Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 656: Emergency treatment, Nokia in chaos

Chapter 656: Emergency treatment, Nokia in chaos

In February 2011, because the first half of the month was affected by the Spring Festival, and February itself only has 2 days, it was naturally at a disadvantage compared to a 2-day month.

Therefore, the sales of various car companies are definitely not as good as January.

Even if you can compare the data with the same period last year, it is definitely not that eye-catching.

So on March 3, various car companies took a rare pause and released their sales data for last month in a relatively low-key manner.

However, there are not so many things going on in the automobile industry, and everyone is relatively low-key. This does not mean that every industry is like this.

In China, the sales volume of various flagship stores is actually better than usual. The mobile phone industry is very lively now.

Honor Mobile announced its sales data for last month on its official Weibo account on March 3.

"Mr. Cao, last month, Honor mobile phone HONOR 3G and HONOR 2 achieved a total sales volume of 404 million units, of which domestic sales were 324 million units."

"According to preliminary estimates, China's total domestic sales in February were just over 2 million, and our market share has reached about 2000%."

"Nokia's sales last month dropped to 505 million units. Although it still ranks first in the industry, its market share is only over 20%."

"However, Samsung's mobile phone sales are also relatively strong. The combined sales of traditional mobile phones and smartphones reached 398 million, second only to Nokia."

"LG, Sony Ericsson and Motorola also sold more than 6 million units."

"The sales of other Warwick mobile phones and Apple mobile phones have also increased rapidly, and their monthly sales have exceeded 100 million units only in the past few months."

"As for other mobile phone brands, their performance is also uneven and not so impressive."

Early in the morning, Xia Qingqing came to Cao Yang's office to report on the situation of the mobile phone industry in February.

Honor mobile phones now occupy the third position in China, and there is no hope of hitting the second position in the industry this year.

Even next year, we can pull Nokia from the position of the boss and take the position ourselves.

Therefore, on the 1st of every month, Xia Qingqing took the initiative to make an appointment with Cao Yang for a special report.

Considering the development potential of the mobile phone sector, Cao Yang is also willing to spend more time in this area.

Especially these two years are very critical for Honor mobile phones.

"I guess many people will be shocked by this result, right?"

"Our mobile phones are all priced at a very high price."

Although he had known for a long time that Honor mobile phones would be successful, Cao Yang was still in a very good mood when sales really started to explode.

If the sales of high-end mobile phones can increase, the profits will be very considerable.

Just look at the performance of Apple mobile phones in previous generations.

The profits of one company basically account for more than half of the profits of the entire mobile phone industry.

There are so many mobile phone manufacturers in China, and their total profits are only a fraction of others.

Now that the Honor mobile phone is out, it will definitely take away some of the luck of Apple mobile phones.

"I guess the executives of various mobile phone companies will have trouble sleeping today."

"Whether it is the overseas market or the domestic market, our sales are growing very fast."

"If we continue to grow in the next few months, there will definitely be no problem in surpassing Samsung in sales in a single month in China."

"It is not impossible to directly surpass Nokia."

"After all, our sales are increasing, while Nokia's sales are declining."

The rise of a brand often takes years of hard work to achieve.

But a brand can sometimes decline very quickly.

A few years ago, who would have thought that Nokia's situation would become so passive?

Looking at sales alone, Honor mobile phones are already number one in China.

"A lot of people are definitely going to be upset."

"However, this will also stimulate more mobile phone manufacturers to completely transform into the smartphone industry."

"The market competition will become more intense by then."

"We need to remain competitive to continue to grow and develop."

Xia Qingqing was not completely addicted to her short-term success.

After all, the current mobile phone market as a whole is still in a chaotic situation.

It's hard to say who will have the last laugh.

If you get too proud and fall down when the time comes, that will be bad.

"That's true. Not to mention Samsung's rapid transformation, domestic brands such as Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO are also rapidly following up and creating products with their own brand characteristics."

"The pattern of the mobile phone market will then be completely different from a few years ago."

While Cao Yang and Xia Qingqing were chatting happily about the domestic mobile phone industry, the atmosphere at the Nokia meeting was very dull.

Although Nokia has maintained its number one sales position in China, everyone knows that the situation has fallen into a very troublesome state.

"Everyone has seen the sales data for February."

"Isn't there anyone who wants to stand up and say a few words?"

