Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 684: Sold to Microsoft, the giant comes to an end, but the battle continues

Chapter 684: Sold to Microsoft, the giant comes to an end, but the battle continues

The mantis is acting like a chariot!

No matter what the people at Nokia China do, there is no way to change Nokia's situation.

The already crumbling giant might be able to survive for another year or two if it doesn't work hard.

As soon as WP8.0 was released, it became the straw that broke the camel's back.

By this time, consumers will no longer be able to hear the advantages of using the new model of WP8.0.

Not buying Nokia has slowly become the consensus of all consumers.

This situation began to spread in July, and by August it was particularly obvious.

Except for the low-end brick phones that cost two to three hundred yuan and there is still a small market, Nokia's sales in China and even around the world have completely collapsed.

In order to save this situation, Nokia's global president Elop raised the machete of layoffs.

However, this further exacerbated Nokia's crisis.

By September, no one had bought any of Nokia’s smartphones in China.

"Mr. Cao, I feel that Nokia is going to be doomed this time."

"Their sales in the Chinese market in September have dropped to 9 million units, and these are almost all sales contributed by low-end feature phones."

"In terms of sales, not only our Honor phones far surpass them."

"The sales of other mobile phone brands such as Apple mobile phones, Samsung mobile phones, and Huawei mobile phones in China have also exceeded Nokia."

"Their smartphones simply can't be sold."

Xia Qingqing reported to Cao Yang the results of the past September with concern.

Although she really wanted to knock Nokia down, she couldn't do it so soon after seeing him. She suddenly felt like a rabbit was dead and a fox was sad.


What a brilliant company this is. Its sales volume in China last year was still high.

Even in the first half of this year, sales after plummeting 34% are still very impressive.

As a result, in September, sales plummeted to two million units.

This data is only 20% of Nokia’s peak period.

The key is that these 20% are still unprofitable models.

"I also think Nokia may not be able to survive, but that doesn't mean we can breathe a sigh of relief."

"After reaching Nokia, competitors such as Samsung and Apple will set their sights on us."

"The market competition in the future will be as fierce as ever."

When Cao Yang said this, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but nodded.

It’s true that it’s not yet time to breathe a sigh of relief.

There are still so many giants in the mobile phone industry, but now we have just eliminated the biggest one.

Honor mobile phones still have a long way to go before they can become the number one in China, or even the world.

"In previous years, Apple's mobile phone developer conference was held in June. There has been no movement so far this year. I'm worried that they will hold back their big move by then."

"So when it comes to the launch of HONOR 3, I'm going to continue to follow Apple's pace to avoid being sneak-attacked."

Xia Qingqing knew that Cao Yang's most important opponent was the iPhone. Now that Nokia was failing, her attention naturally began to shift to the iPhone.

After all, judging from the global smartphone market share, Apple is still higher than Honor phones.

Although Honor mobile phones are also fully entering the international market, it will still take some time to achieve greater results.

Especially in the U.S. market, progress is slow.

After all, many mobile phones there are sold as contract phones. In this market, Honor mobile phones do not have any advantages.

"You just have to control the rhythm. I can do it."

"However, when dealing with competition from Apple mobile phones, Samsung's movements cannot be ignored."

"The best thing is to find opportunities and bring one of them into the Chinese market."

Cao Yang naturally knew that Samsung mobile phones would basically lose the market in China.

But now is the time when Samsung mobile phones are more glorious. It depends on when Honor mobile phones can seize the opportunity.

And just when Cao Yang and the others saw that Nokia was going to die and were about to turn their guns on other opponents, other mobile phone manufacturers also had a good eye.


"President, Nokia's smartphone sales are completely dead. I guess it will be very difficult to buy them in the future."

"But now more than half of the mobile phones on the market are smartphones, and even from next year more than 80% of the mobile phones will be smartphones."

"Without the support of the smartphone business, Nokia's mobile phone business will basically be finished."

After the sales data for September came out, Li Zailin flew back to Korea very excitedly and reported the situation to Samsung Electronics President Li Zairong.

Although the main reason for Nokia's collapse was that they committed suicide, Li Zailin regarded it as his own achievement, and there was no problem.

