Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 685 Chain reaction, the fall of a blockbuster film, the most difficult year for traditional

Chapter 685 Chain reaction, a large number of companies fell, the most difficult year for traditional mobile phone giants

Although Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia has not been finalized, the whole world knows that this matter is most likely true.

Many experts also came out to analyze and express their opinions, and the media from all walks of life were very busy for a while.

At this time, Xu Jun from Warwick also brought Lian Zhitian and others to the Nanshan Group to visit Cao Yang to discuss the future development of smartphones.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations, you finally took down Nokia."

Xu Jun was a participant and witness in the first battle of the Nanshan Group at the beginning of the year. Naturally, he knew very well what role the Nanshan Group played in the encirclement and suppression of Nokia.

Although these actions of Nanshan Group will arouse the fear of some people and even offend some people.

But it also made many friends and businessmen much more honest, and they did not dare to offend Nanshan Group easily.

Just like Xu Jun took the initiative to visit Cao Yang now, it was actually showing an attitude.

"Joy and rejoice together!"

"When Nokia fell, it freed up a large market for everyone."

"And the failure of Nokia's mobile phone business has further made everyone realize that traditional feature phones have no market prospects, and the world will be dominated by smartphones in the future."

"I heard that Warwick's smartphone sales last month reached 200 million units. This growth rate is very fast."

At present, the mobile phones produced by Huawei are mainly mid-range products, and there is no competition with Honor mobile phones for the time being.

So even though Cao Yang knows that Warwick mobile phones may be very powerful in the future, he does not regard them as opponents for the time being.

Not suppressing Samsung and Apple, but always having internal conflicts with China's domestic independent brands, this is obviously not Cao Yang's style of doing things.

"This is all following the development of Honor mobile phones. You have tried to find a successful path for everyone."

"We are developing on the shoulders of giants."

There is still a big gap between Huawei's mobile phone business and Honor mobile phone, but Xu Jun's current mentality is quite correct.

This pragmatic attitude is naturally very beneficial to the cooperation between Warwick and Nanshan Group.

"At present, your mobile phone business should be mainly developed in China, right?"

"Warwick has many branches overseas. I think we can make full use of this advantage to develop overseas markets."

"Otherwise, it will be quickly occupied by Apple phones and Samsung phones."

In overseas markets, Cao Yang knows that it is impossible to be dominated by Honor phones.

Many countries do not allow a Chinese mobile phone company to become the number one mobile phone market share.

However, if several companies such as Warwick work together to occupy more than half of their market, it will not look so eye-catching.

Half of the market is eaten up, and Apple and Samsung compete for the rest. Several companies work together to divide other people's markets.

Then each relies on the performance of its local market to compare its final global sales.

China's market is much larger than that of the United States and Korea. In the end, as long as Honor mobile phones can gain a decisive advantage in the Chinese market, they will be able to suppress Samsung and Apple mobile phones.

They may even find ways to squeeze Samsung mobile phones out of the Chinese market in the future.

That kind of prospect is even more worth looking forward to.

"I'm coming here this time. I happen to have something in this area that I want to communicate with you, Mr. Cao."

"The situation in overseas markets is very different in each place."

"The United States and Europe, as well as Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia, South America, the Middle East and other places, these markets are worthy of development."

"Except for Samsung and Apple mobile phones, as well as a few competitors such as Motorola, other manufacturers have no global competitiveness."

"We hope that in the future, overseas sales will exceed domestic sales, making Warwick mobile phones an international brand."

Xu Jun is obviously a very thoughtful and ambitious person.

Now that we have launched a mobile phone business, we naturally need to make it bigger and stronger.

The number one position in the country is occupied by Honor mobile phones, and he has no ideas in a short period of time.

But if Warwick Mobile can become the one with the highest overseas sales among all mobile phone manufacturers in China, that will also be a remarkable achievement.

"Mr. Xu, it seems that we have come together."

"The overseas market space is larger than we imagined. As long as the product is competitive, it is not impossible to develop it."

"Currently, the overseas sales of Honor mobile phones have exceeded 100 million units per month, and will soon exceed 200 million units."

"If in the future our two companies together can sell more than 10 million mobile phones overseas each month, it will be a time truly worthy of celebration."

When it comes to selling mobile phones overseas, Warwick really has advantages over Honor phones.

After all, Warwick's communications business has spread all over the world. As long as it adds a department responsible for mobile phone sales, it can start selling immediately.