Colin Zhao glanced at the executives present.

Everyone kept their heads down, not daring to get into trouble at this time.

After today's meeting at the Huaxia branch, Zhao Colin will have a meeting with the headquarters tomorrow, so he is in a very bad mood now.

"Chai Hang, you are the sales director. Our sales in February have been surpassed by Honor phones. What do you have to say?"

Seeing that no one stood up to speak, Zhao Colin immediately targeted sales director Chai Hang.

When sales performance is good, the performance belongs to the sales department.

When sales performance is not good, the sales department will naturally take the blame.

However, Chai Hang naturally knew that the pot was a bit big and he couldn't carry it.

"Mr. Zhao, judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that smartphones represent the future of the mobile phone industry."

"Our previous Symbian system was completely behind the times, so related products were very difficult to sell."

"As for traditional feature phones, sales are also declining due to the impact of various smartphones."

"The most fundamental reason for this situation is the inaction on the R&D side, or the R&D side's misjudgment of future development trends."

"If we had products comparable to Honor phones and Apple phones, our sales would definitely not be what they are now."

"If you look at the performance of Samsung mobile phones, you can feel how bad the products developed by the R&D end are."

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

At the critical moment, Chaihang pulled out R&D and took the blame.

Anyway, the core R&D departments are at the European headquarters, so it doesn't matter how bad I say about them today.

Let’s get over this hurdle for ourselves first.

Besides, he also felt that what he said was actually correct.

"Nokia's R&D personnel stick to their own Symbian system, and the lack of changes is the biggest mistake."

"In fact, everyone now knows that the appearance and software design of Honor mobile phones are very good. Nokia can also learn from it, but because it has been the boss for a long time, I'm sorry. No matter how brilliant you were in the past, if you don't make a good move, you will suffer big consequences. deficit."

"Most people in the R&D department at Nokia headquarters are following the old path, and no one wants to take risks."

Seeing that after he finished speaking, the scene fell into silence, Chai Hang simply continued to speak there.

A good summary meeting should naturally not turn into a meeting to criticize the headquarters R&D department.

So Colin Zhao had to stand up and said: "The R&D department at the headquarters is not without action. At the beginning of last year, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​the company upgraded all its new smartphone products to 'Symbian 3' ', in order to compete with the fierce IOS and Android systems."

Chai Hang waited for Zhao Colin to finish his sentence, and then immediately retorted, "Unfortunately, the user experience of the Symbian 3 system is very poor, with few application software. The most important thing is that almost all users are complaining about 'Now The Symbian system is difficult to use'."

"Now Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson, the original supporters of the Symbian system, have all announced their withdrawal from Symbian and switched to the Android system."

"The people at the headquarters were originally full of confidence, but suddenly they became a 'lone army'. They originally wanted to fight for a turnaround, but it turned out to be a 'Waterloo'."

"Afterwards, the headquarters was seriously ill and sought medical treatment, and jointly developed the 'MeeGo system' with Intel. However, the cooperation on this system was less than a year. Last month, it announced that it would abandon the MeeGo system and withdraw from cooperation with Intel."

Now that the spraying has started, Chaihang is not polite at all.

Our own people are the most familiar with their own products. If you want to find problems with Nokia mobile phones, Chaihang can find a lot of them.

"The main reason why the headquarters will cooperate with Intel is that Intel wants to enter smartphones, but has no one to help it find its way out, and Nokia is eager to see a turnaround in the market, so the two companies came together."

"However, there were big differences between the two parties in terms of system planning, and the development of the MeeGo system was not mature, but was launched in a hurry, and the system update cycle was too slow."

"According to the plan, the company will only have three MeeGo products for sale by 2014, which will not improve Nokia's competitiveness at all."

"That's why the headquarters announced that it would withdraw from MeeGo development and switch to Microsoft's Windows Phone system, which has more experience in system development."

Today, the executives of Huaxia Branch were present. Chaihang raised such a pointed question to the R&D department. As the boss, Zhao Colin naturally had to stand up and explain to the R&D department.

Otherwise, this conference will really turn into a conference criticizing the R&D department.

However, in order not to take the blame, Chai Hang is now at full strength.

Anyway, in European and American companies, if you directly confront the leader during a meeting, there may not necessarily be such serious consequences.

Of course, it also depends on the leadership’s measurement.