After all, Samsung's mobile phone business has developed rapidly this year and has successfully transformed from a traditional mobile phone giant to a smartphone giant.

Even when facing Apple phones and Honor phones, it can be considered as easy to handle.

In this case, Li Zailin can speak louder within the company.

"Although Nokia's mobile phone business is in decline, their communications business should still be very stable."

"We don't want to be too happy. Who knows if they will suddenly make a comeback?"

"After all, after analyzing Microsoft's WP8.0, our technical staff feel that it is not much worse than Android."

Li Zairong is not as optimistic as Li Zailin.

Of course, as a superior, he must also control the rhythm appropriately when his subordinates are very excited.

To prevent subsequent development from getting out of control.

"That's true, but now the market share of Apple and Honor in the smartphone market is rising rapidly. I think they will be our main competitors in the future."

"Currently, the company has more or less interactions with both of them. I think we may need to consider how to deal with the future situation."

Li Zailin's ability is naturally not bad, otherwise he would not have been appointed as the general manager of Samsung China.

In the current smartphone market, everyone in the United States feels that Apple is the best.

On the Chinese side, Honor mobile phones dominate.

Both companies are now beginning to aggressively enter the international market and are beginning to erode the market share vacated by Nokia.

The most important task for Samsung now is to completely complete the transformation and convert its original market share of feature phones into smartphones.

As for further seizing the market, it is the next step that needs to be done.

"We have complete industrial chain supply capabilities in the mobile phone industry. We supply memory, chips, screens and other components to many mobile phone manufacturers."

“Apple and Honor cannot compare to us in this regard.”

"If Nokia really fails, then we have to compete with Apple phones and Honor phones, so we can take full advantage of the industry chain."

Li Zairong is obviously very confident in Samsung's future.

As the largest company in Goryeo, Li Zairong grew up in a honeypot.

Regardless of his abilities, his confidence is absolutely overwhelming.

The boss said so. Even if Li Zailin has some other ideas, it is definitely not suitable to discuss them at this time.

However, at least in the future, Samsung’s main competitors will be Apple and Honor. This is a consensus within Samsung.


With so many people in the industry seeing Nokia's crisis, it is impossible for Nokia itself to be silent at all.

After Chaihang's sales came out in September, it started frantically looking for a new home.

After much tossing and tossing, Samsung finally left him a position as deputy director of the sales department.

Although the change from the sales director of Nokia China to the deputy director of the sales department of Samsung China is at least a half-level reduction.

The annual salary also dropped by 30%, but Chaihang agreed to the offer without any hesitation.

"Chai Hang, this is not a good time to change jobs."

"All your employers will definitely lower your salary like crazy."

Zhao Colin looked at the resignation application submitted by Chai Hang and felt very complicated.

The two have worked together for more than 10 years.

Chai Hang could barely be considered his direct subordinate.

Now that I have reached my forties, I have to find another job.

If there is a better position and promotion, then Zhao Colin can only silently bless him.

But now he is looking for a job with a lower position and lower salary, which makes him feel very complicated.

He felt that his future seemed a little bad.

"Mr. Zhao, the company's financial statements for the third quarter have already recorded a large loss."

"If this pace continues, the situation in the fourth quarter will be even worse."

"Now many dealers have started to come to us to return products."

A person of Chai Hang's level naturally knows the internal situation of Nokia very well.

In the past, when Nokia was prosperous, various dealers treated Nokia's sales as if they were bosses.

But once you're not feeling well, don't say anything.

Business is business.

"Nokia has been the world's largest mobile phone company for many years. In the history of Nokia's development, it has experienced many crises and undergone many transformations."

"Although we are experiencing some pains and the situation is relatively difficult, I believe that the company will be able to overcome this difficulty."

Nokia's history begins in 1865, when mining engineer Frederic Edelstein built a wood pulp factory and produced wood pulp and cardboard from local trees as raw material.

In 1868, he built another rubber processing factory. In addition to producing leather boots and tires, the factory also produced industrial rubber products.

It was not until 1902 that Nokia began to enter the telecommunications field.

