Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 657 Anyone who blocks the progress of Honor mobile phones will be destroyed!

Chapter 657 Anyone who blocks the progress of Honor mobile phones will be destroyed!

In a company, the more key positions people hold, the clearer they are about the company's development prospects.

For example, people in automobile companies who are engaged in new car company planning and parts procurement know a lot of information about future new models.

From this information, they can interpret whether their products will be competitive in the future.

Based on this information, everyone can basically make a preliminary judgment about the company's future.

Of course, in the sales field, if you have access to new model information, the situation is similar.

In Nokia China, as the sales director, Chai Hang naturally has access to more information.

At least in the next year, he has a clear idea of ​​what new products Nokia China will launch and the performance of these products.

Even the selling prices of these products were proposed by him.

Under this circumstance, Chaihang is obviously very clear about the severe situation Nokia will face in the next one or two years.

Now that he knows the future situation, he will naturally start to think about himself.

What do you think?

Of course, while Nokia still had some prestige, he quickly jumped ship!

Many people think that they are more successful in a company because their abilities are outstanding.

But in fact, in many cases, it is more about the power of the platform.

Without the platform, you are probably nothing.

And what platform you are on will definitely have an impact on your job-hopping.

Even if a very talented person works in an unknown company, and there is another person who is not as talented as you, if they compete for a position together in a well-known company, there is a high probability that the person from the well-known company will be more likely to get an OFFER. big.

After all, HR doesn't know that much about you when recruiting.

It is inevitable to make some judgments based on your past experience.

"Mr. Cao, Nokia's sales director took the initiative to contact me and wanted to jump over to take charge of the sales business."

Early in the morning, Xia Qingqing told Cao Yang some unexpected news.

If it was a general recruitment, it would definitely not be possible here in Cao Yang.

Even Xia Qingqing wouldn't mention it to Cao Yang.

But the position of Honor Mobile Sales Director is different.

Not to mention that if someone wants to take this position, it must be Cao Yang's nod.

Just because someone special came for the interview, Xia Qingqing also felt the need to chat with Cao Yang.

Especially this time it involves Nokia's sales director.

This matter is more interesting.

"Did he say why he wanted to jump here?"

Cao Yang will definitely not want Nokia's senior marketers.

These people have ruined Nokia and want to improve the Honor mobile phone. Where can such a good thing happen?

Of course, if it's a lower-level employee, it doesn't matter.

"I just feel that the future mobile phone market will be the market for smartphones. The current products of Honor mobile phones are very competitive and will replace Nokia in the future."

"So he felt that he should take advantage of the trend and promote the experience he learned at Nokia in independent brand mobile phone companies, and make some contributions to domestic mobile phones."

"After I chatted with him, I asked him to wait for me to contact him later."

Xia Qingqing curled her lips, obviously not particularly satisfied with Chai Hang.

Sometimes, the higher the level of people in traditional companies, the harder it is for them to change jobs.

Just like in 2023, if employees from traditional car companies want to change jobs, although there is no chance, they will certainly not be as popular as those from popular new forces.

For example, if you have three years of work experience at Tesla, it is definitely more meaningful than three years of work experience at Volkswagen or Toyota.

Nine times out of ten, the former can find a better job by changing jobs.

Even if the former is just 211, the latter is 985.

"Nokia's actions have been very frequent recently, but there are no rules and no strategy of its own."

"It is very scary for such a large company to encounter such a situation."

"I feel that Nokia can barely survive this year, but it may not be able to survive next year."

Although Cao Yang knew that Nokia did not sell its mobile phone business until 2013 in the previous life, but now there are variables, and it is entirely possible that it will be unable to survive as early as 2012.

After all, Nanshan Group has launched a battle to suppress Nokia since the beginning of this year. All smartphone companies have tried their best to take a bite out of Nokia's market share.

Therefore, Nokia's development will definitely become worse.

"If this is really the case, then the domestic mobile phone industry will completely change."

"At that time, our most important opponents may become Samsung mobile phones and Apple mobile phones."

Xia Qingqing still has a relatively clear understanding of the current situation.

Only by defeating the brands in front of Honor phones can Honor phones stand out.

In the past, Nokia was in the front, so let’s do Nokia!

From now on, if Samsung phones are in the front, let’s go with Samsung!

