Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 679: Xingchen Big G, hurt Ba Dao, cheated Lu Xun, and constantly refreshed everyone's u

Chapter 679: Xingchen Big G, hurt Ba Dao, cheated Lu Xun, and constantly refreshed everyone's understanding

G7 released pictures of the interior and exterior decoration, shared various configurations and power plans with everyone, and also directly announced the selling price.

The next step is to go public directly.

However, although it has not been directly launched yet, various 4S stores have received many inquiries from consumers about G7.

Many people made a decision directly in order to mention the car earlier.

There are even rich people who have paid all the car payment directly.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Guo from Yangcheng Huaqiang Group just called me and said that their Xingchen 4S store has received an average of more than a dozen G7 orders every day in the past two days."

"They made a preliminary statistical analysis of these consumers and found that 60% of them are female consumers."

"And most of these people are not looking for the G7's off-road performance, but simply think that this car is very domineering and the price is not particularly high."

Zeng Tingting came to Cao Yang's office and reported a situation that was different from what she had expected.

No matter which car company it is, it must have done a lot of market analysis before launching a new car.

Xingchen Automobile is no exception.

According to Zeng Tingting’s previous understanding, the target customers of the G7 are high-income male groups who pay attention to the comfort and luxury of the car and also need consumers with sporty features and off-road capabilities.

But now actual market feedback shows that there are so many female consumers.

This is surprising.

What surprised her even more was the sales performance of the G7.

Yangcheng Huaqiang Group has four Xingchen Auto 4S stores, which contribute more than a dozen orders per day, which is equivalent to three or four orders per store per day.

Xingchen Motors has more than 300 4S stores across the country. According to this level, it means that there have been almost 2000 orders in the past two days.

Although this order number certainly cannot continue with such exaggerated data.

Even some orders may be canceled later.

But this is already amazing!

From now on, the monthly sales volume of G7 in China will remain at 5000 units, which is not a big problem!

If the performance abroad is equivalent or better, then the goals set by Xingchen Motors for the G7 can be achieved relatively easily.

This is definitely a good thing.

"There are many SUV models on the market now, and consumers have more choices."

"However, no hard-core SUV can directly compete with our G7."

"This kind of trend-setting model performed relatively well in the market at the beginning, which is considered normal."

"As for the female users you mentioned, I don't find it strange."

"Larger cars seem more secure, and many female drivers may prefer them."

"Besides, why do you think men must like off-roading more than women?"

"Imagine driving a domineering SUV around the city and looking at the traffic. It doesn't matter whether the road is potholed or muddy after the rain, it's smooth."

"Take advantage of the long vacation to stuff all your luggage into the car, travel across mountains and rivers, and travel through the vastness of the world in one go. Who can refuse this calm and refreshing experience?"

Cao Yang knew that there were many female drivers in later generations who liked to drive off-road vehicles.

Even among female drivers, the proportion of cars they drive is an SUV is higher than that of male drivers.

"But I think women are petite and there are safety risks when driving an SUV with a large blind spot."

"On the other hand, large SUVs are too difficult for 'female drivers' to park."

"I still find this situation a bit difficult to understand, and I don't know if it will continue forever."

People always have habitual thinking, and Zeng Tingting is no exception.

She is obviously biased in her judgment of male and female consumers.

"Times have changed and become more open and inclusive. In the past, chauvinism was popular, but now feminism is popular. Women can receive education like men, women can work and make money like men, women can take driver's licenses like men, and women can have sex with men. Men buy cars just like..."

"Women's innate disadvantages in size and strength make them very insecure. They spend their entire lives looking for a backer and a protective umbrella."

"'So, women need a sense of security more than men, and driving on the road is a more dangerous thing."

"Whether it's the law of conservation of momentum in physics or common sense in life, girls are told: The bigger things feel, the safer they feel."

"When an SUV collides with a car of the same class, the car suffers. Regardless of whether it is based on visual effects or facts, SUVs can give girls more sense of security!"

"Furthermore, women are born with a lack of sense of space. As a result, most female drivers have low driving skills. They are most afraid of the car hitting something or getting stuck in an obstacle. The chassis of an SUV is much higher than that of a car."

"The passability of SUVs is better than that of cars, and they are not easily trapped. Moreover, when parking on the side of the road, they are not afraid of the chassis hitting the curb."

"For various reasons, it doesn't seem surprising that there are more female consumers of G7 than men."

