, the positioning of our new brand is not as high as that of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover, but will be close to Audi."

Yin Chuan explained while thinking of ways to dispel Cao Yang's concerns.

Let Cao Yang know that the high-end brand he established is not for Nanshan Group.

Otherwise, everyone will not be able to chat anymore.

"The sales volume of luxury cars will definitely increase in the future. I agree with you, Mr. Yin, on this point."

“But to do well as a high-end brand, the most important thing is to make consumers recognize you as a high-end brand.”

"As long as we can do this successfully, everything will be easy."

There is naturally no problem with what Cao Yang said. It can be said that it is true wherever it is placed.

However, what he had in mind was another matter.

Qoros Automobile is positioned as a high-end car, and it is estimated that many parts will be produced by Nanshan Group.

Even large-displacement engines will be purchased from Nanshan Engine.

I have to remind relevant personnel not to be fooled by Chery.

As far as the sales of Qoros cars are concerned, no matter how good the picture is, there is nothing worth looking forward to.

When the time comes to invest in the production of parts and components, try to recover development fees and testing fees in advance.

Don't worry about supplying goods to others for several years, not making a penny, and still losing money.

That's not good.

“Our high-end brand team is composed of engineering and technical experts and managers from 23 different countries around the world, most of whom have held important positions in well-known automobile companies such as Volkswagen, General Motors, Opel, Volvo, Saab, Ford, and BMW. "

"We will build independent and complete operational capabilities, an independent global team, an independent R&D process, an international perspective and world-class standards."

"We will also work hard on brand building to make everyone feel our sincerity."

Yin Chuan was in a good mood when he heard that Cao Yang seemed to be optimistic about developing a high-end brand.

It's not easy for Cao Yang to pour cold water on others.

Otherwise, Yin Chuan might think that Cao Yang did not want competitors to join.

Cao Yang would no longer do such a thankless task easily.

"Mr. Yin, this is a big deal. The investment is not small."

"Since we are building a high-end brand, our configuration in all aspects must be closer to the high-end."

Mr. Yin was in a very good mood.

Chery Automobile’s next development path seems to be stable?

"We at Nanshan Group can provide a package of equipment solutions for the construction of automobile OEMs. Whether it is a welding workshop or a stamping workshop, or a casting workshop, painting, and assembly workshop, we can provide relevant equipment."

"If Mr. Yin is really planning to build a high-end factory, then our Nanshan Group can help."

"There is no problem even if it is built directly according to Xingchen Motors' factory standards."

Chery Automobile is now the second largest in China's industry. They are willing to spend money to burn with overseas investors, and Cao Yang naturally has no way to stop it.

This money should be earned by others, rather than left to the Nanshan Group.

A large-scale high-end automobile factory would require an investment of over 10 billion.

Much of this is investment in equipment.

This can at least contribute more than one billion in profits to Nanshan Group.

Why should you be polite to others?

"You don't mind if you directly refer to the standard construction of Xingchen Automobile?"

Yin Chuan was obviously very moved.

Xingchen Automobile is a very successful luxury brand in China.

If their Qoros automobile factory is on the same level as Xingchen Automobile, it will definitely be a good publicity point.

For this reason, Yin Chuan is willing to spend more money.

"Many of the production lines at BMW's Tiexi factory are upgraded and constructed based on those of Xingchen Motors' factory."

"Mercedes-Benz's new factory is also preparing to be transformed on this basis."

"Now that you want to use your high-end brands, we naturally have no objection."

"Nanshan Group is not only an automobile manufacturer, but also an equipment manufacturer."

"When we open our doors for business, no matter who wants to buy equipment, we can sell it."

Feeling Yin Chuan's heartbeat, Cao Yang became more active.

Although the Nanshan Group has a big business, such tens of billions of businesses are still relatively rare.

"I will discuss it internally with my partners, and then I will contact you, Mr. Cao!"

After listening to Cao Yang's words, Yin Chuan felt reassured.

He is more confident in the future of Qoros.

He was even prepared to throw out the new brand name of Qoros Motors in advance, and by the way revealed to the media that Qoros Motors' factory would be more advanced than Xingchen Motors.

"Mr. Cao, we have no problem selling Xingchen Automobile's factory equipment to BMW and Mercedes-Benz, but if we sell it to Chery, will it have an impact on the development of Xingchen Automobile?"

After Cao Yang hung up the phone, Mi Ying, who had been beside him, couldn't help but remind him.

Xingchen Automobile is the largest source of profit for Nanshan Group, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

"It's not sold to Chery, it's sold to a high-end brand jointly owned by Chery and others."

"Their goals are very ambitious. They want to build an Audi that belongs to China. In this case, there is nothing to worry about selling equipment to them."

When Cao Yang said this, Mi Ying became even more worried.

"If it is a high-end brand, then if they succeed, it will definitely have an impact on Xingchen Auto's sales, right?"

When Mi Ying said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but laugh.


How can it be so easy to succeed in building a high-end brand?

"The success of Xingchen Automobile is due to many factors."

"Large-displacement engine, advanced gearbox and component technology, coupled with a unique and stylish appearance, coupled with a good marketing plan."

"The combination of various factors led to the success of Xingchen Automobile."

"Chery and other independent brands only saw the benefits of our success, but did not seriously consider that success is not that easy."

"The high-end brands they build are 100% bound to fail!"

Cao Yang gave his judgment with great certainty.

It's not appropriate to say this to Yin Chuan, but you can still say it to Mi Ying and the senior executives in the group.

He even wanted to remind everyone that when cooperating with Qoros Automobile in the future, they should pay attention to the impact of the other party's failure to increase sales.

Hearing what Cao Yang said, Mi Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I am worrying too much.

High-end brands are indeed not that easy to build successfully.

Look at various bags. How many years have they been produced in China?

But there is no sign of being able to build a brand comparable to LV and others.

It is obviously not that easy for the automobile industry to make exceptions.

(End of this chapter)

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