Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 678 The ceiling of off-road vehicles continues to lead the trend

Chapter 678 The ceiling of off-road vehicles continues to lead the trend

【Conquer all situations with a calm attitude, showing luxury in confidence and calmness. 】

[As the first off-road model of Xingchen Motors, G7 is not afraid of the steep and dense natural environment and can calmly turn the tide with ease. The powerful force is hidden deep inside, and the surging momentum can be unleashed; it is not afraid of harsh weather and conquers steep terrain. 】

[The majestic aura like a god of war shows the beauty of strength and power! 】

[The G7’s seats support electric adjustment of the backrest, front and rear and leg rests, and are equipped with ventilation/heating/massage and other functions. In addition, they are equipped with central armrests, front small tables, starry sky roofs, luxury sound systems and electric suction doors. , the noble feeling of riding is self-evident. 】


Just when the G7 press conference officially started, the official Weibo accounts of Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Group, and other related companies also published relevant comments and pictures.

Autohome also published articles that had been prepared before.

[Official photo of Xingchen Automobile G7, the most dazzling diamond in the crown]

"Editor Fang, Autohome is moving really fast."

"Obviously, the relevant manuscripts have been prepared for a long time."

Lin Jiayan's HONOR 2 is equipped with the Autohome APP, so she can browse the updates on it in real time.

While she was still busy writing related quick reviews, she saw that Autohome already had G7-related news on her mobile phone.

This speed is certainly not comparable to other media.

After all, the G7 press conference is in progress, and the official pictures have not yet been sent to various media.

Nowadays, relying on the pictures taken by everyone, although relevant information can also be published in the form of text and picture live broadcast, a relatively complete article will take a certain amount of time.

"There is no way, who made Autohome the official media of Xingchen Motors?"

"They are real brothers. No matter how hard we try, we can't compare to them."

Fang Dawen saw it more thoroughly.

If other media want to compete with Autohome on Xingchen Auto’s news, they will definitely not be able to match it.

People got the official pictures before the press conference was held. How can you compare?

It's useless no matter how fast you move.

"Forget it, I'll write an article quickly, otherwise the popularity will be taken away by others."

Lin Jiayan didn't have time to chat with Fang Dawen.

Cao Yang and Lai Ping were still taking turns talking on the stage, and other media were recording quickly. Naturally, Lin Jiayan was not far behind.


"An off-road vehicle can actually be designed like this. It is aggressive and elegant at the same time. It perfectly combines the wildness of an urban SUV and an off-road vehicle."

"The combination of Cao Yang and Lai Ping is very lethal."

August looked at the G7 picture projected on the wall and felt very emotional.

He was previously worried that the emergence of the G7 would have an impact on the sales of the Mercedes-Benz G, so he was very concerned about this press conference.

But after watching this press conference...

He is even more worried!

With this appearance, the G7 is expected to become a luxury off-road vehicle sought after by wealthy people all over the world as soon as it is launched.

"Needless to say, Cao Yang's appearance design capabilities. Whether it is Ziweixing, Starry Sky, Looking Up, Star Road, or Galaxy, all of them have very classic shapes."

"The Porsche 911 and Porsche Cayenne models that Lai Ping was responsible for when he was the design director of Porsche are also classics."

"Because Porsche was acquired by Volkswagen, Porsche had a bad relationship with the new president, so it jumped ship to Xingchen Motors."

"I didn't expect that his first model after arriving at Xingchen Motors would bring such a big surprise to everyone."

Yang Ming looked at the domineering appearance and luxurious interior, and couldn't help but have the urge to buy one.

This is a dream car, and Cao Yang really isn’t bragging.

"Xingchen Motors is expected to become our biggest competitor in the world in the future, especially in the SUV field. We are not its rival at all."

August is not a man who likes to admit defeat.

But the other person's product is good enough, and he can't help but admit the other person's greatness.

The G7 is simply the ceiling of off-road vehicles, and it will lead the trend of off-road vehicles as soon as it appears.

"Fortunately, they have focused on the SUV field. In terms of sedans, they currently only have two products, Ziweixing and Galaxy, and it seems that they have no intention of continuing to launch more sedans."

Yang Ming could only comfort himself like this.

There is no way, the opponent is too strong.

"It's beyond everyone's imagination that China can have such a designer and such a car company."

When August said this, Yang Ming opened his mouth but said nothing more.

This was obviously a bit unpleasant to hear, but as the sales director of Mercedes-Benz China, it was hard for him to refute it.


"I just introduced the interior and exterior decoration and power of the G7 to Mr. Lai, so the next thing everyone is most concerned about is the price."

After this press conference, it will be launched directly next month.