"Of course, the current situation is only the situation of a few 4S stores of Yangcheng Huaqiang Group and does not fully represent the situation across the country."

"In the future, you can work with various 4S stores to make a good consumer portrait analysis report on G7."

"This should be beneficial to the marketing of G8 and G9 in the future."

After Cao Yang analyzed this, Zeng Tingting immediately became speechless.

It seems that as a car marketing expert, my research on female drivers is not as deep as my boss's.

However, it is not too late to realize this.

And just when Zeng Tingting and Cao Yang were reporting on the latest pre-sale status of the G7, Spring City Toyota discovered a rather unexpected situation.

"Mr. Miyazaki, our Prado sales in the past week suddenly plummeted from about 500 units to 100 units in the past week. This situation is very wrong."

As the deputy general manager in charge of sales at Spring City Toyota, Chen Wenzhan is in a very bad mood now.

Although the Prado car is not the sales pillar of Spring City Toyota, it is a very important source of profit.

The Prado, with a guide price of 53.8 to 69.8 yuan, has a familiar name among consumers, and that is "overbearing".

As one of the leaders in the mid-to-high-end SUV market, Prado inherits the pedigree of Land Cruiser, with superior performance and outstanding quality.

Since its birth in 1984, each generation of Prado models has been innovating and evolving based on the original ones.

Over the years, Prado has traveled in more than 170 countries and regions around the world, creating an SUV myth with its legendary historical pace.

Since its domestic production in 03, Prado's sales in China have been rising steadily, and its dominant position is unshakable to this day.

However, this situation is now facing huge changes.

"I have also noticed that it should be affected by the launch of Xingchen Motors G7. Many consumers began to hesitate and wait and see, and even switched to buying G7."

Miyazaki Himasa was also in a bad mood.

Normally, as a luxury brand, Xingchen Motors has no direct competition with Toyota.

But who made the price of Prado highly integrated with that of G7.

But one is a Toyota brand and the other is a Xingchen brand.

This made Prado's competitive advantage drop a lot.

The luxury attributes of Xingchen Motors in China have been recognized by everyone. Now the emergence of G7 directly gives consumers who originally did not have many choices a new choice.

"The G7, like the Prado, uses a double-wishbone independent suspension for the front suspension and a four-link non-independent suspension for the rear suspension."

"Double wishbone suspension can balance the comfort of driving on city roads and bad roads."

"The four-link non-independent suspension used for the rear suspension is actually an integral axle suspension. This suspension structure is simple and not easy to damage. Using this suspension can allow the car to cope with more severe and complex road conditions."

"In addition, the G7 has a 4.4T+8AT powertrain solution, which is much more powerful than our Prado."

Chen Wenzhan obviously knew that his Prado was influenced by G7, and he had even studied the situation of G7 carefully.

But the deeper he studied, the more depressed he became.

Because the advantages that Prado has, G7 also has them.

But what the G7 has, the Prado may not have.

Prado uses a non-load-bearing body, and most hardcore off-road vehicles use a non-load-bearing body design, which can improve the rigidity of the body.

Since there are not many competitors, Prado has actually lived a comfortable life for several years.

Now that this comfortable life is gone, Chen Wenzhan and the others are naturally very anxious.

"The price of the G7 is 69.99 to 79.99. Although it is a bit higher than ours, in the past, Prado had to be purchased at a higher price, so the final price is similar to the G7."

"So many consumers have begun to change their minds recently. I think this is not because Prado is not attractive enough, but because the previous price was too expensive."

"I think the company can launch a wave of public relations and require all 4S stores not to allow increased sales of Prados."

“You can even launch a special limited-time car purchase promotion.”

Faced with the current situation, Miyazaki Himasa doesn't have many good ideas.

So price reduction is something that must be considered.

Everyone in the automobile industry knows that there are no poorly designed cars, only cars that are not cheap enough.

Just like someone said that the 20 C6 is old-fashioned, while the 12 C6 is calm and majestic.

As long as the price goes down, sales will definitely increase.

Of course, this change depends on how vigorous Spring City Toyota is.

"This is also a way, but we have to implement it as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the situation is formed, it will be difficult to reverse it."

Chen Wenzhan has been in sales for so many years, and he has a good understanding of consumers' mentality.

Now Prado does not allow 4S stores to increase prices. This cuts off the interests of 4S stores and has limited impact on Spring City Toyota.

As for the Prado, which sells for 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, the profit can reach more than 10,000 to 200,000 yuan. There is no pressure to reduce the price by tens of thousands of yuan.