"But Microsoft's mobile phone system is not popular in the market now. Even some manufacturers that have been using it are constantly switching to the Android camp."

In order to solve the problem of taking the blame once and for all, Chaihang really went all out today.

It can be said that he, the sales director, is not optimistic about Nokia's future at all.

It is true that Nokia has not taken the right steps in recent years.

"We can compile these issues into data and report to the headquarters, but the top priority is to find ways to change the situation of declining sales."

"Otherwise, according to this trend, we may not be able to maintain our number one position in the market by the end of the year." Zhao Colin's words slowly brought everyone's attention back.

However, they discussed and discussed, but could not come up with any results.

But then another very interesting thing happened in the group.

Intel, which threatened to let Nokia regret it when they broke up in early February, suddenly came to the door again and wanted to cooperate with Nokia.

Although there are still differences between the two companies on system development, Nokia is like grabbing a life-saving straw in terms of hardware support.

Because in the view of Nokia executives, one of the important reasons for the decline in the competitiveness of its products is that the chips used in mobile phones are not good enough.

Intel's reputation in the chip field is absolutely unquestionable.

Intel provides chip support, Microsoft provides software system support, and Nokia provides a huge channel network and brand marketing strategy.

Such a rare "three giants" in the world, who complement each other and get what they need, was born.

"Zhao, the company has readjusted its strategy, and the competitiveness of our new products will surpass all competitors."

"As our largest sales market, China cannot afford to lose anything."

"I don't ask you to increase your sales volume in 2011 by much compared to 2010, but at least it cannot decrease!"

A new cooperation plan was formed with Intel and Microsoft. Nokia President Stephen Elop personally flew to China to negotiate with the person in charge of the China region.

Obviously, Nokia's declining market share in China has attracted great attention from the headquarters.

Although it has not reached the point of losing money yet, profits are constantly declining.

This situation is definitely not what those big bosses want to see.

As the CEO of Nokia poached from Microsoft, Elop has been active since taking office.

Lay off employees, sell properties, and cooperate with Microsoft!

Especially now, Nokia has almost completely turned to Microsoft.

It gives the impression that Elop is like a spy arranged by Microsoft for Nokia.

Under his leadership, Nokia completely gave up its Symbian system, also gave up the meego system that everyone had high hopes for, and even rejected the most popular Android system.

Even when the mobile phone giant collapsed in 2013, Nokia's mobile phone business was sold to Microsoft for a low price of US$73 billion.

You know, Nokia's market value was US$1151 billion at its highest, and now it's only a fraction.

Of course, everyone still doesn’t know how unreliable Elop is.

His prestige within Nokia is quite high, after all, he is a former executive of Microsoft.

This period was almost the time when Microsoft's reputation was at its highest.

"Elop, competition in China's mobile phone market is very fierce. There are the largest number of mobile phone brands in the world."

"And with the rise of smartphones, led by Honor phones and Apple phones, we have been besieged."

"If we want to keep sales from declining this year, we will definitely need to work hard through price reductions and increased advertising. In the end, revenue will decline."

Obviously, Colin Zhao was also making conditions.

If you want me to maintain sales volume, then don’t set too high a target for me in terms of profit.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for others.

"Although profits can fall compared to last year, losses are absolutely unacceptable."

Elop thought for a moment and agreed to Colin Zhao's request.

Elop only became Nokia's CEO last year, and his most important task now is to maintain Nokia's sales.

As for the decline in profits, it is due to intensified competition in the industry and is not his problem.

It is a pity that Nokia was timid in the face of the new era and new technologies and was unwilling to give up its existing mature technologies. In the end, other companies such as Honor mobile phones and Apple mobile phones occupied the new market.

And when the old market began to shrink and Nokia tried to attack the new market, the original overlord had become a challenger.

In the field of smartphones, Nokia is like a blind man who seeks medical treatment in a hurry and spends no less on research and development and sales expenses.

But the final effect was not good at all.

Nokia, which is in a state of chaos, is destined to have a bad ending.

Of course, if Cao Yang were to make the arrangements, he would immediately switch to the Android system and "learn" from several similar products for Honor phones, Apple phones, and Samsung phones.

With Nokia's heritage, there is still a chance to come back to life.

However, the arrogant Nokia is destined to have no way to lower its arrogant head and cannot do anything to "learn from".

Naturally, other peers will also study these actions of Nokia carefully.