Therefore, Cao Yang did not continue to make any articles on the price, and was ready to announce it directly.

"The G7 has a total of two main derivatives, each corresponding to different powertrains."

"The first one is the 3.0T high-power version, priced at 69.99 yuan."

"The second one is the 4.4T twin-turbocharged engine version, priced at 79.99 yuan."

"On the basis of these two basic configurations, there are also some optional packages available. For this, please refer to the information released by the 4S store."

Cao Yang didn’t hold back and directly announced the price of the G7.

This price is definitely not high.

After all, Xingchen Automobile is a luxury brand.

Of course, ordinary people will definitely still not be able to afford this model.

After all, even the low-end version of 69.99 yuan will cost almost 80 yuan.

This was 2011 yuan in 80, which was enough to buy a house in many places.

"Mr. Yu, I think this price is okay."

"Would you like to get one? Then you can go anywhere by car."

He Ling and Yu Yu were also very familiar with each other, so they could make some jokes.

She knew that Yu Yu's dream was to travel around the country, but because of his busy work schedule, he almost never traveled specifically except for business trips at work.

I have to say that this is also the current situation of many people’s lives.

"The price is indeed quite competitive. The starting price is about the same as Toyota's Land Cruiser, but the higher-end models are actually a bit cheaper."

"I guess many people who like hard-core off-road vehicles will like G7."

"If you think the G7 is not big enough, you can wait a little longer. The G8 and G9 will definitely be larger G7s by then."

With Yu Yu's strength, he can naturally afford the G7.

After all, as the boss of Autohome, her annual income is 7 figures.

"I heard that Mr. Cao's expectation for the G7 is to sell 10 units a year, which is global sales."

"Based on this price, I feel the final sales volume will be more than 10."

In He Ling's view, Xingchen Automobile's pricing this time is very impressive.

It's even a little lower than everyone expected.

Compared with the Lanyue of the same level, the cost of this car should be higher, but the price difference is very small.

Invisibly, it has improved the competitiveness of G7.

Of course, G7 and Lanyue target different consumers, so there is not much comparability.

“The more we sell, the better.”

"If Xingchen Motors' future six SUVs all perform very well, plus two sedans, a sports car and an MPV, it will basically be enough for 6 models to dominate the world."

The more models, the better.

At least that's what Yu Yu thinks at this stage.

10 models are enough for a luxury car brand.

At worst, some special configuration models can be derived based on each car.

But there is no need to add more main platform models.

Otherwise, when the stalls are too big and they hit the streets, the speed will be faster than everyone imagined.

There are definitely many people who have mixed feelings after seeing the appearance, configuration and price of G7.

"Strauss, do you think it is necessary for Audi to launch an off-road vehicle with a non-load-bearing body?"

Volkswagen has been tricked by the Nanshan Group this year. Vondel is now very concerned about any movements of the Nanshan Group.

Today was the launch of Xingchen Automobile's new model, and naturally he wanted to watch it in person.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

He also knew this famous saying of Hua Xia.

"Vondel, I think no matter whether Audi needs an off-road vehicle with a non-load-bearing body, the headquarters will not develop a model specifically because of the situation in the Chinese market."

"This is inconsistent with the company's overall strategy."

Strauss hit the nail on the head and got to the crux of the matter.

Although Volkswagen makes the most money in China, Volkswagen China does not have a great say in the headquarters.

Especially when it comes to future model planning, there is even less say.

Basically, whatever I develop, you can produce and sell it accordingly.

Such as non-load-bearing body models, which are completely absent in Audi's existing system.

To redevelop it, the investment will be huge.

Audi's board of directors will certainly not agree easily.

"I used to think that the comfort of off-road vehicles with non-load-bearing bodies was very poor, and their recognition by consumers was not high."

"But after watching the G7, I found that off-road vehicles with non-load-bearing bodies can actually be designed to be similar to urban SUVs. This does not conflict with their higher off-road performance."

"In this way, with diversified car bodies, those traditional off-road vehicles can still have a second life in the new era."

When Vondel said this, Strauss did not refute it.

Because after seeing the G7, he also felt that this car was extraordinary.

The special appearance and interior alone make people unforgettable after just one glance.

Coupled with Nanshan Group's classic powertrain combination, the performance in all aspects is definitely worth looking forward to.

"Unless the G7 can sell very well in Germany, become the sales champion of non-load-bearing body models, and cause a lot of discussion."

"Otherwise, those at the headquarters won't change their minds easily."

Strauss's mind was very calm.

Whether you think something is good or not is not important. What is important is whether the people with decision-making power think it is good or not.