Whoever blocks the progress of Honor mobile phones will be destroyed!

"Yes, Samsung and Apple will definitely be our main rivals in the future, and Warwick next door will also be an opponent that cannot be underestimated."

"Starting from next year, our competition will focus on Samsung mobile phones and Apple mobile phones, and strive to lose their market share in China!"

It is very unrealistic to completely destroy a brand.

But it is entirely possible to reduce their influence and sales.

Whether it’s Nokia or Samsung mobile phones, what presence will they have in China in the future?

That is to say, Apple mobile phones are more tenacious and have never been beaten down!

Therefore, its stock price has also hit new highs repeatedly, refreshing many people's perceptions.


After failing to get a position with Honor Mobile, Chaihang continued to shift his focus to Warwick.

However, Warwick obviously will not recruit such a senior executive from outside.

But this incident also brought big feelings to Xu Jun and Lian Zhitian.

"Mr. Xu, it seems that you convinced the board of directors to increase investment in smartphones and build the consumer business department into a new growth engine. This is a completely correct decision."

Even Shida naturally saw the decline of Nokia and the rise of various smartphone manufacturers.

The mobile phone business previously had a very low status in Warwick and did not have a strong sense of presence.

For example, in 2010, the sales volume of Warwick mobile phones was only a few million units.

It may not seem like a small amount, but when you compare it, you will realize how little it is.

Huaqiangbei produces more Transsion products than it produces mobile phones.

But after entering 2011, due to the successive launch of multiple smartphones, sales in February reached almost 2 million units.

According to Lian Zhitian's estimate, sales will reach 200 million units per month by the second half of the year.

By the end of the year, Warwick's overseas business should have started to pick up, and it is possible that monthly sales will increase to 300 million by then.

As a result, the sales of all-purpose mobile phones may exceed 2000 million units.

Compared with last year, this data is no longer an order of magnitude.

"To be honest, I didn't realize how fast smartphones would develop."

"Nokia, a giant, is a bit sick and has to seek medical treatment in a hurry. It feels like it can't find the direction of development."

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river. This is too scary."

Xu Jun's mood was also quite complicated.

Warwick's mobile phone sales have increased, which is naturally a good thing.

But the mobile phone market is changing so fast that everyone doesn't know what to do.

After all, the mobile phone business has never been Warwick's focus.

At least that's how it was before then.

"If the performance of the mobile phone business this year exceeds everyone's imagination, then the company should pay attention to this business unit in the future."

"In the field of smartphones, if we do it well, the profits are actually not low."

"After all, compared to devices, mobile phone sales are much higher."

"And we can also use the mobile phone business to boost the semiconductor business."

"Especially mobile phone chips. If we do it well, we should be able to get the chips we need for other devices in the future."

Lian Zhitian has now slowly shifted his focus to the mobile phone business and is personally responsible for the design of mobile phone chips.

Warwick and Nanshan Group have cooperated to invest in a wafer factory. In the future, related mobile phone chips can be handed over to Nanshan Semiconductor for foundry.

Although the production of mobile phones is done by Honor Mobile, it is outsourced.

But in the production of semiconductors, it is willing to OEM for others.

Products and products are obviously still different.

"Indeed, the emergence of Honor mobile phones has completely changed the pattern of the domestic mobile phone industry."

"They also allowed us to see that mobile phones can be produced in this way, and can be derived from so many other products."

“I heard that Nanshan Film and Television and Weibo are now two apps that must be installed on every smartphone.”

"For some other apps, as long as the number of installations on smartphones is relatively high, the valuation of the corresponding company will rise a lot."

"Especially in recent months, the sales of smartphones have increased rapidly, and it is said that many Internet companies have begun to change their focus."

Xu Jun is an expert in semiconductors, so he is naturally more concerned about the situation of the Internet.

After all, these are matters in the IT industry.

"Our mobile phone sales are also increasing rapidly, and the production capacity at the foundry is already a bit tight."

"Tomorrow I will personally go to BYD to communicate with them and ask them to arrange the new production line in advance. Otherwise, it will be a pity if someone wants to buy but there is no stock."

Warwick's mobile phone business only sold more than 3 million mobile phones last year.

So when they approached BYD for OEM, they only planned based on a monthly production capacity of 60 units.

After all, this is already double last year’s results.