The two communicated for a long time about the development of overseas business, and then talked about some cooperation between the two parties in the supply chain, and finally ended the meeting.

On the second day of the meeting between Cao Yang and Xu Jun, another major event happened in the mobile phone industry.

"Mr. Cao, the media in Japan just reported that the two parent companies Sony and Ericsson reached an agreement. Sony will pay Ericsson 10 billion euros, and Sony will purchase Sony Ericsson from Ericsson."

"Ericsson officially withdraws from the mobile phone business and focuses on 2G, 3G and 4G mobile communication networks and professional services in the communication market."

The incident reported by Xia Qingqing is obviously a big event for the mobile phone industry.

Although many people no longer know the mobile phone brand Ericsson, it was once very brilliant.

In the mid-1990s, when China was just transitioning from analog mobile phones to digital mobile phones, Ericsson mobile phones once occupied the number one position in the mobile phone market share.

Even Nokia has to make way for it.

Unfortunately, in August 2000, the Ericsson T8 model was exposed to have quality problems.

Since then, Ericsson's mobile phone sales have fallen repeatedly, and Siemens mobile phones have squeezed it out of the top three sales in the Chinese market.

In early 2001, Ericsson was the first among the world's major mobile phone manufacturers to outsource mobile phone manufacturing. Later, it jointly established a joint-brand mobile phone company with Sony - Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Company, with Ericsson and Sony each holding 50%.

The joint venture survived a seven-year itch, but finally broke up again just after its tenth year of cooperation.

"Sony Ericsson's sales aren't declining as fast as Nokia's, right?"

"Why do you feel like you can't do it all of a sudden?"

Although Cao Yang knew that the Sony Ericsson brand would disappear in the long river of history, he was not particularly impressed by when they would break up and disappear.

Now when I hear Xia Qingqing's report, I feel a little shocked.

2011 was definitely a troubled year for the mobile phone industry.

"Sony Ericsson is one of the earliest manufacturers to enter the smartphone industry, but it initially used Nokia's Symbian system."

"They have only started to switch to Android in the past two years. This year they launched three new flagship series of Xperia series products, including Xperia neo MT15i, Xperia pro MK16i, Xperia play Z1i, plus the previous Xperia arc LT15i , these four mobile phones are important sustenance for Sony Ericsson’s turnaround.”

"However, competition in the mobile phone market this year is fierce, and sales of Sony Ericsson's flagship mobile phones have not increased."

"The mobile phone business itself is not Ericsson's biggest business. It has spent a lot of money and has not made much money."

"I guess they don't have the confidence to win this competition, especially since Nokia's collapse gave them a lot of stimulation."

"Mr. Cao, now we basically have one less opponent."

“I don’t think future Sony mobile phones will pose any threat to everyone.”

After all, Sony Ericsson was once a leading mobile phone company, so Xia Qingqing was relatively familiar with its situation.

After hearing Xia Qingqing's explanation, Cao Yang probably knew what was going on.

"I didn't expect that the knock-on effects of Nokia's collapse would be so huge, taking away Ericsson's mobile phone business as well."

"But you are right. We will have one less opponent from now on."

Cao Yang was not surprised at all by this result.

After all, there is no Sony mobile phone among the final winners, which means that no matter how hard Sony Ericsson tries, it ultimately fails.

"Last year, Motorola split the company into two and separated the mobile phone business."

“Some time ago, Google acquired Motorola Mobility, a mobile phone business, for US$125 billion.”

"But I think after Google tried its hand at the mobile phone business, once it finds that there is no way to make Motorola bigger and stronger, it is likely to give up this business."

"That means Motorola, the mobile phone giant, will also fall."

Xia Qingqing boldly gave a guess.

Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola, these traditional mobile phone giants, all experienced major changes in 2011.

This is definitely a very representative thing.

"Motorola and Nokia used to be like a pair of swords, putting tremendous pressure on many Chinese mobile phone companies."

"I didn't expect it to decline so quickly."

"But this can be regarded as a lesson for Honor mobile phones. There is no way to make money last forever. The launch of every mobile phone is related to the life and death of the company."

While Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting were discussing Motorola, Lenovo was also discussing this topic internally.


"Mr. Yang, our mobile phone business has indeed declined sharply in the past two years. Especially after entering this year, sales have dropped significantly."

"Under some people's malicious propaganda, our mobile phones were compared with Huaqiangbei's copycat phones. It was thought that they were just designed with a casing and all the parts were bought from outside."