"You are right. Now we can only pay more attention to their movements. After collecting them, we will see how to report them to the headquarters later."

Vondel also gave up immediately communicating with the headquarters about developing non-load-bearing body models. If this kind of unreliable suggestion reaches the headquarters, there is no doubt that many people will scold it.


Xingchen Automobile's influence in China's automotive media is absolutely huge.

Their new product launches will naturally receive maximum publicity and promotion.

So very quickly, not only did relevant news from China become a hot search topic, but some overseas automotive media also had some related reports.

Even in Germany, there are websites reporting on it.

After all, Xingchen Motors' G7 was designed by the former Porsche design director.

At least that's what was reported in the German media.

As a result, the attention from the German side has naturally increased.

"Mebona, you said this car was designed by Lai Ping?"

Porsche CEO Macht looked at the pictures in front of him with complicated emotions.

Although a thousand people will have a thousand opinions on whether a car model looks good or not, generally speaking, everyone still has a unified understanding of whether it is good or bad.

Just like the Porsche 911, few people will think that the design of this car is not good-looking.

"Although this design style is a bit different from the previous 911 and Cayenne, the elegance and noble temperament are contained in it."

"Since Cao Yang said that G7 was a collaboration between him and Lai Ping, then this is probably the final fact."

"With Lai Ping's pride, if he had not participated in the design of G7, he would definitely not want this false reputation."

"And Xingchen Auto does not need to rely on Lai Ping to enhance its own style. After all, as China's richest man and China's most famous car designer, Cao Yang's own aura is already very impressive."

As Porsche's sales director, Mei Bona still highly recognized the abilities of former design director Lai Ping.

Porsche's current achievements are closely related to the excellent performance of previous models designed by Lai Ping.

Don't think that only Chinese consumers attach great importance to the appearance and interior of cars. In fact, overseas consumers also attach great importance to it.

It's just that while people pay attention to the appearance and interior, they also care about the car's handling and power.

"Although this car is a model that competes with traditional off-road vehicles, it still looks very stylish."

"I have a hunch that the G7 is likely to refresh everyone's understanding of traditional off-road vehicles and become the sales champion in this field."

Macht's former president Wedekind drove him away, naturally hoping that he could make some achievements at Porsche.

In this way, Volkswagen's own supporters will not be under so much pressure.

Although Porsche has never made a hard-core off-road vehicle before, it only started trying SUVs with the Cayenne.

But if it is a hardcore off-road vehicle like the G7, he thinks it can be given a try.

If Porsche can be seen on roads in some harsh environments in the future, it will also be a very good advertisement.

Even if the situation can be opened up in a completely new field, then the meaning will be even more different.

Just like the Cayenne SUV, it has an unusual status within Porsche.

"Xingchen Automobile has been able to achieve its current results in less than ten years, and it still has its own uniqueness."

"Not to mention that their powertrain technology has always been world-leading. I think the concept of the exterior design of this model alone is ahead of most car companies."

"They even lead the trend every time, which is very difficult to do."

"You can just lead the trend with one car. If every car can do this, it won't be a little difficult."

"However, there is no competition between Xingchen Automobile's G series products and our existing products."

"We don't need to be particularly worried."

Meibona could only comfort his boss from this perspective.

After all, he could actually roughly guess why the other person was depressed now.

The people who were driven away by him are now living in prosperity, which is very uncomfortable.

It's like a girl who dumped her boyfriend, only to find that he found a girlfriend who was younger, more beautiful, and better off than she was. She was living a comfortable life. How could she feel comfortable?

"Although there is not much competition in a short period of time, they have rewritten this market. Whether we want to enter this road, we also need to observe and study it."

"You need to ask the Huaxia branch to keep an eye on the movement of this car and grasp it in time if there is any situation."

After Macht said this, he forced himself to forget this matter and started busy with other things.


"Liao Ling, our company's main focus now is SUV models, but now all our energy is focused on urban SUVs."

"Now Xingchen Motors has begun to enter hard-core off-road vehicles, and has picked up the load-bearing body again, which everyone thinks is a bit outdated."

"Do you think it is necessary for us to arrange people to develop hard-core SUVs?"

As the general manager of Great Wall Motors, Wang Ying is particularly concerned about changes in the SUV market.

After listening to Cao Yang's words before, Great Wall Motors has regarded SUVs as the main model of its development.

Not even a single car has been produced in recent years.

The steady increase in sales is proof that this is the right path.

If it wasn't Xingchen Automobile that launched the G7 this time, maybe Wang Ying wouldn't particularly care.

But it happened that Xingchen Motors, owned by Cao Yang, began to enter the hardcore off-road vehicle market.

She couldn't help but think more about it.