However, the monthly sales volume of 60 mobile phones was easily surpassed in February this year. As a result, BYD has to work overtime to deal with the OEM business of Warwick mobile phones.

But if we further increase production, it will not be solved by working overtime.

If you put it into the production line, the production capacity that can be increased by overtime is very limited.

After all, the production rhythm of some equipment is fixed. Apart from working 24 hours a day to increase production, there is no way to further expand production.

The only option is to add additional production lines.

"The OEM business of Honor mobile phones is also handed over to BYD, and their sales are increasing rapidly."

"BYD really needs to have a good communication with them and let them start moving as soon as possible to increase our production capacity to at least 200 million units a month."

Xu Jun naturally already knew about the situation of tight production capacity.

This year's domestic mobile phone market is in a state of ice and fire.

What sells well is that supply exceeds demand.

What is not easy to sell cannot be sold even if the price is reduced.

And just when Warwick found BYD to expand production, Honor Mobile was not idle either.

Xia Qingqing specially arranged for personnel to be stationed at BYD's foundry to ensure quality and delivery.

Nowadays, the sales of Honor mobile phones have completely increased and are still increasing.

So basically BYD's foundry has new production lines put into use every month.

Even so, the production speed cannot keep up with the sales pace.

"Mr. Wang, should we dismantle a few of Nokia's OEM production lines? This will free up the factory to build other OEM production lines."

"Otherwise, it will be too late if we need to rebuild the factory."

Zhong Qiang used to be the assistant to the general manager and the head of the purchasing department, but now he was assigned by Wang Fu to be in charge of BYD's OEM business.

This is an area that BYD will focus on in the next few years.

However, since taking charge of the OEM business, Zhong Qiang has found that he has become even busier.

I don’t have time to go home this year, so I just stay in the workshop and focus on the transformation and production of various production lines.

Now every month, I still need to worry about whether I can deliver orders to customers on time.

This worry about happiness made him feel very complicated.

"Nokia hasn't lowered their production plan, right?"

"According to the goals they announced at the dealer conference, this year is to achieve an increase of more than 5% compared to last year, and the bottom line cannot drop."

"If we directly dismantle a few production lines, then there may be problems with the delivery to Nokia."

Wang Fu is quite a trustworthy person.

Nokia used to be BYD's largest OEM customer, but now it is a bit reluctant, but it is still the largest customer for the time being.

Under this situation, if BYD wants to dismantle the OEM production line of Nokia mobile phones, he feels that it must communicate with the other party.

Otherwise, if the delivery fails, it will be considered a breach of contract.

"I have also communicated privately with many people at Nokia during this period, and few of them are confident that they can achieve this year's sales target."

"I even heard from Mr. Xia that Nokia's sales director is preparing to quit."

"Under such circumstances, Nokia's sales will definitely decline this year, and it is likely to be a sharp decline."

"We have dismantled several production lines, and it will not affect Nokia's delivery at all."

Zhong Qiang would put forward a proposal that seemed a bit unreliable, and naturally he had done some analysis and investigation.

Otherwise, if he messed around like this, wouldn't he be lowering his impression score with his boss?

"What if Nokia's sales pick up again by then?"

"They are now cooperating with Intel and Microsoft, and the newly launched smartphones all use Microsoft's operating system."

"With the appeal of Nokia and Microsoft, I think their smartphone business may not be worse than Honor phones and Samsung phones."

Wang Fu's view actually represents the opinions of a group of people.

Nokia has dominated the mobile phone industry for so many years, no one would have thought that it would collapse so quickly!

Therefore, many people still have confidence in Nokia's various actions.

Of course, Nokia must also promote it to its partners in this way.

"We dismantled several of Nokia's OEM production lines. We didn't throw them away directly. We just piled them in the warehouse first."

"If their sales really pick up, we can respond by working overtime."

"If we can't cope with overtime, then we can continue to assemble these dismantled production lines in our new factory."

"This just creates a time difference and solves the production capacity dilemma we are facing now."

When Zhong Qiang said this, Wang Fu was finally moved.

It seems that this proposal is not a fool's errand, but makes sense.

"Will the space freed up be used to build assembly lines for Honor phones or Warwick phones?"

Nokia, Honor Mobile, and Warwick Mobile are now BYD's most important customers in the OEM field.

Although some other manufacturers also have some businesses, their scale is completely unable to compare with these giants.