By 1967, Nokia had become a large cross-industry company, involving papermaking, chemicals, rubber, cables, pharmaceuticals, natural gas, petroleum, military and other fields. Nokia's mobile phone manufacturing began in 1960 .

Since then, there have been various outstanding performances in the field of mobile phones.

Every veteran Nokia employee is familiar with this history. "I believe that Nokia can continue to survive."

"But whether Nokia's mobile phone business can continue to be sustainable, I think it will be a question."

"The times have changed, and the smartphone industry is a very competitive industry."

"There are countless manufacturers producing smartphones in China alone."

"To put it mildly, the current sales volume of smartphones produced by any copycat manufacturer in Huaqiangbei may be higher than that of Nokia's smartphones."

"And newly emerging manufacturers such as Apple and Honor will not leave time for Nokia."

"Mr. Zhao, to be honest, I think Nokia's mobile phone business can last for at least one year, and there will even be big moves in the next six months."

Chai Hang is leaving anyway, so he speaks more casually.

To a certain extent, he also wanted to persuade Colin Zhao to find his own way out as soon as possible.

"You may be right, but I still feel that the headquarters will definitely have more plans to deal with the current situation."

Colin Zhao was silent for a moment, and finally could only say this somewhat pale sentence.

But in the first week after Chai Hang officially resigned, Zhao Colin was called back to the headquarters for a meeting.


"The company is now discussing with Microsoft to sell its mobile phone business?"

Colin Zhao looked at Elop dumbfounded.

Nokia, which was the number one mobile phone in the world last year, is now considering selling it?

This sale is obviously not a good thing.

This is because the Nokia Group sees that there is no hope for the mobile phone business and wants to sell the mobile phone business as if it is throwing away its burden.

"Now is the world of smartphones. As you can see, the company's smartphone sales are no longer comparable to those of its competitors."

"Continuing to drag on will lead to large losses, which the group does not want to see."

"So it is necessary to stop losses in time."

Elop gave a reply with cold eyes.

Obviously, this direction must have been approved by the board of directors, otherwise as the president, he would not dare to make such a bold decision.

He only switched jobs from Microsoft to Nokia a few years ago, but he turned around and was preparing to sell Nokia's mobile phone business to Microsoft.

Colin Zhao even maliciously speculated whether Elop would continue to return to Microsoft as a senior executive after selling the mobile phone business?

What is this all about!

"The mobile phone business has a large number of people. How will these people be placed after the sale?"

Colin Zhao felt a little sad.

He never thought that one day he would discuss such a topic with the president.

Even in the first half of this year, he did not believe that Nokia would collapse.

"Cut off some parts and leave some parts behind. There will be specific plans later."

"The headquarters is still in contact with Microsoft, and the specific acquisition plan will not be finalized so quickly."

Although Elop said that Nokia is only in contact with Microsoft, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing.

The news will eventually leak out.

Soon, a media in the United States announced the explosive news that Microsoft would acquire Nokia's mobile phone business.

When this news first came out, everyone thought it was a rumor.

But neither Nokia nor Microsoft came out to deny it, so the situation is different.

"Mr. Cao, Nokia is about to collapse, and its mobile phone business is about to be sold to Microsoft. External networks have already reported it. I feel this news may be true."

Early in the morning, Xia Qingqing came to Cao Yang's office very excitedly.

The plan to encircle and suppress Nokia began in January, and now it has finally succeeded.

This achievement is absolutely huge.

Although Nokia fell, it cannot be said that it was all due to Honor phones.

But the relationship with Honor mobile phones is very close.

After all, the rapid development of the smartphone industry in China and even the world has a lot to do with Nanshan Group.

Look at the hundreds of millions of mobile phones sold in Huaqiangbei every year, but now most of them are smartphones.

The impact of this alone cannot be described in numbers or words.

These changes have put a lot of pressure on Nokia.

Even the operating system is constantly updated so quickly, which is closely related to these changes.

As a result, during this change, Nokia and Microsoft made a stupid move and dug their graves in advance.

"It should be true. With Nokia's current situation, the mobile phone business is definitely not making money."

"If we continue to persist, we will probably have to add hundreds of millions of dollars every month. This is a situation that people at Nokia headquarters do not want to see."