"To say we're just an assembly plant severely affects our sales."

"Especially in this year's environment, even giants like Nokia and Sony Ericsson will be unable to sustain themselves."

"If we want to rise again, we have to do something different."

As the head of Lenovo's mobile phone business, Zhang Rongji was called to the office by his boss today. There is no way, mobile phone sales in the first nine months are too unsatisfactory.

And there are all kinds of news related to Nokia and Sony Ericsson on the Internet. As the president, Yang Erqing is naturally a little anxious.

He didn't want the company's mobile phone business, which had been developed for many years, to collapse completely.

This is an unacceptable result.

"What do you want to do differently?"

Yang Erqing stared at Zhang Rongji with a somewhat unkind expression.

In his opinion, Zhang Rongji was making excuses for himself.

"Motorola has split its business into two parts last year. The mobile phone business belongs to Motorola Mobility and is now acquired by Google."

"But after being acquired by Google, Motorola's sales did not improve at all, and instead continued to fall into losses."

"According to the style of work of European and American companies like Google, as long as they persist for a period of time and find that there is no way to reverse the situation, they will definitely continue to sell Motorola Mobility."

"Although Motorola's mobile phone business is declining rapidly, they still have many mobile phone-related patents in their hands that are relatively valuable."

"If we can find a way to acquire it and merge it into the mobile phone business unit, then it may become a milestone in the development history of our company's mobile phone business just like the original acquisition of IBM's personal computer business."

When Zhang Rongji said this, Yang Erqing immediately became interested.

In 2004, when Lenovo first acquired IBM's personal computer business, its revenue was only over US$ billion.

But by last year, it had reached more than 20 billion US dollars.

It even entered the Fortune Global 2008 for the first time in 500.

In Yang Erqing's opinion, this is a very remarkable achievement.

If this thing can be replicated in the mobile phone business, then the status of our own business district in China will be completely different.

"If I remember correctly, Google spent US$125 billion to buy Motorola Mobility, right?"

"We can't afford this high price!"

As a Chinese company that really wants to enter the American market, Yang Erqing also hopes that the mobile phone business can conquer the United States.

Some stories would be better told that way.

However, the price of US$125 billion is too high.

"Mr. Yang, Google did spend US$125 billion when it acquired Motorola Mobile, but if Motorola Mobile is in the hands of Google and sales continue to decline, then it will definitely not be worth US$125 billion."

"When the time comes, we may be able to acquire it for just a fraction of the price."

"After all, even Nokia and Sony Ericsson can't hold on this year. I don't think Motorola's performance can be that strong."

"If this bad situation continues for a while, Google will start to change its mind."

I have to say that Zhang Rongji’s statement is still very reasonable.

However, he is obviously too optimistic, thinking that Lenovo mobile phones can turn around with the technology and patents of Motorola mobile phones.

Motorola has many technical advantages in the field of traditional feature phones, but in the era of smartphones, the situation is completely different.

Lenovo has not developed its mobile phone business before, and it will obviously have no chance in the future.

Whether it is Honor mobile phones, Samsung, Apple, or companies such as Warwick and OPPO, it is obvious that they do not welcome the emergence of a new and powerful competitor.

Together we can defeat Nokia, and it will be even easier to deal with Lenovo mobile phones.

Zhang Rongji obviously did not consider these things.

"What you said is not unreasonable."

"You can first make a specific plan and plan, and then arrange for someone to try to contact people from Google to see their ideas and quotations."

"If you can really buy it for a fraction of the price, then this matter will still work out."

Yang Erqing said with great expectation.

Motorola, its name is no less famous than IBM.

Even in 2009, Motorola began to use the Android operating system, and several Motorola mobile phones became one of the best-selling products on the Android platform.

Originally, Motorola should be able to smoothly transform from a traditional feature phone giant to a smartphone giant like Samsung mobile phones.

However, the subsequent development did not keep up with the pace, and its glory disappeared in just two years.

"I'll make arrangements right away."

"According to the current market development pace, unless Google can find a way to change Motorola's destiny, Google will have the idea of ​​selling Motorola again within next year at the latest."

Zhang Rongji gave his own judgment very definitely.

This made Yang Erqing support his idea even more.


Just when the mobile phone market is bustling, Xiaomi mobile phones have started official delivery.

Although Honor mobile phones are the leading mobile phones in China, there will be dedicated people to study the new products of each competitor.