"The sales forecast of Honor mobile phones has been quite aggressive before. Mr. Cao has also personally communicated with Mr. Wang many times about production capacity planning, so there is no problem in a short time."

"Now we are preparing production capacity for Warwick mobile phones first. They want to expand production to a monthly output of 200 million units as soon as possible."

"They even proposed that they hope to achieve the task of producing 300 million Warwick smartphones per month by the end of this year."

Wang Fu basically understood Zhong Qiang's explanation.

In the end, he naturally agreed to Zhong Qiang's proposal.


"Mr. Cao, our new mobile phone chips have been successfully mass-produced. Next, HONOR 3G and HONOR 2 can replace part of the chips with our own products."

"If we don't encounter any problems after trying production for a few months, then all Honor mobile phone chips will be produced by Nanshan Semiconductor in the future."

As the general manager of Nanshan Semiconductor and an academician of the Academy of Engineering, Zhang Jing has recently refocused his energy on the research and development and debugging of new industries.

Compared with automotive-grade chips, smartphone chips undoubtedly have much higher requirements for production processes.

That is to say, Nanshan Semiconductor has successively put into operation new factories. Otherwise, relying on the original Magic City factory, there would be no way to produce mobile phone chips that meet the needs of Honor mobile phones.

This is also an important reason why Cao Yang wanted Nanshan Semiconductor to first focus on the Huaqiangbei copycat mobile phone chip market.

Honor mobile phones are a high-end brand, and the performance of its mobile phone chips must not be bad.

Otherwise, it will not be able to compare with others when running scores, and it will not be as good as others when comparing various parameters when making consumer choices, and sales will definitely not improve.

“How does our chip perform?”

Last year, the A4 processor installed in Apple mobile phones was designed by Apple itself.

Of course, this self-developed chip is a bit watery. It is actually just some improvements made on the basis of Samsung's chip.

But this is just the beginning. After that, the chips for Apple mobile phones will be completely designed by the company itself, and then handed over to Samsung, TSMC and other manufacturers for OEM production.

Some of the chips on Huawei mobile phones are designed by ourselves.

In this case, Honor mobile phones definitely hope to have their own designed chips as soon as possible.

Of course, it’s better to be anxious than to be careless about performance!

"Our mobile phone chip has a dual-core processor, which has stronger computing power and lower energy consumption than the chips currently purchased."

"According to the information we have now, this chip has absolutely the best performance among all mobile phone chips."

"This is also inseparable from some of your previous tips, Mr. Cao."

Zhang Jing's face was full of smiles.

Nanshan Semiconductor can finally come up with a competitive product.

With this mobile phone chip, Nanshan Semiconductor has established a firm foothold in the chip industry.

In the future, it is not impossible to continue to expand production capacity, continue to improve technology, and rely on Nanshan Group's own demand for chips and China's domestic chip demand to become a top-ranked or even one of the best chip companies in the world.

Of course, once the information about this chip is officially announced to the outside world, it will eventually be successfully mass-produced and launched.

Then Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely face more suppression.

Both Zhang Jing and Cao Yang were mentally prepared for this.

"After we launch HONOR 6 in June this year, HONOR 3G and HONOR 3 will continue to be sold."

"But this is an old product after all, especially the HONOR 3G. Some hardware configurations are no longer sufficient."

"At that time, we will take advantage of the localization of chips to launch a chip with slightly worse performance than the one used on HONOR 3, and simply upgrade the chip, memory and other hardware of HONOR 3G."

"In this way, this classic-looking mobile phone should be able to sell for another year or two."

HONOR 3G is a very representative product in the smartphone era.

That look is not outdated at all now.

Although the screen is a bit smaller, large-screen mobile phones have not yet appeared in large numbers, and the screen is still barely enough.

Coupled with the fact that all aspects of amortization have been completed, the profit margin of this phone is not low.

Honor mobile phone products are not many to begin with, so there is no need to cut them off easily.

There is nothing embarrassing about three generations living under one roof, or even four generations living under one roof.

As long as consumers approve it!

As for whether the media will complain, let them complain.

Anyway, just don’t affect my ability to make money.

However, just when Cao Yang was about to say something more to Zhang Jing, Mi Ying came over and interrupted their conversation.

Obviously, something more important happened.

(End of this chapter)

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