"However, if such a large company is to be sold, the negotiations in the middle should take a long time, and the final implementation is expected to wait until next year."

Although Cao Yang knew that Nokia would fall sooner or later.

But now it's no longer possible, and he still feels quite emotional.

When the times abandon you, you won’t even say hello.

Last year, if there were media reports that Nokia's mobile phone business would collapse this year, no one would believe it, thinking it was a malicious slander by its competitors.


"After Nokia's mobile phone business is cut off, the feature phone business is expected to stop immediately, and their mobile phone sales will basically return to zero."

"This vacated market is now divided between us, Apple mobile phones, Samsung mobile phones and other manufacturers."

"However, there are also other domestic manufacturers such as OPPO that are rising rapidly. I feel that the competition in the smartphone market in the next step is likely to be very fierce."

Cao Yang had said similar words to him before, so Xia Qingqing's views were naturally affected now.

Of course, this is not that difficult to judge.

If the boss falls, then the war between the second and third boss will definitely begin.

After all, no matter who takes the first position, he will need to face challenges from those behind him.

In the current situation, no manufacturer can ensure that it maintains its first position.

Even Honor mobile phones are not number one in the industry globally.

Even in China, sales of Samsung and Apple are quickly catching up.

Especially Samsung mobile phones, the transformation is very fast. After launching several products in one go, the current sales volume is no lower than Honor.

"You are right, so don't relax, everyone, think about how to deal with competition from Samsung, Apple, and even domestic manufacturers such as Warwick."

Following Cao Yang's instructions, Honor Mobile also began to readjust its marketing plans internally.

However, Nokia is going to collapse, but the impact of this incident will never be eliminated so quickly.

Other friends and businessmen are also very concerned about this matter.

“Editor-in-Chief Wu, isn’t the Honor phone too powerful?”

"It actually brought down Nokia."

The reports from the United States naturally spread to China very quickly.

Zhongguancun Online immediately reported the news as a front-page headline.

At the beginning of the year, Honor Mobile led a group of Chinese smartphone manufacturers to suppress Nokia, and Xie Min personally participated in it.

She even wrote some of the articles.

At the time, she thought it was just a normal marketing campaign and nothing special.

After all, it is very common for competitors to blackmail each other.

But in the end, it actually had such a great effect, which was actually beyond her expectation.

"The collapse of Nokia's mobile phone business is partly due to Honor mobile phones, and half of the reason is due to themselves."

"If Nokia and Microsoft hadn't launched WP7 in a hurry in July, they would have been speechless about compatibility issues."

"Then Nokia's situation in the past two months will not turn into a state of corruption so quickly."

Wu Xuebin was also surprised by this situation.

Even when the news came back, he didn't believe it was true.

He also personally called the people at Nokia China. Although he did not get accurate results, the other party was also very panicked, which made him believe the news a little bit.

Later, there was further news from the United States that Microsoft did not deny the news, so the matter was basically confirmed.

Even if Nokia's mobile phone business is not sold to Microsoft in the end, they basically have no hope of making a comeback.

"Yes, but the Honor mobile phone is indeed very impressive."

"Both HONOR 3G and HONOR 2 are very classic products, leading the trend of smartphones."

"Without these two products, the smartphone industry would certainly not be developing as fast."

Wu Xuebin himself is using HONOR 2, and he has also tried iPhone4.

Compared with the Nokia he used before, everything is self-evident.

“I don’t know what the mobile phone industry will look like after Nokia collapses.”

"I feel like the new war may have just begun."

When Xie Min said this, Wu Xuebin couldn't help but nodded.

He also feels that the sale of Nokia's mobile phone business is not the end of fierce competition in the mobile phone industry, but a new beginning.

"This is not a bad thing for us. The more fierce the competition, the more mobile phone manufacturers will continue to place advertisements."

"By then our advertising revenue may hit a new high."

Obviously, for a website like Zhongguancun Online, the biggest income is advertising income.

The level of advertising revenue is not only closely related to the strength of the website, but also closely related to the situation of the industry.

The industry is developing very well, but when competition is fierce, advertising will increase.

When the development of the industry has become a monopoly or is in a recession, advertising will naturally decrease.

(End of this chapter)

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