That's why he simply agreed to Miyazaki Himasa's plan.

Naturally, these actions of Spring City Toyota were quickly known to consumers.

"Peter, I heard that you bought a top-end Prado last month. How much does it cost?"

Feng Bo and Qian Hui are the technical director and sales director of Benteler China respectively.

A few years ago, their annual salary exceeded 50 yuan, and now it has reached the level of one million yuan.

After initially achieving financial freedom, you can naturally meet your more advanced needs.

As people in the automobile industry, buying a car you like is a more advanced choice for many people.

Qian Hui likes to travel by car and explore the wilderness. Buying a hard-core off-road vehicle has always been his dream.

Benteler also performed very well in China last year, and Qian Hui won a lot of year-end bonuses.

This year I naturally have the confidence to buy the long-cherished "Domineering".

The order was officially placed after the Chinese New Year, and I didn’t pick up the car until last month. I had to wait for almost three months. So after picking up the car, Qian Hui took every Friday off and drove the car out for a short vacation.

That's the good thing about foreign companies. They have many holidays, and generally no one will disturb you during your holidays.

"It's already more than 800,000 yuan when it lands. It's made my body hurt for a long time."

Although Qian Hui said he was in pain, he still had a smile on his face.

However, Feng Bo's words made him stop laughing.

"I saw the news early this morning, saying that Spring City Toyota would not allow 4S stores to increase prices for selling cars, and would also increase the supply of in-demand models to fully meet consumer demand."

"Prado even offers a limited-time cash discount of 3 yuan."

"I remember you wanted to pay more to pick up the car, right?"

Although Feng Bo and Qian Hui have known each other for many years, their technical and sales positions are often not completely consistent.

So they didn't fall in love with each other less in many meetings.

Although they can't be said to be enemies, seeing each other's misfortune definitely makes them feel secretly happy.

"No mark-ups are allowed, and there is a limited-time discount of 3?"

Qian Hui obviously didn't believe the news.

Before he bought the "Overbearing", he paid close attention to the relevant price information, and he had never seen any discounts on this car.

Why is there suddenly a discount?


"It is possible that the OEM will say that price increases are not allowed, but in the end there are other ways in 4S stores to get consumers to add money."

Qian Hui said as he took out his HONOR 2 and quickly logged into the Autohome APP.

However, soon, his face turned ugly.

Because in the news of Autohome, it is very easy to find the news Feng Bo said.

["Overbearing" is no longer overbearing, plummeting 10 within a week]

This article explains in detail the development history and previous price situation of "Overbearing" in China, and also talks about Spring City Toyota's latest policy.

A week ago, consumers had to pay an additional 70,000 to 80,000 yuan to buy "Babao".

Now not only is there no need to increase the price, but there is also a cash discount of RMB 30,000.

This time in and out, it was really a difference of 100,000 yuan.

Although Qian Hui's income is not low, his salary is high and his personal tax is also high.

In fact, the cash received every year is only six to seven hundred thousand yuan.

The car I bought cost me two months of my salary. It's strange that I feel so good.

"It shouldn't be, how could it be like this?"

"Xingchen Motors' G7 hasn't started selling yet, so how come it's starting to affect the sales of 'Overbearing'?"

Qian Hui's expression kept changing, which made Feng Bo next to him feel relieved.

"Although the G7 has not yet been launched, the relevant information has been announced, and it is no different from when it is launched."

"This is Xingchen Motors' first hard-core off-road vehicle. It beats the Prado instantly in terms of power and interior and exterior decoration."

"Under such circumstances, it is normal for more consumers to abandon Prado and buy G7 instead."

Feng Bo didn't care whether Qian Hui was in a good mood or not.

As long as he's in a good mood.

Anyway, Qian Hui stabbed Feng Bo in front of him many times in the past.

"Xingchen Motors has never publicized its plans to develop hard-core off-road vehicles before."

"Besides, even if it's done, normally everyone thinks the price might be over 100 million."

"Who knew it could be done now for seven to eight million yuan."

Qian Hui also began to feel depressed.

If he had known about the G7 earlier, he would definitely have waited a little longer and personally tried the difference between the G7 and the "Overbearing" before choosing which one to buy.

At that time, even if you still have to buy "Hegemony" in the end, you won't fall into the vicious cycle of depreciating by 10 a week.


Qian Hui felt that he and the Nanshan Group seemed to be at odds.

When Benteler first entered hot stamping forming parts, its biggest competitor in China was the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory.