"There is definitely a market for hard-core SUVs, there is no doubt about it."

"But this market is still too small compared to urban SUVs."

"Needless to say, with the same configuration, the comfort of non-load-bearing body models is one level lower than that of load-bearing bodies."

"To bridge this gap, a lot of effort needs to be spent on the interior."

"And we must try our best to improve the engine's vibration and other NVH performance."

"Otherwise, consumers' driving experience will not be very good. Even if the sales are good at the beginning, it will be difficult to continue."

"All the good SUVs on the market now are urban SUVs."

Lian Furong gave his opinion very definitely.

He feels that although Great Wall Motors may consider developing hard-core SUVs in the future, it is not possible now.

Wang Ying basically agrees with this point of view.

"Different consumers pursue different things. People who buy hard-core SUVs often have real off-road needs."

"In this case, the off-road performance of the vehicle is a real factor that needs to be considered."

"Although the market is not particularly big, as the money in everyone's pockets gradually increases and the number of people who like off-roading gradually increases, the market should eventually continue to expand."

Wang Ying felt even more confused when she thought about this.

She still trusts Xingchen Automobile's vision.

Now that the other party has begun to launch the G series of hard-core off-road vehicles, it shows that this market still has prospects.

Of course, a promising market does not mean that every entrant can make money.

Both Wang Ying and Lian Furong knew this.

"Mr. Wang, how about we observe it for a while to see how consumers react to G7."

"If there is really a market for hard-core off-road vehicles, will we consider entering the market?"

When Lian Furong said this, Wang Ying naturally had no objection.

A new model launch conference of Xingchen Motors directly produced a ceiling-level model of off-road vehicles.

This has put the mentality of many car companies into a state of confusion.

It doesn’t matter if you follow, and it doesn’t seem to matter if you don’t follow.

"Okay, let's proceed in this direction."

"Your sales department closely tracks the performance of the G7."

"We will communicate with the R&D center at that time to see when we can start developing hard-core off-road vehicles."

Wang Ying still listened to the advice and started making arrangements according to Lian Furong's suggestion.


"Mr. Cao, is this hard-core off-road vehicle doing anything?"

Zhu Zhengfeng has very high expectations for Nanshan Red Flag.

Today, the sales performance of Nanshan Hongqi still lags behind that of independent brands such as Chery and Geely.

It is obviously not easy to narrow this gap.

Zhu Zhengfeng was also a little excited when he saw that Xingchen Motors seemed to be vigorously entering the hardcore off-road vehicle market.

After all, Nanshan Hongqi’s current SUV model is considered the best-selling model.

If two more hard-core SUVs are launched and can contribute hundreds of thousands of sales a year, then Nanshan Hongqi's data will be much better.

Among the independent brands of various large domestic car companies, the results are definitely passable.

"Any market segment, if it can be the first in the industry, it will definitely have a head start."

"Nanshan Hongqi may also consider producing one or two hard-core off-road vehicles in the future."

"However, in the next few years, urban SUVs and mid- to high-end sedans will be the main products for the time being. With this combination, sales are even more worth looking forward to."

Although hard-core off-road vehicles have become popular in later generations, it is now 2011, and the popularity is definitely not comparable to that of more than ten years later.

Therefore, Cao Yang does not recommend that Nanshan Hongqi enter this market too early.

Otherwise, it will be a loss to Nanshan Group if it attacks too hard.

"Then we will work hard in the urban SUV market and prepare to launch a large-size SUV and raise the price to more than 30?"

Zhu Zhengfeng's call to Cao Yang obviously had a purpose.

Discussing hardcore SUVs is one purpose, but asking Cao Yang for more new models is also a purpose.

The competition among large-size domestic SUVs is not fierce, and of course the market is not that big either.

But Zhu Zhengfeng thought he could give it a try, and it might bring unexpected surprises to Nanshan Hongqi.

Naturally, Cao Yang had no reason to deal with such a positive attitude from his partners.

If development begins now, it is estimated that it will be available on the market around 2013. By then, couples with two children and two children alone will gradually be released.

Even if the second child is released directly, it will have a better stimulating effect on the 7-seater SUV market.

Naturally, he has no objection to Nanshan Hongqi’s entry into this market!

"We can benchmark Highlander and build a larger, 7-seater SUV. The prospect is worth looking forward to."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhu Zhengfeng naturally started arranging people to take action immediately.

However, Nanshan Hongqi's large-size SUV has not yet been released, and Xingchen Motors' G7 has not yet been officially launched for sale.

However, the sales of certain models of some car companies suddenly began to plummet.

This situation naturally caused another storm.

(End of this chapter)

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