For example, Xiaomi's product started delivery yesterday, and it appeared in the Honor mobile phone laboratory on the same day.

"Mr. Cao, Xiaomi's mobile phone has become popular recently. The hunger marketing plan they adopted seems to be quite successful."

"The price of 1999 yuan does not seem to be inferior to our configuration, and it is still attractive to many consumers."

"This is its appearance. It uses a 4-inch TFT screen. The height of the body is about 125 mm, the width is about 63 mm, the thickness is about 11.9 mm, and the weight is about 149 grams. The body color is black or bright silver, and it supports colorful rear shells. .”

"It is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8260 dual-core processor, a rear 800-megapixel single camera, supports continuous shooting, scene mode, autofocus and other camera functions, and is equipped with a 1930 mAh capacity battery."

"Objectively speaking, the performance of Xiaomi mobile phones is still very powerful. In terms of various indicators, Xiaomi mobile phones are in the first echelon of smartphone products."

"Its e-commerce sales model has opened up a new trial model for low-price mobile phones. At the same time, Xiaomi Technology, which uses the Internet model for hardware, gives Xiaomi mobile phones a more powerful experience."

"I think they will still have some market share among China's own-brand mobile phones in the future."

Xia Qingqing reported the situation of Xiaomi 1 to Cao Yang with a serious expression.

In her opinion, in addition to Huawei, among the independent brand mobile phone manufacturers that she needs to pay attention to in the future, there is another Xiaomi.

“The threshold for smartphones is actually not as high as everyone thinks, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many copycat manufacturers in Huaqiangbei.”

"Now that Xiaomi has taken a unique approach and embarked on a path of low-priced mobile phones that is different from that of Huaqiangbei, competition in smartphones will definitely become more intense in the future."

"But we don't have to compete with them on price. We have to work hard on innovation and become a mobile phone company with brand premium."

Cao Yang has always hoped to run Honor mobile phones into something like the Apple mobile phones of later generations.

So a low price will definitely not be a low price.

The mid-to-low-end market can be left to domestic brands such as Xiaomi and Huawei.

Even in the low-end field, he also supported Transsion to conquer the African market.

"I think so too. If we sell this product at a price of 1999 yuan, there will really be no profit."

"If you don't control it well, you will suffer losses."

As the general manager of Honor Mobile, Xia Qingqing is naturally very familiar with the situation in the mobile phone industry.

With this configuration of Xiaomi 1, its profit margin must not exceed 5%.

This is even after they have significantly reduced sales expenses, otherwise they would have lost money.

"Smartphones from independent brands like Xiaomi are becoming more and more cost-effective, and they are well publicized. It is estimated that the copycat manufacturers in Huaqiangbei will not have it so easy."

"Call Zhang Jing over later, and I'll have a good chat with him about the mobile phone chip."

Most of the chips used in Huaqiangbei’s smartphones are produced by Nanshan Semiconductor.

If their sales decline and the market is eaten up by companies such as Xiaomi and OPPO, Nanshan Semiconductor's business will also be affected.

"It shouldn't decline so quickly in a short period of time. Huaqiangbei's own adjustment ability is also very strong."

"But we really need to consider what to do after they fall."

Giants like Nokia can fall at any time, and it is naturally not impossible for all copycat phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei to fall.

Cao Yang also knew this well.

"Xiaomi, OPPO and VIVO, you all should pay close attention to the new products of these manufacturers."

"Don't capsize in the gutter then."

These companies that will become famous in later generations will definitely be the winners of the competition.

Although Cao Yang felt that they could not completely threaten the status of Honor mobile phones, he still hoped that Xia Qingqing would pay more attention to them.

However, when he said this, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but ask, "What about Lenovo? Their current mobile phone sales are not low in the country, especially in the contract phone market, their share is higher than ours. "

Obviously, in Xia Qingqing's view, the threat from Lenovo mobile phones still exists.

But on this point, Cao Yang's views were completely different from hers.

Although mobile phone companies such as Xiaomi cannot be said to have high technical content, their integration plans and publicity still have some merits.

But Lenovo is different.

Their mobile phones have achieved today's results entirely due to special cooperation with several operators.

As long as this situation changes slightly, the situation will be completely different.

Honor phones don’t want to rely too much on contract phones, but Warwick does.

At that time, let’s see how long Lenovo’s mobile phone business can last?

(End of this chapter)

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