"Editor Wu, do you think the new products developed by Nokia in cooperation with Intel and Microsoft will be able to overwhelm Honor and Samsung phones?"

Zhongguancun Online, Xie Min is very grateful to Nokia for contributing a lot of news to the website during this time.

If you seek medical treatment in a hurry, you are destined to have various actions every now and then.

These actions are hot news for Zhongguancun Online.

If you want to expand on this basis, you will find several articles with high clicks.

This kind of day is definitely very comfortable for editors.

No need to rack your brains to think about what topic to write about today.

"If Nokia had made these moves a few years ago, I think it would have been successful."

"But now, I don't know how to evaluate it."

"Look, in less than two years, Nokia's smartphone system was upgraded from Symbian 2 to Symbian 3, and then from Symbian 3 to Meego system."

“It’s been less than a year since I switched, and I’m now using Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7.0 again.”

"The consequence of frequent system changes is that the smartphones currently sold by Nokia will have several systems at the same time."

"This has greatly reduced consumers' experience and reduced everyone's recognition of Nokia smartphones."

Wu Xuebin has been tracking the development of the mobile phone industry over the years, and is naturally very familiar with the situation of the giant Nokia.

Now, everyone in the industry has seen Nokia's decline.

The bigger a company is, the harder it will be to reverse the decline.

The so-called "easy to turn around" for a small ship corresponds to the "turn around" for a "bad ship".

Obviously, Nokia, this big ship, wants to turn around now, but it is facing many difficulties.

"That's true. Ever since I used HONOR 3G, I have no interest in Nokia."

"Some of the Nokia phones at home are obviously very new and there is nothing wrong with them when used, but they look like vintage phones."

Xie Min's view should represent the views of many people.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

Nokia is not only outperformed by Honor phones and Apple phones, but also by Samsung, a traditional giant that has already started making its own Android phones through many experiments, analysis, and research.

How could this situation be so easily reversed?

Intel is very powerful, but that is in computer chips. In the field of mobile phone chips, it is actually not as experienced as Nanshan Semiconductor.

Microsoft is also very powerful, but it is also very powerful in computer operating systems.

In terms of mobile operating systems, although Microsoft has a history of research for several years, it has never really had an influence.

Under such circumstances, can a three-giant cooperation project between Nokia, a traditional mobile phone giant, Intel, a traditional chip giant, and Microsoft, a traditional software giant, really succeed?

Obviously, Wu Xuebin has no confidence!

Xie Min is not optimistic either!

When no one has confidence, the problem becomes even more troublesome.

"You are right, the future will be the era of smartphones."

"Honor mobile phones and Apple mobile phones, which have been successfully deployed in advance, are destined to become new giants."

"You see, Apple's mobile phone sales reached 5000 million units last year, and it is said that it will reach 6000 million units this year."

"Although the global sales of Honor mobile phones last year were less than 2000 million units, the momentum this year is very strong, and it is likely to directly catch up with the global sales of Apple mobile phones."

"Although there is definitely a gap between this data and Nokia's, one is growing rapidly and the other is declining rapidly."

"At most, by next year, Nokia's sales are expected to be almost the same as those of Apple and Honor phones."

"In addition to these two smartphone giants, there are also a series of manufacturers such as Samsung and Huawei that are also producing smartphones."

"At that time, who would think Nokia had a future?"

Wu Xuebin made a very bold prediction.

In fact, without Cao Yang's influence, Apple's mobile phone sales reached 2012 million units in 1.27, and Huawei mobile phones sold 2012 million units in 3200.

Samsung mobile phones are even more exaggerated. In 2012, they sold 3.85 million units, successfully becoming the new global leader.

Now not only are these companies continuing to seize the market, but there is also a new giant called Honor Mobile.

By then, Nokia's situation will become even more difficult.

The first battle of 2011 launched by Nanshan Group is bound to achieve fruitful results.

"It seems that we will have to focus more on new forces such as Honor phones and Apple phones in the future."

"Constantly focusing on Nokia doesn't provide us with much effective news."

The media is also very snobbish. When you are not good, they will definitely be too lazy to report on you.

Looking at the automotive industry in later generations, it is really difficult for traditional car companies to gain news attention.

But new car-making forces can easily attract all kinds of traffic.

In this case, how will the media choose?

(End of this chapter)

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