The hot stamping forming line of this factory was supported by Nanshan Group.

Now the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory has begun to compete with Benteler on a global scale.

Especially in the North American market, the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory has received some hot stamping orders from Ford and General Motors.

As the Mexican factory goes into production, the Yangcheng Huaqiang Factory will be able to obtain more orders from American car companies in the future.

This is definitely not good news for Bentler.

"I'm going to wait until the G7 is launched and buy their entry-level version to try it out."

"Although it is a 3.0T engine, the G7 uses a high-power version of the twin-turbocharged 3.0T engine, which is much more powerful than Toyota's 4.0L naturally aspirated engine."

"Even the maximum output power and maximum torque can be compared with the 5.0L naturally aspirated engine."

"The technical level of Nanshan Engine is as confident as ever."

When Feng Bo said this, Qian Hui became even more depressed.

Hardcore off-road vehicles have much higher power requirements than urban SUVs.

After all, if there is insufficient power, it will be easy to get stuck in off-road situations.

"It seems that someone in the comment area of ​​this article organized to go to the Toyota 4S store to defend rights."

"Old Feng, I won't be attending the upcoming meeting. If you have anything to do with sales, please call me later."

Qian Hui is not in the mood to work now, so he has to go to the nearby Spring City Toyota 4S store to defend his rights.

I have only driven the car for less than a month, but it has depreciated by 100,000 yuan.

There is no such thing as teasing people.


"Mr. Cao, many Prado users have been going to Toyota 4S stores in the past two days to defend their rights, asking the store to refund the increased price and ask for additional discounts."

"We simply arranged for a few people to guide the comments on related articles. Unexpectedly, Prado owners took action so actively."

Zeng Tingting is in a very good mood now.

As the first hard-core off-road vehicle of Xingchen Motors, G7 has already established the momentum of Xingchen Big G, and the new orders every day are very good.

As the G7's main competitor, Toyota's Prado quickly fell into a deadlock.

Although price increases are not allowed and there is a discount of 30,000 yuan, such a large price reduction has saved a small number of consumers.

But the trend of declining sales is difficult to reverse.

"Most car owners who buy Prado are not short of money."

"For them, face is sometimes more important than money."

"They definitely can't accept the feeling of being deceived."

"Besides, people who can afford to drive a Prado have relatively free time most of the time, so they are very motivated when going to 4S stores to defend their rights."

Cao Yang was not surprised by the current results.

If he were a Prado owner, he would not be able to resist going to a Toyota 4S store to seek justice.

Of course, objectively speaking, no one is forcing you to buy a car.

After buying a car, the price is reduced. This is also market behavior.

In theory, Toyota can certainly ignore consumers.

After all, to a certain extent, consumers can be considered unreasonable.

But in China, many things cannot be viewed with common sense.

It's like news that pops up every now and then about property owners going to the sales office to defend their rights and cause trouble.

The reason is often that after the developer lowered the price of the house they bought, everyone feels that their house prices have fallen and their interests have been lost.

So I went to the developer to defend my rights.

In fact, if we speak objectively, buying a house is also a market behavior.

After you bought it, the price increased, but I didn't see you standing up and saying that you would return the increased part to the developer.

But when the price drops, I really want the developer to make up for the price reduction to myself.

Or developers are not allowed to lower prices.

Similar news can be seen on the Internet every month.

It can be regarded as a classic social phenomenon.

"Mr. Cao, I suddenly feel that the promotion of G8 can start to warm up."

"We can even let everyone know about the G9 car in the future."

"In this way, it is estimated that not only the sales of Toyota's Prado will be greatly affected, but also the sales of Land Cruiser will also be affected by some news about the G8 and G9."

The relationship between Nanshan Group and Toyota Motor has always been bad.

Almost none of Toyota's cars directly use parts produced by Nanshan Group.

Even Toyota's Aisin and Denso regard Nanshan Transmission and Nanshan Auto Parts under Nanshan Group as their biggest competitors in China.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that the relationship between Toyota Motor and Nanshan Group is good.

"If you think it makes sense, then do it!"

“It’s not a bad thing to accumulate some potential consumers for G8 and G9 in advance.”

Cao Yang would not do anything that harmed others but was not beneficial to himself.

Things that benefit oneself at the expense of others can naturally be considered and done according to the situation.

Obviously, it can definitely be done to harm Toyota's interests and improve the prospects of Xingchen Motors.

(End of this chapter)

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